‘Inside Man’ is a derailed mess, but one with strong scenes

To begin with, let’s establish that the four-part thriller series Inside Man(not to be confused with Spike Lee’s film of the same name) by author StevenMoffat is a pretty derailed mess. And is it really a thriller, or is it ablack comedy, a family drama or a philosophical reflection on the evil in man?We found that we had a lot of fun binging the four episodes of this BBCseries, but not without shouting all kinds of insults at the screen, in thegenre of ‘you’re not kidding!’ or “do you believe it yourself?”

Moffat is the man working for the BBC Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes_revitalized and so also kicked the career of Benedict Cumberbatch, who playedHolmes, into high gear. The find in the series _Sherlock to situate some ofHolmes’s classic adventures in today’s London turned out to be a golden idea.And the fine combination of the criminal puzzle and the absurd plots were madefor Moffat and Cumberbatch.

Death row inmate Jefferson Grieff (the ever strong Stanley Tucci), who is ondeath row awaiting his sentence, has similarities to Sherlock. We learn thathe gruesomely murdered his wife, but before that he had a career as abrilliant criminologist with a hawkish eye and a sense of logic reminiscent ofour Baker Street detective. In the role of Grieff we also find echoes ofHannibal Lecter, as he is played by Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of theLambs , a monster with exquisite taste and a high IQ. As long as Grieff isstill on Earth, he is consulted on unsolvable matters, demonstrating anability to see what others miss.

And then there is that second line, which takes us to the English countryside,where the beloved preacher Harry (David Tennant) already in episode 1 with awell-intentioned intervention sets in motion a series of ultimatelycatastrophic events. You sense that Moffat is putting together a kind ofpuzzle here, wondering at what point you can morally compare the villageclergyman to the American murderer. It ties in with Grieff’s philosophy. Toparaphrase, there are moments that can turn us all into killers if you justmeet the right person on the wrong day.

Let’s say that Inside Man a very heavy burden on our ability to set asideour sense of logic in a story (also known as suspension of disbelief ). Inthe storyline of the village clergyman in particular, all the charactersconstantly make the most ill-considered decisions at key moments, so that thedilemmas resemble philosophical questions where you have to choose between twocompletely improbable scenarios.

That doesn’t change the fact that Tucci and Tennant are always fun to watch,and that Moffat can write strong scenes. At the end, several lines cometogether, but there are also enough loose ends that seem to herald a possiblesecond season. If that does not happen, the viewer will be left behind in arickety structure with no exit.

To be seen on Netflix.

First reactions ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’: blockbuster or potential flop?

Next week it ‘s finally time to go to the cinema for Avatar: The Way ofWater, the sequel to the blockbuster avatar from 2009. Partly due to thenecessary rereleases, that film has already raised about $ 2.923 billion.

Or The Way of Water will eventually collect 1, 2 or 3 billion dollars at theworldwide cinema box offices, we will automatically hear in December andJanuary. Now first the first online reactions to the second avatar fromJames Cameron.

First reactions Avatar 2 The film has meanwhile officially premiered in London and of course the presswas present. Full reviews are yet to come.

” Endless visual spectacle,” is written on Twitter, but also: ” a better,more complex story than the first”.

It is also indicated that the film is not boring despite the running time ofno less than 3 hours. Naturally, the film is technically excellent. ” It’s amasterpiece and engineering wizardry,” is to read.

Avatar: The Way of Water will be shown in Dutch cinemas from next Wednesday.

What do you really think about right before you die? ‘White Noise’ dissects modern terror

Ever had a near-death moment? I do. More than a quarter of a century ago, myrental car slid into a ravine with rocks like shark teeth. Time became viscousslow-motion. My last thought before I lost consciousness: “Damn, the car isuninsured! That will cost money.”

It turned out well: by braking full in blind panic – normally a discouragementduring a skid – the car scraped onto the pebbles and folded itself around alarge boulder. Since then I doubt. Do you think about your loved ones in thelast second of your life, does life play out on your retina like a movie? Idon’t know what happens during the real dying, when the body producesfascinating stimulants like DMT. But as long as you’re conscious, you’rethinking about something pretty random, I’m afraid. After all, we trainourselves all our lives not to think about death. Why would our brain do that?moment supreme then suddenly?

What we repress secretly obsessed is the tenor of Don DeLillo’s influentialnovel white noise with which he broke through to a large audience in 1985.white noise has now been filmed in a very inventive, swinging way bydirector Noah Baumbach. Quite a task, because already has white noise plot,it lacks characters in a way. At least: the narrator’s voice of Professor Jack– JAK – Gladney describes characters, but when you hear them talk, it’s morelike a circle of Don DeLillos entangled in a verbal spider web of paradoxes,fallacies, philosophical insights, factoids and nonsense.

white noise continues to be relevant satire on extreme consumerism, mediaoverload, leaning on technology, pill use, academic navel-gazing. The fullpostmodern life, in fact, which tells us that safety, comfort, self-realization and entertainment are our birthright and sickness and death atragedy or a monstrous injustice. At the same time, the only meaning of lifethat we can still discover is life extension. So we – also in this newspaper –are obsessed with what to do and what not to do. We hide death in medical-technological procedures, which gives a sense of control and then again wedon’t, because we know better. We’re going to die. A tsunami could hit ustomorrow. Rituals and acceptance of loss of control are believed to give morepeace of mind.

