Tory Lanez Hit With Third Felony Charge in Megan Thee Stallion Case – Rolling Stone

Tory Lanez has been hit with a third felony charge as he awaits openingstatements in his trial over claims he shot Megan Thee Stallion in her feetmore than two years ago.

Prosecutors added the new charge of discharging a firearm with grossnegligence on Monday, amid ongoing jury selection in the case, _Rollingstone_learned.

Lanez, whose legal name is Daystar Peterson, previously pleaded not guilty toone felony count each of assault with a semiautomatic firearm and carrying aloaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle. He also faces a gun allegation thathe personally involved great bodily injury.

The new charge carries a possible six-year prison sentence and still qualifiesas a deportable crime if jurors opt to convict him of negligent discharge asopposed to the more serious assault count. (The Alone at Prom performer is aCanadian citizen.) If convicted on all counts, Peterson still is facing thesame maximum sentence of 22 years and eight months. The new charge doesn’t addto the exposure because it relates to the same alleged conduct, so any relatedsentence would run concurrent.

Peterson, 30, is accused of pointing a semiautomatic 9mm handgun at Megan’sfeet, yelling, “Dance, bitch!” and opening fire in the predawn hours of July12, 2020.

Peterson and Megan had been traveling in a Cadillac Escalade with Megan’s bestfriend, Kelsey Harris, and Peterson’s bodyguard when an argument caused Meganto exit the vehicle on a dark residential street in the Hollywood Hills,according to testimony at Peterson’s preliminary hearing last year.

An LAPD detective testified that he was assigned to the case two days afterthe shooting and interviewed Megan, born Megan Pete, over the phone on July16, 2020, and then again on Nov. 12, 2020. He said the “Savage” singer clearlyidentified Peterson as her assassin.

“As she exited the vehicle, she heard Mr. Peterson yelling obscenities at her,and he stated, ‘Dance, bitch!’ And he then began firing a weapon at her,” Det.Ryan Stogner tested.

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“(Megan) observed Mr. Peterson holding a firearm, and then she observed himstart to shoot,” Stogner said. “Megan immediately felt pain to her feet,observed blood, fell to the ground, and then crawled to an adjacent drivewayof a residence…She described her injuries as bleeding profusely.”

He said Megan initially lied and told police, saying that she had stepped onglass because she was in fear of how the officers might respond.

“She said that at the time, she was extremely scared and embarrassed, and dueto the fact that she was friends with the defendant, she was scared that hewas going to get in trouble, and she also expressed some concerns regardingthe political climate regarding police and shootings,” Stogner testified. “Shewas afraid that there had been recent police shootings, and she described herconcern about the police possibly shooting the defendant since he had justcommitted a shooting.”

Stogner said medical records from Cedars-Sinai Hospital confirmed doctorsfound bullet fragments in both of Megan’s feet.

For her part, Harris hasn’t spoken publicly about the shooting, but herfriendship with Megan has become estranged. She appeared under a subpoena fromprosecutors at a prior hearing and is due to testify in the case.

During a motion hearing on Monday, Tory’s new defense lawyer George Mgdesyanargued that prosecutors should be barred from mentioning in their openingstatement that Peterson allegedly apologized to Harris during a jail callafter the shooting. He said unless Harris testifies and lays an adequatefoundation for the call, it should remain off-limits.

Los Angeles County Judge **** David Herriford said that as long as prosecutorshave a good-faith belief Harris will testify, he would allow them to statewhat they believe the evidence will show. He also said another witness mightbe able to lay the necessary foundation. Either way, prosecutors confirmedthey expect Harris will testify.


The rough contents of the jail call were revealed at Peterson’s probable causehearing last December. “The accused to apologize for the incident thatoccurred. He told Kelsey basically that he was drunk, and he was sorry forwhat he had done,” Stogner testified, adding that he personally reviewed thejail call purportedly placed shortly after the shooting.

Under cross-examination last year, Stogner said Megan and Harris had beenclose friends for about seven years but apparently “stopped their friendship”shortly after the incident.

As she grilled Stogner under cross-examination, Peterson’s lawyer at the time,Shawn Holley, claimed the “argument in the car escalated” because Petersonclaimed he and Megan had been in some type of intimate relationship, andHarris became upset because she “had a romantic interest in Tory.”

Holley then suggested maybe Harris fired the weapon, zeroing in on a portionof a statement from a third-party eyewitness who reported seeing some of theincidents from his nearby balcony. The witness purportedly said it appeared tohim that the muzzle flash was closest to the non-victim female at the time ofthe shooting.

On Monday, prosecutors asked Judge Herriford to rule that if Peterson declinesto testify, his lawyers should be barred from pursuing a “third-partyculpability defense” in which they might name a different possible shooter.Deputy District Attorney Alexander Bott said the statement from the eyewitnesson the balcony was all over the place and that the witness has firmly statedhe “doesn’t know who the shooter is.”

According to Bott, the man’s first statement claimed that “nine people got outof the car: five men and four women.” (There were only four people in thecar.) The man also allegedly claimed at one point that he was woken up by thegunshots and didn’t see the shooting, Bott told the court. “Every time he gavea statement, the details shifted,” Bott said. “He’s grossly unreliable.”


Judge Herriford said Monday that prosecutors would have to file a writtenmotion on the matter before he would make a ruling.

Opening statements in the trial are set to begin on Dec. 12.

