Claude is ‘the new Stromae’: ‘But people are hearing more and more about me in it’ | Music

You’ve probably heard it pass by: the French-Dutch song Ladada (Mon DernierMoth) from newcomer Claude. It is currently the most listened to record inthe country on Spotify. The nineteen-year-old artist is compared to Stromae bythis debut single.

“It is of course a great compliment,” says Claude when asks him aboutthe comparisons with one of his examples. “And because it is my debut single,I also understand that people are looking for similarities. Because of theFrench words and the attitude of the song, I understand that people getStromae vibes from it.”

He is not afraid that these comparisons will linger too long. “As soon as moreof my music comes out, people will hear more Claude in it.”

Claude is not entirely new to the music scene. The attentive talent showviewer has known him since he participated in 15 years old _The Voice Kids._He then – of course – sang a song by Stromae. Claude made it to the battlerounds, but then had to leave the field.

He had more success Are You Next? , a search for new pop talent by musicchannel Xite and record company Cloud 9 Music. Claude won, got a record dealand was allowed to enter the studio with hit producers Arno Krabman (knownfrom Maan, Suzan & Freek, S10) and Joren van der Voort (Jaap Reesema, KrisKross Amsterdam).

Claude was not familiar with their work at the time. In fact, it was only whenhe saw the gold records on the wall of the studio that it became clear to himwho he was dealing with. “I thought: wow, where have I ended up? Then I foundout that they made songs that I listened to on the way to the studio. Iimmediately knew I was in good hands.”

The atmosphere in the studio was immediately pleasant. “It’s exciting to startwriting with people you just met, but it clicked right away. You have toexpose yourself while writing and that is only possible if a bond of trust iscreated.”

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A mix of Dutch and French

Krabman and Van der Voort made together, among other things He ‘s mine _withKris Kross Amsterdam Maan, Bizzey and Tabitha and Krabman was co-responsiblefor Eurovision entry _The depth from S10. So in Dutch, and that was also theplan with Claude. But during a studio session he used a French term andKrabman saw an opportunity.

That’s where the debut single rolled Ladada (Mon Dernier Moth) from. Thatsong is about the end of a relationship. It is not written from my ownexperience. Ladada was quickly picked up by major radio stations andgarnered online success. At the time of writing, the counter on Spotify standsat about four million streams.

The singer, who came to the Netherlands from Congo at the age of nine, doesnot yet know whether he always wants to sing in two languages. At the momenthe enjoys that mix of French and Dutch. But he doesn’t rule out writing songsentirely in one of the two languages ​​either.

Claude would not be the first artist to sign a record deal at a young age thathe no longer supports at a later age. The singer wanted to prevent that andhas enlisted help to make sure he knows what he is signing for. “Theconditions are very important and a good friend’s father helped me with that.It also helps that I have a good feeling about Cloud 9 Music and get creativefreedom.”

The success comes as a surprise, but Claude is already prepared for more.There are already the following potential singles ready. “We have to _Ladada_give it time to reach the audience now, but I really can’t wait to release the

Terapia grupal para salir del bache | Mundial Qatar 2022

El duelo de este martes ante Marruecos medirá el efecto de esa terapia grupal.También si los errores cometidos se handy digerido e interiorizado. Elintervencionismo de Luis Enrique en este primer bache ha estado centrado en lacorrección de los detalles que provocaron los goles de Japón. Uno de ellos, nojugar a un toque en la salida del balón cuando el contrario está cerca delposeedor en las inmediaciones del área. En ese punto entra la posibilidad depegar un balón largo para no asumir riesgos. “Veo que hay una claradesinformación del mundo del fútbol. Nosotros tenemos como objetivo llevar elbalón arriba en las mejores condiciones. El jugador elige, si tiene que pegarun pelotazo, pues lo pega. Cualquier cosa está permitida, pero yo compro elpack completo. No me vale que nos metan un gol y se diga que por qué no se hapegado un pelotazo”, defendió ayer Luis Enrique. El preparador Gijones estuvoafilado con la prensa que cuestionó el oficio de los jugadores o por qué no sehabían dado pelotazos en los momentos de máximo riesgo. “Oficio es carpintero,albañil, lo otro es un topicazo”, aseveró el técnico.

