Well-known Iranian actress of Oscar-winning film arrested | Abroad

UPDATEIranian authorities have arrested a well-known Iranian actress forallegedly spreading “fake news” about the demonstrations in the country. Itconcerns actress Taraneh Alidoosti. She starred in the Oscar-winning film,“The Salesman,” among others.

Foreign editors 17-12-22, 21:15

Latest update: 12/18/22, 00:26 Source: AD.nl, Belgium

A week after Alidoosti shared a message on Instagram, she was arrested. In themessage, she expressed her solidarity with Mohsen Shekari, the first man to beexecuted by Iranian authorities since the protests broke out.

In her post, the 38-year-old actress said: “His name was Mohsen Shekari. Anyinternational organization that sees this bloodshed and takes no action is adisgrace to humanity.”

According to the police report published on the official Telegram channel ofthe state media, Alidoosti has been arrested because she “has no documents tosupport her claims.”

Mohsen Shekari

Shekari was executed on December 9 after being charged by an Iranian courtwith blocking a street in Tehran and assaulting a security guard with amachete.

Last week, Iran executed a second prisoner, Majidreza Rahnavard, in connectionwith the protests. Rahnavard’s body was suspended from a construction crane.According to Iran, on November 17, the man stabbed to death two members of aparamilitary militia and wounded four others.

Both men were executed less than a month after being charged. Activists warnthat at least 12 people have already been sentenced to death in closedsessions.

Three messages

Alidoosti has made at least three posts on her Instagram account expressingher solidarity with protesters. For example, the actress had posted a photo ofherself – without a headscarf, but with a protest sign with the words “WomanLife Freedom”. In her last social media post on December 8, she denounced theexecution of Mohsen Shekari and called on international organizations to takeaction. “Any international organization that watches this carnage withoutreacting is a disgrace to humanity,” she wrote. Her account, which had about 8million followers, has been deleted.

In November she had pledged to stay in Iran, to “pay the price” necessary todefend her rights and to stop working to support families of people killed orarrested during protests.

The actress has previously criticized the Iranian government and police. InJune 2020, she received a five-month suspended prison sentence for criticizingpolice in 2018 on Twitter for assaulting a woman who had removed herheadscarf.

Other films Alidoosti has acted in include ‘The Beautiful City’ and ‘AboutElly’.

Two other famous actresses in Iran, Hengameh Ghaziani and Katayoun Riahi, werearrested by authorities for also expressing their support for protesters onsocial media. Both have been released.

Mahsa Amini

Iran has been rocked by protests since the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini onSeptember 16. She died after being arrested by the vice squad. At least 495people have been killed in the demonstrations, according to Human RightsActivists in Iran. More than 18,200 people have been detained by authorities.