Verbal barrage

Filmmaker Noah Baumbach tries it in white noise both: dissecting De Lillo’sunderlying themes and making a plot-driven film. He succeeds wonderfully, in asimilar but different way to David Cronenberg, who wrote Don DeLillo’s novelin 2013. Cosmopolis filmed. Cronenberg translated DeLillo’s fluid, flow-of-consciousness style into a dreamy underwater world of a young banker zippingthrough Manhattan in the bubble of his limousine for a haircut.

white noise by Noah Baumbach is not dreamy, rather episodic, satirical andconfrontational: a verbal barrage that forces you to stay focused. There areassociative musings, pointed dialogues and scenes that frolic with genre andperiod. When disaster strikes – the ‘airborne toxic event’ – the film becomesa Spielbergian sf epic and even a 1980s action comedy for the whole family.The finale feels more like Cronenberg and John Carpenter: dingy,claustrophobic horror. And then there must be a delicious MTV music video in asupermarket. Live! La-la-la-la.

The main theme – modern terror of death – is immediately light-heartedlyshowcased through a lecture on car crashes in American visual culture. If you– like almost any film – ignore the reality of crushed bodies and severedlimbs, then it becomes a perfect representation of American innocence andoptimism, Professor Murray Siskind (Don Cheadle) tells his students. More andmore, more and more, more and more beautiful: mounds of crumpled chrome,orange fireballs, double somersaults, triple Rittbergers. Fun!

That’s Don DeLillo’s sarcasm; even without Aristotle, you understand the fearsa culture safely experiences and drifts through that boundless violence andapocalyptic devastation that we love to watch. Quickly, a plane crash on TV, achild screams white noise , then the entire Gladney family rushes to thepicture tube for that instant rush of catharsis. Such a plane crash shakes usawake for a second from the gray brain fog of information and petty worriesthat the news, advertising and life continuously pour over us.


The plot then? Professor Jack Gladney (Adam Driver) has a large, busy and funfamily with Babette (Greta Gerwig). In the late 1960s, Jack became a magnetfor students and funds by founding the popular Hitler Studies school; hisguilty secret is that he still doesn’t speak German. Jack lives a secure lifein a sleepy college town and an academic environment in the grip of hype. Forexample, Jack lends his, and Hitler’s, prestige to his friend Murray (DonCheadle) who wants to set up an Elvis department. The duo attracts attentionwith a theatrical, superficial and funny comparison of Der Führer and TheKing, who turn out to be kindred spirits.

Then disaster strikes: after a train collision, a menacing black cloud hangson the horizon. Nyodine D, knows Jack’s son Heinrich. A by-product ofinsecticide. “That kills cockroaches, Nyodine D kills the rest.” As men inhazmat suits show up, Jack and Babette convince each other like bunnies in theheadlights that nothing is wrong. “Not to worry the children.” Meanwhile, thecollision is scaled up to an ‘airborne toxic event’ and the symptoms ofpalpitations and a feeling of déjà vu escalate to convulsions, miscarriages,coma, cancer, death.

Once the sirens sound, denial turns into blind panic. In the chaoticevacuation, apocalyptic Christians and far-right militia members are suddenlytapped influencers. Jack appears to have been exposed to Nyodine D for toolong. “Am I going to die?”, he asks an expert. Not in itself, is his answer.No one knows exactly what Nyodine D does to people, but it can’t be much good.

Jack shudders. Death has penetrated his body, the seed has been sown.Although, in the final analysis, little has changed in his situation. Soon hewill die. The third act – when the family has returned home – revolves aroundmother Babette. He secretly takes pills from the mysterious Dylar brand.Babette goes to great lengths to get hold of the pills.

What is Dylan? What is Nyodine D? It is death that we fear and the way wesuppress that fear. Both are synthetic, because that is how we have learned tolive. Completely artificial. white noise is a very interesting movie.

España – Marruecos: Días de reflexión | Mundial Qatar 2022

Luis Enrique, and su versión de entrenador, psicólogo y streamer , estálogrando ofrecer soluciones con un grupo compacto, si bien son los 90 minutosde juego los que destrozan sus entrenadas soluciones, los concienzudos planesy el trabajo realizado. And esos 90 minutos es donde España no cumplió.Pasamos momentos de brillantez y de apuro con Alemania y sufrimos más de loprevisto contra Japón. Y eso que veníamos avisados.

