Kamal becomes quizmaster, doubts about ‘Blokken’ and a little bit of Niels Destadsbader: this is what VRT is betting on this spring | TV

TV2022 is not over yet, but the channels are already looking ahead to thespring season. This way we can already tell you what the VRT has in store foryou in the coming months. Kamal Kharmach becomes quizmaster, Robin Keyaertbecomes Siska Schoeters’ sidekick. ‘The Greatest Dancer of Flanders’ starts inFebruary, and Furthermore, Eén focuses mainly on certainty with only a sparingdose of Niels Destadsbader. Although there are also doubts about the future of’Blocks’…

VRT top doubts about ‘Blocks’

Next spring, the VRT top will not fiddle with the classic concrete block ofthe eve. ‘Daily food’, with Jeroen Mens, ‘Blokken’, with Ben Crabbé, ‘VRTNWS’, ‘Everyone famous’ and ‘Thuis’ remain intact. Whether that will also bethe case afterwards is less certain. The search for extra income drives theVRT bosses towards rejuvenation and innovation. It is no coincidence that’Blokken’ was sacrificed during the World Cup. The classic with Ben Crabbéstill scores great, but has an older audience.

Ben Crabbé in ‘Blocks’. © © VRT – Sofie Silbermann

Looking for unique dance talent

The One Viewer gets a big shiny floor show. Presenters Siska Schoeters andAster Nzeyimana go in search of unique dance talent in ‘The Greatest Dancer ofFlanders’. Contestants audition in front of a huge mirror. If the audience onthe other side of the mirror approves, the candidate will push through. It isthen up to the coaches, including Niels Destadsbader, to guide that talentfurther. ‘The Greatest Dancer of Flanders’ starts on Saturday 4 February. InJanuary there will first be the final of ‘Eurosong’ on Saturday 14 January,followed a week later by ‘Het gala van de Gouden K’s’ and on Saturday 28January by ‘De Kastaars’, the successor to ‘De Flemish television stars’.

AsterNzeyimanaAster Nzeyimana © © VRT

Tom Waes tells ‘The story of Flanders’

One continues to invest in the Sunday evening. On New Year’s Eve, ‘The Storyof Flanders’ will start, with guide Tom Waes taking us through Flemishhistory. New episodes of ‘Chateau Planckaert’ will follow afterwards. There isalso fiction on Sundays. First the sequel of ‘Under fire’, followed by theseries ‘1985’ and ‘Arcadia’.

TomWaesTom Waes © Jan Aelberts

They return

The public broadcaster is committed to certainties, including ‘ Today’with Bart Cannaerts and ‘ Switch’ with Fien Germijns. Mondays areparticularly successful ‘ The House’. After the end of the series, thesecond season of ‘ restaurant misunderstanding’, with host Dieter Coppensand chef Seppe Nobels. The recordings of this already took place in Septemberin the Antwerp restaurant Gå Nord.

On Tuesday, Annemie Struyf can be seen again in her strong series ‘ The HighNorth’. Later in the spring ‘ Below the radar’ broadcast. On Wednesday,Siska Schoeters evening will continue with ** ‘Dare to ask’. A new seasonwill start on January 18 ‘ The Wonder Years’,** with Robin Keyaert asSiska’s sidekick. The duo talks to BVs about hot issues in raising theirchildren.

A new season starts on Thursday ‘ 1 year free’, that is no longer talkedto each other by Thomas Vanderveken, but by Kamal Kharmach. Friday remainsclassic with the British crime series ‘ Ridley’.

'Dare to ask' with SiskaSchoeters.‘Dare to ask’ with Siska Schoeters. © VRT

They follow later

One has a lot of programs that will probably not be broadcast until next fall.The most remarkable intervention in the autumn schedule is the quiz ‘Today’ will be interspersed with a brand new talk show, produced byWoestijnvis.

Also for the fall ‘ School Rose Fragrance’, a strong report series by EricGoens about a special school full of problem children. Also ‘ Travel Waes’and ‘Camp Waes’ are in the fall schedule. A new season is coming ‘ Missingpersons cell’ and the documentary series ‘ Below the radar’in which thespecial interventions service of the police and army that come into action inthe event of terrorist threats and other serious violence are followed.

Also on the shelf ‘ A year at sea’, the new series by Wim Lybaert aboutBelgian fisheries and the three-part documentary series by Jeroen Mens aboutthe fight against colon cancer of his brother Wim, who died in 2021. There arealso more Knokke Off and ** ‘The club’**with experiences of the club youwould rather not belong to as a woman with fertility problems.

The VRT is also showing its summer cards. ‘ Summer hit’ returns. With thepresentation duo Siska Schoeters and Niels Destadsbader. The music circus willnot travel around next summer, but will settle in Blankenberge for six weeks.Once the stopping place of ‘Ten to see’.