Expedition Robinson viewers support Harry Piekema’s eruption

Albert Heijn face Harry Piekema is in Expedition Robinson turned out to be areal crowd pleaser. When he gets into a fight with candidate Chatilla vanGrinsven in last night’s episode, the viewer can once again see that Piekemais the big favorite. “Don’t mess with Harry”, reads the reactions of viewers.

Earlier it appeared that Piekema, who is the oldest participant in the programat 63 years old, has a great deal of favor with the _Expedition Robinson_viewers. But even when Piekema is slightly out of his mind, he can count onsupport from the viewing public.

Harry Piekema collides with Chatilla van Grinsven

The problem arises when Piekema tries to prepare a meal for himself and histhree remaining camp mates. When the Albert Heijn face stirs in the pan, hegets comments from his fellow candidates. “It doesn’t make me feel good when Iget directions from four sides,” says Piekema to his camp mates.

After that, basketball star Chatilla van Grinsven also joins in that scene.”Harry can’t handle it very well. We’re going away for a while. Harry remainsalone.” And Piekema apparently doesn’t like that comment. “I’m seriouslysaying something that I can’t stand?”, he responds to Van Grinsven.

Irritated Piekma: ‘Back off’

But the basketball star can’t help but get involved in the cooking. Becauseaccording to her, the ‘supermarket manager’ lets the food burn. “JesusChatill. Just let me do that. What are you doing with it? I am really veryirritated”, Piekema responds. After which Van Grinsven is particularly annoyedby Piekema’s tone. “You shouldn’t talk like that. Speak normally.”

“Yeah, get up. You’re not listening to what I’m saying,” responds an obviouslyirritated Piekema. But Van Grinsven stands firm and believes that the AlbertHeijn face should contain. “I don’t get angry easily, but when I say: ‘Justback off’ , you go right over it. You shouldn’t do that,” said Piekema.

Expedition Robinson viewers support their favorite

The two eventually reconcile. “Fire and fire sometimes clash. I still loveyou,” concludes the basketball star. “My weakness is that I can be veryirritable at times. That is not expected of me. Unfortunately, I also havethat side”, Piekema laughs at his own behavior.

But from the reactions of the viewers it appears that most are still on theside of Piekema. And they praise his ‘anger management’ in this episode.Incidentally, there are of course also the necessary Albert Heijn jokes onsocial media.

Nice that Harry is still so calm, I would have put that bitch upside down in> the sand for a long time #expedition> Robinson>> — Leike82 (@leike82) October 10,> 2022

After putting Chantilla in her place, no obstacle is too crazy for Harry> #Expedition> Robinson> pic.twitter.com/oTQXuHA6an>> — Juul97 (@JuulJak97) October 10,> 2022

Chatilla is annoying! Don’t touch Harry… #Expedition> Robinson>> — Wizzkid (@Wizzkidhsum) October 10,> 2022

Watch out Chantilla, don’t mess with Harry. Otherwise, he will cut your> bonus card and send hamsters at you. #Expedition> Robinson>> — Juul97 (@JuulJak97) October 10,> 2022

Chatilla now has a sample in the app as standard.#Expedition> Robinson>> — Duke (@moneyfest) October 10,> 2022

Harry putting Chatilla in his place for a moment. love it. It’s over with> your meddlesome behavior #expedition> Robinson>> — lianne (@lazylianne) October 10,> 2022

Summary of the fight: Chatilla is the toddler and Harry the sensible parent.> #Expedition> Robinson>> — TV viewer (@mytvview) October 10,> 2022

You can watch Expedition Robinson via RTL XL.