Photo gallery

En la tesitura de golpear el balón a la primera se vio Unai Simón ante lapresión japonesa en el primer gol. Hay análisis internos que indican que nodebió parar la pelota y regatear, sino haber despejado en largo. El meta delAthletic repitió esa secuencia dos veces en el primer gol nipón. La idea depreservar el estilo de juego saliendo con el balón jugado desde atrás no secuestiona por los jugadores. “Tenemos una manera de jugar muy concreta y escrear superioridad desde atrás. Es la mejor manera de prosperar y no perder elbalón, eso no significa tomar riesgos cuando no toca”, defiende Rodri.

La España innegociable | Mundial Qatar 2022

Por no preocupar, a Luis Enrique le preocupa “cero” el resultado, “por más quesuene utópico”. Lo que le inquieta es que su equipo “haga las cosas bien”,porque, entonces, según él, “lo normal es ganar”. Para el técnico españolhacer las cosas bien significa procurar al rival las peores condiciones paraatacar y dar a los delanteros propios las mayores ventajas. La idea está tanmetabolizada hasta el tuétano que todo futbolista español es impermeable alpelotazo, ni en alerta roja. Japón se lo hizo pagar. Y no son pocos losrivales a los que las mejores ocasiones se las ha propiciado la misma España.“Hay una clara desinformación de lo que es el fútbol. No vale el elogio cuandose gana y decir que perdimos contra Japón por no pegar largo. No haydescartada ninguna opción, si hay que pegar un balón largo se pega, pero esainterpretación la tiene que hacer el jugador. Yo compro el pack completo, esel fútbol que me gusta. Vamos a seguir jugando desde atrás, para lo bueno y

Star of Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous Dies at 71 lley Verified •Liked by pradalover__ and others kirstiealley’s profile picture kirstiealleyVerified To all our friends, far and wide around the world… We are sad toinform you that our incredible, fierce and loving mother has passed away aftera battle with cancer, only recently discovered. She was surrounded by herclosest family and fought with great strength, leaving us with a certainty ofher never-ending joy of living and whatever adventures lie ahead. As iconic asshe was on screen, she was an even more amazing mother and grandmother. We aregrateful to the incredible team of doctors and nurses at the Moffitt CancerCenter for their care. Our mother’s zest and passion for life, her children,grandchildren and her many animals, not to mention her eternal joy ofcreating, were unparalleled and leave us inspired to live life to the fullestjust as she did. We thank you for your love and prayers and ask that yourespect our privacy at this difficult time. With love always, True and LillieParker

Instagram Kirsty Alley

Kirstie Alley, the star of Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous , has died. Shewas 71.

Alley’s children, True and Lillie Parker, announced the actress had died aftera short battle with cancer. In a statement to PEOPLE, True and Lillieconfirmed that Alley died on Monday.

“We are sad to inform you that our incredible, fierce and loving mother haspassed away after a battle with cancer, only recently discovered,” they saidin a statement.

“She was surrounded by her closest family and fought with great strength,leaving us with a certainty of her never-ending joy of living and whateveradventures lie ahead,” they continued. “As iconic as she was on screen, shewas an even more amazing mother and grandmother.”

LOS ANGELES - OCTOBER 1983: Cheers star Kirstie Alley poses for a portraitin October 1983 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by AaronRapoport/Corbis/GettyImages)LOSANGELES - OCTOBER 1983: Cheers star Kirstie Alley poses for a portrait inOctober 1983 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by AaronRapoport/Corbis/GettyImages)

LOS ANGELES – OCTOBER 1983: Cheers star Kirstie Alley poses for a portrait inOctober 1983 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Aaron Rapoport/Corbis/GettyImages)

Aaron Rapoport/Corbis/Getty Kirstie Alley on Cheers

RELATED: Celebrities Who ‘ve Died in 2022

The siblings remembered their mother’s “zest and passion for life, herchildren, grandchildren and her many animals, not to mention her eternal joyof creating, were unparalleled and leave us inspired to live life to thefullest just as she did.”

They also thanked the “incredible team of doctors and nurses” at the MoffittCancer Center.

