Much-discussed dance scene from hit series Wednesday gets a bad aftertaste: actress had corona | show

Actress Jenna Ortega (20) had corona when she recorded the much-discusseddance scene for the Netflix hit series Wednesday. The leading actress showedstrong symptoms, but still went on set pending a test result. The makersassure that after the positive test everything went according to the rules,but critics think it is irresponsible.

Ortega already made the statements about her infection last month, but theyare only now going over the internet. The series has since become aphenomenon, with the dance scene from the fourth episode as the highlight.Ortega’s zombie-like moves to the song Goo goo muck combined with her tightfacial expression, make up one of the best television moments of the year, the_Los Angeles Times_.

A video of the choreography went viral on the internet and many a foreignshowbiz website headlines the pun: the scene also literally turns out to beviral. “It was horrible to record,” said Ortega, also known for the series_You_ against NME. “It’s weird, I’m never sick and when I am, it’s not thatbad. But I woke up and my body ached. It was as if I had been hit by a car, asif a monster had been released down my throat and was scratching the walls ofmy esophagus.”

The makers were familiar with the symptoms, Ortega said. ,,They gave memedicine between takes, because we waited for the positive result.” Thatresult finally came. The makers then adhered to the corona measures andremoved Jenna from the set, according to MGM, the production company behindthe series around Wednesday, the daughter of The Addams Family.

The makers should have intervened sooner, is the loud criticism on socialmedia. After all, Ortega was surrounded by colleagues during the scene. Thisisn’t good news, is it? We can all agree that this is not a moment ofperseverance in the face of adversity, but a moment of: why the hell wasn’tshe sent home, she could have become very ill or infect others,” someone wrotein a tweet which collected more than 100,000 likes. Journalist Lola Méndez is’disappointed’ in the makers. “I wonder how many people got sick. And how manypeople have made those people sick.’

Old song is a hit

The show, directed by the renowned Tim Burton and according to Netflix one ofthe most successful series ever on the platform, received four stars from thissite. The’ Wednesday dance ‘ is also a hit on TikTok, where people collectmillions of likes by imitating the dance.

The streaming numbers of the song from the scene, Goo goo muck in theversion by the band The Cramps (1981), according to Billboard increased byseveral thousand percent since the release of the series. In that respect,according to the site, the number can just be Running up that hill from KateBush, which became another hit after appearing in the series Strangerthings.

Jenna Ortega came up with the choreography herself. “I am not a dancer andthat is probably very clear. I got the song a week in advance and did what Icould with it.”

Netflix has bad news for sports fans

While the competition fights for live sports rights, Netflix closes the doorand the streaming service dives into even more advertising subscriptions. Thisis evident from remarks made by co-CEO Ted Sarandos during a conference.

Netflix is ​​still at the forefront of the streaming war, but the bigHollywood studios and entertainment giants are breathing down the company.

Where is the growth for Netflix?

Currently, Netflix has about 73 million subscribers in the United States.Analysts estimate that the streaming service can tap 90 million in the nextfive years, but that’s where it ends. The stretch of explosive growth istherefore somewhat over, and the number of new markets in which the servicecan be rolled out is also slowly running out.

It is not for nothing that the company focuses increasingly on how profitableit has become in its communication to shareholders. The boasting ofastronomical growth figures is simply not sustainable.

Is live sports the solution?

Netflix will need to tap into new segments to keep growing. The subscriberswho like shows like Stranger Things and Wednesday keep are now on board.Rumors have been circulating for years that Netflix wants to buy the streamingrights of Formula 1, for example. Especially given the success of Drive toSurvive seems like a no brainer. But yes: live broadcasts are different thanit on demand model that Netflix is ​​known for.

Meanwhile, Amazon, Apple and Google are also throwing themselves into sportswith their streaming services. All three want the rights to the Sunday TicketPackage of the NFL score, resulting in a fierce bargaining battle. PrimeVideo already has NFLs Thursday Night Football a deal that costs Amazon $1billion a year but also led to a record number of new subscribers.

NetflixstreamingTedSarandos and his wife (Image: Chris Delmas / AFP)

Co-CEO closes the door

The question remains: what will Netflix do? Co-CEO Ted Sarandos was a guestthis week at a conference in New York City, the UBS Global TMT Conference. Youcan quickly forget that name, but a few of his comments there stand out.

