Marruecos y la fiesta de los hijos del desarraigo | Mundial Qatar 2022

El cabezazo del delantero Youssef En-Nesyri ante Portugal tuvo un efectoatronador en muchos barrios de ciudades españolas. Un característico rugidofutbolero, pero que llegaba esta vez teñido de un acento distinto. Unentusiasmo arrancado de gargantas acostumbradas a tragar, más que a celebrar.El gol que selló el pase de la selección de Marruecos a semifinales activó unaeuforia en las calles que rebosaba aromas de desquite. “No me gusta decirlo,pero claro que hay racismo, y lo notamos a menudo”, afirmaba en plenacelebración en un pueblo de Tarragona un chico que se presentaba como Aziz. Suafirmación trataba de satisfacer una pregunta previa que cuestionaba sobre lanotable presencia de gente muy joven, y supuestamente crecida lejos deMarruecos, en los festejos por los logros del combinado norteafricano. AndBarcelona, ​​unos 2,400 aficionados se concentraron en las calles del centro,informó la Guardia Urbana. And Madrid, la peregrinación de la épica victoriamarroquí comenzó and la plaza Nelson Mandela del barrio de Lavapiés. Desdeallí, un grupo de jóvenes festejaban eufóricos en dirección a la Puerta delSol, escenario de la celebración más multitudinaria. Repetian un cántico enárabe que significa “enhorabuena somos los mejores”.

Kane deja escapar a Francia | Mundial Qatar 2022

A Francia no le hizo falta el mejor Mbappé para citarse con Marruecos en lassemifinals. A Inglaterra le gravó un desajuste de Kane, que mandó al garete elsegundo penalti del que dispuso. Por el medio, Giroud, un ariete iluminado enQatar —cuatro goles— tras su nada oscura en Rusia —donde no remató ni una solavez en siete partidos con el campeón—. Giroud, destinado al cuarto oscuro deno haberse lesionado Benzema, puso a Francia a una estación de la final trasun buen partido por ambos bandos. Un encuentro que bien pudo haber sido unafinal. And Qatar, el Mundial es cosa de Messi, Mbappé, Modric y la conmovedoraMarruecos.

A francia le va la marcha. Justo lo que procura no conceder a sus rivales.Maxime, si cobra ventaja. Correr, correr, correr… Con gente como Mbappé,Dembélé y Theo Hernández es lógico que el equipo de Deschamps pretenda volar.Para ello, nada mejor que el birle y prender la mecha. Griezmann, Rabiot yTchouameni, tres currantes con clase, siempre están de guardia para el quite,función a la que esta vez se alistó incluso Dembélé. Así, Francia se acurrucaen su campo, se procura un horizonte y abre gas en cuanto puede.

Inglaterra tiene menos piernas de velocistas. The entrada, los galos leforzaron a atacar en espacios reducidos. Demasiada pelota para Maguire yStones, los centrals de Southgate, que no tens pies delineantes. NeutralizadosFoden y Saka, los ingleses quedaron a merced de Kane, el único que tenía clarasuperioridad sobre su alguacil, Upamecano, quien más da el cante en Francia.Un central envarado.

Rabiot y Griezmann vertebraban con soltura a la selección gala, con Dembélémuy fino y activo, sin enredos. No había focos sobre Tchouameni, estación queclaramente se saltaban casi todos. No se intimido el madridista. Su momentoestaba por llegar. La cara y la cruz.

Poco después del cuarto de hora, conectaron Mbappé, Dembele y Griezmann. Elcolchonero activó la primera cita con Tchouameni. ¡Present! A 25 metros de laportería de Pickford cargó munición en la bota derecha, el balón atravesó laspiernas de Bellingham y se estampó en la red inglesa. La pelota despegó de subotín a 108 kilómetros por hora, a la malla llegó a 71. Un golazo.

