Who are the candidates of Wie is de Mol? well exactly?

The new season of ‘Wie is de Mol?’ is about to start, with of course anotherten brand new participants. Some are undoubtedly familiar to you, others youmay not have seen before. We therefore introduce them to you.

Ranomi Kromowidjojo


Ranomi Kromowidjojo

If you say Ranomi, you say Olympic swimming champion. And what kind. She wasthe first woman to swim the 50-meter freestyle short course under 23 seconds.She has since stopped swimming and gives lectures. Nice detail: her husbandFerry Weertman was recently seen in Expedition Robinson , where he made itto the final. Will it also go well for Ranomi in the wind? WIDM?


Also see:

Ferry Weertman: There are no words for this


Jure Happiness


Jure Happiness

Jurre was actually trained as a musical star, but you mainly know him as apresenter. He presents at BNNVARA, among other things Squirt and Swallow and_You Will Have It._


Daniel Verlaan


Daniel Verlaan

Tech journalist Daniël Verlaan is our colleague from RTL Nieuws. He wrote thebook I know your password and made an eponymous podcast and documentary. Thequestion is whether he also knows who the mole is.


Sarah Jenneh


Sarah Jenneh

Parents in particular will recognize Sarah. The singer and actress is one ofthe faces of The core and starred in the children’s movie The Pirates ofNext Door. In addition, she was featured in Sof 3.


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Annick Boer


Annick Boer

Annick has been on stage for 28 years, but is best known to the general publicfor all her characters and parody. For example, she was seen in Tacks,Kanniewaarzijn and The TV Canteen. In the theaters she can be seen with herown cabaret performance and the play Family game.

Nabil AouladAyad

Nabil Aoulad Ayad


Nabil Aoulad Ayad

Nabil is an all-round entertainer. You may know him as an actor, comedian orbeatboxer. He was recently seen in the movie Moroccan Wedding and currentlyhe is touring with his theater show Absurd.

Anne deJong

Anne de Jong


Anne de Jong

You can of course know Anke from RTL Boulevard. As editor-in-chief of _ELLE_we often use her as a fashion expert in our broadcast.

Sandra deKramer

Sandra de Kramer


Sandra de Kramer

As a presenter at KRO-NCRV, Sander makes programs such as The Walk,Inspection Service of Value and The Court of Auditors. He also traveled tovarious war zones for the program Travel Advisory Negative. You can alsoknow it from his books, the most famous of which is From millionaire topaperboy about successful people who ended up on the street due to a fatefulcombination of circumstances.


Soy Crown


Soy Crown

Make Up Your Mind, The Picture Perfect, The Passion and Dance, Dance,Dance: To the delight of his fans, Soy has participated in many programs overthe past few years. Now he adds Who is the mole? to the queue. He was alsoseen as an actor in High flyers and Costa!! and he also presents TheMagic Car and The Faker. Will this all-rounder also be able to expose themole?


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Soy Kroon wins Televizier-Ster Talent: ‘Very cool’

Froukje deBoth

Froukje de Both


Froukje de Both

Does Froukje need an introduction at all? The presenter has been on Dutchtelevision for about 25 years. She started her career as an actress andappeared in Gold Coast and Costa!. She also presented RTL Boulevard for awhile and can now be seen every working day at 5 p.m Own house & garden:Enjoy life on RTL 4.