The CEO explained that live sports don’t make sense for the streaming businessmodel, as the programming is more suited to pay TV. Sarandos said thestreaming service “could double its size without sports”. Ambitious!

“We have not seen a profit path in major sports rentals,” Sarandos said at theconference. “We are not against sports, we are just pro profit.” This is nota CEO questioning a strategic choice. This sounds like a door being slammedshut pretty loudly. Without even a crack.


Netflix will go live

Chris Rock will host Netflix’s first-ever live stream next year. Not withsports, but through his new stand-up special. You can read more about that inthis article.

Even more ads

Okay, so all those Formula 1 and sports rumors around Netflix will probablyremain rumors. But how is the streaming service going to keep its shareholdershappy? Sarandas also had a concrete answer to that question: advertisements.

The streaming service has already rolled out a new subscription with ads in anumber of markets. Thanks to the lower price, the company is thus addressing anew segment of potential subscribers. It won’t stop there: Sarandos droppedduring the conference that the company is looking at multiple adsubscriptions.

“We have multiple subscriptions these days, so it’s likely we’ll have multiplead tiers over time as well, but there’s nothing I can share right now,”Sarandos said. “And the product itself, I suspect, will evolve quitedramatically, but slowly, gradually.”

Christian Bale solves murder case in your next favorite Netflix movie

Way to more subscribers

Despite the claim that live sports will not yield anything for the company,the co-CEO of Netflix is ​​still confident in the future. Twice as manysubscribers, new subscriptions: so a lot is going to change. In fact, thefirst not-so-secret weapon that Netflix will deploy next year has already beenannounced.

Unfortunately, the streaming service is finally going to put an end to accountsharing, which we are all guilty of. The question is: will this result in manynew subscribers, or will consumers flock to the cheaper competition? On to

El día que la prensa holandesa desafió a la dictadura argentina para dar voz a las Madres de Plaza de Mayo | Mundial Qatar 2022

Entonces tomó la palabra Marta Alconada, Madre de Plaza de Mayo, y le pidió aVan de Putten que trasladara al resto del mundo lo que ocurría en unaArgentina sin libertades. “Tenemos desesperación porque ya no sabemos a dondeconcurrir. And todas partes nos rechazaron: consulados, embajadas, iglesias,nos cerraron todas las puertas. Por eso les rogamos a ustedes, ¡son nuestraesperanza, por favor ayúdenos!”, suplicó la militante por los derechoshumanos, fallecida en 2007. Enseguida, aquel 8 de junio de 1978, llegó lapolicía argentina para dispersar a las manifestantes y otra madre le pidió ala camara de VARA: “Digan ustedes que acá no se respetan los derechos

Photographer Gerbert Voortman from Rijssen wins prize for wedding photo in ‘Peaky Blinders’ style | Reggestroke

RIJSSEN – Photographer Gerbert Voortman (36) from Rijssen is not a one-hitwonder. With his wedding photo in ‘Peaky Blinders’ style, he wins aninternational Weddisson award for the umpteenth time. Voortman has now won 26awards and his own ‘Wall of Fame’ is starting to fill up.

Where you might think of a white dress and a three-piece suit with manywedding photos, photographer Gerbert Voortman likes to take a different tack.”The request from the bridal couple to take a photo in the spheres of PeakyBlinders (Netflix series, ed.) came quite unexpectedly,” says Voortman. But itwas also high on his wish list. “I am a big fan of that series. When you seehow everything is in the episodes is dressed up with light and smoke, yeahthat’s just amazing.”

Smoke bombs

Nevertheless, Voortman has already taken photos in the atmosphere of the’roaring twenties’. “Last year I took a whole series of photos to support thehairdressers during the lockdown,” says the photographer. “I wanted to trysomething like this with this photo, but that was quite a challenge on myown.”

Voortman pulled out all the stops to deliver the perfect photos for the bridalcouple from Rijssen. “Of course I also needed some smoke to create the ‘Peaky’atmosphere,” explains Voortman. “I first wanted to bring a generator with asmoke machine, but luckily I still had some smoke bombs.”

