Chelsea Handler on why her relationship with Jo Koy ended

Chelsea Handler is ready to find love again, after the end of her relationshipwith fellow comedian Jo Koy.

The former Chelsea, Lately host — whose new special on Netflix, titled_Revolution_ , dropped on Dec. 27 — joined Brooke Shields on her podcast NowWhat? , __ where the two women spoke about Handler’s personal andprofessional life. One topic that Handler got candid about was her romancewith Koy, which ended just ahead of their one-year anniversary in July.

“I really believed that this was my guy. I was like, ‘Oh my God, I won. I goteverything. I have my career, I have respect, I have my family, I have so manyfriends, I have all these things. And then I thought this was going to be theperson I spend my life with,’” she explained. “I’m not that hard up to getmarried, but I was open to the idea of ​​it, and we definitely discussed it atlength, because it was important to him. But towards the end of therelationship, it just became clear that this was not my person. … There werejust some behaviors that we couldn’t agree on. … It felt, to me, like I wouldhave to abandon myself, which maybe I would have been OK to do if I was 20 or25, but I wasn’t willing to do that, no matter how much I loved this person —and I loved him so much. But I wasn’t willing to do that.”

While Handler said it was “difficult” to walk away from what she thought wouldbe a “forever relationship,” she recognized there were irreconcilabledifferences between the pair.

“I was in a lot of pain, but — it was just unacceptable,” she noted. “Like Ijust said, ‘This … can’t happen.’ Our relationship just evolved. And we bothcould not agree on a situation, or several situations. And I thought, youknow, therapy could help — it didn’t. And I exhausted any avenue I could thinkof and then I just realized, this is futile.”

She added, “After therapy I understand, there’s no reason to be angry atanybody when something doesn’t work out. You just have to understand thingsdon’t work out sometimes. And there’s no reason to have vitriol about it. Butyeah, walking away from him was one of the most difficult things that I’veever had to do.”

Story continues

Shortly after their split in July, Handler and Koy both penned messages to oneanother on Instagram. Handler said of the Easter Sunday star, “You blew mycreativity open, my lust for working hard again, being on the road again, andyou reminded me who I was and always have been.” Koy said he remains Handler’s“biggest fan” in the wake of their split.

Though Koy directed her latest Netflix special, Handler told Shields that shehasn’t “spoken to him in a while.”

“There has to be some accountability — you know what I mean — from him, aboutwhat happened, because it was just ridiculous,” the ex-talk-show host said.“And, you know, I don’t think we can have a friendship until there’s someaccountability and some responsibility taken.”

As for what she’s looking for now, Handler said, “I need somebody who readsbooks and reads the news and cares about global affairs. … I never thought itwas like the most important thing but I’m so about that. And it’s not fun toread the paper and be able to discuss that with someone. Like a thirst forknowledge, a thirst for growth.”

Handler previously spoke about the end of her relationship with Koy thissummer on Glennon Doyle’s podcast We Can Do Hard Things. She called thechoice to stop dating the comedian a “mature thing to do.”

“When you know, you know,” she said at the time. “It’s like any otherintuition you have. You have to close your eyes and listen to your gut andunderstand that sometimes the pain you’re gonna go through with a breakup isgonna be much more preferable than remaining in something that isn’t workinganymore.”

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Daredevil is an MI6 spy in a gritty new thriller

While Charlie Cox is busy preparing for his own Daredevil series on Disney +,the British actor can also be seen in a heart-pounding espionage thriller onNetflix. meet Treason.

You probably immediately think of Charlie Cox Daredevil. The show showed acompletely different side of Marvel on Netflix at the time.

Charlie Cox is Daredevil

The series offered a grittier and more mature story and tone than the MarvelCinematic Universe films. A little less American popcorn, a little more DC-esque realism. As far as you can say that of a superhero story.

Charlie Cox portrayed a rock-solid Daredevil, the alter-ego of blind lawyerMatt Murdock. Fans were also served their beck and call with the best villainMarvel has produced in the past decade: Wilson Fisk, played by an excellentVincent D’Onofrio.

All the more painful was the fact that the Marvel series on Netflix weremisfits within the MCU. They especially had to stay away from the cinemafilms. When Disney announced its own streaming service, Daredevil and theother Netflix series quickly died to make way for brand new, even more _canon_MCU Series for Disney+.

New chance at Disney+

However, those Disney + Originals cannot match Daredevil for the time being.Fortunately, Charlie Cox has made his comeback as the blind superhero in SheHulk and Wilson Fisk returned in Hawkeye , but both versions of the belovedcharacters are, for now, a pale imitation of what we saw on Netflix. Morepopcorn-like versions, more in line with the movies.

Hopefully Charlie Cox can bring back the gritty side of the MCU in his ownseries. Then we’re talking about Daredevil: Born Again , a brand new Marvelseries coming to Disney+ in 2024. You can read more about that here.

Netflix presents Treason

In the meantime, fans of the actor can also get their Charlie Cox fix inanother way. In fact, Cox has gone after Daniel Craig to play a secret agentin a brand new Netflix series from the writers of the rock-solid spy movie.Bridge of Spies. Then we’re talking about Treason , a spy series that youcan stream on Netflix from now on. After The Recruit it is the second seriesin a short time that is heavily inspired by the James Bond franchise.

In Treason we see how the big boss of the MI6 barely manages to survive apoisoning. While he recovers, Adam, a secret agent played by Charlie Cox, willhave to take control. However, one thing is clear: no one can be trusted. Tomake matters worse, the spy behind the assassination attempt also turns out tobe an acquaintance of Adam.

Spy thriller rated on Rotten Tomatoes

For the rest we will not reveal anything, because this is a typical thrillerthat mainly relies on its twists. Critics are certainly pleased with theNetflix Original for the time being. On Rotten Tomatoes, the miniseries, whichconsists of five episodes, has a rock-solid score of 83 percent after sixreviews.

