Almost disappeared from TV, but the Klokhuis still celebrates its 35th birthday | Media

Educational stories on the one hand, comic sketches on the other: the basicformula of The core has been a hit since 1988. Tuesday marks the 35thanniversary of the first episode. Why is the youth program so popular?

Sesamstraat en Het Jeugdjournaal bestonden al in 1988, maar eenkinderprogramma dat dieper inging op ingewikkelde vragen ontbrak nog. Chefjeugdprogramma’s Ben Klokman en televisiemaker Aart Staartjes (die van_Sesamstraat_ ) sprongen in dat gat, met een educatieve show waar in elkeaflevering een nieuw thema werd uitgewerkt. Spanning werd het eerste onderwerpvan Het Klokhuis.

In die eerste aflevering zagen we hoe Staartjes een overwerkte ober speelde,die woest werd op zijn veeleisende klanten. Een volgend fragment liet zien hoespanningsopbouw in een film werkt. Later werd er nog een bezoek gebracht aanhet dok van het Batavia-schip, om uit te leggen hoe stijf hout in een krommevorm wordt getrokken. Het is 35 jaar geleden dat die aflevering voor het eerstte zien was, maar hij zou het in 2022 nog steeds prima doen op televisie.

“Je ziet tegenwoordig wel dat alles ‘snappier’ wordt gemonteerd”, vertelt oud-presentator Jeroen Kramer aan Hij presenteerde in totaal meer danzeshonderd afleveringen van het programma.

“Het flitst meer dan vroeger, naar de smaak van de huidige jeugd. Maar hetbasisconcept is nog steeds hetzelfde: informatieve stukjes, gelardeerd metliedjes en sketches. Die sandwichformule heeft de tand des tijds doorstaan.Geen enkel ander programma doet het op die manier.”

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Program saved by signature campaign

Obviously it’s not that The core has existed for so long. In 1990, the _NOS_put an end to it, but that was reversed after a signature campaign. Eleven-year-old Nina de Waal, who collected 30,000 scribbles, later returned to theprogram several times.

Kramer himself started in 1989 and thus presented hundreds of broadcasts. “Myfirst episode was about dancer Angelika Oei. I had no nerves, actually I wasjust curious. We were on the road with a nice camera crew, I immediatelythought about fun shots. Actually, I had the idea that I was in a kind ofplayground had ended up. I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

It has always been that playground for Kramer. “But it was also hard work, youknow. In the early days, the length of shooting days was not yet legallylimited. I have experienced eighteen-hour days. It was quite common that youhad to report somewhere in a Zeeland meadow at 9 a.m. and ‘ was home at 9.30pm. So in that sense it was not just playing. But I had a lot of fun with it.You are actually always tinkering with a team.”

Continued over the years The core largely the same. In addition to smoothreports, drama scenes and songs, an online environment was later set up. Therewas also a regular sketch about office workers from the children’s show. Thecast has recently changed, after the death of actor Gijs de Lange. His threeopponents gave a touching tribute and then decided to retire. The sketch cannow be seen with new actors.

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Mummy reconstruction with the latest techniques

Kramer happily looks back on eleven years of highlights. He cites a doubleepisode from 1998 as one of his favorites. “In it, the mummy of a sixteen-year-old girl was put through a CT scan to make an analysis of the skeleton.That skull was then recreated with a 3D printer, which was state-of-the-art atthe time. An English expert then reconstructed a face. Later came there isstill a make-up artist to match to complete the picture.”

“Wonderfully beautiful,” says Kramer. “History, technology, emotion:everything came together. That same year we won the Silver Honorary NipkowDisc. But there are many more highlights. For example, I found our visit toJan Wolkers on Texel very inspiring. He was able to reflect on every plant andmake a telling an enthusiastic anecdote. That man was a ceaseless volcano ofenergy.”

In 2000 Kramer called it a day. “At one point I came to a licorice factory forthe third time to explain the making process. I found that less exciting, soit was time for something else. But I experienced many beautiful things. Ihung on a parachute , sailed in a submarine, crawled through the sewers of TheHague. Literally too much to mention. You explain everything that enters achild’s world. You satisfy the amazement. Very nice, to make complicatedmatter accessible in this way to make.”