Los doce pasos | Mundial Qatar 2022

La pena máxima se cobra a once metros de distancia (en alemán, idioma que nodeja lugar a dudas, el castigo recibe el nombre de Eleven meters ). En loscampos pobres, a los que no se llega con cinta métrica y donde la marca de calha sido borrada por el polvo, el árbitro (en caso de que exista) mide esadistancia con doce pasos.

La costumbre dio lugar a un gran texto del escritor chileno Francisco Mouat:El embrujo de los doce pasos. Ahí apunta: “Los partidos que se ganan con ungol de penal no tienen el mismo sabor que aquellos en donde la victoria seobtiene con goles de juego. And este sentido el penal es indecoroso”.

¿Y qué decir de la eliminación a muerte, la ruleta rusa en la que solo existenlos penales?

Mouat recoge oportunas phrases sobre el theme. Aunque Pelé llegó a su golnúmero mil con la pena máxima, pudo decir: “Un penal es una manera cobarde demarcar”. Vicente Verdú liquidó el asunto al definir el tiro sin clemencia comoun “abuso de masacre”. La definition en penales es una invitación alholocausto.

En tu carta de este lunes afirmaste que Brasil hizo ante Corea del Sur loslances de fantasía que se reservan para los entrenamientos. Pero hay unajugada para la que no hay aprendizaje. Roberto Baggio disparaba con talprecisión al arco que logró un maravilloso prodigio inútil. Cuentan quedurante una práctica remojó el balón en pintura y disparó al travesaño con talpericia que lo tiñó de otro color. Como uno de sus muchos clubes fue laFiorentina, los exagerados que nunca faltan, dijeron que desde Leonardo nadiehabía hecho trazos tan nítidos en esa ciudad. Pues bien, Roberto Baggio,artífice del autocontrol —que para más señas era budista— falló el penaldecisivo en Estados Unidos 94.

Qatar ha traído algunos cobros de alta escuela, como el de Neymar contra Coreadel Sur. Por esa vía, Cristiano logró anotar en cinco mundiales y Messiconfirmó su caprichosa condición de genio. Ante Arabia Saudí anotó conelegancia y ante Polonia desperdició la oportunidad como un magnate que no semolesta en recoger un billete de la calle.

Al encarar al frances Lloris, Lewandowski demostró que la famosa _paradinha_es cuestión de rhythmo. Hizo la tradicional pausa antes de chutar, pero en vezdespistar al portero con un quiebre de samba, saltó como un cosaco que apagauna fogata: la pelota acabó en las manos del portero. En un partido previo, elmexicano Memo Ochoa, que conoce la Danza de los Viejitos típica de Michoacán,había adivinado sin problemas la intención de Lewandowski.

Es posible que el mejor entrenador del Mundial sea el japonés Hajime Moriyasu.Aunque contaba con jugadores que militan en la Bundesliga y con el excepcionalIto, delantero del Reims, dependía del conjunto, no de las figuras. And esascondiciones derrotó a Alemania ya España y empató con Croacia, actualsubcampeona. Modelo de disciplina, Japón se multiplica en la cancha y deja elvestidor impoluto y adornado con garzas de papel. Pero la puntería no seentrena. And los penales, las tropas de Moriyasu le apuntaron a la luna.

Ruling about Russian mobilized costs TV channel Latvian broadcasting rights

“The laws of Latvia must be respected by everyone.” Of that noticeIvars Albonis,chairman of the Latvian council for mass media NELPL, withdrew thebroadcasting rights of the Russian television channel Dozhd on Tuesday. Thisis because of a series of violations that, according to Latvia, pose a threatto “state security and social order” in the country.

The independent TV channel, also known as TV Rain in English, was blockedshortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine under pressure from Russia’smilitary censorship. Editorial staff fanned out to European cities such asRiga, Amsterdam and Tbilisi. In Latvia, the channel was licensed for cablebroadcasting.

The loss of the license means that the editors of the channel are now indanger of becoming homeless again. Although the online broadcasts via YouTubewill continue to be seen internationally, they may also be blocked in Latvia.The decision was widely criticized on Tuesday by people who believe thatDozhd, as one of the few Russian-language channels providing independent newsto Russian speakers, deserves protection. In a statement, Dozhd called theLatvian decision “unjust and absurd.”

Do I feel sorry for the hungry mobilized people featured in the broadcast?> Is talking about these people a form of help?”>> Alexey Korostelev (27) fired presenter at Dozhd

According to NEPLP chairman Albonis, Dozhd is guilty of several violations, ofwhich the channel “understands the meaning and seriousness”. For example,Dozhd recently showed a map showing the annexed Crimea as a geographical partof Russia. Another objection is according to news site Medusa that Dozhdonly broadcasts in Russian and not in Latvian or English and without Latviansubtitles.

Mobilized soldiers

The immediate reason for revoking the license is a scandal that ignited lastweekend after a live broadcast of the political program Here and now. In it,presenter Aleksej Korostelev (27) read an editorial call to submit testimoniesabout human rights violations of soldiers mobilized by Russia. He added thathe “hopes that we can help soldiers, for example with equipment or basic basicfacilities at the front.” He also called the testimonies of relatives ofmobilized Russians “horrifying.”

