Christian Bale solves murder case in intriguing new Netflix film

meet The Pale Blue Eye , a murder mystery from Netflix. Christian Bale playsa retired detective who must take one last step to solve a gruesome murdercase.

Netflix is ​​known for its almost scientific approach to data. Based onviewing behavior, the streaming service can determine with enviable precisionwhat new series and films should be made. Envious, yes, because traditionalfilm studios can only dream of it.

Netflix dives into the detectives

Apparently that data also shows that we need famous male actors who solvemurder cases. The new one will come later this month Knives Out starringDaniel ‘James Bond’ Craig. As detective Benoit Blanc, he delves into a murdermystery on a billionaire’s private island in Greece.

You can read more about that in this article. In addition to Daniel Craig,there is also another famous actor who will solve a murder case in a Netflixmovie. Then we’re talking about Christian Bale. Coming on January 6 The PaleBlue Eye to Netflix, a film by American director and writer Scott Cooper.

The Pale Blue Eye starring Christian Bale

Bale has previously made films with him such as Hostiles and Out of theFurnace. The Pale Blue Eye takes us to New York in 1830. Bale playsDetective Landor, a retired detective who has to get back to work after agruesome murder is committed at a military academy.


Curious about the horror of Edgar Allan Poe?

Most of the horror master’s work is in the public domain and can therefore bedownloaded for free in a completely legal manner. For example, on ProjectGutenberg you will find a page with all his short stories. Our favorites are’The Tell-Tale Heart’ and ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’

There, he teams up with a young cadet named Edgar Allan Poe, played by HarryMelling, to solve the murder case. Yes, the poet and writer who is seen as thefather of Goth Horror. The Pale Blue Eye is pure fiction, but the writeractually attended the West Point military academy in 1830. By then he hadalready published two books, although he would not really dive into the horrorgenre until later.

A great mystery

Back to the Netflix Original. The first trailer for the murder mysteryimmediately sets a pleasant atmosphere. Bale’s character is called upon toattend the academy. There he immediately learns the gruesome details: a cadethas apparently hanged himself, after which his heart has been cut out of hischest.

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Furthermore, the murder case remains mainly a mystery, and that’s a goodthing. The fun of a movie like The Pale Blue Eye it’s in puzzling along withthe detective. Then you don’t want to see spoilers. On January 6, we’re goingto find out what’s really going on at the military academy. From then on ThePale Blue Eye on Netflix. Who knows, Christian Bale may also have his owndetective franchise after Daniel Craig!