Copa del Rey: El Cacereño y su frenesí por el budismo en Nepal antes de jugar contra el Madrid | Deportes

Y ahí entra el Cacereño como enviado para asegurar puentes. “El fútbol une, yqueríamos usarlo como instrumento de hermanamiento”, dice Vilanova paraexplicar el viaje del club extremeño a Nepal para jugar dos amistosos contralas selecciones absoluta y sub-21 del país asiático. El compromiseo de jugarallí lo cerraron en octubre, y ahora se han encontrado en Nepal realizandosesiones de vídeo para afinar las jugadas a balón parado. “A lo mejor no es lomás idóneo para prepararte para un partido como el del Real Madrid”, dijoJulio Cobos, entrenador del Cacereño, and una entrevista que le hizo allíCanal Extremadura. “Esta siendo bastante duro. Hay desfase de horarios y nohemos podido descansar bien”.

Brazil peregrina por ‘O Rei’ Pelé | Deportes

Claudio Nascimento da Rocha, de 64 años e inspector de maquinistas de tren,estaba a las ocho de la mañana en la cola junto a su hijo, su nieto y sussobrinos. Santista, el tambien le vio jugar. Y mejor aún, pudo entrenarsecerca de su ídolo porque militaba en los juveniles del Santos cuando _Oh Rei_estaba en la recta final de su carrera brasileña. “Dicen que si jugara hoy nometería los 1,000 goles [que hizo con el Santos], no estoy de acuerdo. Creoque haría 3,000 porque ahora se juega con un césped magnífico, camisetasligeras, buenas botas… en su época era todo más difícil. Le marcaban muy duro,y seguia. Ahora, se tyran a la minima”, dice Da Rocha.

‘It’s clever how they deal with setbacks’

“What a beautiful family,” someone writes lyrically on Twitter. “A real unit.”And this is not the only viewer who is enthusiastic about the Jansen familyfrom the first I leave episode of 2023.

The Jansen family I leave

An emigration and a renovation are things that will not leave anyone in thecold. Especially if that renovation is the transformation of an enormouslydilapidated chateau in Marcigny with only 110,000 euros and five children haveto emigrate with it.

The viewers watch the adventure of the Jansen family in amazement. On Twitter,viewers are making themselves heard: they feel sorry for the five daughters ofthe Jansen family, who all have to leave their friends in the Netherlandsbehind for the move to France. And they are also very concerned about therenovation. How can the family raise a ruin with such a small budget?

Setbacks during the renovation

It’s not long before a brand new boiler comes loose from the wall, the autumnrain pours into the house through the walls and ceilings, the bats keep thefamily awake at night, a fire starts in the chimney and the youngest daughtersare in tears. The budget is rapidly shrinking. How does the family get throughthis emigration?

Pure positivity

Believe it or not, the Jansens do so with nothing but positivity. Despite thesetbacks, father Ray and mother Margriet remain loving and patient, alsotowards each other. After all the hassle, they are still smiling together,changing the beds and looking back on a turbulent time. They also look forwardwith enthusiasm to the period in which they will have more time for eachother.

Super proud of their daughters

Ray and Margriet talk lovingly about their daughters. The daughters who missthe big city and their friends, who have trouble making friends in France,because they still largely communicate with hands and feet, but who still keepsmiling and help their parents with all the chores around the house without acomplaint. “I really think it’s very clever of them,” says father Raylovingly. “I am super proud of them!” adds Margaret.

Viewers rave

The positivity of the Jansen family comes across to the viewers. Where theywere mainly critical of the family’s emigration and renovation plans at thebeginning of the episode, they only become more positive as the episodeprogresses. Share on Twitter I leave viewers en masse how much respect theyhave for the Jansen family and especially for the daughters.

a famous pop star enjoyed fragments of Armenian song about the Kromboomsloot

Every month, Annejet van der Zijl saves an almost lost story from oblivion.She received the fourth story, of loved ones who have passed away and anewfound church, by letter.

Annejet van der ZijlDecember 31, 202203:00

The year trudges wistfully to its end and as always I think of the people whowill not make it to the next. Because no matter how long or short the actualelapsed time is, someone who died last year always feels just a little moreand more definitively dead than someone who was still here this year. The turnof the year is, at least for me, a psychological fault line. We the livingmove on – they, our beloved dead, are left behind in the year that willforever be their year of death.

