A Knives Out Mystery You Missed

Chances are you are Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery already seen. Butwhether you have also noticed these genius details in the Netflix hit, we dareto doubt. From obscure references to a popular video game that reveals thestory right from the start. Spoiler alert!

Does the sequel surpass the original? At least, according to the numbers.Glass Onions currently ranks 10th most viewed Netflix movies in the month ofrelease. The excellent chemistry between all the stars of the cast must havesomething to do with that. The sequel to Knives Out is therefore a storyabout false friends, made by real mates.

And the passion project of Star Wars director Rian Johnson can still make upa lot of places. After a short round in the cinema, the film did not appear onthe streaming platform until December 23. But on to the order of the day.

Ingenious details in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

In Glass Onions hides a treasure chest of genius details. We have listed themost interesting facts and facts about the Netflix film for you. Starting withthe title.

Glass Onion takes its name from The Beatles

Glass Onions is a reference to the song of the same name by The Beatles, oneof Rian Johnson’s favorite bands. According to the director, the solution ofthe murder mystery is visible from the beginning in different layers of thestory. As if the plot were an onion of glass whose translucent layers give aglimpse of the core of truth.

Moreover, the Beatles song itself is an enigmatic explanation of the band’smythical origins. Still, Johnson came upon it by chance.

“I will be very honest. I literally grabbed my iPhone and searched my musiclibrary with the word glass. Surely there must be good songs about glass. Iwas like, is it a glass fortress? Is it a glass castle? Is it a glass man? Thefirst thing that came to mind, being a huge Beatles fan, was Glass Onions “,he told Netflix about it.

The title of the first film also comes from the musical world. Knives Out isalso the name of a record, namely by Radiohead.

Another James Bond colleague of Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig has taken on the role of Benoit Blanc for the second time in arow. And for the second time in a row he shares the screen with a colleague hestill knows from his days as James Bond. In Knives Out he plays like a charmwith Ana De Armas, the Spanish beauty who was also a Bond girl in No Time ToDie. And in Glass Onions should he just like in Specter deal with DaveBautista.

Hopefully he didn’t bust the professional wrestler’s nose this time.

Hidden art references

There are a lot of nice art references to be found in Glass Onions.

Mark Rothko

First and foremost, a painting by Mark Rothko, which often appears in thecenter of the screen, but is hung upside down to indicate how littlebillionaire Miles Bron actually knows about art.

God I love a Rothko reference. Miles is DUMB dumb.> #GlassOnionAKnivesOutMystery> #GlassOnion> pic.twitter.com/tnfGEKu27L>> — ⛸️Nate (@nathanOkoopa) December 24,> 2022

Fight Club

And did you see this lick of paint hanging?

glass onion,netflix(Image: Netflix) (Image: Netflix)

In Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery billionaire Miles Bron is played byEdward Norton, who formed the star duo for Fight Club. In the paintingabove, Norton’s face has been glued to Pitt’s body as a clear nod to the cultfilm (which you don’t stream on Netflix, but on Disney+).

Michael Basquiat

Also hanging in the same room is the same Michel Basquiat painting that, notcoincidentally, was recently sold for a fortune to an anonymous buyer(alluding to Miles Bron).

MichaelBasquiatSpot the Michel Basquiat (Image: Netflix)

Jacques Louis David

One more to unlearn. When the main character of Glass Onion: A Knives OutMystery Benoit Blanc, soaking in a bathtub with his laptop, the wide shot ofthe bathroom shows the same composition as Jacques Louis-David’s “The Death ofMarat” from 1793. In this painting, Jean-Paul Marat, a French revolutionaryand philosopher, depicted murdered in his bathtub, with his arm draped overthe side of the tub.

glass onion,netflix

Marat is holding a note from his killer, a woman who cheated on him afterasking for his help in uncovering a conspiracy. This reference is anintentional deception; as it suggests that Blanc may be a target or a victimof the person who gives him the invitation (which later turns out to be Helen,who is completely innocent).

Among Us

In that same bathtub, Blanc plays the popular lockdown game Among Us inwhich players have to decide among themselves who is the ‘ imposter ‘ is.Ironically, the Netflix detective doesn’t make much of it and his friendsimmediately guess that he is the imposter. But later in the story, he managesto help Helen posing as her sister. So an ‘imposter’.

Daniel Craig’s multiplayer buddies also include Hollywood composer andscreenwriter Steven Sondheim and actress Angela Lansbury. Lansbury was thestar of the old but golden detective series Murder, She Wrote and Sondheimhas The Last of Sheila conceived, a film about a group of friends who areinvited by a billionaire to solve a fictional mystery. Recognizable?

Glass from the Maltese Falcon (1941)

One of the exhibits in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery is a glass (orcrystal) version of the falcon figurine from the classic The Maltese Falcon(1941), a genre-defining one film noir with Humphrey Bogart as detective.

Glass Onion A Knives Out Mystery, maltese falcon,detailsA piece of film history for theadvanced (Image: Netflix)

Very expensive yacht piloted by a real captain (and for rent)

The yacht, real name Aquarius, is piloted in the film by the actual captainand can be rented for $228,000 a week.

yacht, aquarius, glass onion,details(Image: Ocean Independence)

Also check out the nine brilliant details in hit series Wednesday which youmissed anyway.