Shine with the whole family

The winning photo not only shows bridal couple Marcel and Elloise, but alsotheir three children. “Everything is right about this photo. Even though thephoto is staged, the children provide the spontaneity,” says the photographer.“One child is very close to dad and the other child seeks mom’s attention.That completes the picture.”

Quote >>> I first wanted to take a generator with a smoke machine, but luckily I still> had some smoke bombs>> Gerbert Voortman, photographer

9 thousand participants

The prize that Voortman has won is not the least. Out of thousands of entries,the photo of the Rijssenaar came out as the winner. “It is an internationalcompetition where you can submit three photos every month,” says Voortman.“There are about nine thousand photographers from all over the worldparticipating.”

Only one chance

Voortman approaches every wedding differently. In his own words, he does notalways want to perform the same trick. “I adapt to the bridal couple. As aphotographer, we build a real bond and that is very special,” says Voortman.“The photos have to be good, because you only do it once.”

‘Wall of Fame’ is getting too small

Voortman does not receive a real award in the form of a statue. “The winningphotos will be sent to you with a stamp on them. All photos hang on my wall inmy studio. It’s actually my own ‘Wall of Fame’,” explains the photographer.Only there is not much space on the wall anymore. “I am considering moving. Itis almost impossible to add a photo.”

Final fever rises with ‘The Voice’ favorite Evert and his girlfriend Charlotte: “When he sang for me, I was immediately sold” (Kalmthout)

The game continues on Friday night. Ten candidates take the stage, only sevenadvance to the semi-finals. Each coach forwards a candidate directly. Theremaining five end up in a sing-off for the two remaining spots.

Thursday at 6 pm we can talk to Evert after a long day of rehearsals.“Somebody To Love by George Michael, originally from Queen, is the song I haveto live up to,” he says. “A song that was in my list that I had forwarded tothe makers. My father told me to include that song, even though I had neversung it. Now that I’ve rehearsed it, I know it’s a solid song. I try to speakas little as possible, because I feel my voice starting to get a littledamaged. I had therefore asked to sing less than usual during rehearsals. Ican’t play this song six times in a row.”

With his tweets

According to Charlotte, Evert’s girlfriend, the two of them experience thisadventure. “If only because he doesn’t have a driver’s license and I have totake him to the studio. By experiencing everything from the front row, I canproperly assess the impact. Last week I was in the studio and I was morenervous than Evert. When he was through to the next round I cried. Although Iwas also proud. He’s doing something he likes and is good at, and that makesme happy. I can tell by his face whether the performance is going well or not.When he enjoys, or if he is not in the song.”

Evert had often heard that he had to register for this competition. “But Ialways kept the boat off. Last year you could register again. Because nobodysaid anything at the time, I decided to take my chance.”

© Joris Herregods

“I’m glad he did that on his own,” says Charlotte. “That means that he wantsto go for it himself.”

Music used to be a fun hobby. “I used to be in a band, but that was at scoutlevel. For the rest I was mainly busy with the guitar at home. Charlottealways liked that I was singing in the seat.”

The couple has been together for eleven years. “I knew from an early age thathe can sing beautifully,” she says with a laugh. “It was on our second date inhis room at the parental home that he brought me a song. And I was immediatelysold. So many feelings went through me. And then it was also someone wholooked good (laughs).”


Nevertheless, Evert decided to look for other places professionally, he becamea technical draftsman. “At a carpenter’s shop. I draw everything in 3D andalso communicate with customers and make quotations. It was never an option tofully immerse myself in music. I also like to play football, but that does notautomatically mean that you want to become a footballer. But now that I am inthe spotlight as a singer, I like it.”

Charlotte is his biggest fan. “It’s all a bit unreal. Suddenly someone shineson television who normally sits next to you in the seat. And he gets commentsfrom all angles. That makes it a bit big.”

© Joris Herregods

“I read the social media, but I only try to remember the positive comments,”says Evert. “I’m already advanced in the race, I know it has to be goodanyway. In the previous episode I sang Gran Torino, a less commercial song. Iknew in advance that some people would not appreciate all that.”

