The 10 greatest movies ever made according to prestigious research

Sight and Sound, a prestigious British film magazine, has asked hundreds offilmmakers and critics what the greatest films of all time are. The result ofthe survey, which only takes place once every ten years, is a varied andcolorful top 10.

The British Film Institute (BFI) is an important name in the film world: theyhave one of the world’s largest film and television collections and financethe production of new titles through a large fund.

Prestigious research

They also have a magazine, Sight and Sound. Instead of the dozen top liststhat fly around your ears every week, that magazine only does a ‘research’once every ten years into what the best films ever made were. Every ten years,the magazine publishes a list of the top 100 greatest films ever made, basedon input from hundreds of filmmakers and critics. From Wes Anderson to themovie critics of The New York Times.

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Sight and Sound has been doing this since 1952. The first winner was theItalian Bicycle Thieves , a drama film by the filmmaker Vittorio de Sica. Inthe following decades it was always Citizen Kane by Orson Welles that toppedthe prestigious list. Until 2012: then suddenly it was Vertigo by AlfredHitchcock that emerged as the greatest film of all time.

Top 10 best movies of all time

Now it’s 2022, and it’s time for the new version of the long-awaited list.This time with a striking Belgian winner. We list the complete top ten foryou, including where you can stream the films in question.

10. Singin’ in the Rain (1952)

Director Stanley Donen takes you back to the fifties, when music and comedyfilms still ruled Hollywood. In Singin ‘ in the Rain we see Gene Kelly,Donald O’Connor and Debbie Reynolds deliver a musical, comic and romanticmasterpiece shortly after the spicy transition from silent films to films withsound. Perfect for the holidays!

IMDb Score: 8.3

Singin ‘ in the Rain can now be seen on: Pathé Thuis, HBO Max

9. Man with a Movie Camera (1929)

Man with a Movie Camera is a revolutionary documentary from 1929, whichtakes you through the Moscow of that time. The film was directed by DzigaVertov and follows Mikhail Kaufman as he travels around the city with hiscamera. With his creativity he makes the most ordinary things special, anddepicts the city in a way that was revolutionary at the time. It is anintriguing time travel machine, a film without a story, but which manages tobecome more and more intriguing the older it gets. Precisely becausecontemporary life is getting further and further away from it.

IMDb Score: 8.4

Man with a Movie Camera a is unfortunately nowhere to stream at the time ofwriting

8. Mulholland Drive (2001)

Fancy some more recent work? David Lynch’s mysterious and inimitable films arealways recommended. Mulholland Drive, starring Naomi Watts, is no exception tothat rule. As a result of a car accident, a mysterious woman loses her memory,but she does have a purse full of money. When the actress Betty Elms finds theconfused woman in her apartment, they decide to look for answers together.Furthermore, we are not going to reveal too much, because Mulholland Drive isa film that will not disappoint you and that mainly relies on its mystery.

IMDb Score: 7.9

Mulholland Drive can now be seen on: Prime Video, Viaplay

7. Beau Travail (1999)

Beau Travail is a compelling drama film by French director Claire Denis. Thefilm follows former French Foreign Legion officer Galoup, played by DenisLavant, as he reflects on his life. In Africa he successfully and carefree leda French foreign legion, but the arrival of a promising, handsome soldierthrows a spanner in the works.

IMDb Score: 7.3

Beau travail is unfortunately nowhere to stream at the time of writing

6. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Time for a piece of film history, with the groundbreaking 2001: A SpaceOdyssey. This iconic 1968 science fiction film by director Stanley Kubrickhas been known for decades as one of the greatest films ever made. Amysterious artifact discovered on the lunar surface leads to a specialmission. Commander Bowman, astronaut Poole and supercomputer HAL-9000investigate. Unforgettable images and special effects especially before thattime.

IMDb Score: 8.3

2001: A Space Odyssey can now be seen on: Pathé Thuis

5. In the Mood for Love (2000)

You were probably already familiar with the work of Stanley Kubrick, but forthe next film in this top ten of the best films ever made we find a somewhatlesser-known masterpiece: In the Mood for Love. We go back to Hong Kong in1962. Mr. Chow and Mrs. Chan have become neighbors, but soon find out thattheir partners are having an affair with each other. They want revenge anddecide to work together, but a relationship also develops between the two ofthem. A fantastic love movie, with Shang-Chi- star Tony Leung in the leadrole!

IMDb Score: 8.1

In the Mood for Love can now be seen on: Pathé Thuis, Cinetree (rentalfilm), CineMember

4.Tokyo Story (1953)

Tokyo Story is a masterpiece directed by Yasujiro Ozu from 1953. The storyfollows an elderly Japanese couple who travel to Tokyo to visit their childrenand grandchildren, but unfortunately receive little attention from them.Instead, they are taught in the modern world where individual ambitions areparamount, so their visit ultimately leads to disappointment. The day beforetheir departure, it comes to a final confrontation.

IMDb Score: 8.2

Tokyo Story is unfortunately nowhere to stream at the time of writing

3. Citizen Kane (1941)

Citizen Kane was therefore the best film of all time for a long time, if youfollowed this prestigious list between 1962 and 2012. With Orson Welles asdirector, actor and writer, this classic has achieved legendary status. Thismysterious film follows the life of Charles Foster Kane, an influential mediatycoon. After his death, reporters gather to find out his last word,’Rosebud ‘, means. Another tip: the Netflix Original limping is about thescriptwriter of this movie.

IMDb Score: 8.3

Citizen Kane is unfortunately nowhere to stream at the time of writing

2. Vertigo (1958)

If there’s one filmmaker known for his thrillers, it’s Alfred Hitchcock. Of_Vertigo_ takes you to San Francisco, where a former police officer searchesfor a missing woman. What starts out as a simple detective case soon turnsinto something much more sinister and lurid. This film has become particularlyfamous for the technique with which Hitchcock manages to create theatmosphere: the camera really takes you into the story. The previous editionof this film list, from 2012, stated Vertigo so still in first place.

IMDb Score: 8.3

Vertigo can now be seen on: Pathé Thuis

1. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975)

Here we go: according to hundreds of filmmakers and critics Jeanne Dielman,23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles the best movie of all time. This 1975classic follows a widow who lives alone with her son in a small apartment. Sheperforms the daily household chores in an almost neurotic way, but also has asecret second life: Jeanne Dielman also receives customers in her flat whocome for paid love, as the synopsis of the film so kindly summarizes.

“A magnificent epic of experimental cinema that offers a feminist take onrecurring events in everyday life,” concludes the British film magazine. Youcan check out the complete top 100, including movie descriptions and otherinformation, on Sight & Sound’s official website.

IMDb Score: 7.7

Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles is unfortunately nowhereto stream at the time of writing