First reactions to ‘M3GAN’: the next horror legend has arisen

However, even though the upcoming horror/thriller M3GAN from UniversalPictures and Blumhouse will not hit theaters worldwide until early January,some critics have already been allowed to attend an early screening of thefilm.

Since the appearance of the first images, the new horror film from directorGerard Johnstone and producers Jason Blum and James Wan has already receivedmany positive reactions from the public. The first reactions appeared onlineyesterday and it is clear that the film will live up to expectations.

Violent, terrifying &… hilarious The first reactions to the film promise one ” wild ride” That ” at its bestis when it leans on the craziness that made the marketing campaign so viral.”_Even the movie is described as ” the first in a long time to make the most ofthe ‘killer doll’ concept while still creating its own tasteful personality.”_

Read the online comments below:

#M3GAN> delivers our next great horror icon. The first film in a long time to make> the best out of the “killer doll” story while still carving its own tasteful> personality.>> It’s the perfect balance of eeriness & dark humour. Like Malignant, the> movie rightfully earns all the camp.>>> — Andrew J. Salazar (@AndrewJ626) December 8,> 2022

#M3GAN is> a hoot and a half. At its best when leaning into the zaniness that made its> marketing campaign so viral.>> Chock full of great horror gags and dare I say a bit Spielbergian in its> science fiction elements.>> Certainly a franchise starter, and I’m here for the ride. 🔪🤖>>> — Noah Levine (@ZProductionz) December 8,> 2022

#M3GAN> REVIEW: Megannn!! Scary is back on the menu, with a dash of quirky charm &> biden. It’s VIOLENT, TERRIFYING &… HILARIOUS. This isn’t just another> horror, it’s one of the best movies ever! Great music too. A fitting end to> M3GAN’s journey, while also setting up what’s next>>> — IndieWire➕ (@IndieWirePlus) December 8,> 2022

In case you’re wondering… yes,> #M3GAN> slays. Definitely more of an amusing social satire than straight horror, but> it’s inventive & clever & VERY entertaining. Without a doubt it elevates the> “Scary Doll” genre, but now I need a M3GAN vs Chucky movie immediately!>>> — Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) December 8,> 2022

Well,> #M3GAN> RULES. We all know I love a killer doll, and this gal is up there with the> best of ’em. The movie is packed with creepy moments, LOL-worthy shots and> sassy one-liners that I’m still grinning gleefully about. Less bloody than> ya might expect, but I had a blast 🖤>>> — Amy West (@TV_amyy) December 8,> 2022

Nothing can prepare you for the wild ride that is> #M3GAN.> It’s an absolute laugh riot that also successfully balances horror and> drama, weaving themes of loss, grief, and trauma. A thrilling and thoroughly> entertaining addition to the killer doll sub-genre.>>> — Jeff Nelson (@SirJeffNelson) December 8,> 2022

In M3GAN follows Gemma who suddenly becomes the caretaker of her 8-year-oldorphaned niece Cady. Under a heavy workload, Gemma, feeling insecure andunprepared to age, decides to pair her M3GAN prototype with Cady in an attemptto solve both problems.

M3GAN is voiced by Jenna Davis. In addition to Davis, there are also roles forAllison Williams, Violet McGraw and Ronny Chieng, among others.

M3GAN can be seen in Dutch cinemas from 5 January.

Croacia en el Mundial: El asesinato de Luka Modric y la venganza del 10 | Mundial Qatar 2022

Cuatro años antes de que Luka Modric consolase en Qatar a Rodrygo, cuyo padretiene un año más que Modric, tras la eliminación de Brasil ante Croacia (“estono es nada, saldrás más fuerte, te quiero, te quiero, hijo”), Mario Mandzukicbuscaba en Moscú al propio Modric, que deambulaba con un nudo en la gargantapor el campo con el trofeo de mejor jugador del Mundial buscando un lugartranquilo en el que llorar. El 9 gigantón lo encontró y le dijo con la vozronca: “Ya sé que es duro, para mí también lo es. Pero no hay que llorar. Lohemos dado todo y hemos hecho algo grande”. En la vida es tan importanteofrecer un hombro, como que no te falte.