Twente farmer’s family fights to preserve ancient farmland

“I thought the nitrogen map was ridiculous”, Carla Evers, who is also theleader of the list for BBB in Overijssel, looks back at her farm on Friday,June 10, 2022. “Nitrogen is taken as a measure of how nature is doing, but itis also for water management and soil maintenance.”

According to Evers, the country is locked down due to the government’s focuson nitrogen. “Many farmers have to leave, but the nature problem remains.”

‘oale ground’

Carla is originally from the Achterhoek, but moved in with her husband fifteenyears ago to help with his poultry farm, which has more than 14,000 chickensand just under 1,500 roosters. In addition to keeping poultry, they also growwheat to feed the chickens.

“Erwin’s family has been farming here since 1400. Family land is sacred. Youdon’t sell ‘Oale groond’, as they call it in Twente. We have no children, buta second cousin of Erwin’s would like to take over the business. Evers’.”

She looks at the wall, where a framed family tree hangs. Once outside, shepoints out the fields and woods around the farm. The stables with chickens areon the other side of the yard.

Stupid farmers

The land of Carla and Erwin Evers is partly located in the Natura 2000 areaSpringendal & Dal van de Mosbeek, which covers 1225 hectares and bordersGermany for more than ten kilometers to the north. It is remarkable that halfof the nature reserve is owned by private individuals such as the Eversfamily.

“The Natura 2000 areas were determined in 1992 and the selection was made bynature parties and the Ministry of LNV, without agricultural organizations.That was stupid of us farmers. Since then, the government has been pulling atour land. Whether we don’t want the land to sell.”

In order to steer the implementation around the Natura 2000 areas in the rightdirection, the provinces must examine for each area with all stakeholders whatis needed to better protect nature.

Nature 2000

Natura 2000 is a European network of protected natural areas, in which certainanimals, plants and their natural habitats are protected in order to preservebiodiversity. These protected areas have been designated by the EU MemberStates themselves on the basis of the Birds Directive (1979) and the HabitatsDirective (1992). The guidelines deal with the protection of species andhabitats.

Bad movie

“We own 24 hectares, half of which has been declared a Natura 2000 area. Afterconsultation with the province, nine hectares have already been converted tonature with a mandatory nature management package. For this we bought backarable land, six kilometers further away from Springendal & Dal van deMosbeek,” explains Evers.

Another nine-hectare piece of the Evers family has also received measures fromthe government. For example, a piece of arable land must become permanentgrassland and another piece of land falls under ‘wet damage’ through thezoning plan. Evers: “That must remain water-rich for nature, making it lesssuitable for agricultural use.”

Carla Evers sighs as she tells her story. She feels like she’s in a bad movie.”This area in Northeast Twente has been cultivated by farmers. A farmer whohas been farming since 1350 was recently bought out. In the last few years,six farmers have moved in the immediate vicinity.”

In the video below, political reporter Marieke van der Zilver explainsanother problem of the nitrogen problem: the gap between urban and ruralareas.

Air washer

Their dearest wish is to continue farming at the current location. They wantto do everything they can and going to court is not ruled out. “We are membersof all kinds of clubs such as the Fertile Cycle for Arable Farming forsustainable soil and Farmers for Drinking Water for cleaner groundwater andless nitrogen.”

Carla and Erwin are also busy with nitrogen reduction. “Our solution is tofirst pass air from the house through a newly developed air scrubber fromVencomatic. This purified air has 90 percent less nitrogen,” explains Carla.

“Only this method, which has been fully tested in North Brabant, has not yetbeen recognized and guaranteed by the government. They don’t even want to lookat it.”

Last farmer

Carla expresses what many farmers feel. That the government unilaterallydetermines whether a farm fits in an area. She looks at the Natura 2000 areaahead. “Look, Germany is already behind that. According to the nitrogen map,we had to reduce our land partly by 95 percent and partly by 70 percent, eventhough fifty percent of the nitrogen that I am charged with at my companycomes from across the border,” she says. .

RIVM charts show that on average about 40 percent of the nitrogen emissions inSpringendal & Dal van de Mosbeek come from Germany.

“Even if the last farmer leaves the area, we will not reach the standard weneed to achieve. Northeast Twente is at stake. If there are no more farmers,the authentic character of the area will disappear,” concludes Carla .

Response of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

In response to Carla Evers’ claim that the Ministry does not look at theVencomatic air washer, a spokesperson said the following. “The Ministry of LNVis familiar with Vencomatic’s ECO Air Care system. That system is not an’ordinary’ air scrubber, by the way, but a total concept, of which the airscrubber is a part. The expectation is that this system will lead to so-calledsource-oriented emission reduction.”

In this way, livestock farmers must prevent the emission of harmful substancesas much as possible, for example by separating urine and manure under theslatted floor. The ministry refers to the letter to parliament that was senton 25 November. “This subject has the full attention of the Ministry. The 25November letter sets out the policy for promoting innovation in low-emissionhousing systems. Under the previous cabinet, efforts have already been made tosupport livestock farmers who want to invest in innovative, source-orientedsustainability of stables.”

The ministry indicates that on September 26, a subsidy was granted to aninnovation project with the Vencomatic air scrubber. “It is a partnership inwhich the livestock farmer is also involved in the article. In 2022, twoprojects were granted a subsidy to enable further research and development ofthe ECO Air Care system. One project takes place at a company with broilerbreeders and the another project at a broiler farm.”