The general public is slightly less enthusiastic after 36 reviews, and remainsstuck at 64 percent. We see that same gap on IMDb, where the audience_Treason_ rewarded with an average of 6.1, after 935 votes.

So it looks very similar to that Treason cannot measure up to Daredevil ,but fans of the better espionage work and British thrillers can certainlyenjoy a great series starring Charlie Cox. A great sop while we wait for BornAgain! You can download all five episodes Treason now streaming on Netflix.

Mundiales de Ajedrez Rápido 2022: Carlsen gana el oro tras un error garrafal | Actualidad del Ajedrez

Carlsen anunció el pasado julio su renuncia al título mundial de partidaslentas, que ostenta desde 2013, a pesar de que la Federación Internacional deAjedrez (FIDE), le ofreció diversas maneras de acelerar el ritmo de juego dela final, como él había pedido desde 2018. Pero su verdadero problema no eraese. Lo que el todavía campeón ya no soporta es la mera posibilidad de perderel trono, de ser el derrotado en un duelo agotador de tres semanas que,además,exige varios meses de dedicación absoluta para prepararlo. Por eso dijo queno, a pesar de que la FIDE estaba dispuesta a sacrificar la secular tradicióndel ajedrez -el juego que se practica hoy como deporte organizado en 199países se creó en España a finales del siglo XV, y sus antecedentes tens másde 1,500 años de historia- en el altar del pragmatismo, el espectáculo y losderechos de televisión y de retransmisión en directo por internet.

Carlsen hace un autorretrato durante la ceremonia de clausura, este miércolesen AlmatyAnna Shtourman/FIDE

De ahí que este viaje a Kazajistán en porfía de una doble corona (el MundialRelámpago, con unos cinco minutos por jugador y partida, se disputa estejueves y viernes) fuera planificado por su padre y representante, Henrik, contoda minuciosidad. Aunque Henrik no pudo contestar a la petición de details deeste periódico por encontrarse “muy enfermo”, lo que se conoce de su forma detrabajar en años anteriores permite asegurar que todo se preparó al milímetro:el entrenamiento durante las semanas anteriores, los vuelos , el hospedaje, lacomida, el horario (Magnus solo se levanta antes del mediodía por causa defuerza mayor, con el fin de no malgastar ni un átomo de la energía quenecesitará por la tarde en las partidas), los métodos de concentración,etcetera. “Lo que más me preocupa en esta nueva etapa de mi carrera deportivaes hacer todo lo que esté en mi mano para que mi rendimiento sea el máximoposible”, ha explicado el escandinavo en entrevistas recientes.

Viewers of De Slimste Mens see something striking in the audience

The smartest person started again last night and of course Ramon Wiendelswas in the audience again. Who? That’s the guy who’s attended hundreds ofepisodes of the quiz show. For regular viewers it is more of a surprise ifthey do not see him behind presenter Philip Freriks.

Where in the new 21st season of The smartest person the necessary things aredifferent, such as the channel and the decor, three things remained the same.Philip Freriks is still presenter, the jury still consists of Maarten vanRossem and the eternal studio guest is of course still there, he jokeshimself.

So this was TV recording 1000!>> Anyway, tonight the kick-off of season 21 smartest person on another> channel, with new decor, new logo, new mug, new candidates!>> Only the 3 below remain the same. 😅🤣 #the smartest> person> @NPO1> @KroNcrv>>>> — Ramon Wiendels (@rawi1981) December 26,> 2022

Reactions to eternal studio guest: ‘Koekenbakker’

From ‘cake baker’ and ‘shit-annoying guest’ to ‘nice and funny’, viewers of_The smartest person_ are not yet unanimously agreed on what they think ofstudio guest Ramon Wiendels. On Twitter they can’t stop talking about it afterhe attended his thousandth episode of the game show yesterday. Incidentally,there is often a discussion about ‘distracting audiences’.

De Slimste mens has started with this man in the audience again!> #smartstemens> #audience> #KRONCRV> #NPO1>>> — Celebrate Life Wedding Officer (@HetVier) December 26,> 2022

How annoying? I think it’s cool. I think I used to see him in other shows> all the time.>> — Jazimierz A. Kozawski (@Jazimierz) December 26,> 2022

Good heavens, that cake baker is back in the audience, you know> #smartstemens> #the smartest> person>> — VE Miffy 🎄🎅�?��? (@Venijntje25) December 26,> 2022

Who is this guy on the right? He was in every episode last season, and now> again. Is there a lack of audience?> #smartstemens>>> — Menno Rozema (@MennoRozema) December 26,> 2022

This is why he is so often with De Slimste Mens

Why does Ramon Wiendels do that, so often The smartest person sit? Is thereindeed a lack of audience? No, it’s something completely different thatexplains Ramon’s presence on the game show, or so he says to it AD.

It started more than ten years ago, when he was advised to find a hobby. Andwhere for some that means sports, making music or reading, he came up with acompletely different idea. He visits several shows on television every week.But his favorite is still real The smartest person where he was now in thestudio for the thousandth time.

Most watched program on television

The first episode of the new season was watched by more than 1.9 millionpeople last night, making it the best-watched program on Boxing Day, accordingto figures from the Stichting Kijkonderzoek (SKO). Viewers saw parliamentaryreporter Ron Fresen, Paralympic champion Marlou van Rhijn and actress AnniekPheifer battle it out.

In the final, Marlou van Rhijn and Ron Fresen faced each other and in the endthe parliamentary reporter had to recognize his superior in the Paralympicathlete.

The figures from the kick-off of De Slimste Mens are almost identical to thoseof previous winter seasons of the game show. But there are also elementsdifferent. The game will be broadcast for the first time on NPO 1 and there isa new decor. Moreover, the quiz will no longer be shown five, but only fourdays a week.

