Donovan Mitchell maravilla con 71 puntos, máxima anotación en un partido de la NBA en 17 años | Deportes

Cleveland Cavaliers

Chicago Bulls


El escolta de los Cleveland Cavaliers Donovan Mitchell hizo este luneshistoria en la NBA con un partido deslumbrante en el que anotó 71 puntos. Essu récord personal, el de un jugador de los Cavaliers desde su fundación y lamáxima puntuación lograda por un jugador desde los 81 puntos que consiguióKobe Bryant con los Lakers contra los Toronto Raptors el 22 de enero de 2006.Mitchell pudo celebrarlo por todo lo alto porque breathás su actuación sirviópara dar la victoria a los Cavaliers frente a los Chicago Bulls (145-134) enla prórroga.

El record de la liga profesional de baloncesto estadounidense lo mantiene WiltChamberlain desde marzo de 1962, con los 100 puntos que logró paraPhiladelphia. Los 71 puntos de Mitchell son la séptima puntuación más alta enla historia de la NBA. “Estar ahí, en el libro de los records, con tipos comoWilt, es realmente un honor”, señaló en declaraciones posteriores al partidocon una gran sonrisa en suslabios.“Me siento muy bendecido, honrado de estar en esa compañía. Siempre he creídoque puedo ser uno de los mejores jugadores de esta liga, pero tengo que seguirtrabajando”, añadió.

La araña Mitchell completó el partido con 8 rebotes, 11 asistencias y untapón en los 50 minutos que estuvo sobre la pista. Acaparó el juego ofensivode su equipo con un recital de canastas. En su partido más redondo, encestó 22de 34 intentos en tiros de dos y 7 de sus 15 intentos de anotar desde más alláde la línea de tres puntos, con porcentajes de acierto muy por encima de losque venía promediando durante la temporada.

La estrella de los Cavaliers mostró todo su potencial solo dos días después deuna actuación decepcionante contra los mismos rivales. El contraste entre elpartido de este lunes y el que jugó contra los Bulls el sábado es absoluto.Ese día falló los 6 triples que intentó y anotó solo 5 de los otros 16 tirosde campo para acabar con solo 15 puntos, aunque su equipo logró imponerse porla mínima. Este lunes, sin embargo. Mitchell permitió a su equipo remontar unadesventaja de 21 puntos y forzar la prórroga, en la que resultó decisivo con13 de los 15 puntos de su equipo.

71 PTS > 8 REB > 11 AST > W>> Donovan Mitchell sets a new scoring record for the Cleveland Cavaliers and> becomes only the 7th player in NBA history to score 70+ points in a game.

‘The View’ Reunites Star Jones, Meredith Vieira, Debbie Matenopoulos and Joy Behar to Honor Creator and Co-Host Barbara Walters

“The View” kicked off its first show of the new year by honoring the one andonly Barbara Walters, who died on Friday, Dec. 30, at the age of 93, with anhour that reunited several former “View” co-hosts.

“Tributes are pouring in from around the world to celebrate the life ofBarbara Walters,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg said at the top of the ABC talkerMonday. Goldberg described “The View” creator and former co-host as “thereason why we’re all sitting here,” adding, “really, if not for her I don’tknow where most of us would be.”

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Walters launched “The View” in 1997, with original panel Meredith Vieira, StarJones, Debbie Matenopoulos and comedian Joy Behar. Behar remains the onlyoriginal panelist still on the show, alongside Whoopi Goldberg, Sunny Hostin,Sara Haines, Ana Navarro and Alyssa Farah Griffin.

On Monday, Matenopoulos appeared in studio and Jones and Vieira joined thetable remotely via video and phone to pay tribute to Walters. Other former“View” co-hosts who stopped by throughout the show included Lisa Ling, SherriShepherd and Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

As the youngest member of the original lineup, Matenopoulos recalled herrelationship with Walters as “very mother-daughter.” “She was tough on me, butI appreciated it because I learned everything from her. She single handedlychanged my life. I was a 22-year-old journalism student at NYU. She took ahuge chance on me.”

“The best seat in the house at any social event was next to Barbara Waltersbecause she could tell you everything about anybody in the room,” Jones said,reminiscing alongside Behar, Vieira and Matenopoulos and the current roster of“View” co-hosts . “Half the time, she had either interviewed them, done astory on them, heard a story about them, and she would dish with the best ofthem, let me tell you. Going to lunch with BW, baby, you would get all theinformation.”