His comment particularly shot it [pro-]Ukrainian part of the viewers in thewrong way and provoked strong reactions on social media. “The Russian’opposition’ channel TV Rain prides itself on supplying Russian soldiers […]This is how it wants to please the Russian killers when they slaughter us.”wrote Ukrainian anti-corruption activistOlena Halushka on Twitter.

Since October, Dozjd has also been broadcasting from the INIT building inEast Amsterdam which also includes the editors of de Volkskrant ,Fidelity and The parole and the editors of The-Moscow Times are located.- Dozjd works here with ten to fifteen people on the broadcasts for YouTube.The Russian-language channel has more than three million subscribers, thebroadcasts attract several hundred thousand views.

Host Michael Fishman considers the Latvian decision “enormously unjust”and sees the Kremlin as the only winner. “I don’t know exactly what it meansfor us in Amsterdam. TV Rain does not need a Latvian license for YouTube.”Fishman has no intention of stopping. “I have not yet skipped a single show asa presenter. My next show on Sunday will be broadcast as usual.” Fishman hoststhe broadcast twice a week. Derek Sauer van The Moscow Times writes onTwitter that they will continue to provide the Russians with independent andfact-based news from the joint editorial office in Amsterdam.

Gilad Perez

Korostelev’s statement was removed from the online broadcast by the editors.Editor-in-chief Tikhon Dzjadko stated from his hometown of Tbilisi that it was”misleading” and “created the idea that Dozhd is helping the Russian army.”The next day, another extensive apology followed, this time by presenterYekaterina Kotrikadze, announcing Korosteljov’s resignation. That decision inturn provoked strong reactions from people who thought the intervention wasdisproportionate.

Korostelev himself wrote in a statement that he had made a mistake, that hiswords were taken out of context, that he does not raise money for the Russianarmy in any way and does not support the war in any way. “Do I feel sorry forthe hungry mobilized who were featured in the broadcast, and who have beenabandoned by everyone? Yes. Do I think Putin is a hero? No. Is talking aboutthese people a form of help?”

Fine of 10,000 euros

However, the dismissal of the presenter was not enough for the Latviangovernment. Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics ordered an investigationby the Latvian security services and media watchdog NEPLP on Friday. LatvianDefense Minister Artis Pabriks said on Twitter that Dozhd should return toRussia and suggested that the journalists’ residence permits be revoked. Onthe same day it was announced that Latvia had imposed a fine of 10,000 euroson Dozhd for showing Crimea as part of Russia. Moscow, meanwhile, echoedtriumphant sounds of pro-Kremlin propagandists gloating over Dozhd’s fate.

The political scandal surrounding Dozhd shows how difficult it is forjournalists expelled from Russia to maneuver within the European medialandscape polarized by the war. Many Ukrainians view the Russian people ascomplicit and believe that as long as the Russians do not revolt, they do notdeserve empathy in any way.

That split was also apparent on Tuesday from the words of journalist and CEONatalia Sindejeva, who founded Dozhd in 2010 as the only independent TVchannel in Russia. In an interview with Meduza, Sindeeva said he regretted allkinds of decisions, including Korostelev’s dismissal, which was said to havebeen “driven by emotions”. “We did a lot of stupid things […] It was like atotal nightmare where everyone would turn their back on us – the Ukrainians,the Latvians. And they have done that.” Reporters Without Borders called theLatvian decision a “serious blow to journalistic freedom, independence and

‘I’m integral to the success’ of the franchise

Bethenny Frankel is busy doing her thing, despite the omnipresent noise in theback.

The Real Housewives of New York alum and businesswoman has two new bigprojects, her ReWives podcast __ and __ CNBCs Money Court in addition toher usual repertoire, ranging from saving the world with disaster reliefinitiative BStrong to being a TikTok beauty influencer at 50-something.

“It’s really annoying people, which means I’m doing something right,” Frankelquips to Yahoo Entertainment of her new iHeart Radio podcast, which sees herrewatching episodes of the Bravo franchise with unexpected celebrity guests,ranging from Jerry Springer to Suze Orman.

Since it launched in early November, Frankel has faced criticism from somewithin the Bravo universe for starting a podcast about the franchise aftercalling her experience on the show, which she left for the second time in2019, “toxic.” On the day we spoke, reformer RHONY co-star Luann de Lessepshad slammed her, again.

“I mean I don’t really spend any time thinking about Luann,” Frankel says inresponse to being asked for her reaction to de Lesseps’s latest. “She spends alot of time thinking about me. So we can thank her for that, because it’scertainly helping [bring in listeners]. I mean, every little bit counts — evenif it’s just a little bit from her audience, it’s helpful. I appreciate allthe promotion. It’s definitely working.”


Frankel launched her new podcast ReWives with iHeart, which looks back atpast Real Housewives shows. iHeart is also home to her Just B podcast.(Photo: iHeart)

Of the criticism in general, which also came from her friend producer/reunionshow host, Andy Cohen, she says, “I’m completely integral to the success ofthe Housewives so I’m absolutely qualified to talk on its history,” havingfirst joined the franchise in 2008. Plus, she says the show has “changed intosomething different” in recent years, so “a lot of what we’re talking about iswhen it really was its absolute best.”

She says ReWives is “different than anything anyone else is doing.” Plus,”I’m not a disgruntled fired housewife, which most people who are doing showshave some sort of skewed perspective. I’m a person that left on my own” afterSeason 11. “So that definitely makes it a different perspective .”