Watch the first episode here.

AVROTROS throws employee out after critical podcast / Villamedia

AVROTROS has broken ties with podcast maker Rebecca van der Weijde, becauseshe made a critical podcast series about a broadcast of Oplichting!, a programof AVROTROS. Her employer Podworkz also received no more assignments afterthat. Van der Weijde accuses AVROTROS of abuse of power. “A good workingrelationship of ten years has been completely destroyed,” she explains toVillamedia.

Last modified: December 28, 2022, 12:20 PM

The podcast series, which was commissioned by Kosmos publishers, delved intothe misty world of stray dog ​​foundations in Curaçao and also included thecontroversial broadcast of Scammed! (November 26, 2019).

In this broadcast, television personality Rossana Kluivert was accused ofraising donations for a dog shelter in Curaçao under false pretenses. Thefoundation would not file annual accounts and would have left ambiguitiesabout the existence of the asylum center.

Immediately after the broadcast, there was a fuss about the suggestive tone ofthe broadcast. Peter R. de Vries and John van den Heuvel, among others, stoodup for Rossana Kluivert. mr. Royce de Vries filed a case against AVROTROS onbehalf of Kluivert. De Vries junior demanded, among other things, that thebroadcast be taken offline. The judge did not agree with that request.

” The Kluiverts have nothing to do with that” Nevertheless, Van der Weijde, who also made several podcasts for AVROTROS,once again delved into the dog shelter issue in a six-part series on behalf ofKosmos: DogMob. For completeness; Kosmos and the Kluivert family have workedtogether in the past. The publisher published a cookbook by son ShaneKluivert.

‘It was our initiative to make the series, the Kluiverts have nothing to dowith that,’ says Melanie Zwartjes, publisher at Kosmos.

Van der Weijde says she was given complete freedom to conduct her research.She traveled to Curaçao and came up with evidence that Kluivert had not doneso much wrong.

She was given access to documents that showed that the most critical source inthe Scammed! broadcast had transferred donations to her own private account.

In addition, Van der Weijde found invoices for vaccinations and payments forthe construction of a shelter. So that dogs were indeed saved.

AVROTROS: Insufficient rebuttal Van der Weijde asked whether Scammed! had been wrong-footed by a resentful ex-business partner.

AVROTROS did not agree with this approach. The broadcaster claimed thatinsufficient rebuttal had been committed after the first four episodes hadappeared online. The broadcaster also doubted Van der Weijde’s independence,as she was paid by Kosmos.

Van der Weijde then talked to media director Bart Barnas, responsible for thecontroversial broadcast at AVROTROS.

The director of broadcasting demanded that the first four episodes be takenoffline, as he felt that the side of Scammed! was missing and there would befactual inaccuracies in the series.

Barnas, who had not listened to the episodes himself, stated in a response toVillamedia that he was surprised at Van der Weijde’s working method.

‘She worked at the AVRO in a place where she sat fifty meters next to thecreators of Scammed. So she knew the makers well. She could have easilyredressed, but she didn’t say anything during production,” Barnas claims.

‘ Unjournalism’ Van der Weijde disputes that she did not want to hear the other side, butwanted to record AVROTROS’s reaction in episodes five and six. AVROTROSthought this was ‘unjournalistic’ and did not agree with this ‘narrative set-up’.

The broadcaster then called in lawyer Bertil van Kaam to force adjustments.The maker then decided to return the project to the client.

Then the argument escalated. Publisher Kosmos hired law firm Brandeis todefend itself. In consultation with the law firm, Kosmos took the first fourepisodes offline to consider the sequel.

‘ Enormous impact’ The collision with Barnas had immediate consequences for Van der Weijde andher employer. AVROTROS stopped working with Van der Weijde and Podworkz, thecompany that made the podcast for Kosmos. Podworkz, which had also been makingpodcasts for AVROTROS for many years, saw a substantial part of the incomedisappear.

‘The Dogmob project has completely destroyed the bond with my former employerAVROTROS. This has had a huge impact on me, both professionally andprivately’, Van der Weijde looks back.

“I am shocked that this kind of practice takes place in the media world andthat this has happened in such a harsh way, despite my good past (at AVROTROS,ed.) and the amount of work I have done for them,” Van der Weijde says toVillamedia. .

The podcast maker felt an “intimidating and annoying pressure” during contactwith Barnas. Van der Weijde has since been declared persona non grata at thebroadcaster, she says.

‘I am no longer welcome at AVROTROS. Internally, former colleagues and peoplewith whom I made successful podcast projects are no longer allowed to workwith me. That’s his (Barnas, ed.) decision.’

‘ We have not banned anything’ Barnas ordered Van der Weijde to remove all her references on social media toAVRO/TROS. He believes he is right.

‘We doubt if they wanted to hear back. That only came after we pointed it outto Rebecca. Moreover, there were so many factual inaccuracies in the firstfour episodes. We have not banned anything, but we have said: know that we donot agree with factual inaccuracies.’

Kosmos publishers are fighting this reading. ‘The fact that we didn’t want toask the other side is nonsense’, says publisher Melanie Zwartjes. There wasalso ‘certainly no question of a large number of factual inaccuracies’, saysZwartjes.

The six-part podcast, with three textual adjustments, went online unchanged atthe end of November. Episodes five and six were ultimately voiced by Zwartjeshimself, based on material collected by Van der Weijde.

‘AVROTROS has not heard anything more. Rebecca and Kosmos have offeredAVROTROS a chance to hear each other several times.’

‘ Put under pressure’ The publisher does not have a good word for the behavior of AVROTROS.According to her, it was a form of ‘abuse of power by the public broadcaster’to ‘put pressure on’ a freelancer.