Among my stragglers of 2022 is also singer and composer Henny Vrienten. Notthat I knew him that well now – really just a little bit from when he composedthe music for the film based on my book Sony Boy. But just like most of mycontemporaries, Doe Maar’s songs are an inseparable part of the soundtrack ofmy life and Vrienten is therefore also part of my history. And that’s why itfeels empty and a shame that he’s gone.

In addition, I recently received such a beautiful Amsterdam orphan story, inwhich Vrienten appears indirectly. The letter came from the daughter of theArmenian Derward Kinébanian, who fled from Constantinople to the Netherlandsas a twelve-year-old boy in the early 1930s. After her divorce, his mother sawno future for herself in her home country. So she sewed all her money andjewelry into the hems of her skirts and traveled with her youngest children toAmsterdam, where her eldest son was already part of the diaspora because hehad refused to enlist in the Turkish army.

The day the bishop came

During the Golden Age, when Amsterdam was still the undisputed center of worldtrade, the city had a thriving Armenian community. The many carpet and fabricsellers, book printers and coffee and raisin traders who had come to theprosperity and liberal climate of the city on the Amstel, even founded theirown Armenian Apostolic church around 1700 in a building on the Kromboomsloot.But by the time Derward and his mother and sister moved into a floor on theJacob van Lennepkade, that community was virtually gone. The former churchbuilding had meanwhile been taken over by the Catholic Augustinian Sisters,who ran a primary school for girls there.

The Armenian church on the Kromboomsloot during a service (1783).ImageAmsterdam City Archives

But even though Derward built a beautiful life in Amsterdam – he found workwith Perez Persian carpets on the Rokin, married a Dutchman, had threechildren – his heart continued to draw to the world of his youth. It was notuntil the 1950s that he became naturalized, mainly because he wanted toprevent his sons from being drafted into the Turkish army, and he obtained hisswimming certificate. But in the meantime he regularly visited the AugustinianSisters on the Kromboomsloot, in case they no longer needed the former churchbuilding.

In 1985 the time had come. Derward, now a successful businessman, dideverything he could to buy back the building and restore the ArmenianApostolic Church on the Kromboomsloot to its former glory, together with themany compatriots who had come to the Netherlands as guest workers. “I willnever forget the day the bishop came from Paris to consecrate the church,”writes his daughter Anita. ‘There we all stood on the stairs, the bishop, myfather with the key, us behind it and the Augustinian Sisters, wiping awaytears. It worked. The Church was alive again.’


From that moment on every Sunday morning the choral songs of the easterndenomination in Amsterdam sounded again. Whoever witnessed this was HennyVrienten, who lived opposite. Years after her father’s death, Anita Kinébanianonce ran into him. ‘He said that whenever the windows were open on Sundays inthe summer, he enjoyed the fragments of singing of the choir so intensely thatblew over the canal.’

I think the best way to remember the deceased is at a time in their lives whenyou think they were very happy. So I don’t remember Henny Vrienten so much asthe singing idol on stage in front of an audience of screaming and swooninggirls. But simply, like an Amsterdammer on a quiet, sunny Sunday morning bythe canal – raising his head, straining his ears to catch some of theoriental, homesick chants that managed to bridge so many centuries anddistances.

Do you have an orphan story? You can send it to Annejet via her website

Copas del Mundo, tres estrellas y Messi: los argentinos se tatúan la pasión mundialista


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El fútbol y la amistad son dos pilares de la identidad argentina. De lacombinación de ambos durante las intensas semanas del Mundial de Qatar —entregritos de gol, minutos de sufrimiento y cánticos de “muchachoooos, ahora nosvolvimos a ilusionar” — nacieron miles de promesas si la selección salíacampeona. Cuando Messi besó la ansiada Copa del Mundo, los teléfonos de lostatuadores comenzaron a sonar. No han parado desde entonces. Muchos hanagotado los turnos para las proximas semanas. And algunos casos, la lista deespera es de hasta un año. La copa, tres estrellas —una por cada mundial deArgentina— y los retratos del capitán de la Albiceleste están entre lostatuajes más demandados.

