Rod Stewart turned down a million to sing in Qatar, but Robbie Williams does | show

Despite persistent criticism, pop star Robbie Williams (48) will perform inQatar tonight. With British footballers Marcus Rashford and Harry Maguire athis side, he invites fans to his concert, for which he will undoubtedlyreceive a lot of money. “It would be hypocritical not to go,” he said earlier.

The artist treated the players from his home country, who will play againstFrance in the quarterfinals on Saturday, to a private concert last night,writes The Telegraph. “I’m Robbie Williams and I’m here in the England campwith the boys, how lucky am I?” says the singer from Qatar in a video for his2.5 million followers on Instagram. “Come and see me tonight at the golf clubin Doha, you know what to do.”

Many Robbie fans know what to do. Cancel, they say. While most fans are happywhen their idol shares a new video, the reactions are striking from people whosay they are disappointed. The artist has been receiving such criticism forsome time.

Colleague Rod Stewart said he refused an offer of more than $ 1 million tosing in Qatar because of the country’s treatment of human rights, LGBTI peopleand migrant workers. “I said no. It’s not right to go,” he said. Robbie thinksotherwise.

Read on under Robbie ‘s video

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“I do not condone any violation of human rights anywhere,” he explained IlVenerdi. “However, having said that, if we don’t condone human rightsviolations anywhere in the world, it will be the shortest tour ever. Icouldn’t even perform in my own kitchen.”

Williams wants to say: the West measures Qatar as if everything is 100 percentright here. “Do as we do, or we will cut you off from society. Do as we do,because we know how to do it”, he summarizes. In that light, he thinks it’s’hypocritical’ not to go, given the places he does visit and which no onefalls over.

“There is a microscope on it and the thought is: these are the bad guys and wehave to resist them. The hypocritical thing is, if we say that about thiscase, we should apply it to the whole world. If we do that, no one will beable to go anywhere.”

Quote >>> I think change will take a long time>> Robby Williams

Human rights organization Amnesty International hopes that Williams will usehis podium to discuss the abuses in Qatar. It is still unclear whether hewill, but he said in the interview: ,,I think change will take a long time.”

Robbie was still under fire in 2018 because he performed at the opening of theWorld Cup in Russia. In doing so, he sold his soul to ‘dictator’ VladimirPutin, critics said. Former footballer David Beckham has recently beencriticized for being an ambassador for the current World Cup. He has fallenoff his pedestal as an LGBTI icon, according to a gay magazine Attitude.Williams is by no means the only internationally known star to perform inQatar, The Black Eyes Peas and J. Balvin have also performed on stage. DuaLipa just let it be known that she did not want to go.

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Viagra Boys: mass shooters, conspiracy nutters and anti-vaccine warriors

At least as freaky is ‘Creepy Crawlers’, a raging song in which the mostoutrageous conspiracies come along. ‘They’re putting in little microchips inthe vaccines. Little creepy crawlers with tiny little legs. They creep aroundyour body, collecting information’. Muphy spits it into the microphone,completely in the skin of the paranoid conspiracy theorist. “I even havefriends who believe that kind of craziness,” says Murphy. ‘They are oftencomplex answers to questions where the answer is so simple that people simplycannot accept it. I find it interesting how one thing leads to another, howpeople become increasingly entangled in a web of stories. What do you basethat on, I ask. I have read an article about it, is often the answer. Butentire websites are being written by lunatics and creeps.’

The most fascinating thing about caveworld actually that the album doesn’tunequivocally feel like an attack on the wappies. Yes, well, they are notportrayed nicely and the record ends with a battle between savages, butsomewhere you see Sebastian Murphy and his gang in between. You tastesomething of kinship and sympathy for the wandering souls. Remember: loes. “Iknow how easy it is to end up in such a tunnel of misinformation,” agreesSebastian Murphy. “I was a conspiracy theorist myself for a while. I’mcertainly not a perfect person.’