“What struck us most was the fierce response right from the start and theenormous commitment of resources. Rebecca’s requests for a conversation wereignored, while their side insisted on hearing both sides. We sent AVROTROS alarge list of questions for both sides and also gave them extra time for aresponse. Here, too, they failed to hear back.’

AVROTROS is considering next steps, says Barnas.

“I haven’t heard the new episodes yet. We will do that first and then we cansee whether our request to correct factual inaccuracies has been compliedwith,’ he says.

He finds it defensible that the relationship with Podworkz has ended: ‘Nothinghas been stopped from the work that is going on. But we do not accept newwork. We cannot do business with a company that operates in a questionablemanner. We can’t run that risk.’

The broadcaster does not want to say how many hours lawyers have spent on thecase.

Kosmos publisher Zwartjes finds AVROTROS’ attitude unsavory: ‘Rebecca andPodworkz have worked for AVROTROS for more than 10 years to their completesatisfaction. We have been able to refute the objections they had. Thisattitude cannot be explained to us and, above all, cannot be justified.’

The best things celebrity parents told us this year

Welcome to So Mini Ways Yahoo Lifes parenting series on the joys andchallenges of child-rearing.

New moms hear it all the time: “Don’t worry, it gets easier.” But, at the riskof being a downer, does it really? If talking to experts and celebrity parentsfor Yahoo Life’s So Mini Ways series has taught us anything, it’s that nobodyhas all the answers, and that every stage of parenting — from the bleary-eyeddaze of bringing home a newborn to waving goodbye to your high school grad andwondering, what now? — comes with its own unique challenges.

Over the past year we’ve had dozens of conversations with stars who are in thethick of parenting, whether that means changing diapers, negotiating withnewly independent tweens and teens or contemplating life as an empty nester.And while everyone’s parenting journey is different, there’s a lot of commonground, too. Ahead, read some of the comments that struck a chord with us thisyear.

The path to parenthood

“I had some professional things that I’d been hoping for not come through orhad been delayed. And I just thought like, ‘What am I doing? Like, I justgotta have a kid. i [didn’t] want to wake up and just never be able to,because more than writing and creating shows, my great dream in life was tobecome a mom, because of my relationship with my mom.” — Mindy Kaling

“To be honest, I couldn’t have imagined having a kid earlier. I was kind oftoying with the idea around the time I was like in my late 30s; I just didn’tthink it was going to be for me. And you know, Nova was a surprise.I mean, Iwould’ve liked to have a kid, but I thought I was too old, to be honest, and Iwas in a newish relationship so we definitely weren’t trying to have a baby.[But] when I look back I just feel such peace and ease and that the world gaveme Nova when I least expected it but I most needed it. She’s been the greatestblessing in our lives.” — Diana Kruger

Story continues

“I think so many people out there have the capacity to adopt. And so manypeople have an internal desire, but they’re afraid. Fear often stops us frommaking decisions that we know we should make deep down. And I always call fear’false evidence appearing real.’ Most of the fears we carry are false. … [But]I was confronted with something that was very clear: That the best option formy son was to be my son.” — HillHarper

“I absolutely think it’s really scary that because of Roe v. Wade beingoverturned that the way that I became a mother may no longer be available toother people. And that’s really scary that IVF would be questioned oroverturned; that letting science and medicine play a role in how we becomemoms is an issue. I am a very spiritual person. I believe in God; I believe inthe word of God. And I also believe that God has given wisdom to theseincredible scientists and doctors to make a way. … I look at my son every dayand I’m reminded of the favor and the faithfulness of God.” — AdrienneBailon Houghton

(Image: QuinnLemmers)(Image: QuinnLemmers)

(Image: Quinn Lemmers)

The balancing act

“I think that as moms, we have really high expectations of what we can do — aswe should. But the reality is that we have to step back and go, ‘Alright. Iknow I can handle a lot, but what is really realistic for me?'” — CamilaAlves McConaughey

“Accept all the help. Usually I’m a very proud person and I think I can do itmyself and don’t need any help, but these are the times when I have to beaccepting all the help, whether it’s an extra feed or extra hands.” — JamieChung

“Be kind to yourself, and understand that you need breaks and that childrenneed breaks from their parents too. You go away from each other, you come backand you’re going to be a stronger and better person.” — Lucy Liu

“People around us expect us to be the exact same way, as far as how availablewe are and how much energy we can give, and everything changes when you becomea parent.” — Leah Michele

“I’m juggling both work and parenting and I think they know — I hope theywould know — that they’re the most part of my day and of my life, but I alsohave a job that I adore. I also want them to know that you can do both. Thatdoesn’t always look perfect, or even good, but I want them to know that youcan have a career that fulfills you and you can also love the kids that youhave. And so, yeah , I’m not with them in the mornings, but our evenings arepretty cool.” — Jenna Bush Hager

“You’ve just gotta really be patient and try to stay in the moment. My biggestthing, I think, is I work a lot and I’m very ambitious that way. So what Ireally try to do is stop and put everything else on pause and just try to beas present as I can with him.Because that’s all they really care [about]; theyjust want a good time with their parents. He loves hanging out with me. And sowhen everything else feels really important, the must important thing is forme just to be there and be present with him.” — Josh Duhamel

“I’m a firm believer in ‘how you do anything is how you do everything.’ Idon’t cut corners as a mom. I don’t cut corners as an athlete. I don’t cutcorners as a partner. I own my failures when I make mistakes because I have togive myself grace as a parent. I’m not always gonna get it right.” — AshlynHarris

House rules

“Our rules are probably stricter than most. Our kids don’t have social media.They’re allowed to look sometimes when it’s our phones. Sometimes, our kidswill be like ‘you guys are the strictest household!’ But I say, ‘yes, buteveryone still wants to come here!’ … I believe kids need to know what theirlimitations are, and they actually thrive in that environment. We’re not mean,we’re not unnecessarily strict, but we have rules. And the same way I abide bymy code of rules, I expect the same from our children.” — Sarah MichelleGellar