Cuenta Modric en su biografia My partido (Córner, 2019), escrita con RobertoMatteoni, que después de las palabras de Mandzukic y de los gritos de laafición, cuando bajó del podio con la medalla de subcampeón del mundo, seacordó de su abuelo Luka Modric, un pastor de ovejas y cabras de ZatonObroacki, pueblo del municipio de Jasenice, and Zadar. El 18 de diciembre de1991, el hombre, de 66 años, estaba a primera hora con el rebaño cuando viovenir a un grupo de chetniks, paramilitares serbios, en varios autos: losmercenarios se bajaron, fueron corriendo hacia él entre cánticos en honor aSlobodan Milosevic y le gritaron: “¿Quién eres, qué estás haciendo aquí? Estaes una tierra serbia. Muévete, muévete”, y le pegaron varios tiros. Su familiasupo que algo terrible había pasado cuando las ovejas volvieron a casa sin él.Ahí se acabó la vida feliz del niño Modric, a los seis años, y con ella suinfancia: sacar a los animales con su abuelo, ayudar en la casa, huir devíboras que se encontraba en los barrancos, reírse con la historia de suabuela Jela, que al nacer él se vino arriba, bebió dos chupitos por primeravez en su vida, se empezó a marear y acabó ingresada en el hospital de Zadarpor deshidratación, o sea, por resaca.

La crónica del asesinato de Luka Modric, el abuelo, la publicó Ivica Marijacicen el Zadarsky List and April de 1995; los autores pertenecían a una miliciallamada SAO Krajina. Hace años el periodista Peter Staunton estuvo allí, andZaton Obroacki, para contar para la web Goal el origen de Modric, y loprimero que supo fue que los asesinos de su abuelo mataron ese día a seisjubilados más, presumieron de los crímenes en una comisaría y, años después,se supo que las autoridades serbias conocían los asesinatos y dieron la ordenthe no investigarlos. Nunca se supo quienes mataron al viejo Luka Modric.Staunton, por cierto, se quedó asombrado con la ubicación de la casa de piedradonde vivían los abuelos de Modric: estaba en una pequeñaladera de Kvartiric ypegada a la carretera, de tal forma que cualquier balón con el que se jugasecaería rodando hasta la via. De hecho, no era ni la casa de su familia, comoluego contaría el jugador: era del servicio de mantenimiento de carreteras,porque el viejo Modric era peón caminero y,además de pastorear, se encargabadel mantenimiento de la carretera que unía Dalmacia con Lika. Modric pasabalos días con él (“tu abuelo está enamorado de ti, te llamas como él y fuistesu primer nieto”, le recordaba su padre) porque en la guardería lloraba atodas horas. “Mis padres me enseñaron que mi suerte en la vida dependería delo cerca que estuviera mi familia”, dice en su libro, y cuando está en Croaciavisita la antigua casa, que fue quemada, y los campos donde su abuelo sacaba alas ovejas y las cabras, a pocos metros de laladera en la que era imposiblejugar al fútbol.

