Get the most out of your Google TV app with these 6 handy tips

Google TV bundles streaming services and gives users recommendations on seriesand films that are of interest to them. We explain how you can get the mostout of the app with these five tips for Google TV.

1. Choose your streaming services

Google TV, as you may know, is the successor to Google Play Movies. The mostimportant thing about these apps is that they are completely adapted to themodern age where streaming services take the upper hand over renting or buyingmovies.

To discover recommended films and series in Google TV, you must first setwhich services are represented in the app. We explain how it works:

  • Open Google TV on your phone * Press it profile icon * Choose Manage services * Check the streaming apps for which you want to see recommendations * End with Finished

It is a pity that a popular app like Netflix is ​​not yet available in theGoogle TV app on phones, while Netflix does work on the Google TV software forsmart TVs. It is also not known when this situation will change.

2. Train the algorithm

Still, we can expect Netflix support to come sooner or later. So if you are abig Netflix fan, it may be interesting to already use Google TV to train thealgorithms for the recommendations.

Every time you stream a movie or series or choose to ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike’, theapp draws conclusions from that. For example, if you watch a lot of Marvelseries on Disney+ and like them, you can expect more recommendations fromMarvel content and superhero series in the future. You will also see similarcontent from streaming services other than Disney +.

3. Cast directly

One of the newest features in the Google TV app is the cast function.Previously, you could stream content on your phone or tablet, and thenpossibly cast it on your television from the Disney + or Prime Video app. Nowyou don’t have to leave the Google TV app for that. The cast icon can be seenas soon as you tap on a movie or series in Google TV.

Get the most out of your Google TV app with these 6 helpfultips

4. Use the Watchlist

The Google TV watchlist can serve as a source of inspiration for times whenyou’re looking for something new to watch. Whenever you come across somethingnice, but you can’t watch the movie or series right away, you add it to thewatch list. You can do this easily via the ‘Watch list’ button.

Afterwards you will find all the content of your ‘Watchlist’ in the Watchlisttab. There are also handy filters that allow you to choose between films andseries, for example. If you happen to have a Chromecast with Google TV or asmart TV that already has the software as standard, you can also find the sameviewing list on your television.

Get the most out of your Google TV app with these 6 helpfultips

5. Think of the virtual remote control

By the way, if you have a Google TV or Android TV – discover the differenceshere – you can use your phone as a remote control. A virtual remote control isbuilt into the Google TV app. To use it, tap TV remote control at the bottomright of the app. Then tap the name of your smart TV to connect it and confirmby entering a number code.

Then you see a simple remote with navigation arrows, a back button, volumebuttons, a power button and a button for the Google Assistant. Everything youneed. If you have several televisions in your house, you can switch betweenyour TVs at the top of the remote control by tapping the correct name of thedevice.

Get the most out of your Google TV app with these 6 helpfultips

6. Buy or rent movies

Did you enjoy using the Google Play Movies app to occasionally buy or rentmovies? You can still find those functions in Google TV with the ‘Shopping’tab. You will always discover the necessary information about the series orfilm and a review from Rotten Tomatoes will also appear. When you buysomething, you pay via the payment method you have set up in the Google PlayStore.

What do you think of the Google TV app? Do you use them often, or will you doso more often after reading these tips? You may not find the app very usefulat all as long as Netflix doesn ‘t work. Let us know in the comments.

Whoopi Goldberg apologizes after latest Holocaust comments spark backlash

Whoopi Goldberg clarified her remarks about race and the Holocaust, issuing anapology on Tuesday for reigniting the controversy in a recent interview.

Goldberg was suspended from The View earlier this year when she declared theHolocaust was “not about race,” but about “white supremacy” and “man’sinhumanity to man.” The Oscar winner captured headlines over the weekend asshe seemingly tripled down on her stance speaking with The Sunday Times _._However, Goldberg insists that’s with what she meant.

“Recently while doing press in London, I was asked about my comments fromearlier this year. I tried to convey to the reporter what I had said and why,and attempted to recount that time,” she says in a statement to YahooEntertainment. “It was never my intention to appear as if I was doubling downon hurtful comments, especially after talking with and hearing people likerabbis and old and new friends weighing in. I’m still learning a lot andbelieve me, I heard everything everyone said to me.”

Goldberg continues: “I believe that the Holocaust was about race, and I amstill as sorry now as I was then that I upset, hurt and angered people. Mysincere apologies again, especially to everyone who thought this was a freshrehash of the subject. I promise it was not. In this time of rising anti-Semitism, I want to be very clear when I say that I always stood with theJewish people and always will. My support for them has not wavered and neverwill.”

The actress first drew criticism on a Jan. 31 episode or The View when shesaid the Holocaust was not about race. In an attempt to do damage control thefollowing day on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert , Goldberg essentiallydoubled down on her stance. She was suspended from the ABC talk show for twoweeks.

