jury steps in and prevents elimination

There are only five celebrities left in The Picture Perfect , so it’sgetting more and more exciting. Who one off-day just runs the risk of havingto pack his suitcase. Or not? This week’s episode ended with a twist .

930,000 people huddled in front of the tube last night _The Picture Perfect_to watch, a photography competition with well-known Dutch people. Tina deBruin, Linda Hakeboom, Filemon Wesselink, Trijntje Oosterhuis and GeraldineKemper are still in the race. Last week it was stylist Maik de Boer who had toclear the field.

First assignment The Picture Perfect: Philemon wins gloriously

The candidates kick off the episode with a fun, but difficult assignment. Theyhave to take a photo at Kensington’s farewell concert. Wesselink finds it alldifficult, but does a great job and takes the win. The presenter gets a well-deserved eight for his photo. Hakeboom (seven), De Bruin (6.8) and Kemper(6.7) also score a sufficient score, only Oosterhuis has to make do with afive.

Second assignment: ‘This photo is for real’

In the second assignment, the candidates have to create a macro photo ofinsects. This is not just an assignment, because there is more at stake thanjust points. “It is that something is for real,” promises presenter TijlBeckand. “The winning photo from this shoot will be printed millions oftimes.” Then Humberto Tan, the winner of the first season of The PicturePerfect , on. In the end, he reveals what it’s all about: the winning photowill appear on the cover of the field guide of the National Postcode Lottery.

Not everyone likes photographing insects. “Terrible,” says Kemper. She thinksit’s just “dirty animals”. When asked if she doesn’t like insects: “Doesanyone like insects?” De Bruin also has difficulty with the assignment: she isafraid of the critters. Wesselink is happy. “The best thing about Artis iswatching insects.” Oosterhuis creates a special scene: she tries to lure theinsects by singing to them.

One candidate is conspicuous by his absence. Hakeboom has an old-fashionedflu. The documentary maker does not submit a photo, but is present at theassessment. “It bothered me a lot, but I wanted to see what the rest made,”she says. Wesselink’s love of insects does not seem to do him any harm: hisphoto is appreciated by the jury. He gets a 7.5 and also wins this assignment.“Fantastic, I think my mother is already waiting at the mailbox for the folderto arrive,” he responds.

Kemper and De Bruin finish in second and third place, while Oosterhuis scoresa meager five. This also brings her average to a five. The big question thenis: is this the end station for the singer? After all, Hakeboom did not submita photo at all. “The jury can pay you nothing but nothing,” Beckand tells her.“As a result, your weekly average has stuck at 3.5. But what will the jury do,will this mean your farewell or will the jury intervene?”

Who’s dropping out this week?

Hakeboom and Oosterhuis look at the jury with excitement. “We have made thedecision. It’s hard to say, but sorry Linda, we’re not taking our safe intonext week.” The confusion can be read on her face for a moment, but then itdawns on her great joy that she can stay. “We are very happy to keep you up todate, we see so much potential in you,” says jury member William Rutten. “Itwould be very strange to let you go home.”

Then all the confusion has still not been cleared up, because it is still notclear to Oosterhuis whether she will also be allowed to stay. She too isrelieved to be allowed to stay. “Whoa!” she exclaims. So no losers this week.“It does mean that the safe is out,” warns Beckand. “From this week it will beone person exit every week. So brace yourselves, because the battle is aboutto begin.”

Viewers are happy and disappointed with The Perfect Picture

Viewers think it is more than justified that Hakeboom can stay and expresstheir joy on Twitter:

‘It’s hard to say but we’re not taking our safe to next week…’ ♥️ says> William Rutten to dear Linda! #The Perfect> Picture>> — Anna Tiecken (@AnnaTiecken) November 23,> 2022

What a strong but above all sweet woman Linda is. 🥰💪🏼 #The Perfect> Picture>> — Rick Koelewijn (@Rick_Koelewijn) November 23,> 2022

Good for Linda 😃😃> #theperfectpicture>> — Lianne van Veen (@Liedje87) November 23,> 2022

But not everyone is happy that Oosterhuis is allowed to stay. The singer isless popular with the public.

So because Linda got sick, we haven’t gotten rid of Trijntje yet… Is my> guess.> #theperfectpicture>> — madameminke (@madameminke) November 23,> 2022

Pfff another week Trijntje. 😵‍💫 Only produces bad photos. I’m glad Linda can> stay.> #theperfectpicture>> — Sanne (@SannePloeg) November 23,> 2022

You can watch the last episode of Het Perfecte Plaatje via RTL.