With regard to a possible recognition and guarantee of the air scrubber, theministry says that measurements of emission reduction are carried out by aresearch organisation. “The measurement results can also be used for possiblerecognition. A request must be submitted to RVO for this. Measurements must bemade during a year, in order to exclude seasonal effects. And measurementsmust be taken at several companies.”

The dangers of jazz, salsa, hip-hop and other world music – Joop

I used to think that culture was the heritage of all mankind. That the bestartists from all disciplines were inspired by their colleagues all over theworld. Think of Dutch poets who have embraced the haiku or painters likePicasso who became indebted to African art more than a century ago. That hasturned out to be a terrible misconception. What appears to be a demonstrationof the essential unity of humanity is in reality nothing more than robbery.This idea has been popular in the United States for some time, but has nowfinally reached the most enlightened minds in the Netherlands. Better latethan never. Lisa Djasmadi explains the real situation on the KnowledgePlatform Inclusive Society. She does this mainly with examples from fashion:white girls who appropriate Afro-American hairstyles, Dutch textilemanufacturers who conquered the West African textile market with batik motifstaken from Java, all money making, all theft of cultural elements for theirown gain. According to Djasmani great restraint is appropriate if one wants tobe inspired by other people’s cultural traditions. You’re so over the limit.The Asian Raisins site takes a more radical stance on this issue. The visionsof Alyssa Lepage are not bad either.

A good example of such cultural appropriation is Anne-Fay Kops, who, accordingto the NRC, has a black mother but white skin. She is therefore white, but hasnevertheless used the black and African part of her family past for aperformance, supposedly to ask for accountability for the colonial past. In aninterview with NRC, she tries to defend herself against the waves of criticismshe received for appropriating black history as a white woman. It even led toloss of friendships. That’s how bean gets his paycheck. Again: I used to thinkthat a performance like Anne-Fay Kops was a great enrichment, but now I knowbetter.

We must all do our part to purify the world’s cultures. It is not too late tosmoke out anyone and everyone who engages in cultural appropriation. Takejazz, for example, which has been spreading around the world with impunity formore than a century now. Or the salsa. Or other forms of world music. Or hip-hop. They are based on cultural appropriation. At the time, African Americanstook musical instruments and musical styles from Europe and mixed them withtheir own rhythms. Initially it was mainly military marches that theyappropriated, but as their dexterity increased, much more was added, evensymphonic music. In the Caribbean this is how rumba, merengue and other stylescame about plus the mix of all of these, salsa. For example, European musicand European instruments were appropriated in order to become rich. And nowlook: this musical cultural appropriation now dominates music in many parts ofthe world. This stealing work has even pushed the original European music anddance completely to the background. Who still does the hakketone and the clogdance in the Netherlands? See how Beyoncé’s outfits, in terms of shape, colorand style, are pulled entirely from Parisian, Roman and London catwalks.

Cultural appropriation drowns out all the original with shrill cries andintense colours. To think I was once tempted to learn salsa steps.

It won’t be easy, but we have to persevere and throw a lot in the culturalgarbage can. A few examples:

That’s the way it’s supposed to be. This is clean. This is the future:

Get rid of the lie that the world’s cultures inspire and enrich each other.For the cultural identity. We were warned just in time.

Postscript: Some people may think that the theorists of culturalappropriation have discovered a new, hitherto unnoticed element of oppressionand subversion. Nothing is less true. Rather, they reinvent a previouslyconstructed wheel, albeit with a variant. In the first half of the lastcentury, extensive warnings were already issued against this phenomenon, oftenwith similar arguments. However, the analysis was partly different: theopponents of cultural appropriation at the time believed that it underminedone’s own culture. The fruits, however, are the same: cultural apartheid. Andit’s about the fruits. For the enthusiasts this fascinating dissertation:Unwanted music

‘At DWDD, success came first. I suspect that this applies more broadly, but on what scale?’

Hello Willem, after the revelations about DWDD you wrote about transgressivebehavior last month NOS Sports. Can you tell us about what you are workingon right now?

‘After the publication about DWDD we received dozens of tips from allcorners of society. Many came from the media world, especially publicbroadcasting, but not only from there. In many workplaces, people feel thatthings are happening that don’t belong.

‘We are now making a selection between all the tips. When you start a newinvestigation, you know that it will take a lot of time to find out properly.That’s why we ask each story if it can add something to the discussion. Bee_DWDD_ for example, was it about the system around it, which allowedmisconduct to take place for fifteen years, at the expense of people.’

So you received a lot of tips from the public broadcaster, what are youcurious about in the research that is currently taking place there?

“That investigation stems from the revelations about DWDD , I am primarilycurious whether the dynamics we saw there also play out elsewhere. Bee _DWDD_success came before everything and managers ignored signals aboutinappropriate behavior in the workplace. The presenter seemed untouchable andwas not corrected. I suspect that this plays a broader role within publicbroadcasting, but on what scale?

‘I am also curious whether the victims will report to the investigators atall, and tell them what they have experienced. There is distrust towards theNPO board, which is also around DWDD played a remarkable role and is nowcommissioning the research. We know of a number of people involved in _DWDD_that they have a problem with. You want it to be an independent investigation,which can also be about the functioning of the NPO.’

In the past year, we have seen more of these types of studies go wrong. Do youalready see a learning curve there, or is it still difficult to do somethinglike this well?

To be honest, I don’t really see it getting any better. It starts withavoiding the appearance of a conflict of interest. Otherwise, a large group ofpotential sources will drop out. That is a risk in the NPO research.