While promoting Till in London, Goldberg opened up about the scandal.

“My best friend said, ‘Not for nothing is there no box on the census for theJewish race. So that leads me to believe that we’re probably not a race,'” sheexplained in the interview, which was published during Hanukkah .

Story continues

When the interviewer noted how the Nazis made racial laws aimed specificallyat Jews, Goldberg said the Holocaust “wasn’t originally” about race.

“Remember who they were killing first. They were not killing racial; they werekilling physical. They were killing people they considered to be mentallydefective. And then they made this decision,” she stated.

Goldberg was confronted with the fact Nazis measured the heads and noses ofJewish people to “prove” they were a distinct race.

“They did that to Black people, too. But it doesn’t change the fact that youcould not tell a Jew on a street. You could find me. You couldn’t find them.That was the point I was making. But you would have thought that I’d taken abig old stinky dump on the table, butt naked,” she replied.

The interviewer for The Sunday Times wrote that Goldberg “even now does notunderstand why her remarks offended. She insists Jewish people themselves aredivided about whether they are a race or a religion.”

Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League who spoke withGoldberg amid backlash earlier this year, condemned her comments after theinterview was published.

“Whoopi Goldberg’s comments about the Holocaust and race are deeply offensiveand incredibly disappointing, especially given that this is not the first timeshe had made remarks like this,” he said in a statement. “In a moment whenantisemitic incidents have surged across the US, she should realize thatmaking such ignorant statements can have real consequences.”

Greenblatt called on Goldberg to address her comments and issue a mea culpa:”Whoopi needs to apologize to the Jewish community immediately and actuallycommit to educating herself on the true nature of antisemitism and how it wasthe driving force behind the systemic slaughter of millions. She shouldn’t doit for the ratings — she should do it simply because it’s the right thing todo. Failure to address the issue would raise serious questions about hersincerity and solidarity with her Jewish viewers and all those who experiencehate.”

MORE: Whoopi Goldberg draws backlash (again) for Holocaust comments

El dependiente que cenaba cada semana en casa del fichaje estrella del Celta | Es LaLiga

Mi relación con el fútbol cambió hace más de 20 años. Soy aficionado del RCCelta y no me perdía casi ningún partido en el estadio ABANCA Balaídos. Salvocuando el horario coincidía con mi trabajo como dependiente en una tienda deropa. Un día, en agosto de 1996, entró por la puerta del local una cara que meresultó familiar: el futbolista israelí Haim Revivo. Acababa de fichar por elCelta y apenas llevaba unos días en Vigo. Le reconocí por las fotos quesalieron en la prensa local, pero no terminaba de creer que lo tuviera tancerca. Él no tenia ni idea de español y yo sabía un poco de inglés. Así que mepidió ayuda para encontrar la talla adecuada para unos pantalones. Tuvimosbuena química y me pidió mi número de teléfono para que le recomendaserestaurantes y zonas que visitar en Galicia. Gracias a eso fuimos cogiendoconfianza y me convertí en amigo de uno de los cracs de uno de los grandesCeltas de la historia. Aquellos años, el equipo siempre quedaba entre los diezprimeros clasificados en LaLiga Santander.

Carlos Sánchez, en el centro, junto a los exfutbolistas del RC Celta JaviGonzález (izda.) y Haim Revivo (dcha.)cedida

Terminé yendo a su casa prácticamente cada viernes -siempre que no hubierapartido el día siguiente- para festejar con ellos el sabbat, como marca latradición judía. No es habitual que en estas cenas haya invitados que noprofesan esa religión. En mi caso, tuve la suerte de que Revivo me consideróun amigo prácticamente desde que nos conocimos y eso fue definitivo para queme acogiese en su casa. Sentia que yo era uno más de su equipo. La únicacondición era seguir el rito. Me colocaba la kipá, un pequeño gorro que marcael respeto de los hombres a Dios. Luego oraban y repartían un trozo de pan,primero a los hombres y después a los niños y mujeres. Dábamos un sorbo,siguiendo ese orden, y ya podíamos comenzar a comer. Sagit, su mujer, era unaexcelente cocinera que nos deleitaba con un menú repletó de manjares. Nuncafaltó el humus, que era mi plato favorito de todos los que nos ofrecían. Porsi fuera poco, no solo cenaba con Revivo: algunas veces venían Mostovói,Karpin… Cuando me quise dar cuenta, ya era uno más en las conversaciones delos jugadores de uno de los grandes Celtas de la historia. Yo, que jamás le hedado una patada a un balón como profesional, sigo sin poder creer que todoesto ocurriera incluso aunque hayan pasado más de dos décadas.