Favorite roll

A few weeks ago, the man from Kalmthout was pushed into the favorite role.Thanks to Koen Wauters who shouted “Oh my gosh, we might have a winner!“Thatwas nice to hear, but it doesn’t make me float. Very strong candidates havealso dropped out in the past episodes.”

Next week is the semi-final. “I notice that the stress is increasing at Evert.He used to stay up quite a long time, now he goes to sleep on time. He alsoschedules his day consistently. Evert wants to bring this adventure to asuccessful conclusion. But he always coped well with stress.”

Is Evert already thinking about a life after a possible final win? “When theopportunity arises, I grab it with both hands. Give up my current job for themusic world? We have to look at that systematically, preferably I do thecombination.”

The Voice Of FlandersVTM, Friday at 8.45 pm

Do you like to listen to this type of music? Then you are probably quite anxious in relationships | Nina

Put a Harry Styles fan and a Snoop Dogg fan side by side and you’ll probablysee two completely different types. There’s no denying that your taste inmusic says something about the person you are. But a new study revealed thatyour favorite songs also reveal something about how you are in love.

For a study in the scientific journal Personal Relationships, researchers atthe University of Toronto asked 570 people to name a dozen of their favoritesongs. They examined the lyrics of those songs for important emotions and alsoexamined what behavior the respondents usually display in love. What did thatanalysis reveal? A person’s favorite songs reflected not only their thoughtsand feelings, but also their “attachment style.”

What is an attachment style?

Attachment theory was developed by British psychologist John Bowlby and arguesthat the bonds people form in early childhood influence how they build otherrelationships later on. Thus, according to this theory, people show patternsin their adult relationships, influenced by their childhood. These patternsfall under four possible attachment styles: securely attached, anxiouslyattached, avoidantly attached, and fearfully-avoidantly attached.

Quote >>> Someone with an anxious attachment style is constantly afraid of being> abandoned.

Having a secure attachment style is optimal: it means that you lacked nothingemotionally as a child and that you are healthy, trusting and comfortable inyour relationships today. Someone with an anxious attachment, on the otherhand, is constantly afraid of being abandoned. If his or her partner does notanswer immediately on Whatsapp, alarm bells are already ringing (so to speak).

If you have an avoidant style, you exhibit the opposite behavior: you havedifficulty committing yourself and being vulnerable and emotional. There is achance that you will soon find your partner too demanding, clingy or _needy_finds. People with an anxious-avoidant style, on the other hand, are complex:they combine behaviors from the previous two styles. You can read more aboutattachment styles here.

Fan of Rihanna and Drake’s ‘Work’? Then you are probably quite complex

So according to the research, your musical preferences reveal which of thosefour styles you belong to. Dr. Ravin Alaei, lead author of the study: “Sincepeople started making music tens of thousands of years ago, songs in differentcultures have always focused on relationships, establishing, maintaining orbreaking them up. So I wondered if people listen to music that reflects theirexperiences in relationships.”

Quote >>> Lyrics can reveal things about your relationship experiences that you may> not have realized on your own.>> Dr. Ravin Alaei

Which music indicates which attachment style? According to the study, peoplewith secure attachments liked happy songs the most. For example: “I Got YouBabe” by Sonny & Cher. _“Then put your little hand in mine. There ain ‘t nohill or mountain we can’t climb”_is sung, and according to Alaei that isliterally a manual for a secure attachment.

People with an anxious style preferred darker songs like Adele’s “Someone LikeYou.” Those with an avoidant attachment were fans of TLC’s “No Scrubs,” whilethose with an anxious-avoidant style often preferred Drake and Rihanna’s”Work” and other similar songs.

“The lyrics of songs matter, so pay attention to them,” says Alaei. “Thelyrics of your favorite songs about relationships may help you explore yourown thoughts and feelings. They may reveal things about your love experiencesthat you may not have recognized yourself: a difficulty you go throughrepeatedly or a struggle which you keep running into.”

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How important are regular date nights with your partner? 2 relationshiptherapists explain. “It’s like sex” (+)

What connection do you have with your partner? “You can have multiple soulmates. But you only have one twin flame”

Frans Bauer feared that things would not turn out well for Mariska after a cerebral infarction | show

Frans Bauer thought that things would not turn out well for his wife Mariskawhen it turned out that she had suffered a cerebral infarction. The Brabantsinger told that tonight in the Omroep Max program Care about your brain ,where the couple looked back on the intense event. “Things went from bad toworse in the emergency room.”

