These 10 top movies (6-10) were shot in a single shot like ‘Birdman’!

The day before yesterday, the first half of the list ’10 top films that arerecorded in a single shot!’ If you missed it, click here. If you’re justlooking for the second half (6 to 10) then read on!

6: Invasion In 2017, director Shahram Mokri released the drama/horror film _invasion_from. The film is about a police investigation, after a murder is committed ata stadium. The police have a suspect, but the friends of the murdered personaren’t really helping which makes it a difficult case.

In the end, it turns out that it is not just an ordinary thing anyway and thestory becomes more and more strange and intense. invasion was shot in asingle shot and this works particularly well for a horror movie.

7: Silent House Silent House is also a horror film that consists of ‘a single’ shot. Thefilm tells the story of a young woman and her father, who go back to an oldfamily house to clean it. However, people are already living in it and sincethey don’t want to leave they become quite aggressive…

However, this film was not shot in a single shot, but cut and put together insuch a way that it looks like it. Silent House is highly recommended for thehorror fanatics. Elizabeth Olsen also puts down one of her best roles in this.

8: Blind Spot blind spot follows a woman whose daughter has a mental illness. The motherdoes her best to support her daughter as best she can, but the girl seems tohave more serious problems than originally thought.

Tuva Nuvotny’s film is a rollercoaster ride as the viewer never leaves themother and experiences the whole heartbreaking and emotional story. The ‘one-shot’ technique also makes you feel like you’re there and part of the family.

9: Birdman Certainly one of the best-known titles on the entire list. The Mexicandirector Alejandro González Inárritu has already made a lot of beautifulthings, but birdman is perhaps his most impressive work.

The filmmaker said this about the film, which is about a once-popular actorwho is now struggling to find a job: I want to place the viewer in thisreality from which you cannot escape. Just like the main character, you haveto ‘get through’ these three long days in the movie and empathize with him“.The result is certain, just like Michael Keaton’s unparalleled performance.

10: Russian Ark The historical drama Russian Ark follows an unnamed man at the Winter Palacein St. Petersburg. He says he died in a terrible accident and now the museumis haunted forever. Not only do we get to hear about several importanthistorical figures, the film is also beautifully put together.

This is not so strange, since the preparations for the film took no less than4 years. Everything had to be perfectly thought out, as the film is filmed inone long shot of 96 minutes without a single intermission and all this whilethe recordings go through 33 rooms, as many as 2000 actors pass by and threedifferent orchestras!