9 famous actors who almost played a major role in Harry Potter

The Harry Potter movies were preceded by many months of auditions. Many bignames that we now know from other roles or movies have been in the running foriconic roles in the magical movies. We list nine of them.

Marvel came out with the animated series last year What if? , which alwaysintroduced a twist on the well-known Marvel films. What if Peggy Carter hadbecome Captain America instead of Steve Rogers? And what if T’Challa, BlackPanther, was Star-Lord?

The Hollywood Multiverse

It makes for entertaining television, but Hollywood is basically one big thing_What If_ -carousel. Actors, especially at the beginning of their careers,audition many times for many roles. Casting is an industry in itself andfilmmakers often consider many options before choosing their final face.

For us is Keanu Reeves Neo, but Will Smith was the studio’s first choice. Wecan’t imagine anyone other than Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow, but Jim Carreywas offered the part first. For example, a series of intriguing alternativeuniverses can be imagined, films that feel iconic and right due to the currentcasting, but looked almost completely different.

Harry Potter: just-not auditions and actors

There are many examples to be found, especially in the case of major filmfranchises. Take Harry Potter: the books were already a phenomenon before theystarted filming Philosopher ‘s stone, so many an aspiring actor lined up toaudition. A number of them later broke through with other roles, becomingfamiliar faces that you would associate anything but with Harry Potter.

Or they were offered another role within the magical film series. We listseven examples of well-known actors who auditioned for the Harry Potter films.

Jamie Campbell Bower

You probably immediately recognize Jamie Campbell Bower as Henry Creel_Stranger Things_. A top role, but you can always dream bigger. The Britishactor, or more accurately, the actor’s parents certainly did that at somepoint: Bower participated in the race for the role of Harry Potter. Not themovies, but the character: the boy who lived. In a recent interview, the now34-year-old actor looked back on the audition, which he says he completelyruined. Incidentally, he eventually got a role in the film series. He played ayoung Grindelwald, a baton taken over by Johnny Depp in the Fantastic Beastsmovies.

Actors audition Harry PottermoviesJamieCampbell Bower (Image: Netflix)

Saoirse Ronan

You don’t have to feel sorry for Saoirse Ronan. With, inter alia The FrenchDispatch, Little Women and Lady Bird she played in top movie after topmovie in recent years. Consistently scoring with drama films acclaimed bycritics. Fifteen years ago, however, her big dream was to play Luna Lovegoodin the Harry Potter films. She was extremely disappointed when the role wentnot to her, but to Irish actress Evanna Lynch, but in the end Ronan is the onewith the big film career.

Actors audition Harry PottermoviesSaoirse Ronan (Image: Sony Pictures)

Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne is of course best known as Newt Scamander, the face of theFantastic Beasts films. In other words, he already has a major role in thewider Harry Potter universe. Before that, however, he was in the running toplay a role in mainstream movies. He auditioned for the part of a young TomRiddle, aka Voldemort. The British actor was not even called back. Well, inthe end he was allowed to play the great hero instead of the great villain.All’s well that ends well.

This week onNetflixEddieRedmayne (front) (Image: Warner Bros.)

Jude Law

Jude Law also eventually got the chance to play a major role in the FantasticBeasts films, namely that of Albus Dumbledore. However, many years beforethat, he auditioned for the role of Gilderoy Lockhart, the eccentric DefenseAgainst the Dark Arts teacher from the second film, The Chamber of Secrets.Law almost got the part and was in the race to the end, but it was ultimatelydecided that he was too young. Kenneth Branagh, also not the least name,eventually got the part.

Actors audition Harry PottermoviesJudeLaw (Image: Warner Bros.)

Henry Cavill

The Witcher , Superman, Warhammer: Henry Cavill can and does it all. Thereare even rumors that the 39-year-old actor will play James Bond. A role he wasin the race for years ago, along with Daniel Craig. That was not the only rolethat Cavill just missed. When he was a lot younger, the Superman actorauditioned for the role of Cedric Diggory, a role that was eventually playedby Robert Pattinson. Too bad, because it would have made the alreadyconsiderable series of mega franchises on his CV even more impressive.

henry cavill, new james bond,007Henry Cavill (Image: ANP)

Thomas Brodie-Sangster

Have you in the run up to Christmas again Love Actually turned on? Then yourecognize the face of Thomas Brodie-Sangster, who became famous as a childthanks to that romantic comedy and later played major roles in, among otherthings, the Maze Runner films and Game of Thrones. Before that, however, heauditioned for another mega role: Brodie-Sangster almost played the role ofRon Weasley alongside Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson. In a recent interview,the now 32-year-old actor opened up about how angry and disappointed he waswhen he didn’t get the part.

Actors audition Harry PottermoviesThomas Brodie-Sangster(Image: Universal Pictures)

Jason Isaacs

Yes, you immediately recognize that crook head of Jason Isaacs as that ofLucius Malfoy, the father of Draco Malfoy. However, that was not the role heenvisioned. The acclaimed actor was even against the choice at first, due tothe character’s villainy. He came into the producers’ crosshairs because heauditioned for the role of Gilderoy Lockhart just like Jude Law. DirectorChris Columbus saw his audition and asked Isaacs to consider another role. Therest is history.

Actors audition Harry PottermoviesJasonIsaacs (Image: Warner Bros.)

Robin Williams

Robin Williams desperately wanted to play the role of Hagrid in the films, butwas ultimately turned down for one simple reason: JK Rowling insisted thatevery actor in her films be British. A simple rule, with far-reachingconsequences for the casting process. “Robin Williams had called the directorbecause he wanted to play that part in the film, but the rule was only Britishactors,” casting director Janet Hirshensom explained in 2016.