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Vieira weighed in on Walters’ playful side, recalling how much she loved todress up each year for “The View’s” Halloween episode here.

“I don’t want to play armchair psychologist here, but in a way, Barbara playeda role every day of her life, the role of being Barbara Walters,” Vieira said.“And she knew all the words used to describe her: icon, trailblazer, legend,that’s a tough reputation to live up to and to protect. So she couldn’t revealother sides of herself, she couldn’t really let loose — except on our show atHalloween. And that year when she dressed up as Marilyn Monroe, she wouldn’tbreak character. She refused! She kept channeling the sexy, flirtatious sideof her that was very much Barbara, but very rarely revealed. And through ‘TheView,’ she had the ability to peel back the layers of what was a verycomplicated, complex woman.”

“She very much defied sexism and defied ageism, she went right into the jawsof the lion there when she had to deal with people like Harry Reasoner,” Beharsaid. “She was not just a friend to us, she was one of a kind and veryimportant to the industry.”

Hostin recalled her first days on the job as co-host at “The View,” and howWalters, who was still co-hosting at the time, helped to validate her opinionsand actions as an interviewer.

“When I started co-hosting, I was changing my questions on my cards,” Hostinsaid. “I don’t know if you ladies remember that, I was changing them andrewriting them, not realizing that maybe that wasn’t appropriate. And she cameover to me, there’s a picture of it, and said, ‘What are you doing?’ I said,’This is not my voice, I’m rewriting my questions, is that OK?’ She said, ‘Irewrite mine,’ and she started helping me. I thought, oh my goodness, thegenerosity of that moment. I was so scared and I was so nervous and shevalidated my opinion. And after that day, she would ask me during the HotTopics meeting, ‘Well, what do you think, Sunny?’ And I was like, ‘BarbaraWalters is asking me what I think, wow.’”

While Haines never got to sit at “The View” table with Walters, she admiredher career from afar. “For someone who gets paid to talk, what she did so wellwas listen,” Haines said, praising Walters’ journalism career and iconic“20/20” interviews. “And when you see what set her apart, her ability tostrike that tone between curiosity, compassion, humanity — when MonicaLewinsky said, ‘I said yes to that interview because I knew she would humanizeme and let people see me for who I was,’ there was something so uniquelypowerful.”

“Im grateful, I’m in my 30s, I always saw women in anchor roles, I always sawfemales on TV in those presences — but it’s because she opened that door,”Alyssa Farah Griffin added. “That didn’t exist before Barbara Walters. Inevery sense of the word, she was a pioneer.”

A trailblazer in the industry, Walters worked for the “Today” show for 12years before joining ABC News in 1976, becoming the first female anchor onevening news. She remained at the network — working for ABC News, joining“20/20” in 1980 and launching “The View” in 1997 — until her retirement in2014. She won a total of 12 Emmy Awards.

“I don’t want to appear on another program or climb another mountain,” shesaid upon leaving “The View” eight years ago. “I want instead to sit on asunny field and admire the very gifted women — and OK, some men, too — whowill be taking my place.”

Over the course of her career, Walters interviewed every US president andfirst lady from the Nixons to the Obamas; she sat down with former PresidentTrump and his wife, Melania Trump, before they entered the White House.

Walter’s final appearance as a co-host on “The View” was in 2014, but sheremained an executive producer of the show.

“Barbara was a true legend, a pioneer not just for women in journalism but forjournalism itself,” Disney CEO Bob Iger said in a statement on Friday. “Shewas a one-of-a-kind reporter who landed many of the most important interviewsof our time, from heads of state to the biggest celebrities and sports icons.I had the pleasure of calling Barbara a colleague for more than three decades,but more importantly, I was able to call her a dear friend. She will be missedby all of us at The Walt Disney Company, and we send our deepest condolencesto her daughter, Jacqueline.”

Watch a clip from Monday’s episode of “The View” below.

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Prince Harry says drama with royal family ‘never needed to be this way’

Prince Harry says the royal family’s “silence is betrayal.”

Ahead of the release of his memoir Save the British royal gave twointerviews, to Anderson Cooper for CBS’s 60 Minutes in the US and Tom Bradbyfor ITV in the UK, in which he talks about messy relations with his famousfamily.

In a clip from the CBS interview, which airs Sunday, Cooper brings upcriticism Harry has faced from people saying that he stepped down as a seniorroyal and moved to California with wife Meghan Markle, yet they continue topublicly air their grievances about the royal family, most recently in theirrecent Netflix documentary, Harry & Megan. King Charles’s younger soninsists he’s tried to handle things privately with no success.