Mariska couldn’t keep it dry tonight when she looked back on the day shesuffered a cerebral infarction. Earlier today she announced on Instagram thatthis happened when she was shopping. “I thought: did I eat something wrong? Itjust felt really weird.”

Mariska’s husband, Frans, says he sensed that something was wrong. Togetherthey went to the doctor, where Mariska was prescribed pills for an allergy.“In the car it was getting crazier. I thought she was getting drunk. But ofcourse it wasn’t. So I immediately drove to the hospital. And that went frombad to worse in the emergency room. Her face began to sag and she could nolonger move her arms and legs. I got scared and thought: this is not going towork out,” said the singer.

Mariska is now physically on the mend, but mentally it is still quite astruggle. ,,I used to keep thirty balls in the air, I kept the whole householdrunning. And I’m just doing that a little slower now. I have gone from a busybee to a quiet butterfly.”


Mariska Bauer (46) was so unfamiliar with the symptoms associated with acerebral infarction that she did not realize it was happening to her. ‘Astroke is something for old people, I thought. This is a big misunderstanding:it can happen to anyone! Even if you are not yet 50. Fortunately, I came outokay. You don’t see anything about me on the outside, but I’ve had to adjustmy life. Many consequences of a cerebral infarction are not visible to theoutside world,’ wrote Mariska.

Mariska Bauer was hit by the heart attack in January. A few months later,after intensive rehabilitation, she got the idea that things were ‘going a bitbetter’ and she knows how to distribute her energy better.

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Juice Channel Unveils The New James Bond (And The Match Is Perfect)

According to a popular juice channel and the British tabloid The Sun, the newJames Bond has already been chosen. None other than Aaron Taylor-Johnson willreportedly take over from Daniel Craig.

Betting offices have been busy for years with a very important life question:who will be the next James Bond? Initially it was expected that Daniel Craigalready after Specter would retire from the iconic movie role. Especiallyconsidering the torture that the shooting of that film was for him.

Who will be the next James Bond?

Yet he remained aboard the lucrative ship. Craig said he signed on for anothermovie because of the story of No Time to Die : the Bond movie neatly tiedthe ends of its saga together. A worthy ending. Partly due to the pandemic,however, Craig’s farewell was postponed several times.

Now it is finally time to look ahead. No Time to Die is already over, andthe betting shops and self-proclaimed experts are tumbling over each other topredict the next James Bond. From Idris Elba, who has already signed himselfout, to Tom Hiddleston. Most recently Downton Abbey star Dan Stevens the bigfavourite.

Aaron Taylor Johnson JamesBondAaronTaylor-Johnson (right) in Bullet Train (Image: Sony Pictures)

Juice channel reveals successor

However, you can ignore all that speculation, if we are to believe the popularjuice channel Deuxmoi on Instagram. The huge channel claims based on anonymoussources that the new James Bond has already been chosen.

According to Deuxmoi, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is Daniel Craig’s successor. Youcan know the 32-year-old actor from, among other things Kick Ass, Avengers:Age of Ultron and the more recent Bullet Train. Not the least name, then,and the umpteenth Marvel star associated with James Bond. But then again, whatgreat actor has not had a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in themeantime?

The juice channel states that “Aaron Taylor-Johnson will be the next Bond,”and that a “mini trailer of him doing the famous Bond shot will be released inMarch/April 2023 to announce him as the new actor.”

The British The Sun is also convinced, although they call the actor a leader,not the winner. According to the tabloid, an insider said: “Aaron did a screentest to be the next Bond in September and producers and Barbara thought he wasfantastic. He is now one of the front runners.”

Aaron Taylor Johnson

Take this news with a healthy grain of salt. We’re talking about a juicechannel that shares anonymously submitted news, not deep investigativejournalism. On the other hand, Deuxmoi is not the least Instagram account, andbig news has often been thrown into the world for the first time through theirstories.