Actors audition Harry PottermoviesRobinWilliams (Image: Buena Vista Pictures)

JK Rowling

Okay, JK Rowling is not an actor but the author of the Harry Potter books, butshe could almost put a significant role on her resume. She was offered therole of Lilly Potter, Harry’s mother. Applicable! But Rowling was too afraidshe’d screw it up: “The filmmakers asked me to play Lily Potter in the Mirrorof Erised scene in the first film, but I’m really not cut out to be anactress, even not like someone who just has to stand there waving. I wouldhave screwed up somehow.” Ultimately, the role went to Geraldine Somerville,who looks remarkably like Rowling.

Celebrities consider leaving Twitter as Elon Musk takes over

Since launching in 2006, Twitter has buzzed with the news of the day, so it’sno surprise that the social media company itself has been a big topic as oflate.

This follows Elon Musk completing of his $44 billion purchase of the companyin the final days of October, which was accompanied by changes in leadershipand policies. TheCEO of Tesla and SpaceX made an offer to buy Twitter in April, saying that hewanted to promote free speech and end Twitter’s permanent ban on some users.

Once he had taken over, Musk laid off thousands, attempted to implement asubscription system and announced plans to create a “content moderationcouncil” on thesocial network. He also ran a poll asking if former President DonaldTrump shouldbe allowed to return — he’d been banned for inciting violence in the Jan. 6attack on the capitol — and eventually reinstated him.

Musk noted early on in his tenure that rapper Kanye West’s account had been”restored by Twitter before the acquisition” and without his knowledge. West,also known as Ye, reportedly had been locked out in October after he madeantisemitic comments, which the site blocked after they had been seen. Westwas back to tweeting by Nov. 2, although he was suspended again in earlyDecember after he posted an anti-Semitic message found to incite violence.

Following Musk’s takeover, dozens more employees left the company in the wakeof his demands for them to work harder with a smaller staff. As #RIPTwitterbegan trending, some familiar faces — or at least familiar names — declaredtheir intention to leave or take a break from the platform.

Elton John announced his departure Dec. 9.

“All my life I’ve tried to use music to bring people together,” the singer andactivist wrote. “Yet it saddens me to see how misinformation is now being usedto divide our world. I’ve decided to no longer use Twitter, given their recentchange in policy which will allow misinformation to flourish unchecked.”

Story continues

Rapper Meek Mill joined John in signing off, because there were “too many botsand weird people.” He reportedly announced Dec. 18 that he would deactivatehis account and instead post to YouTube and hope for a new social media appwhere there are “more good vibes.”

Actress Jameela Jamil predicted in April that she would depart, becauseTwitter would become “a lawaless space of bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia,”and she actually did stop sending posts in October.

On Nov. 29, actor Jim Carrey said goodbye with a cartoon based on his paintingof “a crazy old Lighthouse Keeper, standing naked in a storm, summoning theangels and shining his lamp to guide us through a treacherous night.”

Nine Inch Nails frontman-turned-Oscar-winning composer Trent Reznor said in aNov. 19 interviews with the Hollywood Reporter that he was leaving.

“I’m about to depart. We don’t need the arrogance of the billionaire class tofeel like they can just come in and solve everything. Even without himinvolved, I just find that it has become such a toxic environment,” he said.”For my mental health, I need to tune out. I don’t feel good being thereanymore.”

Musk tweeted that Reznor was a “crybaby,” but he actually did leave.

Rocker Jack White was out after Trump was back in. “Absolutely disgusting,Elon,” he tweeted.

The account that belonged to Musk’s ex Amber Heard, @RealAmberHeard,disappeared altogether.

Another actress, Whoopi Goldberg, said Nov. 7 on The View that she waslogging off. And she did.

“I’m getting off today because I just feel like it’s so messy, and I’m tiredof now having certain kinds of attitudes blocked now getting back on,”Goldberg said. “So I’m gonna get out, and if it settles down enough and I feelmore comfortable, maybe I’ll come back. But as of tonight, I’m done withTwitter.”

Gigi Hadid took to her Instagram Stories to explain that she had deactivatedher Twitter account. “Especially with its new leadership, it’s becoming moreand more of a cesspool of hate & bigotry,” she wrote, according to CBS. Shesaid she’s connected with many fans on the site and wants to be part of it,however, “I can’t say it’s a safe place for anyone, no a social platform thatwill do more good than harm.”

Earlier, musicians Toni Braxton and Sara Bareilles, as well as producer ShondaRhimes, had said they were out of there.

Braxton noted that she was “shocked and appalled” at the “free speech” she wasseeing after Musk’s arrival.

“Hate speech under the veil of ‘free speech’ is unacceptable; therefore I amchoosing to stay off Twitter as it is no longer a safe space for myself, mysons and other POC,” she tweeted.

Singer Liz Phair deactivated her account Nov. 11.

Those celebs weren’t the only ones.

Actress Téa Leoni appeared to have deleted her account. According to NBC News,she last tweeted Oct. 29: “Hi everyone. I’m coming off Twitter today — let’ssee where we are when the dust settles. Today the dust has revealed too muchhate, too much in the wrong direction. Love, kindness, and possibilities forall of you .”

Bill & Ted _star Alex Winter, _This Is Us executive producer Ken Olin and_Billions_ showrunner Brian Koppelman also made it clear that they’re leavingthe Twitterverse.

