España no está, pero el Mundial sigue | Mundial Qatar 2022

A Chile 62 sí fuimos y nos echaron en la phase de grupos. A Inglaterra 66también fuimos y nos echaron en la phase de grupos. Para Mexico 70 no nosclasificamos. Para Alemania 74 no nos clasificamos. A Argentina 78 sí fuimos ycaímos en la phase de grupos. Luego vino España 82, episodio que cubriré conun tupido velo. Para entonces yo no tenía los siete años de 1958 sino 31 yhabía disfrutado todos los mundiales, siempre con Brasil como faro. Porque ahíestaba el mejor fútbol, ​​porque mundial tras mundial veía jugadoresformidables que acababan siendo algo casi familiar para mí, como esos primos alos que sólo ves de boda en boda. En ocasiones me he encontrado confutbolistas ya retirados, puedo citar los casos de Uwe Seeler, Rivera,Strachan o Matthaws, por ejemplo, y he sentido como si les conociera de todala vida. Tantos partidos, tantas horas viéndoles en la tele (o el campo) encondiciones extremas, contentos, tristes, enfadados, ganadores, perdedores,dolientes, me hacían sentir que les conocía como si formaran parte de mi vida.Yes que la formaron.

No, no dejemos el Mundial porque no este España. Sinceramente, y salvando elbellísimo paréntesis de 2010 y las dos eurocopas que lo envolvieron, nuncahemos sido selección de peso en ellos. Más raro es ver fuera a Alemania, másaún que no haya ido Italia, y no digo que las echaré más de menos que a estaEspaña de Luis Enrique porque ni estoy del todo seguro ni sería correcto, perorecomiendo vivamente aislar el disgusto y disfrutar con lo que viene, que esmucho.

Para empezar, vienen un Croacia-Brasil y un Países Bajos-Argentina (me cuestano escribir Holanda) y después un Marruecos-Portugal y un Inglaterra-Francia.No son partidos que se vean todos los días.

Yo ‘le voy a Brasil’, como dicen en México, no lo voy a negar. Es mi granreferente yademás tiene un gran equipo, con un cemento atrás que a los que nosenamoramos del jogo bonito se nos hace extraño, pero con un ataqueimaginativo y profundo en el que Vinicius se está confirmando como jugadorgrande si es que aún quedaban dudas sobre ello. Tiene cerca a Neymar, que sacaconejos de la chistera, a Raphinha al otro lado pendiente de explotar y enmedio de todo a Richarlison, que mete goles fáciles, difíciles e imposibles.

Tenemos a Messi. ¿Cuánto tiempo más podremos verle jugar? Aquí no seguimos laLigue 1, en la Champions el PSG viene siendo un tiro al aire. Apuremos estaopportunidad de seguirle viendo. Ya no es el Messi eléctrico del Barça queencadenaba regates, ahora es otro futbolista. Se emplaza más atrás, le cabe elpartido en la cabeza, le buscan y reparte con sabiduría, se arrima en elmomento justo y clava un gol con su zurda implacable. Un libro abierto. Supróximo partido tiene rango de final, aquella del Mundial 78 con prórroga ytres goles de Kempes. Intentará buscarle antidotos Van Gaal, ese entrañablecabezota que se resiste a abandonar la escena.

Vinicius, Neymar, Richarlison, Modric, que jugará contra ellos, Messi… Luegoles tocará a Amrabat, Ziyech, Boufal, Ounahi….y Bono, que suenan menos peromerecen un respeto porque nos dieron pasaporte, frente a la Portugal de JoaoFélix , Bernardo Silva y ese Gonçalo Ramos que ha mandado al banquillo aCristiano. Y más allá, Mbappé con su corte, que incluye a un Griezmann estelary al contundente Giroud, e Inglaterra, esa mezcla rara que incluye al arcaicoMaguire ya los alegres, numerosos y jóvenes extremos que se mueven bajo labatuta de Kane. Más Bellingham, el mediocampista más cotizado del momento.

