LEGO Masters Christmas special is not popular: ‘Deadly sin’

Eight Dutch celebrity duos were entered last night LEGO Masters challengedto create special LEGO creations. However, the special broadcast, which wasstill in the Christmas theme after Christmas, was not particularly wellreceived by viewers. Timing was a problem, as was the quality of the LEGOcreations.

In the RTL 4- program, participants must complete spectacular structuresmade of Danish bricks from memory, without blueprints, to win. The celebritiesplayed for 5000 euros, which is donated to a self-chosen charity.

Celebrities in LEGO Masters

For example, radio men and good friends Barry Paf and Erik de Zwart show theirLEGO building skills in the special, and compete to raise money for BeatBatten, a foundation against a metabolic disease Batten. TV chef Hugo Kennis,together with his best friend and actor Thomas Cammaert, participates in thecharity Right to Play, which is committed to children in war zones. Inaddition, actresses Fenna Ramos and Kes van den Broek are committed toparticipating in the KiKa foundation.

The brothers of Kriss Kross Amsterdam, Jordy and Sander Huisman, hope todonate the prize money to the food bank. But there are two more brothers whojoin in LEGO Masters , namely the twins Jeangu and Xillan Macrooy, who arecommitted to The Black Archives foundation. And last but not least MocroMafia stars Marouane Meftah and Carre Albers throw their building skills intobattle for the National Elderly Fund.

Build for a good cause

However, whether the duos win or lose, a donation will be made to their chosencharity. They then have 1000 euros to give away. “So build the stars of thesky,” encourages presenter Jamai Loman. The contestants have to decorate themeager Christmas tree in the studio for their first assignment. Each duo makesone decoration for that.

The duo of Barry Paf and Erik de Zwart decide to make a stork on which bothmen sit: “This is how we hope to fly to first place,” it sounds. “A good idea,isn’t it?” Brother duo Jeangu and Xillan Macrooy also throw their LEGO skillsinto battle, but, says Jeangu: “It is an extra motivation if you know what youare doing it for. We can mean something beautiful for an organization with agood cause.” But it is Hugo Kennis and Thomas Cammaert who win the firstassignment.

Enter the second command LEGO Masters the celebrities venture into a snowglobe in which they have to realize a Christmas LEGO construction. Thecandidates have to build their snow globe in nine hours, which was also judgedby Fred van Leer. It is the snow globe of Fenna Ramos and Kes van den Broekthat scores the highest and with that the actresses rake in 5000 euros for theKiKa foundation.

‘Too bad’, ‘so sad’ and ‘pff…’

But, this special Christmas edition of LEGO Masters failed to impressviewers. The timing of the Christmas special is considered odd, with viewersquestioning the creations’ building skills and thinking that the normalseasons of LEGO Masters in which experienced LEGO builders participate andnot celebrities, is of better quality.

It’s a shame how this concept is being killed. Why now BN-ers again? These> are not ‘Masters’ after all.> #legomasters>> — Wilfred Kluin (@wilfredkluin) December 28,> 2022

Since when does this only come on TV after Christmas? And why am I suddenly> looking forward to the New Year’s Eve special from the whole of Holland> Bakes that is scheduled for next Tuesday?>> Fenna and Kes win VIP edition #LEGO> Masters>>> — Joost Landzaat (@Joost_Landzaat) December 29,> 2022

Such a shame that everything, but really everything, has to be thrown into a> Christmas sauce around this time. And then you finally think you’ve got rid> of that Christmas mess, there will be another Christmas special 2 days after> Christmas… pfff… and thank you> @RTL4 #Lego> Masters>> — Rene van der Does (@the_doesman) December 28,> 2022

The ideas are nice, the execution is below par to be called masters…> #legomasters>> — Eus (@Eus78864301) December 28,> 2022

The quality of the pieces are really sad….. > My 6-year-old nephew is even more creative than this so-called> #legomasters>> — Rodney (@Midago3) December 28,> 2022

The LEGO Masters Christmas special can be viewed here.

Protect the children’s soul against the decency rascals and the black swaths of the Kijkwijzer – Joop

Let me make no bones about it: my childhood was spent in an atmosphere ofviolence. Not literally, of course, except for the few “floats” with whichfather sometimes corrected me. He also threatened with “a blow to my swan’sneck”, but that was it. The violence came in through stories in which murder,martyrdom, fights, animal torture and even cannibalism were commonplace.Television was only found in the villas of the rich. The walk to the cinemawas a rare treat. We had to have storytelling. This was amply present at(grand)parents, masters and teachers. They told about Gretel who burned thewitch alive in the oven, about the giant who – deceived by little Thumbling –ate his own daughters, the hunter who cut open the wolf – a protected species– to take out Little Red Riding Hood and grandmother. Often enough, the heroesof these stories not only had blood on their hands, they also turned out to bethieves who were not punished but lived “happily ever after” with the loot andthe princess.

The Kijkwijzer would know what to do with this. The ‘classification forms’that producers of such stories have had to fill out for almost twenty yearslead to only one judgment: suitable for sixteen years and older. Youngeryouths may become frightened by the violence or, worse, begin to think thatthis kind of behavior is normal. They could imitate it in practice. At least,that’s what the Kijkwijzer explains on its website. The questionnaires arecompiled on the basis of scientific insights by researchers in the field ofchildren’s soul and the media. In addition, the spirit of the times is alsotaken into account when interpreting the information on the classificationform.

What this leads to became clear in the days leading up to Christmas. A newassessment of the classic teen movie Pete Bell led to the qualification”twelve years and older”: instead of “all ages”. The cause was the complaintof one frightened citizen. As a result, the NPO had to remove the plannedscreening of the film from the daily programming. Films for 12 years and oldermay only be shown after 8 pm. The necessary protest followed and therefore theclassification was converted again, this time to nine years and older. Thensuch a film may just be shown in daylight. Everyone happy.

Horror stories have been part of European youth culture since time immemorial.That has not changed in the twenty-first century, despite all the complaintsabout the snowflakes of today. That’s as much of a myth as woke. There is agreat interest in horror in the upper years of primary education. It is notfor nothing that the Dutch children so en masse the American _Halloween_embraced tradition. They love scary things.