“Por Messi lo que sea”, dice Alexis Laube, the 18 años, antes de tumbarse enla camilla del estudio Coven, de Emily Lago. Es su primer tatuaje. Estánervioso, pero decidido. Tiene que cumplir la promesa que hizo con un amigodespués del primer partido de Argentina, cuando perdió sorpresivamente frentea Arabia. “Fue más un shock que una tristeza porque quién se iba a imaginaruna derrota”, dice. Ese día, con el ánimo por los suelos, Laube y un amigoprometieron tatuarse si Argentina ganaba el Mundial.

Emily Lago enseña a uno de los clientes de Coven Studio un diseño de la Copadel Mundo.Valentina Fusco

La Copa del Mundo que Lago le graba arriba del tobillo será el recuerdopermanent del primer título mundialista festejado por los _centennials_argentinos, que apoyaron a Messi desde niños a pesar de la permanent sombraque ejercía sobre él Diego Armando Maradona. “El gol que más grité fue eltercero de Messi en la final”, afirma en la puerta del local, al recordar quea lo largo del Mundial sufrió mucho e incluso hubo momentos en los que sedesmayó y otros en los que se puso a llorar y no podia respirar. Tras lavictoria contra Francia, se apresuró a buscar dónde podía cumplir la promesa.

Diversidad de publicico

“El domingo 18, cuando ganamos, recibi muchísimos mensajes. Y me sorprendió,porque tengo un público más que nada femenino y no me esperaba esta locura.Esta semana tatué a varones, mujeres e incluso familias, padres con hijos quevinieron a cumplir promesas”, cuenta Lago. Esta tatuadora con ocho años deexperiencia asegura que el furor mundialista es algo inédito: “A veces recibovarios pedidos de la misma temática, por ejemplo cuando viene una banda aBuenos Aires, como Coldplay o Harry Styles, pero una locura así nunca la viví”.

Un panorama parecido describe la tatuadora Jimena Castillo Beltrán. “Eldomingo y el lunes todo el mundo llamaba y lo quería para ya, ya, ya. Genteque incluso no es futbolera, pero que había hecho una promesa o que se queríatatuar para recordarlo”, explica. Castillo Beltrán está especializada enbotánica, pero ahora tiene agotados los turnos hasta febrero por encargosmundialistas. “En mi caso lo que más estoy tatuando son soles de Mayo, por elde nuestra bandera, y la fecha, 12-18-22″.

Una tatuadora del Coven Tattoo Studio pinta el diseño que tatuará en lapierna de AlexisLaube.Unatatuadora del Coven Tattoo Studio pinta el diseño que tatuará en la pierna deAlexis Laube.Valentina Fusco

El tatuador Gian Scianca cree que lo que ocurre “tiene que ver con el fútbol,​​pero lo trasciende”, porque también está vinculado a la recuperación decierta idiosincrasia y orgullo argentino después de años de mucho pesimismo.Entre quienes se acercan estos días a su estudio hay hombres de más de 40 añosque cuando Argentina ganó los anteriores mundiales, en 1978 y 1986, nopensaron en hacerse un tatuaje y ahora sí contemplan la posibilidad de grabarun pequeño recuerdo en la piel.

La fiebre mundialista en Argentina no entiende de edades ni de géneros. Lamúsica Malena Pizarro y su pareja, Martina Feldkamp, ​​son fanáticas delfutbol y pasaron parte de su luna de miel en Qatar para alentar a la selecciónen los dos primeros partidos, contra Arabia Saudí y contra México. Viajaronhasta allí pese al miedo que les provocaban las leyes locales, que prohíben lahomosexualidad. Pizarro, integrante de un equipo de fútbol 8, se tatuó elnúmero 10 cuando Argentina ganó la Copa América y en noviembre todas lasjugadoras prometieron que se harían un nuevo tatuaje si la Albicelesteconquistaba el Mundial.

“Como soy muy bostera [hincha de Boca Juniors] cuando vi a Messi hacer elgesto de Riquelme, el del Topo Gigio, pensé ‘ya está’, me hago ese, pero luegome pareció que la imagen más simbólica era la de Messi besando la copa. Y melo tatué en la pierna izquierda, que es su pierna, a modo de homenaje, aunquesoy diestra”, cuenta Pizarro, que juega como delantera.