No, no se rindan. El Mundial sigue, ahora ya con todos los partidos en La 1para los que no tengan Movistar que, dicho sea de paso, está haciendo un grantrabajo didáctico con sus tertulias. Hay Mundial sin España, como lo hubo entodos aquellos años en los que me fui haciendo un hombrecito pendiente de loque hacía Brasil.

Christian Bale solves murder case in intriguing new Netflix film

meet The Pale Blue Eye , a murder mystery from Netflix. Christian Bale playsa retired detective who must take one last step to solve a gruesome murdercase.

Netflix is ​​known for its almost scientific approach to data. Based onviewing behavior, the streaming service can determine with enviable precisionwhat new series and films should be made. Envious, yes, because traditionalfilm studios can only dream of it.

Netflix dives into the detectives

Apparently that data also shows that we need famous male actors who solvemurder cases. The new one will come later this month Knives Out starringDaniel ‘James Bond’ Craig. As detective Benoit Blanc, he delves into a murdermystery on a billionaire’s private island in Greece.

You can read more about that in this article. In addition to Daniel Craig,there is also another famous actor who will solve a murder case in a Netflixmovie. Then we’re talking about Christian Bale. Coming on January 6 The PaleBlue Eye to Netflix, a film by American director and writer Scott Cooper.

The Pale Blue Eye starring Christian Bale

Bale has previously made films with him such as Hostiles and Out of theFurnace. The Pale Blue Eye takes us to New York in 1830. Bale playsDetective Landor, a retired detective who has to get back to work after agruesome murder is committed at a military academy.


Curious about the horror of Edgar Allan Poe?

Most of the horror master’s work is in the public domain and can therefore bedownloaded for free in a completely legal manner. For example, on ProjectGutenberg you will find a page with all his short stories. Our favorites are’The Tell-Tale Heart’ and ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’

There, he teams up with a young cadet named Edgar Allan Poe, played by HarryMelling, to solve the murder case. Yes, the poet and writer who is seen as thefather of Goth Horror. The Pale Blue Eye is pure fiction, but the writeractually attended the West Point military academy in 1830. By then he hadalready published two books, although he would not really dive into the horrorgenre until later.

A great mystery

Back to the Netflix Original. The first trailer for the murder mysteryimmediately sets a pleasant atmosphere. Bale’s character is called upon toattend the academy. There he immediately learns the gruesome details: a cadethas apparently hanged himself, after which his heart has been cut out of hischest.

True war film about the Dutch resistance can be seen temporarily for free

Furthermore, the murder case remains mainly a mystery, and that’s a goodthing. The fun of a movie like The Pale Blue Eye it’s in puzzling along withthe detective. Then you don’t want to see spoilers. On January 6, we’re goingto find out what’s really going on at the military academy. From then on ThePale Blue Eye on Netflix. Who knows, Christian Bale may also have his owndetective franchise after Daniel Craig!

Rusia libera a la jugadora de baloncesto estadounidense Brittney Griner en un intercambio de presos | Deportes

Biden ha asegurado que Griner está “de buen humor y aliviada por volver porfin a casa”. “Ha perdido meses de su vida y vivido un trauma innecesario.Merece espacio, intimidad y tiempo con sus seres queridos para recuperarse”,ha señalado. “Griner me escribió en julio. No pidio un trato especial. A pesarde que hemos estado trabajando en su liberación desde el primer día, pidió unasimple cosa: ‘Por favor, no se olvide de mí y de los otros detenidosestadounidenses. Por favor, hagan todo lo que puedan para traernos a casa’.Nunca nos olvidamos de Brittany. No nos olvidamos de Paul Whelan, detenidoinjustamente en Rusia desde hace años”, ha añadido el presidente, que ha hechode la liberación de presos estadounidenses detenidos o condenados en elextranjero una de las prioridades de su política exterior.