Y, ¿las otras reflexiones? Muchas de las que ocupan mi tiempo son aquellas queme suscita Inglaterra, y cuando pienso en cómo solucionará su duelo anteFrancia recurro inevitablemente a Gareth Southgate, con quien coincidí comojugador y posteriormente como entrenador en el Middlesbrough, donde mostróenormes carencias. Esta vez no hay disculpas. Tiene un equipo sencillamentemaravilloso que puede ofrecer diferentes perfiles y que desde la final de laEuro en Wembley no ha sabido rentabilizar.

Tariku Novales y el maratón de Valencia preparado entre Guadalajara y Etiopía | Deportes

La convivencia en el que podría ser considerado el piso de los campeones puedeser una de las claves de su maratón de Valencia, pero quizás más importantefue la segunda decisión que tomó en agosto, cuando tomó un avión y se fue aEtiopía unos meses, un cambio de aires más radical aún. “Ya había ido aEtiopía otras veces, pero nunca a entrenarse tanto tiempo, y el viaje no solofue para entrenar, sino para reencontrarse con sus raíces y con las raíces delo que más le gusta, que es correr”, dice Juan del Campo, su entrenador enMadrid desde que Novales, adoptado por una familia gallega cuando era un niño,llegó de Galicia a la capital a los 18 años, un gran talento juvenil. “Eltener que dejar la Blume le había hecho reflexionar, ‘si solo me gusta esto,si solo me gusta correr, tengo que dar un giro, tengo que ponerme las pilas”.

“Se instaló en Addis Abeba y todos los días cogía un autobús para ir aentrenar en las afueras, e hizo entrenamientos durísimos a 2,700m de altitud,semanas de 230 kilómetros, tiradas de 25-30 kilómetros a 312m, salidas detrail running por caminos agrestes…”, dice Nacho Barranco, atleta yperiodista, y amigo. “Y pensaba alargarlo más, pero temió haberse lesionado enla cabeza del fémur y volvió a España a finales de noviembre para que letratara el fisioterapeuta”.

Ángel Basas, el fisioterapeuta de la federación, le dijo que no tenía nadaroto, pero sí un buen edema, y ​​le dio solo un 20% de posibilidades de podercorrer el maratón. “Estaba cojo, corrió el maratón cojo, y como lo corrió”,dice Del Campo. “Demostró su gran personalidad. Es un valiente, un osado,cuando corre le hierve la sangre. Estaba cojo y salió a correr el maratón a 3mel kilómetro. Es muy facil decir creo que puedo, hay que hacerlo. No es lomismo creerlo que hacerlo. Hay que salir y hacerlo. Se trata de poder, no desoñar”.

Así, and Valencia, floreció, por fin, el talento de uno “nacido para correr”,and expresión de Barranco. De la generación de otro gran atleta gallego,Adrián Ben, finalista olímpico y mundial de 800m, y del mediofondistasalmantino Mario García Romo, and 2017 Tariku Novales logró la medalla deplata en los 5.000m de los Europeos júnior. Solo le superó Jakob Ingebrigtsen,el genio noruego que ya es campeón olímpico. “Tiene un talento deportivo quecaptamos a la primera, nada más llegar a Madrid. Un talento natural brutalpara correr largo, para el asphalto, no para la pista. Con las distanciascortas puedes entretenerte, le dije, pero dime qué diferencia hay entre correrlos 5.000m en 13m 50s o 13m 40s, y te has pasado tres años para conseguirlo”,dice Del Campo, a quien solo le frustra de Novales, “ un joven muyinteligente, muy imaginativo, creativo, con muchas ideas, con una granfacilidad intelectual”, que no haya seguido estudiando después de terminar elbachillerato. “Y empezamos ya a entrenarle para ser corredor de fondo, paraaprender a beber en carrera, a dormir, estrategias nutricionales, perder

Mundial Qatar 2022: Richarlison, el activista que puso a bailar a Tite | Mundial Qatar 2022

And las redes circula que votó a Lula, pero él nunca lo ha desvelado, aunquese pronuncia abiertamente sobre cuestiones político-sociales. “No hace faltatener una licenciatura para entender que mucha gente es acorralada o asesinadapor el racismo todos los días en Brasil”, declaró en 2020. Un tono más propiode activistas de la izquierda brasileña que recuerda al mítico Sócrates, queencabezó en los ochenta un movimiento para pedir elecciones directas tras ladictadura. Walter Casagrande, colíder de aquel movimiento, contraponía en unartículo las cualidades de Richarlison y Neymar. “Un ídolo no ostenta, sepreocupa. Un ídolo no exhibe lo que tiene, lucha para quien lo necesita”.

See the Complete Winners List

Kenan Thompson will host the 2022 People’s Choice Awards live from SantaMonica, California on Tuesday. The ceremony, which airs on NBC and E!, boastsa host of high-profile performances and even more winners across music, film,television, and social media.