United Cup 2023: Rafa Nadal sigue reñido con la victoria | Deportes

Si se simplifica a lo que dice el electrónico de los dos primeros compromisos,se puede interpretar que la situación del campeón de 22 grandes es preocupantede cara al verdadero objetivo del presente, que no es otro que el Open deAustralia que comienza el día 16 ; si, por el contrario, el análisis se haceexpansivo y recoge el discurso del protagonista, el balear transcurre por elcamino lógico de alguien que durante el último medio año apenas ha podidocompetir, o bien lo ha hecho a marchas forzadas. De julio aquí, Nadal hajugado 11 partidos y se ha repuesto de dos roturas abdominales, de modo que sudeseo prioritario es obtener kilometraje porque entonces, dice, ofrecerá lafiabilidad habitual. El problema, como casi siempre, es el tiempo. And dossemanas exactas, ya no valdrá ensayo alguno. Se avecina el fuego real.

Mas informacion

“Bueno, son casi seis horas en pista [entre estos dos partidos preparatorios]y necesito batallas como esta. Días como estos ayudan aunque, por supuesto,con victorias el proceso es más rápido. Necesito seguir luchando”, expone antelos periodistas el número dos del mundo, que por momentos ha ofrecido phasesbrillantes de juego y por otros ha sido incapaz de desbordar a De Miñaur, untenista que es todo piernas y velocidad, generalmente más cómodo en la phasedefensiva que la ofensiva. Es decir, al español todavía le faltan por subirvarios peldaños para alcanzar el nivel necesario de caraña Melbourne, alládonde hace menos de un año dejó a todo el mundo boquiabierto con aquella tracafinal frente al ruso Daniil Medvedev.

And realidad, este lunes la secuencia es relativamente similar a la sucedidados días antes contra Norrie. El inicio del balear es prometedor, pero luegocede cuando la situación se endurece y acaban remontándole. The entrada, laincisión del revés y las direcciones con el drive prometen, pero llegadoslos momentos decisivos del segundo y el tercer parcial, no atina. “He empezadocon un break [en el segundo] y he tenido oportunidades para ganar casi todoslos juegos hasta el 5-1 o el 6-1, incluso, y al final he perdido seis juegosseguidos. Eso no puede pasar”, reconstruye; “después he tenido másoportunidades, pero también he cometido errores. Eso es todo, necesito seguirluchando y encontrando ritmo. Tengo dos semanas y no puedo decir que lasituación sea la ideal, pero al mismo tiempo, tampoco puedo decir que sea muynegativa”.

“No siento que este tan lejos”

Valora Nadal que estos dos primeros partidos suman más que restan, y que elnivel “no ha sido tan malo” ni está “demasiado alarmado”. Rebobina el deManacor (36 años) y recuerda lo que sucedió hace menos de un año en Australia,adonde llegó en un estado muy precario y donde firmó uno de sus triunfos másespectaculares y emotivos. Ahora, como entonces, la phase preparatoria dejó unpar de resbalones en Abu Dhabi. “Pero nunca sabes que puede pasar”, expone.“Porque entonces parecía imposible imaginar lo que sucedió después”, seagarra. “He tenido mis oportunidades contra dos grandes jugadores [Norrie esel14º de la ATP y de Miñaur el 24º], pero no he sido capaz de convertirlas.Eso me dice que tengo un amplio margen de mejora, y realmente creo que puedohacerlo”, prosigue.

De Miñaur, durante el partido contra Nadal.DAVID GRAY (AFP)

Su plan inmediato pasa por desplazarse lo antes posible a Melbourne, sede delOpen, y seguir engrasándose con optimism. En el caso de que no modifique lahoja de ruta prevista –la exhibición del Kooyong Classic, del 10 al 12 deenero, ofrece una ventana–, aterrizará en el primer grande de la temporada consolo dos partidos oficiales en las piernas y, confía , sin cedar espacio en el_rank_ ; ahí están al acecho Casper Ruud y Stefanos Tsitsipas, a 50 y 2015puntos respectivamente y, por tanto, con la opción matemática de arrebatarlela segunda plaza. Espera Nadal conservar esa situación de privilegio–trascendental siempre de cara a los cruces que pueda deparar el sorteo– yprefiere ver el vaso medio lleno pese al trabado despegue en este 2023.