Story continues

Frankel also indulged us by weighing in on Ramona Singer saying she won’t bedoing The Real Housewives of New York City Legacy spinoff. Rumors circulatedthe original housewife was fired, but Bravo has yet to announce the cast.

Asked if it was a loss for the franchise not to have Singer — or whether shebelieves she’s part of that toxic Housewives culture, Frankel replies, “Idon’t think it needs to be that deep. I think that Ramona always brought thedrama but didn’t kill the party. And the thing is — I don’t know who said it,but Ramona represents a certain woman in New York City.That’s true.Meaning: Wecan take all cigarette smoking and drinking out of movies but that’s notnecessarily reflecting reality.So if we’re telling a reality story, Ramona isa woman in New York City , and not every woman is politically correct. And notevery woman looks the same. So I think that sometimes reality television andeven scripted television makes the mistake of trying to manufacture whatculture wants right now, when in reality there are all kinds of people Thatshow, when I was on it, reflected different types of people and theirdifferent opinions and their inappropriate comments and the mistakes that theymade.So if you go too far away from that, then everything’s just a scripted,shiny show where you ‘re checking all the boxes you’ re supposed to check.”

Frankel definitely isn’t trying to check boxes when making career choices. Inaddition to her buzzy new podcast, she’s brings her business acumen to thetable for Money Court , which sees her and Shark Tank Kevin O’Learypresides over high-stakes financial disputes and render legally bindingdecisions to the parties.

“I left there saying to everyone that I work with: This is the best thing I’veever done,” she says of her first TV appearance since her 2021 HBO Max series_The Big Shot with Bethenny_ a competition reality show, that saw her searchfor Skinnygirl’s VP of operations.

                                                              (Photo: JeffDaly/CNBC)(Photo: JeffDaly/CNBC)

Frankel discusses her new gigs, including flexing her entrepreneurial skillson CNBC’s Money Court opposite Kevin O’Leary. (Photo: Jeff Daly/CNBC)

“I walked in thinking we were doing a television show, and I walked out havingdone the most intense TV I’ve ever done,” she says, explaining that she andO’Leary, who she met on Shark Tank , were so invested in making the rightdecision. “We were both fried because the stakes were so high. It’s realpeople, real businesses… We took serious time and effort and brainpower andreally dug in.”

She said her fans have enjoyed seeing her in the elevated TV role, saying,”I’ve gotten so many social media messages from people saying, ‘I love theshow. Finally something I don’t feel guilty about watching.’ It’s not junkfood,” as Housewives drama can be.

When she’s not making TV shows and podcasts, Frankel has been sharing her hottakes on beauty products and revealing celebrity plastic surgery secrets,rendering her a whole new following as a TikTok influencer.

“It was accidental, unintentional,” the mom of one says of gaining fans forher blunt makeup and skin care reviews. “It’s hilarious to go into CVS andhave women say, ‘I’m here buying your [recommended] products and you’re doingGod’s work,’ and me laughing because they’re not talking about Bstrong” — hercharity that gives emergency assistance to people in crisis. “They’re talkingabout lip gloss! And younger girls stop me, in front of Starbucks, telling methat they’re big fans, because of my TikTok. They only know me from TikTok;they’ve never even heard of the Housewives. Their moms might watch the_Housewives_ but they don’t.”

SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA: In this image released on June 5, Bethenny Frankelattends the 2022 MTV Movie & TV Awards: UNSCRIPTED at Barker Hangar in SantaMonica, California and broadcast on June 5, 2022. (Photo by EmmaMcIntyre/Getty Images forMTV)SANTA MONICA,CALIFORNIA: In this image released on June 5, Bethenny Frankel attends the2022 MTV Movie & TV Awards: UNSCRIPTED at Barker Hangar in Santa Monica,California and broadcast on June 5, 2022. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/GettyImages forMTV)

Bethenny Frankel at the 2022 MTV Movie & TV Awards: UNSCRIPTED at BarkerHangar in Santa Monica, California and broadcast on June 5, 2022. (Photo: EmmaMcIntyre/Getty Images for MTV)

And Frankel won’t stop calling out the Kardashians in that space either —whether it’s for Kim’s Met Gala weight loss, Kylie’s cosmetic markups or thePhotoshopping.

“The thing is, they have lost a lot of their shine because people have beenwaterboarded with the message,” she says of the famous family. “When theyfirst came on the scene, one at a time, it was … a different type of bodyimage and celebrating curves and things like that. It was also watching shinyobjects and watching a display of wealth. But it’s gotten vulgar . It’s nothealthy for young women. It’s destructive. It’s desperate. It’s so: Look atme! Look at me!”

Frankel has put them on blast in videos and on her podcast. She’s publiclycalled for an “intermission” from their constant presence in the media, andimplored them to set better examples for young people than boasting aboutunhealthy weight loss and other negative messages.

“There’s definitely been a shift,” she says since her “very controversialvideo at the time. Back then, no one was really saying that. Now you see [thatpeople have] just sort of had it. But they are so powerful and have such shockvalue and fashion power that it’s hard to ignore.”

That said, “Everyone knows it’s not healthy for society. But they are takingevery penny that they can take. If you see money on the floor, you’re gonnapick it up. So they are in a smash and grab, take all the money.One day, themusic may stop [but] they’re billionaires so it’s hard to fight with multiplebillionaires. But I’m giving society credit for trying.”