El asesinato de su abuelo y la ocupación serbia convirtieron a los Modric enrefugiados. Y al niño, poco a poco, en un futbolista bajo las bombas. Inclusoa veces más peligroso que ellas. Un empleado del hotel de refugiados en el quepasó una época contó al diario 24sata de Croacia que Modric, de niño, rompíamás cristales con la pelota que las bombas serbias. “Los bombardeos eranhabituales, algunas cayeron en el hotel. Quizá suene raro, pero me acostumbrébastante rápido a las sirenas ya correr hasta el refugio. Al principio losbombardeos me aterrorizaban, pero con el tiempo ya solo me incomodaban”, diceen My partido , un libro en el que revela grandes historias, como la tensiónprevia a la final de la Décima (“Luka, cae a la derecha y de ahí, al centro,entre líneas, y siempre que puedas avanza con el balón en los pies” , le dijoAncelotti) y su histórico lanzamiento de córner en el minuto 92,47: “En cuantovi saltar a Sergio Ramos supe que el balón acabaría dentro de la portería: asíde sencillo”), su primer encuentro con Messi en el Mundial 2006 (“su velocidady su fantástico control del balón me impresionaron; era ágil, cambiaba dedirección cuando menos lo esperabas”), con Cristiano en el vestuario al llegaral Madrid (“me estrechó la mano y me saludó como si fuéramos amigos de toda lavida: ‘¡Por fin estás aquí”), el Balón de Oro (“entré con él en el vestuario,los fisios estaban tratando a 12 jugadores, pero dio igual, se pusieron todosde pie, se unieron al resto de la plantilla y me aplaudieron durante más de unminuto: me puse rojo”) y una lección sobre cómo gestionar selecciones nacionals en Eurocopas o Mundiales: “Es difícil encontrar soluciones tácticas en lospocos días en que nos concentramos. Y es frustrante someter a los jugadores aun régimen propio de un club, porque, en tan poco tiempo, no se logra elefecto deseado. Lo que hay que conseguir es buena química, elegir el sistemaadecuado para el siguiente partido y motivar a todos”.

Dice Zvonimir Boban que la pregunta más importante que hay en el fútbol es laque se hace, durante todo el partido, Luka Modric: “En estos 90 minutos, acada segundo que pasa, tenga o no el balón, ¿cómo puedo ayudar de la mejormanera al equipo?”. La respuesta de Modric a esa pregunta dejó a Brasil esteviernes tiritando en la zona del campo que más duele, donde el juego se crea yse destruye. Donde Modric aguantó de pie, a los 37 años, sosteniendo labandera croata hecha jirones por la devastación del ataque brasileño inclusodespués del gol en contra de la prórroga; donde Modric, 1.72 metros y 66kilos, se hizo tan omnipresente que su lección individual se pareció, en otroregistro, pero ante el mismo rival y en la misma ronda, los cuartos de final,a la que hizo al final de su carrera Zinedine Zidane and Alemania 2006. Fueuna exhibición de inteligencia y resistencia física que parece imposible nosolo que aguantase los 120 minutos y marcase uno de los penaltis, sino que aúntuviese fuerzas para ejercer de capitán y consolar, uno a uno, a los jugadoresbrasileños. Pero lo hizo. Después de coger a su selección por las solapas, ély unos cuantos más, y volverla a plantar en unas semifinales del Mundial.Resistants, inmortales, durisimos.

Al final de su biografía, Modric hace alusión a la edad que tenía en Rusia: 33años. “Ya me han dicho que no podré volver a estar a ese mismo nivel. Eso memotive”. Cuatro años después, Modric sigue siendo titular en el club campeónde Europa, como en 2018, y en la selección semifinalista del Mundial. Dirigióel contragolpe mortal contra el PSG que cambió el rumbo madridista de laChampions, y el contragolpe mortal que tiró a Brasil por el barranco de lospenaltis en Qatar. La filosofía de vida del nieto de Luka Modric, el 10 que sevengó del destino de una infancia destruida por la guerra, impresiona: “Sé porexperiencia que las mejores cosas de la vida nunca caen del cielo”. Phrasereveladora para quien pasó la infancia esquivando bombas.

Saving on TV and internet: these are some options

Now that prices of essential necessities of life are rising, the Dutch arelooking for ways to reduce costs. For example, how can you save on TV andinternet costs?

Jacob Kriek

December 9, 2022

Photo Getty Images

In this time of rising expenditure on energy and daily shopping, manyhouseholds are taking an extra critical look at their current subscriptions.An important monthly recurring cost item is the subscription for TV andinternet. In many cases, savings of up to tens of euros per month can be madewithout sacrificing too much viewing pleasure.

