Viewers disappointed after the final ‘Klopjacht’, detective Bieke nuances: “If they had used accomplices, they would have won”

In the first season of Manhunt two duos crossed the finish line, this year thevictory is for the detectives. Brothers Kevin and Gillian and girlfriendsZahna and Nisrine were caught in the last minute before the end. How? Thedetectives discovered where the extraction point was for the finalists, whereall mobile teams – six people in total – surrounded the helicopter that thecandidates had to reach in order to win. A mission impossible which ended withthe four survivors in handcuffs.

ALSO READ. ‘Klopjacht’ brothers die with the finish in sight: “We did not knowhow Flanders would react to two dark boys”

The detective team did a strong job, but according to critical viewers theydid receive a lot of help. “Click line, detectives around the heli… very easyto tell everyone understanding”, it sounds. “Before the end of Manhunt Theyhave to invent something else next year. Impossible to win”, someone tips.

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Good guess

Speurder Bieke has a lot of praise for the duos, but at the same time nuancesthe criticism. “We really gave it to the finalists, because they played reallywell. But we also worked very hard”, says the inspector. “They knew where theextraction point was, we didn’t. By smart gambling, and by mistakes of thehenchmen of the duos, we were in the right place. Then it became verydifficult for them.”

It was Zahna and Nisrine’s friends who gave the detectives the ultimate tipabout the extraction site. The helicopter was supposed to land at the fortressof Borsbeek, so the friends sent accomplices to explore the area and check ifthere were detectives present. “That couple behaved very suspiciously,” saysBieke. “They kept walking in circles, taking pictures of Jeremy all the time(one of the detectives, ed.). We took a gamble and assumed that the fortressof Borsbeek was the right place.”

A gamble, because the ‘reconnaissance’ could also have been a diversionarymanoeuvre. “If the duo’s accomplices had sent any of the other possible placesto explore, so to speak, we would have walked right in. Then we would havegone to a wrong place and they would have won.”

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A heart for the police

Inspector Bieke looks back on the experience with satisfaction. Although shewas sometimes shocked by the comments. “I get criticized for being quiteharsh. But suppose that tomorrow your child disappears, then wouldn’t you alsowant us to work with such enthusiasm? In real life, we also do our job thatway.”

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Should she return in the third season, she hopes that the human side of thedetective team will also be shown. “When it became too much for candidates oraccomplices, we hit the pause button and became normal people again. WhenLothar’s mother was upset, when that one woman wouldn’t give us the locationof the twins… I chatted with them for a long time, as a human being. I can bevery sweet too (laughs). It would be nice if viewers could see those behind-the-scenes moments anyway. So they know we’re not animals.”

Bieke emphasizes that the investigators are all creams are of people. “We arepeople with a very big heart, but also with a heart for the police,” sheconcludes.

Play4 is the search for fugitives for the third season of Manhunt alreadystarted. You can register via

ALSO READ. Inspector Bieke (45) is a passionate hunter in ‘Klopjacht’: “Thiswas pure seriousness, on average we drove 600 kilometers a day”