The statement concludes with True and Lillie thanking Alley’s fans, sharing,”We thank you for your love and prayers and ask that you respect our privacyat this difficult time.”

The statement was also shared on Alley’s Instagram page.

Alley’s friend John Travolta paid tribute to the actress on social mediafollowing the news of her death.

“Kirstie was one of the most special relationships I’ve ever had. I love youKirstie,” he shared alongside a snap of the late star. “I know we will seeeach other again.”

Alley rose to fame in 1987 when she starred as Rebecca Howe on NBC’s Cheers.

She earned a Golden Globe for best actress and an Emmy for outstanding leadactress in 1991. She went on to receive her second Emmy win for her portrayalof Sally Goodson in _David ‘s Mother _in 1994.

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Alley also appeared on television shows including Veronica ‘s Closet, FatActress , Kirsty and Scream Queens.

Story continues

In 2010, her life was chronicled on the A&E reality TV series Kirstie Alley’s Big Life. _She also competed on season 12 of _Dancing with the Stars and_The Masked Singer._

She also starred on the big screen in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan(1982), Summer School (1987), Look Who ‘s Talking (1989), It Takes Two(1995) and Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999).

Questions about relationship with Maan frustrate Goldband singer: ‘Suddenly little is about music’ | show

Karel Gerlach finds the questions about his relationship with Maan deSteenwinkel understandable but also tiring. The singer of the popular Goldbandhas recently become a couple with the Utrecht woman, after rumors about thetwo have been buzzing for a long time. “It’s suddenly not about the musicanymore.”

Maan and Karel single-handedly put an end to all rumors when the singersuddenly appeared in the Goldband show at Lowlands this summer. The couple inlove sang while staring at each other ‘from here to the moon and back’, infront of thousands of spectators.

Since then, the two seem to have completely found each other. This is howGoldband and Maan went into the studio together for their new hit _Secretly_and after a busy festival summer they both came to rest under the sun ofCuraçao.

Text continues below the video.

On the Caribbean island, Gerlach’s first photo appeared on Maan’s Instagrampage. Since then, the Goldband singer has been frequently asked questionsabout his relationship with Maan. “It’s all of a sudden less about the music,”he says Fidelity. ,,I do understand it. But it is also tiring. I understandthat it can be interesting for people, but at some point it will be finished.”

Quote >>> The media are constantly trying to find brackets in interviews to ask> something about Karel and Maan>> Boaz Kok, Goldband

Gerlach receives support from his fellow singer Boaz Kok. “The media areconstantly trying to find brackets in interviews to ask something about Kareland Maan.” One of the main characters is also disturbed by this. “I find thata bit sad,” says Karel Gerlach in the aforementioned newspaper.

Spark in the studio

The spark between Maan and him skipped in the studio, the singer told theradio program at the beginning of last month The 538 Afternoon with Frank.The singer once suggested to the band to go into the studio together and seewhat would come out.

“I was working on an album and wanted them on it,” she said on the radioprogram of radio DJ Frank Dane. Once in the studio, the song was born. “And alittle more”, Maan laughed in the broadcast. Then she preferred not to say toomuch about her relationship with Gerlach. “These kinds of things are alsoprivate and up to you to find out and discover.”

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Karel Gerlach, singer of Goldband and Maan de Steenwinkel ©ANP/BrunoPress/Photomontage AD

Their new hit is about two people who long for each other. But, said Maan atthe afternoon show: “Not necessarily about us.” Gerlach already confirmed inAugust that they are dating. “I’m in love,” he said after the show atLowlands, where Maan suddenly appeared.

At the top of the top lists

In the field of music, Goldband is doing well. With their joint hit Secretly_they have been at the top of the top charts for weeks and also their number_Emergency has been flattened in the Netherlands since Lowlands. Last month,the formation from The Hague won the MTV EMA for Best Dutch Act, beatingAntoon, Frenna, RONDÉ and Yade Lauren.