We go back in time a few years and ended up in Murphy’s ‘ayahuasca phase’, thepsychoactive substance that people use to gain insights about themselves andthe world through a deep trip. ‘I used a lot of ayahuasca for a while, alongwith a few older people who believed in all sorts of things. They wereconvinced that the US government could influence the weather with someingenious system. And we watched a documentary about an ex-CIA agent whorevealed how the government controlled the food chain. When you go throughsuch an ‘out of body experience’ you have the idea that you see everythingvery clearly. At a certain point I stopped doing that again, because I sawaround me that people were telling themselves with ayahuasca that their lifewas great, while in reality they did nothing about their problems. If youhandle that stuff well it can help you cope with loss or grief, if you do itwrong you will go from rain to drip.’

The psychedelic drug scene likes to teeter on the edge of society, and thatalso applies to the musician world. A band like Viagra Boys is constantlytraveling the world, and that naturally produces an outsider perspective. Therock ‘n roll world offers room for all kinds of misfits, and we can speak ofthat at Viagra Boys. It’s also a destructive scene. You know that when you seethe band play, when Sebastian Murphy rolls around on the floor, whether or nottheatrically magnified. We also know that core member and guitarist BenjaminVallé was killed a year ago. He passed away in October 2021. The band itselfannounced his death and said it was very sad, but did not say how exactly the47-year-old musician died.

“I’d rather not talk about it,” says Sebastian Murphy. “It’s a long story andit has to do with mental health. Out of respect for him I’d like to leave itat that, but I can tell you that at the time of his death he was definitelystill part of the band.’ That means he could still be heard on Wellfare Jazz, the second album to be released in lockdown. The third album caveworld wasrecorded without ‘Benis’. “It was strange working on new music without him,but we honored him the best we could.”

Viagra Boys plays Friday 9 December in Paradiso and Saturday 10 December inTivoliVredenburg.

Watch trailers: the cinema releases of week 49 / News

Now that Sinterklaas is over, you would think that there is plenty of time forthe Christmas movies, but this week no new films from that category willappear in cinemas. What can we go see? Let’s have a look.

white noise

Simultaneously hilarious and horrifying, lyrical and absurd, ordinary andapocalyptic, White Noise tells the story of a contemporary American family andtheir attempt to deal with the mundane conflicts of everyday life. Meanwhile,they wrestle with the universal mysteries of love, death and the possibilityof happiness in an unstable world. Based on the book by Don DeLillo.

Call Jane

Joy (Elizabeth Banks), a housewife in 1960s America, is looking forward tohaving her second child. But her pink cloud is overshadowed by the news thatthis pregnancy is seriously endangering her own life. Because the regulardoctors won’t help her, she turns to ‘The Janes’, a secret group of women ledby the charismatic Virginia (Sigourney Weaver) who risks everything to letwomen like Joy make their own choice. The women save Joy’s life and thisradical event sparks her ambition to help other women determine their owndestiny.

La nuit du 12

Every detective encounters a case at some point in his career that affects himmore than others, without knowing exactly why. A case that continues to haunt,and the detective does not let go. Ambitious Detective Yohan Vivès (BastienBouillon) has just been promoted to Detective Chief Inspector of Grenoble whenClara’s murder case lands on his plate. She was gruesomely killed on the nightof the twelfth, but there is no trace of the perpetrator. Vivès and hisseasoned partner Marceau (Bouli Lanners) interrogate suspect after suspect,but they can’t find a solution. The case gets colder by the day, until theinvestigation is officially closed. But Vivès and Marceau can’t let go of themystery surrounding Clara’s death. La nuit du 12 is based on an existingcold case and, in addition to being an intense whodunit, is also aninvestigation into male violence in which women are victims, but at the sametime are judged by society for lascivious behavior.

Armageddon Time

Armageddon Time is a deeply personal coming-of-age story from acclaimedfilmmaker James Gray about the power of family ties and the pursuit of theAmerican Dream. The star cast of the film includes Anthony Hopkins, AnneHathaway and Jeremy Strong.