“I think a lot of Korean culture, especially when it comes to child-rearing,is based a little bit on shame, and that’s how you kind of keep people inline. Shame is a very important part of how people were kept in line in mychildhood. And I think we have taken that down a lot in our house.” — JohnCho

“I do believe in nepotism, but I believe in respectable nepotism. If I build acompany, I want you to know how to run a company. And that’s what I’m tryingto teach my kids. Like, hey, I’ll give it to you, but you gonna have to gimmesomething back.You’re gonna have to show me when I get ready to go into theold folks home, you have to show me that you can run it.I got six kids, justgimme one or two. Please take over what I’ve built and add onto it. This ain’tabout me. It’s about you and your kids and your kids’ kids. I got it cracking.Now it’s up to you to keep it cracking. If not, we’re gonna go back to wherewe used to be, in the projects. Is that what you want?” — Shaquille O’Neal

“The word that comes out of my mouth daily when it comes to my daughter is’yes.’ Or like, ‘absolutely — we need it’ or like, ‘absolutely — buy it.’ Or’yes, she needs that dress.’ Everything is yes when it comes to my daughter.”— Wilmer Valderrama

(Image: QuinnLemmers)(Image: QuinnLemmers)

(Image: Quinn Lemmers)

Setting an example

“The idea that we have to be one thing when we grow up is really limiting. SoI just want to be able to show my girls, especially [since] they’re girls,that no, you can change and shift and you can change your mind at any point,and you can change your major, change your decision. Not to say it’s going tobe easy and … you’re probably going to quote-unquote ‘fail’ more than you’regoing to succeed, but that’s part of it. And I want to be the example of thatby doing it, and by taking the shame out of failing, specifically.” — EveMendes

“I put myself in a very vulnerable position. I’m still one of the only[openly] queer Muslims in entertainment … and so I put myself in a line offire. And I do that so my son will understand, and my future children willunderstand, that they get to be whoever they want to be, and they should beincredibly proud of that. And if we don’t have someone like me inentertainment, who does say it’s OK to be yourself, what state will they be inif they are not — air quotes — ‘straight white people?’ What will that looklike for them? I want them to understand that their father did all he could totry and make the world a somewhat more accepting place.” — Tan France

“As a parent, all we want is to keep our child safe. With the overturning [of_Roe v. Wade_ ]all or [my son’s] friends, they are less safe now. They don’thave the rights that I had, which is just unimaginable to me. So I do think,as a mother, it’s important to talk about how long the fight was to getabortion passed — how long we’ve had it as a right and how important it is tohealth care. it is healthcare.” — Debra Messing

“It’s always sweet to feel their love and to see when they’re proud of mebecause I hope that when they see me doing my thing, they can be inspired andknow that hey, anything you dream of is possible. If you believe in yourdream, that ‘s where it starts. And if Mommy did it, why can’t I do it?” Ciara

Getting it right

“They have their own distinct personalities and perspectives and ideas andopinions that they bring to the table. So it’s a combination of teaching thembut also just watching.” — Boris Kodjoe

“The pressure you put on yourself not to screw these little people up is theonly thing you care about. I find myself getting consumed by it … you justwant your kids to be happy and content. I always wanted to be a dad but theextent to how much I care — that was pretty eye-opening.” — Nick Lachey

“[It’s a] big lesson of just daily surrendering up to God and surrendering herup to God and just saying, ‘I can control so much.’ And that’s a very, veryscary lesson for a parent. [When your kids are] younger you have this elementof control of what they eat, what they wear, where they’re going, theparameters. And then that just slowly, slowly gets less and less. And it’s alittle scary, but it’s a good lesson for me.” — Tony Hale

“As far as parenting goes, I mean, everything is exhausting, right? Sometimesit feels impossible, but then your kid will say something so outrageouslyamazing — this tiny human you’re raising to be, like, the future of our world.You never know what they’re gonna end up doing.” — Jessica Simpson

The empty nest

“I can’t even talk about it, it’s so upsetting not being in touch all thetime. It kills me. The meanest thing your kids can ever do to you is grow up.”— Pamela Adlon

“When your kids are adults … they’re such different people. You almost mournthose children that were 3, 4, 5, 6, because those people don’t exist anymore… Those kids are gone. So it’s weird .You can really get melancholic and sad.Isee why people have babies.My mom had my little brother when my sister and Iwere 11 and 13, much to the surprise and chagrin of my dad.But I see whypeople do it. I think mourning is almost the right word because you just missthose kids.They’re pretty much the same from about 5 to 11, and they stillthink you know everything and they still run and throw themselves around yourlegs when you walk in the And then you’ve got these two adults you love inexactly the same way, but they’re wildly different people.” — James Denton

Wellness, parenting, body image and more: Get to know the ** who*behind the* ** hoo with Yahoo Life ‘s newsletter. Sign up here

these are the worst movies of the year according to our readers

We saw strong films pass this year, but there were at least as many misses.Here are some of the worst movies to hit the big (or small) screen in 2022,according to readers.

Readers of The MorningDecember 28, 202211:20

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: ‘Boseman deserved better than this, muchbetter’

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022).Picture Photo News

“Rarely has the death of an (otherwise fantastic) actor been milked out socompletely that it hurt the eyes (and other limbs). This is not an homage, butjust another lazy attempt to cash in on a franchise’s popularity. The story ispaper thin, full of clichés and has an artificial sweetness that would makeaspartame jealous. Boseman deserved better than this, much better.”

Levi (37) from Antwerp.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever can be seen in cinemas, and will appearlater on Disney+.