“Fisicamente estoy bien, no me puedo quejar. Necesito ser más dinámico yleather mejor pelota, porque eso te da confianza, pero me siento bien y esoayuda mucho a seguir adelante”, precisa. “Creo que la situación es la que es,y tengo que mejorar; pero realmente, creo que eso va a pasar. ¿Cuándo? No losé, pero espero que sea pronto, porque no siento que esté tan lejos”, zanjaNadal, de una derrota a otra. Reñido por ahora con la victoria. Una vez más, ala carrera para llegar a tiempo a la cita.

Sainz mantiene el liderato en una etapa trampa en el Rally Dakar | Deportes

El castellonense de Honda, que se golpeó con una piedra el pie derecho en eltramo final, terminó sexto a 2m 32s del vencedor, y se sitúa tercero en laclasificación general, a 2m 03s del nuevo líder: “Ha sido una de las etapasmás duras de los últimos años. Más de cinco horas, con muchas pistas y muchasrocas. En los últimos kilómetros me he golpeado en el lecho del río con unaroca y me dueling mucho los dedos del pie. Espero que no sea gran cosa”.

Ricky Brabec, que partía en cabeza, quedó muy lejos a 5m 35s y cae a la sextaplaza de la tabla. En un día donde no brillaron los principales favoritos,Daniel Sanders (GasGas) empezó a jugar con la estrategia. En línea de meta, elaustríaco reconció que no empujó para evitar abrir pista mañana. “Ha sido undía duro, pero he ido muy bien y luego he decidido frenar. Mañana será un díaimportante y he decidido dure un pequeño paseo. Aunque haya bonificación porganar, es demasiado pronto en la carrera”. Se dejó remontar casi cinco minutosentre el penúltimo punto de control y la llegada, un tramo de 44 km.

Sebastian Buhler (Hero) y Skyler Howes (Husqvarna) complete the podium. Kleinrecibió una sanción de dos minutos por saltarse el límite de velocidad, peropara su fortuna mantuvo la victoria y el liderato. “Gran parte del día heseguido a los otros, pero en la última parte estaban bromeando sobre sidejarme liderar o no, así que al final he decidido marcharme y ha ido bien”,comentó el joven ganador. “Con la velocidad se me pone la mente en blanco, esdemasiado para mi cerebro. Es duro, y no se si es cuestión de experiencia”.

“What they had horses do for the Antwerp cathedral is animal abuse”

The new year is still in the pampers, but the program of the year is alreadyknown: ‘The story of Flanders’. That is the opinion of the average horselover. Because you see farmers and monks, horny bishops, serfs, painters andblonde wenches who run screaming through the fields, chased by foreignsoldiers. The only constant are those massively present horses. And then onewonders: what would Flanders be without our neighing show-offs?

Hugo MatthysenSunday January 1, 202312:00

Wout Versmeus (horse friend) «Nothing! Flanders would be nothing at allwithout horses!”

HUMO I already had such a suspicion.

FRESH «The facts do not speak volumes, but entire libraries. Drove Maryof Burgundy on a bicycle? Became the carriage of Emperor Charles pulledby armadillos? No! Our rulers would not have gotten anywhere without ourgalloping friends. But the greatest achievement of our gentle-smellingvertebrates is the Antwerp cathedral.”

HUMO Why and why and the like?

FRESH “That tower! It’s not that hard to put something like this together.You need a yard of about 140 meters and a lot of stones. But put that up!According to my calculations, two hundred farm horses have been pulling onwrist-sized ropes continuously for three hundred years, until the thing stoodupright.”

HUMO Three centuries! That’s a long time. But why didn’t they just build thattower vertically?

FRESH “Because they wanted to start at the top. A wise choice, because itgives you a good view of the length. If you start in a classic way with atower of 10 square meters and you get the sense that it’s too narrow to bestable, that thing might already be tens of meters high, and you’re there.”

HUMO What else have horses achieved on Flemish soil?