Winter’s bio was changed to, “Not here for now,” and his posts were deleted.Per The Hollywood Reporter at one time, he posted only a meme of Musk, Trumpand Ye (aka Kanye West) as the Three Musketeers.

Olin announced, “I’m out of here” on Oct. 28, note, “Let’s protect ourdemocracy.”

As for Koppelman, he tweeted, according to THR “Y’all’s, for real, come findme over on instagram and the tok. Gonna really try to take a breather fromhere for a minute or a month come deal close time.”

Disney star Josh Gad explained that he wasn’t sure if he would stay or not.

“Leaning towards staying,” the Frozen star posted, “but if today is a signof things to come, not sure what the point is. Freedom of speech is great.Hate speech intended to cite harm, (with no consequences) ain’t what I signedup for.”

He retweeted a press release announcing that 40 civil-society groups weredemanding that Twitter’s top advertisers stop supporting the site “if ElonMusk continues to undermine brand and user safety.”

BV 24/7. Hanne Verbruggen looks back on the past year and Karen Damen holds a ‘Camping’ reunion | Showbiz

BV The show must go on , because the showbiz world never stands still. Youcan discover what your favorite BVs have been up to in the last 24 hours herein our news stream.

JOVS 29 Dec. 2022

Source:  Instagram

Hanne Verbruggen (left) and Karen Damen (right). © Instagram Hanne Verbruggen@hannecarry_ and Instagram Karen Damen @karendamen

Aster Nzeyimana and Liz Feryn enjoy their trip to South Africa.

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K3’s Hanne Verbruggen looks back on the past year. “What a year!”

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After a week of absence due to illness, influencer Sarah Puttemans all theway back.

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Karen Damen is having a “Camping Karen and James” reunion. “James, whereare you?”

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‘Home’ actor Mathias Vergels says goodbye to the VRT. “I can still lose myegg in this character. Thanks to the writers, directors, production, co-starsand crew for guiding and growing me for over 10 years. Bye bye VRT, helloEyeworks.”

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Actor Louis Talpe goes out by bike.

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Candice Martens from ‘Blind Married’, got Celien the daughter ofMargriet Hermans, on the floor.

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Red Devil Toby Alderweireld went to see the play ‘Ne Geestige Kerst’ bythe Sven De Ridder Company. “I had a visit from the man, the legendyesterday.”

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Kim Kardashian Says She’s Open to the Idea of ​​Having More Kids and Remarrying: ‘Never Say Never’

Kim Kardashian

Todd Owyoung/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is still open to having more children and potentiallyremarrying one day.

During a Wednesday spot on the Goop podcast, The Kardashians star and motherof four, 42, told host Gwyneth Paltrow “fourth time’s a charm” regardingmarriage, and “whatever’s meant to be” as far as more kids.

Paltrow, 50, began the hour-long interview expressing that she is “sointerested” in how Kardashian works internally and less interested about the”world’s reaction” to her.

While talking about marriage and kids, Paltrow asked point blank if the SKIMSfounder would wed again. (Kardashian has been married three times, and sharesfour children with ex-husband Kanye West: daughters North, 9½, and Chicago, 5next month, plus sons Saint, 7, and Psalm, 3½.)

“I don’t know,” Kardashian said at first, agreeing with Paltrow that she’s”such a romantic.” She went on to admit, “I am. I am. I have this fantasy inmy head, like fourth’s time’s a charm, it’s gonna — it’s gonna work out.”

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RELATED : Kim Kardashian’s Dating History: From Kanye West to PeteDavidson

Kardashian finalized her highly public divorce with controversial artist West,45, just last month. She also broke it off with Saturday NightLive __ alumPete Davidson back in August.

The reality star was previously married to music producer Damon Thomas from2000 to 2004, and Kris Humphries from 2011 to 2013, though she filed fordivorce from the former NBA player, 37, just 72 days after tying the knot.

“I feel, like honestly, my last marriage was my first real [one] — the firstone, I just don’t know what was happening,” Kardashian told Paltrow. “Thesecond one, I felt like I wanted to be married so badly because all my friendswere at that place and that’s where I should have been , and I didn’t acceptthat that just wasn’t where I was and realized that that was okay.”

Story continues

“And now, I feel like I would definitely take my time — and I would be okayfor a forever partnership as well,” she added. “I would want a marriage, butI’m so happy to take my time.”

RELATED VIDEO: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Finalize Divorce, Rapper MustPay $200K Per Month in Child Support

As far as wanting more kids, Kardashian is of the “never say never” mindset.

The mom of four explained, “I’m obviously right at the end of thatconversation … and would have to have someone in my life for a while to makethat decision. Whatever is meant to be will be.”

“I’m taking my time. I really do want to be single for a few years,”Kardashian added.

For now, the mogul says that amid just trying to “focus and chill and go onski trips” with her kids, she feels that she is having to deal, instead, withthe “narratives” created around her.

“I don’t know how to get myself out of the narrative — and just keep my headdown and stay focused,” she said as Paltrow commended her non-reactivepersonality and the fact that she’s a “free thinker.”

Kim Kardashian and GwynethPaltrowKimKardashian and GwynethPaltrow

Kim Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images; Charley Gallay/Getty Images for VeuveClicquot Kim Kardashian; Gwyneth Paltrow

RELATED : Kim Kardashian Brought to Tears While Talking “Really F–ingHard” Co-Parenting with Kanye West

Kardashian, who said watching MTVs The Real World in the early days inspiredher desire to do reality TV, gets inspired by the fans to “keep going.”