‘In addition, it remains the case that a client can decide for himself whatwill or will not come out of the research, as in the case of former PvdA MPGijs van Dijk, for example. This is a difficult decision in which theinterests of the victim and perpetrator play a role, and often also theprotection of one’s own image. Colleague Ariejan Korteweg wrote an excellentseries of reporters’ columns about it.’

In 2022, much attention will be paid to the role of bystanders and to non-sexually transgressive behaviour. How could the discussion develop in 2023?

‘I think it is good that we continue to discuss what we consider acceptable ornot. This can be about transgressive behaviour, but also, for example, aboutexploitation that employers commit against employees. I wouldn’t be surprisedif more attention is paid to the latter in 2023.

‘Another aspect that has our attention is the settlement agreements and non-disclosure agreements that ensure that abuses remain private. For example, wesuspect that there is quite a lot going on in the Zuidas that we as a societydo not consider normal, but that remains under wraps due to non-disclosureagreements. I find that undesirable: it prevents abuses from coming out.

‘Moreover, you trap people: they can’t open their hearts to anyone. We haveseen several situations where someone gets into huge trouble in this way. Thatis why I would certainly like to focus on the role of the non-disclosureagreement this year.’

What insight about transgressive behavior do you hope will penetrate in 2023?

‘I find the discussion about canceling interesting. In reaction to these kindsof stories, there is always a group of people who think that the articleshould not have been published because a main character is canceled that way.I understand that fear in itself, but I think it is more nuanced, and there isa difference between bringing out an abuse and canceling someone.

‘If someone really loses their stage, I think it is often more due to thereaction of that person than to the publication about their behavior. I thinkthat many Dutch people are forgiving when someone repents, expresses regret tovictims and takes responsibility. But that reflection is often missing.

‘Around the publications DWDD it was visible in a bizarre way. PresenterMatthijs van Nieuwkerk absolutely did not want to talk to us. On the daybefore publication, he eventually wrote several statements, which sounded moreand more regretful. This turned out to be mainly due to pressure from thebroadcaster. Of course, if you’re not sorry, you don’t have to say sorry. Butthen you shouldn’t be surprised if people are done with you for a while.’

Anouk and Emma Heesters: striking duos from Friends of Amstel | Music

Anouk who sings a song by André Hazes with Jeroen van Koningsbrugge andTyphoon who is on stage with Rowwen Hèze. They are not the collaborations youimmediately expect, but we have seen them on the stage of Vrienden van AmstelLIVE for 25 years. This year Anouk went into the studio with Emma Heesters forthe theme song of the concert series.

25 jaar geleden wist niemand nog dat Vrienden van Amstel LIVE zou uitgroeientot zo’n groot evenement. In 1998 begon het als De Heeren van Amstel , eentv-programma dat in verschillende kroegen werd opgenomen. In 1999 werd voorhet eerst een concert in de Rotterdamse Ahoy gegeven. Sindsdien is het eenjaarlijkse traditie waarbij de grootste namen uit de Nederlandsemuziekindustrie samenkomen voor een reeks concerten. Hierbij een greep uit desoms onverwachte samenwerkingen die hieruit voortkomen.

Anouk & Emma Heesters – Met Jou Kan Ik Het Aan

Anouk en Emma Heesters staan dit jaar samen op het podium van Vrienden vanAmstel LIVE en zingen daar het nummer Met Jou Kan Ik Het Aan. Anouk schreefhet nummer over vriendschap en zocht er nog een bijzondere stem bij. Die vondze in Heesters. “In de studio klikte het meteen met Emma. Ze werkt keihard, isniet snel tevreden en heeft echt een ongelofelijke stem die het nummer preciesbracht waar ik naar op zoek was”, vertelt de Haagse zangeres. Heesters: “Toenik door Anouk werd gebeld of ik zin had om samen de studio in te gaan, heb ikmezelf natuurlijk wel even in m’n arm geknepen. We kenden elkaar nog helemaalniet, maar er was meteen een klik.” De artieste omschrijft de plaat als een”heerlijke meezinger”.

Anouk & Jeroen van Koningsbrugge – Een Beetje Verliefd

Anouk wil niet al te vaak op het podium staan, maar dit jaar doet ze toch alvoor de vierde maal mee aan Vrienden van Amstel LIVE. De artieste, die af entoe een uitstapje naar Nederlandstalig maakt, betrad in 2019 het podium om hetAndré Hazes-nummer Een Beetje Verliefd te zingen. Dat deed ze niet alleen,maar samen met Jeroen van Koningsbrugge. Een opvallende keuze, al was het nietde eerste keer dat Anouk het nummer ten gehore bracht. In 2017 zong ze het aleens samen met Peter Beense tijdens Holland zingt Hazes.

Typhoon, Maan, Thomas Acda & Paul de Munnik – Als Ik Je Weer Zie

Het viertal Typhoon, Maan, Thomas Acda en Paul de Munnik reisde naar Amelandaf om daar samen het themalied te maken voor Vrienden van Amstel LIVE 2021.Die editie viel in het water door de coronacrisis, maar online ging de showwél door. Daar was Als Ik Je Weer Zie te horen. Het lied, het eerste nummerin zeven jaar waar Acda en De Munnik samen aan werkten, heeft op Spotifyinmiddels ruim 37 miljoen streams behaald en stond afgelopen editie op nummer763 in de Top 2000.