“Every single time I tried to do it privately there have been briefings andleakings and planting of stories against me and my wife,” he said. “You know,the family motto is: ‘Never complain, never explain.’ But it’s just a motto.It doesn’t really hold.”

Harry said there has been “endless” complaining and explaining from the royalfamily through the media. He claimed that royal family members, through theirvarious press offices and spokespeople, plant stories about them in newspapersthrough unnamed sources. (According to Yahoo UK’s royal executive editor OmidScobie, “royal sources” are often “anonymous palace aides.”)

“They will feed or have a conversation with the correspondent and thatcorrespondent will … be spoon-fed information and write the story,” Harryclaimed. “At the bottom of [the article, it] will say they have reached out toBuckingham Palace for comment, but the whole story is Buckingham Palacecommenting. So when we’re being told for the last six years, ‘We can’t put astatement out to protect you.’ But you do it for other members of the family.It becomes — there becomes a point when silence is betrayal.”

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Meanwhile, Harry said in the ITV interview, which also airs Sunday, that “itnever needed to be this way,” but “the leaking and the planting” of storiesdrove a wedge.

“I want a family, not an institution,” he said. “They’ve shown absolutely nowillingness to reconcile. I would like to get my father back. I would like tohave my brother back.”

However, he said the royals “feel as though it is better to keep us somehow asthe villains.”

(LtoR) Britain's Charles, Prince of Wales, Britain's Prince William, Dukeof Cambridge and Britain's Prince Harry, attend a commemoration ceremony atthe Canadian National Vimy Memorial during a commemoration ceremony to markthe 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, in Vimy, near Arras,northern France, on April 9, 2017. REUTERS/PhilippeHuguen/POOL(LtoR)Britain's Charles, Prince of Wales, Britain's Prince William, Duke ofCambridge and Britain's Prince Harry, attend a commemoration ceremony at theCanadian National Vimy Memorial during a commemoration ceremony to mark the100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, in Vimy, near Arras, northernFrance, on April 9, 2017. REUTERS/PhilippeHuguen/POOL

Prince Harry, right, with his father, King Charles, left, and brother, PrinceWilliam in 2017. (Photo: REUTERS/Philippe Huguen/POOL)

Bradby has known Harry for more than 20 years and interviewed him with Markleduring their 2019 trip to Africa, memorably asking Markle how her mentalhealth was amid the pressure of royal life.

Both new interviews with Harry took place in California, where he and Marklereside with their two children, Archie, 3, and Lilibet, 1, after leavingEngland. his book, Save , comes out on Jan. 10.

Save publisher, Penguin, described the memoir as “intimate and heartfelt.”Harry said in the book’s press release that he wrote it “not as the prince Iwas born but as the man I have become… My hope is that in telling my story –the highs and lows, the mistakes, the lessons learned – I can help show thatno matter where we come from, we have more in common than we think.” Hepromised an “account of my life that’s accurate and wholly truthful.” Hedonated proceeds from Save to two different charities: $1,500,000 toSentebale and £300,000 to the WellChild charity.

Mark Ruffalo Asks Fans to Pray for ‘Speedy Recovery’ or ‘Brother’ Jeremy Renner

Mark Ruffalo is asking fans to pray for his Avengers co-star Jeremy Renner,following his snowplow accident on New Year’s Day.

“Prayers up for our brother @jeremyrenner on a full and speedy recovery,”Ruffalo, 55, posted on his Instagram stories Monday alongside an image of anews report of Renner’s accident.

Ruffalo, who starred alongside Renner in three Avengers movies, ended hispost urging fans to “Please send healing goodness his way.”

On Monday, Renner underwent surgery for the injuries he sustained during theaccident on his property in Reno, Nevada.

In a statement sent to PEOPLE, Renner’s representative said, “We can confirmthat Jeremy has suffered blunt chest trauma and orthopedic injuries and hasundergone surgery today, Jan. 2, 2023. He has returned from surgery andremains in the intensive care unit in critical but stable condition.”