Taylor Swift, Bad Bunny, Beyoncé, Lizzo, and more are prominent nominees inthe music categories. Elsewhere, Harry Styles has received nods for hisreleases in the studio, with his third album Harry ‘s House_and on screen,for his role as Jack Chambers in Olivia Wilde’s _Don ‘t Worry Darling.

More from Rolling Stone

Drama will take center stage for both film and television with notable nodsfor This Is Us and Euphoria as well as Elvis and Luckiest Girl Alive.But comedy and action have racked up nominations with Abbot Elementary and_Only Murders in the Building_ and big screen releases like Bullet Train,Black Adam, The Batman, and Top Gun: Maverick.

Voting opened up to pop culture fans with participants from Oct. 26 throughNov. 9 and they put their 25 votes per day to good use across the 40categories of nominations. View the complete list of winners below. They willbe updated throughout the night.

**Album of 2022 ** Dawn FM – The Weeknd Growin ‘ Up —Luke Combs Harry ‘s House —Harry Styles midnight —Taylor Swift mr. Morale & The Big Steppers — Kendrick Lamar Renaissance – Beyonce special – Lizzo Un Verano Sin Ti –Bad Bunny

**Song of 2022 ** “About Damn Time” – Lizzo “As It Was” – Harry Styles “Break My Soul” – Beyoncé “First Class” – Jack Harlow “Hold My Hand” – Lady Gaga “Me Porto Bonito” – Bad Bunny & Chencho Corleone “Super Freaky Girl” – Nicki Minaj “Wait For U” – Future Featuring Drake & Tems

**Male Artist of 2022 ** Bad Bunny Charlie Puth Drake Harry Styles Jack Harlow Kendrick Lamar Luke Combs The Weeknd

Story continues

**Female Artist of 2022 ** Beyonce Camila Cabello Doja cat Lady Gaga Lizzo Megan Tea Stallion Nicki Minaj Taylor Swift

**Group of 2022 ** BTS 5 Seconds of Summer BLACKPINK Coldplay Imagine Dragons Maneskin OneRepublic Panic! At The Disco

**Country Artist of 2022 ** Carrie Underwood Kane Brown Kelsea Ballerini Luke Combs Mary Morris Miranda Lambert Morgan Wallen Thomas Rhett

**Latin Artist of 2022 ** Anitta Bad Bunny Becky G Shakira Carol G Raw Alejandro Rosalia Sebastian Yatra

**New Artist of 2022 ** Chloe Dove Cameron GAYLE Latto Lauren Spencer-Smith Mun Long Saucy Santana Steve Lacy

**Music Video of 2022 ** “Anti Hero” – Taylor Swift “As It Was” – Harry Styles “Left And Right (feat. Jung Kook of BTS)” – Charlie Puth “Let Somebody Go” – Coldplay X Selena Gomez “Oh My God” – Adele “Pink Venom” – BLACKPINK “PROVENZA” – KAROL G “Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment) Official” – BTS

**Collaboration Song of 2022 ** “Left And Right” – Charlie Puth Featuring Jung Kook “Bam Bam” – Camila Cabello Featuring Ed Sheeran “Do We Have A Problem?” – Nicki Minaj X Lil Baby “Freaky Deaky” – Tyga X Doja Cat “Hold Me Closer” – Elton John & Britney Spears “Jimmy Cooks” – Drake Featuring 21 Savage “Party” – Bad Bunny & Raw Alejandro “Sweetest Pie” – Megan Thee Stallion & Dua Lipa

**Concert Tour of 2022 ** BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE Bad Bunny: World’s Hottest Tour Billie Eilish: Happier Than Ever, The World Tour Dua Lipa Future Nostalgia Tour Ed Sheeran Tours Harry Styles Love On Tour LADY GAGA: The Chromatic Ball Luke Combs: The Middle of Somewhere Tour

**Movie of 2022 ** Bullet Train Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Elvis Jurassic World Dominion Nope TheBatman Thor: Love and Thunder Top Gun: Maverick

**Comedy Movie of 2022 ** Fire Island Hustle Hocus Pocus 2 Mary Me Senior Year The Adam Project The Lost City Ticket To Paradise

**Action Movie of 2022 ** Black Adam Bullet Train Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Jurassic World Dominion TheBatman The Woman King Thor: Love and Thunder Top Gun: Maverick

**Drama Movie of 2022 ** Nope Death on the Nile Don’t Worry Darling Elvis Halloween Ends Luckiest Girl Alive scream Where the Crawdads Sing

**Male Movie Star of 2022 ** Brad Pitt – Bullet Train _ Chris Hemsworth – Thor: Love and Thunder _ Chris Pratt – Jurassic World Dominion _ Daniel Kaluuya – Nope _ Dwayne Johnson — Black Adam _ Miles Teller – Top Gun: Maverick _ Ryan Reynolds —The Adam Project _ Tom Cruise – Top Gun: Maverick_