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Boaz Kok, Karel Gerlach (middle) and Milo Driessen as Best Dutch Act atthe MTV Europe Music Awards 2022 inDusseldorf.Boaz Kok, Karel Gerlach (middle) and Milo Driessen as Best Dutch Act at theMTV Europe Music Awards 2022 in Dusseldorf. ©Getty Images for MTV

Goldband is currently busy with their completely sold-out tour through Belgiumand the Netherlands. With their autumn tour – where Maan also frequently takesthe stage for their song together – they started on November 3 in Brussels andsince then the formation from The Hague has already performed in Dordrecht,Zwolle, Leiden, Haarlem, Enschede, Antwerp and last Thursday in their ‘ ownThe Hague.

Affordable Romance

This month, Goldband will complete four more editions of their ‘AffordableRomance’ tour. On Thursday 8 December they will be in the Oosterpoort inGroningen, a day later at Podium Victorie in Alkmaar. This is followed byperformances in Amsterdam’s Melkweg (December 16) and Eindhoven’s Effenaar(December 23).

To give their success a suitable follow-up, five more sold-out shows arescheduled for March next year. On March 10 and 11, the Lotto Arena in Antwerpbelongs to the singing plasterers, to then provide the same performance inAFAS Live for the Dutch public on March 17, 18 and 19.

After storming the charts with the hit ‘Secretly’, Maan can also call herselfthe most successful Dutch-speaking singer in the entire history of the Top 40,as she was told by Q-music last month.

Review: Squid flattens Nijmegen at first edition of Zeitgeist (festival)

It’s dark times. What that means for a festival called Zeitgeist could be seenand heard on Saturday in Doornroosje in Nijmegen. The minor chords may havehad the upper hand, but the playing bands were all packed with energy andenthusiasm. And the audience ate from their hand, because it was alwayscrowded at this tightly sold-out first edition. Nobody wanted to miss a minuteanywhere.

Photography Maren van der Burght

For example, the Nijmegen Eerie Wanda is watching the opening concert againsta packed small hall where the audience quickly changes halls afterwards to seethe Rotterdam Tramhaus. This evening Nijmegen seems to be the ferry betweenRotterdam and England, because after Eerie Wanda the bands come from eitherRotterdam or England.

Anyway, Tramhaus. The band seems a bit impressed by such a full, eager crowd.There are still the busy, elastic dances of singer Lukas Jansen, but the restof the band seems to be making retreating movements. Undeservedly, of course,with such material and such musicality. The only thing with Tram housestill missing is the hand to grab the hall by the throat. Because this band isready for the general public.

O. also has the line-up and approach to grow into a public favorite. Withthe extremely virtuoso drumming Tash Keary and Joe Henwood who always has hisbaritone sax and effects pedal in attack mode, steamy music comes from thestage. Like so many other bands, the English will let you know from the stagetonight how happy they are to be in this line-up and who they all want to seethemselves. O. is a nice band, although it is a bit questionable whether youwill soon set this up at home. Hopefully they will at least do something aboutthat clumsy band name that makes them untraceable online.

Black Country, New Road is one of the two big names on Zeitgeist. Back inNijmegen after their first performance on the European mainland in 2019 at theValkhof Festival. Now without singer Isaac Wood, who has left the band. Aloss, as far as the undersigned is concerned, because the music becomes a bitdull. An opinion that is not often shared, because the public is neverthelessvery enthusiastic. It will be a mismatch between writer and band, with eightbands on one night it can’t always be right.

That’s about it Squid. Just when you hope that a tire will really showteeth, the squid’s beak opens wide. Squid will play the last performance of2022 here, they say, but there is no sign of fatigue on stage. Razor-sharp,steaming and always on target is the music of the quintet from Brighton.Drummer and vocalist Ollie Judge’s varied alarm siren voice keeps everyoneglued to the stage. Crowd surfers, circle pits and lots of jumping fans makethe party even bigger. What a bond.

On that wave of energy is allowed Iguana Death Cult close the festival.’You didn’t pay for us, but you still get us’, says Jeroen Reek about thesudden substitution of the Rotterdam band after the cancellation ofUnschooling. And that is a great introduction with their uptempo mishmash ofvarious guitar styles. Nice ending to a successful first Zeitgeist. Whateverthe zeitgeist may be, these kinds of bands make for a wonderful pastime.