The School for Good and Evil: ‘No button could save this flop’

The School for Good and Evil (2022).  Image Helen Sloan/Netflix ©2022

The School for Good and Evil (2022).Image Helen Sloan/Netflix © 2022

“I thought I sensed a nice atmosphere in the trailer, a kind of ‘HarryPotter’-esque story. A film where I could dream away to a bygone era offantasy. But nothing could be further from the truth.

“The acting was subpar in the first place; what are Charlize Theron andLaurence Fishburne even doing there? The story is thinner than the house elfin ‘Harry Potter’ and also heavily inspired by the swirling world of JKRowling (author of the ‘Harry Potter’ series, KL), but didn’t do it anyjustice.

“I watched with the remote at hand and fast-forwarded several times hoping fora still sparkling plot, but no button could save this flop.”

Evelien (38) from Sint-Niklaas.

The School for Good and Evil can be seen on Netflix.

Barbarian and Triangle of Sadness: ‘Start off promising, but then gocompletely wrong’

Barbara (2022).  Picture PhotoNews

Barbara (2022).Picture Photo News

“The constant stream of plot twists did not appeal to me. However, the filmstarts off promising as a classic horror story and also feels in the secondpart Barbara still interesting and surprising. But the third part is soridiculous and jerky that I had a hard time sitting through the movie.

“I had the same feeling about the winner of the Golden Palm in Cannes thisyear, by the way. Triangle of Sadness. The beginning of the film is the bestI’ve seen from director Ruben Östlundal. The second act, on the ship, was toe-curling but okay. But the last part is where the movie fails for me. Not to beseen, unfortunately. Eclectic films with a story that goes in all directionsappear to be in fashion, but they are not for me.”

Joeri (49) from Lummen.

Barbara can be seen on Disney+. Triangle of Sadness can be seen in thecinema.

The Little Things: ‘One star is still too many’

The Little Things (2021).  ImageAP

The Little Things (2021).Image AP

“A film that came out last year but is now on Netflix, with great actors likeDenzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto. A film that I had completelyforgotten existed, until I took a look at my film list for this reader’sappeal. A thin storyline and a frustratingly bad plot, just to get angry.Despite the well-stocked star cast, it is absolutely avoidable, one star outof five is still too much.”

Levi (31) from Jette.

The Little Things can be seen on Netflix and for rent/buy on Apple TV.

The Northman: ‘After 15 minutes we already felt like leaving’

The Northman (2022).  Image/

The Northman (2022).Image /

“This was, for both me and my partner, absolutely the worst movie of the year,in all areas. Focus gave this dragon of a movie four stars out of five (justlike De Morgen, KL) and in general our taste is in the same line, but thistime we felt like leaving the venue after fifteen minutes.”

Bernadette (56) from Ostend.

The Northman can no longer be seen in the cinema.

Jurassic World Dominion: ‘Without a doubt the worst movie of the year’

Jurassic World Dominion (2022).  ImageAP

Jurassic World Dominion (2022).Image AP

“By far the worst worst movie I bought a movie ticket for this year. What alousy story that was. Actually, we are after the _Jurassic World Dominion_still no further progress with the story of dinosaurs in our environment. Theold cast that returns and the untold amount of nods to the original film don’thelp either. So much potential, to do nothing with it. This is without a doubtthe winner of the award for worst film of 2022.”

Frank (54) from Oudegem.

Jurassic World Dominion can no longer be seen in the cinema.

Flemish series above: these are the most popular titles of the year on Streamz | TV

TVInternational, but mostly Flemish. In the top ten of most viewed titles onStreamz, there are no fewer than seven Flemish ones. The top three, with’Nonkels’, ‘Billie vs Benjamin’ and ‘2dezit’, is even completely homegrown.Also striking: ‘Geldwolven’, the season finale of which was only broadcastthis week, is immediately high.

1. Uncles

The best viewed series on Streamz this year is ‘Nonkels’. Whether it’s the oneliners of Aunt Carine (Isabelle Van Hecke), the gentleness of Uncle Luc (JelleDe Beule) or the charms of Aunt Delphine (Emilie De Roo), it is clear that’Nonkels’, the series caught on . A second season is on the way.

The series takes place deep in the West Flemish polders. There, the threePersyn brothers have lived on the same plot for many years. Loner Pol (WimWillaert) lives in the former parental home, while slipper hero Luc and hispungent wife Carine live in the farmhouse next door. Their two homes are inthe shadow of the modern villa of nouveau riche and entrepreneur Willy (RikVerheye) and his younger wife Delphine (Emilie De Roo). Their relative peaceis thoroughly disturbed when the Cameroonian refugee Innocent Dipanda (BlaiseAfonso) shows up unannounced at Luc’s door and asks him for shelter.

2. Billie vs Benjamin

The first Flemish series that was launched this year, on January 17, takessecond place in the top 10 of Streamz. ‘Billie vs Benjamin’ is a comedy dramaabout a left-wing girl and a right-wing boy who fall in love with each other.The series managed to conquer many hearts on Streamz and already won prizes atthe International TV Series Festival in Berlin where it was voted Best Seriesand at the World Media Festival in Hamburg ‘Billie vs Benjamin’ was voted BestMini-Series . A second season is currently being worked on.


‘2DEZIT’ follows students Lotte (Ninalotte Roose) and Lucas (Nathan Bouts) whohave just moved into a chaotic student room. Lotte yearns eagerly for theturbulent student life, but at the start of this journey to adulthood, shebarely realizes how hard her world will be shaken. The series is a raw, directrepresentation of reality. At the same time, it is also a compelling storythat provides insight into student life in 2022 and does not shy away from anytaboo.

After less than a week, ‘2DEZIT’ has already become one of the most watchedseries on Streamz and this has earned the series a place on the podium in thetop 10 of 2022. The Flemish streaming service soon announced that a secondseason will arrive .