The Offering

Hoping to reconcile with his strict Orthodox Jewish father, Arthur returnshome after fifteen years with his pregnant wife. However, he has anothersecret reason to visit his father. When a corpse is brought into the basementof the house where father Saul runs the community mortuary, it turns out thatit houses an ancient entity. And this evil Abyzou – according to the mythresponsible for miscarriages and infant deaths – turns out to have sinisterplans. The demon pushes everyone to their limits and will cause some to losemore than their wits.

Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile

After the Primm family (Constance Wu, Scoot McNairy, Winslow Fegley) move toNew York, their youngest son Josh struggles to adjust to his new school andmake friends. That all changes when he discovers Lyle (voice of Shawn Mendes)in the attic of the house where they now live. Lyle is a singing crocodile wholoves baths, caviar and good music. Soon they become friends. When Lyle isthreatened by angry neighbor Mr. Grumps (Brett Gelman), the family must teamup with Lyle’s charismatic owner Hector P. Valenti (Javier Bardem). Togetherthey show everyone that you can sometimes unexpectedly get family and thatthere is nothing wrong with a big singing crocodile that makes an even biggerimpression.

Mi país imaginario

In Mi país imaginario, documentary maker Patricio Guzmán returns (Lacordillera de los sueños, Nostalgia de la Luz) back to Chile to report on theunexpected revolution that started in October 2019. Guzmán had to leave Chileafter the failed revolution of 1973, when the country fell prey todictatorship. But now there is hope for a fair society. After the increase inthe price of a metro ticket, protests erupt in Santiago, Chile, in October2019. One and a half million people took to the streets. They protested notonly against the high prices of the subway, but also against the failingdemocracy and for improvement of education and health care. Now it is time fora new constitution that leaves the dictatorship behind once and for all. It ismainly women who take the lead and play an important role in the writing ofthis new constitution.

LeoLeo: The Alpaca Party!

Welcome to Farmer Hector’s Alpaca Farm! Here are Alpacas Leo, Lea and Luisexperience the best adventures full of songs! But, will Luis’ big birthdayparty take place this year?

‘Shouldn’t have been filmed’

Tall trees catch a lot of wind. And that’s what you’re experiencing now_Wednesday_ star Jenna Ortega in person. One of the most beloved moments fromthe Netflix series is once again going viral. And for all the wrong reasons.

We can almost call it an understatement that the new reboot series is a hugehit. Netflix’s current showpiece is breaking all records and it seems likeJan, everyman and your grandmother Wednesday have seen. And even if youhaven’t watched the series in one go, chances are you’ve already seen thisscene on social media.

Beautiful, choreographed dance steps on a nice disc and a visual delight forthe eye. No wonder this one Wednesday scene went viral. But why is JennaOrtega still in a negative light? What’s the fuss about?

Did Jenna Ortega have corona during Wednesday recordings?

The ball got rolling after a recent interview from the Wednesday actresswith the leading pop culture website NME. When Jenna Ortega was asked howthe shooting of the now infamous dance scene went, the monkey came out of thesleeve.

“It was terrible because I had just contracted corona. That morning it feltlike I had been hit by a car and that a little leprechaun was scratching mythroat and esophagus. In between shots I was given medication because we werestill waiting for the result.”

But afterwards the star turned out to be Wednesday to have corona. In otherwords, the recordings were not hermetically closed or stopped when it turnedout that the central figure of the series had a virus in her bloodstream,which was still dangerous at the time. The scene was shot in 2021, when strictconditions still applied on film sets. According to MGM, the studio thatproduced the Netflix hit, all COVID measures were strictly followed and oncethe positive test was confirmed, Jenna Ortega had to leave the set.

But on social media, MGM and Netflix don’t get off so easily.

yeah the narrative around this being “omg jenna works so hard” and not “a> bunch of executives not only made a 20 year old choreograph her own dance> and work with covid but also put every single person on that set at risk” is> uh. driving me INSANE>> — kaileigh (@kaicfox) December 6,> 2022

Jenna Ortega having COVID on set and working unmasked around other unmasked> performers is not a flex. She should not be praised for “working while> sick.”>> The above the line crew could’ve possibly disabled or killed someone for> their irresponsibility.>> — v ✨🦋 (@herisviolet) December 6,> 2022

she shouldve been isolated – not made to keep working while feeling ill.> forcing jenna ortega to keep working and spreading covid around the set is> so negligent of the producers and studio>> — ᴊᴇʟᴀ (@jelevision) December 4,> 2022

Many fans find it impossible that the recordings of Wednesday tookprecedence over the health and safety of Ortega and her colleagues. But whenit comes to pennies, Hollywood going Hollywood and Netflix gonna Netflix.