Harry Kane, izquierd, fallando el penalti que daría la victoria a Francia enlos cuartos de final del Mundial. Christophe Ena (AP) Harry Kane,lamentándose tras fallar el penalti que impidedía a Inglaterra empatar elpartido.HarryKane, lamentándose tras fallar el penalti que impidedía a Inglaterra empatarel partido. ANNEGRET HILSE (REUTERS) Jude Bellingham, Protestant al Arbitrodel Partido WiltonSampaio.JudeBellingham, Protestant al Arbitro del Partido Wilton Sampaio.Frank Augstein(AP)   Jordan Pickford batido por Oliver Giroud tras un cabezazo deldelantero francés.Jordan Pickford batido por Oliver Giroud tras un cabezazo del delanterofrancés. Christophe Ena (AP)   Olivier Giroud (izquierda) anota el segundogol de Francia que terminaría dando la victoria a la selección gala.Olivier Giroud (izquierda) anota el segundo gol de Francia que terminaríadando la victoria a la selección gala. JEWEL SAMAD (AFP) Kylian Mbappe yAontoine Griezmann celebran el pase de Francia a las semifinales del Mundialde Qatar que le enfrentará a Marruecos.KylianMbappe y Aontoine Griezmann celebran el pase de Francia a las semifinales delMundial de Qatar que le enfrentará a Marruecos. MATTHEW CHILDS (REUTERS)Harry Kane, anotando de penalty para empatar el partido ante Francia.HarryKane, anotando de penalty para empatar el partido ante Francia. ANNEGRET HILSE(REUTERS) Harry Kane celebra su gol de penalty ante Francia.HarryKane celebra su gol de penalty ante Francia. DYLAN MARTINEZ (REUTERS)Jugadores ingleses en posición para tratar de anotar en un saque de córner.Jugadoresingleses en posición para tratar de anotar en un saque de córner. GIUSEPPECACACE (AFP) Aurelien Tchouameni anotando el primer gol de Francia en elpartido.AurelienTchouameni anotando el primer gol de Francia en el partido. DPA via EuropaPress (DPA via Europa Press) Aurelien Tchouameni, en el centro, celebra sugol ante Inglaterra.AurelienTchouameni, en el centro, celebra su gol ante Inglaterra. Hassan Ammar (AP)El portero Hugo Lloris da instrucciones a sus compañero.Elportero Hugo Lloris da instrucciones a sus compañero. DPA via Europa Press(DPA via Europa Press) Bukayo Saka, protestando ante el linier del partido.BukayoSaka, protestando ante el linier del partido. HANNAH MCKAY (REUTERS) HarryKane (derecha) y Dayot Upamecano chocan en una disputa de balón en elpartido entre Inglaterra y Francia.HarryKane (derecha) y Dayot Upamecano chocan en una disputa de balón en el partidoentre Inglaterra y Francia. DPA via Europa Press (DPA via Europa Press) HugoLloris, realizando una parada ante un disparo de fuera del área.HugoLloris, realizando una parada ante un disparo de fuera del área. ADRIAN DENNIS(AFP) Kylian Mbappe, izquierd, perseguido por el delantero inglés HarryKane.KylianMbappe, izquierd, perseguido por el delantero inglés Harry Kane.Pavel Golovkin(AP) Olivier Giroud, rematando de cabeza entre los defensas Kyle Walker yJohn Stones.OlivierGiroud, rematando de cabeza entre los defensas Kyle Walker y John Stones.ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT (AFP) Jugadores ingleses y franceses pelea por unbalón.Jugadoresingleses y franceses pelea por un balón. GIUSEPPE CACACE (AFP)

Remar and desventaja contra Francia es mal asunto. El temor a que pills pistaMbappé y sus socios es natural, pese a que Walker fijó bien a la estrellagala. Inglaterra tenia que hilar muy fino. Y lo hizo, paso a paso, conpaciencia. Y con Kane por delante de Upamecano. La primera vez que le dejó ala intemperie, Lloris retrasó el empate. Tambien con un disparo con muchatralla del propio Kane. El central del Bayern acabó por atropellar al capitáninglés sobre la línea del área. Sus señorías del VAR nada vieron.

El partido tenia cuajo, mucho cuajo. Francia se tiene tanta fe al blindarseque no le importa demorar sus ataques. A Kane se le fue sumando Bellingham,que juega tan bien con la pelota como sin ella, e Inglaterra logró equilibrarel duelo. Hasta llegar al empate poco despues del descanso. Esta vez, la cruzde Tchouameni, que mandó a la lona a Saka. No hizo falta que el VAR diera latabarra. Un obvious penalty. Kane frente a Lloris, su compañero en elTottenham desde hace ya nueve temporadas. Dos amigos que, cada uno en supapel, ensayan juntos los penaltis. And Jorvencio Kane. El eco de su disparose sintió en el último anfiteatro del estadio Al Bayt. Bueno, en realidad noes un estadio. Es un palacio que sirve de estadio a 68895 espectadores y alque no le faltan telares en los techos.

Con el empate, el duelo tuvo ida y vuelta. Y nunca le falto empaque. Saka yMaguire apretaron a Lloris, lo mismo que Rabiot y Giroud a Pickford. Nadie seguardaba nada. Aunque Francia añoraba a Mbappé, jugador más puntual quefrecuente. Pero nunca le falto Griezmann. El trazó el centro que embocó Giroudpor delante de Maguire para el 1-2. El clásico gol de Giroud, que dentro delárea es un cañón. Tambien con la cabeza, por supuesto.

