CES 2023 has a scoop with this special magic TV

Every time you think you’ve seen it all, tech manufacturers manage to surpriseus again. And that certainly applies to this TV: it sticks to walls itself.The Displace TV was proudly presented at CES 2023 in Las Vegas.

The Displace TV is a strong piece of science fiction. This 55” 4K OLED screenis not only very flat anyway, it can even stick to walls.

Displace TV is a surprise at CES 2023

The times of having to deal with wall brackets or wobbly TV furniture arefinally over. You can simply stick this television on your wall (or window).The device uses special ‘vacuum cleaner technology’ for this. Actually, theyshould have called it the Spider-TV.

Displace tv CES2023Stickslike chewing gum. (Image: Displace.tv)

With the self-developed active-loop vacuum technology, the 55-inch screenweighing 9 kilograms can be easily attached to any flat surface. All you haveto do is hold the screen against the surface, after which the technologydetects that you want to hang the TV.

Then the vacuum technology starts automatically and fixes the screen firmly.In addition, the television has two handles so that it is easy to move.

Totally wireless

The Displace TV is literally completely wireless and therefore has no powercable. The TV draws its power from hot-swappable and rechargeable batteriesthat let you watch TV for an average of six hours a day without recharging. Heshould keep that up for a month. This is possible because the ‘heavy work’ isdone by an external module.

With the Displace TV you no longer need to use a remote control to operate thedevice. Instead, you can use hand gestures or your voice to control thetelevision. For example, you can push forward with your hand to play contentor pinch with two hands to zoom in and out.

In addition, multiple displays can be connected to each other. If there areseveral Displace TVs in the room, you can ‘grab’ content and throw it atanother TV to watch there. If there is a Displace TV in another room, thetelevision detects when you move and automatically plays the content in adifferent location.

According to the manufacturers, it is also easy to stick screens next to eachother. In this way, they together form one large screen. During CES 2023, thestart-up will show how you can hang four of these screens next to each otherfor a combined screen diagonal of 110 inches and a resolution of 16K. EachDisplace TV also has a webcam with 4K resolution, which also makes the devicesuitable for video calling.

Pricey and exclusive

The Displace TV can only be ordered through the start-up’s website and isunfortunately only available for the US market at the moment. Only 100 copiesare available and they will not be delivered until December. If you somehowwant to order one or more devices: they are not cheap. One screen costs$2,999.

Of course we will also be present at CES 2023. Check out the latest video of’our’ Mark Hofman here.