Mundial 2022: Las pecas de Infantino | Mundial Qatar 2022

Cuentas que desde 1974 escribes de fútbol. Aunque te llevo un año, te me hasadelantado en todos los terrenos del oficio. Cubrí mi primer Mundial en 1990,pensando que sería el último, y aquí me tienes. En aquel tiempo irreal, dondelas camaras no eran objetos de poder sino aparatos, los periódicos impresosconseguían numerosas acreditaciones (¡mi periódico tenía siete!, lo cualexplica mi inclusión). Hoy escribimos de lo que vemos en la tele y seguimos enlas redes. ¿Seguiremos el próximo Mundial por Metaverso?

Paso a una forma primitiva de las imagenes, el cine. ¿Recuerdas la película_El tercer hombre_? Ahí Orson Welles dice que la paz y la neutralidad de Suizano produjeron otra cosa que el reloj cucú. Ignoraba que entre esas pacíficasmontañas prosperarían los enredos de la FIFA.

Gianni Infantino asumió la difícil tarea de darle otra imagen a una de lasinstituciones más corruptas del planeta, que dio la sede del Mundial de 2022 aun país que viola los derechos humanos. Ya hemos hablado de eso, de modo queme concentro en una superficie limitada: el cutis de Infantino. Al principiodel Mundial, el jerarca futbolero lanzó una arenga en la que dijo sentirsegay, catarí, negro, piel roja, discapacitado, migrante y, de ser necesario,extraterrestre. ¿Qué motivaba tanto amor a la diversidad? Infantino hizo unaconfesión autobiográfica: de niño conoció la discriminación por tener pecas.¿Es posible comparar su suerte con la de quien viaje durante días en unapatera, sin agua ni comida, para llegar a las costas del progreso donde laexplotación será su alivio?

La televisión coordinada por la FIFA está obligada a mostrar a Infantino encada partido. Lo he estudiado en su alcochonada butaca de sheik mientrasrevisa su celular (rara vez mira la cancha), y, por más que me esfuerzo, no loveo tan pecoso. ¿Se sometió a un tratamiento de dermoláser? Sus pecas son unsímbolo de lo que no existe en el Mundial.

Los temas sociales no pueden ser borrados con declaraciones. Además, haycarencias netamente deportivas.

¿Extrañas especialmente a algún jugador? Como buen madridista, supongo que tehabría gustado ver al incalculable Benzema. ¡Qué injusticia que se perdiera elMundial en el momento superior de su carrera! Lo mismo se puede decir de SadioMané, que dejó en la orfandad a Senegal, o de Diogo Jota, que habríacompletado en forma temible a Portugal.

¿Y qué decir de los italianos que no llegaron a Qatar, o del noruego ErlingHaaland, que anota goles de kung-fu? Las pecas que no veo en la cara deInfantino me hacen pensar en los jugadores que tampoco veo en el Mundial. Elexceso de partidos produce perturbaciones que no tengo empacho en confesar.Después de los octavos de final, el hincha no se salva de la enajenación. Estoes válido para ti, que aún sufres por los tuyos, y para mí, que juego a laruleta rusa emocional y cambio de pasiones y esperanzas.

La pausa no hace que la región del cerebro dedicada al fútbol disminuya. Nohay partidos, pero hay recuerdos.

Los Mundiales sirven para medir nuestras vidas en plazos de cuatro años. Es unlapso ideal para que haya cambios significativos. Alemania 74 te recuerda a tuprimera novia y Argentina 78 que no te casaste con ella. El codiciosoInfantino no entiende esto y ha propuesto que los Mundiales se celebren cadados años, con lo cual perderían relevancia memoriosa.