As if James Bond himself is behind the wheel

You will find all the answers in the exhibition ‘Bond in Motion, originalcollection of James Bond Vehicles’. But make no mistake, the expo isn’t a Bondtrivia quiz that only the diehards get a kick out of. The expo is above all adazzling visual spectacle that takes you into the world of the British secretagent. You expect Daniel Craig to pop out of one of the many Aston Martins atany moment. Not so.

50 original full size vehicles, a variety of miniatures and scale models areon display. They all come from the archives of EON, the production companybehind the film series, and have all been used in the films. ‘We startedkeeping track of everything systematically after 1995. Not much was kept ofthe earlier films. I did find some old props in different corners and placesof the Pinewood studios,” says Meg Simmonds, EON’s chief archivist.

It is not the first time that cars and other vehicles from the 25 Bond filmsare shown in an exhibition, but Brussels has the first for the Europeanmainland. “It is the largest exhibition to date,” says Simmonds. It is dividedinto four sections: earth, water, air and fire. In other words: cars, boats,planes and explosions.

Cool, and dangerous

The fascinating thing about the exhibition is the combination between theobjects on display, images from the films and the additional information forthe spectator. In a few sentences you can learn a lot about how the films wereshot.

Full screen display

The crashed helicopter from ‘Spectre’. ©saskia vanderstichele

If you see Bond driving around in one car in the film, the reality was usuallydifferent. A key scene from the latest Bond film ‘No Time to Die’ takes placein Matera in Italy. The Aston Martin DB5 of 007 (Daniel Craig) comes underfire. In the exhibition, the shot-gunned specimen stands prominently in themiddle of one of the halls. However, in order to successfully complete therecordings, Aston Martin built six replicas.

Jaguar was also able to send nice invoices to EON Productions. In ‘Die AnotherDay’ (2002), Bond (Pierce Brosnan) battles the villainous Zao. On the ice theyfight an epic battle. Zao drives a state-of-the-art Jaguar XKR, loaded withguns and ammunition. Jaguar delivered nine copies for this. In the expo, theonly thing that has all the weapons on board is on display. Cool, anddangerous.

Full screen display

The heavily armed Jaguar XKR from ‘Die Another Day’. ©saskia vanderstichele

Even better was the Q Boat from ‘The World is Not Enough’ (1999). For aspectacular chase scene on the water, 15 copies of the 300 HP racing machinewere built. Two boats are on display at the expo. One has real weapons onboard, the other only served to film the scenes in the interior.

First space shuttle

Sometimes the films were ahead of reality, such as ‘Moonraker’ (1979), inwhich the acclaimed Roger Moore plays the role of Bond. The producers wantedto recreate Bond’s space shuttle as faithfully as possible and knocked onNASA’s door. At that time, the space agency was busy developing real spaceshuttles. Her project was delayed so that Bond became the first to fly throughspace on a space shuttle.

Airbus could not always keep up with 007 either. The producers hoped to use anAirbus 380 for ‘Casino Royale’ (2006). Unfortunately. The aircraft was notready in time, so a Boeing 747 was converted. A scale model of this can beadmired in the exhibition. This was also used in the film for a shot in whichthe entire aircraft came into view. The actors were later inserted into thescenes.

James Bond is still attractive because he exudes a kind of escapism that manypeople crave. “

Chris Corbold

Special effects manager

With technological innovations, filming is becoming more and more computerwork. The Bond films also use special effects. “But in dribs and drabs,” saysChris Corbould, special effects manager on countless Bond films. “We want asmuch action on camera as possible. The Bond movies are loved for their realcar chases, their real explosions. Of course we also use special effects, butrather for support or if there is no other option. In ‘Skyfall’ there is a bigaction scene in the subway. We could have recorded it digitally, but wedidn’t. We recreated the subway in the studio. That seemed much better andmore real to us.’

Full screen display

The subway attack from ‘Skyfall’.