Carlos Sánchez posa con algunas de las camisetas que le regaló elexfutbolista israelí del RC Celta, HaimRevivo.CarlosSánchez posa con algunas de las camisetas que le regaló el exfutbolistaisraelí del RC Celta, Haim Revivo.cedida

Llegué incluso a fundar, junto a mi hermano José Manuel, también aficionadodel Celta, una peña en honor al israelí, Lo+Revigo, un juego de palabras entresu nombre y Lo+Replus una de las secciones de El dia despues , el programade fútbol de Canal+. Quedense con este nombre. Como yo le había ayudado aadaptarse a España, Revivo me correspondía con entradas para ir al estadio.


Descubre los 50 mejores relatos de 2022

Conservo muchos recuerdos inolvidables. Pero, sin duda, hay uno que se mequedo grabado. Y digo literalmente, porque salió en la televisión. Fue en unpartido contra el FC Barcelona de LaLiga Santander. Unos días antes, le habíaregalado a Haim una camiseta serigrafiada en la que se podía leather Lo+Revigojunto a la bandera de la ciudad. Él se la puso debajo y, cuando marcó elprimer tanto contra el Barça (ese partido quedó 3 a 1 para el Celta) selevantó la elástica celeste. Yo no daba credito: ahí estaba mi regalo. Revivo,por su parte, estaba señalando hacia la zona del campo en la que yo meencontraba. Creo que pocos aficionados pueden decir que uno de sus ídolos lesdedicó un gol… con algo que previamente le hayan regalado.

Photo dedicada por Haim Revivo a Carlos Sánchez en la que el futbolistacelebra un gol al Barça mostrando la camiseta de la peña que en su honor creóSánchez.Photodedicada por Haim Revivo a Carlos Sánchez en la que el futbolista celebra ungol al Barça mostrando la camiseta de la peña que en su honor creóSánchez.cedida

Revivo dejó el Celta en el 2000. Tras pasar unos años en Turquía, volvió aIsrael para retirarse allí en 2004. Seguimos manteniendo el contacto porInstagram, pero llevamos unos años sin vernos. No obstante, cada vez que havuelto a Vigo me ha escrito y nos hemos visto. Como la última vez, en 2017,que vino para jugar un partido de leyendas del club. Me hizo mucha ilusiónvolver a verle y poder sentirme, como hace 20 años, como si yo también fuerauna leyenda celtista.

Benoit Black and top series call the shots

It’s pushing to the top of the list of most popular titles on Netflix. Thereare weeks when you are looking forward to one top series or great movie. It’sdifferent around the holidays. Netflix overloads us with new content that wecan use for the coming period.

Big Christmas hit

In recent years, Netflix has released one major movie around the holidays.This was not always a resounding success, but this time it clearly was. Thesecond part of Knives Out, aka Glass Onion, has been very well received. Thiswas already the case in the United States when there was a short cinemarelease and the film was also viewed en masse during the Christmas weekend.

Made free fall

For example, Emily in Paris has to do it with a second place, ahead of formernumber one The Recruit. There are of course also a lot of Christmas movies inthe list of which The Grinch is the most watched. Striking is the free fallthat Harry & Meghan has made. The prequel to The Witcher and Matilda are stillon Netflix for a short time, so these titles are still relatively low in thelist. A significant increase in the next update is likely.

Buzz around titles

Every Tuesday we bring you the 20 most popular titles of the week. We admitright away, the list below is no rocket science. Just like lists are of coursealways subject to discussion. Due to the search behavior of visitors to oursite, the buzz surrounding titles on social media, the attention that titlesgenerate in the media, the daily top 10 that Netflix displays and the (amountof) figures that are handed out on rating sites such as IMDb, a very goodpicture.

In addition, Netflix now provides a daily top 10. This list fluctuatesextremely, because it only gives a very global picture. This is because itonly concerns two minutes of each title, which only reflects the number ofviewers and not so much the popularity. Still, it is an extra shred ofinformation for an accurate list.

The 20 most popular titles at the moment:

  1. Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (new) * World-renowned detective Benoit Blanc travels to Greece to unravel a mystery involving a billionaire and his motley crew of friends. 2. Emily in Paris (new) * Chicago marketing director Emily Cooper finds her dream job in Paris and embarks on a new adventure, trying to balance work, friends and love. 3. The Recruit (-2) * A young CIA lawyer is thrust headlong into the dangerous world of international espionage when a former asset threatens to reveal secrets to the agency. 4. The Grinch (new) * A grumpy butt with mean tendencies wants to stop Christmas in the cheerful town of Woestad. But maybe a little generous girl can change his mind. 5. Wednesday (-2) * Wednesday Addams is smart, sarcastic and a little dead inside. She investigates an already murdered while making new friends at Nevermore Academy. 6. Alice in Borderland (new) * An aimless gamer and his two friends find themselves in a parallel version of Tokyo, where they must compete in a series of sadistic games for survival. 7. Julesstorm (-2) * Destinies cross when travelers and employees become trapped in an airport and forced to spend the final hours before Christmas together. 8. Lakeview Terrace (new) * This suspenseful thriller follows the Mattsons who move into their dream home in Los Angeles, only to be harassed by their next-door neighbor. 9. I Believe in Santa (-5) * After five happy months with Tom, Lisa is shocked to find that he is obsessed with her least favorite holiday. Can she give Christmas one more chance? 10. Harry & Megan (-8) * This six-part documentary series shows the fragile side of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship, from their first crush to the day they decided to leave the British royal family. The series features interviews with friends and family, and historians and journalists who explain the media’s role in it all. 11. The Blacklist (-4) * A brilliant fugitive offers to help the FBI catch other bad guys, but only if new profiler Elizabeth works closely with him. Of course he works with a double agenda… 12. The Witcher: Blood Origin (new) * More than a thousand years before the events of The Witcher, seven outcasts in an elven world join in a bloody battle against an unstoppable force. 13. Too Hot to Handle (-7) * Handsome bachelors meet on the shores of paradise. But to win the grand prize of $100,000, they’ll have to give up sex. These are the contestants of Season 4! 14. Firefly Lane (-5) * Forty-something Tully and Kate are best friends who have supported each other through thick and thin since their teenage years. They don’t let anything or anyone come between them. 15. Roald Dahl ‘s Mathilda: the Musical (new) * A girl with a sharp mind and a vivid imagination dares to stand up for herself and miraculously changes her life story. Meet Mathilda. 16. A Christmas Miracle for Daisy (-4) * Interior designer Whitney gets a surprise for Christmas: her new client turns out to be her ex. His daughter has a mother on her wish list. 17. sonic prime (-3) * When an explosive battle with Dr. Eggman shatters the universe, Sonic races through parallel dimensions to find his friends and save the world together. 18. I Am a Killer (new) * In this documentary, death row inmates tell from their own perspective about the murders they committed. 19. The Crown (new) * The Crown is now in its fifth season. The 1990s have arrived, in which the British royal family is coming under increasing pressure. Especially when the crown prince also divorces Princess Diana. 20. Manifesto (-6) * When a plane makes a mysterious landing years after takeoff, the passengers enter a world that has changed completely and contains strange new realities.

Refrigerator Mass is Checkout may open for 1 count, but Gillis wants Christmas park

That Peter Gillis from the reality soap Mass is Cash likes to keep an eye onthe little ones, viewers have been watching for quite a few years. With thecurrent energy crisis, this is certainly the case at holiday parks and in thehome. But not either, it turned out last night during a special Christmasbroadcast.

Nearly half a million viewers tuned in to the holiday park millionaires_Christmas with the Gillis Massa family is Kassa_. On Christmas Eve, theMeiland family showed all the fun (and a lot of screaming) on ​​a cruise shipon SBS6. The Gillisjes took us to a not-too-prosperous Christmas market inEssen, Germany. Voice-over Frank Lammers agreed more than once that ‘not tooflourishing’.

Morning trouble in Massa is Kassa

The same Lammers took the binoculars at the start of Mass is Cash back totwo weeks ago. Back then it was mainly about energy and sky-high bills.According to Peter Gillis himself, he has tapped 2.5 million euros more thanusual in the past holiday season when it comes to bills for gas andelectricity. “We are in Casa Gillis,” says Lammers. “It looks pretty normalnow. The boss is exhausted, nobody really knows what.” “Nicolleke, I wouldlike a cup of coffee. And a breakfast,” says the Mass is Cash -man. So fareverything normal.

Mass is Kassa Nicol Peter GillisChristmasPeter Gillis and Nicol, completely in thespirit of Christmas. Screenshot: SBS6 / Mass is Kassa

But that leaves millionaire girlfriend Nicol Kremers the tap open. “Nicol, becareful with water!”, it sounds from the living room. This lady’s look speaksvolumes. “We have to watch the little ones,” Gillis continues. The tapcontinues. “Nicol, shut off the tap!” While his Nicolleke is spreading thesandwiches, the refrigerator door is open. Anyway, about a second or three.“Are you cold??” asks the smearing lady of the house in surprise. “Yes, thefridge is open”, is the save energy response. Now the viewer knows Nicol fromall kinds of antics (from releasing dog Coco in a chicken coop to yoga anddance lessons for the same little four-legged friend), but her reaction lastnight seems the only normal one: “Stop it. Who’s making a fool of himselfhere?”

I watch this with my mind and I don’t understand why you give this family a> stage 🤷🏽 ♀️😅 but I must be the only one who suffers from vicarious shame> #mass cash> register>> — Maria✨ (@x_mariaxx) December 26,> 2022

Christmas park in front of the Gillis family

Why we from this scene Mass is Cash have highlighted? Because Peter Gillisthen starts talking about ‘the last Christmas here’. The couple is moving to amillion-dollar castle, so the boss wants to go all out with the annualChristmas park (“atmosphere and experience!”) in front of the door. “For allfans and for the neighborhood.” According to their own words, 100,000 peoplewere in the brightly lit last year Mass is Cash garden to take a look. “Itreally has to be a closing of this house.” “Who is going to carry it outthen?” is Nicol’s justified question. Peter Gillis: “Well, not me.” Nicolagain: “Ah, I thought.” Gillis: „I think us Mark and Ruud. It must be aChristmas square, grand!”