Qatar 2022 ha traído para mí una revelación familiar. Desde el principio deltorneo me llamó la atención Joao Félix, jugador de clase excepcional quearruinaba ciertas jugadas. Su problema no es de talento, sino de conducta. ¿Nopuede portarse mejor ese muchacho? Entendí que el Cholo Simeone lo reprendieraen el Atlético, pero no dejé de seguirlo con un afán persecutorio. Elhabilidoso y joven portugués me alteraba sin saber por qué.

a lot of whining for 150 million dollars

There it was today: the documentary Harry & Megan from Netflix. Britain hasbeen in turmoil for days (or weeks, or months). Because oops, that Britishroyal family would of course die completely.

The Subway reporter didn’t lose a second of sleep last night. Still, thedocumentary is wrong Harry & Megan of course not Look at the Tube the_Subway_ section in which Erik Jonk discusses new and striking programs fromregular TV broadcasters and streaming services.

Harry & Meghan lasts almost six hours

For those who think after a working day tonight: I’m going to do that Harry &Megan from Netflix: watch out, you’ll be busy for almost six hours. You can’tsee it today, but half of it. The last three episodes will appear nextThursday.

Before we really missed it completely: Harry is the Duke of Sussex, MeghanMarkle now Duchess. He is the son of King Charles and the late Diana andbrother of the future British monarch William. She is a former Americanactress, because their marriage, of course, turned into a fairy tale.Together, the world famous couple have two young children, Archie and Lilibet.But what they have been best known for for the last two years: Harry and Meganturned their backs on the royal house, they no longer want to belong to it intitle.

Vlogging with a towel on your head

March 2020 is the month Harry gave up his title His Royal Highness. And at thesame time, the month in which director Liz Garbus’s documentary camerasstarted rolling. Harry & Megan runs until last August. What immediatelystands out at the beginning of the first episode: Harry and Meghan arevlogging. He in England, she from her new home in the United States, sighingdesperately with a twisted towel on her head. See, now that’s nice (not thatsigh). It stays there – in episode one anyway – for a while. The duo isinterviewed between numerous old images while they sit neatly on a veryexpensive couch.


Response of the British royal family?

The British royal family, when asked by the makers, did not want to comment onthe Netflix documentary series of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan. “Membersof the royal family declined to comment on the content of this series,” readsthe message at the beginning of the first episode. However, ‘Palace sources’today claim that the British royal family has not been asked for comment atall.

Where ‘everyone’ who Harry & Megan presumably looks on watch: the dirtylaundry about the royal from which the two have fled. Well, we’re going to getthat one and also told by friends. Their very old life, actually, which wasoften not so nice through no fault of their own and sometimes still isn’t.Examples? The social media hatred towards Meghan and even son Archie. “Briberyand exploitation,” as Harry calls it, from the press/paparazzi (“I feelobligated to expose that”). According to the former prince, the constantattention of (photo) journalists after the divorce of his Charles and Dianareached ‘a new level’. “I have never known a holiday where a photographer didnot appear from the bushes.”

Harry & Megan full of wails

According to Harry, his Meghan sacrificed everything to be in his world. To behonest: of course she shouldn’t have done that at all (but yes, love…) Meghanhad the worst example in Diana, who entered the royal house as an ordinarygirl just like her. Harry himself says that two years ago he himselfsacrificed everything he knew: crown off and go. The duo talks _Harry & Megan_also ‘just’ about racist reporting about the American ex-actress. And thefirst death threat, after which she got security.

Yes, there is a lot of whining. But no matter how harrowing it may be: thecouple could also have lived a nice life in California, without the docu-camera. Harry and Meghan are not obliged to tell their story, although theythink they are. “People don’t know us,” says Meghan. “It is therefore nice tobe able to do this documentary and show who we are.” Harry: “A friend came upwith it. With all the misinformation that has been spread about us and alsobecause of our departure, I thought it was a good idea.”