In that context, it is very strange if a classification form results in PietjeBell being less suitable for this target group. Then you have to ask questionsabout the scientific content of all this. After all, the tree is known by itsfruits.

The trophies of the baby boom generation include the scalps of the CentralCommittee for Film Inspection (CCFK) and the Katholieke Film Centrale (KFC),which labeled cinema films as “All ages”, “Fourteen years and older” and”Eighteen years old”. and older”. The judges pay particular attention to sexand nudity. Much less was acceptable to the Catholics than to the generals.The KFC saw itself dismantled in 1970 due to superfluousness. The CCFK wasclosed in 1977 by the Den Uyl cabinet. The general opinion was that parentswere man enough to decide for themselves what their children could handle.However, Dries van Agt, Minister of Justice, set up a new body, the Dutch FilmInspection, which later evolved into the Kijkwijzer.

This is part of the Netherlands Institute for the Classification ofAudiovisual Media (NICAM), which was founded in 2002. It doesn’t work withjudges. It has developed rating systems that allow media to rate themselvesand their products. As long as they correctly fill out the many”scientifically established” forms. They tie the bow themselves and then hangthemselves.

The Kijkwijzer has developed a large number of symbols to characterize a mediaproduct: sex, violence, rough language, horror et cetera. Then there are theages. For example, the public has been caught in the rain. The audiovisualproduction is strung in a tighter straitjacket than in the days of the old-fashioned film approval. Manufacturers should be careful: too many wrong iconscan jeopardize the return on investment of your investment. Pietje Bell showswhat can happen. In general, producers submit to the compulsion of theclassification forms. Dave Schram, the producer of Pietje Bell, was evenwilling to delete certain scenes from the film after initial anger if it couldonly be shown on television on Saturday. You are only safe if you present thegreatest common denominator of stupidity.

These are sad times.

The Dutch audiovisual industry is hampered by a body that comes up withannoying qualifications if the creativity of the makers does not shy away fromsharp edges. Maybe it’s time to inform Kijkwijzer and Nicam that they can putthose forms in a place where the sun doesn’t shine. Then you might be betteroff having a stern Jesuit father from a hundred years ago as censor. At leasthe had a cultural background and a tremendous development. Bunch ofcharlatans. With their “scientific question”. Let’s protect the soul ofchildren from these pastors, these black slytherins, these limiters, thesedecency rascals of our time.

The team of 2022 according to various Belgian and Dutch artists

We have overwhelmed you with our lists over the past few weeks. So it’s hightime to let some other people speak and to express their opinion. We startwith some Belgian and for the first time also Dutch artists who released musicthis year or bands that you should keep an eye on next year. We asked elevenquestions and they answered. So something for everyone. Are you still lookingfor a good soundtrack for reading the article? You can find all our previouslypublished end-of-year lists on Spotify! Have fun discovering.


Favorite album(s) of 2022: Hmm… difficult to choose between Consolationprize from MEROL and RENAISSANCE from Beyonce.

Favorite single(s) of 2022: Jessie Ware – “Free Yourself”

Favorite concert(s) of 2022:

  • Jessie Reyez as support act for Billie Eillish – Ziggo Dome * Joost – Pukkelpop.

Favorite Music Video(s) of 2022: Personal Trainer – “Back Busters”

Favorite Discovery of 2022: Charlotte Adigery & Bolis Pupul

Most beautiful artwork of 2022: ROSALIA – MOTOMAMI

International act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: SAULT and I are alreadylooking forward to Rihanna’s Super Bowl Half Time performance.

Belgian/Dutch act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Martha Da’ro and Wytiki

Overrated and/or underrated in 2022: Covers and end-of-year lists areoften overrated ;). I myself have found Taylor Swift underrated for too long,but since her new album, I’m converted and “Karma” has been on repeat fordays.

What I will remember from music year 2022: How Lizzo received the People’sChampion Award and hosted seventeen activists. Lily Allen and Olivia Rodrigosinging “Fuck You” at Glastonbury Festival v US Supreme Court. And of coursethat I released my debut album.


Favorite album(s) of 2022:

  • FKA twigs – Capri songs * Stromae – Multitude * Tamino – Sahara * ROSALIA – MOTOMAMI

Favorite single(s) of 2022:

  • Raül Refree – “Io que Esconden” * Warhaus – “Best I Ever Had”

Favorite concert(s) of 2022: James Blake, Sevdaliza and Eefje de Visser

Favorite Music Video(s) of 2022:

  • Pitou – “Big Tear” * C. Tangana – “Cuándo Olvidaré”

Favorite Discovery of 2022: Cristobal Tapia De Veer – Renaissance (MainTitle Theme)

Most beautiful artwork of 2022: Pregnant Guy & Lander Gyselinck –Pourriture Noble

International act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Moses Sumney and MariaJose Llergo

Belgian/Dutch act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Ão and Faces On TV

Overrated and/or underrated in 2022:

What I will remember from music year 2022: Stromae’s live performance of“L’enfer” on the news.


Favorite album(s) of 2022:

  • SIDS – There ‘s Always Blood at the End of the Road * Nick Cave– Seven Psalms * RESIN – True Champion Ride

Favorite single(s) of 2022:

  • Wiegedood – “Now Will Always Be” * Brutus – “Liar” * RONKER – “Shame” * Cada Muscolo – “Mabe Fratti”

Favorite concert(s) of 2022:

  • Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – TW Classic * Karate – C-mine * RONKER – Rock Rec

Favorite Discovery of 2022: RONKER

Most beautiful artwork of 2022: Pregnant Guy & Lander Gyselinck –Pourriture Noble

International act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Omni Selassi

Belgian/Dutch act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: RONKER

What I will remember from music year 2022: The year that HEISA was finallyat Pukkelpop. Bucket list/life goals!


