Tom Cruise solves another “Mission: Impossible”, and Margot Robbie is Barbie: these 10 films you must see in 2023

The one with … Colin Farrell, Best Actor at the Venice Film Festival.

Short: On the remote Irish island of Inisherin, two soul mates, Pádraicand Colm, go for a Guinness together every afternoon in the local village pub.They talk about small talk and about the composition of the shit of Pádraic’sdonkey. Until Colm, overnight and seemingly for no immediate reason, puts anend to their years of friendship. Hilarious, moving, shocking; this beautifulfilm has it all. And strong acting performances from Brendan Gleeson and ColinFarrell, who may not have won his last award with his trophy for best actor atthe Venice Film Festival.

Release date : January 4, 2023

2. “Babylon” (from Damien Chazelle)

The one with … the glamor couple Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie.

Short: Sometimes the names on the poster of a film are enough to blindlybuy a cinema ticket. “Babylon” is one such. Director Damien Chazelle hasalready delivered a number of top films with “Whiplash”, “First man” and “Lala land”. He even won an Oscar for the latter. And starring Brad Pitt andMargot Robbie is his new qua star quality about to the maximum. Moreover,according to Robbie, the film is quite a spicy thing. “Not the movie you go towith your parents,” she warns. So not to be missed. “Babylon” is aboutHollywood in the 1920s, during the transition from silent movies to movieswith sound.

Release date : January 18, 2023

3. Tar (from Todd Field)

Those in which … Cate Blachett angling for an Oscar.

Short: The fictional story of Lydia Tár, the first female conductor of arenowned German orchestra, whose throne is shaken when rumors of transgressivebehavior haunt her. Todd Field’s first movie in 16 years (from “Littlechildren” and “In the bedroom”). He wrote the story himself, with one actressin mind: Cate Blanchett. A justified choice, because Blanchett is unparalleledin this monumental film about power, corruption and cancel culture. Anyone whowants to win the Oscar for best female lead in 2023 will have to come out ofthe corner to beat her.

Release date : January 25, 2023

4. “Killers of the Flower Moon” (from Martin Scorsese)

Those of … Martin Scorsese, with Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Short: Martin Scorsese is leading us on. His new film was supposed to bereleased on Apple TV+ in December 2022, but it was not ready in time. When?”Within a few months,” Marty said, whatever that means. Some are alreadyspeculating about a world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. Only thenwould he enter the halls and set course for Oscars. “Killers of the FlowerMoon” is about a series of murders among the Osage Indians in the 1920s. Itstars familiar faces such as Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio and JessePlemons.

Release date : “In a few months”

Leonardo DiCaprio in “Killers of the Flower Moon”

5. “Oppenheimer” (from Christopher Nolan)

The one with … Cillian Murphy, the character head from “Peaky Blinders”.

Short : Julius Robert Oppenheimer is sometimes called the inventor of theatomic bomb. During World War II, he spearheaded the Manhattan project, whichdeveloped the technology that led to the first nuclear weapons. “I don’t knowif it’s responsible to design such a weapon, but we don’t have a choice,” hesays in the trailer. Oppenheimer is played by Cillian Murphy, his first majorrole since Thomas Shelby in the TV series “Peaky Blinders”. The rest of thecast is also impressive. And directed by Christopher Nolan, one of the mostexciting filmmakers of his generation.

Release date : July 19, 2023

6. “Barbie” (from Greta Gerwig)

The one with … Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling. And with the clever trailer(be sure to watch, it’s a cool nod to the beginning of “2001: A Space Odysey”)

Short : When the first pictures of the movie “Barbie” appeared lastsummer, social media exploded. Ryan Gosling, as Ken with his platinum blondehair, looked as dazzling as the ravishing Margot Robbie, who slips into therole of the world’s most famous toy doll. In the film, she is expelled fromschool because she is not perfect enough. She leaves Barbieland and embarks onan adventure into the real world, where she discovers that perfection can onlycome from within. But don’t expect a tacky Disney fairytale because GretaGerwig (“Ladybird”, “Little women”) is directing. Relevant stories aboutstrong women are her trademark.

Release date : July 19, 2023

7. “Mission impossible: dead reckoning part one” (by Christopher McQuarrie)

The one with … “Tom Cruise’s most dangerous stunt ever”, according to TomCruise.

Short : Last week he jumped out of one flying machine , to thank hisfans for coming to see “Top gun: Maverick” in such large numbers. Numerous isan understatement. Thirty-six years after the original, the sequel brokerecord after record at the box office. No one saw this crazy success coming,not even Cruise himself. Can the young sixties as Ethan Hunt do his trickagain in the new “Mission: Impossible”? Much is not yet known about theseventh film of the franchise, but one thing is certain: the octane ratingwill be very high. Cruise again did many of the stunts himself, calling one ofthem “the most dangerous stunt we’ve ever done”.

Release date : July 2023

WATCH – The most dangerous stunt in movie history, according to TomCruise:

8. “Will” (from Tim Mielants)

What? The film adaptation of one of the best homegrown books, the besthistorical novel of 2016, dixit The Times.

Short : In “Wil” a lot of talent flows together. Jeroen Olyslaegers’ 2016novel, which explores whether you can be a good person in times of war if youdo what you have to do to survive, was a prize animal. Translated into eightlanguages ​​and even voted best historical novel of the year by The Times atthe time. The director, Tim Mielants, scored internationally with the thirdseason of “Peaky Blinders” and received acclaim for his first feature film “DePatrick”. And going over the stars in the cast is impossible: there are toomany. No wonder Netflix firmly believed in the film adaptation of “Wil”, andput money into it. But there will definitely be a cinema release first.

Release date : autumn 2023

Stef Aerts and Annelore Crollet in “Wil”

9. “Dune: part two” (by Denis Villeneuve)

The one with … Timothée Chalamet and with “more Harkonnen stuff.

Short : **** Should there still be sand? No, two weeks ago TimothéeChalamet posted a message on his Instagram page: “The filming of “Dune: parttwo” has been completed”. Chalamet remains the central figure in the secondpart of this sci-fi desert epic, but his best friend Zendaya (called “mysister” by Chalamet) also takes on a bigger role in this second part. Andother (new) characters also demand attention. Director Denis Villeneuve:”Second part, there will be much more Harkonnen stuff.” Fans know what thatmeans: Vladimir will hold his weight.