As for her own career choices, and what people have to say about them, she’sjust going to stick to trusting her gut and tuning out the noise.

“I just do things that I like, so if the tables go cold, I’ll walk out,” shesays. “I’m cool with that. I didn’t plan to be a beauty influencer. I didn’tgo looking for this amazing business show. When great opportunities presentthemselves, I decide to take them or deny them. Everyone’s always trying tofigure out, like, ‘Ooh, what’s she doing next?’ ‘She’s trying to do this.”She’s trying to do that.’ I’m not really trying to do anything, I’m justdoing what I like to do. That’s pretty clear if you really think about it.”

El adiós de España al Mundial ante Marruecos, jugador por jugador

Ferran Torres

Insistencia esteril

Minute jugados: 76

Pegado a la linea, no dejó de percutir, pero sin éxito. Sufrió el mal detodos, la sequía de espacios, y no encontró la finura suficiente para romperlíneas y provocar peligro real. Amagó en un par de ocasiones, ahí se quedó. Enel minuto 75 se acabó su apuesta y empezó la de Nico Williams.

Marco Asensio

La mas clara hasta el descanso

Minute jugados: 63

The vuelta al once tras el breve descanso japonés, suya fue la ocasión másclara de la primera parte, a la media hora. Recibió un pase en profundidad deAlba, controló y, sin mucho ángulo, la mandó al lateral de la red. Por laderecha venía solo Ferran Torres. No hubo mucho más para el balear en unatarde donde sobró de todo menos aire para la batería ofensiva española. A lahora, Luis Enrique recuperó la formula nipona y recurrio a Morata.

The Way of Water world premiere takes place in London

Avatar: The Way of Water, the sequel to the highest grossing movie of alltime, has had its world premiere in London.

Its much-delayed launch comes 13 years after the release of the original sci-fi movie, which was released in 2009.

Director James Cameron was joined on the blue carpet in Leicester Square bystars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña, Sigourney Weaver and Kate Winslet.

The Avatar series is set on the lush planet of Pandora where the existence ofthe Na’vi people is under threat.

Here are some pictures from Tuesday’s world premiere in London, and you canfind more information about the film further down.


Actress Zoe Saldaña, who also starred in the original film, reprises her rolein Avatar: The Way of Water

Sam and Laura Worthington at the premiere of Avatar: The Way ofWaterSamand Laura Worthington at the premiere of Avatar: The Way ofWater

Actor Sam Worthington, pictured with wife Laura, also returns to the franchisefor the Avatar sequel

Director James Cameron and his wife Suzy Amis Cameron arrive at the worldpremiere of "Avatar: The Way of Water"  in London, Britain December 6,2022DirectorJames Cameron and his wife Suzy Amis Cameron arrive at the world premiere of"Avatar: The Way of Water"  in London, Britain December 6,2022

Director James Cameron, pictures with his wife Suzy Amis, plans a furtherthree sequels after this one

Actress SigourneyWeaverActressSigourneyWeaver

Actress Sigourney Weaver was also among the stars seen at the film’s worldpremiere in London’s Leicester Square

will.i,am at the premiere of Avatar: The Way ofWaterwill.i,amat the premiere of Avatar: The Way ofWater

Other stars seen on the blue carpet included Black Eyed Peas

John Boyega at the premiere of Avatar: The Way ofWaterJohnBoyega at the premiere of Avatar: The Way ofWater

The famous faces also included Star Wars actor John Boyega

Model Jourdan Dunn at the premiere of Avatar: The Way ofWaterModelJourdan Dunn at the premiere of Avatar: The Way ofWater

Model Jourdan Dunn was also seen posing for photographers ahead of the film’spremiere

Here are the answers to some burning questions earthlings may have aboutAvatar: The Way of Water.

What’s the story?

Jake Sully and one of hischildrenJakeSully and one of hischildren

The character Jake Sully (Worthington) seen with one of his children

The first film followed a paralyzed marine Jake Sully (played by Worthington)as he traveled to the planet of Pandora, where he took on an avatar body.

He ended up joining the planet’s indigenous population in fighting an attemptby humans to destroy their home to obtain a precious mineral.

The Way of Water is set many years later. Jake now has a family with Neytiri(Saldaña), and it follows their new life on Pandora.

When was it originally due to be released?

In 2010, a year after the original Avatar, 20th Century Fox (as the companywas then called, before it was sold to Disney) said there would be twosequels, and that the first of those would be released in December 2014.

That target proved to be somewhat ambitious. And for the next few years, aregular story out of Hollywood was that the release date had yet again slippedback.

December 2014 became December 2016. Which became December 2017. Which becameDecember 2018. You get the idea. Anyway, it’s finally out next week, Friday 16December 2022.

Why has it taken so long?

One of Jake's children with a seacreatureOneof Jake's children with a seacreature

Much of the film takes place in the oceans of planet Pandora

Cameron threw out one version of an Avatar sequel that, after writing it, hedecided didn’t deliver.

The Canadian filmmaker also has a life outside cinema, and has spent some timedoing deep ocean exploration (although maybe that counts as research for thenew film, much of which takes place in and under water).

Story continues

Cameron also wanted to plot out four sequels. And to take full advantage ofnew filming developments in the worlds of motion capture and CGI.

How long is it?

