Luis de la Fuente: “Si tienes jugadores, el contragolpe es inteligencia futbolística” | Mundial Qatar 2022

”And Haro están los mejores recuerdos de mi infancia. Me fui de allí con 15años para fichar por el Athletic”, rememora Luis de la Fuente (61 años), nuevoseleccionador español tras la no renovación de Luis Enrique. “Soy un buenconversador, pero sobre todo mi padre me enseñó a ser un buen escuchador. Megusta escuchar a la gente hablar de la vida, de sus experiencias. Fui elpequeño de cinco hermanos, de mi cuadrilla y de la plantilla del Athletic,tuve muchos sabios a los que escuchar”, asegura un hombre que no falta a sucita con las pesas a diario y al que le apasionan las lecturas históricas onoveladas sobre Roma.

Pregunta. Al Athletic le lleva un mito como Piru Gainza.

Respuesta. Un familiar le hablo de mi. Entonces hacías una prueba, tejugabas todo ese día, me salió bien y apostaron por mí. Había leído muchascosas de Piru y sabía que era un mito. Que viniera a decirte: “Chaval, vas afichar por el Athletic”, imponía.

P. Fue su padre el que le metió el veneno del Athletic.

R . Era marino mercante, por entonces una vida durisima, navegaba nuevemeses y tenia un mes de vacaciones. Intentabas hacer todo lo que no habíashecho en el año en ese mes y una de las cosas que solíamos hacer era ir a SanMamés a ver al Athletic. Había vacaciones que coincidían con la temporada,otras no, y épocas que estaba 17 meses embarcado. Ese no estar de mi padre noshizo estar muy unidos. Mi casa era matriarcal total, mi madre lo gestionabatodo.

P. And el Athletic le conductors Iñaki Sáez y Clemente.

R . Iñaki era un maestro, el aprendizaje era constant, se preocupaba muchode enseñarte pequeños detalles, era un padre para todos. Con él debuté enPrimera y con él vuelvo al Athletic después del Sevilla. Con Clemente viví losmejores años de mi etapa profesional, gané títulos. Pero también viví muy bienen Sevilla. Allí conocí el mundo profesional, pasé de estar en un ambiente muyfamiliar, de chicos que subíamos de la cantera, a un vestuario con jugadoresextranjeros, Rinat Dassaev, primer jugador en salir de la Unión Soviética,Zamorano, Bengoechea… Solo había tres vuelos semanales a Bilbao y porcarretera eran 1,000 km de distancia de los de antes, cruzando Despeñaperrospor una carretera de doble sentido… Era pasar del norte al sur, totalmentediferente. Clemente dijo: “Luis va a encajar bien en Sevilla”. Y fue verdad,al mes estaba bailando sevillanas.

P. Luis Enrique absorbió de Clemente el atraer los focos para proteger alos jugadores. ¿Usted también tiene ese perfil de hombre escudo?

R . Hay muchos tipos de liderazgo. Trato de liderar atacando lainteligencia, reflexionando… ¿Mano dura? Cuando hay que tenerla, sí, pero ¿quées tener mano dura? Yo lo que quiero es poder mirar a alguien a los ojos ydecirle lo que pienso y que me lo diga a mí también mirándome a los ojos.

P. “Nadie conoce el presente y el futuro del fútbol español mejor que yo”,dijo en su presentación para reivindicarse ante las dudas que genera suinexperiencia en banquillos profesionales. ¿Tan seguro está?

R . No quiero parecer pretencioso, solo constato una realidad. Habrá genteque lo pueda conocer como yo, pero por mi trabajo tenía que estarperfectamente informado de cuáles eran los mejores jugadores en las últimas 10generaciones.

Luis de la Fuente.MOEH ATITAR

P. ¿Faltan centrocampistas con físico?

R . Creo que los tenemos. Mikel Merino, Saúl, Fabián Ruiz… Lo que me haceser optimista y apostar a ganador con estos jugadores es que podemos ser unequipo muy versátil, con un modelo reconocido en el mundo como es el deposesión, pero también apuesto por la profundidad, por las rupturas, atacarpor las bandas. Lo que quiero es dotar al equipo de un tono versátil, quepodamos contrarrestar al rival de diferentes maneras y no ser previsibles.