Francia estaba a un paso de las semifinales cuando Theo Hernández cargó condescaro a Mount. Chivatazo del VAR, exam del árbitro y la misma secuencia:Kane contra Lloris, o Lloris contra Kane, como se prefiera. Otra vez dosamigos and OK Corral. Al capitán inglés el remate se le fue a algún distritode Júpiter. Kane se quedó igualado con Rooney como máximo goleador históricode Inglaterra (53 tantos). A los de Southgate les quedaban diez minutos,tiempo extra para Rashford, Sterling y Mount. No hubo remedio y otra vez unpenalti condenó a Inglaterra. A una Inglaterra con una estupenda generación ala que se le cruzó una Francia a dos pasos de renovar en el trono.

Emmely de Wilt about the Top 2000: ‘Forget the rest, this is the musical high mass’ | show

NPO Radio 2 announced the top 10 of the famous Top 2000 yesterday. Radio DJEmmely de Wilt (35), who will present the ‘list of lists’ in the evening,about the number 1, the surprises and her own voting behaviour.

Yes, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen again at 1. For the nineteenth time. Justly?

“The number is bigger than itself. It’s become kind of eclectic. Now belongsto the Top 2000. This record has it all. Goes from moving to hard, istheatrical and sensitive. So many people voted for it. Try knocking them offthe throne. Danny Vera succeeded in 2020, but we never expected that.”

What stands out about this top 10?

,,That Queen is in the top ten with two songs. That has never happened. Noidea why Love Of My Life is suddenly so high and why Radar Love is out of thetop 10. I’m there in the evening from eight to ten so I assume I can run itmyself now. That is also the case with Paradise by the Dashboard Light fromMeat Loaf Top 2000. I always have time in my broadcast. Coldplay is suddenlyhigh with Fix You. An explanation could be that Claudia de Breij covered thesong in Dutch at Best Singers.”

Speaking of Claudia de Breij. With Mag Ik Dan Bij Jou in 2016, she was thelast singer with a top ten listing, namely eighth. Where are they, the womenin the top ten?

“You have to ask the voters. ABBA are also singers, Fleetwood Mac same story.This list is compiled by the listeners. Many records that I vote for myselfdon’t even make the Top 2000. I also don’t necessarily think that these arethe 2000 best records of all time. It’s not that the song on 1999 is betterthan one from the top five.”

Quote >>> In June I had already put it in my notes in my phone. It had to go in>> Emily de Wilt

You could submit 5 to 35 numbers. How did you vote?

“There are different types of voters. People with a themed list, aboutfootball for example. People who make a new list, or – like me – hand in about32 numbers as standard and add and remove a few every year. What stood out inmy list: lots of horns in songs, like Sexx Laws by Beck, You Can’t Get WhatYou Want by Joe Jackson, Knock on Wood by Eddie Floyd. Apparently I think thatis very good in my subconscious.”

Bruce Springsteen’s Atlantic City. It has everything to do with memories. In2018 I drove through America with my now husband – we recently got married -for three months to discover Bruce Springsteen’s New Jersey and Atlantic City.We went to his birthplace, to East Street, where the name E Street Band comesfrom, and to Atlantic City. There I won five dollars that just bought us aCoke. And there they turned on that boardwalk Atlantic City. That has alwaysstayed with me. In June I had already put it in my notes in my phone. It hadto go in. An unparalleled number.”

Finally, why is the Top 2000 the list of lists?

“Forget the rest, this is the only one that matters. The musical highlight.This list brings people closer together. It’s really great that we can presentit. Music between Christmas and New Year’s Eve in the Top 2000 soundsdifferent than when you turn it on on Spotify now. Something is happening withthat. That affects people. And it affects us that it affects the people.”

Glee’s Kevin McHale Speaks Out Against The Price of Glee Docuseries

Original Glee cast member Kevin McHale is singing no praises about anupcoming new docuseries about the show.

The Price of Glee , set to premiere Jan. 16 on Investigation Discovery andDiscovery+, focuses on the legacy and controversies surrounding the Foxmusical comedy, as well as the deaths of cast members **Cory Monteith ,**Naya Rivera and Mark Saling. According to deadline key cast andcrew members share on the docuseries first-hand stories of their time on_Glee_.

“Show me this ‘cast’ you speak of,” McHale, who played Artie Abrams on theshow, tweeted Dec.9. “This is [wastebasket emoji].”

The actorsadded“This was thenice version, ftr. Don’t make me speak on this again.”

E! News has reached out to Warner Bros. Discovery for comment about McHale’sremarks and has not heard back.

Jenna Ushkowitz who played Artie’s love interest Tina Cohen-Chang on_Glee_ ,responded toMcHale’s last tweet with a grimacing face emoji.