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Thomas Acda, Kraantje Pappie & Rolf Sanchez – Missing Zou

When I See You Again is not the only song that Thomas Acda wrote especiallyfor Vrienden van Amstel LIVE. The number appeared in 2022 Miss Zou withKraantje Pappie and Rolf Sanchez. That edition of the concert series was alsocanceled in January due to the corona crisis, but was overtaken in April. Acdaand his colleagues traveled to Los Angeles and San Francisco to make the song.Miss Zou is about everything we had to miss in times of corona. The song wasnot such a resounding success as its predecessor, but has now collected morethan 7.5 million streams on Spotify.

Rowwen Hèze & Typhoon – Limburg / Hourglass

Rowwen Hèze and Typhoon are two acts you wouldn’t expect to be on stagetogether anytime soon. The band from Limburg that scored hits in the ninetiesand the 38-year-old rapper from the Veluwe with Surinamese roots makecompletely different music. Nevertheless, they were on stage together in 2017.There they played a mix of Rowwen Hèze’s classic Limburg and _Hourglass,_one of Typhoon’s most famous songs.

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Jan Smit & Marcel Veenendaal – When The Morning Has Come

When the morning has come is a great Dutch sing-along that is well receivedby Friends of Amstel LIVE. The audience present in Ahoy in 2015 was treated toan unexpected version. Jan Smit sang the song together with DI-RECT singerMarcel Veenendaal. That did not mean that Smit’s biggest hit was given a rockjacket; Veenendaal mainly adapted to the style of the singer from Volendam.

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Prince Harry calls William his ‘archnemesis’ in memoir

Prince Harry calls his estranged brother, Prince William, his “archnemesis” inhis new memoir, Save.

That detail, revealed in a preview of his Good Morning America interview, isjust one of several bombshells from the book, which comes out Tuesday. He alsoreportedly claimed that William and Kate Middleton urged him to wear the Nazicostume to a party in 2005 and that William physically attacked him in 2019 ina dispute over Meghan Markle.

In addition to upcoming interviews with Anderson Cooper for 60 Minutes andTom Bradby for ITV in the UK, the British royal sat for an interview with_GMA_ ‘s Michael Strahan, which airs Monday.

“You refer to your brother as your ‘beloved brother’ and ‘archnemesis,'”Strahan asks him in a clip. “Strong words. What did you mean by that?”

“There has always been this competition between us,” replied the younger sonof King Charles and the late Princess Diana. “Weirdly. I think it really playsinto or is played by the heir-spare” relationship, which puts William in linefor the throne after Charles.

During the conversation, Harry told Strahan that he believes sharing “thetruth” is what will eventually bring peace to the fractured relationship hehas with his family.

“Ultimately, what this all comes down to is, I don’t think that we can everhave peace with my family unless the truth is out there,” said Harry, who leftEngland in 2020 and settled in Markle’s home state of California with theirtwo children.

Strahan said he read the book cover to cover and promised jaws will drop whenit is released. “He is not holding anything back,” the co-anchor teased.

This comes amid leaks of the book to the press, including several wildstories. One, published by Page Six, claims that Harry put some of the blamefor the infamous Nazi costume incident on his brother and sister-in-law.Harry, who was 20 at the time, wore the costume, that had a swastika on thearm, to a “Native and Colonial”-theme party, which William also attended.

Story continues

Harry, who publicly apologized for the offensive display at the time andrecently called it “one of the biggest mistakes of my life,” said for thefirst time that his brother and Kate helped him pick the costume. He wasbetween two: a pilot and a Nazi. William wore a homemade lion outfit.

“I phoned Willy and Kate, asked what they thought. Nazi uniform, they said,”Harry wrote. When he went home and tried it on for them, “They both howled.Worse than Willy’s leotard outfit! Way more ridiculous! Which, again, was thepoint.”

The outlet pointed out that royal historian Robert Lacey wrote in a 2020 book_Battle of Brothers_ that the first sign of trouble in the relationshipbetween the siblings came after the costume scandal. While William helpedHarry choose the outfit, Harry didn’t feel any support from his older siblingamid the public outrage about it. It left Harry feeling “alienated” and”resentful.”

meanwhile, The Guardian __ obtained an advanced copy of the book, publishinga story in which Harry claims William physically attacked him in NottinghamCottage, where Harry and Meghan lived as newlyweds.

Harry said William came over to discuss “the whole rolling catastrophe” oftheir relationship. Markle wasn’t present, but she was the topic with Williamreportedly calling his American sister-in-law “difficult,” “rude” and”abrasive.” Harry accused him of “parrot[ing] the press narrative” about the_suits_ actress — and that he expected better. William said he was trying tohelp Harry.

“Are you serious? Help me? Sorry – is that what you call this? Helping me?”Harry replied.

His response angered William, he claimed. He went to the kitchen of the tinycottage — and William followed. He handed his brother a glass of water inhopes of calming him down, saying, “Willy, I can’t speak to you when you’relike this.” He claimed that William set the water down and came at him.

“It all happened so fast,” Harry wrote. “So very fast. He grabbed me by thecollar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor. I landed on thedog’s bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I laythere for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told him to get out.”

William left but came back and apologized. He then asked Harry not to tellMarkle what happened. Harry claimed he didn’t right away, calling histherapist instead. He said Markle later noticed “scrapes and bruises” on hisback, and he told her then of the fight and she was “terribly sad.”