**Female Movie Star of 2022 ** Elizabeth Olsen- Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Gal Gadot – Death on the Nile Jennifer Garner- The Adam Project Jennifer Lopez- Mary Me _ Joey King – Bullet Train_ Keke Palmer – Nope Queen Latifah – Hustle Viola Davis– The Woman King

**Drama Movie Star of 2022 ** Austin Butler– Elvis Daniel Kaluuya – Nope Florence Pugh– Don ‘t Worry Darling Gal Gadot – Death on the Nile Harry Styles- Don ‘t Worry Darling Jamie Lee Curtis– Halloween Ends Keke Palmer – Nope Mila Kunis – Luckiest Girl Alive

**Comedy Movie Star of 2022 Adam Sandler- Hustle ** Channing Tatum– The Lost City Jennifer Garner- The Adam Project Jennifer Lopez- Mary Me Julia Roberts- Ticket To Paradise Queen Latifah – Hustle Ryan Reynolds– The Adam Project Sandra Bullock – The Lost City

**Action Movie Star of 2022 ** Chris Hemsworth- Thor: Love and Thunder Chris Pratt- Jurassic World Dominion Dwayne Johnson- Black Adam Elizabeth Olsen- Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Joey King- Bullet Train _ Tom Cruise– _Top Gun: Maverick Viola Davis– The Woman King Zoe Kravitz – TheBatman

Show of 2022 ** _Abbott Elementary Better Call Saul Grey’s Anatomy House of the Dragon Obi Wan Kenobi Saturday NightLive Stranger Things ** This Is Us_

**Drama Show of 2022 ** Better Call Saul Cobra Kai Euphoria Grey’s Anatomy Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Ozark The Walking Dead This Is Us

**Comedy Show of 2022 ** Abbott Elementary Blackish Only Murders in the Building Never Have I Ever Saturday NightLive The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window YoungRock Young Sheldon

**Reality Show of 2022 ** 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Below Deck Sailing Yacht Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Love & Hip-Hop: Atlanta The Kardashians The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Sell ​​Sunset

**Competition Show of 2022 ** America ‘s Got Talent american idol Dancing with the Stars RuPaul’s Drag Race The Bachelorette The Masked Singer Lizzo’s Watch Out for the Big Grrrls The Voice

**Male TV Star of 2022 ** Dwayne Johnson- YoungRock _ Ewan McGregor- _Obi Wan Kenobi _ Ice-T – _Law & Order: Special Victims Unit _Jason Bateman- _Ozark _ Noah Schnapp- _Stranger Things _ Norman Reedus – _The Walking Dead _ Oscar Isaac – _Moon Knight _ Sterling K Brown – _This Is Us

**Female TV Star of 2022 ** Millie Bobby Brown – Stranger Things Ellen Pompeo- Grey ‘s Anatomy Kristen Bell – The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in theWindow Maitreyi Ramakrishnan – Never Have I Ever Mandy Moore- This Is Us Mariska Hargitay – Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Quinta Brunson – Abbott Elementary Selena Gomez- Only Murders in the Building

**Drama TV Star of 2022 ** Ellen Pompeo- Grey ‘s Anatomy Jason Bateman- Ozark Mandy Moore- This Is Us Mariska Hargitay – Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Norman Reedus – The Walking Dead Sterling K Brown – This Is Us Sydney Sweeney– Euphoria Zendaya – Euphoria

**Comedy TV Star of 2022 ** Bowen Yang– Saturday NightLive Dwayne Johnson —Young Rock _ Kenan Thompson —Saturday NightLive _ Kristen Bell – The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl inthe Window _ Maitreyi Ramakrishnan – Never Have I Ever _ Quinta Brunson — Abbott Elementary _ Selena Gomez- _Only Murders in the Building _ Tracey Ellis Ross – _Blackish

**Daytime Talk Show of 2022 ** Good Morning America Live with Kelly and Ryan The Drew Barrymore Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Jennifer Hudson Show The Kelly Clarkson Show The View Today with Hoda and Jenna

Nighttime Talk Show of 2022 ** _Jimmy KimmelLive! Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Late Night with Seth Meyers The Daily Show with Trevor Noah The Late Late Show with James Corden The Late Show with Stephen Colbert The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon ** Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen_

Competition Contestant of 2022 ** Charli D’Amelio – Dancing with the Stars _ Bosco – RuPaul ‘s Drag Race Gabby Windey- _The Bachelorette _ Mayyas – America ‘s Got Talent_ Noah Thompson- _american idol _ Selma Blair – Dancing with the Stars ** Teyana Taylor – The Masked Singer Willow Pill – RuPaul ‘s Drag Race