20 Shocking ** Glee Secrets Revealed**

The two co-host the Glee rewatch podcast ___And That ‘s What You ReallyMissed_. In November, the actors briefly touched upon the new docuseries in aninterview with BuzzFeed.


Jesse Grant/Getty Images for iHeartRadio

“In terms of the Discovery+ documentary, it feels even more important, to meat least, to do the podcast because we were the ones who were there,”Ushkowitz told the outlet. “And we were the ones experiencing this. And weknow what really happened. So you know, for me, it feels even more pertinentto actually be the ones to share our experience when people are sharingexperiences that they didn’t have.”

McHale added, “I also think the other reason why we wanted to do this was thatwith the pandemic and TikTok, there has been this weird resurgence of Glee.A whole new generation of people has been finding it. Like, children, whoweren’t alive when the show started. We talked to [creator] Ryan [Murphy ] about that, too, about just how cool and what an opportunity thatis for people. They’re not necessarily attached to all of the, let’s say,drama, or the bad things people will talk about in the press because they’rejust seeing this with new eyes.”

Story continues

Fellow cast member Chord Overstreet also spoke about the new docuseriesback in August. “I think anybody that knows anything about that show andexperienced it doesn’t have anything to do with that from what I know,” hesaid on ___The Elvis Duran Show_. “We’re all really close and pretty much likefamily. Nobody knows anything about that. I think it’s a little bit of likejust trying to get people to watch something. I don’t think anybody reallyknows anything about it. I think it’s just like a tabloid thing trying tosell.”

McHale and Jenna starred on all six seasons of Glee , which ended in 2015.Overstreet joined in season two as Sam Evans. Monteith played theircharacter’s friend Finn Hudson, and was also an original cast member. He diedat age 31 of an accidental overdose in 2013.


Fox TV/Kobal/Shutterstock

In 2018, Salling, who played Noah “Puck” Puckerman on the show, died ofsuicide at 35 at while awaiting sentencing in a legal case to which he hadpleaded guilty to possession of child pornography involving a prepubescentminor.

In 2020, on the seventh anniversary of Monteith’s death, Rivera, who playedSantana Lopez on Glee was confirmed dead of accidental drowning at 33 aftera boating accident.

Herfather, George Rivera is featured in The Price of Glee docuseries.During his interview, he reflects on how the series impacted his latedaughter’s life. “I knew that was the top of the mountain for Naya,” he saysin the trailer, released Dec. 8. “For your kid, it was just surreal.”

If you or someone you know needs help, please call the National SuicidePrevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Southgate, about the fallo de Kane: “El segundo penalti es muy difícil, el portero te conoce muy bien” | Mundial Qatar 2022

And Qatar, Inglaterra no necesitó llegar a la tanda de desempate para acumularotra formidable frustración ligada para siempre a los penaltis. Ni el falloque se recordará tendrá la cara de alguien no acostumbrado a ellos, como elhoy seleccionador Gareth Southgate en la Eurocopa de 1996, o los jovencitosSancho, Rashford y Saka en la del año pasado en Wembley.

And Jor, al borde del desierto, fue Harry Kane, el capitán, el especialista delos especialistas, el que añadió su nombre a la lista de la desdicha. Y en unanoche rara, como la que le había tocado a Neymar el día anterior paradespedirse del Mundial. El brasileño quedó eliminado en el partido en el queigualó a Pelé como máximo goleador de su selección, con 77. Contra Francia,Kane alcanzó a Rooney en la tabla inglesa, con 53, antes de despedirse deQatar, precisamente con otro penalti.

El lanzamiento con el que alcanzó a Rooney fue una exhibición de aplomo, comosi la tragedia histórica no le pesara, o como si lo hiciera demasiado. Cuandoel árbitro ya había pitado, pidió acercarse otra vez a la pelota, la volvió aacomodar, y se quedó allí un rato colocándose las medias, mirando al suelo.Entonces retrocedió tres pasos, aguardó unos instantes y Lloris vio cómo el1-1 le entraba por el otro palo. Cerca ya del final, Kane dispuso de otropenalti para volver a empatar y enviar el último encuentro de cuartos tambiéna la prórroga. Pero no. Southgate explicó la dificultad del momento: “Es muydifícil cuando tienes un segundo penalti y el portero te conoce muy bien. Haymuchas cosas en esa situación. Él es el mejor, pero los mejores solo measureel 85%. Incluso los mejores fallan. Si tuviéramos otro mañana, no dudaría”.

