Nilüfer Gündoğan at HLF8 despite facial paralysis

Politician Nilüfer Gündoğan joined last night HLF8 to talk about thestatements of political colleague Gideon van Meijeren (FvD). But table guestsand viewers couldn’t ignore the fact that something was wrong with her face.Gundoğan told honestly about the paralysis in her face.

Last night Gündoğan joined HLF8 because of the most recent commotionsurrounding FvD member Gideon van Meijeren. The politician previously filed areport against the Member of Parliament. Gündoğan spoke about Van Meijeren atthe table: “What he is doing simply ensures that a significant part of theNetherlands is filled with conspiracies and images that the Netherlands isdysfunctional.” She also complains about the fact that Van Meijeren regularlyquestions Dutch democracy. “Thick cold. Then please go to North Korea or Iranand come and talk again.”

Nilüfer Gündoğan on facial paralysis at HLF8

But in addition to her plea to Van Meijeren, it can be seen that Gündoğan hasparalysis symptoms on her face. Presenter Hélène Hendriks asks Gündoğan wherethe paralysis comes from. According to the politician, stress has paralyzed anerve in her face caused by the herpes virus.

Gündoğan has not been in the Chamber for a while and, after a solid course ofprednisone, will now see a doctor next Friday. Hendriks asks if it will be allright. “I hope so.” According to Gündoğan, 75 percent of people recovercompletely, but 25 percent sustain permanent damage.

Stress from allegations

She wants to go back to work next week, depending on what the doctor says.Which Hendriks describes as “quickly”. “I like working and working often helpsto get better again.” The politician will not yet attend all debates, but willfocus on debates that do not last longer than four hours.

Gündoğan calls her urge to work the “nature of the beast”. According to her,the stress is not due to her urge to work, but was caused, among other things,by the lawsuits and allegations that sounded towards Gündoğan. Not too longago she was accused of transgressive behavior, after which she was expelledfrom Volt’s faction. Currently, Gundoğan is an independent Member ofParliament.

So much respect for you! And well worded!>> — Dinelecoeur 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 (@dinelecoeur) November 14,> 2022

Read on twitter that Nilüfer Gündoğan, despite her facial paralysis (vml due> to stress),> #hlf8 sat> and look back at that bit. Brave!> #Gündoğan> has previously filed a report against Gideon van Meijeren and now wants to> expand it after his podcast statements. Support!>> — Elsschot 🇳🇱🇪🇺🇺🇦 (@marcelbar8) November 14,> 2022

I’m not much into Ms> #gundogan> (@ngundogan77), but> what she gets over her now after this> #hlf8 … the> level of children in preschool is higher than some here on twitter.>> — Emin Humet (@EminHumet) November 14,> 2022

Gundoğan at> #HLF8 Which> can be very stressful for a person> #paralysis>> — Marjolein Deryckere (@M_Deryckere1991) November 14,> 2022

Holy crap, Ms. Gundoğan’s face has become half paralyzed, probably fueled by> stress. And next week she ‘just’ wants to go back to work. Bizarre 😱> #hlf8>> — MandyKaas (@MandykDH) November 14,> 2022

You look back at HLF8 via KIJK.