‘Jelle sprinted to the toilet gagging, while we rolled on the floor laughing’

The competition was cutthroat, but after the ’25 Years of Canvas’ quiz hijacksTeam Side Effects now also the prize for Goorste Anecdote from a Quarterof a Century of Value Searches has been unanimously decided, with warmcompliments from the entire jury. That year’s supply of hand soap is coming toyou guys!

JONAS GEIRNAERT “One day of shooting for ‘De Landing’, the second seasonWWII episode of ‘Neveneffects’, we were so bored between takes that we startedasking each other hypothetical questions along the lines of : ‘Would you dothis or that for that much money?’ It wasn’t long before Jelle ( TheBeule ed.) was tired of the hypothetical phase: Lieven ( Scheire ,ed.) would go shit in the woods, and if the amount we had left for it was highenough, Jelle would hold the still warm turd in his hands for five seconds.I’m really ashamed to have to tell you this now, but with the help of the crewwe managed to put no less than 270 rock hard euros on the table, on top ofwhich a nice amount would be added if Jelle squeezed the turd . So yes: nosooner said than done: Jelle did his thing and sprinted retching to thetoilet, a nice pocket money richer, while we were rolling on the floor withstomach ache from laughing. That’s actually weird – we’ve told that anecdote afew times already, and usually we’re stared at: “Do you really think that’sfunny?” Well, yes (laughs)

HUMO To give the conversation a somewhat decent twist: do you look back on’Neveneffects’ with satisfaction, thirteen years after the last episode?

GEIRNAERT “Yes, although not all episodes of the first season were equallygood.

“What surprises me most of all in retrospect is that we were ever allowed tomake that series at all. We were four nobody’s who knocked on the door ofWoestijnvis at random, and were immediately allowed to make a twenty-minutepilot program for Canvas. That became ‘The source of the E40’, at least thebasis of what later became an entire episode. When they saw that, they said,”Okay, make a sequence.” Something like that wouldn’t work today, certainlynot because we knew absolutely nothing about scenarios or story techniques,and did everything on gut feeling. On a tight budget, too: for the firstseason we used cheap costumes from a rental shop, and pieces of styrofoam inthe swimming pool were supposed to represent ice floes at the North Pole_(laughs)_. But I do have fond memories of it, just like the much moreexpensive but also much more consistent second season. That time we startedasking each other hypothetical questions between takes, for example! No do notbother. That anecdote is perhaps too rancid to print in Humo.”

Watch the trailer of ‘The source of the E40’ here:

The most assertive crack: Jan Bosmans

Canvas crackImage vrt

Ask ten fans of ‘The Canvascrack’ (you can recognize them by their graytemples and their thoughtful way of talking) which crack they have the mostvivid memories of, and chances are that nine times out of ten the answer willbe John Bosmans reads. The most assertive of all cracks – we quote fromWikipedia with great pleasure – ‘not only regularly explained how things were,he also corrected a question a few times when he thought it was not quiteright’.

JAN BOSMANS “Wikipedia is right (laughs).

»A few years after my participation in ‘De Canvascrack’ I participated in’Blokken’, where I was asked whether a herring is a freshwater or a saltwaterfish. ‘Both,’ I said, but since that was supposedly not the correct answer, Iexplained that herrings are a broad group of fish, which also includes twaitshad and shad, for example. And they do swim up the river during the matingseason. Then the originator of the questions, Chris Soret the herringquestion was very rightly taken out of the competition.”

HUMO To put it simply: it was written in the stars that you would one daybecome a super crack.

BOSMANS “I didn’t give myself much of a chance, though, because I don’tknow a damn about popular culture and I’ve never been a hobby quizzer. Whatdid work in my favor was that ‘The Canvascrack’ worked with multiple-choicequestions: in 2006 I was already 51 and it became more difficult to come upwith answers spontaneously. Moreover, at a few crucial moments I reaped thebenefits of my classical training: by simply thinking about Latin or Greek, Isometimes found the solution that someone else couldn’t find.”

HUMO An example?

BOSMANS “I remember the moment I became crack: that was against a crackwho had already won seven tables, Leen Clinckspoor she was called, after aquestion from Herman Van Molle about what people used to think caused theflu. The first possibility was ‘a punishment from God’, the second ‘theinfluence of celestial bodies’ and the third ‘bad air’. I reasoned as follows:influence in Latin is influentia and in Italian influenza, the scientific namefor flu. So I answer: “The influence of celestial bodies.” To which LeenClinckspoor said: ‘No, I think it’s bad air.’ The die was cast: I becamecrack, and then I managed to bring in twenty tables and was declared a supercrack. It may sound cheesy, but all in all I didn’t find it that difficult.”