“There have been some really serious moments that have helped other people,and that’s sort of driven us to keep going,” she said of the family livingtheir life on TV.

“We can say, ‘You know what? That’s not something I’m comfortable showing,’ “she continued of the sometimes-constantly rolling cameras, “but at the end ofthe day, it’s always out there [and better] to show the truth of what’s goingon internally and to show we are a family that goes through a lot of thingsand lean(s) on each other.”

“It’s just a family business, and that’s what drives us, more than the fame,”Kardashian added of her busy lifestyle, which doesn’t include the option ofever sleeping in. “You just don’t get that luxury with four kids.”

‘Meet the love of my life’

Subway traditionally rounds off the year with a series of interviews underthe name ‘Het Jaar Van’. Conversations with people for whom the past year wasvery special in one way or another. In part 3 we speak with Astrid de Wit(49), whom we all suddenly got to know as the characteristic B&B owner in B&B Full of Love.

B &B Full of Love is such a program that many Dutch people sat down for.including myself, Subway reporter Julia Osendarp. I hadn’t seen the firstseason and honestly didn’t quite understand the hype. Until I too was suckedinto all the drama, awkwardness and yes, the romantic vicissitudes in foreignB&Bs.

Astrid de Wit was one of those candidates you won’t easily forget. Hersomewhat strict rules, the well-known ‘border’ and doubts to bind. although B&B Full of Love_e-viewers with an ‘open end’ left on the couch, Astrid finallyfound love with Harmjan. And got them _love story a fairytale twist, withmarriage in prospect.

Astrid’s Year was a roller coaster with solid loops

The phone rings from Austria. Astrid and her fiancé are busy getting the B&Bready for new guests. After our conversation, they are expected at an AustrianChristmas market. Their hometown is already covered in snow and after theinterview she and Harmjan go for a mulled wine. You can’t imagine a moreromantic winter feeling.

Astrid describes her year as a “rollercoaster” and she explains a few thingsabout it. “My company was not closed between winter and summer. At the time Iwas on my own and I was responsible for two children.” In May, a camera crewshowed up there to film for three weeks B &B Full of Love. “At the sametime, my work continued and the broadcasts came on television. It felt like arollercoaster in every way. And not only negative, but certainly alsopositive. The roller coaster went up and down with the occasional solidlooping in between.”


The Year 2022 of…

Four articles can be read this week in Subways The Year Of :

Reverse side of B&B Full of Love

Although the program brought Astrid love, she did not experience herparticipation as just roses and moonshine. She and Harmjan have already spokenout about the downside of their television appearance. “The first few weeks Iwas completely upset after every broadcast. I never saw that coming.” In doingso, Astrid explains that a caricature of her was sketched in the episodes.“Everything I have said and done has just happened. But there is a beginningand an end to such a situation. They can do a lot with television. I steppedinto it open-minded and naive and I seriously underestimated everything.”Because according to Astrid, there is a lot of cutting and pasting involved.“I thought when I looked back at myself: ‘What have I done?’ or “Is thatcoming out of my mouth?”. In addition, I was not feeling well during therecordings.”

Hard reactions

The B&B owner also did not understand that the focus was so much on her. “Ikept thinking, ‘What are they going to do with me? I am a simple mother with acompany in Austria.” Because television-watching Netherlands regularly likedAstrid and the reactions were not tender. “In the beginning I read thereactions, but they came in hard. I was still in the middle of my season atthe time and just had guests during the broadcasts. Harmjan was still thereduring the recordings and we supported each other. But when the broadcastscame on television, he was not in Austria.” And Astrid experienced that periodas a tough week. “I no longer functioned and cried for days. You can call metough or weird, because I was also weird on television. But attacking me on mymotherhood or business, you should stay away from that.”

The B&B owner chooses to delete all her social media channels. “I decided notto read anything anymore, because I have a responsibility for my guests andfamily. But you have to be really strong to deal with this. I sincerely feelsorry for the well-known Netherlands. Words can linger for a long time.”

HarmjanAstridHarmjanand Astrid Photo: Astrid de Wit

Harmjan also joins in

She explains that the participants of B &B Full of Love join in to findlove. The makers are busy producing a program. “That clashes and that ispossible. We have a different goal. There is nothing wrong with that, but wejust had other interests.” And whether she would advise new participants? “No,I am who I am and I cannot pretend otherwise. If you want to participate, youhave to go for it.” At that moment we hear Harmjan laughing loudly in thebackground, who emphasizes that Astrid is indeed “who she is”.

Because despite the tough confrontation with the television world, somethingvery beautiful emerged from her participation. Namely the love between herand, now engaged, Harmjan. She describes May 7 as the ultimate highlight ofher year. “Then he stepped into my life.” She describes Harmjan as the love ofher life. Without him, she would have regretted her participation. But Harmjanapparently heals all wounds. Occasionally he briefly intervenes in theconversation and the couple regularly has to laugh with and around each other.Which is contagious on this one Subway -journalist.

‘Border’ incident and children

Whether the B&B owner has learned anything from her television appearance? The’border’ incident is cited. “Most viewers have seen my big failure. Peoplejudge that on the internet. It wasn’t until I saw the episode that I realizedwhat an outburst like that does to someone. And then running away. Now I sawwhat that did to someone I love. That is horrible and I have certainly learnedfrom that.”