It is one of the most impressive recreated scenes in the expo, followedshortly by a beautiful scale model of the Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin N2 from’Spectre’ (2015). This way you walk from one landmark to the other, all theway to bar 007. It’s just a movie, but it still seems real.

Edwin Jonker about Scrooge Live: ‘Dordrecht is a special city for me’

A group of well-known Dutch people will bring the story of A Christmas Carolto life on Sunday evening 11 December. In the run-up to the televisionspectacle, in the neighborhood of Dordrecht, a few actors from the cast havetheir say. This time our columnist Jip spoke with Edwin Jonker die JacobMarley plays. He told what makes Dordrecht so special to him****.

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Edwin is a (voice) actor, singer and you may know him from the musical MissSaigon. On television he was seen for a long time in Good Times Bad Times andon the silver screen he starred in De Ontsnapping, Tuintje in mijn Hart and F* ck de Liefde, among others. In 2019, he portrayed the character of Jesus inThe Passion. On December 11, he plays the role of Jacob Marley during ScroogeLive of Omroep MAX in Dordrecht.

Just ask… Edwin Jonker

How did you react when you were asked for Scrooge?

“When I was asked to play in Scrooge and that it was filmed in ‘my town’ I wassurprised. In Amsterdam? I asked, because I live here. But it turned out inDordrecht. It made me feel insane. Because of my role in The Passion inDordrecht, I immediately thought: I can go back.”

Can you tell us a little more about the character Jacob Marley? And did youhave your own input in this role?

“I play one of the ghosts. Jacob Marley is the former business partner ofEbenhaezer Scrooge. He was just as materialistic as Scrooge and only realizeshow he lived after his death. He wants to warn Scrooge about this.

There was definitely room for how I sing, how I move and how I came to look.If I then play a ghost, I said, it must be very intense, a totaltransformation. So I don’t look! I am in a state of decomposition, blackhands, rotten teeth, a hideous face.”

Read more under the photo >

The cast of Scrooge Live 2022. | Photo: Sander Mulkens/MAX

It must have taken some getting used to for you, to get into the skin ofsuch a hideous figure. You often play a beautiful man. Do you think appearanceis important and do you ever exploit this?

“No haha, definitely not exploiting. Of course it’s nice when you’re told youlook good, but that’s “fleeting fun.” I find it much more important to hearthat I am a nice person.”

What do you do to stay fit and in shape for work?

“Being in good shape and fit is important for a role, but also just nicer foryourself. I work out at the gym but sometimes months go by and it just doesn’thappen. Then I like to go for a walk in the woods. I do this every day. I canreally enjoy this I also learn my lyrics better while I walk. Of course Isometimes let myself go on holiday: good food and drinks, to museums. Beingmentally fit is just as important.”

You have been to Dordrecht before. What do you think of the city?

“I didn’t actually get there as an Amsterdammer, but through my role in ThePassion I got to know Dordrecht well. It is artistically a beautiful city andthe inhabitants are nice. It has become a very special place for me. When I’min the car and see a sign with Dordrecht, I always get a special feeling.”

The broadcast draws attention to child poverty. Does this touch you?

“It touches me because I myself have known poverty. We were poor at home untilI was ten. Sometimes it was so bad that we had no food.

But you know, as a child I never experienced this. We were a warm family andmy mother always filled it in very nicely. In 1982 you could eat a meal forone or two guilders in the soup kitchen of the AMC hospital. My mother made atrip out of it, she dressed me nicely and said: we’re going out for dinnertoday. My parents were still in college when they met. My father came fromSuriname. They both had a part-time job at the PTT and immediately fell inlove with each other. Later, when my parents were in education, things gotbetter.”

How are you celebrating Christmas this year? And do you have a wish for thereader and viewers?

“It’s going to be a little Christmas celebration for me this year. Normally Icelebrate with family, but my parents are going to Suriname. I think I’llsnuggle up on the couch in my bathrobe and watch old movies. I’m lookingforward to that. I want to wish the viewers a very happy Christmas with familyand people they care about.”