Well, it’s not Cameron’s longest movie. That honor goes to Titanic, whichclocks in at a hefty 3hrs 15mins.

But Avatar: The Way of Water isn’t too far behind. Avatar 2, as it mayotherwise be called, has a running time of approximately 3hrs and 12mins.

Slightly less if you dive out at the start of the lengthy end credits!

Who’s in it?

Kate Winslet, Sigourney Weaver, James Cameron, Zoe Saldana and SamWorthington at the LondonpremiereKateWinslet, Sigourney Weaver, James Cameron, Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington atthe Londonpremiere

LR: Kate Winslet, Sigourney Weaver, James Cameron, Zoe Saldana and SamWorthington at the London premiere

The stars of the original epic, Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldaña have returned.

So does Sigourney Weaver who – (spoiler alert) – died in the original film.

They are joined by young newcomers Jack Champion, James Flatters, and TrinityJo-Li Bliss, alongside Oscar winner Kate Winslet.

How much money did the original make?

It’s made a total of $2.92bn (£2.39bn) at the global box office, and is thebiggest movie of all time (unadjusted for inflation).

It briefly lost its title to Avengers: Endgame in 2019, but regained it afterAvatar was re-released.

Two Na'vi flying creatures high above theplanetTwoNa'vi flying creatures high above theplanet

The original Avatar movie is the biggest movie of all time

Will I need 3D glasses to see it?

The film is being released in a variety of formats. Including 3D, 2D and Imax.So no one’s forcing you to see it in 3D if you don’t want to.

But perceived wisdom is that a big part of the original’s appeal was itsstunningly immersive 3D sequences.

How many more sequels are planned?

Currently a total of four sequels are planned, including this one.

Avatar 2 is out next week, of course, while Avatar 3 has already been shot,and is due for release in 2024.

Avatar 4 has been partly shot ahead of a planned 2026 release. And Avatar 5has a finished script. If it’s made, and there is a question mark about that,it’ll be out in 2028.

The uncertainty is because of the movies’ cost. The Way of Water had a budgetof more than $350m (£287m) which means it needs to be hugely successful at thebox office to recoup its money.

If it’s a relative failure, it’s hard to see Disney putting up hundreds ofmillions more to finish a series that they think the viewing public may havelost interest in.

Do the sequels have names yet?

In 2018, BBC News revealed that the planned titles were The Way of Water, TheSeed Bearer, The Tulkun Rider and The Quest for Eywa.

The Way of Water was finally confirmed in April of this year. Only JamesCameron knows whether he will stick with the other titles.

What are The Way of Water’s chances at the Oscars?

The original was nominated for nine Oscars including best picture, losing outto The Hurt Locker.

Its wins included best production design and best visual effects. Many expectthat a similar showing is possible at the 2023 Academy Awards.

España no sabe qué hacer con la pelota y cae eliminada ante Marruecos | Mundial Qatar 2022

La Roja deslumbrante ante Costa Rica y que supo competir con Alemania no diopara más ante Marruecos, que la tuvo bloqueada. Mucha pelota para nada. Purarhetoric intrascendente. Un inútil trasteo con la pelota ante un adversarioque logró que los españoles sobaran y sobaran el balón sin una pizca de malauva. El azote de Japón no fue casual. Ante ambas porterías España no pintónada. La selección africana subrayó con creces los motivos por los que solohabía recibido un gol, en propia puerta ante Canadá. Croacia, subcampeona enRusia, y Bélgica, tercera, se frustraron de la misma manera ante la amuralladaselección marroquí.

Marruecos no se corrigió un milímetro de lo que es: un equipo crudo, con laslíneas bien atornilladas, con piernas de mármol en cada disputa. Y, ante lavecina del norte, en el estadio Education City nada evocaba a Doha. Laefervescente y numerosa hinchada marroquí remitía a un estadio en Rabat oCasablanca.

¿Algo más estimulante que alcanzar la mayor cima futbolística de su historiacontra España, en territorio árabe y ante todo el universo? Para el grupoespañol, un rival sacamuelas, con todo el arrojo del mundo y con el ánimo encombustión. España, esta vez una Roja celeste, se vio ante un partido muyintrincado, mucho.

Ni un centímetro concedía Marruecos, abrigada en la peripheria de Bono, conauxilios constants para la intendencia, a la espera de rapiñar la pelota ytocar la corneta a toda mecha. Al equipo de Luis Enrique —el mismo que anteCosta Rica, salvo Llorente por Azpilicueta — le tocaba abrirse paso en unabarricada en la que no había forma de que corriera el aire. Doha era unacaldera marroquí, en el campo y en las tribunas. La pelota cosida por losespañoles, pero sin osadía. Un Mundial, un partido sin retorno, un escenariointimidante. La selección de Regragui, con horizontes hacia Unai Simón almenor error español. No había avisos en las áreas, salvo algún titubeo deBono, con los pies algo anudados, mucho más suelto de manos. Un remate deAsensio al lateral derecho de la red marroquí fue la única huella española enel primer acto. Por una vez, un español tiró un desmarque (Asensio) y por unavez un español tuvo audacia para filtrar un pase (Alba).