Astrid has a son and a daughter. But how did they watch the episodes in whichtheir mother appeared? “My kids thought everything was funny. Son Olivier evenfelt proud. The teacher of his school suggested that the broadcasts of B &BFull of Love view in class. Olivier actually only wanted to show the episodein which I got angry,” she laughs. Her children also notice that their motheris now a well-known Dutchman. A large part of the guests Astrid has receivedrecently, knew her from television. “I then say: ‘Tough that you still dare tocome,’” she jokes. In the Netherlands, too, she sometimes feels like a touristattraction. “I find that very strange, because I am just Astrid. And nowpeople suddenly turn their heads.”

The familycompleteAstridand her family. Photo: Astrid de Wit

From slats to ‘on the slats’ in Austria

Although the couple now calls each other engaged, it was not immediately clearduring the broadcast that Astrid and Harmjan found love together. “I felteverything from the moment he stepped into my life. But you don’t express thatright away, you fight against it and you don’t show it. We also visited eachother outside the cameras and I felt a click there. But with the camerasinvolved, I couldn’t quite allow that. It made me tense and stressed. I feltlike I was walking on eggshells and didn’t dare to show anything. That’s whyit ended with an ‘open end’.” But when Harmjan leaves for the Netherlands, theloss begins for both. “A week after his departure he was back on the doorstep.When I saw him it was right away, everything fell off me.”

At the beginning of their ‘long-distance relationship’, Harmjan came toAustria on weekends. Despite the distance, the couple spends a lot of timetogether and go on vacation together. “We then started a serious discussionabout how we did that with the children and whether we would continue to ski.In fact, the children were at the forefront of this. They were more offendedif Harmjan had visited and they had not seen him. And in September he came toAustria after all.”

Marriage after B&B Full of Love

And now there has even been a real marriage proposal in the Austrianmountains. How did that go? “We already talked about getting married. Harmjantold me that if he moved to Austria, he would also ask me to marry him.”Harmjan informs Astrid’s children and asks them for permission. And thereAstrid met her family, before they went out for dinner, with Harmjan on oneknee. “I never expected that to happen in my life. But what we have togetheris something so special. We live together, are on each other’s lips 24 hours aday, he participates in the family and business and there is regularity. Thatis all going very well. I have never experienced that feeling that he gives meevery day.” And Harmjan shouts in the background: “That is mutual.” Themarriage is not yet planned, because the B&B owner emphasizes that she iscurrently busy. “I can’t close for a week now for a wedding,” she laughs.“That will probably be in the fall of 2023 or 2024.”

‘Harmjan is my rock’

Although they are in B &B Full of Love may have come out as the strict B&Bkeeper, Astrid emphasizes that she can be “quite sweet too”. Of which Harmjansays that the “sweet moments predominate”. Astrid therefore wants to toast tolove on the edge of 2022. And what makes her happy during this time? “Beingoutside, taking a long walk, a snow shower, a fire or drinking a mulled wine.Those are the little moments of happiness.” She is 2022 most grateful for herHarmjan. “He accepts me completely as I am, with all my flaws, and never turnshis back on me.” Then there is a moment of silence on the phone. “We are bothcrying,” she laughs. “Harmjan is my rock and I have a lot of admiration forhim and I know that I can also be his rock when he is having a hard time.”

Astrid and the children in the snowAustriaAstrid, Harmjan and the children in theAustrian snow Photo: Astrid de Wit

_Tonight at 8 p.m. the kick-off of a new season of B &B Vol Love will appearon RTL 4. The first images of the newest bachelors have already arrived. _

MEDIA WATCHERS. “Aster is the talent of 2022, but Stef is the absolute number one” | Showbiz

ShowbizAccording to the Mediawatchers, Frank Deboosere is the timeless TVfigure of 2022. “He is too good to say goodbye to the screen next year, butVRT will have to make him”. Aster Nzeyimana is the discovery of 2022. “Hisfootball commentary, his presence, he has it all and in 2023 he will onlygrow.” With these statements, De Mediawatchers have named their highlights andslips in the last podcast of this year. It is the first part of a TV annualreview. Mark Coenegracht and Desna Lespinoy of HLN discuss 2022 together withRobin Visseraekens and give their opinion.

The Mediawatchers discuss these categories further:

03:45 The best TV moment of the year:

Christiaan and Jana from Blind Married when they say ‘no’. “A lot of peoplesympathized with them and didn’t understand.”

The big warm tears of Bart Peeters in ‘James De Musical’ when he sees his matefrom 30 years ago back on stage.

06:30 The biggest flop of the year:

“The final of ‘De Mol’ was a big disappointment by organizing it in Paleis12.”

Mark doesn’t like ‘just as good friends’. “The flop of the year on televisionwas ‘Even good friends’. Only the discovery of Jens and Julie was arevelation, but otherwise the format rattled on all sides and you better fastforward it.”

Desna thinks ‘Come Dance With Me’ is the flop of 2022. “There was no line andyou weren’t fascinated to follow the characters. Boring and completely wrongpresentation duo.”

09:45 The TV Personality of the Year:

For both Desna and Mark: Aster Nzeyimana. “He’s completely blossomed, adocumentary series, appearance in ‘The Masked Singer’, football commentary. Heis a very versatile figure.”

Also a nice mention for James. “James Cooke has been around for a long time,but under the wings of dad Gert Verhulst for a long time. He has completelybroken loose this year.”

Camille is Desna’s TV Personality of the Year. “She couldn’t be beaten awayfrom TV and stage.”

Danira Boukhriss Terkessidis for Mark because she won ‘De Allerslimste Mens’.“Next year she will be at the front. I put my money on Danira.”

