Auction of photographer Henk Van Cauwenbergh and Princess Delphine raises 35,000 euros for ‘Virunga park’ in Congo | Showbiz

ShowbizThe Prince was not there. The check for 35,000 does. At the launch ofhis new book, photographer Henk van Cauwenbergh and Princess Delphineauctioned two works for the benefit of Prince Emmanuel de Merode’s ‘VirungaPark’. “This means a lot to us and to the animals,” it sounded in a messagefrom Congo, where the rebels are holding our Belgian prince ‘hostage’.

An evening in tuxedo. With a princess in gala and a prince who appeared onscreen in khaki green uniform. Showbiz photographer Henk van Cauwenbergh hasreleased a brand new photo book with ‘L’art de vivre en Provence’ and linked avery remarkable promotion to its launch in the casino in Knokke. After dinnerthere was an auction, the proceeds of which go entirely to the park with themountain gorillas.

Princess Delphine during the auction ©

“I came into contact with that project thanks to my friend (chocolatier and TVface) Dominique Persoone,” says the photographer. “He started a cocoaplantation and chocolate factory in the park in the past two years to providethe local population with an income.”

The photographer auctioned off a bronze gorilla statue by artist SamuelAllerton and also teamed up with Princess Delphine. “I took a picture of thebridge in Arles painted by Vincent Van Gogh in 1888 and Delphine paintedaround it in her well-known style. These two works were auctioned as a packageamong those present and raised 35,000 euros. That money goes entirely to theVirunga park. Initially, the prince would be here himself, but the currentsituation with the rebels did not allow that.”

Henk Van Cauwenbergh during theauctionHenk Van Cauwenbergh during the auction ©

After the auction, the Belgian prince was suddenly there. Albeit digital.“Virunga is the most beautiful place in the world,” it said in a videomessage. “A place of great diversity with mountain gorillas, lowland gorillasand chimpanzees on the one hand, but also the okapis in the North and allsavannah animals on the other. These animals need to be protected and that isoften accompanied by tragic sacrifices by our Congolese Rangers. Since thebeginning of the conflict here, 204 of them have lost their lives. But ourwork pays off. The highland gorillas population has since tripled. So I wouldlike to say a big thank you to Henk, Dominique and everyone present.”

The gorillafigurineThe gorilla figurine ©

Princess Delphine's artworkPrincess Delphine’s artwork ©


EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW. Belgian prince and director Virungapark, Emmanuel deMerode: With a bar of chocolate against violence (+)

Princess Delphine candid about family ties: “You can’t just get rid of a childonce you have it”(+)

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