5 fantasy products from movies and series that the real world deserves

Movies and series sometimes show fantasy products that we can only dream ofmaking the transition to reality. We’ve collected 5 iconic cool fantasyproducts to excite the nostalgia.

Some fantasy products from movies and series are a bit closer to reality thanothers, but who cares. We start the list with a childhood dream: the flyingskateboard from Back to the Future II.

5 cool fantasy products from movies and series

Let’s start with a fantasy movie prop that has quite a chance in the realworld.

1. Mattel Hover Board (Back to the Future II)

When Back to the Future II appeared on the silver screen in 1989, everyonewanted one: a hover board. Marty McFly traveled forward in time to the year2015 where this cool gimmick was commonplace. Unfortunately, we are a bitbehind in reality, although it probably has more to do with safety (especiallya lack of) that we don’t fly around on hover boards. But who knows what thefuture will bring us. Until then, we can commute on electric unicycles. Atleast, if you’re not afraid of a face plant.

2. Krabby Patty (SpongeBob SquarePants)

For many adults, this animated series is a wonderful guilty pleasure. We areof course talking about Spongebob SquarePants. Real fans would love to sinktheir teeth into a Krabby Patty : the fictional vegetarian burger.Unfortunately, this one is only available in the most famous restaurant of theanimated undersea world: ‘Krokante Krab’. Besides, the recipe is a secret,although Plankton is eager to steal it.

3. Sex Panther Cologne (Anchorman)

Achorman is not only a wonderful film because of the legendary character RonBurgundy, played by none other than professional madman Will Ferrell. It alsopromotes an ingeniously invented product: Sex Panther Cologne. And with thefollowing promise: “The fragrance is made from real pieces of panther. Works100% of the time 60% of the time. With a touch that reminds us of pure petrol,dirty diapers with Indian food, but also the ‘big foot’ of Bigfoot.” Well, ifyou’re not over by now? Okay, without those real pieces of panther then.

4. Mockolate (Friends Season 2 Episode 8)

Chocolate that not only tastes good, but also sounds good? That Mockolatenever made the transition from fiction to reality remains a mystery to many.Well, maybe it has something to do with how the product is touted in thehighly successful sitcom friends. ‘A completely synthetic substitute forchocolate’.

ACME products (Looney Tunes)

We conclude the list of fantasy products from movies and series with theeternal pursuit from Looney Tunes: Wile E. Coyote’s hunt for the elusiveRoadrunner. To catch Roadrunner, Coyote regularly turns to ACME’s catalog. Anearly Amazon offering all kinds of crazy products, such as ‘run like the windwith triple power in your legs vitamins’. Not to mention the widely known ACMEanvil with which Coyote often heralds its own demise.