13:15 The best news anchor:

Mark is immediately sharp: “The Late Evening News annoys me, it’s too forced.The news should ensure that you can take some distance and not from a seatwith one foot under the other leg. All those who present there have no chanceof winning this title.”

Stef Wauters is by far the very best according to Mark. “ The good old SteveWauters is the number one of Flanders. Smartly dressed, nothing tocriticize, flawless Dutch, now and then with a touch of humor at the end ofthe news.”

Dany Verstraeten is preferred by Desna. “He exudes class, a geniality and withsharp questions to the politicians.”

“Bart Schols is always tight and sharp questions where necessary. Don’t lethis guests sell a show.”

16:00 The nicest duo of 2022:

Gloria Monserez and Aaron Blommaert as presentation duo in ‘The Voice’ is theduo of ’22 for Desna.

The grandma and Albert from ‘Family’ who can and can celebrate 30 years ofFamily in the Lotto Arena. They are the nicest duo for Mark. “I would like todesignate the two oldest actors in the world as duo of the year, both 96 yearsold and starring in ‘Familie’ as Anna and Albert.”

19:00 The timeless TV figure of 2022:

Frank Deboosere, who will retire in 2023, is by far the timeless TV figure ofthe year. “He is the weatherman who shows up everywhere as a weatherman onradio and TV and as the sponsor of Kom op tegen Kanker.” “Painful moment isthat he has to retire next year and there will be no follow-up to his weatherstory. He has to leave Reyerslaan. He could have continued his role part-time,but that will not happen.”

“How will things go on without him, Sabine alone or Bram too? He’s too goodand looks too young to say goodbye to the small screen.”

22:00 The best TV show of 2022:

‘Out of Office’ is the surprise of the year. “It brought something verydifficult in a good way. Fantastically well done.” “Taboe” was also anincredibly good program.”

Hollywood rebel Katja Herbers fights the climate demons

It was not an everyday place for an actress of world fame to settle down: afour-lane road, in the middle of The Hague. Nor was it everyday work: KatjaHerbers (42) took place on the A12 at the end of September, next to twentyfellow activists, to protest against government subsidies for fossil fuels.Some activists glued themselves to the road surface.

In the weeks that followed, Herbers, who is currently conquering America withher role in the hit series, told me Evil , at length about her activism. Sheis no longer ‘just’ a vegetarian who neatly separates her waste and buys aslittle new clothes as possible – no, she joined the protest movementExtinction Rebellion.

In a recent interview with NRC the actress tells how she got there: theconcerns about the climate – in her words: a ‘climate depression’ – became sogreat that she became determined to turn it into protest, which she believesis badly needed: petitions: it doesn’t help. If you want to keep a livableplanet, you have to escalate until there’s goddamn, excuse me someone islistening.’

She was also there, with the same Extinction Rebellion, at the end of Junewhen the activists occupied the office of the Tax Authorities in The Hague.The demand was the same as on the A12: the government must stop subsidizingthe fossil industry with billions of euros every year.

‘Hypocrisy at its peak’

The reactions on social media are not tender: a successful actress who dividesher time between Los Angeles, New York and the Netherlands, and thereforeoften takes a plane, is hypocrisy at its peak, according to many. Herbersknows she’s not a perfect role model, but thinks the message, no matter howradically presented, is more important than the messenger. Those who are’radical’ in her eyes are those who do nothing about climate change, while theearth continues to warm up at a rapid pace according to science and UNSecretary-General Guterres declares that we are heading for ‘climate hell’.

As a child of oboist Werner Herbers and violinist Vera Beths, Herbers alreadyspent some time in the United States, for example during tours of her mother’sensemble L’Archibudelli. America also attracted her as a young actress; duringher training at the Amsterdamse Toneelschool she made her appearance onAmerican television with the film Brush with Fate (with Glenn Glose, amongothers). But after graduating, she first focused on the Dutch theater and filmworld. With success: at Toneelgroep Amsterdam she worked with the famousdirector Ivo van Hove and in the film industry she caused a furore in theEmmy-winning feature film The chosen one (2006).

In the past decade she made a successful move to the US, just like hercontemporaries Michiel Huisman and Carice van Houten. Currently, Herbers istriumphant with the supernatural drama Evil , in which demons terrorize anAmerican town. The leading American culture magazine Vulture calls Herbers’role in the third season one of the best television performances of 2022:”Katja Herbers has to show the complete spectrum of emotions as the level-headed forensic psychologist Kristen Bouchard, and she is fully up to thatchallenge.”

What Herbers also does with dedication is to raise all kinds of abuses. On_Fidelity_ she said that as a child she raised money for Greenpeace and thatshe has always stood against injustice. On Twitter, she is not only upsetabout the climate and government leaders who fail to do so, but also abouthuman rights, the refugee problem and misogyny. Then the Americanentertainment magazine variety on Twitter commenting on actress RenéeZellweger’s “changing” appearance, she responded with: ‘ This article issexist and terrible. stop it.’

Conservative Hollywood bosses

Although she operates in a billion-dollar industry, with conservativeHollywood executives who don’t always favor outspoken stars, Herbers seemspretty dauntless. She therefore fits in the row of actresses such as DarylHannah (62, known for Kill Bill ), who was arrested in 2011 while protestingan oil pipeline, and Jane Fonda, 85, who was boycotted by movie theaters for awhile in the 1970s because of her protests against the Vietnam War – exactlywhat Hollywood executives fear. But times are changing and Fonda, who wasarrested during climate protests in Washington in 2019, is still not short ofwork.

