‘Bijltjesdag’ at VRT: reporter Annick Ruyts fired on birthday, Phara de Aguirre sees colleagues crying in the hallway | TV

TVThe 67 employees that the VRT wants to fire are gradually getting a face.Reporter Annick Ruyts, for example, shares on her Facebook page that thepublic broadcaster has kicked her out, notably on her birthday. Phara deAguirre (61) describes on Twitter that the excitement among colleagues isgreat.

Last week it was announced that the public broadcaster will lay off 67employees. This measure is part of the transformation plan approved by theboard of directors of VRT. One and Canvas are the hardest hit, several tradeunionists say. Those who lose their job received an invitation for aninterview with HR at the beginning of this week. “Bijltjesdag at VRT”, writesDe Aguirre about it. “In one corridor tears for colleagues who have received ameeting request, in the other corridor relief for colleagues who have notreceived it. The number 67 gets faces. Many faces of nice colleagues.”

Annick Ruyts, among others, announced on social media that she was fired:“Nice birthday present from the VRT. After 33 years…” Ruyts made the reportseries ‘Boundless Love’ and ‘We are from Belgium’ for the public broadcaster.Her last position at the VRT was that of editor-in-chief for the Canvasprogram ‘Only Elvis continues to exist’.

Phara de Aguirre (VRT) > @PharaVrt >

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Yesterday and today, the management of the VRT sent e-mails to the peopleinvolved with an invitation to discuss their dismissal, Carlos Van Hoeymissenof ACV and Wies Descheemaeker of ACOD confirm. The talks will take place thenext day, so on Tuesday and Wednesday, they say. Both also admit that One andCanvas are the hardest hit in proportion.

“We are in the process of implementing the transformation plan,” confirms VRTspokesman Bob Vermeir. In that context, talks are being held with theemployees who are forced to leave. The spokesperson emphasizes that there is“a wide package of support measures”, such as outplacement, guidance and, ifnecessary, psychological support. “But of course it remains a difficultmessage” for those involved.


ACOD member Descheemaeker speaks of “one of the darkest days in the history ofthe VRT. The public broadcaster is affected in the heart and soul by thedismissal of colleagues,” says the trade unionist. According to him, theunions are still considering whether further actions will follow.

The public broadcaster has to cut costs from the Flemish government. In thecourse of the 2020-2025 management agreement, the broadcaster muststructurally use 25.1 million euros less public funds. CEO Frederik Delaplacepresented a first version of the transformation plan in April, which wasapproved by the board of directors last week after adjustments. In addition tothe forced redundancies, it also includes not replacing fifty natural outflowsand outsourcing the production of ‘Thuis’. The soap will be produced byproduction house Eyeworks from the beginning of next year.

LOOK. Explained in two minutes what the transformation plan exactly