Fast is fast enough

We wrote earlier that many customers can save a lot on their internetsubscription. Consumers are often tempted to take out a subscription with aninternet speed that is higher than they need. And more speed means a highersubscription price. An internet speed of 100Mbps is more than sufficient foran average family. In many cases, a speed of 200Mbps is sufficient for alarger family. So don’t fall for marketing talk about gigabit internetsubscriptions. Depending on the provider, a downgrade to an internetsubscription with the speed that suits your needs can really save hundreds ofeuros on an annual basis.

Delete the plus package

But now the TV subscription. Our way of viewing TV and video content has beenchanging for some time now. More and more Dutch people watch online, and thischanged situation may also require a different TV subscription. For example,is the expensive traditional TV subscription still necessary? Dozens ofchannels are supplied with this type of subscription, more than half of whichare not or hardly watched by the family. And it is precisely the one channelthat is interested in that the provider has put in an additional package. Manyhouseholds therefore pay ten euros extra for a whole series of extra channelsin the list to only be able to watch that one fun channel. You may of coursewonder whether that channel is worth spending a hundred euros or more onannually. But even if that is the case, you can look for an alternative onlinesubscription with the same content as the beloved linear channel. For example,if it concerns a Discovery channel, the streaming service discovery+ is acheap alternative. With this streaming service, series can often also beviewed ad-free, and at the time that suits you best. There are more channelsfrom additional packages from providers whose content is also available from astreaming service. Those who delve into these possibilities can save a lot ofmoney every year without having to say goodbye to a beloved series or favoriteprogram.


Watching online offers more benefits. For example, NLZIET can be a goodalternative to the traditional TV package for many viewers. Canceling theentire TV subscription with providers such as Ziggo, KPN and T-Mobile is alsoknown as cordcutting or cordcutting. And cordcutting can really save a lot ofmoney. The most important and most viewed Dutch channels of NPO, RTL Nederlandand Talpa Network can be viewed live with the basic package of NLZIET. NLZIEToffers 38 channels for less than eight euros per month. In addition, programsof the ten most important Dutch channels can also be viewed ad-free for atleast 365 days. The image quality is all right, because it is comparable tothat of providers of traditional television. NLZIET offers an additionalpackage of ten international channels, including five channels of the Britishpublic broadcaster BBC, for an extra two euros per month. Another, slightlymore expensive alternative is Canal Digitaal’s OTT subscription. This isespecially interesting for football fans. For 15 euros per month, thisstreaming service allows you to watch around seventy channels, including allchannels of the pay channel ESPN. All matches of the Dutch football leagueEredivisie can therefore be followed live at no extra cost. By way ofcomparison: at Ziggo, the additional subscription to ESPN alone costs threeeuros per month more than the full OTT subscription from Canal Digitaal.

Shopping with streaming

Significant savings can also be made with the increasingly popular streamingservices. Because why would you take out subscriptions to multiple streamingservices at the same time? Streaming services can be canceled monthly, afterwhich you can of course take out a new subscription at any time. For example,choose to watch a basket of films and series via Netflix, and cancel thesubscriptions of all other streaming services during this ‘Netflix month’. Thefollowing month you cancel the Netflix subscription and activate asubscription to, for example, HBO Max. It really saves a lot of money on anannual basis. Be careful with any long-term discounts. For example, HBO Maxand SkyShowtime offer first-time subscribers a 50 percent “lifetime” discount.However, this expires if the subscription is (temporarily) cancelled.

Share subscription?

A popular way to reduce streaming service costs is to share subscriptions withfamily and friends. However, this is a practice that more and more streamingservices are beginning to restrict. Anyone who reads the general terms andconditions of the services carefully will also find that sharing subscriptionswith people outside the household is officially not allowed.

The winner of ‘BV darts’ that no one saw coming: “In games I dare to play the man more often”

You didn’t see this one coming: the final of B.V. Darts was won by singer andactor Maksim Stojanac. The underdog took wing at the crucial moment and playedthe competition in a heap. “Although in the future I will stick to a game inthe football canteen.”

Tom Vets

Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 11:00 PM

Only with heels over the ditch did he manage to conquer a place in the finaland for the public he was by no means the favorite. Everything indicated thatit would be a battle between ex-sportsman Hans Van Alphen and musician TouristLeMC. And yet it was Mad Maks who took the trophy of the second season of BVdarts could blow into the air.