Britain's William, Prince of Wales, Catherine, Princess of Wales, Britain'sPrince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex on the long walk at WindsorCastle, following the passing of Britain's Queen Elizabeth , in Windsor,Britain, September 10, 2022. Chris Jackson/Pool viaREUTERSBritain'sWilliam, Prince of Wales, Catherine, Princess of Wales, Britain's Prince Harryand Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex on the long walk at Windsor Castle,following the passing of Britain's Queen Elizabeth , in Windsor, Britain,September 10, 2022. Chris Jackson/Pool viaREUTERS

Knowing what we know now, this reunion of Prince William and Prince Harryalong with their spouses, after the death of Queen Elizabeth, seems even moreawkward. (Photo: Chris Jackson/Pool via REUTERS)

Harry also recalled a conversation with Charles and William after the funeralof Prince Phillip in April 2021. He claimed his father stood between them,seeing “our flushed faces” amid their tension and estrangement, and told them,”Please, boys. Don’ t make my final years a misery.”

Also among the leaks, the UK tabloid The Sun obtained a Spanish version ofthe book. The outlet claims the dedication shades Charles and William as itsays, “Para Meg, Archie y Lili… y, for supuesto, mi madre” — which translatesto: “For Meg, Archie and Lili … and, of course, my mother.”

Meanwhile, new clips from Bradby’s ITV interview this Sunday with Harry havebeen released. In one, he asked the prince, “Wouldn’t your brother say to you,’Harry, how could you do this to me after everything? After everything we wentthrough?’ Wouldn’t that be what he would say?”

“He would probably say all sorts of different things,” Harry replied.

Bradby also asked, “Some people will say you’ve railed against invasions ofyour privacy all your life and the accusation will be here are you invadingthe privacy of your nearest and dearest without permission.”

Harry replied, “That would be the accusation from people that don’t understandor don’t want to believe that my family have been briefing the press,”referring to his claim that the royal family has fed false stories about himand Markle to the press.

He also said he isn’t sure he’ll attend Charle’s coronation in May — if he’seven invited.

“There’s a lot that can happen between now and then,” Harry said. “But, thedoor is always open. The ball is in their court. There’s a lot to be discussedand I really hope that they’re willing to sit down and talk about it.”

Intercity: Solde y la gestión del éxito repentino de un chico llamado Oriol Soldevila | Deportes

El fútbol llegó casi por accidente a la familia Soldevila. Y ahí también hubouna charla. “Nos gusta tenerlas y si puede ser hasta prepararlas”. Oriol, unestudiante brillante que ha retomado Administración y Dirección de Empresas enla universidad, tuvo que argumentar ante sus padres y su hermana dos añosmayor por qué quería dedicarse profesionalmente al fútbol y cuál era su plansi no lo conseguía. En casa no estaban convencidos de un entorno que lesofrecía una imagen fútil e inhóspita, pleno de hipocresías e intereses, peroen el que también empiezan a descubrir otras caras. Las de Dani Pérez y JuanGimenez and Cornellá. O las de un vestuario cuajado de veteranos que en elIntercity tutela a un chico de 21 años que por maduro que parezca está enplenos descubrimientos personales y profesionales. And esa caseta hasta sietecompañeros de Soldevila pasaron por la Masia. Y la vida les ha mostrado unacara del fútbol diferente a la que ven Nico, Balde, Ansu Fati o Ilaix Moriba,compañeros de Oriol en el Barcelona que ya se han asentado en la élite.“¡Cuánto vas a aprender con nosotros, chavalín!”, le suelen decir, medio enbroma medio en serio.

Por eso en la madrugada alicantina el mensaje del padre al hijo que creíaperder la cabeza fue de orgullo, pero también de crudeza. “Ahora estás aquíarriba, pero mañana ya no lo estás. El domingo vas a jugar al campo delEldense, que es el líder”, le explicó Robert. Un mensaje de audio de surepresentante, Bibian Weggelaar, también apuntó en ese sentido: “Te va allamar mucha gente, tienes que discernir quién te quiere ayudar y quién no. Ytienes que aprenderlo tú. Al final decides tú, como cuando metes los goles”.Pero Robert Soldevila es optimista: “Va a escoger el camino correcto. Lo mejorde Oriol es su inteligencia, en el campo y sobre todo fuera de él. Sabeseleccionar muy bien los amigos y tiene un gran sentido de la solidaridadporque está vinculado a una fundación que trabaja en Uganda. Hacia Africamanda mucho material deportivo”.

Oriol no ha sido titular en lo que va de temporada en el Intercity. Pero esuno de los tres jugadores del equipo que ha jugado todos los partidos de Liga,apenas uno de inicio. And la Copa le han dado más carrete. La cocción de unfutbolista no entiende de uniformidades. “Lo que necesitan es su tiempo yentender que las cosas pasan cuando tienen que suceder”, desgrana JuanGiménez, que incide en la necesidad de prepararse para cuando llegue laoportunidad y saber que no siempre todo sale bien. “Los jóvenes tienen cadavez menos tolerancia a la frustración. Es esencial saber relativizar. En elcaso de Oriol esto que ha pasado es precioso, pero hay que seguir el camino”,completa.