Harry and Meghan documentaryNetflixMeghan and Harry in the documentary. Photo:Netflix

Nice cash

It all sounds neat and well-intentioned, that ‘good to be able to do’. Butwhy? Me ass, you would rather think. If Harry & Megan had not existed, noone in the world would have been made worse. Better be. Namely Harry andMeghan herself (reportedly about $ 150 million, converted into a royal rewardof 143 million euros). And Netflix, due to a possible revival in thesubscriber base.

The royal family is popular all over the world, so the creators of Harry &Megan I understand too. The popularity percentages of the British royalfamily fluctuate between 60 and 80 percent. Politicians would kill for that.But whether this sulking Subway -man is going to sit out the documentaryride? Maybe anyway. Besides all the whining, there are plenty of other (well)fun things. Meghan feeding chickens. Harry in sweatpants. The fact that Harrydiscovered his great love on Instagram, when she posted a video with dog earsand a dog nose. In that respect, we see quite a nice couple. Subway hope thebest for them.

You can now find the first three episodes of the Netflix documentary here.

Country Star Zac Brown Is Engaged To Model And Actress Kelly Yazdi

The country star, 44, popped the question to Kelly Yazdi, 31, earlier thisyear, multiple sources confirm to PEOPLE.

“He proposed in Hawaii a while ago,” one source says. “It was very intimateand the couple has kept it very private.”

While the pair have rarely shared images or videos together, Yazdi has beenaccompanying the Zac Brown Band on tour dating back to at least July, when shecould be seen in an Instagram post celebrating Zac’s birthday on the road.

RELATED: Zac Brown Band Welcomes Newest Member Caroline Jones: ‘GreatestHonor of My Career’

In the clip, Yazdi appears to have an engagement ring on her finger as shestands close to her now-fiancé in a group setting.

Yazdi, according to her personal website, is a “born adventurer, eventsproducer, SAG-AFTRA actress, stuntwoman, and professional model.” While shewears many hats, the Minnesota-born adventurer considers herself a”spokesmodel for living with passion” as a motorcyclist. She’s also thefounder of the Ride Wild organization, which was initially intended to changethe way women are seen in power sports and motorsports.

As an actress, Yazdi has appeared in series such as Hawaii Five-O and SteveAustin ‘s Broken Skull Ranch Challenge_and the movies _The Martial Arts Kid,” and documentary Herb Ritts: L.A. Style. Her stunt work can be seen inKaty Perry’s “Harleys in Hawaii” music video, per IMDB.

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Back in 2018, Brown and then-wife Shelly revealed to PEOPLE that they weresplitting after 12 years of marriage. The two share son Alexander, 8, anddaughters Joni, 11, Georgia, 12, Lucy, 14, and Justice, 15.

“We feel blessed to be on such an incredible journey in life and sometimes thejourney begins to lead in different directions. It is with deep love andrespect that we announce we are separating as a couple,” said the formercouple, who wed in 2006.

Story continues

“We have led a whirlwind life together growing into a beautiful family withfive amazing children and while life will be rearranging a bit, our love andcommitment to our family will always be there,” they continued. “This was adifficult decision, but we’ve done plenty of tough things together and this isour next venture — love, mutual respect, and care for each other are what weare moving forward with.”


Zac brown

Erika Goldring/Getty Zac Brown

RELATED: Zac Brown Band Denied Entry into Canada, Cancels Concert inVancouver

It’s been a busy year for Brown and his band — who released a deluxe versionof their 2021 record The Comeback in September. Since the release, theywrapped a tour, which will continue overseas in March with an additionalfestival run in June.

The group also expanded this year, adding Caroline Jones and making her thefirst full-time female member of ZBB. Jones opened for the band on their 2017tour and was asked back for the next two consecutive tours. Later, in 2021,the band asked her to join The Comeback Tour as a special guest band member —and did the same for their most recent Out in the Middle tour.

“Joining Zac Brown Band as an official member is the greatest honor of mycareer so far,” Jones, 32, told Entertainment Tonight. “To be validated notonly as a singer and songwriter, but as a musician and member of the family,means more to me than I can put into words.”

Zac added, “It feels like Caroline has been part of Zac Brown Band for years.She has done a few tours with us and has also been in the recording studiocreating with us. She is family and a badass musician,” he said. “She singsthe highest and works the hardest.”