Scrooge Live in Dordrecht can be seen on NPO 1 on December 11 around 8.30 pm.

‘Moonfall’ and another 9 major movie flops in 2022

2022 is almost over and now it ‘s time for a look back. Many good, but alsobad movies have been released in 2022. Here is a list of the top 10 moviesthat flopped very hard. Ranked from smallest estimated losses to largest.

10.The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent premiered on April 22 and featured acomedy/action plot with Nicolas Cage playing himself. The reviews were quitepositive and yet the film failed to make a profit at the box office. Itgrossed $29.1 million worldwide against a $30 million budget. The reason forthe flop is not clear. That the film is a comedy than play along, many viewerswill choose to watch this film on the couch.

9.The Northman

The Northman also premiered on April 22 and brought an epic Viking story.With big names like Anya Taylor-Joy and Alexander Skarsgård and mostlypositive reactions, things seemed to be moving in the right direction. Still,the movie flopped. The budget for the film was between $70 and $90 million. Inthe end, The Northman grossed $69.6 million.

8.The Bob ‘s Burgers Movie

The Bob ‘s Burgers Movie premiered on May 27. The animated film based on thepopular series received mostly positive reviews. Only it looked a lot like theseries and didn’t bring much news. The Bob’s Burgers movie flopped at the boxoffice, making $34.2 million against a $38 million budget. A good reason forthe flop could be that it had to compete with Top Gun: Maverick.


Brittle premiered on October 27 and made history as one of the first gayrom-coms to be produced by a major studio. Despite the reviews, humor andrepresentation, the film only grossed 14.7 million against a budget of $22million. Again, this may be due to the fact that the film is a comedy.


Cyrano premiered on March 10. In the film, which is based on a play, PeterDinklage plays the titular role. Despite being nominated for an Academy Awardand a Golden Globe, the film flopped very badly. The film grossed $6.4 millionworldwide against a $30 million budget. However, the film was overshadowed byThe Batman.

5.The 355

The 355 premiered on January 7 and featured a huge star cast. Despite that,the film received a mediocre 25% on Rotten Tomatoes. It would be a veryordinary and boring action movie. The film made $27.8 million against anestimated budget between $40 and $75 million. So a huge flop.


Amsterdam premiered on October 7 and also featured a huge star cast.Director David O. Russell attempted to deliver a humorous and convoluted filmthat delves deeper into the political conspiracy of the 1933 Business Plan,but failed miserably. The idea was there, but the execution was mediocre.Amsterdam grossed $31 million at the box office against a hefty $80 millionbudget.


Lightyear premiered on June 17. The Toy Story spin-off starring Chris Evansgot pretty good reviews. It made a total of $226.4 million against a $200million budget. Combined with hefty marketing and advertising costs, and thefact that studios only receive a certain percentage of box office revenue,Lightyear lost more than $100 million. Lightyear also had to compete with TopGun: Maverick.


Moonfall premiered on February 4. The sci-fi movie had a hefty $138-$146million budget. However, the film received poor reviews. It would beimplausible, confusing and mostly boring. In the end, the film made $67.3million in total box office receipts, losing Lionsgate about $140 million.

1.Strange World

Strange World debuted on November 23 and is the latest animated film fromDisney. The film received widespread positive reviews due to its animation,environmentalist undertones, and the inclusion of the first openly gay maincharacter. While its box office run is not over yet, it has so far onlybrought in $42.3 million against its $130-$185 million budget. The loss is dueto Disney’s poor marketing.