Inglaterra se había aproximado al partido con la preocupación de siencontrarían el modo de desactivar a Kylian Mbappé, y salieron de él directosde nuevo al diván de su gran trauma. Kane terminó su camino en Qataracuclillado sobre la hierba, aguantando las lágrimas. “Está muy, muy bajo,pero no tiene nada que reprocharse”, dijo Southgate. Henderson recordó laimportancia del capitán: “Sabemos cuántos penaltis ha marcado Harry paranosotros, con cuántos goles nos ha traído hasta aquí”. Ese punto, segúnSouthgate es muy notable, pese a la eliminación: “Es el partido que mejorhemos jugado contra una gran selección desde que estoy, pero no fuesuficiente. Yes duro”.

Not ‘Close’, but ‘Triangle of sadness’ was crowned best European film

Ruben Östlund hadn’t come to Reykjavik to go home empty-handed, and certainlynot to make a fuss. ‘Tonight is ‘Triangle of sadness’ night!’ said the Swedishfilmmaker when he accepted the screenplay prize at the 35th edition of theEuropean Film Awards. Earlier that evening, he had already walked away withthe award for best director. Östlund felt little compassion for Dhont and theother nominees, who were left empty-handed. “You will win someday in thefuture.” Ali Abbasi, the Swedish-Iranian maker of ‘Holy spider’, should havehad a good laugh about it. But the ‘Close’ squad looked visibly dejected.

Interview | Ruben Östlund: ‘I don’t want to pretend I’m making arthousecinema’

It is of course understandable. Dhont had gone to Iceland in a favorite role.With his second film ‘Close’ he was again nominated for Best Picture after’Girl’. This time he also had a chance to win for his directing and thescreenplay, which he had again written together with Angelo Tijssens. Theyoung, blonde Eden Dambrine was nominated for his leading role. He made hisacting debut with the film, just as it had been Victor Polster’s first timefour years ago with ‘Girl’.


But when Östlund received the director’s prize at the beginning of theevening, you could already predict that he would later also receive the awardfor best film. It was from 2011 that the same film was not awarded in thosecategories. And so it went at the end of what was a sometimes excessivelyprotracted ceremony drenched in too much humor.

In addition to the direction, the screenplay and the film itself, ‘Triangle ofsadness’ main actor Zlatko Buric also received an award. He plays a Russianoligarch aboard a cruise ship in the dark comedy. The film already won theGolden Palm in Cannes in May, and so history repeated itself: Östlund also wonthe Golden Palm in 2017, then for ‘The square’, and six months later also wonthe European Film in the most important categories. Awards.

Review | ‘Close’ is an ode to the intimacy of true friendship

The Best Actress award went to Vicky Krieps for her portrayal of Sissi in”Corsage,” a bold character portrayal that hits theaters December 21. Kriepswas not present in Iceland, she was sitting in front of the webcam somewherein a hotel room, hidden under a hoodie – you can win a European Film Awardeven in such an outfit. Léa Seydoux and Penélope Cruz had not even made thateffort, although they were also nominated. In this way, they pointed to theinability of an Academy to give its awards more allure. If the big names stayaway, they will probably think it’s just a trivial event.

Yet it is not an uninteresting, let alone irrelevant project. Many films amongthe contenders and winners are European co-productions. They illustrate thatthe best stories are told by joining forces and uniting talents, acrossnational borders.

Belgian co-production

‘Close’ could not redeem any of its nominations, but there was still a smallprofit to celebrate for our country. The animated film ‘Interdit aux chiens etaux italiens’ by the Frenchman Alain Ughetto is a co-production of fiveEuropean countries, including our country.

Balsamo para neuroticos | Mundial Qatar 2022

Y su golpe de genio vino en el último minuto, demostrando que la picardía noes patrimonio latino. Es posible que el árbitro español Antonio Mateu se hayaquedado con ganas de mandar tarjetas esta Navidad porque las repartiópremiosamente en la cancha y concluyó el tiempo reglamentario con un tirolibre. Se antojaba un riflazo de angustia, pero los holandeses saben negar larealidad. Con la astucia de quienes le ganan terreno al mar, filtraron unbalón para que Weghorst rematara a dos metros del portero. El encargado demarcarlo era Enzo Fernández, algo extraño para un enganche ofensivo. ¿Por quéOtamendi no estaba ahí? El enigma confirma que las grandes jugadas terminan enel campo pero no en la imaginación.

A diferencia de Brasil, que empezó su tanda de penales con el joven Rodrygo,Argentina mostró que hasta la diosa Fortuna respeta la jerarquía: el primeroen disparar fue Messi, que convirtió con soltura su segundo penal de la noche.