HUMO ‘De Canvascrack’ ceased to exist in 2014. Have you found what you arelooking for on TV since then, in terms of hard quizzes?

BOSMANS «No, there are actually no more TV quizzes in which ordinarypeople – and therefore not those moronic BVs with their sexist jokes thatplague the screen today – can score with their general development. I regretthat, and I fervently hope that the pendulum swings the other way. But willthat happen in the foreseeable future? I may have been a super crack once, butunfortunately I cannot answer that question.”

Hilaria Baldwin reveals Alec has nightmares about the ‘Rust’ shooting: ‘I worry about him’

Hilaria Baldwin says she and Alec Baldwin have had difficult conversationswith their eldest children about the Peace shooting.

Hilaria told Additional that she and her husband told Carmen, 9 and Rafael,7 about the Oct. 21, 2021 death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Alec, thefilm’s star and producer, was rehearsing with a prop gun that contained a liveround, which fatally killed Hutchins. He has maintained that he never pulledthe trigger.

“We’re not OK,” Hilaria, 38, said about a year after the shooting. “We can’tbe OK. No one is OK. It was, and is, a tragedy that nobody could ever haveimagined.” She called Hutchins “an incredible, incredible woman in so manydifferent ways” and said her death impacts so many — her young son withhusband Matthew Hutchins, their family, her co-workers, fans and everyone wholoved her.

The Witches Anonymous podcast host said she’s obviously also concerned for64-year-old Alec, admitting he’s had nightmares about the tragedy.

“I worry about him,” she admitted. “I mean, can you imagine? Nobody can… Whenyou go through something hard … not every day is going to be the same. Youhave moments … that are very hard. Nights are hard. Nightmares are hard.” Shesaid she shows her support of her husband of 10 years by saying, “I’m here andI’m going to take care of you — and I said that from the moment we realizedwhat had happened.”

Hilaria said they put on a united front when it came to telling Carmen andRafael, not revealing a timeline for which the initial conversation tookplace.

“There’s no way that you can explain this because it’s awful,” she said. “Ithought I was going to do this without Alec and he said, ‘No, I can’t be acoward. I have to be there…'”

While they told them, Carmen said, “‘Why are you telling me this? … I want toun-know this,'” Hilaria recalled. “She used the word ‘un-know,’ and Alec said,’I want to un-know it, too.’ I think everyone wants to un-know it … becauseit’s real.”

Story continues

In early October, it was announced the film would resume production after asettlement was reached with Halyna’s husband, who will serve as a producer.

“We can go forward and talk about gun safety on sets, and try to figure outhow this crazy thing happened, and we can go forward and honor Halyna,”Hilaria said. “We can remember her, continuing her legacy for her, for herfamily and we can take care of everybody who’s still here who isextraordinarily damaged by this awful tragedy. That’s all that we can do, butwe can’t un-know it .”

Alec was rehearsing a scene for the low-budget western film on the New Mexicoset when he said he was given what he was told was a “cold gun,” containing noammunition. At what he said was Hutchins’s instruction, he cocked the vintagegun, but claims he did not pull the trigger and it discharged. The guncontained a live round, which never should have been on the set let alone inthe prop gun, which fatally shot Hutchins and also hit director Joel Souza,who survived. An FBI forensics report stated that the gun could not have beenfired without pulling the trigger.

There have been several lawsuits over alleged safety issues in the wake of theshooting, including Hutchins’s widower’s wrongful death case, which wassettled. Alec filed his own in November, alleging negligence of several of thefilm’s crew members in an attempt to “clear his name.”

For over a year, the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Department investigated theshooting. In late October, investigators have turned over the case to Santa FeFirst Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies, who will decide whetherto press criminal charges against anyone involved in the shooting.

Baldwin, who “hired a private investigator” to do his own investigation, hassaid he doesn’t believe he will face any criminal charges.