RELATED: Jeremy Renner Out of Surgery After Suffering ‘Blunt ChestTrauma and Orthopedic Injuries’ from Accident

Mark Ruffalo posts his support on instagram for Jeremy Renner afteraccidentMarkRuffalo posts his support on instagram for Jeremy Renner afteraccident

Mark Ruffalo posts his support on instagram for Jeremy Renner after accident

Mark RuffaloInstagram

The statement added that “Jeremy’s family would like to express theirgratitude to the incredible doctors and nurses looking after him, TruckeeMeadows Fire and Rescue, Washoe County Sheriff, Reno City Mayor HillarySchieve and the Carano and Murdock families. They are also tremendouslyoverwhelmed and appreciative of the outpouring of love and support from hisfans.”

Local authorities said the Marvel Cinematic Universe star, 51, was airliftedto a hospital following the incident.

“At approximately 9:00 am on January 1, 2023, the Washoe County Sheriff’sOffice responded to a traumatic injury in the area of ​​Mt. Rose Highway inReno, Nevada,” according to a news release.

“Upon arrival, Deputies coordinated with Truckee Meadows Fire ProtectionDistrict and REMSA Health to arrange for medical transport of Mr. JeremyRenner via care flight to a local area hospital,” the statement continued.

THE AVENGERS, from left: Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk,2012THEAVENGERS, from left: Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk,2012

THE AVENGERS, from left: Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk,2012

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection JeremyRenner and Mark Ruffalo in Avengers

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Following the incident, a rep told PEOPLE that “his family is with him and heis receiving excellent care.”

Shortly after, a source told PEOPLE on Monday that Renner’s injuries were”extensive,” while a rep said he remained in “critical but stable condition.”

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The Mayor of Kingstown actor was the only party involved in the incident,according to authorities. The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Major AccidentInvestigation Team is currently looking into the circumstances.

RELATED: Jeremy Renner Has ‘Extensive’ Injuries Following New Year’s DaySnowplow Accident

Jeremy Renner (L) and Mark Ruffalo onstage at Marvel's Hall H Panel forJeremyRenner (L) and Mark Ruffalo onstage at Marvel's Hall H Panel for

Jeremy Renner (L) and Mark Ruffalo onstage at Marvel’s Hall H Panel for

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images Jeremy Renner and Mark Ruffalo

Renner is best known for playing Hawkeye in the Marvel Cinematic Universe,beginning with Thor (2011) and The Avengers (2012). He most recentlyplayed the character in the Disney+ series Hawkeye.

The California native was nominated for an Academy Award for his performancesin The Hurt Locker (2008) and The Town (2010). He has also appeared in_Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011), _American Hustle (2013) and_Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation_ (2015).

Renner and his ex-wife Sonni Pacheco are parents to daughter Ava Berlin, 9.

In March 2022, Renner shared a heartfelt tribute to his daughter for her ninthbirthday. The actor posted a throwback photo on Instagram of himself holdingAva as a newborn, sweetly calling her his priority. “Happy Birthday to mynumber one #proudpapa,” he captioned the post.

‘My Love and My Light’

Justin Long is showering Kate Bosworth with love on her 40th birthday!

On Monday, the Accepted actor, 44, shared a romantic birthday tribute to hisgirlfriend alongside a carousel of sweet Instagram photos showing the couplelaughing, eating, drinking, kissing and watching a sunset from a dock.

“She’s 40! 🥳💛🎂” Long began his post. “She is also the best part of my day,everyday – even when we’re not together. She laughs with abandon. She makes melaugh the same – all the time. She sees beauty everywhere and in everyone. Shethanks everyone – even when she’s suffering, she’s kind.”

The star went on to offer more loving details about his partner and theirrelationship.

“She loves to tease. She has the best softest lips I’ve ever kissed,” he wroteabout Bosworth. “She loves beer and football more than I do (and I love beerand football). She is the strongest person I’ve ever known. She’s fiercelycommitted to the truth. She’s so fun to work with. She’s the most fun to doeverything with. She is genuinely curious about people and the world. Shemakes everything in my life better – all my favorite songs and movies,vacations and sunsets and Chinese food.”

“She is my joy. She is my best friend. Happy Birthday HANSAAAY🎂🥳”

RELATED: Kate Bosworth and Justin Long ‘s Relationship Timeline

In return, Bosworth penned a post in celebration of her boyfriend.

“You are my love and my light, my peace and my thrill,” she wrote. “Thank youfor holding my hand when we sleep. Thank you for tying my shoelaces when younotice they are undone. Thank you for making me laugh so hard I have to leavethe room. Thank you for showing me what love is and for making this the bestbirthday ever 💛 xx “

Friend and actor Aaron Paul was among those who commented on Long’s loveletter.

“My god I love this love story. Love to you both my friends. So damn happy youfound each other.❤️” the Breaking Bad actor, 43, wrote.

