Hanne Switten and Laurens Van der Leun got married at the last minute in 2022: “An episode of ‘Blind Married’ convinced me” (Sint-Truiden)

Normally they would get married in the summer of 2022, but in July Hanne andRens welcomed their son Thieu (now 6 months old). So they postponed theirwedding plans. “Because it was all a bit much, we wouldn’t get married untilthe summer of 2023,” says Hanne, who grew up in Guvelingen, Truien. “But whenwe got on TV to Blind Married I thought that was so beautiful and I stillwanted to get married earlier. 2022 was also a very special year for us: inMay we bought my parental home together, our son was born in July… Gettingmarried in the same year would make it perfect. So we planned our wedding onDecember 30th. We thought it was nice that way during the holidays.”

The fact that the World Cup football fell in the winter this year makes itextra romantic for Rens and Hanne. “We met in the summer of 2018, during thebroadcast of the World Cup football match between Belgium and Japanin theCosmocafé in Sint-Truiden,” says Hanne. “I went for a drink with my mom and afriend of hers. Coincidentally, because we don’t normally go out. I was stillstudying law at the time and was only busy with my studies. Rens was also inthe café with his colleagues at the time. Together they followed the match andcelebrated his birthday. I first sat at a table next to an older colleague ofRens, but he moved because he thought I was ‘more like Rens’. That’s how wegot talking. Rens was quite drunk and treated me several times.”

Hanne and Rens got married in the church of Guvelingen, a stone’s throw fromthe house they bought together last year. — © Joseph Croughs

Linked by mom

The two exchanged numbers, but lost track of each other. “Until about a yearlater,” says Hanne. “I went to a cafe with mom again when she suddenly said:’Maybe you should send that Rens a message!’ I did… and he came off too.(laughs) Shortly afterwards we became a couple and Rens actually moved in withus right away. Since my father passed away in 2015, I live in one house withmy mother and brother. My uncle also moved in with us. We all thought that wascool, because there was a kind of father figure again. And since the end of2019, Rens has also been living with us. That all works very well.”

“Although it was hard at first, because I did nothing but study,” Hannecontinues. “A year later, the corona crisis was added to that. But Rens helpedme a lot. He took care of the housework so that I could focus on my lawstudies. My birthday is on January 23, but I was just in a tough exam periodin 2021. That’s why we postponed the party to February 5th. We celebrated withthe whole family and then Rens also asked me to marry him.”

© RR

Cupcakes and chocolate milk

It was no problem for anyone to get married so close to the holidays. “It justworked out well for me,” says Hanne. “I work as a lawyer and our office isclosed during the holidays. Rens, who works as a postman, and the rest of thefamily were also able to make time easily. We kept our party small. We alsowork as a secondary profession as a caterer and see in such large weddingsthat the bridal couple is always very busy. We didn’t want that. But I hadbought a beautiful rug and wanted to show it to everyone. So we invited somefriends and family over and rented a food truck with cupcakes and hotchocolate. Then we went for a nice dinner with our family.”

Rens and Hanne chose the church of Guvelingen as their wedding location. “Thathas a special meaning for us,” says Hanne. “My parental home, where we nowlive together, is near the church. During the corona crisis, we also oftenwent for a walk. When we passed by, I often thought: ‘I would like to getmarried here.’ And voilà, that has now happened. We got married only legally,but still in church. That gives something extra romantic.”