Very first Christmas show with Samson for Marie Verhulst: “Dad had actually said that he would no longer interfere” | BV

BV”I don’t have time to celebrate Christmas, but for once it’s not such adisaster.” She has been Samson’s owner for three years, but Marie Verhulst canonly perform in the legendary Christmas shows from Monday. “Corona remained aspoilsport for a long time, but in a few days I will finally be able to tickthat off on my bucket list

December 23, 1991. One and a half years after ‘Samson & Gert’ starts on thePublic Broadcasting Service, Gert Verhulst (54) presents a Christmas show forthe first time in which the most famous bobtail in the country is central.Just over three decades later, daughter Marie (27) takes over that torch. FromMonday, Samson’s new owner can get to work. “You may not believe that, but Idon’t suffer from nerves at all,” it sounds – just before the last dressrehearsal – at daughter Verhulst. “Everyone knows very well what needs to bedone, which makes our rehearsals run very smoothly. Moreover, I get to playtogether with Van Leemhuyzen (Walter Baele), Alberto (Koen Crucke) and theMayor (Walter De Donder). Not only do they have a lot of experience with thesekinds of shows, they have known me since childhood. If something goes wrong,they notice it right away. So they can handle that as well.”

Those who watch from the wings: Gert Verhulst, Samson’s previous owner. “Papahad said he would no longer interfere, but the scenario for this Christmasshow is still his,” says Marie. “The songs were also written by him. Andbefore you ask: I think that’s a good thing. Papa knows Samson through andthrough, it would be crazy not to call on his expertise. He may continue to doso from me.”

LOOK. This is how the last show went with Gert Verhulst as owner

Nice story and happy songs

Samson and Marie experience their first real Christmas adventure at threedifferent locations: the Plopsa Theater in De Panne, the Elisabeth Hall inAntwerp and the Trixxo Theater in Hasselt. “After three miserable corona years(in which the Christmas show could not take place, ed.) The spectator willreceive a nice story this year, interspersed with cheerful songs. I’m so gladit’s finally happening. The Christmas show has been on my bucket list for solong, and in a few days I will finally be able to tick it off. Samson hasalready said that he can’t wait anymore, and it’s starting to itch for me too.(laughs)”

The Christmas shows are from December 26 to January 8 next year. Ticketsand info via

LOOK ALSO. ‘Het is winter’, the new single from Samson & Marie. Showbitswas present during the recording of the music video, completely in theChristmas spirit