Favorite album(s) of 2022: Hendrik Lasure – The wheel

Favorite single(s) of 2022: Lee – “Anybody”

Favorite concert(s) of 2022:

  • Shht – Shortwood Festival * Kendrick Lamar – Sports Palace * Eefje de Visser – Ancienne Belgique

Favorite Music Video(s) of 2022: Dijon – “Absolutely” (a long livevideo/short film where he and his band perform the entire album live)

Favorite Discovery of 2022: Nick Cave’s Red Hand Files

Most beautiful artwork of 2022: Certainly not the most beautiful artworksof 2022, but the most precious to me are the artworks that I make myself formy record. It feels very nice to alternate the musical making process with thevisual: a kind of creative art pollination.

International act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Marina Herlop

Belgian/Dutch act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Hendrik Lasure, LaLoye,Loverman and Tristan

What I will remember from music year 2022: The start of a new musicalchapter with “Big Tear”, shows at Pukkelpop and Rock Werchter, theannouncement of the album in 2023. And also a lot of beautiful music,inspiration and above all to finally be able to feel the joy of being able tolive in music together again to go up.


Favorite album(s) of 2022:

  • Charlotte Adigery & Bolis Pupul – topical dancer * The Smile– A Light for Attracting Attention

Favorite single(s) of 2022:

  • Warhaus – “Time bomb” * The State – “Peace, Love & Profit”

Favorite concert(s) of 2022:

  • Tool – Sportpaleis * Dijf Sanders – China Street

Favorite Music Video(s) of 2022: STAKE – “Zone Out”

Favorite Discovery of 2022: Turnstile and Asa Moto

Most beautiful artwork of 2022: Charlotte Adigery & Bolis Pupul – topicaldancer

International act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Sebastian and Mother’sCake

Belgian/Dutch act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Loverman

Overrated and/or underrated in 2022:

  • Underrated: DVKES and The Guru Guru

What I will remember from music year 2022: No one will ever transcend theintro of Metejoor’s record.

Isaac Roux

Favorite album(s) of 2022:

  • Alex G– God Save The Animals * Big Thief – Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You * Dekker – I Won ‘t Be Your Foe * Paul – Dear * The Haunted Youth– Dawn of the Freak * A Blaze of Feather – Claire ‘s Line

Favorite single(s) of 2022:

  • Paul – “Dear” * The Haunted Youth – “Broken” * Meltheads – “Naive” * Marble Sounds – “Axolotl” * Phoebe Bridgers – “Sideline”

Favorite concert(s) of 2022:

  • Charlie Cunningham – OLT Rivierenhof, Whisper * Tamino – The Groan * STAKE – Pukkelpop * Kevin Morby – The Roma

Favorite Music Video(s) of 2022:

  • Tamino – “Fascination” * Kevin Morby – “Bittersweet”

Favorite Discovery of 2022: Keaton Henson and Katie Gregson-MacLeod

Most beautiful artwork of 2022:

  • Big Thief – Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You * Dry Cleaning – stumpwork * Alex G – God Save The Aminals

International act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Katie Gregson-MacLeod

Belgian/Dutch act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: The Christian Club, TheYummy Mouths, Caspar Auwerkerken, RONKER

Overrated and/or underrated in 2022:

  • Overrated: Niels in his bathwater, Metejoor, Regi…

What I will remember from music year 2022: Got to play a lot and made nicesteps forward. Very curious about 2023!!!

point judith

© Nosh Neneh

Favorite album(s) of 2022:

  • Stromae – Multitude (on a road trip across Chile completely turned gray) * Tamino – Sahara * Beyonce – RENAISSANCE (already legendary) * Kay Tempest – The Line is a Curve

Favorite single(s) of 2022:

  • Beyoncé – “ALIEN SUPERSTAR” * Weval – “Change for the Better” * Stromae – “L’enfer” * ROSALIA – “HENTAI”

Favorite concert(s) of 2022:

  • Bon Iver – Ziggo Dome (phenomenal, fantastic sound, and almost everything live) * Gorillaz – Down The Rabbit Hole (huge live show, lots of guest artists. The definition of dancing on quicksand, the world is going down but we’re having a party) * James Blake – Tivoli (sooo strong live, what a musician, what a voice, what a producer)

Favorite Music Video(s) of 2022:

  • ROSALIA – “SAOKO” * Stromae – “L’enfer” (so simplistic, so strong)

Favorite Discovery of 2022: IKRAAN! very nice lyrics and very nice videos.I really like artists with a strong visual slant and she does it beautifully.

Most beautiful artwork of 2022: FKA twigs is an artwork in itself.

International act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Sevdaliza. Does giganticworld tours, keeps reinventing himself. Mega innovative in her work.

Belgian/Dutch act(s) to keep an eye on in 2023: Prins S en de Geit – had asick year, just released a record, mega energy, top lyrics.

Overrated and/or underrated in 2022:

  • Overrated: Nothing is overrated after two years of lockdowns. Celebrate life 🙂 * Underrated: Finally dancing together again!

What I will remember from music year 2022: That full of live energy force!Getting together with friends, jumping in the crowd at summer festivals, andthe avalanches 😉 of new releases, can’t wait for 2023!

Read more on the next page!

Mundial de Qatar: Muchos Martínez y un solo Dibu | Deportes

La moralina y el fútbol reinventan el famoso chiste del yogur con chorizo,aquella mezcla imposible que solicitábamos en los colmados del pueblo paracontarlo al día siguiente en el recreo. Nos admiramos, dignísimos, acusando alfutbolista de no estar a la altura de las circunstancias, tan solo porque éltiene algo que celebrar mientras nosotros dejamos tirada la toalla en el bañocada mañana, desordenadamente confiados al no tener una cámara de televisiónenfocando cada movimiento . Del escrutinio milimétrico era consciente el Dibu,como no serlo: uno gana el Mundial para permitirse algún exceso y profanar, sise tercia, la imagen del monstruo final, ese ogro deportivo que trató derobarte la fiesta en los morros, algo recurrente en la liturgia del éxitodesde que Red Auerbach bautizaba con los nombres de sus víctimas aquellospuros formidables que se fumaba. Excluyamos la naturalidad de la ecuación ynos quedará algo similar a la política, el patinaje artístico o un conciertode Coldplay.