FRESH “Little, because the Fleming never took the horse seriously. Haveyou ever seen those shrimp fishermen in Oostduinkerke?”

HUMO Those guys who ride into the sea on a horse to catch shrimp?

FRESH “Of course that is ridiculous. You can make more croquettes from onesuch horse than what such an animal catches during its entire life. Thosehorses aren’t interested in shrimp either: they don’t eat shellfish. So whatdrives those beasts to the sea?”

HUMO Paw bathing?

FRESH “Don’t swan, eh! By the way, Zwanzen is an early medieval verb forthe tail movement with which a horse indicates that someone is sellingnonsense. No, those horses, and you can still see that when you look at thevirtuoso nostril sniffing, smell the other side!»

HUMO England?

“Now you underestimate those animals. No, they smell America, the endlessprairies where it is wonderful to graze. They smell a future! If thoseOostduinkerke fishermen had let those horses go their way, those animals wouldsurely find a way. Sensitive as they are, they would have found a route towade from the Belgian coast to Florida. With enough confidence, theMerovingians had already discovered America. But yes, they abused those beaststo erect towers. In terms of animal cruelty, that counts. No, the story ofFlanders is one of cruelty and stupidity. Fortunately, many horses trot in it,otherwise it was not to be seen.”

This series was the most illegally downloaded in 2022

House of the Dragon is the series that people have downloaded most illegallyin 2022. The Game of Thrones spin-off was widely announced and launched by HBOMax and remains one of the streaming service’s most talked about series.However, not everyone has legally followed the adventures of the Targaryens.The 6 euros that HBO Max costs per month was too much for some, asTorrentfreak’s figures have shown.

House of the Dragon

2022 was the year when there was a great fantasy war between two streamingservices. HBO Max had House of the Dragon, Amazon Prime Video had The Rings ofPower, a prequel to the Lord of the Rings stories we know from the movies. Interms of quality, the series turned out to be equal, but it has now beenannounced that it was really a win for HBO Max in terms of illegal downloads.Although, you may wonder whether you can speak of a winner when downloadingillegally. It has lost a lot of revenue because of it.

In 2020 it was The Mandalorian from Disney + that was most pirated and in 2021it was also Disney + series, namely WandaVision. However, in the years beforeit was always Game of Thrones, so it is not entirely surprising that it is nowanother Game of Thrones production that is popular among illegal downloaders.On the other hand, Disney + still has a lot in it, the top 10 most illegallydownloaded series of 2022.

Most illegally downloaded series in 2022

These are the series most illegally downloaded in 2022:

  1. House of the Dragon (HBO) 2. The Rings of Power (Amazon Prime Video) 3. The Boys (Amazon Prime Video) 4. Moon Knight (Disney+) 5. Halo (Paramount+) 6. Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney+) 7. The Book of Boba Fett (Disney+) 8. Stranger Things (Netflix) 9. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Disney+) 10. Andor (Disney+)

It should be clear: no matter how much money you have as a streaming service,you cannot escape the pirates. Especially in a world where there are now somany streaming services that people can now just spend 100 euros per month,they want to subscribe to all streaming services. On the other hand, manystreaming services make it easy to cancel: you can often do so every month.

Streaming services in 2023

But if, as we saw with the introduction of HBO Max and SkyShowtime, you getdeals that give you a 50 percent discount for the rest of your life, unlessyou cancel, then that cancellation becomes a bit less attractive. Smart of thestreaming service, but this could potentially encourage people to downloadillegally more often or share accounts with others more often, which Netflix,for example, has recently been quite against – as long as it does not see anyextra money from this.

Although it is doubtful if your series is in the top 10 illegally downloadedseries of 2022, on the other hand it also says something about the popularityof your series. People want to see it and therefore download it illegally. Inthat respect, Amazon Prime Video is a bit of a loser, especially since it’sthe most expensive series ever made (it cost $10 billion to make). On theother hand, second place is not bad at all. Moreover, Game of Thrones hastraditionally been a much downloaded series, partly because HBO used to not beso easy to watch outside the United States.

We’re curious to see which 2023 series will top the list. We expect the warbetween streaming services to rage a little more this year, and that meansservices will have to do everything they can to create content that is wanted.