Fue un alivio que en los partidos de hoy no hubiera definición en penaltis.Sufrir solo 90 minutes es un balsamo para neuroticos. Marruecos habíasorprendido en la phase de grupos y al vencer a España. Aunque el asombroreiterado se vuelve costumbre, no era favorito ante Portugal. Contra todos lospronósticos, se convirtió en el primer equipo africano en llegar asemifinales, aunque ya señalaste que se trata de una África en el exilio, pues14 de sus jugadores vienen de otras patrias.

Elogiaste con justicia a los porteros de Croacia y Argentina. No se puededecir lo mismo de Diogo Costa. En partidos previos había comprometido lapelota al jugarla con los pies y hoy salió en blanco para que En-Nesyrirematara de cabeza. No hay terapia que redima al guardameta de su error. En1950, Moacyr Barbosa no detuvo un tiro decisivo en la final de Maracaná.Treinta años después, una señora lo señaló en la calle y le dijo a su hijo:“Este es el hombre que hizo llorar a un país”. El estado de ánimo de Costasólo se compara con la cara de su entrenador, Fernando Santos, hecha para la

The 10 greatest movies ever made according to prestigious research

Sight and Sound, a prestigious British film magazine, has asked hundreds offilmmakers and critics what the greatest films of all time are. The result ofthe survey, which only takes place once every ten years, is a varied andcolorful top 10.

The British Film Institute (BFI) is an important name in the film world: theyhave one of the world’s largest film and television collections and financethe production of new titles through a large fund.

Prestigious research

They also have a magazine, Sight and Sound. Instead of the dozen top liststhat fly around your ears every week, that magazine only does a ‘research’once every ten years into what the best films ever made were. Every ten years,the magazine publishes a list of the top 100 greatest films ever made, basedon input from hundreds of filmmakers and critics. From Wes Anderson to themovie critics of The New York Times.

10 classic and rock solid Christmas movies to stream in 2022

Sight and Sound has been doing this since 1952. The first winner was theItalian Bicycle Thieves , a drama film by the filmmaker Vittorio de Sica. Inthe following decades it was always Citizen Kane by Orson Welles that toppedthe prestigious list. Until 2012: then suddenly it was Vertigo by AlfredHitchcock that emerged as the greatest film of all time.

Top 10 best movies of all time

Now it’s 2022, and it’s time for the new version of the long-awaited list.This time with a striking Belgian winner. We list the complete top ten foryou, including where you can stream the films in question.

10. Singin’ in the Rain (1952)

Director Stanley Donen takes you back to the fifties, when music and comedyfilms still ruled Hollywood. In Singin ‘ in the Rain we see Gene Kelly,Donald O’Connor and Debbie Reynolds deliver a musical, comic and romanticmasterpiece shortly after the spicy transition from silent films to films withsound. Perfect for the holidays!

IMDb Score: 8.3

Singin ‘ in the Rain can now be seen on: Pathé Thuis, HBO Max

9. Man with a Movie Camera (1929)

Man with a Movie Camera is a revolutionary documentary from 1929, whichtakes you through the Moscow of that time. The film was directed by DzigaVertov and follows Mikhail Kaufman as he travels around the city with hiscamera. With his creativity he makes the most ordinary things special, anddepicts the city in a way that was revolutionary at the time. It is anintriguing time travel machine, a film without a story, but which manages tobecome more and more intriguing the older it gets. Precisely becausecontemporary life is getting further and further away from it.

IMDb Score: 8.4

Man with a Movie Camera a is unfortunately nowhere to stream at the time ofwriting

8. Mulholland Drive (2001)

Fancy some more recent work? David Lynch’s mysterious and inimitable films arealways recommended. Mulholland Drive, starring Naomi Watts, is no exception tothat rule. As a result of a car accident, a mysterious woman loses her memory,but she does have a purse full of money. When the actress Betty Elms finds theconfused woman in her apartment, they decide to look for answers together.Furthermore, we are not going to reveal too much, because Mulholland Drive isa film that will not disappoint you and that mainly relies on its mystery.

IMDb Score: 7.9

Mulholland Drive can now be seen on: Prime Video, Viaplay

7. Beau Travail (1999)

Beau Travail is a compelling drama film by French director Claire Denis. Thefilm follows former French Foreign Legion officer Galoup, played by DenisLavant, as he reflects on his life. In Africa he successfully and carefree leda French foreign legion, but the arrival of a promising, handsome soldierthrows a spanner in the works.

IMDb Score: 7.3

Beau travail is unfortunately nowhere to stream at the time of writing

6. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Time for a piece of film history, with the groundbreaking 2001: A SpaceOdyssey. This iconic 1968 science fiction film by director Stanley Kubrickhas been known for decades as one of the greatest films ever made. Amysterious artifact discovered on the lunar surface leads to a specialmission. Commander Bowman, astronaut Poole and supercomputer HAL-9000investigate. Unforgettable images and special effects especially before thattime.