Criticamos al Dibu a cuarenta pulsaciones por minuto -que es el grado máximode excitación que uno puede alcanzar escribiendo un artículo de opinión, nodigamos un spout por sus excesos. O al Mourinho que profanó el Camp Nouacosado por los aspersores y con el dedo en alto, recordándole a Dios que losmilagros no son materia exclusiva de los inmortales. ¿En qué puntoestablecemos el umbral de lo admisible cuando apenas contamos como referenciaesgrimible el punto álgido de nuestra mayor celebración? La mía, y loreconozco con cierta vergüenza, se limitó a cantar el “papá, decime qué sesiente” a mi propio progenitor el día que mi madre me nombró conductorhabitual en el seguro obligatorio de su nuevo y flamante utilitario.

Jornada 15 de la Liga | Horarios, resultados de los partidos y resumen | Deportes

El Sevilla fue un equipo con nombre y apellido en el Mundial -tres campeonescomo Montiel, Papu y Acuña,además de los semifinalistas Bono y En-Nesyri-,pero no le sucede lo mismo en la Liga, ahora en puestos de descenso. Aunque nolo tendrá fácil en Balaídos el técnico Sampaoli al que se le acumulan lasbajas (los sancionados Montiel, Nianzou e Ivan Rakitic; los lesionados Marcao,Álex Telles, Tecatito Corona, Delaney, Rekik y Papu; y el descartado Dolberg,camino de unirse a Isco, que rescindió contrato). Al otro lado de la red, conun Celta que tampoco marcha fino en la competición, pues delimita los puestosdel descenso, respira Carlos Carvalhal, que no cuenta con baja alguna.

Cadiz – Almería (viernes 30 de diciembre, 19.15, DAZN y Gol)

Derbi andaluz con diferentes urgencias, pues el Cádiz está instalado en lospuestos de descenso y el Almería aspira a un triunfo que le atornille en elecuador de la tabla. Ocurre que el conjunto gaditano no anda demasiado sobradocon las piezas defensivas y tiene las bajas de Iván Alejo (acumulación detarjetas),además de Garrido y Zaldua (lesión). Rubi, por su parte, no podrápaginar al sancionado Rodrigo Ely ni al lesionado Martos, como tampoco podrávestirse de corto el delantero ya fichado Luis Suárez al no estar inscritohasta enero.

Valladolid – Real Madrid (viernes 30 de diciembre, 21.30, DAZN)

Pretende el Valladolid seguir sumando puntos en esta Liga, en la que anda enuna posición cómoda con Pacheta al frente, que solo tiene las ausencias deFeddal, Anuar y el semifinalista del Mundial El Yamiq. No le resultarásencillo con la visita del Madrid, segundo en la tabla aunque con jugadoresque suman pocos minutos por el Mundial como * Tchouameni y Modric, breathasde los brasileños Vinicius Militao y * Rodrygo. El que sí se supone quesaldrá de la partida es Benzema, que se marchó de la concentración de Franciaantes de que comenzara la Copa del Mundo por una lesión leve.

Barcelona – Espanyol (sábado 31 de diciembre, 14.00, Movistar)

Derbi catalán en el Camp Nou, con un Barça líder y frente a un Espanyol enapuros porque mira el descenso con el retrovisor. Diego Martínez,además, nopodrá contar con Keidi Bare, que cayó en el choque copero en La Palma y estarávarios meses de baja tras ser operado del tobillo, tampoco con el lesionadoPedrosa ni el sancionado Dani Gómez,además del fichaje César Montes, que podrádebutar en enero. Xavi, por su parte, tiene la notable ausencia del delanteroRobert Lewandowski, sancionado por tres encuentros, y se presume que no pondráde la partida a Koundé y Dembélé, finalistas en el Mundial.

Real Sociedad – Osasuna (sabado 31 de diciembre, 16.15, DAZN)

Duelo de altos vuelos entre la Real y Osasuna. Alguacil, que hasta ahoramantiene al equipo tercero en la tabla y en la zona Champions, recibe alconjunto de Arrasate, que también pelea por entrar en los puestos europeos-está a un punto del Betis, frontera de la Liga Europa- y que puede contar contodos sus efectivos menos con Nacho Vidal. La Real, sin embargo, tiene lasbajas de Merquelanz, Umar Sadiq y Carlos Fernández,además del sancionadoMerino.

Villarreal – Valencia (sabado 31 de diciembre, 16.15, Movistar)

Envite de vecinos que puede definir qué equipo aspira a Europa. Setién,técnico amarillo, conforme con la evolución de sus jugadores y el estilo dejuego que persigue, sigue dando vueltas al equipo aunque sabe que para estechoque no podrá contar con Gio Lo Celso, que ya se perdió el Mundial de Qatarpor una rotura del biceps femoral. Gattuso, exigido a vencer para no perder eltren europeo y para que no se caldeen los ánimos en el siempre bulliciosoMestalla, tiene a todos los jugadores a punto -a excepción de Jaume Doménech-y podrá strafer a Cavani ya Gayà, que se perdió el Mundial a última hora porlesión, en el lateral izquierdo.

Surprise about the cancellation of the Leids Cabaret Festival: ‘Is it that bad then?’

This year there is no Leids Cabaret Festival in the Leidse Schouwburg. (Photo:Emile van Aelst).

“Is it that bad then?” Was the first reaction of Evert de Vries of the Paulvan Vliet Academy when he heard on Monday that the Leids Cabaret Festival haddecided not to organize the 44th edition in February. According to theorganization, there were too few good participants. De Vries: “Sometimes youhave lesser years, sometimes better years. You just have to deal with that.”

De Vries speaks from experience, because for thirty years he was director ofthe Amsterdams Kleinkunst Festival, one of the three important Dutch cabaretfestivals alongside the Leids Cabaret Festival and Camaretten. “It justdepends on what kind of talents sign up and whether they are ready for hispodium. Sometimes they are not yet ripe enough. We do have talents, but theystill need to develop. At a festival like this you have to be able to sit onseventy percent of your body.”

