Meghan Markle’s half-sister reacts harshly to Netflix documentary: “Grandma is turning in her grave” | Royalty

RoyaltyThe feud between Meghan Markle (41) and her half-sister Samantha (58)is reaching a new height. In the Netflix documentary series ‘Harry & Meghan’,the other half of the British prince has razed her family to the ground forthe umpteenth time. “The series is full of lies and is a big PR stunt,”Samantha said in an interview on Fox News.

In the much-discussed six-part documentary series, which can be viewed in fullon Netflix, Meghan said that she is disappointed in her half-sister. “Suddenlyshe was all over the media, even though I had barely seen her for a day and ahalf in ten years,” it sounded indignant. “I don’t know her middle name, don’tknow her birthday, but she says she raised me and calls me a ‘pushy princess’.I haven’t broken up with her. We had no connection at all. And I still wanteda sister so badly.”

Those statements angered Samantha, who first responded to the documentaryseries in an interview with TV channel Fox News. “A lying PR stunt that madethem $ 100 million,” she described the Netflix series. “It’s almost comical.”

Meghan’s statements about their grandmother in particular went down the wrongway. “I loved having a grandmother again with Queen Elizabeth,” Harry’s wifemused in the series. “It reminded me of my own grandmother, whom I loved tosee. In fact, I took care of her intensely during the last years of her life.”“Complete nonsense,” said Samantha. “Grandma would turn in her grave if shesaw those images. Meghan didn’t take care of her at all. She came to visitoccasionally, that’s all. This is all very painful for my family, and ofcourse for the royal family. King Charles must take strict action againstthis. That documentary sets a dangerous precedent.”

Hope for reconciliation

According to The Sunday Times, Harry and Meghan have meanwhile set theirsights on meeting the most important members of the royal family. It shouldtake place just before the coronation of King Charles in May. The Duke andDuchess of Sussex would hope for some kind of reconciliation at the familycouncil. They want the palace to “take responsibility for the pain and damage”they have suffered in recent years in a conversation.

The court also immediately put things in order last week after a lady-in-waiting had treated a guest at a reception racist. The black woman was askedseveral times where she was “originally” from, although she stated that shewas born in Great Britain. A conversation took place at the palace on Fridayand the woman received an apology. The Sussexes think their story is alsoworth at least a conversation, according to a source.

The couple made a number of sensitive statements in the documentary series.For example, they claimed that stories were deliberately brought out and thatthey were never protected by the palace. Buckingham Palace has so far declinedto comment. British media previously wrote that King Charles and PrinceWilliam are silent to remain a “united front” as a family. The Telegraphreported on Saturday that despite everything, Harry and Meghan are simplyinvited to Charles’s coronation.

LOOK ALSO. Harry & Meghan’s bumpy journey in a minute and a half:

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