Kelsey Grammer interview on ‘Cheers,’ Kirstie Alley

Kelsey Grammer remembers Cheers co-star Kirstie Alley as “one of thefunniest people I’d ever known,” someone who “always made me laugh.”

They worked on the NBC hit together for six seasons in the late ’80s and early’90s, after Alley stepped in as lead actress in 1987, following the departureof Shelley Long. Alley’s character, Rebecca Howe, was the bar manager and alove interest of bar owner Sam Malone, played by Ted Danson.

“I always felt close to her. She was very supportive of me back in _Cheers_days when I was having a bit of an issue with drugs and the law, so to speak,”Grammer tells Yahoo Entertainment before chuckling. “But other than that, Ijust got a kick out of her.”

Grammer, who became a cast member at the beginning of the third season, sayshe immediately sensed that Alley’s addition was a win.

“When she joined Cheers , I thought to myself, ‘Well, this is a show. It’sgonna become more popular than it was before,'” Grammer says. “She came in,and she had such energy and such beauty as well, natural qualities that madeher a lovely person as well as a nice girl to look at, you know, which wasstill something that we cared about then. Without embarrassment, yeah, Ithought she was a really beautiful woman and she was delightful along with it.And that’s a rare combination. And she just always, always kept things aliveand bubbly and creative.”


The Cheers cast, including clockwise from left, John Ratzenberger, KelseyGrammer, Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, George Wendt, Kirstie Alley and RheaPerlman, in 1987. (Photo: Everett Collection)

Grammer laughs as he cites just one memorable moment with Alley.

“She once said to me… oh gosh, it’s inappropriate,” he says, “but she saidthat she dedicated herself to spending as much money on flowers each week onceshe stopped doing something else that wasn’t so good for her .”

In fact, the show had performed strongly after its first season. It was partof NBC’s original Must-See TV lineup, pulling in millions of viewers eachweek.

Grammer, whose latest gig is hosting Stage Access, a streaming servicededicated to the performing arts, thinks people connected with Cheers formany reasons.

Story continues

“It was a celebration of the chosen family you have and it happened to be setin a bar, which was a familiar scene for a lot of Americans at the time,” hesays. “It was good natured, though, and it was headed by Ted Danson—such anaffable guy.”

Cheers_ cast members John Ratzenberger, Kelsey Grammer, Ted Danson, GeorgeWendt, Rhea Perlman and Kirstie Alley gather as Danson is inducted into theHollywood Walk of Fame in 1999. (Photo: Steve Granitz/WireImage)”src=”″ class=”caas-img”/>

Cheers cast members John Ratzenberger, Kelsey Grammer, Ted Danson, GeorgeWendt, Rhea Perlman and Kirstie Alley gather as Danson is inducted into theHollywood Walk of Fame in 1999. (Photo: Steve Granitz/WireImage)

When that sitcom ended, Grammer continued to play Dr. Frasier Crane on_Cheers_ spin-off, Frasier. The critically lauded show ran just as long as_Cheers_ : 11 seasons, from 1993 to 2004.

He’s set to play him once again in an upcoming revival which is currentlycasting. The first rehearsal is scheduled for Feb. 1. Becoming Frasier againwasn’t difficult for the actor who famously became the first to earn Emmynominations for playing the same character on three different shows: Frasier, Cheers and another TV comedies, wings. It took home four trophies forlead actor on Frasier.

“He’s like putting on a favorite old jacket, you know, it’s really easy for meto slide back into it,” the Tony winner says. “It was a fully fleshed outcharacterization on my part, and I walked a lot of the same streets with him,you know, for a long time. So he’s always in there somewhere, ready to popout.”

Before that, Grammer can be seen in Lifetime Christmas movie The 12 Days ofChristmas Eve alongside his daughter Spencer, and _Christmas in Paradise_which is available on Prime Video, as well as hosting the holiday content onStage Access.

Sleepers, another excellent crime series from Dutch soil

Mark, this week is all about the Dutch series – which is getting better andbetter.