Herbers is somewhat careful in her host country: in America she could beexpelled from the country due to radical actions. And when she is summoned bythe police to leave in the Netherlands during Extinction Rebellion actions,she complies (because otherwise she risks arrest and could lose her Americanwork visa).

On the other side of the Atlantic, Herbers seems to be unaffected by internettrolls. Also from her boss Robert King, the writer and producer with whom sheis currently on the fourth season of Evil works, she has nothing to fear. Afew days ago he announced that his series cannot be made without Herbers, socalling for a boycott of the activist actress does not make much sense,according to him. And over a video of one of Herbers’ protests, the faithfulKing tweeted: ‘ You’re doing God’s work.’

The best films and series of the year according to our reviewers: ‘Close’ is lonely at the top and still takes pride of place for absolute flop

It took thirty years for Neil Gaiman’s legendary graphic novels to be madeinto films. But this was worth the wait. Cleverly modernised, superbly cast.Looking forward to hopefully many more seasons.

Tom Sturridge in ‘The Sandman’. — © LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX

2. ‘The white lotus’

It’s rare that a season finale is so satisfying. Strong because of thecarefully built tension and the socially critical humor. And JenniferCoolidge. Oh my God Jennifer Coolidge.

Jennifer Coolidge in 'The white lotus'.

Jennifer Coolidge in ‘The white lotus’. — © ISOPIX

3. ‘Everything everywhere all at once’

Incredibly absurd, surprising, insane story that takes you into the world of aChinese-American woman and her daughter. If the cinema is completely silentwhen two stones talk to each other, then you know: great.

Michelle Yeoh in Everything Everywhere All the Time.

Michelle Yeoh in Everything Everywhere All the Time. — © ISOPIX

4. Our Flag Means Death

Comedy series from David Jenkins that completely turns the Blackbeard mythupside down. After ten episodes in which every actor comes into his own, onecan only hope that the ship continues to sail.

Rhys Darby and Nathan Foad in 'Our Flag Means Death'.

Rhys Darby and Nathan Foad in ‘Our Flag Means Death’. — © streamz

5. ‘Uncles’

Almost a documentary for West Flemish viewers. In addition to ‘Chantal’, theFlemish series that has already provided classic TV fragments this year.Pancakes and artificial grass will never be the same again.

Blaise Alfonso in 'Uncles'.

Blaise Alfonso in ‘Uncles’. — © streamz


1. Close

Lukas Dhont’s second feature film hit the bull’s eye – or rather, to theheart. Nothing has touched us more this year than his heartbreaking account ofthe friendship between Rémi and Léo. The rain of foreign prizes has been fullyawarded to him. Thumbs up for that Oscar.

Lukas Dhont released the most beautiful film of the year with 'Close'.

Lukas Dhont released the most beautiful film of the year with ‘Close’.

2. ‘Better Call Saul’

The trip through the underworld of New Mexico, which started fourteen yearsago in Breaking bad, came to an end this year. Magically written, acted andfilmed. If protagonists Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn are again ignored by theEmmys next year, we will call for protest in the streets.

Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn did the books in 'Better Call Saul'.

Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn did the books in ‘Better Call Saul’.

3. Peaky Blinders

Our favorite English gangsters also said goodbye this year, although they willreturn for a round on the silver screen anyway. Tommy Shelby showed his mostmelancholic side, but was not afraid to let the revolvers crackle again. Seeyou at the cinema, old boy. By order of the Peaky Fookin’ Blinders.

Tommy Shelby also said goodbye - for the time being.

Tommy Shelby also said goodbye – for the time being. — © CollectionChristopher

4. ‘Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio’

Two months after the horrible Disney remake, Guillermo del Toro showed howit’s done. His animated film is a smart, powerful update of the classic story.We never expected to get watery eyes with Pinocchio for goodness sake, butthat was not counted on the grandmaster.

Guillermo del Toro brought a clever update to a classic story with his'Pinocchio'.

Guillermo del Toro brought a clever update to a classic story with his’Pinocchio’. — © Netflix

5. The Batman

Superheroes were up for grabs this year, but the masked bat is the only onethat really managed to surprise us. What do you get when you drop Batman intoa crime thriller à la Se7en? A compelling film that never gets boring despitea running time of three hours.

Batman turned out to be a sleuth in this compelling thriller.

Batman turned out to be a sleuth in this compelling thriller. — © ISOPIX


1. Close

Never before has a Belgian film topped our list. Lukas Dhont’s second film isa spectacular plea for vulnerability: in all its gentle subtlety, this isradical cinema, which more than 175,000 Belgians, 75,000 Dutch and 200,000French people went to see. Close is a film that makes you a better person.

With 'Close', a Belgian film is at the top of our list for the first time.

With ‘Close’, a Belgian film is at the top of our list for the first time.

2. Hit the road

Last summer, award-winning director Jafar Panahi was thrown into jail in Iran.His son, Panah Panahi, followed in his footsteps with this heart-conqueringroad movie, which shows the tears but also the resilience of a people tryingto escape an unusually brutal regime.

Panah Panahi made his debut with the heart-conquering 'Hit the road'.

Panah Panahi made his debut with the heart-conquering ‘Hit the road’. — ©Brecht VanMaele

3. ‘Drive my car’

For a year, the red Saab 900 Turbo from this Japanese film kept spinning inour heads. At times erotic, always melancholic and smelling of motor oil: thisfilm adaptation of a short story by Murakami touches the heart, mind andpleasure center.