In any case, he sees ‘a few who could do well’ among the students of the Paulvan Vliet Academy. But he cannot give any guarantees either: “You have to gothrough a learning process. There is still something involved to make anevening-filling theater show. You really need to learn that. The problem isthat they are all soloists. No ensembles. Together you learn more and it iseasier to develop a vision.”

Gain experience The Leids Cabaret Festival itself does not want to point an accusing finger:“We do not want to blame corona for everything.” Nevertheless, De Vries doesnot rule out that this also played a role. “Due to the corona crisis, theplaygrounds for young, starting talent have shrunk. Because many performanceshad to be made up, there was less room for programming.”

Many theaters also play it safe and opt for big and well-known names, insteadof unknown and starting talent. And that is fatal for comedians who have justcome to watch and have to make a lot of progress. “You need a festival to putyourself in the picture,” says De Vries. “It really is a springboard. Youngcandidates can gain experience and develop skills during auditions andpreliminary rounds. Moreover, you will receive guidance and coaching, whichyou really need.”

Upturned joke tellers Another factor, according to De Vries, is that stand-up comedians are all therage these days. But that is really something different from cabaret:“Nowadays they are all upside-down joke tellers. That’s flat humor. Butcomedians have a whole story to tell. They really turn it into theatre.”

Are cabaret and cabaret festivals still relevant today? De Vries is convincedhe does: “Cabaret is the most popular form of theater in the Netherlands.Profitable if done right and more popular than football in terms of visitornumbers. Ballet, theater and music cannot do without a subsidy, cabaret can.They are all self-employed.”

Angry De Vries is therefore not worried about the future of the cabaret. Still, heregrets that the Leids Cabaret Festival skips a year. Not the first time, bythe way, because in 1980 and 2021 the organization also skipped a year. Whichreminds him that, as director of the Amsterdams Kleinkunst Festival, hecreated the Annie MG Schmidt Prize in 1991 for the best theater song.

In 1993 it was also decided not to award the Annie MG Schmidt Prize becausethe entries were not considered good enough. Much to the anger of the namesakehimself. De Vries: “Annie MG Schmidt became incredibly angry and said thatthis should never happen again. She believed: there is always a best. Anyway,songs are a bit different from comedians.”

La compleja salida de João Félix | Deportes

Tres semanas después de que Miguel Ángel Marín pusiera en el mercado a JoãoFélix aireando las desavenencias entre el jugador y Diego Pablo Simeone, alAtlético de Madrid aún no le ha llegado una oferta firme para un traspaso nipara una cesión, según fuentes del club . El dueño de la entidad no tiene unaoferta formal que valorar ni del Chelsea, ni del Arsenal, ni del United, lostres clubes que desde Inglaterra señalan como posible destino del delanteroportugués. Si el entrenador no cambia de opinión respecto a lo que ha probadoen los últimos entrenamientos, esta noche, ante el Elche, en el Metropolitano(21.30 Movistar LaLiga), el atacante luso formará en el once titular. Ya conla ventana de fichajes abierta, João Félix cuenta con desplazarse a Oviedo conel equipo para disputar los dieciseisavos de final de la Copa el próximomiércoles 4 de enero.

El jugador sigue decidido a marcharse ya Simeone no le importa, deslizan en elclub, pero el movimiento no es sencillo porque afecta de pleno a la raíz de laoperación que llevó a João Félix hasta el Atlético, en el verano de 2019, comorecambio estelar de Antoine Griezmann a cambio de 126 millones de euros. Conapenas 19 años, el trasvase desde el Benfica tenía escondida una segundaoperación tras una supuesta revalorización del jugador. Por entonces, hastalos oídos del agente del jugador, Jorge Mendes, y del propio Gil Marínllegaron conclusions de terceros que les hacían ver su error al poner en manosde Simeone el talento de la incipiente estrella portuguesa.

Tres temporadas y media después, la estrategia urdida está en el disparadero.Se antoja complicado que un club desembolse en este mercado invernal 100millones de euros por un futbolista que ahora mismo sería una apuesta deriesgo por la discontinuidad de su rendimiento. La cesión es la vía másfactible, pero ahí el club antepone sus intereses. Si no hay compra en enero,João Félix debe elegir un destino de cesión en el que su figura se revaloricecon vistas a una venta en verano. Cualquier posible refuerzo, como el de BorjaIglesias, avanzado por Mark , está supeditado a su salida. “No podemosempezar a hablar con nadie si João no sale. Su sustituto puede sercualquiera”, dice un dirigente. Enter esos cualquiera hasta el nombre deAnsu Fati ha sonado en los despachos.

La fórmula del préstamo también contiene otra derivada que se cruza con elfuturo de Simeone. Si el equipo no se clasifica para la próxima edición de laLiga de Campeones, el club puede rescindir el año de contrato que le restaríaal técnico abonándole una cantidad muy inferior a los 23 millones de eurosnetos que percibe. Sin Simeone en el horizonte, João Félix podría no ver tantraumática su continuidad en el Atlético.

La espera de la llegada de una oferta que convenza primero al club y despuésal jugador ha deparado una tregua profesional entre el preparador argentino yel futbolista. Este, al contrario que otros mundialistas, se incorporódirectamente a los entrenamientos saltándose las sesiones de readaptación enel gimnasio que suelen cumplimentar los que han participado en la Copa delMundo. Su aceptable actuación en Qatar ha supuesto una alta dose de autoestimaen el jugador y el técnico ha apreciado que ha llegado en forma. Simeone teníaprevistopararle en el once que se enfrentó al Arenteiro en Copa, pero unafaringoamigdalitis lo impidió. Con todo, ante un partido de más calado, JoãoFélix podría haber sidoparado sin problemas, según fuentes cercanas alvestuario rojiblanco.