Amid the tragedy, Hilaria and Alec have also had beautiful moments, like thebirth of their seventh child in September. (Alec is also dad to model IrelandBaldwin from his marriage to Kim Basinger.) Hilaria said she named the babygirl Ilaria after herself because “I figured, men do it — why can’t I do it,too?”

As for having more kids, she said anything is possible (“I would say we’redone, but I said we were done with six”). She’s waiting for Alec to “do hispart,” alluding to a vasectomy, but until that happens, “things can happen.”

Mundial de Qatar: El último desafío de Mbappé | Mundial Qatar 2022

Enfilado como va hacia el estrellato del Mundial, todos miran hacia KylianMbappé, que ante Polonia recogió su tercer trofeo como mejor futbolista de loscuatro partidos que ha disputado con la selección francesa. Apenas falló en elduelo contra Túnez, del que solo jugó media hora. Las tres veces repitiósutil, pero no inadvertido, un gesto: el jugador, que no quiere que se asociesu imagen a la de bebidas alcohólicas, entre otras, recogió el trofeo y posócon él tras darle la vuelta para que no se viese el logotipo que alberga en subase, el de la cervecera norteamericana Budweiser. Esta ya tiene problemas conla FIFA, a la que paga 75 millones de euros por patrocinios y que ahora valorala reclamación de más de la mitad de esa cantidad por la prohibición de que sucerveza se pueda beber en los estadios cataríes.

El fútbol es de los futbolistas hasta que el negocio les convierte en partedel escaparate. Y ahí brotan pequeñas y llamativas rebeliones. Hace ya casimedio siglo que Johan Cruyff en el primer Mundial disputado en Alemaniamodificó unilateralmente la camiseta que vestía con la selección para retirarlas tres rayas que identificaban a la marca de la competencia con la que habíafirmado un contrato de publicidad. En la pasada Eurocopa fue Cristiano Ronaldoel que le dio la vuelta a un popular refresco que acompañaba su planotelevisivo en una rueda de prensa mientras invitaba a beber agua, un gesto queprovocó una inmediata caída en la cotización bursátil de la compañía señaladapor el astro luso.

Mbappé, que está a punto de cumplir 24 años y al que se le espera en lacúspide del fútbol durante la próxima década, dispone de un ejército deabogados y expertos con los que ejerce un férreo control sobre su marca. Elpasado mes de septiembre se negó a posar en la sesión de fotos organizada porla Federación Francesa de Fútbol para discutir las condiciones en las que seiba a manejar su imagen. Meses atrás ya habían tenido un primer encontronazoporque el jugador reclama el máximo control sobre las firms a las que salevinculado. Y no quiere fresh identificado con alcohol, comida rápida, bebidasazucaradas o casas de apuestas. Cuando la federación gala organizó este añovarios eventos con empresas de esos ramos simplemente no apareció y reclamóque se definiese las obligaciones de los futbolistas. En la imagen tomada aMbappé con el trofeo al mejor jugador tras el Francia-Australia, el galoposiblemente no se percató de que detrás aparecían algunas marcas con las queno quiere asociarse, la propia Budweiser, pero también Coca-Cola o McDonald’s.

El astro francés trabaja en la actualidad con cinco patrocinadores: la firm devideojuegos EA Sports, la relojera Hublot, la firm de cosmética nipona BulkHomme y la de comida orgánica para niños y bebés Good Gout, una compañía galacon la que Mbappé asegura que comparte la idea de “inspirar a los niños a unavida más saludable y feliz”. Además, el material deportivo que usa es Nike.Cuando en las conversaciones para recalar en el Real Madrid a sus asesores seles planteó la habitual norma del club blanco de disponer del 50% de losbeneficios derivados de la cesión de sus derechos de imagen torcieron elgesto. Acabó por firmar un nuevo contrato con el PSG que le garantiza mantenerese control y esos ingresos.