“This feels so good,” says Stojanac proudly. He played a thriller of a final,in which he doubled against Francesco Planckaert. “At one point I was prettymuch without a chance. I still don’t really know where I made the difference.”Then he saw his family sitting at a table. “They looked rather pathetic. Butmy brother said to give everything one more time. Since I had nothing left tolose, I followed his advice. When I made that mental switch, everything wentsmoothly. From that moment on I never lost a single duel. And so I won 3-2. Inthe ultimate duel Hans went for the ax 3-0. As if suddenly the darts talenthad crept into me.”

Stojanac also attributes his victory to a portion of luck. “And you have to begood at math. That is perhaps the best tactic to be able to throw out. It isimportant to find out your favorite numbers in advance, and especially topractice on them.”

Focus on small arrow

It will certainly not have been due to hours of training, because shortlyafter the recording of the first rounds in August, candidate SaartjeVandendriessche whispered to us that Stojanac had barely practiced. “That’sright. I had a busy schedule during the summer when the shooting took place.There was hardly time to throw darts at home. Very occasionally I had a momentfree.”

Although he decided later in the game to prepare himself a bit better. “Forthat final I took my time, and that was my luck. Because the level of thefinalists was a lot higher than that of the participants in the preliminaryrounds. I knew that Francesco Planckaert had stood in front of the board forat least two hours every day. So I had to cut a tooth too. Only then do younotice how intensive that sport is, to keep your focus on it all the time. Ihave had a job for several years in which I regularly deal with stress. It’snot always easy to be yourself on stage when there are 10,000 people in frontof you. But this game was something completely different: suddenly I had tofocus on a tiny dart and a board. It’s hard when so many eyes are on you. Thetension at the moment when you know the other person can throw out wasunbearable at times.”

Playing the man

Stojanac does not call himself a bad loser, but he does want to be the firstin a competition. “When I lost 3-0 against Hans in the preliminary rounds, itwas no good. I still haven’t forgotten that moment. It also has to do with thefact that I am a football player. Then you don’t want to lose. And thensometimes you have to be cunning to pull the victory to you. In games Isometimes dare to play more on the man than on the ball.”

He has not acquired a new great passion. “I like darts, but now that boardhangs in the garden. If I ever venture into a darts tournament again, it willbe more likely to be in the football canteen.”

This song is number 1 in the Top 2000 this year, Coldplay rumbles into the top 5 | show

Queen is standing for the nineteenth time this year Bohemian Rhapsody at thetop of the Top 2000 of NPO Radio 2. Danny Vera, still number 1 in 2020, isjust like last year with Roller Coaste r can be found in second place. Thetop three is completed by Eagles with Hotel California. This was revealed onWednesday by Ruud de Wild in the Top 2000 Café in Sound & Vision in Hilversum.Coldplay has risen from eleventh to fifth place with Fix You.

Show editors Dec 7 2022

Latest update: 07-12-22, 18:12

It is Coldplay’s highest rating ever. The band stood with Fix You already ineighth place.

Procol Harum has completely disappeared from the top 10. The band rose from153rd to third place last year with A Whiter Shade of Pale. People had voteden masse for the favorite song of Peter R. de Vries, who was shot earlier thatyear. Also Golden Earring, last year in sixth place with RadarLove is nolonger among the top ten numbers.


Queen is in the top 10 twice this year. Love Of My Life , last year at 12,can be found in tenth place. Furthermore, Billy Joel with Piano Male (4),Led Zeppelin with Stairway To Heaven (6), Pearl Jam with Black (7),Boudewijn de Groot with Evening (8) and Metallica with Nothing ElseMatters (9) in the top 10.

Queen was not at the top of the Top 2000 five times. For Danny Vera, JohnLennon (2015), the Eagles (2014 and 2010) and Boudewijn de Groot (2005)managed to score a first place.