And definitiva, Robert Soldevila alude a la necesidad de que tanto futbolistacomo familia se sostengan sobre la sensibilidad a unos valores. “Esta vezdisfrutamos una alegría, pero el fútbol también nos hace sufrir. ‘Ojalá tehubieses dedicado a estudiar Puentes y Caminos, le digo alguna vez a mi hijo’.Pero si el deporte se enfoca desde la formación veremos su crecimiento”. Ahorael foco alumbrará un tiempo a Oriol, llegará la exigencia y la comparaciónimposible porque no le va a meter tres goles al Barcelona cada vez que juegueun partido. Volverá el banquillo, compañero inseparable en el proceso demaduración de un futbolista. Xemi Fernández es compañero de Soldevila en elIntercity, jugó en la cantera del Cornellá, pasó también por Inglaterra y sesacó la carrera de Medicina, un buen espejo donde mirar el futuro. No hacemucho le hizo una reflexión lapidaria: “Si el entrenador no te pone no esporque seas más malo que un compañero, no puedes pensar que eres peor yhundirte. Es porque el decide”.

The ‘king of classical pop’ is coming to Arnhem: ‘I have a two-generation love affair with the Netherlands’ | Arnhem

InterviewARNHEM – From Prince to Wagner and from Paul Simon to Gluck; for thesecond time singer Rufus Wainwright is collaborating with the classical stringorchestra Amsterdam Sinfonietta. With his latest program, the ‘king of classicpop’ is touring the Netherlands this month, but first he celebrated theholidays in Berlin and on an Austrian track.

It takes quite some effort to get to speak to the singer; an appointment iscanceled due to a delayed flight and the next day a broken phone in his hotelthrows a spanner in the works. He says he’s had a little bit of traveling longdistances.

Yesterday they had five minutes to rehearse for a performance on the radio.Luckily it went well. After all, they are all experienced musicalprofessionals.

How are you now? “Good, I like being back in Europe. It’s nice to see the people of Sinfoniettaagain; that was a while ago. I enjoy working with them. They are very down-to-earth and there is nothing conservative about it. My family and I have a kindof two-generation love affair with the Netherlands; my mother, aunt and sisterperformed a lot, and my father still does.”

Just like in 2017, ‘Devils and Angels’ promises a mix between pop, jazz andclassical. What is it like to sing an aria from an opera? “It is a very challenging concert, let me put it this way. I’m a pop singer,that’s how my voice is trained. But singing opera music is a very goodexercise for the voice. Higher, lower, softer, louder, it makes your voicesupple. My favorite activity is discovering different kinds of music. Forexample, I also wrote two operas. As a composer it is then quite useful to beable to sing the arias yourself while composing.

Only I am and will of course remain a pop singer who also happens to be ableto sing very high and very low. I use a microphone, opera singers don’t. Idon’t have the ‘body’ to sing that loud. I should be trained in that and whyshould I do that?”

Quote >>> I don’t have the ‘body’ to sing that loud>> Rufus Wainwright

You were born in the US, grew up in Montreal, Canada and now you live inthe US again; do you feel more like an american or a canadian? “When I was in the States lived, I wanted to be in Canada and vice versa. Ialways wanted to be somewhere different from where I was. At this point in mylife I feel more American. There is a battle going on in that land betweengood and bad and I am ready to fight for the good.

The US is so powerful; you have no choice, you must join the battle now. It isimpossible not to be involved. I’m not really an activist, but I use my voice.Now, after the midterm elections, things are quiet for a while, but in 2024 atthe new elections I will get involved again. If things go wrong, I will moveback to Canada like crazy.”

Quote >>> I’m not really an activist, but I use my voice>> Rufus Wainwright

What are your plans for the future? “I would like to release an album of French chansons and tour in France oneday; speak French again, sing, eat. I also want to write a musical, forexample. That would fit perfectly into my life now: staying at home more withhusband and twelve-year-old daughter, composing alone and having other peopleperform. No more intercontinental flights.

During the past holidays, I had a nice rest in Berlin with my husband fromGermany. Then we went skiing in Austria. Our daughter was with her mother soit was just the two of us. Old-fashioned romantic. Now I am ready for the tourwith Sinfonietta.”

Rufus Wainwright can be seen together with the Amsterdam Sinfonietta in theParkzaal of Musis Arnhem (January 13), Zwolle (January 16) and Enschede(January 20). More info at sinfonietta.nl.

Amsterdam Sinfonietta

String orchestra Amsterdam Sinfonietta was founded in 1988 and now performsall over the world, with an innovative repertoire. With the annual concertseries Wider than classic the orchestra will collaborate with artists fromoutside the classical world, such as Jonathan Jeremiah, Typhoon and Wende. Atthe beginning of January it will be Rufus Wainwright’s turn for the secondtime, with the classic-popular program Devils and Angels.

Is your favorite music on CD or your phone, but not yet on Spotify? That’s how you solve it

With more than 82 million songs, you secretly expect that every song you wantto listen to is on the streaming service. Yet there are many people who likespecific versions of songs that are not (yet) on Spotify. Think of music froma concert that you can listen to again on a special CD.

The CDs are probably gathering dust in the bookcase at home. A secret functionof Spotify still gives you the option to put these songs on the streamingservice.

Fish local files from the PC

Spotify has a special button called “Local Files” in its settings. When youturn this button on, depending on the device you’re using, you’ll be given theoption to make files from your phone or PC available in Spotify.

On PC, for example, you get an overview of the folders in which Spotify hasfound music. Via the program on the computer you can then choose which folderswith music you want to add to Spotify or not. Now you can easily access yourfavorite songs left in the previous decade through Spotify app on PC.