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Kate Bosworth and Justin Long inIrelandKateBosworth and Justin Long inIreland

Kate Bosworth and Justin Long in Ireland

Kate BosworthInstagram Justin Long and Kate Bosworth

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RELATED: Justin Long and Girlfriend Kate Bosworth Go Instagram Official:’I’m the Luckiest’

Bosworth and Long, 44, sparked relationship rumors in March after they werespotted together in Los Angeles. Since then, they’ve been photographedstrolling the streets of New York City and kissing on the beach in Hawaii.Long also opened up about their relationship during a podcast appearance,saying he’s “never had anything like this before.”

Before going Instagram official, Bosworth posted a playful and adoring tributeto Long with a carousel of photos, including one shot of the Barbara actorholding her in his arms.

“Holy moly @justinlong you are a truly spectacular / fun / funny / kind / rare/ thoughtful / totally. fckn. rad human being. 🌻,” Bosworth wrote in the May2021 post. “THANK YOU for lifting us up … you kept it light & full of laughterdaily, even through the toughest moments. You gnome how much I love ya 💛(sorry had to ;)”

Long jokingly commented, “That’s ALL you wrote about me??? Well … I admireyour restraint.”

He continued, “I joke because this is embarrassing and too much … I’m going tosay even nicer things about you publicly because people should know what arare gem you are — all the things you said about me but a little bit (or alot) more. It was a true joy to be in your glow.”

RELATED: Kate Bosworth Says She ‘s “Grateful” for Justin Long inThanksgiving Post: “You Make Life So Much Fun”

Back in June, Bosworth celebrated her boyfriend’s 44th birthday with aromantic social-media tribute of her own, complete with a photo gallery ofsome of the couple’s memorable moments together.

“You were born today and the world lit up brighter than it had known and yearslater you met a girl who’s life was disassembled / rearranged but you werepatient and with time she fell in love now she has a glow (one that wasforgotten long ago) she is so grateful *more than you’ll ever know 💛 ,”Bosworth wrote alongside the post.

She concluded her caption, “Happy Birthday @justinlong you make me smile sobig my face hurts xx Thank you for creating peace in my heart since the day wemet.”

In the first photo, both Bosworth and Long wore matching red and shared akiss. The collection of images featured behind-the-scenes shots of the couplesharing intimate moments and silly selfies.

Long commented, “Fine! I’ll start following you! 😜 Loving you is easily thebest gift I’ve ever received 🎁💛💛💛 (I’m going to tell you this in person assoon as I walk out of the bathroom ;)”

Al Roker Returning to the Today Show on Jan. 6 After Extended Absence Due to Health Issues

Al Roker will be back on the Today show Friday for his first in-studioappearance in two months since blood clots in his leg and lungs sent him tothe hospital.

Anchors Savannah Guthrie, Hoda Kotb, Craig Melvin announced the happy news onTuesday’s episode of the NBC morning show.

“We have some great news to share this morning: Al is coming back to theshow,” said Guthrie, 51.

“Everyone’s like, ‘When when?’ Well, we have our date,” added Kotb, 58. “He’llbe here Friday. He’ll be right here in Studio 1A . This is his place. He’ll bein his seat, right where he belongs. I cannot wait for that.”

After Melvin, 43, praised the reunion and that everyone “will be backtogether,” Guthrie noted that the show is “not the same without Al,” sweetlyadding that “our sunshine is coming back Friday morning.”

Smoker, 68, has been a staple on Today as the program’s premier weatheranchor since 1996, and previously made appearances as a substituteweathercaster from 1990 to 1995, filling in for the late Willard Scott beforehis semiretirement.

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TODAY -- Pictured: Al Roker, Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb on Thursday,November 3,2022TODAY-- Pictured: Al Roker, Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb on Thursday, November 3,2022

TODAY — Pictured: Al Roker, Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb on Thursday,November 3, 2022

Nathan Congleton/NBC via Getty Al Roker, Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb

RELATED: Savannah Guthrie, Hoda Kotb and Today Team Cheer as Al RokerReturns Home from Hospital

The TV personality has been absent from Today for several weeks, lastappearing on the Nov. 4 broadcast. He was first hospitalized, released weekslater and then returned to the facility after Thanksgiving.

His health issues caused him to miss the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade — hisfirst in 27 years — and the annual Christmas Tree Lighting at RockefellerCenter. But on Dec. 8, he shared via Instagram that he was out of the hospitalonce again.