Listeners could vote for their favorite records until this afternoon. The fulllist will be revealed next Thursday. The broadcast of the Top 2000 starts onChristmas Day at midnight. The number 1 is played just before the turn of theyear.

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(FILES) In this file photo taken on September 18, 1984 rock star FreddieMercury, lead singer of the rock group “Queen”, performs during a concert atthe Palais Omnisports de Paris Bercy (POPB). – The Freddie Mercury biopic”Bohemian Rhapsody”, reflects the enduring appeal of Queen and their legendaryfrontman 27 years on from his death. In the pipeline for eight years, the filmcould deliver another smash hit, with Egyptian-American actor Rami Malekwinning rave reviews for his performance as Mercury. (Photo by Jean-ClaudeCOUTAUSSE / AFP) ©AFP

10. Love of my Life – Queen

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Accordions belong to Helmond, but now there are too few players

From dance orchestras and fairs to national radio and the conservatory. TheHelmond accordion music could be heard everywhere in the 50s and 60s. The cityhad no fewer than three orchestras. Famous accordionists came from Helmond.But now there is only one orchestra left. Accordeana, with 17 accordionplayers, is eagerly looking for new blood.

Profile photo of Alice van derPlas

“When we give concerts, people often say: Gee, that sounds so beautiful on theaccordion,” says conductor Ronald van Overbruggen. He was himself a student ofthe famous Arie Willems. “A great musician, who ensured that the accordion wasrecognized at the conservatory as a fully-fledged instrument. Just like theviolin.” Van Overbruggen took over from Willems and also taught at theconservatory.

The city of Helmond also produced Addy Kleijngeld, who rose to great heightsin the commercial field. “I don’t think there is a Dutch song from the 50s or60s that Addy didn’t participate in,” says Ronald. For example, Addy is knownas the discoverer of Heintje. “I think that the folksy of the accordion suitedHelmond very well.”

“As soon as kids get to a good level, they go to college and drop out.”

The conductor of Accordeana is busy on Thursday evening on the stage of theBethlehem Church in Helmond. It is the final technical run-through forAccordeana’s new Christmas performance on Friday and Saturday evenings. Thewhole church is brought into the Christmas spirit with video projections andlight. “We also work with a choir,” says chairman Wilco van Laarhoven. “Wereally take the audience into a beautiful story.”

The quality of the accordionists at Accordeana is high. You cannot join theorchestra as a beginner. And therein lies the problem. “Accordion lessons aregiven in Helmond,” says Wilco. “But once kids get to a good level, they oftengo off to study and quit.” So the Helmond accordion music is still of highquality, but there are not enough people who play the musical instrument. “Theoboe and the clarinet have the same problem, by the way.”

“We promote the accordion in schools, so kids think it’s pretty cool.”

The gentlemen readily admit that the average age of the musicians atAccordeana may also put you off a bit. “We are not looking for young children.If they want to play, they would love to, but they might feel less comfortablewhen everyone is over 40,” says Wilco. “Actually, we hope that new people willcome to live in Helmond, who would like to play. Helmond is growing with newdistricts, such as Brandevoort and Suytkade. We hope that people who play theaccordion will come and live there.”

The old-fashioned is really gone, according to Wilco and Ronald. “We regularlypromote the accordion in schools, so kids think it’s pretty cool,” says Wilco.“Our Christmas performance goes beyond just sitting and playing. We hope thatpeople get the idea that this is really something special. We want to wrapeveryone in a warm musical blanket with our music.” Ronald: “Silent Night is avery easy song to play, but to make it sound really nice, that’s a lot more