Mundial de Qatar: Más entrega, más físico, más Sudamérica | Mundial Qatar 2022

You have to win Zweikampf! ( ¡Tienes que ganar el duelo! )” era elnombre de un álbum de un grupo de rock alemán, una especie de banda sonora delMundial de 2006. El título, un híbrido inglés-alemán, lo demuestra: el unocontra uno tiene algo que ver con la estética. Es sencillamente hermosoquitarle el balón al adversario, no dejarle pasar, luchar contra él con granintensidad pero con medios justos. Para el jugador (lo sé, yo fui defensa) ytambién para los espectadores. El uno contra uno, tanto en defensa como enataque, es un elemento central del fútbol.

Sigo siendo un admirador del fútbol español, yo mismo entré en contactodirecto con su cultura de circulación del balón a través de Pep Guardiola yXabi Alonso. También he disfrutado viendo los partidos de España en esteMundial, pero fue eliminada en los octavos de final, tras una sola victoria encuatro partidos. El éxito de Marruecos no fue inmerecido. El equipo dirigidopor Walid Regragui defiende y contraataca bien, y tiene posibilidades contraPortugal. Sus jugadores, sin embargo, no tienen la misma experiencia y durezacompetitiva que los españoles. Eso sólo puede significar que algo falla enestos últimos.

Mundial de Qatar: Petón: “Si no hubiera fútbol, ​​no entendería la vida” | Mundial Qatar 2022

R. He dejado poquísimas veces la puerta a cero, pero ahora me golean poco.Tengo que agradecérselo a Jep Gambardella [el protagonista de la película Lagran belleza ]: “Llega un momento en el que uno aprende a no perder el tiempohaciendo cosas que no quiere hacer”.

P. Un gol en propia puerta, algo de lo que se arrepienta.

R. No caben and 50 lines mis autogoles.

P. Y un gol en el 90: su gran golpe de suerte.

R. Cuando decidí aceptar la oferta del Huesca, que parecía la peor.Gracias a esa decisión pude ser futbolista profesional y profesional de laradio a la vez. Y aún más: encontré mi lugar en el mundo.

P. ¿Cual fue su **** primer partido en el campo? ¿Quién le llevó ao quiénse llevó?

R. Me llevó mi padre al viejo Metropolitano. And primavera. Yo tenia ochomeses.

P. ¿Cuál es el mejor partido que ha visto?

R. Con ojos de niño, todo más imponente, un 3-0 del Atlético de Madrid alCagliari de Gigi Riva. Cuartos de la Copa de Europa final.

P. ¿Alguna vez se escaqueó de algún compromiso por el fútbol?

R. Nunca me he escaqueado del fútbol por un compromiso. Oh casi nunca.

P. El sitio o las circunstancias más raras en las que ha consultado elmarcador de un partido de fútbol.

R. En la República Centroafricana, con el cura Aguirre en Bangassou trasla invasion de los selekas y tres días antes del estallido de la última guerracivil, junto a Juan Luis Cano y Mónica Grandes. Era un Atleti-Getafe.

P. Del Bosque – Luis Enrique. ¿1, X o 2?

R. Dos. Más diffícil lo de Lucho. Si hubieras puesto en el partido a LuisAragonés…

P. ¿Alguna superstición antes de salir al campo? ¿Rituals para las grandesocasiones?

R. Un chocolate con churros (contraindicación total) con mi JavierCamarón, que ya se fue. Y desde hace un tiempo va conmigo a las finales elcarné de socio del Atleti de mi padre. Hemos ganado seis y perdido dos. Lacosa va bien.

P. Le pilla fuera de juego…

R. Participar en las redes sociales.

P. Le haria la ola a…

R. Vivir el metaverso.

P. Pide la hora al arbitro cuando…

R. Siento, fisicamente, que estoy perdiendo el tiempo.

P. Tres momentos que recuerde de los Mundiales.

R. El gol de Fernando Torres a Ucrania en 2006; el gol de Iniesta enSudáfrica, el gol sobrenatural de Sanchís padre a Suiza en 1966. Y Maradonadriblando, Pelé inventando, Banks volando, Milla bailando, Jairzinho rezando…

P. Complete la phrase: Si no hubiera fútbol..

R. No entenderia la vida. No hay nada mejor que jugar, ni mayor emociónque marcar, ni mayor lealtad que la del vestuario. No hay nada mejor.