De nada les servían a los de Luis Enrique las permutas entre Alba y Pedri, yentre Llorente y Gavi. Tampoco había ruta por el embudo, donde Asensio, conmenos carrocería que los centrals que le tenían bajo arresto, estaba eninferioridad. El partido se dirimía como quería Marruecos, en el cuerpo acuerpo, donde el único marroqui español era Gavi, que arriesgó literalmentela cabeza en un par de jugadas. Un temerario. A Llorente le daba la la lataBoufal, extremo habilidoso y centelleante. Pero la selección de Regraguitampoco dejaba pisadas en el rancho de Unai. Apenas un cabezazo de Aguerd trasotro enredo de Boufal a Llorente.

Nada se alteró en el segundo tramo. España, llevada al limite en cuantopretendía dar un paso al frente. Solo Dani Olmo puso and jaque a Bono, por dosveces. Y tuvo que ser con la pelota tiesa. Una falta lateral a la querespondió con aplomo el portero sevillista. Y otro lanzamiento de falta en eltiempo de alargue. Rodri se agachó para aturdir a Bono, pero el marroquí no sehabía ido de merienda. Entre una falta y otra intervino Luis Enrique, que,entre otros cambios, mandó al banco a Asensio. El balear estaba tan estrujadopor la retaguardia rival como el resto, pero el partido requería una chispa,un solista. Ferran, en cambio, aún tuvo cuerda. Nadie dio con la pócima, nohubo forma de poner a dieta a los alguaciles africanos, que jamás aflojaron lamandíbula. Sí, España dio mucho palique al balón, pero nunca tuvo el partidode su parte. El encuentro era de Saiss y Aguerd, los sólidos power stations deMarruecos. El choque era de Amrabat, un pivote marciano, con cuatro pulmones ytenazas en vez de piernas.

The top 100 films of all time according to a panel of filmmakers and critics

The British magazine Sight & Sound has been asking hundreds of filmmakers andcritics every ten years for seventy years what the best film of all time is.This year it’s that time again, with a striking winner.

With dozens of streaming services at your disposal and thousands of films, thechoice is overwhelming real. Fortunately, the internet is full of lists ofthe best movies by genre, streaming service or by a specific filmmaker. Forexample, we recently listed the best war films on HBO Max, Netflix and Disney+ for you.

Prestigious list of best movies ever

But then again, what does ranking based on IMDb scores really say? That shouldbe better, more serious, even more scientific. Welcome to the pinnacle ofmovie lists: the British film magazine’s prestigious survey Sight & Sound.

Since 1952, they have been asking hundreds of critics, directors and writersabout the best films ever made. They do not do this weekly, monthly orannually, but only every ten years. So a special moment. And if you add tenyears to 1952 each time, you automatically end up in 2022.

Seventy years of winners

When Sight & Sound for the first time held the survey, in 1952, Vittorio deSica’s came Bicycle Thieves out as the best movie of all time. A 1948Italian drama film set during the Great Depression.

Ten years later what Citizen Kane from Orson Welles the big winner. A filmclassic that has topped the prestigious list every ten years since then. Againand again, hundreds of respondents voted the drama film first.

Until 2012. Then became Vertigo voted the greatest movie ever made. A 1958thriller by Alfred Hitchcock about a police detective who becomes completelycaptivated by the woman he has to shadow.

Best movies of all timeVertigoVertigo(Image: Paramount Pictures)

2022 will deliver a striking newcomer

However, the film classic was only able to sit on the throne for ten years.This year early Sight & Sound for the eighth time to hundreds of filmmakersand critics what they thought were the best films of all time, and this time asurprise winner emerged: the Belgian feature film Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai duCommerce, 1080 Bruxelle s.

That is a French-language drama film from 1975, directed by Chantal Akerman.The film follows Jeanne Dielman, a young widow who lives in a flat with herson Sylvain. Her life is dominated by a strict pattern: while her son is atschool, she takes care of their apartment every day in the same oppressiveroutine way. In addition, however, Dielman has a second life: she alsoreceives customers in her flat who come by for paid love, as the synopsis ofthe film so kindly summarizes.

Magnificent epic

“A magnificent epic of experimental cinema that offers a feminist take onrecurring events in everyday life,” concludes the British film magazine. Youcan check out the complete top 100, including movie descriptions and otherinformation, on the official website of Sight & Sound.

Stream the best movie of all time

And the best movie of all time? Unfortunately, it cannot be found on a’normal’ streaming service at the time of writing. Jeanne Dielman, 23, quaidu Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles however, you can rent it for a few euros onMyLum, a special streaming service for European series and films.

Simply Red, Porcupine Tree, Zucchero and more to Bospop 2023

The first names for Bospop 2023 are a fact. This year Bospop has threefestival days with a full program on several stages.

The headliners of Bospop 2023 are none other than Simply Red, Porcupine Treeand Zucchero. In addition, Rag’n’Bone Man, +LIVE+, Nile Rodgers & Chic and JoeBonamassa will also take the stage in Weert.

The 41st edition of the festival will take place on Friday 7, Saturday 8 andSunday 9 July 2023 at Evenemententerrein A2 Weert Noord. Tickets go on sale onSaturday 10 December at 10 am via and

Simply Red

Since its formation in 1985, British soul and pop band Simply Red has becomeone of the UK’s most successful live acts. No wonder, because the band hasbeen touring the world for decades with countless hits such as ‘Holding BackThe Years’, ‘If You Don’t Know Me By Now’, ‘Fairground’ and ‘Sunrise’. Theirlatest studio album was released in 2019: ‘Blue Eyed Soul’. “I’m lookingforward to playing it live because it’s real”, said frontman Mick Hucknall atthe time. We can’t wait to welcome the band to Bospop.

