Part 2: These are the most paused movie clips of all time!

Filmmakers often hide something very subtle in the film. Sometimes you don’t even realize what you’re seeing exactly or what’s on the screen, so yourewind and pause the image (quite handy to have another DVD player). Below arethe most paused movie moments of all time!

6: Who Framed Roger Rabbit In 1988, this iconic film came out, but despite the fact that it was highlysuccessful and the animation looks great for its time, there was also a lot tolike about the film. For example, there are the necessary hidden controversialscenes.

Some people also think Jessica Rabbit is a bit too sexy for a cartoon. Hercharacter revolves around “sex appeal” (something she herself acknowledgeswith the iconic phrase ” I ‘m not bad, I’m just drawn that way“) so when shefirst appears in the film this is also noticeable. This scene, in which shedances and sings sensually, can be seen below.

7: Cabin in the Woods The horror movie Cabin in the Woods is paused for a completely differentreason than the movie above. At a certain point in the film a scene passes by,in which there is a writing board with the names of all kinds of differentmonsters.

However, this moment does not last very long, so many film buffs often take abreak to go through everything properly.

8: Psycho Once again a horror movie is in the top 10. This time it’s on Psycho , theiconic 1960 horror film by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock. At the end of thefilm, Norman Bates is arrested, as he is suspected of all the mysteriousmurders that have taken place in his yard.

Norman Bates looks one last time directly into the camera, at the spectators,and laughs. He thinks he can escape again. At that moment, a skull appearsover his own face. However, this is done so subtly that the necessary peoplehad to stop the film to make sure.

9: The Wizard of Oz Another classic and one of the most popular films ever made. Here too there isa moment that was paused quite often. In the scene in question, we see Dorothyand her friends walking down Yellow Brick Road. They have a lot of fun, but itstill seems to be a pretty lurid scene…

Viewers noticed that a Munchkin (the little people who appear in the story)has hanged himself in the background. Although the studio says it’s a bird, arumor has circulated for decades that someone committed suicide that day, butthe studio wanted to cover it up. Watch a full breakdown of the scene below.

10: Just about every Pixar movie It’s hard to name a single Pixar movie that gets paused a lot, since justabout every movie from the beloved animation studio is full of “Easter Eggs.”Whether it’s the many Pixar Pizza Planet truck scenes, or the recurring A113character, the movies are always packed with little hidden details.

Pixar also likes to tease new projects in films. Because of this, just aboutevery Pixar project is paused quite a few times to look for these ‘EasterEggs’. Check out a handful below!

Did you miss the first article about details you might have missed in movies?Part 1 stands here!