The Rings of Power changes cast and there’s one big surprise

Amazon has announced the new actors joining the cast for the second season of_The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power_. And there is one ultra-importantcharacter who will suddenly appear on the screen with a different face. Whosehead is going to roll?

The first season of The Rings of Power didn’t exactly run smoothly.Xenophobic trolls plagued the new fantasy series from the start and criticsslowly started to grumble too. Hopefully, the new cast of the hit series canchange that and polish Amazon’s coat of arms again.

Biggest cast change in The Rings of Power

Starting with one fan favourite who sadly leaves Middle-earth for good.

Joseph Mawle was Adar

The role of the feared – but loved by the public – leader of the Orcs, Adar,will no longer be played by Game of Thrones veteran Joseph Mawle.

I loved my time exploring middle earth and diving into Tolkien’s mythology.> I’m so honored that the character was liked. He cared deeply about telling> you his story. Though as an actor it remains my wish, my job description to> explore new characters and worlds. Wishing all the>> — Joseph Mawle (@realjosephmawle) December 1,> 2022

rings of power, cast,adarJoseph Mawle as Adar (Image: Amazon PrimeVideo)

On Twitter let the former The Rings of Power actor are “honoured that thecharacter was liked”, but also adds that it is “his job as an actor to keepdiscovering new roles and worlds.” This makes it seem as if Eddard Stark’sbrother (in Game of Thrones) has given up on it himself. Who now gets thecredit for fulfilling that important role of Adar?

Sam Hazeldine becomes Adar

This name may be baffling to you, but Sam Hazeldine has no doubt already madean appearance at one of your movie nights. In season 2 of Peaky Blinders heplayed George Sewell, a rival of Tommy Shelby. The British actor also hadroles in The Last Duel , The Witcher and (viewing tip!) Slow Horses.

rings of power, newcastSam Hazeldine in Season 2 of Peaky Blinders(Image: Netflix)

In any case, there is one newcomer in it The Rings of Power which makes foran extremely surprising shift in the cast.

Other new names in The Rings of Power

The other new members of the The Rings of Power cast does not replacecolleagues, but interpret characters who are introduced to us from season 2.It is not yet clear what roles the actors will take on.

Galadriel and Adar in The Ringsof Power (Image: Amazon Prime Video)

For the lesser-known gods Gabriel Akuwudike, Yasen Atour, Ben Daniels, AmeliaKenworthy, Nia Towle and Nicholas Woodeson, it is in any case a greatopportunity to prove themselves in front of the general public (andHollywood). As soon as we know more about the characters, read it right away.

Achraf Hakimi, el futbolista nacido en el Gregorio Marañón que llegó a lo más alto de Marruecos | Mundial Qatar 2022

Desde que estaba en las categorías inferiores del Real Madrid, la Federaciónlo buscó para que representara a la selección, pero la duda duró poco tiempo.“Durante mucho tiempo yo atendía las llamadas de la Federación. Hubo contactosy llegó a entrenar algunos días en Las Rozas, pero él quería jugar conMarruecos”, explica el padre en un español pronunciado a trompicones. “No mesentia como en casa. No era por nada en concreto, sino por lo que yo sentía,porque no era lo que había vivido en casa, que es la cultura árabe, sermarroquí. Yo quería estar aquí (con Marruecos)”, dijo en una entrevista en eldiario Mark.

Desde hace algunos años Hassan Hakimi, originario del Atlas, ya no recorreEspaña con su furgoneta de mercado en mercado ganándose la vida, y su madre,nacida en Ksar el-Kabir, vive en un elegant chalet de Getafe. And Madridnacieron los dos hermanos. Nabil, the 25 años, es futbolista en Getafe y Widadestá estudiando en la universidad.