‘Bizarre year’ couldn’t have been better for Dirkjan and his ‘golden’ Irene

Based on remarkable stories, we look back at the year 2022 with the WestFrisian editors. What stood out and how are the protagonists doing now? Todaywe look back with Dirkjan Mak, the husband of three-time Olympic championIrene Schouten.

While his brand new wife Irene recovers from yet another World Cup victory inCalgary, Canada, Dirkjan is already busy. The carpenter and his colleague areworking on an extension in Bangert Oosterpolder in Zwaag. Two separate worlds,thousands of miles apart. They are used to it by now.

So it was in February, during the Olympic Games in Beijing. Forced. The strictcorona measures prevented Mak’s support in China. “While during the previousGames I had said: ‘I’ll definitely be there next time’. I tried everything,but it just didn’t work.”


So also then separate worlds. Irene in Beijing on the hunt for world fame,Dirkjan in a packed café in Wervershoof. Just before the start of the Games,he accompanied her skating team to a training camp. Shielded from the rest ofthe world, in order to limit the risk of a positive corona test. “Very specialto experience. You are part of the team, as it were.”

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Excitement during Irene’s Olympic ride – NH News / Michiel Baas

Also special were the distances that were followed in café Van Rooijen,together with many friends and acquaintances of Irene. It became a kind offair, but then in February. “We experienced and celebrated that a lot.”Because there was plenty to celebrate. No fewer than three times ‘his’ Irenewas the very best. “She won her first gold medal on the 3 kilometers. Then allthe tension and emotion come out. For everyone. That went completely wild.Fantastic!”

Last Wednesday he stood next to Irene in a suit on the red carpet during theNOS Sports Gala. Beaming with pride when Irene was chosen Sportswoman of theYear.

Nice carpentry

Humberto, Op1 and at the NOS. A flexible summary of the programs Dirkjanattended as a guest last year. As a ‘friend of’ the programs wanted to knoweverything. How did he experience the Games and had there been contact withIrene in distant China? “At first I doubted whether I wanted to, with my headon television. But I experienced it as beautiful. A future in show business?No, I’ll keep hammering.”

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Dirkjan Mak with ‘his’ Irene – @ireneschouten1

After the lavish medal harvest, a ceremony followed and a tour of Wervershoof.And the duo prepared for their day: the wedding. Dirkjan smiles. “We had avery nice day. The past year has been a rollercoaster, a bizarre year, withmany new and beautiful experiences. But the marriage was the crowning glory.”

In that respect, 2023 can only be disappointing. Or not? “We are building ahouse. That is another new step for us, which also takes a lot of time. Inaddition, construction is still busy and Irene continues to skate, so there isenough to do.”

This is a message from the joint West Frisian news editors


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