La dirigencia del club observa que la reconciliación es ya una cuestiónexclusiva del técnico y del jugador. Gil Marín, en una reunión con ambos,manifestó que su deseo era que el jugador permaneciera, pero se antojacomplicado si este encuentra una vía para abandonar el Atlético en enero. Lasdeclaraciones de uno y otro durante el Mundial mostraron sus diferencias.Simeone no pudo reprimir su pensamiento sobre João Félix, al que considerainconsistent para defender su talento durante toda una temporada. “Le vi muybien. Es un torneo ideal para él, cortito, donde se ve la belleza, lavelocidad, donde te enamoran jugadores como él”, dijo tras la brillanteactuación del luso ante Ghana.

El “cortito” fue una puya que no sentó bien en el club ni al jugador, perotambién una contradicción de Simeone. Corta fue la phase final de la Championsen Lisboa y João Félix fue suplente ante el Leipzig. Y corto en el tiempo fueel desenlace final de la reciente phase de grupos en la que Simeone prescindiódel luso y el resultado fue la eliminación y no alcanzar siquiera la terceraplaza que daba acceso a la Liga Europa.

And Qatar, João Félix tampoco ocultó su animadversión hacia losplantteamientos de Simeone cuando le preguntaron la diferencia entre surendimiento en el Atlético y su buen hacer durante el Mundial. “La forma dejugar con Portugal es completamente diferente aquí que en el Atlético, y laalegría es diferente”, sentenció el luso. A este ya le dio igual mostrar sudescontento con gestos como tirar el peto cuando Simeone comenzó a prescindirde él tras la derrota en el derbi con el Real Madrid (1-2). Si el Cholo apostópor enderezar el rumbo en la Liga de Campeones y en la Liga sin él, el jugadorno disimulaba su contrariedad con el técnico, convencido de que tarde otemprano este tendría que recurrir a él, como sucedió en los últimos partidosantes del paron, y parece que ahora tambien. Sin embargo, aunque dentro delvestuario tiene defensores, el plantel en general está hastiado de lassituaciones de tensión que provocan sus desaires.

Mientras se resuelve la marcha de João Félix, la situación ha despertado alSimeone más pragmático, que contará con el jugador mientras esté a sudisposición y considere que su rendimiento puede ayudar a enderezar la malatemporadafirmada antes del parón mundialista. “A mi lo que me importa es elequipo y él es un jugador importante. Si logra transmitir todo lo que hizo elMundial será importantísimo. Sobre todo porque el equipo necesita de suscualidades”, dijo ayer Simeone, que describió la relación con João Félix yadmitió las diferencias: “Es una relación buena, de trabajo. Más allá de lasdiferencias que puede haber en las personas”.

Los tres campeones del mundo se incorporan al trabajo

Los tres campeones del mundo del Atleti, Rodrigo de Paul, Nahuel Molina yÁngel Correa, se incorporaron ayer a la disciplina del club tras finalizar susvacaciones. De Paul no se entrenó por unos problemas en los isquiotibiales quearrastra desde el Mundial. Nahuel Molina se ha entrenado al margen del grupopara hacer trabajo específico individualizado. El único que se ejercitó con elgrupo fue Correa, que no disputó ningún minuto en Qatar. Los tres no estaránesta noche en el Metropolitano ante el Elche, pero pueden entrar en la listade convocados para el partido de Copa en Oviedo.

this way you get the latest software version

In principle, updating a Chromecast happens automatically, but this does notalways go well. In this article, we’ll show you how to manually update themedia player.

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This is how you update a Chromecast

The Chromecast is all about convenience. Once you have installed the device,you no longer have to worry about updates. New software versions runautomatically in the background.

That’s how it should be, anyway. Technology does not always cooperate, so itis sometimes necessary to update the Chromecast manually. This is quite easywith the latest version, the Chromecast with Google TV (HD). You cannot simplyupdate older Chromecast models manually, although there is a side path.

In this article we explain how to manually update a Chromecast, starting withthe Google TV versions (recognizable by the supplied remote control).

To update Chromecast with Google TV (HD):

  1. Turn on the TV and go to the Chromecast home screen; 2. Select the profile icon at the top right and choose ‘Settings’;

The settings screen can be recognized by the gear icon.

  1. Press ‘System’, go to ‘About’ and then ‘System update’; 4. Check whether an update is available for your Chromecast and install it if necessary.

Depending on the size of the update, it may take anywhere from a few secondsto a few minutes to download. Internet speed also affects how quickly thesoftware is installed.

Can’t update the Chromecast? Then try to restore the device to factorysettings and then install it again. You can also do this via the settingsmenu. Choose ‘System’, ‘About’ and then ‘Factory data reset’.

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Update older Chromecast

Don’t have a Chromecast with Google TV (HD), but an older model? Then theupdate will happen automatically in the background. These media players do nothave an operating system that you can update manually, unlike its youngerbrothers.

You can download updates via a detour. First, it’s important to find out whichsoftware version your Chromecast is currently running:

  1. Open Google’s Home app and select your media player; 2. Tap the gear icon in the top right and go to ‘Device information’; 3. Under the heading ‘Technical information’ you will find which firmware version the Chromecast is using; 4. You can then check the latest software version on Google’s website.

Is your Chromecast running on an outdated version, and is it not installedautomatically? Then you can force the update by completely resetting the mediaplayer.

This is done via the Google Home app. Select your Chromecast and tap the gearicon at the top right. Choose ‘More’ and then ‘Factory data reset’. Then it’sa matter of following directions.

Once the Chromecast resets itself to factory settings, it will begin toreinstall itself. The latest software update is automatically downloaded.

Does not it work? In the article below we explain in detail how you can reseta Chromecast.

Also read: Reset Chromecast in 4 steps: this is how you start with a cleanslate

More about the Chromecast

The Chromecast is perhaps the best device Google has ever made. At least, ifeverything works properly. If this is not the case, we explain how to get aChromecast that is not on duty working again. Sometimes it is necessary toreinstall the Chromecast.

The new Dutch Big Brother is a Belgian

Medialand Nederland is controlled by the Dutch government (NPO), by severalGerman and Flemish families and one Dutch entrepreneur. Media journalist MarkKoster sees the panels moving further: even less competition.