Reality TV Star of 2022 ** Chrisshell Stause – Selling Sunset _ Garcelle Beauvais – The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills _ Kandy Burruss – The Real Housewives of Atlanta _ Kenya Moore – The Real Housewives of Atlanta _ Khloe Kardashian – The Kardashians ** Kim Kardashian – The Kardashians _ Kyle Richards – The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills _ Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino –Jersey Shore: Family Vacation

**Bingeworthy Show of 2022 ** Bridgerton Bel Air Dahmer Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story Invention Anna Severance The Bear The Boys The Thing About Pam

**Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show of 2022 ** House of The Dragon La Brea Moon Knight Obi Wan Kenobi She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Stranger Things The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power The Umbrella Academy

**Social Celebrity of 2022 ** Bad Bunny Charlie Puth Doja cat Lil Nas X Lizzo Reese Witherspoon Selena Gomez Snoop Dogg

**Social Star of 2022 ** Addison Rae Brent Rivera Charlie D’Amelio Jay Shetty Khaby Lame Mikayla Jane Nogueira Mr. Beast Noah Beck

**Comedy Act of 2022 ** Amy Schumer: Whore Tour Chris Rock Ego Death World Tour 2022 David Spade: Nothing Personal (Netflix) Jo Koy: Live from the L.A. Forum Kevin Hart: Reality Check Steve Martin & Martin Short You Won’t Believe What They Look Like Today Wanda Sykes – Stand Out: An LGBTQ+ Celebration (Netflix) Whitney Cummings – Jokes (Netflix)

**Game changer of 2022 ** Chloe Kim LeBron James Megan Rapinoe Nathan Chen Rafael Nadal Russell Wilson Serena Williams Stephen Curry

**Pop Podcast of 2022 ** Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain Archetypes Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard Call Her Daddy Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend Not Skinny But Not Fat SmartLess Why Won’t You Date Me? with Nicole Byer

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Olivia Wilde Wears Sheer, Nipple-Baring Gown to 2022 People’s Choice Awards — and Takes Home a Trophy

Olivia Wilde just made a major style statement on the 2022 People’s ChoiceAwards purple carpet on Tuesday night.

Styled by Karla Welch, the Don ‘t Worry Darling director made an appearanceat the awards show in a daring, sheer Christian Dior gown that leaves littleto the imagination.

Wilde posed for photos in the see through design featuring a lace, lingerie-like bodice. She wore the delicate gown with black hot pants underneath andstyled it with an oversize belt — the same way it went down the runway.

For glam, Wilde, 38, went for overlined eyes and a fresh face. She wore herlong hair tousled and loose, making for an effortless look.

RELATED: Shania Twain Channels 1998 Music Video Look at 2022 People ‘sChoice Awards — Abs and All!

Wilde’s movie Don ‘t Worry Darling — which stars Styles — took home theaward for drama movie of 2022 at the ceremony.

“This award isn’t for me, it’s for the entire production, and it’s such anhonor to accept it on behalf of our entire Don ‘t Worry Darling family,” shesaid on stage during her acceptance speech. “We made this movie in 2020 whenmany people were not confident that audiences would ever return to theaters ifthey ever reopened.”

“And yet more than 190 brilliant crew members showed up every single dayduring a pandemic to make something that they hoped that you guys would showup for. And you did show up. And we’re so, so grateful.”

Olivia Wilde People's ChoiceAwardsOliviaWilde People's ChoiceAwards

Olivia Wilde People’s Choice Awards

Amy Sussman/Getty

The director and actress went on to thank everyone involved behind-the-sceneson the film.

“There are just so many people who are so integral to a movie getting made.From our PA team, to our AD department, to our covid safety team to ourjanitorial staff to our transportation team to the stunt performers. The standins. All these people showed up and they worked so hard and they made so manysacrifices just hoping to make something you’d enjoy.So this award means somuch to all of us and And it’s a real testament to their hard work.So this isfor them. Thank you guys so so much.”

Story continues

The movie also earned nominations for Wilde’s ex-boyfriend Harry Styles andhis co-lead Florence Pugh. Rife with plenty of drama dating as far back asfall 2020, the movie opened in September and also stars Wilde, Gemma Chan andChris Pine.

Wilde is no stranger to daring fashion. For her Elle cover in October, shewore a Gucci one-shoulder top bearing one of her breasts adorned with a heart-shaped pasty covering her nipple. Just weeks after that cover story landed,the Booksmart director showed up at the 2022 Baby2Baby Gala in a simple butsexy black bandeau bra top with a $3,140 ball gown skirt from Magda Butrym,adding a touch of gold thanks to Irene Neuwirth statement earrings.

People's ChoiceArrivalsPeople'sChoiceArrivals

People’s Choice Arrivals

Todd Williamson/Getty

Wilde picked another sheer look at the Governors Awards in Los Angeles inNovember, but her Erdem gown did have a white corset underlay. She wore alayered tulle Erdem gown with a netted train from the Spring/Summer 2023collection. She completed her glamorous ensemble for the evening by pairing itwith sheer opera gloves and Mikimoto jewelry.