P. Desde la marcha de Del Bosque todos los seleccionadores dijeron quehabía que evolucionar el modelo, pero en Rusia y en Qatar España cayó con másde 1,000 pases.

R . Yo tengo un bagaje. Sin ser pretencioso, hay que mirar como ha jugadola sub-21. Hemos sido capaces de derrotar a diferentes equipos con diferentesversiones. Intentaré configurar una selección con jugadores de diferenteperfil para, en un momento dado, tener que cambiar el ritmo del partido o elestilo de juego.

P. La presión era una de las grandes señas de identidad de la España deLuis Enrique, ¿la va a mantener?

R . Somos la selección que mejor hace la presión en el mundo, hay quemantener en lo que somos fuertes y, si podemos mejorarlo, vamos a hacerlo.

P. Ganando 1-0, ¿se verá a su España replegarse?

R . Replegar, teniendo la posibilidad de jugar al contragolpe, es unavirtud, un ejercicio de inteligencia futbolística. El problema sería replegar,mantener la posesión y no progresar. Si eres capaz de tener jugadores paracontraatacar y hacer transiciones rápidas, el contragolpe es un planteamientointeligente.

P. ¿Hay jugadores para transiciones rápidas?

R . Si, Ansu, Nico Williams, Olmo, Asensio… Hay jugadores para jugar alcontragolpe. En el Europeo sub-21 ganamos a Alemania ya Francia y de loscuatro goles a los alemanes les metimos dos en transición, ya Francia, de losdos, uno.

P. ¿Va a mantener el 4-3-3 de Luis Enrique?

R . Me interesa más mantener el modelo, más esos maties de los que hablo,que el sistema. Dependerá de los jugadores. No es lo mismo jugar con Pedri quecon Mikel Merino o Fabián Ruiz, o Busquets o Rodri.

P. ¿Contempla el doble pivote?

R . Lo he utilizado. Mi apuesta es un mediocentro de referencia, Busquetses el mejor del mundo y Rodri es otro jugador top. Esa figura delmediocentro que mantiene el equilibrio, que cubre las espaldas del equipocuando está atacando, que hace el triángulo con los centrals para sacar elbalón, para mí es muy importante.

P. ¿Busquets tiene sustituto?

R . Está Rodri, que tiene un nivel estratosférico, Zubimendi, Marc Roca…Tenemos muy buenos jugadores en todas las demarcaciones y por eso estoytranquilo. Para simplificar hablo de numeros. El 8 y el 10 tens más llegada,me gusta que los interiores lleguen y el 6 es la figura de ese jugador que sequeda para apagar los fuegos que se puedan crear en un contraataque rival.

P. ¿A Pedri ya Gavi como los ve?

R . Pedri me parece un jugador de otro nivel, está tocado por esa varitade Dios, será una referencia en el fútbol. A Gavi no he tenido la suerte deentrenarle, me parece un futbolista fantástico, con esa edad las prestacionesque ofrece y el potencial que se le ve…

Woman filed a complaint with NPO in ‘intimidating looks’ Özcan Akyol

Many well-known media faces nowadays have to ask themselves whether they wereguilty of transgressive behaviour. VI face and presenter Özcan Akyol nowsays that there is also a complaint about him. And that is why Akyol no longerdares to do everything these days.

Many familiar faces in the media are now associated with terms such astransgressive or intimidating behaviour. And, among other things, things weresharpened at the public broadcaster by the accusations against former _DWDD_presenter Matthijs van Nieuwkerk.

Özcan Akyol doesn’t dare say everything anymore

Akyol, who is a good acquaintance of Van Nieuwkerk and also an NPO presenter,has regularly responded to all the fuss about transgressive behaviour. Lastnight he grabbed the table The Orange Winter the chance to talk aboutthemselves. A complaint was also filed against him and he says that nowadayshe no longer dares to say everything. “If an editor delivers shitty work, I nolonger dare to say: ‘This is shitty work’.” He emphasizes that he is not infavor of swearing, but that nowadays correcting someone is already a reason togo to a confidential adviser. “Then they complain, then they are hurt, that isreally true.”

