Hilarious tweet about working atmosphere Wie is de Mol?, Twitter on the shelf

You have those jokes, like one left this weekend Who is the mole? , whichturn out fine. Or not… but then we’re talking about tweeters who didn’t seethe fun of a message. And well, then you know it: furious with the cupboard.Within one second.

“It seems that the working atmosphere at Who is the mole? behind and infront of the scenes is also pretty sick. Especially by one person”, was thetext that mattered. For the writer, this resulted in more than 4200 likesuntil this morning. But also 179 reactions, including many angry ones.

You really can’t just say that about Wie is de Mol?!

Because hey, hello, is someone throwing that on the worldwide web without aname or argument?, was the purport of the angry messages. How dare he! In thiscase, that ‘ie’ was Maarten Hopman, who by ‘that one person’ naturally meansthe mole of the game show. With his joke he played amusingly on a much moreserious case, that of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk The world goes on. Research isbeing conducted into the working culture of that success program and the roleof the presenter, now also NPO-wide.

It seems that the working atmosphere at Wie Is De Mol behind and in front of> the scenes is also getting pretty sick. Especially by one person.>> — Maarten Hopman (@maartenhopman94) November 26,> 2022

Twitter users once did not do their own research

People on Twitter sometimes (or very often) pat themselves on the back abouttopics where they have done their ‘own research’. At the message about Who isthe mole? that research was completely lacking. Shout immediately, somepeople thought that was a better plan. However, one press on Maarten Hopman’saccount had shown that we are dealing here with a man who is the editor of thesatirical online platform The pin is (“Your go-to for reliable news”).Hopman posts funny things on Twitter all the time. But yes, if you don’tfollow him…


Participants Who is the Mole?

This weekend the participants for the 23rd season of Who is the mole?_announced. They go on the hunt for the mole: _Glamor -editor-in-chief Anke deJong, actor/comedian Annick Boer, investigative journalist Daniël Verlaan,presenter Froukje de Both, presenter Jurre Geluk, actor Nabil Aoulad Ayad,Olympic swimming champion Ranomi Kromowidjojo, presenter Sander de Kramer,actor/singer Sarah Janneh and presenter/actor Soy Crown. _Who is the mole?_can be seen from 7 January at AVROTROS on NPO 1.

‘Really low’, if you say that about Wie is de Mol? claims

“By whom?” was perhaps the most striking response to the tweet in which oneperson at Who is the mole? Other people are genuinely angry with Hopman.“The sad thing is that anyone can claim something. Then do it with a name,” itsounds, for example. “Yes, this is really low,” adds one Sjoerd. Wim: „Thewhole atmosphere in the Netherlands is sick front and back. Polarization isrampant, a different opinion is not appreciated. The Netherlands is sick andas I see it, terminal.”

“Wim misses the point,” Frank responds. But William is not alone. Two morethen: “Have fun shouting on Twitter! Soon people will be unfairly blackenedagain.” And: “I only see bullying, nasty comments on social media. Let’s alltake a look at ourselves!”

Funny comments back

Fortunately, there are also many funny reactions, such as this: “Terrible. Bythe way, bee Hunted the program management seems to keep an eye on theparticipants with disproportionate means. The privacy of participants seems tobe structurally violated.”

Was the Twitterer himself still surprised about the anger at his satire? Ordoes he see those kinds of reactions coming a mile away? Maarten Hopman: “Youcan expect angry reactions to almost every tweet these days, but I prefer tofocus on the positive reactions and the people who add a joke to it. Twitteris still a very fun and inspiring place for me most of the time.”

Hopman was in good shape this weekend. He also briefly discussed the riots inAmsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague after the Morocco – Belgium (2-0) World Cup