Never miss a story — sign up for PEOPLE ‘ s freeweekly newsletter to get the biggest news of the week delivered to your inbox everyFriday.

The Governors Awards red carpet was Wilde’s first carpet since her split fromStyles. Multiple sources confirmed to PEOPLE just days earlier that the “As ItWas” singer and actress-director were “taking a break” from their romanceafter nearly two years together.

“He’s still touring and is now going abroad. She is focusing on her kids andher work in LA,” said one source. “It’s a very amicable decision.”

Another source shared with PEOPLE that the breakup was hard on Wilde. “Thebreak has been difficult for Olivia,” the source shared. “They have had someissues, but Olivia thought they were gonna work through it all. She isdisappointed. It’s just a tricky situation, though.”

Mundial de Qatar: España cae en la droga | Mundial Qatar 2022

España cayó en la droga, que es la posesión por la posesión, el balón paratenerlo y presumir de él sin saber que sirve para meterlo en una portería, conla ventaja que da eso; España juega para tener el balón, algo muy ambiciosoque se le da muy bien, pero al tenerlo puede caer en el vicio, que es moverlosin saber qué hacer con él. Uno puede consumir opiáceos con un objetivo, quees aliviar un dolor muy grande y funcionar en la vida, y también puedeconsumirlos porque no puede pasar sin ellos, porque los necesita, aunque sólole valgan para quitarse las ganas de tomarlos. Es la historia de la droga:puedes tomarla con un objetivo, pero si la tomas muchas veces llega un momentoen que olvidaste el objetivo, y la tomas sólo porque si no la tomas es peor.Se llama adicción y pasa con las sustancias, con ciertos amigos, con el amor,con el trabajo, con un balón de fútbol. Nada de eso está mal si lo sabes usar.La selección española de fútbol sabe usar brillantemente el balón. Tanbrillantemente que, cuando se olvida, es un espanto. Un tipo tirando naranjasal aire y recogiéndolas. Un tipo que hace una rabona en su area. Un tipo quellega a una cena y dice que él sólo habla de lo que sabe, y no vuelve a cerrarla boca. Un tipo que se aburre a sí mismo y aburre a los demás.

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Hay más espectáculo en un equipo sin balón, bascullando y posicionándose,tapando vías de agua, mordiendo y aprendiendo hasta dónde puede llegar elárbitro sin que le expulse a ninguno, sacando el colmillo y el oficio, perrosviejos y vagabundos que se buscan la vida en esos barrios bajos en los que deun trozo de pan duro se hace una tarta de cumpleaños, que en un equipo lujosode clase y calidad que no sabe usar la clase ni la calidad; que no sabe usarla vida. La vida viene con un manual de instrucciones que hay que romper encuanto se nace. Si no se rompe, y se aprende de memoria, como el fútbol, ​​alfinal se corre el riesgo de creérselo. Y España se lo creyó 120 minutosaburridísimos, con mucho balón y ningún gol; empezó jugando a la velocidad delrayo contra Costa Rica, bajó una marcha contra Alemania, bajó dos contraJapón, bajó tres contra Marruecos. Marchas de velocidad, de toque, dedesmarque, de agilidad física y mental. El enjambre de jugadores españoles quevolvieron loca a Costa Rica en un partido supremo se ha ido deshaciendo conlos días hasta convertirse en un enjambre de jugadores marroquíesdefendiéndose de una armada invisible.

El desastre se acentuó en los penaltis. Tiró primero el especialista, que nohabía fallado en los últimos 16 penaltis: el primero al que hay que sacar deen medio a poco que alguien frecuente un casino. Por eso hay que conocerlugares pocos recomendables, acercarse a los vicios siquiera para observar,saber de qué va la cabeza de la gente. Llegó a tirar hasta Sergio Busquets, ensu primer disparo a puerta desde el siglo XVI. La selección se va para casa nocon impotencia sino con apatía, una parálisis en la prórroga y en los penaltisque sólo cabe atribuir al talón de Aquiles de una selección prodigiosa. Lajuventud, la presión, la psicología que demuestra en el fútbol y en la calleque a veces el descaro y el atrevimiento dan resultados asombrosos; a cambio,la vulnerabilidad es maxima. La selección creía y nos hizo creer en los ReyesMagos, y ha visto su primer muerto. La vida sigue con aprendizajes tanbrutales como este. Siempre somos mejores fuera de los sitios, pero no es tandivertido ver la fiesta desde la calle. Sobre todo and vispera de Navidad.