‘Qué mirás, bobo’: Argentina es una definition por penaltis | Mundial Qatar 2022

Me gustaría explicarte la argentinidad en una definición por penales, Gino,pero me resulta una utopía. Como poner en palabras qué somos y qué nos une porel solo hecho de haber nacido en esta tierra, la tierra del fútbol. Por eso tepido que me mires, hijo. Mirame, acá, clavate en el centro de estos ojosmarrones. Mirame, ya que estás de espaldas a la televisión, porque en mis ojosestá Lionel Messi, así como alguna vez en mi vida estuvo Maradona, reflejadoen la vista de mi papá, el nono que se fue al cielo. Yo conocí a ese diez comovos a este, en un par de pupilas que se agrandaban como crece el fútbol deArgentina cada vez que la pelota pasa por él en esta Copa del Mundo. ¿Lo visteen ese pase en cortada para el gol de Molina? ¿Lo seguiste en su tiro depenal? ¿Le conociste el gesto del enojo cuando, después de estar 2-0 arriba,quedamos 2-2 justo cuando el reloj marcaba el final de los 90 minutos? ¿Lo veshaciendo el Topo Gigio ahora? Mirame, miralo, pero esperá, esperá que subo elvolumen, así lo escuchás también: sí, está peleado, hijo. Está sintiendo. Seestá expresando: ese Messi que antes no hablaba ahora dice.

Como te explico qué significa “qué mirás, bobo, andá para allá”. Cómo traduzcopara que me entiendas la emoción que 45 millones de personas tienen cuandooyen que Messi dice: “Van Gaal vende humo de que juega bien al fútbol y metíapuros pelotazos a los más altos”. Hay ahí algo de la argentinidad, un hiloconductor que nos identifica, que nos hace sentir parte de algo, en comunióncon otros. En esta tierra todos somos un poco este Messi. Argentina está ensemifinals de la Copa del Mundo, Gino: ya será una de las mejores cuatroselecciones del planeta y que el logro coincida con la semana en la que nosregalaste la primera sonrisa de tu vida es apenas una metáfora de lo quequisiéramos dejarte con el futbol como excusa.

Reíte porque el Messi más argentino despliega su estela en Qatar: es decisivoadentro de la cancha y también afuera, levantando el pecho y el mentón parapelear y defenderse pero también para defender a los suyos. El pase a semisobtenido contra Países Bajos, el equipo de Van Gaal, fue su propia revancha:por eso el gesto con las manos en sus oídos, popularizado por Juan RománRiquelme, el crack al que el entrenador holandés corrió del Barcelona haceunos años atrás, de cara al propio DT. Un mensaje claro: ahora te escucho.Dejo escritas estas líneas para cuando puedas leather, hijo, porque quiero quenos entiendas. El fútbol es amistad y, como dijo alguna vez el escritorAlejandro Dolina, más vale compartir el juego —y sobre todo la derrota— conlos amigos, que la victoria con los indeseables. Mas vale no olvidar. Más valeque te preguntes siempre, con pelota o sin ella, qué hiciste vos con tu amorcuando otro sufría.

Mirame, no llores, no me hagas pucherito, no, que ahora vienen los penales yArgentina tiene al Dibu Martínez en el arco. No te asustes, está solo, sí. Oparece, ahí bajo los tres palos, poniéndole el cuerpo a lo que puede ser undisparo aterrador. El del arquero es un puesto que muchas veces se vuelve unchivo expiatorio, el lugar en el mundo donde el error se paga con desventaja.El sitio donde aparece el dedito acusador de derrotas. Miralo cómo ataja uno yataja otro, miralo porque te come, hermano, miralo porque es la muestra de queeste juego puede ser también un ángel para tu soledad. Mirame, hijo: sabé quelo único que te va a salvar a veces es el fútbol. Yes un recoveco hermoso.

Sil lo sabrán —si lo sabremos— en Argentina, nuestro país, esta tarde en laque después de la definición por penales se juntaron a celebrar en todoslados. Es Dibu Martínez quien menciona que hay un país detrás de estosjugadores. En estos tiempos, hijo, somos la Argentina de los trabajadorespobres: el país en el que a muchos una jornada laboral no les alcanza paravivir. ¿Te parecerá injusto ubicar al fútbol como catalizador de estascicatrices? Puede ser, pero no te preocupes: no tapará lo que ocurre. Eso sí,ayudará a que en cada partido, como ocurrió hasta aquí, podamos compartir unpoco la alegría colectiva. And casa no pedimos nada. Pero si valoramos. Megustaría explicarte la sensación de presente que tiene esta Selección. Porquesi el Messi que ves en mis ojos es el director de esta orquesta, LionelScaloni cumple la función del otro lado de la línea de cal. Un entrenador que,en este infierno donde el pasado y el futuro se usan como argumentos para nohabitar el ahora, juega contra la corriente. El DT, hijo, es un poco esto quevos sos para nosotros: puro presente.