Peter Gillis himself states that he is extremely busy. As Frank Lammers said:no one knows with what. Perhaps by making statements to the police or to thetax authorities, we leave it in the middle. Markie Parkie and Ruud van de punsare already hurrying All I Want For Christmas singing to dad dear to hearwhat the intention is. And that’s not just anything. The plan is more lightsthan ever and an entire skating rink in the garden. Ruud is there again likethe chickens: “Then you are on thin ice. But I also think it’s cool,literally.”

Mass is cash register… but the cash register is empty

It must be said: there will be in the Mass is Cash -Christmas garden onlyLED lighting and the ice rink is ultimately not made of ice but of plasticplates. Furthermore, with a barrel organ, snow blowers and a huge video wallon the house, it has become an energy guzzler of I have you there. So a lot ofmass (it looks nice, it must be said), but in this case little cash register.

On Twitter, it went back to the old-fashioned way about the Gillis family.Special: especially because of many people who do watch and report ‘not likingit’. Well. Some reactions:

#mass cash> register> i’m watching..🙄.don’t understand why i’m watching this🤔who’s watching who🤔>> — DvK (@Door17832584) December 26,> 2022

#mass cash> register> Nelis can go with Johnny in the cabinet of curiosities 😂 Nelis is there to> see if there’s a Spanish case of beer 🍺 in his aim! hiccup 🎄🎅🏻>>> — Arjan van den Berg (@ArjanZevenaar) December 26,> 2022

100,000 people come to that fake skating rink? #mass cash> register>>> — Elly van Asperen (@EllyDriebergen) December 26,> 2022

I think that Peter Gillis wants to go big for Christmas! 😉#mass cash> register>>> — ⚒Jo van der Heijden⚒ (@WHUFC_Helmond) December 26,> 2022

Do you want to watch Massa is Kassa again? You can do this via

The ‘Top 2000 a gogo’ should not have held on half-heartedly to previous years

Would the name of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk still be mentioned at the Top 2000 agogo , and would the annual music program between Boxing Day and New Year’sEve still be fun? Those were the questions that hung in the TV air on BoxingDay. The NTR seemed to have little confidence in it beforehand. After Hermanvan der Zandt was flown in to replace Van Nieuwkerk, who had been accused ofmisconduct, the NTR decided not to broadcast the result on prime time, butafter the well-intentioned Christmas Music Gala 2022 full of children andfamous artists.

The answer to the questions about the Top 2000 a gogo is twice no. For thetime being, the program is less fun and the name Van Nieuwkerk was notmentioned. Van der Zandt did start with the announcement: „It is all a bitdifferent this year than usual. The cafe looks the same, but some things havechanged.” And that was not just about the absence of the familiar presenter.Yes, the setup of this one Top 2000 a gogo seemed the same, still in a cafe,with music blocks and the mini documentaries – they were always the best partof the program, and they still were. Not much was left of the quiz, and the”special encounters” mainly testified to a lot of fandom from a distance.Guests with main character vibes were not held tight. Barwoman Monica had nosignificant role, the public was no longer asked about the best song of alltime and the ‘list pusher’ had also disappeared. What was there? Manyanecdotes that had little to do with music, a bigger role for Blokhuis, whowas not a sidekick but Van der Zandt’s duo presenter. He packaged his musiclectures in the form of a conversation, which therefore did not become aconversation.

Of course it took both gentlemen to get used to their new role, but now youhad the feeling that the program could have been radically overhauled (therewere plenty of items that were never fun) instead of half-baked sticking tothe concepts of the previous years. The lack of curiosity and admiration madeitself felt.

Damaged self image

However, the boundaries between failure and success, fear and future, promiseand reality are great, is the lesson that can also be learned from thefantastic documentary series Trappers. In this we follow employees of theStichting Fietskoerier Amsterdam. They are filmed in a Bert Haanstra-likemanner, cycling through Amsterdam, we hear a voice-over talking about thecyclists. They all struggle to find their role in life. There is Nanne who isprobably the oldest bicycle courier in Amsterdam and who sometimes gets theidea that he is a failure. There’s Stanley who runs the company without reallyhaving a clue about how to run a company. At the age of eleven he fell from amango tree in Suriname, after which he lost both lower legs.

The most tragic figure is the young Rolf, a dropped law student withsuccessful parents in the Gooi. Every weekend he goes to his parents’ house,where he is invariably told that he has to do something with his life. Rolfknows that too. However, the thought that what he does has repeatedly ended indisappointment and that he is not worth the effort as a person hinders him ineverything. “I’m on your feet,” he says to his father when Rolf comes up witha new plan for the future. His father – who is greatly admired by Rolf – doesnot deny it. It’s a stab in your heart. The sensitive boy with extreme fear offailure, also a fanatical reader of Russian classics and poetry, wish you somuch more happiness and, above all, self-confidence.