John de Mol was combative on November 24, 2017. In the Amsterdam DeLaMartheater, the media tycoon launched an attack on Google, Facebook, Netflix andthe Dutch government. De Mol had incorporated television channel SBS that dayand now it was time to declare revolution and declare war on global mediaoligarchs.

Then De Mol was still big

‘If we don’t watch out, the large foreign parties will soon control themajority of the advertising market and we will only be able to watch Chinese,British and American channels.’ As if the Chinese care about our privacy, BigBrother sneered in the theater of his former business friend, Joop van denEnde.

De Mol believed that more facilities should be freed up to be able to defendthemselves against American and Chinese buying groups that have no regard forDutch media heritage. Although De Mol himself had sold his company twice toforeign parties (Endemol and ITV), he saw the Googles and the Facebooks ascompetitors with predatory behaviour. They do benefit from the infrastructuralbenefits, but bear no tax burden.

It’s been over five years, but it’s like returning to someone who’s taken anLSD pill and is hallucinating. Nothing is left of De Mol’s daydream. Thecommercial Dutch media market has declined in five years.

Where Winston Gerschtanowitz, host of the day in DeLaMar, still spoke toughabout ‘milking content’ and Pim Schmitz, the Talpa CEO, still spoke Freudianwords and called SBS a ‘media threat’, the revolution call in DeLaMar was alast convulsion of a proud Dutch media neighborhood supermarket.

John de Mol, once the country’s biggest media tycoon, has not grown, but hasshrunk. SBS/Talpa is having a hard time and is looking for support from RTLNederland, a daughter who has been placed with a host family by parent companyBertelsmann (of the German Mohn family). It is a sweet child, but it is betterthat she will soon find a rich friend to survive independently.

The merger has become a life and death struggle for Big Brother. SBS is adying house, with which you no longer play dice, but for which you are lookingfor an oxygen tank.

The demise of SBS

In 2011, De Mol took over the people’s channel SBS (together with Sanoma) for1 billion euros, in 2017 a third of that was left when he incorporated it.Five years later, it’s worth even less.

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) must now assesswhether the merger of SBS and RTL may go ahead. The cartel guard not onlylooks at the size of the TV merger, spreadsheets will also have to becompleted to see whether Talpa / RTL is not a monopolist in advertisingpricing and whether there is enough room for independent producers to sellprograms . ACM has previously intervened (as AFM’s legal predecessor). When DeMol tried to acquire an interest in both RTL and SBS in 2011, he had to giveup one of the two interests. That then became RTL. Then De Mol acted out ofstrength, now out of weakness.

The lame and the blind

Cynics speak of a fusion between ‘a lame man and a blind man’. At firstglance, Talpa and RTL seem like a toothless couple, compared to the strengthof the foreign market parties. Let that merger go ahead, you might say.

And producers can go anywhere. With streamers with deep pockets, such asDisney+, Amazon, Netflix. And also at Videoland from RTL.

Television is a 70-year-old industry, faded glory comparable to the textileindustry in Twente in the mid-1950s: the TV nobility still thrives on statusand fame, but is sinking into a nostalgic daze.

It went crescendo for more than a quarter of a century. Since the 1990s, Dutchmedia makers have become global players, but now they have to scramble ontheir home market to earn a few more bucks.

De Mol’s last big hit The Voice dates from twelve years ago. Talpa has –especially in the past year – transformed into a flop factory. Widelyannounced series, such as Million Dollar Island , Think inside the box and_Song at first sight_ turned out to be unsaleable formats. Does RTL reallywant to team up with a man who had his creative peak at the turn of the lastcentury?

The successors are waiting in the wings. They do not come from their owncountry, but from across the border. On the Dutch market, the ChineseByteDance (met Tiktok ), the Swedish Spotify, the American media giantsFacebook (although declining) and Instagram, Google and its subsidiaryYouTube, Amazon, Twitter and Netflix are taking away viewing and listeningtime from the traditional commercial RTV parties. Whether ACM should taketheir dominant positions into account in the merger in the Netherlands is arelevant question, to which no answer has yet been formulated.

Government is lagging behind

As De Mol rightly pointed out in 2017, the Netherlands has not developed astrategy to combat the global media superpowers with pan-Europeancountervailing power. Europe is trying to put up barriers and make Google andFacebook responsible for their rampage, but the wall is porous. Legislation isoften outdated before it is introduced.

In entertainment, that’s not so serious. In fact, for years we may have beenlooking at substandard entertainment, and consumers have begun to catch upwith better-produced value-for-money series with more emphasis on production,directing and copywriting.

It becomes more poignant when the news provision falls into the hands of’uncontrolled’ foreign parties. Facebook was certainly a breeding ground forfake news and for conspiracy thinkers who were not given a platform on regularmedia, especially during corona times. But also in the serious media,independent sanctuaries are in danger of disappearing.

De Mol wanted to oppose Google and Facebook with the takeover of De TelegraafMedia Groep (which failed) and the purchase of the ANP. But the press agencyhad so tightly closed the editorial independence that no added value could becreated for Talpa titles.

The Belgians have the newspapers

Five years later, the Dutch news landscape outside the Mediapark has changedinto a duopoly: a market in which two players rule the roost.

The Mediahuis of the Flemish Leysen family owns De Telegraaf, NRC, severalregional newspapers in North Holland and radio station Sublime. There ishardly any editorial exchange. NRC and Telegraaf are two opposing titles.Music channel Sublime is negligibly small to be a monopolist.

The Van Thillo family continues to advance

Much greater is the power of the other player: DPG Media. This conglomerateowns Het Parool, AD,, Libelle and Margriet, Donald Duck, De Volkskrant,Trouw, seven regional titles and the popular radio station Q_Music.

DPG CEO Christian van Thillo, who ventilated the same criticism in Europe asDe Mol in the Netherlands, is aiming for a TV channel to distribute andpromote DPG content, as is already quite successful in Belgium. In Belgium,DPG owns the commercial channel VTM and Van Thillo, called ‘Rupert Murdoch andSilvio Berlusconi in one person’ by opponents, built a media empire thatcombines news, entertainment and need-to-know information.