Mundial de Qatar: Amor y odio en el canal de la Mancha | Mundial Qatar 2022

And Qatar, Inglaterra ha llegado a los cuartos de final sin que se desate lahabitual euforia patriotera ciega que siempre acaba en un chasco monumental.Una prudencia que quizás se deba a que Francia es la favorita de las casas deapuestas en su duelo con Inglaterra (y segunda favorita, tras Brasil, paraganar el Mundial). O quizás porque a Inglaterra le viene muy bien el papel delllamado en inglés underdog (el que no es favorito) y en el fondo tiene unadiscreta pero huge confianza en un equipo joven, sin los humos de estrellasglobales de la generación dorada de los Beckham, Lampard, Terry o Gerrard, queno ganaron nada con la selección. Los ingleses confían mucho en gente comoHarry Kane o menos conocida del gran público global, menos endiosada, comoJude Bellingham o Declan Rice, para dar la campanada y pararle los pies a laFrancia de Mbappé. A fin de cuentas, en este Mundial parece que puede pasarcualquier cosa y del éxito al fracaso no hay más que un paso. El mismo pasoque separa el amor del odio en el canal de la Mancha.

The table guests of Op1 did not recognize Fleur Jongepier’s courageous struggle

While Gordon criss-crossed all kinds of cases of fundamental human rightsviolations and proceeded to the order of the day, philosopher and ethicistFleur Jongepier left the table of talk show On 1. She had just told us howdifficult it is to understand the role of bystander (bystander, someone whois not directly affected but witnesses an injustice, ed.) productive.

About the author

Rosemarie Buikema is professor of art, culture and diversity at UtrechtUniversity.

To be clear: Fleur Jongepier, in her position as an employee at the Universityof Nijmegen and Utrecht, has tried to stand up for victims of sexuallytransgressive behaviour. In the triangle of perpetrator, victim, bystander,she therefore occupies the recognizable position of the colleague whoexperiences how difficult it is to stand up for institutional injustice thatis inflicted on your closest colleagues or students.

Failure of institution

That is precisely what she wanted to make known, namely that within manyorganizations it is impossible to effectively raise the issue that boundariesare being crossed. In all cases that have come out in recent months – of TheVoice and DWDD to abuses at Dutch universities – that is a constant thatcries out for analysis and measures: it is almost impossible to make clear thefailure of the institution within the framework of the institution.

This institutional flaw means that benevolent bystanders automatically becomevictims as well.

With the messy situation at the table of On 1 emerged, it became clear onceagain how much the public debate suffers from a poignant lack of understandingof what goes on in the complex dynamics of situations of transgressivebehaviour.

A second constant in all cases, however, is that the lack of an adequateresponse from bystanders is even more harmful to the victim than the effectsof transgressive behavior are in themselves. And it was precisely this failureto respond adequately that we saw at the table of On 1 reproduced.


For example, one of the guests could have commented on Gordon’s defense of hisparadise hometown of Dubai that it is indeed possible for the privileged andfrivolous among us all over the world to live a good life while human rightsare being violated within a radius of 1 kilometer . That is possible in Dubaiand that is possible in the Netherlands. But that’s no reason to dismiss thatconcern as woke chatter.

Understandably, Fleur Jongepier could no longer muster that clarity of mind atthat moment, realized that and could only remain true to herself by choosingthe position of an outsider: ‘I’m leaving. I’m not participating in this.’

The stragglers at the table of On 1 failed in their role as bystanders andaffirmed Youngpier’s position as a victim – she is hurt – instead ofacknowledging her as a courageous fighter against injustice.