'Drive my car' touches the heart, mind and pleasure centre.

‘Drive my car’ touches the heart, mind and pleasure centre.

4. ‘L’event’

When the French writer Annie Ernaux wrote a book about the abortion sheunderwent as a student in 1964, it was received without much fanfare in theFrench press. When the virtually unknown French director Audrey Diwan made itinto a film, she won the Golden Lion in Venice. And look: a few months agoErnaux was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. This is a heartbreaking,but also heart-conquering film.

'L'evenement' is a heartbreaking, but also heart-conquering film.

‘L’evenement’ is a heartbreaking, but also heart-conquering film.

5. ‘The Northman’

Robert Eggers’ insanely ambitious Viking epic flopped at the box office, butthe absentees were wrong: they didn’t see Björk as a witch or Willem Dafoe’stalking skull and hovering horses. The craziest flop of the year deserves aplace in the Valhalla.

The ambitious 'The Northman' was a flop, but it deserves a place in theValhalla.

The ambitious ‘The Northman’ was a flop, but it deserves a place in theValhalla. — © ISOPIX

Ruben Aerts


Can’t a boy friendship be tender and innocent without raising nasty questions?Lukas Dhont’s second film is an intimate portrait of early masculinity in aworld that does not allow you to be vulnerable. Heartbreakingly beautiful. Thebest film of the year is Belgian!

2. Drive my car

No car received a warmer rehabilitation than the red Saab 900 Turbo from thisJapanese Oscar winner. Melancholy and not free from poetry, the film switchesbetween mourning and sadness, intimacy and loneliness. A three-hour ride thatstarted from a short story by Murakami.

3. Licorice pizza

1970s LA is the setting for a fifteen-year-old’s gleefully rash crush on amuch older, young woman. After the meticulous Phantom thread, Paul ThomasAnderson reflects on growing pains and a life that seems endless.Unadulterated charm!

© AP

4. Grosse Freiheit

Loving is an act of resistance in Germany in 1968. At least for Hans, a manwho likes men. He flies behind bars but continues to love there too. FranzRogowski is a name to know, Grosse Freiheit a fragile film to cherish.Heartbreakingly loving.

5. C’mon c’mon

Mike Mills makes films that are tender and sensitive, including this black-and-white account with Joaquin Phoenix. As a radio producer, he gauges youngpeople’s expectations of the future, accompanied by his nephew. Minimalist,rich in emotions and observations. A movie that happens to you.

Those TV moments that give you hope that the world will be okay

“Come in mister wind!” read the first lines of a poem by the Flemish poetJeanne Vande Putte (1907-1930). While film-maker Angelo Tijssens reads thepoem in West Flemish dialect, presenter, cabaret artist Wim Helsen strokes adog. Just before that, the following conversation unfolded in the ten-minuteprogram Winter hour : “She has not grown old.” – “No, she was in poorhealth, I understand.” – “How did she die?” “I don’t know, I wasn’t there.” –“No, that is true.” The dog looked up. The literature program Winter hour onCanvas is ideal TV, which should last no longer than ten minutes, where it isnot about the guest, in which a dog has an important supporting role and wheresomeone is allowed to recite an unintelligibly good poem – twice.

It’s those moments when you have hope that the world will be okay. On theFlemish channel this is done by having someone address the wind, on RTL 4 thisis done by covering Lego landscapes with snow. For no less than ten hours,celebrities built worlds of Lego in the Lego Masters Christmas special. Andhere too there was room for good stories. For example, the brothers Jeangu andXillan Macrooy built a Lego world around the reindeer Rudolf. The beast standsalone in a forest after being bullied by the other reindeer for his red nose.While he is sad by the water, a sea monster (built of transparent Lego blocks)rises up: the monster turns out to be the mother of all red nosed animals inthe whole world, and Rudolf no longer feels alone. End. Unfortunately, thebrothers did not win, their world was “too empty”, the jury wrongly ruled.

2022 was a shitty year

A world too empty: it is a luxury few can afford. An overcrowded asylumseekers center in Ter Apel, a lack of housing, homes bombed to the ground andwashed away: they were all discussed in the Annual overview NOS Journaal2022. After that summary you saw confirmation that 2022 was a shitty year.While other annual reviews still closed with the hope of peace or a lessexpensive future, the NOS closed with the words ‘Save Me Now’ by Jeff Lynne.Here it was not the wind that got a voice, but the earth that called on man tosave the world instead of destroying it.

An empty call for 2023? Probably for those who decided to watch the firstepisodes of Real estate agents in Dubai on RTL Z. This program is far beyond’Save Me Now’. Everything that is terrible about human beings in general andabout global capitalism in particular, came to the fore. British people intheir twenties decided to get rich quickly and you do that by buying realestate in Dubai and selling it quickly.

Villas with bright green lawns along luxurious harbors sold like hot cakes fora few million. Whoever sold the most got the highest commission. It was hardwork, knocking each other down, but these twenty-somethings said that “successflowed through their veins”. It was simple: you didn’t have to feel guiltyabout anything, you just had to feel richer. “Only the strongest stay,” saidone who had just taken a buyer to a luxury apartment where a silver-coloredcar stood on a turntable in the conservatory. The man was enthusiastic, butwanted an apartment one floor higher. Whether there should also be a car on aturntable in the conservatory, he left in the middle.

“Oh, come in, mister wind … / Oh no, stay outside, mister wind, / you can’tenter our house / our house is not enough for you,” Vander Putte’s wordsshimmer in Dubai a hundred years later.