Kees van der Spek unmasks a scammer à la Tinder Swindler

Kees van der Spek unmasked last night in his Scammers Tackled the scams ofBrazilian Bruna. She blinded the victim Martin with love and managed to extorta lot of money. Bruna led a double life all this time.

Martin, originally from Poland, who lives in Apeldoorn, knows how to build upa successful entrepreneurial life in the Netherlands. The Brazilian Brunaspontaneously approaches him via Facebook and before Martin knows it, he fallsfor the charms of the Brazilian. Martin visits her in the South Americancountry, where he sees that Bruna and her family are living in bad conditions.Martin, who himself lived in poverty in Poland, feels for her. Incidentally,Van der Spek recently revealed the dubious practices surrounding the program_without trace,_ which also took place in South America.

Scammers Tackled Shows Love Makes Blind

And then it goes fast. Martin falls in love and he and Bruna live a true lovestory. With an engagement as the icing on the cake. But Martin has discoveredthat love makes blind. Only afterwards does he realize that Bruna frequentlyasks for money for two years. He estimates that he transferred 20,000 to25,000 euros to his ‘great love’ and Bruna keeps postponing the upcomingmarriage.

Great Love Bruna turns out to be a real scammer

When Martin decides to fly to Brazil as a surprise, he is in for a nastysurprise. His fiancé-to-be isn’t happy at all that Martin unexpectedly showsup on the doorstep. And Bruna seems to be a completely different person, inpossession of expensive things and a man.

But filing a report in Brazil? That’s not worth it. And that is why Martinenlists the help of a lawyer, private detective and Van der Spek. It turns outthat Bruna is part of a real gang that scam Europeans. Several women areconnected to these scams and even during Martin’s quest with Van der Spek, hegets another Facebook invitation, from a new Brazilian woman.

Confrontation between Kees van der Spek, Martin and Bruna

Ultimately, as we know from Van der Spek, it is time for the confrontationwith the con artist. Bruna ‘just’ lives with her partner Allison in Lapa,Brazil, and denies all allegations as soon as Van der Spek and Martin are infront of her. On the contrary, she even goes to the police, after which it iseventually Martin himself who ends up in a cell, because Bruna accuses him ofthreats.

But the proverb ‘No matter how fast the lie is, the truth will catch up withit’, also appears in this episode of Scammers Tackled applicable. The lawyerand private detective who had been engaged continued their investigation allthe time and presented this themselves to the Brazilian police. Whicheventually Van der Spek and Martin promise that they will start aninvestigation into the scammer. Finally, Martin promises that he will in anycase only look for a woman in Poland or the Netherlands.