Luis Enrique: “Si hay algún responsable, soy yo” | Mundial Qatar 2022

Retrepado contra el banquillo, la mirada se le tornó acuosa a Luis Enrique conel primer penalti fallado por Pablo Sarabia. Los lanzamientos desde los oncemetros, como en la Eurocopa, se han interpuesto en su camino hacia laconquista de un título. Su ciclo de cuatro años, si no renueva, se habrásaldado con unas semifinales de la Eurocopa, un subcampeonato de la Liga deNaciones y esta eliminación en los octavos de final de un Mundial. “No puedodecir nada de mi futuro, porque no lo sé. No es el momento ahora. No tieneimportancia. No ten interests. Mi contrato se acaba, pero estoy muy a gusto enla selección y en la federación. Por lo que significa el presidente [LuisRubiales] y el carino de Molina [director deportivo], si por mi fuera seguiríatoda mi vida. Pero no es el caso. Tengo que pensar con tranquilidad qué es lomejor no solo para Luis Enrique, sino para la selección. Cuando hable con laspersonas interesadas, todo va a influir, claro, todas las situaciones que sehan dado”, explicó Luis Enrique en la sala de prensa. Antes, en los microfonosde TVE, había dicho: “Tengo más salidas que el metro. Quiero llegar a mi casay estar con mis perros. Supongo que a partir de la próxima semana hablaremoscon la federación”.


Bono, Naif Aguerd (Jawad El Yamiq, min. 84), Achraf Hakimi, Noussair Mazraoui(Y. Attiat-Allah, min. 82), Romain Saiss, Sofyan Amrabat, Selim Amallah (WalidCheddira, min. 81), Azz- Eddine Ounahi (Badr Benoun, min. 119), Hakim Ziyech,En-Nesyri (Abdelhamid Sabiri, min. 82) y Sofiane Boufal (Abde, min. 66)



Unai Simón, Marcos Llorente, Laporte, Rodrigo, Alba (Alex Balde, min. 98),Pedri, Busquets, Gavi (Carlos Soler, min. 63), Dani Olmo (Ansu Fati, min. 97),Ferrán Torres (Nico Williams , min. 75) y Marco Asensio (Morata, min. 63)


Arbitro Fernando Rapallini

Tarjetas amarillas Laporte (min. 76) y Romain Saiss (min. 89)

Focalizado en los lanzamientos de penaltis, Luis Enrique reveló cómo habíaelegido los lanzadores: “He sido yo el que ha escogido a los tres lanzadores.Consideraba que eran los mejores en el campo. Si empezaran otra vez, elegiríalos tres lanzadores primeros. El resto, les he dejado a los jugadores queeligieran con libertad a partir de esos tres. Mira el ojo que tengo. Lo que síharía es quitar a Bono y pondría otro portero”, apuntó el preparador Gijones.

España, como en Rusia, volvió a caer en los octavos de final de un Mundial nosolo con los penaltis como punto en común. La Roja volvió a caer con más de1,000 pases y con la sensación de haber generado muy poco para el 77% deposesión que registró. “Hemos creado las oportunidades suficientes para ganar,hemos hecho 11 remates, aunque sí que puede ser que podíamos haber generadoalgo más. Esto es el deporte. Los jugadores han hecho al cien por cien todaslas indicaciones que les he dado. Las han seguido al 99.9 por ciento, porquequerían marcar gol y yo que buscasen situaciones. Se ha acabado. Hay queanalizar el partido con tranquilidad. No tengo ni un solo reproche para estegrupo de jugadores. Ha sido una concentración maravillosa”, aseguró eltécnico.

Luis Enrique desveló que nunca visita el vestuario de los jugadores al términode los partidos. “Los he animado, les he agradecido sus esfuerzos, sucapacidad para gestionar el partido. Hemos creado la mejor ocasión en elminuto 120 que ha pegado en el palo. Les he dicho que adelante, no pasa nada,la vida continúa, es una experiencia que les quedará para siempre y que en elfuturo ojalá les pueda servir”, desveló.

El entrenador quiso tener una mención especial para Sarabia, al que concediólos minutos finales de la prórroga para que fuera uno de los lanzadores depenaltis. “Sí me queda algún resquemor a nivel personal, que hay jugadores quese han quedado sin jugar el Mundial y, sobre todo, con Pablo Sarabia, con elque he sido muy injusto. Lo he sacado para tirar un penalti y ha generado dosocasiones. Me he equivocado con Sarabia en todo el Mundial”, reconció LuisEnrique.

El desfile de jugadores por la zona mixta parecía cortado por el mismo patrón.Los que no tenian que atender a la prensa caminaban con la cabeza alta y lamirada perdida. “Lo importante es la selection y no yo. Es una noche difícil yque sirva de experiencia para el futuro con un grupo muy bueno y joven”, dijoel capitán, Sergio Busquets. Lo normal es que finiquite su carrerainternacional, algo que tenía pensado si la Eurocopa se hubiera disputado en2020. Como se jugó en 2021 decidió continuar hasta este Mundial. Si seconfirma su adiós ya no quedará ningún representante de los campeones delmundo de 2010.