The most famous Spanish Christmas songs

“Feliz Navidad” who doesn ‘t know this song by José Feliciano. This isprobably the most famous Spanish Christmas carol of all time, but there aremore such Spanish songs, known and less known. We’ve listed a few so you don’tjust have to listen to Wham, Band Aid, Mariah Carey, Paul McCartney, RenéFroger and Chris Rea. Do you already know these songs?

Jose Feliciano – Feliz Navidad

Ok, he’s not Spaniard, but he deserves first place with his ultimate SpanishChristmas song “Feliz Navidad”. José Feliciano is a Puerto Rican singer andblind since birth, but something that did not stop him from playing theguitar. Although the singer has had many international hits, his 1971 song“Feliz Navidad” is the most famous of them all.

Raphael-El Tamborilero

Raphael is a Spanish singer who actually has Rafael Martos Sánchez as a name,but uses Raphael as a stage name because it sounds more international. In 1965Raphael participated as the Spanish representative in the Eurovision SongContest with his song “Yo soy aquel”. The year before in 1965 he recorded aSpanish version of the well-known English Christmas carol “The little drummerboy” entitled “El pequeño tamborilero”.

Mecano – Un año más

Mecano was a Spanish band formed in 1980 with singer Ana Torroja and the twobrothers Nacho Cano and José-Maria Cano. The biggest hit that has also becomeinternationally known was “Hijo de la luna”, but the 1988 Christmas song “Unaño más” is a classic in Spain.

Gloria Estefan – Mas allá (Navidad)

Gloria Estefan is of course world famous as a Cuban-American singer and hadmany hits, including perhaps the most famous “Conga”. Besides songs inEnglish, she has also recorded several albums in Spanish. These songs have aLatin American rhythm and are often completely different from the Englishsongs. One of these songs is “Más allá”, a typical Christmas carol aboutpeace, family and happiness.

Manolo Escobar–Rin Rin

Manuel Garcia Escobar is better known as singer Manolo Escobar (not to beconfused with the drug lord of course). In addition to well-known songs suchas “Y viva Espana”, “Mi carro”, and “Porompompero”, he has also sung variousChristmas songs, the most famous of which is undoubtedly “Rin Rin”, aChristmas song in a copla Andalusia style, olé!

Los del Rio – Macarena (Christmas version)

Who doesn’t know this song with the accompanying dance steps? “Macarena” is asong that is brought out every few years. This singing duo from Andalusia hasalready had many hits in Spain, but actually only became world famous after1993 when they released the hit “Macarena”. This was remixed in 1996 in amodern version and history was written. The whole world danced the Macarenadance and so a Christmas version was also released. Let’s dance!

Serrat & Sabina – Cancion de Navidad

One of the most recent Spanish Christmas songs comes from singers Joan ManuelSerrat and Joaquin Sabina. This duo has sung many hits together, including“Cancion de Navidad”, recorded in 2011.

Gipsy Kings – Los peces en el rio

Olé Olé here we go with the everywhere known Gipsy Kings. Of course everyoneknows the classics “Bamboléo” or “Djobi Djoba” and “Volare”, but theFrench/Spanish guitar band has also recorded a Christmas song. “Los peces enel rio” starts slowly, but then continues in the typical Gipsy Kings style, acombination of rumba catalana and Spanish flamenco. So nice swing. By the way,the Gipsy Kings have great relaxed guitar music for those who didn’t know thatyet.

So, turn the volume up to 10 on the above videos and enjoy a Spanish Christmas