Who is curious about the consequences of fear and a damaged self-image: notthe continuation of the Top 2000 a gogo has the answer, but Trappers whichis just like the Top 2000 a gogo can be seen all week.

‘It Could Happen to Anyone’

Throughout her decades-long career, Ashanti has scored chart-topping singles,a Grammy Award and her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame — but notwithout enduring quite a bit of music industry drama along the way.

“Honestly, I’m not sure if another artist would be able to deal with what I’vedealt with,” the R&B icon tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue, opening up aboutthe highs and lows she’s endured since hitting the scene more than 20 yearsago.

Growing up in Long Island, New York, the daughter of mom Tina Douglas (herlongtime manager) and dad Ken-Kaide Douglas, Ashanti discovered her voice atage 12 by singing Mary J. Blige’s “Reminisce” for her parents, who startedtaking her to local singing competitions — which she often won. After twounsuccessful record deals as a teenager, she signed to music executive IrvGotti’s record label Murder Inc. in 2002 and quickly shot to fame with No. 1hits like “Always on Time” and “Foolish.”

“It was a little bit of a shock from just having a regular life to tree butit was a blessing,” says the 42-year-old singer-songwriter, whose self-titleddebut album sold nearly 505,000 copies in one week upon its release in 2002.”When it did pop off for me, it really popped off.”

RELATED: Ashanti Says She and Ex Nelly Are ‘In a Better Place’ After> Tension: ‘We’re Cool Now’

Murder Inc.’s only female R&B artist at the time, Ashanti often found herselfworking in rooms as the only woman among male rappers and hip-hop artists. “Iwas always a tomboy, so I felt right at home with a bunch of big brothers,”she recalls, noting that the landscape came with its challenges, which shewelcomed. “If there was a beat I wanted, and another rapper on the labelwanted, we would have to battle it out, and whoever wrote the best record gotthe beat. So, it made me stronger.”

Story continues

Throughout the early 2000s, she would also find herself compared to otherwomen in R&B by fans and media outlets alike. While certain headlines stillstick out today — “The Solo Beyoncé: She’s No Ashanti,” wrote The New YorkTimes in 2003 — Ashanti says there were never any issues between the genre’swomen behind the scenes.

“Reading [that headline], I was just like, ‘What’s going on? We’re cool,'” shesays. “Both of us, being young females that are following our dreams and doingwhat we loved, we were both happy for each other. It was never beef ortension.”

Ashanti during WBLI Summer Jam 2002 - Show at Jones Beach Theater inWantagh, New York, United States.  (Photo byKMazur/WireImage)Ashantiduring WBLI Summer Jam 2002 - Show at Jones Beach Theater in Wantagh, NewYork, United States.  (Photo byKMazur/WireImage)

Ashanti during WBLI Summer Jam 2002 – Show at Jones Beach Theater in Wantagh,New York, United States. (Photo by KMazur/WireImage)

KMazur/WireImage Ashanti

RELATED: Ashanti Celebrates Her ‘Unique’ Name with New Kids’ Book andTalks About Plans to Have Kids ‘Soon’

Having her mom and close-knit collaborators like Fat Joe, Ja Rule and Gotti inher corner helped protect Ashanti from the dark sides of the music industryfor a while. After a couple more albums and hit songs, however, the recordlabel was accused of laundering drug money by federal agents in 2003 and wentto trial over the matter through 2005. (Gotti, 52, and Murder Inc. co-founder,his brother Chris, were eventually acquitted of all counts.)

Throughout the trial, Ashanti looked to remain “loyal” to her “family” ofcolleagues and accompanied them to court — all while losing business due toher affiliation with the group. “A lot of things got pulled from under meright when I was continuing to soar,” she says.

Around the same time, Ashanti began dating rapper Nelly and ventured intoacting with films including 2006’s John Tucker Must Die. Her connection toGotti soured, which he’s since claimed was partially the result of a romanticrelationship between them abruptly ending — allegations she denies, statingthere was no relationship. “I had love for Irv,” she explains. “We had oursituation, but I think he blew it out of proportion.”

RELATED: Fat Joe Was Asked If He Had Slept with Ashanti After He> Defended Her from Irv Gotti Jab

Murder Inc. was in flux around the release of Ashanti’s fifth album TheDeclaration in 2008, and she soon exited the collective. Then, she took abreak from music and focused on acting, starring as Dorothy in _The Wiz_onstage in NYC in 2009. “It wasn’t a choice,” she says. “It was something thatneeded to happen because of everything that was going on.”