Since then, Guthrie, Kotb Melvin and their Today colleagues have beenproviding steady updates on Rocker’s recovery. They even included a sweetshout-out to him in their 2022 digital holiday card, and surprised Roker athome with a Christmas carol singalong.

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He’s been updating fans on his recovery on Instagram, too, __ and made avirtual appearance on Today to check in with his status.

“It’s been a tough slog, I’m not going to deny this,” Roker said on Dec. 12.”This has been the hardest one yet — and you know, I’ve had my fair share ofsurgeries. But it gives you a profound sense of gratitude for this outpouringof prayers and thanks. I’m a very fortunate person. “


Al Smoker

Al Roker/instagram Deborah Roberts and Al Roker

RELATED: Al Roker Says He’s Feeling “Strong” as He Updates Today on HisHealth in Virtual Visit

At home, Roker has been surrounded by his family, including his wife DeborahRoberts and daughters Courtney, 35, and Leila, 24, as well as son Nick, 20,when he returned from college.

All have been a steady support for Roker. “I feel good, I feel strong. Andevery day, I already feel little bit better,” he said, thanking his medicalteam at New York Presbyterian Hospital, including his doctor and “all thewonderful nurses.”

But recovery has been slow, Roker noted. “You lose a certain amount of musclemass for every week you’re in the hospital, and I was in the hospital for 4weeks. So it’s just a certain amount of weakness,” Roker said, adding thathe’s doing physical and occupational therapy every day. “I’ve got to just getmy strength back. And in the meantime, I was thinking in January of getting myknee replaced, so I’ve got to push that back. So I’ve got a number of issues.”

“I just feel like it’s going to be a little bit of a slog, but a lot of peoplehave to deal with a lot more with a lot fewer resources,” Roker said. “I’mvery fortunate, very blessed to be able to have these resources.”

Al Roker Surprised by Sweet Serenade from 'Today' Staffers as He Recovers atHomeAlRoker Surprised by Sweet Serenade from 'Today' Staffers as He Recovers atHome

Al Roker Surprised by Sweet Serenade from ‘Today’ Staffers as He Recovers atHome

Nathan Congleton/Today Al Roker and his Today colleagues

RELATED: Al Roker Surprised by Sweet Serenade from Today Staffers as HeRecovers at Home — Watch

It’s unclear if Roker will return full time to Today after Friday’s show.Meteorologist Dylan Dreyer has been filling in for Roker during his absence.

The one thing that is clear: Today viewers will be happy to see him. Sincehis absence, many who line up outside 30 Rockefeller Plaza to watch the showeach morning have been carrying signs wishing him well.

“We have so many signs, like, ‘We miss you Al,’ ‘We love you Al,'” Guthrienoted in December. “We feel the same and he’ll be back soon. We want him totake his time and feel good, which he will. But we love him and he’ll be backsoon.”

Today airs weekdays beginning at 7 am ET on NBC.

endless list full of new movies and series

Netflix is ​​starting the new year off right. Here are all the movies, seriesand documentaries you can expect in January 2023. From That ’90s Show (yes,a reboot) to the docu Pamela, a love story and miniseries Kaleidoscope.

2022 was a good series and film year for Netflix, with Wednesday as anabsolute highlight. But we are already in 2023 and in the first month alone anendless arsenal of new titles will be added.

New in January 2023 on Netflix

We highlight a few big guys and welcome surprises. Below you will find thecomplete list of new films, series and documentaries per category.


Kaleidoscope revolves around master thief Leo Pap and his crew as theyattempt to pull off an epic heist worth $7 billion. But betrayal, greed andother threats undermine their plans. Giancarlo Esposito (Gus Fring in_breaking bad_ and Better Call Saul ) plays the main role.

Kaleidoscope will be streaming on Netflix from January 1, 2023.

Rogue Agent

Promising cast and an interesting plot. The con artist Robert Freegard (JamesNorton) pretends to be a member of the British secret service MI5. He managesto convince his victims to go into hiding because of the risk of murder by theIRA. He supposedly sells cars to victim Alice Archer (Gemma Arterton). The twoonly get along very well and agree. Based on a true story.

Rogue Agent will be streaming on Netflix from January 5, 2023.

Vikings: Valhalla season 2

The Vikings spin-off was absolutely as good as the original. No wonder thereis a new season.

Vikings: Valhalla Season 2 will be streaming on Netflix from January 12,2023.