Mientras tanto se enfoca en el Mundial. Donde alza trofeos y apenas se expresafuera del campo. La nominación como mejor jugador de un partido acarrea unaserie de compromisos con los medios de comunicación con derechos que Mbappéevitó tras los partidos ante Australia y Dinamarca. Después de su exhibicióncontra Polonia sí que habló: “No tengo nada contra nadie. Tengo la necesidadde centrarme en el torneo y no gastar energía en otras cosas, pero me enteréde que la Federación tenía que pagar una multa si no hablaba”, apuntó antes deconluir. “Pagaré las anteriores sanciones. Es una decision que es personal yno la deben costear otros”. No es el único acuerdo al que ha llegado con laFederación, que ya sabe desde 2017 que todas las primas destinadas al jugadorpor los triunfos con la selección se destinan a entidades benéficas.

Idina Menzel opens up about trying to have a second child through IVF at 48

Idina Menzel is getting real about the difficulties of trying to have a secondchild through IVF.

The star of stage and screen, 51, shares her story in the upcomingdocumentary, Idina Menzel: Which Way to the Stage?, streaming Dec. 9 onDisney+. In it, viewers watch as she embarks on a 16-show national tour in2018, while, simultaneously, going through multiple rounds of in-vitrofertilization.

“There’s a fine line between me being vulnerable and exposing too much,” shetold InStyle about sharing her IVF struggles with the world. “I want womento feel like they’re being seen and heard. And for people to understand thatexperience a lot of us go on, how emotional it is, what it does to our bodiesand how it affects us day to day, let alone trying to sing high notes and geton stage.”

In trying to conceive a child with her second husband, Aaron Lohr, Menzel> says she went through several rounds of IVF — one of several techniques> available to help people with fertility problems, in which eggs are removed> from a woman’s ovaries, fertilized with sperm in a lab and then returned as> embryos to the womb.

Sadly, all of the rounds were unsuccessful.

“For some reason, I was arrogant. The doctors did say it [was] late, but [Iseemed] to have a really good chance,” she said. “They sort of filled my headwith all this stuff that I was going to be like one in a hundred women thatactually gets pregnant at my age. Because I’m a competitive person [I thought]I’m going to do it.”

Each rejection was another layer of disappointment for the actress, who was 48when she decided to stop trying altogether.

“At a certain time, you’re exhausted emotionally and physically. It becomesapparent that it is just time to let that go and move on,” she said of theexperience, admitting she “didn’t 100%” want a second child at her age given“how hard that would be for me at this age and knowing a lot of things that Istill want to do in my career.”

“When it doesn’t happen, you’re upset,” she added. That’s when “you realizehow much you want it.”

Story continues

Menzel, already mom to 13-year-old son Walker with ex-husband Taye Diggs, saysbeing a parent has enriched her life — including the approach she brings toher stage work.

“Before I had Walker, I was more rigid,” she said. “My sleep pattern had to bea certain way so I could be in good voice. I wouldn’t travel right before ashow, because the air pressure on the airplane affects the dryness of yourvoice. I was harder on myself, more of a perfectionist.

“When I had Walker all that went out the window,” she continued. “You say toyourself, ‘My kid had a fever last night. I’m probably going to get his coldand it’s going to fuck up in my mind what a perfect show it is.’ Once I wascompletely liberated by it, I would get on stage and tell myself, ‘OK, let’ssee what happens.’ As a result, I ended up having better shows because I tookthe perfection out of it.”

While reflecting on her experience, Menzel is grateful for women like JenniferAniston, who are opening up about their IVF struggles, as it’s something shefeels needs to be spoken of more.

“Perhaps the fact that this is coming to light from different women — it’sjust something that needs to be explored,” she said. “It’s probably a signfrom the universe that we need to discuss it and have this conversation.”

Menzel has always used her platform to speak about the issues faced by womenand mothers. In August 2021, she told Yahoo Life that motherhood had made heraware of some of her own flaws.

“The things I need to work on are not being too controlling, listening more,not trying to solve everything,” she explained at the time. “Sometimes[Walker] will tell me something … if there’s a kid that’s bullying him orsomething, I’ll say, “Well, let’s think about what that kid might be goingthrough.” And he’ll say, ‘Mom, can you just be on my side for once?'”

“Sometimes, kids, they don’t want to hear the other perspective, you know,they just want you to support them and be there for them,” she continued. “Andso, in an effort to make this fully rounded human being and teach them thatthere are all different perspectives to people and humanity, sometimes Iforget that our kids just want to be heard.”

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