If the folder with your music does not immediately appear in the Spotifysettings, there is an extra button. You can click on ‘Add a source’. Then youget the option to search for the folder with the music you want to add toSpotify’s ‘Local files’.

Taking your old music on a trip

That does not mean that the music is also immediately available via the app onyour phone. For that you have to take some extra actions. After all, the localfiles that you have added via the PC are not yet on your phone. Fortunately,there is also a solution for this.

If you add all songs from the imported album to a new playlist, you’ve alreadytaken the first step. The second step is to grab your phone and open theSpotify app. Then look for the new playlist containing the songs from theimported album and click on the download icon (a circle with a down arrow).

Then Spotify will make all music from the imported album available on yoursmartphone. The individual songs can therefore also be immediately added toother playlists or your ‘Like’ list. This way you have the numbers with youeverywhere and always when you are traveling.

Transfer music from your phone to Spotify

If you want to add the music that is not on Spotify from your phone, that isalso an option. At the heading ‘Home’ you simply press the gear icon to go tothe settings of the app. Scroll all the way down to the “Local Files” tab.

Again you see a slider to show the audio files from the device. Your phonethen asks if you want to give Spotify permission to, among other things, yourmusic. If you allow it, Spotify can show all audio files from your phone.Under the tab ‘Library’ you will see a folder called ‘Local files’.

You can then easily find all the music that is locally on your phone inSpotify. If you then want to make these songs available on your PC or laptop,you can use the aforementioned method to listen to the local music from yourPC on your phone. The same trick also works the other way around, so youalways have all your favorite songs in Spotify.

When friendship turns out not to be worth that much

After many years, a relationship suddenly falls apart, and the consequencesare heartbreaking for both parties. We have seen and read that story so manytimes that it hardly surprises us anymore. Yet director/screenwriter MartinMcDonagh found an angle in ‘The Banshees of Inisherin’ that is not obvious.What ends up disastrous here is not a romantic relationship but a friendshipbetween two men.

The essence

  • ‘The Banshees of Inisherin’ is the fourth full-length film by theatre-maker/filmmaker Martin McDonagh. * McDonagh rose to world fame with the drama ‘Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri’. * This time, with a mix of drama and humor, he tells the story of a long-standing friendship that suddenly falls apart. * The setting is a fictional Irish island in 1923, with the civil war in the distant background.

For years, Pádraic (role of Colin Farrell) has enjoyed knocking at the door ofColm (Brendan Gleeson) every day at two o’clock every day, going to the pubtogether and spending several hours there with full pints and casual chat. OnInisherin, the (fictitious) island off the Irish west coast where they live,there is not much to do anyway, but Pádraic is quite content with that simplelife.

However, his surprise is great when one day he receives no answer from Colm,even though he sees through the window that the man is indeed at home. “Maybehe doesn’t like you anymore,” Pádraic’s sister Siobhán jokes. Does she knowmuch that she is closer to the truth than she thinks.


The Irish filmmaker Martin McDonagh – he prefers to call himself ‘LondonIrish’, because he was born and raised in the British capital as the son ofIrish parents – wrote a first version of ‘The Banshees of Inisherin’ sevenyears ago. However, he was not satisfied with that. The premise was alreadythat of the final film, but he realized that his script lacked emotionalweight.

Martin McDonagh creates beautiful image compositions, but it’s the poignantemotions and small moments that keep you glued to the screen. “

At 52, McDonagh has made up more than enough stories to know what he needs. Hehas been a celebrated theater maker since he was 24, when he wrote seven playsin ten months. Three years later he was the youngest playwright sinceShakespeare to have four performances in London at the same time. When headded cinema to his oeuvre in 2004, success followed him: his short film ‘SixShooter’ (also with Brendan Gleeson) was immediately good for an Oscar, ‘InBruges’ became a cult film, and ‘Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri ‘earned two of his seven Oscar nominations.

‘The Banshees of Inisherin’ seems to continue on that path, as it receivedboth the award for best actor (Colin Farrell) and best screenplay at theVenice festival. Both awards are fully deserved. Farrell – like the rest ofthe cast for that matter – delivers a lived and variegated performance, whilethe film hides unsuspected depths beneath its seemingly simple surface.

McDonagh creates beautiful compositions for his characters and puts delicious(often witty) dialogues in their mouths, but it’s the harrowing emotions andsmall moments that keep you glued to the screen.

Little civil war

At the end of the ride, ‘The Banshees of Inisherin’ is a story about littlepeople who pull each other down with the best intentions and convinced oftheir greatness. In his own words, McDonagh basically agrees with Colm’svision, which states that as a musician he only has a limited number of yearsleft to be creative and that he would rather not waste it any longer withempty talk.

It is, for example, the reason why the filmmaker wants to focus more on filmthan on theater from now on. On the other hand, you also feel sorry forPádraic, who has to conclude that his cheerful mood and sweet character arenot appreciated. The conclusions he draws from this form the pitch-black edgeof a film that strikes a fine balance between humor and drama.

No doubt it is also why McDonagh sets his story in the early 1920s, when abloody civil war was raging in Ireland. What Colm and Pádraic are experiencingis essentially a small-scale civil war of their own. Their conflict alsostarts for futile reasons and spirals out of control as neither side has thecommon sense to put a stop to it. Sad but true.