IMDb Score: 8.3

2001: A Space Odyssey can now be seen on: Pathé Thuis

5. In the Mood for Love (2000)

You were probably already familiar with the work of Stanley Kubrick, but forthe next film in this top ten of the best films ever made we find a somewhatlesser-known masterpiece: In the Mood for Love. We go back to Hong Kong in1962. Mr. Chow and Mrs. Chan have become neighbors, but soon find out thattheir partners are having an affair with each other. They want revenge anddecide to work together, but a relationship also develops between the two ofthem. A fantastic love movie, with Shang-Chi- star Tony Leung in the leadrole!

IMDb Score: 8.1

In the Mood for Love can now be seen on: Pathé Thuis, Cinetree (rentalfilm), CineMember

4.Tokyo Story (1953)

Tokyo Story is a masterpiece directed by Yasujiro Ozu from 1953. The storyfollows an elderly Japanese couple who travel to Tokyo to visit their childrenand grandchildren, but unfortunately receive little attention from them.Instead, they are taught in the modern world where individual ambitions areparamount, so their visit ultimately leads to disappointment. The day beforetheir departure, it comes to a final confrontation.

IMDb Score: 8.2

Tokyo Story is unfortunately nowhere to stream at the time of writing

3. Citizen Kane (1941)

Citizen Kane was therefore the best film of all time for a long time, if youfollowed this prestigious list between 1962 and 2012. With Orson Welles asdirector, actor and writer, this classic has achieved legendary status. Thismysterious film follows the life of Charles Foster Kane, an influential mediatycoon. After his death, reporters gather to find out his last word,’Rosebud ‘, means. Another tip: the Netflix Original limping is about thescriptwriter of this movie.

IMDb Score: 8.3

Citizen Kane is unfortunately nowhere to stream at the time of writing

2. Vertigo (1958)

If there’s one filmmaker known for his thrillers, it’s Alfred Hitchcock. Of_Vertigo_ takes you to San Francisco, where a former police officer searchesfor a missing woman. What starts out as a simple detective case soon turnsinto something much more sinister and lurid. This film has become particularlyfamous for the technique with which Hitchcock manages to create theatmosphere: the camera really takes you into the story. The previous editionof this film list, from 2012, stated Vertigo so still in first place.

IMDb Score: 8.3

Vertigo can now be seen on: Pathé Thuis

1. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975)

Here we go: according to hundreds of filmmakers and critics Jeanne Dielman,23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles the best movie of all time. This 1975classic follows a widow who lives alone with her son in a small apartment. Sheperforms the daily household chores in an almost neurotic way, but also has asecret second life: Jeanne Dielman also receives customers in her flat whocome for paid love, as the synopsis of the film so kindly summarizes.

“A magnificent epic of experimental cinema that offers a feminist take onrecurring events in everyday life,” concludes the British film magazine. Youcan check out the complete top 100, including movie descriptions and otherinformation, on Sight & Sound’s official website.

IMDb Score: 7.7

Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles is unfortunately nowhereto stream at the time of writing

Argentinian model who stole Jochem van Gelder’s heart at Perfect Picture sends him a selfie for the World Cup: ‘How nice!’ | show

with picturePresenter Jochem van Gelder has received a wish for success froman unexpected source on the eve of the Netherlands-Argentina match at theWorld Cup. The Argentinian model who stole his heart last summer The perfectpicture surprised him with a selfie.

The 59-year-old Van Gelder was suddenly a little boy again in the final of thephotography show when it turned out that he was allowed to do a fashion photoshoot in Argentina with model Vanina Paterno. Three models were allowed tochoose themselves with which of the remaining celebrities they wanted to dotheir shoot and Vanina immediately pointed to Jochem. It almost melted on thespot.

“It’s a gift from heaven,” he said. ,,A fantastically beautiful woman.” Thenthe shooting had yet to begin. ,,With photo one I was like: this is alreadymore beautiful than I could ever have imagined”, said Jochem. He became moreand more enthusiastic. ,,You have a beautiful dress and body, how can I seemore of it?” he asked at one point. For the photo, of course.

Jochem van Gelder was very charmed by Vanina. © RTL

It sounded more dubious than it actually was; due to the editing and thecomments of presenter and voice-over Tijl Beckand, Van Gelder only looked likean adolescent in love. ,,Guys, I’m there”, Tijl joked, supposedly frustratedas the fifth wheel on the car.

Jochem received an 8.5 from the jury for his photo and won the assignment.Presenter Maurice Lede eventually won the season. Model Paterno thanked Jochemand the team of the RTL 4 show after the recordings for their kindness. ‘Ifelt very comfortable and had such a great time!’ she wrote on Instagram.