There is also no denying that Aaron Taylor-Johnson is extremely suitable forthe role. Franchise co-producer Michael G. Wilson indicated earlier this yearthat the next Bond would probably be in his thirties. Taylor-Johnson is 32,old enough to be credible as an experienced spy, and young enough to doseveral more 007 films.

In addition, the Marvel actor is British, not unimportant, and has a lot ofexperience with action films. From stunts in Christopher Nolans Tenet to thespectacular fight scenes Kick Ass and The King ‘s Man. In fact: The King’s Man is partly an ode to Roger Moore’s Bond films.

Aaron Taylor Johnson JamesBondAaron Taylor-Johnson as Wanda’s little brother (Image: Marvel Studios)

Notes and rumours

The big question is whether Aaron Taylor-Johnson isn’t too well known. Nextyear, he’s getting his own big Spider-Man movie in the form of Kraven , inwhich he plays the Marvel villain of the same name. He has also played aprominent role in many blockbusters. Can the general public still see him asJames Bond? A contender such as James Norton is not yet well known to thegeneral public, and can therefore really ‘become’ James Bond.

Well, for now it’s just rumours. The Sun therefore claims that the news iscorrect, but then we are still talking about a British tabloid with notexactly the best reputation. In addition, producer Barbara Broccoli toldDeadline in June that the next Bond film will be released in two years at theearliest, and that “no one is in the running yet” when it comes to casting. Onthe other hand: we are almost six months further, and it is obvious that theyare looking hard. Our tip? Buy some extra salt and wait for more officialnews. Until then, everything remains speculation and rumour.

Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio is almost brilliant / Reviews

After a grossly botched Disney revamp of the well-known story a few monthsbefore Guillermo del Toro’s vision, expectations ran high. Would the Mexicanfilmmaker be able to bring this story to the people again in a fascinatingway? The answer to that is a resounding ‘yes’, but with a caveat. If theexcellent way of using stop motion is overlooked, this film adaptation alsoneeds a considerable tension arc to keep it up until the end.

The film tells the time-honored story of Gepetto who, this time made evenclearer by an extensive introduction, after the loss of his son, devoteshimself completely to the woodworking he earns his money from. His wish is toimitate his son with wood, but the wooden figure, named Pinocchio, comes tolife one night to his surprise. Will Gepetto manage to fit his new son intosociety? In addition, he must also protect him from Mussolini’s Italy, becausethis time the background is the fascist 1930s.

In 2017, there seemed to be bad news for this production, when Del Toro had toannounce that the project had been scrapped. Luckily, almost exactly a yearlater, Netflix announced that they had hired the director to go ahead and turnit into a stop-motion movie. The enthusiasm surrounding the first conceptimages is fully realized. This way of filmmaking is so time-consuming thatevery frame has to be thought about, as a scene of a few seconds can easilytake several days to get on screen. It remains surprising that this way offilmmaking has still not died out in 2022 and that Netflix dared to take thegamble to give the green light to another production in this way. It producesa breathtakingly beautiful image, in which the action scenes in particularstand out for their degree of tempo that is unexpected for stop-motion.

Very good choices have also been made in the casting of the voice actors. EwanMcGregor proves to be an extremely good storyteller in the form of JiminyCricket. An interesting change has also been made here, with a view to theDisney variant from 1940. This time Cricket is working on an autobiography andcoincidentally chooses the stump of which Pinocchio is made to settle in towrite his magnum opus. Although McGregor sometimes could have been coached alittle better in his studio, it remains a joy to listen to the emotion hebrings to the character throughout. In addition, there is no recognition inany voice that is so great that it distracts from the course of the story,something that seems to be happening more and more with the casting of greatactors in very important voice roles. Household names like Christoph Waltz,David Bradley, and Tilda Swinton definitely steal the show, too.

A special mention is in order for Alexandre Desplat, who deserves to berecognized for his score. The music takes the story a lot further in theright, subtle way and brings heaviness at the moment when this is necessaryfor the story to progress.

However, the choice within that storyline is certainly something to commenton. Screenwriter Patrick McHale wrote it together with Del Toro and thegentlemen seem to have lost their focus somewhat when they arrived at thefinale. In the long run it becomes increasingly difficult to sympathize withboth Pinocchio and Gepetto, something that also bothered the original from1940. However, it should not spoil the fun, because at a moment when theslackness and slowness of the line seems to become too serious, there is avery interesting twist in the story that makes one forget that there was aslow third act in the film.