She then returned to music on her own terms, launched an independent labelcalled Written Entertainment and released her sixth album, 2014’s_Braveheart_. Removing herself from Gotti’s “control,” she speculates, led himto continue speaking negatively about her in public — through today. “I thinkhe began to get really bitter,” says Ashanti. “As a man, sometimes you gethurt. Usually you move on, but some guys aren’t able to.”

Braveheart debuted in the Billboard 200’s top 10 — an impressive feat foran independent artist. But behind the scenes, she faced other difficulties.Recently, she spoke in-depth about experiencing sexual harassment at the handsof a close-knit male music producer, with whom she created two songs.Initially, he offered her the tracks for free, before walking back on his wordand giving her an ultimatum: shower with him or pay $40,000 for each song.

Ashanti at the United Nations, New York City, New York, April 30,2019Ashantiat the United Nations, New York City, New York, April 30,2019

Ashanti at the United Nations, New York City, New York, April 30, 2019

EuropaNewswire/Gado/Getty Ashanti

RELATED: Ashanti Says a Music Producer Asked Her to Shower with Him — orPay $80K for Songs They Created

“I really, sincerely thought he was joking. You can feel like someone’s cool,and in the back of their mind, they have an ulterior motive,” she says, hopingthat sharing the story inspires other women in the music industry to remaincareful before trusting collaborators. “Things like that can happen toAshanti, so it can happen to anyone — and I’ve heard worse stories.”

Despite the hardships, Ashanti has prevailed. In recent years, she’sconsistently released music (with a brand-new album in the works), actedonscreen in projects including VH1’s _A New Diva ‘s Christmas Carol _andperformed her catalog to global audiences of thousands. “I just played showsin Australia, New Zealand and Dubai,” she says. “I held out the mic, and thecrowd screamed ‘Foolish’ at the top of their lungs. That’s an incrediblefeeling after 20 years.”

She’s also working on taking her career further into her own hands with aforthcoming documentary about her life and artistry as well as a re-recordedversion of her debut album — which she, rather than Murder Inc., will fullyown upon its release. “Hopefully, this inspires artists to know, at the end ofthe day, it’s so important to own your creativity,” she says.

‘Bizarre year’ couldn’t have been better for Dirkjan and his ‘golden’ Irene

Based on remarkable stories, we look back at the year 2022 with the WestFrisian editors. What stood out and how are the protagonists doing now? Todaywe look back with Dirkjan Mak, the husband of three-time Olympic championIrene Schouten.

While his brand new wife Irene recovers from yet another World Cup victory inCalgary, Canada, Dirkjan is already busy. The carpenter and his colleague areworking on an extension in Bangert Oosterpolder in Zwaag. Two separate worlds,thousands of miles apart. They are used to it by now.

So it was in February, during the Olympic Games in Beijing. Forced. The strictcorona measures prevented Mak’s support in China. “While during the previousGames I had said: ‘I’ll definitely be there next time’. I tried everything,but it just didn’t work.”


So also then separate worlds. Irene in Beijing on the hunt for world fame,Dirkjan in a packed café in Wervershoof. Just before the start of the Games,he accompanied her skating team to a training camp. Shielded from the rest ofthe world, in order to limit the risk of a positive corona test. “Very specialto experience. You are part of the team, as it were.”

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Excitement during Irene’s Olympic ride – NH News / Michiel Baas

Also special were the distances that were followed in café Van Rooijen,together with many friends and acquaintances of Irene. It became a kind offair, but then in February. “We experienced and celebrated that a lot.”Because there was plenty to celebrate. No fewer than three times ‘his’ Irenewas the very best. “She won her first gold medal on the 3 kilometers. Then allthe tension and emotion come out. For everyone. That went completely wild.Fantastic!”

Last Wednesday he stood next to Irene in a suit on the red carpet during theNOS Sports Gala. Beaming with pride when Irene was chosen Sportswoman of theYear.

Nice carpentry

Humberto, Op1 and at the NOS. A flexible summary of the programs Dirkjanattended as a guest last year. As a ‘friend of’ the programs wanted to knoweverything. How did he experience the Games and had there been contact withIrene in distant China? “At first I doubted whether I wanted to, with my headon television. But I experienced it as beautiful. A future in show business?No, I’ll keep hammering.”

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Dirkjan Mak with ‘his’ Irene – @ireneschouten1

After the lavish medal harvest, a ceremony followed and a tour of Wervershoof.And the duo prepared for their day: the wedding. Dirkjan smiles. “We had avery nice day. The past year has been a rollercoaster, a bizarre year, withmany new and beautiful experiences. But the marriage was the crowning glory.”

In that respect, 2023 can only be disappointing. Or not? “We are building ahouse. That is another new step for us, which also takes a lot of time. Inaddition, construction is still busy and Irene continues to skate, so there isenough to do.”