That ’90s Show

The sitcom That ’70s Show will get a 90s reboot with some of the originalcast anyway. Red and Kitty are taking in a new generation of stoners, so it’sgoing to be a laugh.

That ’90s Show will be streaming on Netflix from January 19, 2023.

Pamela, a love story

The absolute heroine from our teenage years comes with her own documentary andwe are of course talking about Pamela Anderson. In Pamela, a love story doyou walk with the Baywatch actress through her entire life story. At thetime of writing, there is no trailer yet.

new on netflix, january 2023, movies, series, documentaries,pamelaPamela Anderson in ‘Pamela, alove story’ (Image: Netflix)

Pamela, a love story will be streaming on Netflix from January 31, 2023.

All new documentaries, films and series

Scroll through the full overview of all new documentaries, films and seriesthat will appear on Netflix in January 2023.

Netflix Original Series in January 2023

The Ultimatum: France Season 1 Part 2 12/30/2022 1/6/2023 Kaleidoscope 1/1/23 Lady Voyeur 1/1/23 The Lying Life of Adults 4/1/23 Ginny & Georgia season 5/1/23 Woman of the Dead 5/1/23 CopenhagenCowboy 5/1/23 Pressure Cooker 6/1/23 Trolley 9/1/23 Sexify Season 2 11/1/23 The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House 12/1/23 Vikings: Valhalla Season 2 12/1/23 Sky Rojo season 3 13/1/23 Şahmaran 1/20/23 That ’90s Show 1/19/23 Fauda: Season 4 1/20/23 Bake Squad: Season 2 1/20/23 Bling Empire: New York 1/20/23 Represent 1/20/23 Shanty Town 1/20/23 Against the Ropes 1/25/23 Lockwood & Co. 1/27/23 Kings of Jo’Burg Season 2 1/27/23 The Snow Girl 1/27/23 Cunk On Earth 1/31/23 Physical: 100 (date to follow)

Netflix Original Movies in January 2023

How I Became a Gangster 4/1/23 Rogue Agent 5/1/23 The Pale Blue Eye 6/1/23 Noise 11/1/23 Dog Gone 13/1/23 Khallat+ 1/19/23 Mission Majnu 20/1/23 You People 1/27/23 JUNG_E (date to follow)

Netflix Original Documentaries in January 2023

MADOFF: The Monster of Wall Street 4/1/23 Mumbai Mafia: Police vs The Underworld 6/1/23 The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker 10/1/23 Break Point 13/1/23 Pamela, a love story 31/1/23 Suzan & Freek (date to follow)

Netflix Anime in January 2023

The Way of the Househusband season 2 1/1/23 Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre 19/1/23 Record of Ragnarok: Season 2 1/26/23

Movies purchased in January 2023

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax 1/1/23 Fifty Shades Darker 1/1/23 Divergent 1/1/23 Power Rangers Dino Fury: Season 2 1/1/23 Dreamland 13/1/23 Sausage Party 1/1/23

Netflix Kids & Family in January 2023

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 2 12/1/23 Daniel Spellbound Season 2 1/26/23 Princess Power 1/30/23

Netflix Originals Comedy Specials

Andrew Santino: Cheeseburger 10/1/23

Also see which films and series were added in December 2022. You probablyhaven’t seen them all yet.

What you need to know before launching Kaleidoscope on Netflix

Netflix treated subscribers on January 1 with an entire season of a brand newseries. Brand new concept, we might say. Kaleidoscope is not structuredchronologically. So if you watch it with someone from a distance, they willsee completely different episodes than you. Here’s everything you need to knowbefore turning on Netflix and getting started with Kaleidoscope.

That it has a wonderful heist set-up

Do you like The Money Heist and Ocean’s Eleven? Then you’re in the right placewith Kaleidoscope. It’s a series in which a team of thieves unite to steal $7billion in bonds during a hurricane. A typical heist show where each characterhas their own skill, but also throws their own personality on the table. Whocan be trusted and who can’t? Always fun to help solve the puzzle, besides ofcourse that feeling when the heist really succeeds: you almost feel a bit richyourself. But, will that heist succeed in Kaleidoscope?