4. House of the Dragon

The ‘Game of Thrones’ prequel is the best viewed international series on theFlemish streaming platform and ends in the top 10 in fourth place. The seriestells the story of House Targaryen and revolves around the ‘Dance of theDragons’, a brutal civil war that threatens to tear Westeros apart. Based onGeorge RR Martin’s “Fire & Blood,” House of the Dragon is set 200 years beforethe events of the Emmy-winning “Game of Thrones.”

The series received a lot of international praise, while the makers had tomeet sky-high expectations. ‘House of the Dragon’ fits perfectly within the’Game of Thrones’ universe and still managed to surprise. A second season hasalready been ordered, although it will be a while before we can continue tolook at the epic saga of House Targaryen. The recordings have yet to start andthe first season took no less than 10 months.

5.Euphoria S2

Euphoria is a dark, honest drama series about the (night)life of a group ofAmerican students, seen through the eyes of Rue (Zendaya). We met Rue in 2019just after she came out of rehab and gradually we got to know her fellowstudents better. They all struggle with their identity, gender and demons.

The first season hit like a bomb and the second season of the raw series wasalso widely viewed. The cast of the series was still virtually unknown in thefirst season, but has since achieved absolute star status. Creator SamLevinson has also left his mark on Hollywood with his unique style.

6. Money wolves

The season finale of ‘Geldwolven’ can be seen on Streamz since this week, but’tricksters’ Frank (Tom Van Dyck), Chris (Joren Seldeslachts) and Miguel(Yannick Jozefzoon) were immediately able to conquer a nice spot in the top10.

‘Honestly takes too long’ is the slogan that connects the three men. In’Geldwolven’ we follow Frank De Jong, a timid and loyal fraud expert at LDVinsurance. When he is abandoned by his wife one day, he decides to drasticallychange his life. He joins forces with his absolute opposite Chris De Wolf. Forthe first time in his life, Frank breaks the rules and turns out to be a”mastermind” who outsmarts everyone. But they are soon reminded that you can’tinsure against everything in life…

7. The Process No One Wanted

‘The Process Nobody Wanted’ just won the Ha! from Humo and also the Streamzviewer agreed that this documentary is a must-see was in 2022. And the docu-series also ended up in the top 3 more than once in the end-of-year lists ofthe Flemish Media.

In three episodes, ‘The Process That Nobody Wou’ exposes the societal painpoints of the mediatized case involving television producer Bart De Pauw. Morethan a year before the trial, all parties involved were contacted by programmaker Tess Uytterhoeven. Eight women speak once in front of the camera abouttheir experience.

​8. Macro Mafia S4

For four seasons we have been following the ins and outs of the Amsterdamunderworld in this grim crime series. Three best friends Romano (Mandela WeeWee), Pencil (Nasrdin Dchar) and De Paus (Achmed Akkabi) made the transitionfrom petty crime to major work in the first season and soon they control theentire cocaine trade in Amsterdam . However, due to jealousy and quarrels, thegroup of friends falls apart and they come to face each other. Two camps ariseand in a Game-of-Thrones way no one is safe in the battle for the throne.

The battle will continue for a while, because a fifth season of ‘Mocro Maffia’has already been confirmed by Videoland and will also be shown again atStreamz.

9. Love Island S3

The reality program ‘Love Island’ opened its doors to Flemish participantsagain this year and was shown for the first time on Streamz. This summer, tenFlemish and Dutch singles went to a luxurious villa on an idyllic island withonly one goal: to find true love during their “summer of love”.

The candidates formed beautiful friendships and there are a lot of lovebirdswho still see each other, even though their adventure in Gran Canaria is longbehind them.

10. Chasing Beauty

‘Chasing beauty: Perfection for Sale?’ closes the top 10. The documentaryseries by the makers of ‘OnlyFans: the Naked Flemish Truth’ takes a deeperlook at the current ideal of beauty, which these days is often determined bysocial media. The documentary takes the viewer into the ever-growing world ofplastic surgery. The documentary follows 9 young women and men, including DJand singer Anouk Matton, reality star Yasmine Pieraerds and porn actress Jada

‘Stranger Things goes to Japan in striking Netflix spin-off’

After season five of Stranger Things the franchise isn’t over yet. Netflixis ​​reportedly already working on a standout spin-off called StrangerThings: Tokyo. And that’s not all.

Last November, the Duffer Brothers shared a photo of the script from StrangerThings season five, episode one. The beginning of the end, because the hitseries will stop after that season. The recordings will start in early 2023.

Stranger Things season five

In any case, it will be tough to top season four. The brothers behind theNetflix Original showed with that season that you can make a show go fromhighlight to highlight for four seasons. So the bar is high.

On one plane Stranger Things anyway defeated. The brand new hit passedearlier this month Wednesday namely Stranger Things as the best-watchedEnglish-language series on Netflix. Ever.

Perhaps the makers will succeed Stranger Things season five to ascend thatthrone again. And hey, that’s not the last chance. Stranger Things theseries may be nearing its end, but Stranger Things as a franchise, not yet.It’s one of Netflix’s most iconic feats in a competitive streaming war withdecades-old mega franchises.

Stranger Things: Tokyo

In other words: milk that bite! Look at HBO’s grand plans for Game ofThrones , with many spin-offs and prequels, and then Netflix is ​​actuallyremarkably restrained for the time being. With the emphasis on ‘for now’.

The blog What’s on Netflix, which incidentally is not owned by the streamingservice, reports that Netflix is ​​working on the first spin-off for StrangerThings works called Stranger Things: Tokyo. Then we are not talking aboutanother live-action series, but an anime series. In other words, Japanese-madeanimation, although as a marketing trick Netflix also likes to label Americananimation as ‘anime’.

