‘I won’t be forced’

It keeps people busy: the decision of some captains in the Eredivisie not towear a rainbow band. At the table with Today Inside footballer Orkun Kökçüreceived support from Johan Derksen and Özcan Akyol. They understood that theFeyenoord captain refused to wear the special captain’s armband due toreligious beliefs.

Derksen also questioned the usefulness of such a rainbow tire. “Do you thinkthat this is how we solve the problems in the stadiums?”, Johan Derksenwondered in the broadcast. “Any sane person gets the message, but why doessuch a band have to confirm it? I miss that. I will not be forced toparticipate in it,” said Derksen about the football players who did not wearthe band last football weekend.

For example, Feyenoord captain Orkun . refused Kökcu to wear a One Lovecaptain’s armband because of Coming Out Day. The band stands for LGBTQacceptance, but Kökcu said he didn’t feel comfortable with that because of hisreligious beliefs. Excelsior’s captain, Redouan El Yaakoubi, also refrainedfrom wearing the band. It has caused a lot of fuss over the past few days andled to HLF8 last night even led to a heated discussion.

‘You must respect player’s religion’

The subject was broached after a few minutes last night at the Today Inside-table. Derksen thought that people were “talking about it” that Feyenoordshould have forced its captain to wear the rainbow band. “Of course that isnonsense. You have to respect the religion of that player.”

Kökçü was not captain of his team for one time last weekend due to his refusalto wear the rainbow band. The rainbow belt therefore went to a fellow playerwho did want to wear the rainbow belt. But if it had been up to Derksen, Kökçüwould have remained captain. “Because well, that boy is a Muslim, they do notaccept that: homosexuality.”

Özcan Akyol: ‘They don’t even do that in Turkey’

Then Özcan Akyol joins the conversation. “What really disappointed me is thatno one says they have a problem with a man dating a man. Or a woman with awoman. Everyone struggles not to say that,” said the writer.

The writer said about Kökçü that he is very religious. “He is on the fieldpraying, they don’t even do that in Turkey. That guy is just veryconservative. Liberal Muslims would just put that tape on.”

According to Derksen, you shouldn’t be surprised by this

Derksen then broadens the situation and makes a comparison with Denmark’sstrict migration policy. “Eus, this is exactly the reason the Danes don’t letanyone in. They say we have our own culture. We have allowed people to ban ourZwarte Piet. We have admitted Muslims and now there is a mosque in everycity.”

You can expect Muslims to practice their faith according to the rules, saysDerksen. “Then you shouldn’t be surprised by something like that. But it doesbreak in our culture. That is why the Danes say: we should not do that.”

Derksen and ‘Eus’ understand refusal

Akyol disagrees. Because according to him it is really not just about Muslims.The writer saw that Kökçü received ‘remarkably much’ support from his ownsupporters at Feyenoord. “They are not Muslims. I did not hear anyoneshouting: bad action!”

Presenter Wilfred Genee then asked the gentlemen at the table whether theyunderstand Kökçü’s decision not to walk with a rainbow around his arm. “Yes,”Derksen shouts. “Of course he also has to account for himself in Turkey.”

‘Eus’ also understands the action, although he himself would walk with arainbow tire. “It was all over the Turkish media and they liked it there.Suppose he had put on that band and he has to report to the Turkish teamlater. Then he had no more life. Also in the neighborhood he would beostracized.”

Watch last night ‘s episode of Today Inside here.