VI -face Johan Derksen, with whom Akyol sat at the table, thinks it is allexaggerated, an opinion that he has been expressing aloud for some time now.For example, he and René van der Gijp had a discussion about this earlier.

Intimidating looks

But Akyol is also facing allegations, it now appears. The NPO presenter saysthat he was called about a complaint. “I was called two weeks ago by abroadcaster for which I also work.” A lady apparently complained about him,something Akyol didn’t expect. “I generally behave very well, preciselybecause of all the developments that are happening now. Before that, I didindeed lead more directively and maybe be angry with someone.”

The woman who filed a complaint about Akyol was intimidated by Akyol’s looksduring their collaboration, four to five years ago. “That lady had gone to aconfidential doctor three times because she wanted to talk about the way I hadlooked at her.” The NPO presenter emphasizes that it was not sexual, butintimidating according to the woman. So she felt unsafe because of that. Shewas scared. I said, ‘Then what should I do? Do I have to come to the studiowith sunglasses? How should I behave then? Explain.'”

Don’t shake hands anymore

He continues and says that at the NPO he also works with young editors aroundthe age of twenty. “I don’t know how they are brought up and what they thinkis normal, but I find it very difficult. I no longer shake hands with women.Before you know it you have another charge or something.”

Akyol works at the NPO for three different broadcasters. BNNVARA ( The CutGuest ), NTR ( The Cousins ​​of Eus ) and Broadcasting MAX ( Stars on theCanvas ).

You can watch Akyol ‘s plea in De Oranjewinter via KIJK.

Sofyan Amrabat, la tuneladora que ‘ficho’ Marruecos | Mundial Qatar 2022

El pasado sábado, en plena euforia, el técnico se erigió en defensor de laphilosofía cholista , and horas bajas pero vigente para la causa marroquí.“Voy a decir una cosa que no está bien, pero que él ha hecho muy bien [porSimeone]. Estamos tácticamente bien, con un corazón muy grande, no dejamosespacios, corremos y sabemos que tenemos jugadores técnicos que pueden marcarla diferencia”, enfatizó. Un plan que ha ayudado a encumbrar a Amrabat,conocido en su etapa en el Hellas Verona como El Monstruo. Su primera huellala había dejado en el Utrecht con Erik Ten Hag, después ascendió sin éxito alFeyenoord y Brujas (aquí fue acusado de actitud negativa), y en Verona retomóel vuelo. And 2020 lo fichó lo Fiorentina por 19.5 millones.

Diáspora Fútbol Club: el Marruecos más Mundial | Mundial Qatar 2022

No hay por Qatar una selección más migrante que la asombrosa Marruecos.Catorce de sus 26 convocados nacieron fuera del país africano, record entrelos participantses en el Mundial. La Diáspora Fútbol Club ha fortalecido lazoshasta volar como nadie esperaba. Y va de registro and registro. No solo es laprimera selección de su continente en alcanzar la cota de las semifinales. Esel tercer equipo no europeo o sudamericano que lo logra en 21 ediciones, trasEstados Unidos en 1930 y Corea del Sur en 2002. Hay más: desde el torneoalemán de 2006, cuando Italia llegó a semifinales con un solo gol en contra(de Estados Unidos en la phase de grupos) nadie se había blindado del mismomodo. Para mayor pasmo, el único tanto encajado por el conjunto de WalidRegragui fue sin intención, ya que lo marcó Aguerd en propia puerta. Porcierto, en los tres amistosos antes de Qatar 2022, ya con Regragui en el cargodesde septiembre, tampoco Chile, Paraguay y Georgia batieron a los del Atlas.En esta selección uno ha sido once y once han sido uno. El apego a la tierrade los antepasados ​​ha encumbrado al Marruecos más mundial en su sextaparticipación.