That Netflix wants to do things differently with its non-linear narration

The streaming service has decided to opt for a non-linear narration, but notonly that: it is not a narration that is the same for everyone. You can turnit on on Netflix and start with the blue episode, while someone else startswith the purple episode. This is completely random (unless you choose itmanually) and is very fascinating. Each episode has a color and takes place anx ​​number of hours prior to the heist. So you may be jumping in time here andthere. You will probably understand that the series has a slightly differentset-up than you are used to; what you can normally do in a narrative, youcan’t always do in such a non-linear narrative. And yes, that meansKaleidoscope doesn’t always work ideally, but we’ll gladly forgive the Flixfor that: we’ve never seen a concept like this before.

That it is recognizable

The advantage of this frenzy of episodes that play ‘sequentially’ is thatheist series always have certain pillars on which they are built: first a teamis put together, a plan is made, of course there is day that it all has tohappen, something goes wrong and then there is always that tension of trustand distrust. Plus: that reward, or maybe not. Knowing that that always occursin a heist story ensures that Kaleidoscope does not become chaotic.

That Giancarlo Esposito is cool

We may not need to tell you this, especially if you’ve seen Breaking Bad, butGiancarlo Esposito is a really cool actor. He plays the lead role of Leo Pap,the leader of the rabble. He is very convinced of the plan and wants tocontinue it at all times. That’s all it takes: just watch and enjoy Giancarlo.

How ‘people’ think you should watch it

Do you want to watch the chronological order despite the fact that this seriesis deliberately random? Okay, okay, that’s a choice. Well, here it comes:

  • “Violet: 24 Years Before the Heist” * “Green: 7 Years Before the Heist” * “Yellow: 6 Weeks Before The Heist” * “Orange: 3 Weeks Before the Heist” * “Blue: 5 Days Before the Heist” * “Red: The Morning After the Heist” * “Pink: 6 Months After” * “White: The Heist” the series finale

However you look at it is up to you: as long as you look at it. Lots of fun!

El padre, la hija y los estudiantes: todos aprenden en el equipo universitario del Dakar | Deportes

El reto ha sido mayúsculo y el resultado positivo. “Lo mas difficil han sidolos tempos. Esto es el Dakar y la cosa va muy en serio, no puedes llegar tardeo no presentarte”, explica Borja Díez, uno de los alumnos que pudo vivir losprimeros días del rally in situ. Solo uno del grupo de quince, Alejandro delRío, permanecerá en el país arábigo durante el transcurso de la prueba. “Estaraquí es un regalo. Trabajar en el proyecto es genial, peroademás vivirlo enplena competición es lo más”, sonríe. “Poder trabajar en la Fórmula 1 o en elDakar, en cualquier competición, es un sueño para cada uno de nosotros. No noscerramos puertas”, añade Pablo Cid, otro de los alumnos que viajó alcampamento marítimo.

Pelé prophetizó el valor comercial del futbolista | Deportes

Desde que el fútbol abrazó el profesionalismo, los jugadores han cargado conla etiqueta de privilegiados, fama que durante décadas no se correspondía consus obligaciones laborales, si es que legalmente podían considerarse así. EnEspaña, los futbolistas no lograron ingresar en la Seguridad Social hasta1979, año en el que formalmente se derogó el derecho de retención que losclubes ejercían con sus jugadores, aunque la abolición definitiva de estanorma explotadora no se produjo hasta 1985.

Pelé marcó en solitario un camino que los jugadores han seguido entrepresiones, mala prensa y sentencias judiciales favorables a sus intereseslaborales. La más expansiva y transformadora fue la sentencia Bosman,proclamada en diciembre de 1995, con la feroz oposición de la UEFA y la FIFA,que posteriormente aprovecharon la libertad global de mercado para transformarel fútbol en la impresionante industria que es ahora.

Pelé hizo fortuna en un momento en el que el sueldo máximo semanal de unjugador inglés era de 20 libras a la semana (830 euros actualmente, o 10,000euros en su equivalencia anual). En 1961, después de una amenaza de huelgageneral en el fútbol inglés, Johnny Haynes, centrocampista del Fulham, seerigió en el primer jugador inglés con un contrato semanal de 100 libras(1,900 euros actuales).

Aunque Pelé estuvo sujeto a la férrea observancia del gobierno brasileño, queredactó una ley que le asignaba el carácter de tesoro nacional y, por tanto,no transferible a ningún otro país, su visión empresarial resultó tan eficazcomo su magia en el césped. Fundó muy pronto una compañía comercial, queagrupó una amplia variedad de negocios. En el Mundial de México 70, no dudó enromper el pacto firmado por los hermanos Dassler (uno Adidas, otro Puma) ycobrar bajo cuerda 125,000 dólares por una jugada maestra, no con el balón,sino con las botas.