Stranger Things Tokyo anime spin-offseriesCut scene from the game Stranger Things:Puzzle Tales (Image: Netflix)

Tokyo of the eighties

Alright, that’s it Stranger Things So The Witcher after. That series got afirst spin-off in the form of the animated film Nightmare of the Wolf fromthe creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender. So a western studio, but Netflixstill called it anime at the time.

Well, Japanese animation or not, the streaming service is reportedly workingon an animated spin-off of Stranger Things. The usually well-informed blogalso reports that the show will be set in 1980s Tokyo, and “follows two twinbrothers who love video games.” After they come into contact with the UpsideDown, they are sucked into a “great adventure”.

Grain of salt?

Finally, the blog claims that the series will last about six hours in total.Great, but don’t rejoice too soon. This is not a news report from Netflix, buta rumor. On the other hand, What’s on Netflix is ​​usually a reliable source,and has revealed unannounced series before.

Accurate or not, we’re talking about a show in development here. Even if whatthe blog has put out is correct, then you can Stranger Things: Tokyo stilldie during the development phase. Take for example Game of Thrones : In thepast two years, several spin-offs of that show have already been canceled atthe drawing board.

Anyway, it sounds really cool. Stranger Things but in a colorful 1980sTokyo, with the same nostalgia factor and an authentic anime jacket? yesplease!

A ‘STRANGER THINGS’ anime spin-off is reportedly in the works.>> The series, titled ‘STRANGER THINGS: TOKYO’, would follow 2 video game-> loving twin brothers from the outskirts of 1980s Tokyo who encounter the> Upside Down.>> (Source:>>> — DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) December 23,> 2022

Not the first spin-off

While What’s on Netflix calls it the first spin-off from the Netflix Original,that’s not the case. At least: last July there was already an official newspin-off Stranger Things announced. That’s not the same show: that was alive-action show, not animation. There is also a play in development thattakes place within the same universe.

Practically nothing is known about either project. However, the DufferBrothers have already promised that the live-action spin-off will “feel likesomething unique” and not “repeat what we’ve already done with StrangerThings.”

Lessons from Marvel

Showrunner, producer and director Shawn Levy has also learned a lot from hiswork for dead pool 3 a film he is co-producing with Marvel Studios.

“Yes, we are Stranger Things Cinematic Universe (STCU) building out, and nowthat I’m spending time with [Marvel Studios-baas] Kevin Feige, I’m learning alot about managing a universe,” said Levy. “So I take those skills andexperience with me and apply them to the STCU.”

Despite the production of dead pool 3 and Stranger Things season five, the54-year-old producer has already reassured fans by confirming he will bedirecting at least one episode of the hit series’ final season. Bring it on!In the meantime, we await an official confirmation of _Stranger Things:

In this year’s quizzes, everyone knew who farmer Evert had chosen

“Does Yvon Jaspers have a big ass?” Just a question that was asked in the quiz_The TV viewer of the year_. For those who actually want to know the answer tothis question: according to 23 percent of the respondents, the answer is no.The relationship between ‘yes’ and ‘no opinion/don’t know’ was not specified.In addition to Yvon Jaspers, this quiz was mainly about who had watched themost TV this year and who had remembered the most. When asked, some quizparticipants said they watch TV for about six hours a day. And so locations ofTV programs were guessed, program logos named, everyone knew the name of thewoman for whom farmer Evert had chosen (Maud in Farmer seeks wife ), as isthe answer to the question, “Who was in the horse suit?” (Bridget Maasland in_The Masked Singer_ ). A possible question for next year: which quiz is megadrowsy?

Marginally less drowsy The quiz of the year from SBS6. Led by Harm Edens,Dutch celebrities Soy Kroon, Jaap Reesema, Lisa Loeb and Stefano Keizers hadto answer sixty questions about this year. Fortunately, most of the questionswere fun. About Ukraine, Edens only wanted to know what the first letter ofZelensky’s first name was. “Anything about Voldemort?” asked Kroon. He got thefirst letter right.

Here too it was often about TV programs, and sure enough, farmer Evert came byagain with his Maud (including the same fragment). And here too, famous peoplewere measured against a beauty ideal: not Yvon Jaspers’ ass, but GeorgeClooney’s head was now the subject of conversation. It was far from sexy,Edens said in response to the question: “Who is through the magazine _People_named sexiest man in the world? Clooney gradually took on the appearance of a”flaring dumpster,” Edens said. It was not clear what exactly the viewershould imagine with this, nor what percentage agreed with it.

The last Jew in Afghanistan

Afghanistan was not featured in either quiz. News enough, but those whoconsider these quizzes as a kind of cheerful annual overview, can do littlewith the country. Who could do that is the empathetic Sinan Can, the one forthe documentary The last son had gone to Kabul to speak with ZabulonSimintov, who claimed to be the last Jew in Afghanistan. Can was in Kabul inthe spring of 2021 when he spoke with Simintov. It was days after Bidenannounced that the US military was withdrawing from Afghanistan.

“All Muslims are like brothers to me,” says 70-year-old Simintov, “but oh woeif the Taliban come again.” During the previous Taliban regime he had beenarrested four times, his Torah had been torn up and he was no longer allowedto pray. He feared this would happen again. “God let America burn,” he cursedBiden’s decision. Should the Taliban seize power, he would stay again and prayto death. Ancient Jewish history could not simply be undone, not even inAfghanistan. “I will always stay here. This is my homeland.”

What happened in Afghanistan in the summer of 2021 is also known to people whodo not participate in annual quizzes. Can keeps in touch as long as possible,until he hears nothing more. After months it turns out that Simintov has leftKabul and now lives in Istanbul. It had become impossible to stay. “They evenkill their own brothers,” says Simintov. But he held out hope for Jewishhistory in Afghanistan: as long as he lived, Jewish history in Afghanistan wasnot over.

Do we immediately have a quiz question for next year: how many Jews live inAfghanistan now?