Francia: Giroud, un cañón sin Benzema | Mundial Qatar 2022

Aquel gol en Hungría llegó meses después de un verano de ensueño en el que seproclamó campeón del mundo con Francia en Rusia. Aunque fue un Mundialrarísimo para un nueve puro. Ni un gol en 545 minutes. No solo eso: noconsiguió tirar ni una vez entre los tres palos. Aunque resultara extraño, elgol no era la misión más importante de Giroud en aquella Copa del Mundo.

En el estreno contra Australia no fue titular. Pero en el 70, con un sufrido1-1, Deschamps lo introdujo por Griezmann. Francia terminó ganando y Giroudfue titular en todos los demás encuentros, hasta la final. Pasaban los días yno marcaba, pero el seleccionador no parecía inquieto. Al contrario: estabaencantado: “Los futbolistas que juegan a su alrededor se benefician de supresencia, porque atrae mucha atención de los defensores”.

Argentina: Scaloni: “Leo es el mejor de la historia” | Mundial Qatar 2022

Primero Lovren y Gvardiol, los dos centrals balcánicos, le abrieron un océanoy el paraíso para que el delantero del City encarara a Livakovic y este lehiciera penalti. Y cinco minutos más tarde, la gran carrera de gloria del_citizen_ . Robó Argentina en su área, Messi despejó la primera barrera yÁlvarez se lanzó él solo desde la medular. No fue una cabalgada limpia, perofue saliendo vencedor de cada duelo hasta que se citó con el meta. Y ahi ya notuvo piedad. De la nada already 2-0 and dos parpadeos, definition deArgentina. Casi siempre con Messi y esta vez con el jugador del City como

‘I Just Don’t Feel Good’

Megan Thee Stallion has taken the stand in the felony assault trial of singerTory Lanez, who is accused of shooting the “Plan B” rapper in the foot in July2020.

Megan, 27, entered the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center in LosAngeles on Tuesday dressed in a bright purple suit, and directed a smile at agroup of cheering fans who’d been waiting in the hallway to see her.

Lanez, meanwhile, entered the building shortly after while holding hands withhis young son.

Megan was called to the witness stand on the second day of the trial, whichstems from a 2020 incident in which Lanez allegedly shot the “Sweetest Pie”rapper in the foot three times after yelling, “Dance, bitch!”

The pair, whom Megan has said had a friendly relationship before the incident,allegedly got into an argument in the car while leaving a Hollywood Hillsparty thrown by Kylie Jenner. Her former friend Kelsey Nicole was also in thevehicle.

“I just don’t feel good,” Megan, her voice cracking, told the court afterbeing asked if she was nervous, according to_Rollingstone_.”I can’t believe I have to come up here and do this.”

Courtroom sketches during Megan Thee Stallion's openingstatementsCourtroomsketches during Megan Thee Stallion's openingstatements

Courtroom sketches during Megan Thee Stallion’s opening statements

background Tory Lanez

The Grammy-winning rapper recounted her personal relationships with bothLanez, 30, and Nicole, and said that she and Lanez began arguing after shewanted to leave Jenner’s house and he didn’t. Her stylist had left the party,and she therefore needed Lanez to give her a ride.

Megan told the court that as they left in the car, Lanez argued with both herand with Nicole, calling them “bitches” and other expletives. She said sheexited the vehicle while it was on a main street—but once she realized shedidn’t know the area, made moves to get back inside, citing her status as acelebrity.

The star said she was facing the car and saw Lanez shoot her as he stood aboveher on one of the SUV’s steps.

Prosecutors said during opening statements on Monday that the shots left threebullet fragments in Megan’s feet, and that the argument began after Megancriticized his “musical skills,” according to BuzzFeed News.

Story continues

megan teastallionmeganteastallion

megan tea stallion Megan Tea Stallion

Texts from Lanez to Megan in which he apologized and said he “genuinely justgot too drunk” but “can’t change what I did” were reportedly read in court,though Lanez’s defense attorneys claimed he was not admitting to shooting agun, but to being sexually involved with both Megan and Kelsey Nicole.

Lanez, real name Daystar Peterson, was charged in October 2020 with one felonycount each of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, personal use of a firearmand carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle. He pleaded notguilty to both charges in November 2020.

