Monica Geuze in NOS Journaal, viewers are amazed

The fact that Monica Geuze stops vlogging after eight years also passed on the_NOS News_ from 8 p.m. For minutes attention was paid to the vlogger, whofinds it difficult to keep sharing her whole life with her followers. Someviewers express surprise and wonder: “Cucumber time?”

“There is a good chance that you have never heard of her,” presenter Rob Tripbegan his introduction to the item about Monica Geuze. “She grew into one ofthe most popular vloggers in the Netherlands. She became a phenomenon. And nowshe stops,” said the presenter, after which he switched to a three-minute itemabout the vlogger.

Viewers understand very little of the choice of the NOS to pay attention tothis news. “As long as the news has time to talk about Monica Geuze who stopsvlogging, the problems in the Netherlands are apparently not too bad,” is thetrend on Twitter.

Monica Geuze announces quitting in video

The 27-year-old Geuze is no longer able to “keep all the balls in the air”.She finds it difficult to keep sharing everything. In a YouTube video, whichhas been viewed about 500,000 times after a day, she announced on Monday thatshe would stop. She also said that she and her boyfriend Robbert Kroese, withwhom she had lived together since 2021, have split up.

Geuze had known for a long time that she was going to stop. “I had alreadydecided that towards the end of the year,” she says. “I actually wanted mylast vlog to be something like: I’m going to stop, but I’m going to take youfor another week in all the fun I’m going to do. But it’s not fun right now.It’s just fucking heavy. I regret that.”

NOS Journaal pays attention to quitting vlogger: ‘And this is news?’

Then back to it NOS News from last night. It mainly focused on the role thatMonica Geuze has played in the Dutch social media landscape. “That influencecannot be underestimated,” says social media expert Lena Bril against the_NOS_. Another vlogger also passes by, who says that she and others have beeninspired by the vlogger.

“And this is news?”, viewers wonder. “Cucumber time?” write others who do notunderstand that the NOS dedicates an item to the vlogger, while ‘the worldis on fire’. “Rob Trip who in the Eight o ‘clock news announces an itemabout Monica Geuze. And then find it strange that the NOS is being takenless and less seriously.”

Last year viewers of the news also looked strange. Then suddenly Rob Trip wastalking about Eindhoven by the sea. There was a lot of laughter about themistake.

Now at NOS; vlogger quits.>>> — Arno Wellens (@ArnoWellens) January 3,> 2023

And that’s news? 🤨 That Monica Geuze stops vlogging. Cucumber time?>>> — 🦉Marc🦉 (@snowyowlMarc) January 3,> 2023

Rob Trip announcing an item about Monica Geuze in the Achuurjournaal.>> And then find it strange that the NOS is being taken less and less> seriously. 🤷🏼‍♂️>> — Flint (@flintstoon) January 3,> 2023

Viewers watching the 8 o’clock news> @NOS go googling en masse for> one Monica Geuze, because she seems to have stopped doing something.> Apparently the real news had run out and time had to be full> #nonsense> #laughable>> — Rob de Waard (@Robde Waard) January 3,> 2023

The world is on fire, but the NOS news still finds space to dedicate an> entire item to Monica Geuze.>>> — 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕠 (@MarcoTweetz) January 3,> 2023

How would Rob Trip feel if he had to tell about Monica Geuze during the nos> 8 o’clock news 🥲>> — Berfin (@Berfin_b_K) January 3,> 2023

Celebrities lash out at critical viewers

Incidentally, not everyone agrees with the criticism of Geuze. Where_Telegraph_ journalist Wilson Boldewijn, in a cynical tone, the message of the_NOS_ shares with his Twitter followers, Diederik Jekel hits hard. “Almostexactly as many YouTube subscribers as the Telegraaf.”

If it were to stop, that would also be news, he argues. “I think we both donot watch, but it is news for more than half a million people. The reason forstopping now is also sad for her. So don’t mean that stupidly the__Telegraph , because that is an important news service, more that what seemsnot important to one person, of course, does not have to be so to half amillion others. You can’t objectively pretend she’s nobody or anything.”

Columnist Sander Schimmelpenninck is also critical of the ‘quasi-intellectualbunglers’, who shout ‘Who?’ call. “Monica, self-made millionaire and rolemodel for many, who likes ‘Who?’ call. Not you, Vinex snobs.”

And the quasi-intellectual bunglers here again ‘Who?’ call. Monica, self-> made millionaire and role model for many, who likes ‘Who?’ call. Not you,> Vinex snobs.>> — Sander Schimmelpenninck (@SanderSchimmelp) January 3,> 2023

Almost exactly as many YouTube subscribers as De Telegraaf. And if it> stopped, it would certainly be news too. Don’t think we’re watching either,> but it’s news for over half a million people. The reason for stopping now is> also sad for her.>> — Diederik Jekel (@DiederikJekel) January 3,> 2023

Monica Geuze does not stop completely on social media

Fans of 27-year-old Geuze keep seeing her on social media. Her YouTube accountwill not be closed and she continues to make videos. She just has to figureout what to do with it. She also remains active on Instagram and TikTok.

Eight years ago, Geuze started her daily vlogs, in which she takes the viewerinto her life. A few years later, the influencer decided to turn it into aweekly vlog. Geuze has 545,000 subscribers to its YouTube channel.