Unlike Mediahuis, DPG can and does exchange content. A large part of theregional newspapers is filled by copy from the editors of the Algemeen Dagblad– to the horror of some former editors-in-chief. Alex Engbers of De Stentorbelieved that sensationalism kills the content of the regional titles. ‘On theDPG dashboards you can see which headlines are being picked up and whichstories are being read. Consumer behavior on the internet is leading in thechoice of stories.’

DPG has been working for years on its own advertising distribution channelseparate from Google and Facebook. It operates an ‘independent’ comparisonsite that offers consumers bargains on mortgages, used cars and insurance.

It goes without saying that a deal for ‘Independer’ is also a deal for DPG andtherefore for the Van Thillo family. John de Mol did not speak about De Belgfive years ago. At that time, the two tycoons in the radio file still marchedtogether against the disruptive machinations of the government. Interests arenow different.

Van Thillo wants to take over a TV channel in the Netherlands and has beenstaring at RTL for ages, that pretty girl looking for a date. Van Thillo hopesthat the merger with De Mol will collapse so that he can strike. Big Brotherappears to have another big brother in the Low Countries. He is not fromSilicon Valley, but from Antwerp.

This is the second episode of a short series by media journalist MarkCoster for Wynia’s Week about the Dutch media market. You will find thefirst episode HERE.

We don ‘t like to bother you with it, but it is of course true: the donorsform the foundation of Wynia ‘s Week. __As a donor, you make it possible forour online magazine to be published 104 times a year – again soon, in 2023.You can donate in various ways, see ** HERE . ** In advance hartly thanks!

Allison Mack talks about joining Nxivm in unearthed interview

An unearthed interview with Allison Mack is making headlines as the_Smallville_ star talked more about why she joined NXVIM. In 2021, Mack wassentenced to three years in prison for her role in Keith Raniere’s criminalorganization that’s been dubbed a “sex cult.”

Journalist Vanessa Grigoriadis spoke with Mack and Raniere in 2017, weeksbefore he was indicted for sex-trafficking, racketeering and other crimes. Onher new podcast _Infamous: Inside America ‘s Biggest Scandals_Grigoriadisplays the interviews for the first time which were conducted at NXVIM’s secrethideout in Mexico.

“I moved to Albany to fill that emptiness and find the soul of myself again,if that makes sense, as it had fizzled,” Mack says in an excerpt obtained byPage Six. (NXVIM’s headquarters was there in New York.) “I asked Keith if hewould help me become a great actress again because I felt like I was a fraud.”

Raniere co-founded NXIVM in 1998 and touted the organization as a self-improvement group. It attracted a number of famous and wealthy members, likeMack. The actress rose in the ranks and became one of Raniere’s closestconfidants, recruiting women to join the cultlike group. Within NXVIM was asecret sorority composed of “slaves” and “masters.” Mack enlisted some of the”slaves” to engage in sexual acts with Raniere, according to statements fromsome of the women. Victims were branded with Mack and Raniere’s initials. Inthe 2017 interview, Mack denied any wrongdoing and told Grigoriadis thatRaniere was “not the head of a harem.”

“I’m not recruiting young, nubile women to be his sex slaves,” Mack said. “Youknow, it’s The Crucible it’s the McCarthy trials, it’s just like, throwingaccusations and spreading like wildfire.”

Mack admitted friends were concerned that she was “brainwashed” and involvedin a cult.

Story continues

“I’m like, ‘Talk to me for a few minutes. Let me tell you what we’re doing,'”the Honey We Shrunk Ourselves star continued.

“I just was like walking with myself and I was going like, ‘Am I crazy? Am Ione of these awful people that you read about that does horrible things andthinks that she’s doing things for God?’ I had a lot of conversations withmyself like that,” Mack added.

“Ultimately, I just sat down and I like looked at my life and I looked at myrelationships and I looked at all of the things I had written, journals that Ihad kept — things that I had done over the last few years. And it was soconsistently good,” she explained.

Mack ultimately took responsibility for her role in NXVIM’s illegal operation.In 2019, she pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy and racketeering aspart of a deal with prosecutors.

“I am so sorry,” Mack wrote in a letter ahead of sentencing. “I threw myselfinto the teachings of Keith Raniere with everything I had. I believed, whole-heartedly, that his mentorship was leading me to a better, more enlightenedversion of myself. I devoted my loyalty, my resources, and, ultimately, mylife to him. This was the biggest mistake and greatest regret of my life.”

Mack apologized to “those of you that I brought into NXVIM.”

“I am sorry I ever exposed you to the nefarious and emotionally abusiveschemes of a twisted man. I am sorry that I encouraged you to use yourresources to participate in something that was ultimately so ugly,” shecontinued. “I do not take lightly the responsibility I have in the lives ofthose I love and I feel a heavy weight of guilt for having misused your trust,leading you down a negative path. I am sorry to those of you whom I spoke toin a harsh or hurtful way. At the time, I believed I was helping. I believedin tough love and thought it was the path to personal empowerment. I was soconfused. I never want to be someone who is considered mean, but those aspectsof my humanity have been revealed in all of this; it has been devastating toreconcile.”

Mack added, “I have experienced overwhelming shame as I have worked to acceptand understand all that went on and all that I chose.”

The actress also apologized to family and friends who tried “to show me thetruth about NXVIM and Keith, but I didn’t listen.”

“The list of those harmed by the collateral damage of my destructive choicescontinues to grow as I become more and more aware of how my choices haveaffected those around me. I am grateful that I have made it through thisprocess alive and that I was stopped when I was,” she concluded. “Please knowthat I am dedicated to spending my life working to mend the hearts I broke andcontinuing to transform myself into a more loving and compassionate woman.”

Mack faced a maximum of 40 years in prison, 20 years on each count, but wasonly given three as she helped prosecutors with their case against Raniere. Hewas sentenced to 120 years behind bars, which an appeals court just upheld.

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