Tijl Beckand felt like a fifth wheel on the car, hejoked.Tijl Beckand felt like a fifth wheel on the car, he joked. © RTL

Five months after the broadcast, Jochem and the model from Lanús are still incontact. Her home country plays against the Dutch tonight and although Vaninahopes that the Argentinians win, she turns out to be sporty. “A message fromArgentina from my amazing final model Vanina,” Jochem writes on social mediawith the selfie she sent him. On it she wears the colors of the Argentine flagand poses next to Lionel Messi, but: “All the best to both teams,” she wrote.’How fun!’ concludes Jochem.

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Why Aren’t More Women Screenwriters In the Oscar Race?

“Write what you know” — the age-old advice to aspiring writers has long beendebated by distinguished wordsmiths and creative minds. Kazuo Ishiguro, writerof the 2022 British drama “Living,” has said the phrase “is the most stupidthing I’ve heard. … It’s the reverse of firing the imagination and potentialof writers.” Does similar thinking still govern the studio heads whogreenlight movies, the consumers who watch them and especially the awardsvoters who nominate them?

Maybe that explains why, in an industry dominated by white men, women arestruggling to be recognized in the Oscars’ screenplay categories. While theAcademy continues its pursuit of inclusion, women artists and filmmakers arestill fighting to have their contributions seen. Multiple women may land inthe directing race this year, but the screenplay categories are in dire needof improvement. In 2014, the year #OscarsSoWhite was born, none of the writingnominees in either category was a woman.

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Of the 65 films nominated for original screenplay since 2009, only 11 had awoman attached as a writer. In adapted screenplay, 16 of the 65 nominees had afemale writer. In 2014, the year #OscarsSoWhite was launched, none of thewriting nominees in either category was a woman.

As the early precursors are handed out by critics, the top-tier contenders fororiginal screenplay are tracking toward writer-directors such as the Daniels,Todd Field and Martin McDonagh. The best shots for a woman getting recognizedare Charlotte Wells, director of independent beauty “Aftersun,” and DanaStevens for “The Woman King.” If those films come up short, it could be thesecond straight year no original screenplay nominees will have a woman writerattached. Other possibilities — such as “Till” (from co-writer ChinonyeChukwu), “Nanny” (Nikyatu Jusu) and “Turning Red” (Domee Shi) — areconsiderable long shots.

Story continues

In adapted screenplay, all hopes for women scribes are resting on writer-director Sarah Polley for “Women Talking,” which tells the story of a group ofwomen who consider leaving their religious community after being raped.Polley, previously nominated in the category for “Away From Her” (2007), hasbeen the leading contender since her drama debuted at Telluride, with only“Glass Onion” and “Living” looking to challenge.

SHE SAID, from left: director Maria Schrader, Carey Mulligan, Zoe Kazan, onset, 2022. ph: JoJo Whilden /© Universal Pictures / Courtesy EverettCollectionSHESAID, from left: director Maria Schrader, Carey Mulligan, Zoe Kazan, on set,2022. ph: JoJo Whilden /© Universal Pictures / Courtesy EverettCollection

SHE SAID, from left: director Maria Schrader, Carey Mulligan, Zoe Kazan

Despite the dismal box office performance of “She Said,” which recounts theuncovering of Harvey Weinstein’s decades-long pattern of sexual abuse,Universal Pictures still has confidence in the viability of its scribe,Rebecca Lenkiewicz, finding love from the branch in adapted screenplay .

Although thrillers are not typical Academy fodder, Krysty Wilson-Cairns, whoearned a nom for co-writing “1917” (2019), is in the conversation for adaptedfor Netflix’s “The Good Nurse.” Well-respected among her peers, she constructsa story about more than the crime saga it depicts, exploring themessurrounding health care and the fierce determination of an unsung heroine.

Lower-profile films with female writers, such as Lena Dunham (“CatherineCalled Birdy”), Alice Birch (“The Wonder”) and Mia Goth (“Pearl”) could likelyfind various spots on the circuit with regional groups. But pending late-breaking buzz, they are not expected to make an impact.

Do you think the argument is overblown? In the 94 years of the Academy Awards,we’ve yet to have two screenplay winners from two solo female writers in thesame year. Also notable: each category has only yielded one Black woman, oneLatina and two Asian women as screenplay nominees.

Diversity isn’t just about who’s behind the camera. It’s needed before it evenstarts rolling.

See the latest film predictions, in all 23 categories, in one place onVarieties Oscar ‘s Collective. To see the ranked predictions foreach individual category, visit Varieties Oscar ‘s Hub.

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