Porcupine Tree

Fans of prog rock can collectively indulge themselves: Porcupine Tree is backin action! The renowned trio Steven Wilson, Richard Barbieri and GavinHarrison got back together after a break of 11 years, with a great album as aresult: ‘Closure/Continuation’. The bombastic guitar and keyboard parts,penetrating guitar solos and beautiful polyphonic vocals in combination withpsychedelic rock, ambient soundscapes, experimental pop and its own propulsivemetal sound once again emphasize that Porcupine Tree fortunately still has alot to say.


Singer and guitarist Zucchero is the symbol of Italian rock. This livinglegend has produced numerous hits in his career spanning more than 50 years,including ‘Senza Una Donna’, ‘Baila Morena’ and ‘Il Volo’, and hascollaborated with great artists such as Andrea Bocelli, Sinéad O’Connor, PaulYoung and Sting. English or Italian, ballad or uptempo: Zucchero is at home inmany markets and thus steals the hearts of rock and blues lovers from all overthe world.

Confirmed so far

  • Friday: Simply Red, Rag’n’Bone Man, The Analogues, Clouseau, Young Gun Silver Fox, BZB. * Saturday: Porcupine Tree, +Live+, Nile Rodgers & Chic, Rowwen Hèze, The White Buffalo, Stahlzeit, ISE. * Sunday: Zucchero, Joe Bonamassa, DI-RECT, Son Mieux, Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes, The Bosshoss, King King, Leif de Leeuw Band, Boaz.

Dozens of international artists perform at Bospop, spread over several stages:the main stage and a tent stage. In addition, there is a third stage with aseparate program, check the website for that line-up. There is also a cozycampsite with the necessary facilities, a 24-hour tent and an atmosphericfestival market.

The website contains all available information about thefestival, the artists and accommodation options.


  • Dates: Friday 7, Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 July 2023; * Location: Event area A2 Weert Noord; * Day tickets: € 87.50 (excl. €5 service costs); * Weekend tickets (Fri, Sat, Sun): €197.50 (excl. €5 service charge).

Bospop is made possible in part by Radio Veronica. More information aboutBospop can be found at: Ticket sales start on Saturday 10December at 10:00 am via: and

Claude is ‘the new Stromae’: ‘People are hearing more and more about me in it’ | Music

You’ve probably heard it pass by: the French-Dutch song Ladada (Mon DernierMoth) from newcomer Claude. It is currently the most listened to record inthe country on Spotify. The nineteen-year-old artist is compared to Stromae bythis debut single.

“It is of course a great compliment,” says Claude when asks him aboutthe comparisons with one of his examples. “And because it is my debut single,I also understand that people are looking for similarities. Because of theFrench words and the attitude of the song, I understand that people getStromae vibes from it.”

He is not afraid that these comparisons will linger too long. “As soon as moreof my music comes out, people will hear more Claude in it.”

Claude is not entirely new to the music scene. The attentive talent showviewer has known him since he participated in 15 years old _The Voice Kids._He then – of course – sang a song by Stromae. Claude made it to the battlerounds, but then had to leave the field.

He had more success Are You Next? , a search for new pop talent by musicchannel Xite and record company Cloud 9 Music. Claude won, got a record dealand was allowed to enter the studio with hit producers Arno Krabman (knownfrom Maan, Suzan & Freek, S10) and Joren van der Voort (Jaap Reesema, KrisKross Amsterdam).

Claude was not familiar with their work at the time. In fact, it was only whenhe saw the gold records on the wall of the studio that it became clear to himwho he was dealing with. “I thought: wow, where have I ended up? Then I foundout that they made songs that I listened to on the way to the studio. Iimmediately knew I was in good hands.”

The atmosphere in the studio was immediately pleasant. “It’s exciting to startwriting with people you just met, but it clicked right away. You have toexpose yourself while writing and that is only possible if a bond of trust iscreated.”

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A mix of Dutch and French

Krabman and Van der Voort made together, among other things He ‘s mine _withKris Kross Amsterdam Maan, Bizzey and Tabitha and Krabman was co-responsiblefor Eurovision entry _The depth from S10. So in Dutch, and that was also theplan with Claude. But during a studio session he used a French term andKrabman saw an opportunity.

That’s where the debut single rolled Ladada (Mon Dernier Moth) from. Thatsong is about the end of a relationship. It is not written from my ownexperience. Ladada was quickly picked up by major radio stations andgarnered online success. At the time of writing, the counter on Spotify standsat about four million streams.

The singer, who came to the Netherlands from Congo at the age of nine, doesnot yet know whether he always wants to sing in two languages. At the momenthe enjoys that mix of French and Dutch. But he doesn’t rule out writing songsentirely in one of the two languages ​​either.

Claude would not be the first artist to sign a record deal at a young age thathe no longer supports at a later age. The singer wanted to prevent that andhas enlisted help to make sure he knows what he is signing for. “Theconditions are very important and a good friend’s father helped me with that.It also helps that I have a good feeling about Cloud 9 Music and get creativefreedom.”

The success comes as a surprise, but Claude is already prepared for more.There are already the following potential singles ready. “We have to _Ladada_give it time to reach the audience now, but I really can’t wait to release the