Guillermo del Toro’s vision Pinocchio is very clear; a refreshing new lookat a familiar story with the well-known weirdness that only this director andscreenwriter manages to bring to his films. It is great to see that even in afilm adaptation of a children’s book, a parallel can still be drawn to hisearlier work in, among other things. Pan ‘s Labyrinth even The Shape ofWater. Even though Del Toro had to share the director’s chair with MarkGustafson this time, it doesn’t detract from a film that is almost brilliant.

The film is now available on Netflix.

Opinion | There should not be less, but more books on TV

You can’t reach it with your mind: Moped at sea , the book program of theVPRO, will not return to the screen in the new year. Was signed: NPO.

Eveline Aendekerk is director of the Collective Propaganda of the DutchBook Foundation (CPNB).

In Moped at sea Within the framework of a varied magazine, two writers orpoets usually spoke, in conversation with the dedicated presenters Ruth Joosand Wilfried de Jong. Gradually they found their way better and better. Thatgrowth process was reflected on the viewers side. There were more hookers thandropouts and so their number crept up towards 200,000. That is four times theJohan Cruijff Arena is full. The viewers of Moped at sea were fascinated,were surprised and moved by writers they didn’t know yet, and resolved to reada book by that author and watch the program more often. How many people have_Moped at sea_ viewed more than once? One in fifty Dutch people? I think evenmore.

But that is apparently not enough. Is it because longer conversations areboring? Or because Moped at sea there is for people who already read, right?Boring is a matter of taste. There are people who find a football game boring- I am one of them – and there are many more than those who like it Moped atsea watched. And what’s wrong with book readers? Reading is mental fitness.Bookstore and library are just as useful as gym and pedometer. Trained readersalso need to be familiarized with the overwhelming offer. They too depend onintermediaries who put them on a new track. Those mediators cannot do withoutplatforms: social media (BoekTok!), playlists, podcasts, written media. Andalso good old linear radio and television, started in the last century asuplifters of the people.

right to exist

It is the public service broadcaster that carries the torch of popularupliftment into the 21st century. You will find that in it _mission statement_of the NPO. There is no shortage of lofty terms. The NPO promises “a richerlife for everyone”, is concerned with “vulnerable genres for the connoisseurto much-needed relaxation for a wide audience”. This makes the NPO “animportant lifeline for the creative sector in the Netherlands”.

Read also: NPO scraps VPRO Boeken and turns out to be a sponsor of thedecline

A vein is now being pinched for our writers. At the same time, the Ministry ofEducation, Culture and Science is fully committed to reading and improvingreading skills. This is the same ministry from which the NPO receives itsfunds. Shouldn’t there be a lot more book programs on radio and TV? This isapparently possible with our neighbors in France and Germany.

It is true that the NPO adds that books and writers will be central to theBook Week for twelve weeks Eus ‘ Book Club. That’s good news, it will make alarge audience excited for writers and bestsellers. But that alone is notenough. Both Eus ‘ Book Club_with a more entertainment approach from theBurgerweeshuis in Deventer, as _Moped at sea has its right to exist. Pulledin the past Here is … Adriaan van Dis 770,000 viewers. Regardless of theformula, books on TV should be audiences.

Because of our culture

Three years ago I spoke to the NPO director about the lack of book programs inpublic broadcasting. The reason was the discontinuation of VPRO Books at thetime. That led to the promise to explore in a wider group what is needed andwhat the NPO could do. Should this exploration ever take place again, the booktrade will be happy to think along with the NPO.

The reader is central to the campaigns of the CPNB, the novice reader as wellas the well-trained reader. All those readers cannot do without writers,translators and illustrators. Lesser-known writers, translators andillustrators also deserve opportunities and cherishment, not so much for theirown sake, but for the sake of our culture, which otherwise becomes rigid andatrophied. Nurturing and cultivating, they are contained in the word’culture’.

Writers can put you in someone else’s head, someone who is completely alien toyou, or wholly unsympathetic. If ever a novel about the dilemmas of a publicbroadcaster appears, I rush to the store. Maybe one day I’ll understand.