“Yes, let me start this week with the new six-part series sleepers , whichcan be seen on Videoland from tomorrow. On that platform we often find therougher crime work, such as Macro Mafia. sleepers is a series by Simon deWaal, who uses his experience as a detective in his books and screenplays. Heworks here with actor Robert de Hoog, who also appears in Macro Mafia plays.

sleepers is based on a rumor in the crime world; that world would know howto put people in the police academy. Such ‘sleepers’ can then operateundercover and gain access to all kinds of information systems. Main characterMartin, played by Robert de Hoog, is such a sleeper. In flashbacks we see howhe is recruited as a kind of street boy together with a companion by anunderworld figure, played by Hans Kesting. He manages a number of lucrativedrug lines that are preyed on by new criminals, who are much more brutal andruthless. Our main character wonders: do I want to go into business with this?

‘Then Martin’s wife also works for the police. He tries to hide his doublerole from her and is caught between two worlds. The role of the series isreserved for Teun Kuilboer, who plays Martin’s youth companion. He oncestarted as a petty criminal, but is now drawn into a power struggle in theunderworld and goes completely crazy. The new drug boss is also played byJulmar Simons, better known as rapper Adje. I read that he himself has quite abit of experience in the criminal environment. He makes a strong impression inthis role; an immense threat emanates from his appearance when he steps infront of the camera.

All in all, another excellent, well-made crime series. We can say that thiswas an incredibly good year for the Dutch series at all. I name a title like_The Spectacular_ about the IRA attacks in the Netherlands in the eighties, orNetflix series Dirty Lines , about the rise and fall of the Dutch sex lines.And then I haven’t mentioned a lot of productions yet.

‘You notice that Dutch series are being pulled up by the competition and thebattle for the viewer, there is more budget and time for it. Presenting laterthis week de Volkskrant her list of the best series of the past year. I canalready reveal: two Dutch titles make the top ten, while Dutch drama has neverfinished so high before.’

Whose deed. And then you want to mention another strong Dutch series, right?

‘That’s right, and VPRO youth series Light , the film adaptation of achildren’s book by Annet Schaap, who wrote and illustrated it. Can be seenonline on NPO Plus since yesterday, the series will be broadcast on TV at thebeginning of January. Light is a modern fairy tale about a girl who lives ina lighthouse. But then one night everything goes wrong.

‘In line with what I just said: once again a lot of time and attention hasbeen put into this, it all looks very good. Strong older actors play in it andwe see new faces. A youth series like this also shows once again: the overalllevel of the Dutch series has risen.’

And these series are also worth binging:

The Addam ‘s Family_spinoff _Wednesday (comedy/fantasy, Netflix, ★★★★☆) isfull of delicious mysteries and macabre humor.

In Andor (science fiction, Disney Plus, ★★★★★) we see a mature, raw versionof the Star Wars universe.

“My sons cried when they heard that I want this song on my farewell”

Why this particular number?

“I just think this is a very beautiful song, and I hope that everyone I leavebehind can take a little comfort from it. When I heard it on the radio, italways went up a notch. When I saw my sons told me I want to play this songwhen I’m carried into the funeral home, they both cried. That seems like proofof a good choice.”

And what does it say about your life?

“I have not had an easy life. I am a skipper’s child and had to go to boardingschool with the nuns as a little girl, so that was not fun. Getting pregnantat a young age meant that I had to get married at the time, but that man wasgood at no sides. He wasn’t always nice and I had to spread my legs threetimes a day. At first I thought that was part of the job, but after sevenyears I had had enough. Then I was alone for twelve years, with my threechildren, until I put the personal ad in the Telegraaf.

Paul wrote a nice letter without language errors, because I am sensitive tothat. He clearly wasn’t looking for a housekeeper and talked about his kids aschamps. ‘I must have that’, I thought. And luckily it turned out to be love atfirst sight. We have been married for almost forty years now and are a blendedfamily with a total of six children. Two children had already left the house,so we lived together with four children. That is adjusting and a bit of giveand take, but that went fine. We never argued, and still don’t. His daughterfeels like my daughter, she comes here very often. Really sweet and nice.”