This is a message from the joint West Frisian news editors


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Do you want to stream, but can’t play the associated apps directly on your device? This gadget offers the solution | MyGuide

tweakersThose who like to stream series or films on television, but cannotplay the associated apps directly on their device, will benefit from anexternal media player. Wout Funnekotter, editor-in-chief at technology siteTweakers, subjected the two main entry-level models to a comparison test. “Thechoice for the ordinary user is quite logical.”

By Thomas Rosseel, in collaboration with Tweakers 27-12-22, 13:01

Latest update: 15:09 Source:

“In the entry-level models, two come to the fore: the Chromecast with GoogleTV and the Amazon Fire TV Stick. At Tweakers we compared the 4K versions witheach other,” says Funnekotter. “These are media players, the functionality ofwhich is similar to what is built-in as apps in modern smart TVs.”

Who is it interesting for?

“First of all, for those who have a somewhat older television that does nothave apps and smart functions. You plug the media player into your HDMI port,connect it to WiFi and make your old TV smarter. These devices are also veryhandy for those who also like to watch TV while traveling. They are smalldevices that you can easily take with you and simply plug into the TV in yourhotel room, provided you have WiFi.

Beware: what you see nowadays – unfortunately – is that the software supportfor smart televisions often does not last very long. You may no longer be ableto install certain apps after about two years.”

Are they equally nice?

“The first conclusion of our test is that the Chromecast and the Fire TV Stickare not that different,” Wout continues. “The large, well-known streamingservices, such as Netflix, Prime Video and Disney +, are simply available onboth devices, are easy to install and are beautifully displayed on yourtelevision. There is also a remote control with both devices that works fine.

The Fire TV Stick does offer less support for local services. For example,apps such as VRT Max, Streamz and VTM GO are not available on the Fire TVStick, but are available via the Chromecast. The explanation is that Amazondoes not use the official version of Android, and therefore does not have theofficial Play Store, while Android is from Google and that is the case withthe Chromecast.”

Advertising: unavoidable

“You also notice that they both have advertising on board, even for streamingservices that you don’t even use. Amazon does that a bit flatter. There is alarge bar with sponsors in the picture.

Google is trying to do it a little smarter. You can indicate which servicesyou have a subscription to. This way you only get viewing tips from thosespecific services. That can be quite fun, because that’s how you sometimesdiscover a new series. The great thing about the Chromecast is that you cansimply turn off the ads for other streaming services that you don’t want tosee. You can ensure that you only see a simple bar with your installed apps.In terms of price, the two devices hardly differ from each other.”

Looking for an extensive(er) review and comparison of these two products?You can go here for that.

The choice of expert Wout

Wout’s conclusion is therefore quite obvious. “If you are considering such adevice, you have to ask yourself: which streaming services do I mainly use? Ifyou only watch Netflix and Disney +, you have the choice. If you use localservices, you should go for the Chromecast anyway.

For most people, I recommend just getting that Chromecast with Google TV. Youhave the least problems with that: you have the Play Store and all the supportservices. For the enthusiast, who may want to work with all kinds of softwarehimself, the Amazon Fire TV Stick can be interesting, purely because thedevice supports some extra codecs. But for an ordinary user that is notrelevant at all,” concludes the tech expert.

André Hazes celebrates Christmas Eve with ex-fiancée Monique | Showbiz

ShowbizAndré Hazes (28) spent Christmas Eve with Monique Westenberg (44) and alot of friends. The two Dutchmen show this on social media.

“Have a nice day everyone. Lots of fun and love to you. Enjoy together.” Withher Christmas message on social media, Monique Westenberg adds a photo ofherself with André Hazes and their son André. The singer himself also sharedthe photo on his Instagram Stories. “While I roll, they are my rock” he wrote,“As I roll, they are my rock.” So it is clear that the two celebratedChristmas Eve together, although they did not do it alone.Videos and photos onsocial media show that they celebrated Christmas with a whole group offriends.Andre, for example, posted a tribute to his friends. “After everythingI’ve been through, I still have these men in front, next to and behind me. Iam grateful for the past year and how close our friendship and love has grown.I am grateful to you!”

LOOK. The turbulent love life of André Hazes explained for you in twominutes

Whether that also means the two are back together remains a mystery for now.In any case, André and Monique have already had a turbulent period. They metalmost ten years ago. Despite an age difference of sixteen years, the sparkreally flew. Their love was sealed in 2016 with a son, André. At the end of2020, the singer even got down on one knee (after the two broke up for a whiledue to a misstep by Hazes). Unfortunately, their relationship ended againafter three months and the singer ran off with Sarah Van Soelen. Thatrelationship is now over. André and Monique do stay in each other’s lives. Inthe summer they went on holiday together to Thailand.

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Monique Westenberg makes herself heard after documentary series by ex-fiancéAndré Hazes: “I’m glad it’s all out now so that it can be talked about”

“Brave, vulnerable, strong and proud”: Monique supports candid documentary byAndré Hazes

LOOK. Earlier this year, a documentary about André Hazes was released

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