Producer ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ films opens the door for Johnny Depp: “Nothing is final yet” | Showbiz

MovieIn the past six months, many rumors have circulated that American actorJohnny Depp (59) would reprise his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the sixthfilm of the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ franchise. These allegations wereimmediately brushed off the table. Until now. In a new interview, producerJerry Bruckheimer (79) reacts very mysteriously, something that makes therumor mill run at full speed again. “We are taking small steps.”

JOVS 14 Dec. 2022

Latest update: 12:50 Source: The Associated Press, Poptopic, Daily Mail

Will Johnny Depp return as the iconic Captain Jack Sparrow in a new ‘Piratesof the Caribbean’ movie or not? This question has rested on the lips of manyfans in recent months. In November it was claimed that the actor’s nameappeared on a call sheet for the new print, but sources told the Daily Mailthat this was not the case. Another source then told ‘Poptopic’ that therewould be a mega deal worth 300 million dollars (283 million euros) to get Deppback on board. His management denied everything. But now a new glimmer of hopeis emerging.

When ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, gets the questionpushed under his nose during a recent interview, he responds with a smallmysterious smile. “We are still working on it. Nothing is final yet. Wecontinue to take small steps to arrive at a scenario.”

Black list

It has been five years since the last film from the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’franchise appeared in cinemas. In 2021, Depp revealed during the San Sebastianfilm festival that he would like to play the character again “to say goodbye”,but came back to that during the lawsuit against his ex-wife actress AmberHeard. He said he would never reprise that role again. However, due to theinfamous libel case, the actor ended up on the “black list”. He had to saygoodbye to his role as Grindelwald in the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ saga and Disneyitself also dropped him. He was dropped from a possible sixth print.

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Jerry Breikheimer (left) and image from ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’sRevenge’ with Johnny Depp (right). © video/imdb

Libel case

The former couple met on the set of the movie ‘The Rum Diary’ in 2011. Deppand Heard got married in 2015, but this boat soon seemed to sink. In May 2016,the actress applied for a temporary restraining order because domesticviolence was allegedly involved. The divorce was finalized in 2017. In anopinion piece for ‘The Washington Post’, the actress described the run-inswith her ex-husband. Although she didn’t explicitly mention him by name, itwas very clear to everyone that it was about Depp. This action was labeled asslander. The notorious defamation case between Depp and Heard was a long one.It turned into a long legal duel, one where they hurled one allegation afteranother at each other. Among other things, Heard called her ex-husband a”violent monster” who abused her with a bottle.

Depp, in turn, stated, among other things, that he decided to divorce her whenhe found feces in his bed. During the trial, a photo of the actor appeared ona hospital stretcher card. This was reportedly the result of an ‘argument thatgot out of hand’, in which Heard threw two vodka bottles at his head. “I lostmy fingertip because of the shards,” said Depp.

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Amber Heard and Johnny Depp attrial.Amber Heard and Johnny Depp at trial. © AP Photo/Steve Helber, Pool


After six weeks, the verdict came in June. Johnny Depp emerged as the winner.Heard owes him $ 10.35 million (about 9.8 million euros). But Depp in turn hasto pay her 2 million dollars (1.9 million euros). Although Depp has resumedhis life and is breathing new life into his musical career, Heard continues tofight the lawsuit. She refuses to abide by the verdict and has submitteddocuments for an appeal.