RELATED: Tory Lanez Released from House Arrest to Prepare for Megan TheeStallion Trial: Report

Tory Lanez, Megan TheeStallionToryLanez, Megan TheeStallion

Tory Lanez, Megan Thee Stallion

Jerod Harris/Getty, Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Tory Lanez and Megan Thee Stallion

In October 2022, he was ordered under house arrest and electronic monitoring,with Deputy District Attorney Alexander Bott arguing at the time that Lanezposed a danger to society and previously defied court orders not to comewithin 100 yards of Megan (Lanez was previously arrested in April forviolating court orders by addressing Megan directly on social media anddisclosing DNA evidence via a third-party Twitter user).

The “Luv” singer’s house arrest was terminated earlier this month in order forhim to prepare for trial, according to Rollingstone.

RELATED VIDEO: Megan Thee Stallion Tearfully Praises Late Mother in GlamorWoman of the Year Speech: ‘She Was My Everything’

RELATED: Tory Lanez Released from House Arrest to Prepare for Megan TheeStallion Trial: Report

Since identifying Lanez as her alleged shooter in August 2020, Megan has beenforced to face critics who support Lanez, and in June, said she felt as thoughshe had become “the villain” in the situation.

She told Rollingstone in June that she hopes to see Lanez behind bars, andthat the incident has scarred her. She also said she underwent surgery thenight of the shooting, and spent approximately four days in a Californiahospital to treat wounds she initially told police and doctors were the resultof accidentally stepping on glass.

The star said she also had to turn to physical therapy to learn how to walk

Pamela Anderson’s sons convinced her to make upcoming Netflix doc

Pamela Anderson is ready to tell her own story.

Details about her authorized Netflix documentary, Pamela, A Love Story arebeing revealed by Vanity Fair. __ The project, announced in March on theheels of Hulu’s biographical series Pam & Tommy, comes out Jan. 31, but it’sbeen in the works for years and features decades of her personal movies andjournals. The doc will hit the same day as her memoir Love, Pamela .

Among the things we’ve learned about the film project, helmed by Emmy-nominated documentary Ryan White ( The Case Against 8), are…

Her sons convinced her to do it

Brandon and Dylan Lee, whom the Baywatch alum, 55, shares with first husbandTommy Lee, encouraged their mom “to tell her story on her own terms” afterseeing people tell it for her “in a way that they don’t feel is authentic towho she is,” White said. Brandon, who serves as a producer for Pamela: A LoveStory and appears on camera, was crucial in getting Pam to open up. She told_VF_ that her elder son “can talk me into anything with his sincere heart anda fierceness that only a son could have. He wanted to tell my story,authentically and without distortion.”

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - APRIL 12: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) (LR) Dylan JaggerLee, Pamela Anderson and Brandon Thomas Lee pose backstage during the openingnight of her Broadway debut as Roxie Hart in the musicalNEW YORK, NEWYORK - APRIL 12: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) (LR) Dylan Jagger Lee, PamelaAnderson and Brandon Thomas Lee pose backstage during the opening night of herBroadway debut as Roxie Hart in the musical

Dylan Jagger Lee, left, and Brandon Thomas Lee supporting Pamela Andersonduring opening night of her Broadway debut as Roxie Hart in the musical_Chicago_ on Broadway in April. (Photo: Bruce Glikas/Getty Images)

She turned over decades of home movies and journals for the project

The Playboy model gave complete access to her personal videos and journals —documenting her headline-making love life, career and her family moments withher sons — without even reviewing them.

“The infamous stolen tape, which we’re always very careful to call ‘the stolentape’ and not ‘sex tape,’ was just one of hundreds of hours that [she andTommy] filmed,” said White, who said the movie sees Pam — who sat for herinterviews with him sans makeup — “being raw and honest, for better or worse…From the very beginning, she was like, ‘You can ask me anything. I will talkabout anything. I will be nothing but honest with you about it all.'”

Story continues

Pamela, A Love Story.  (Courtesy ofNetflix)Pamela, A LoveStory.  (Courtesy ofNetflix)

Anderson shares private home videos for Pamela, A Love Story. (Photo:Courtesy of Netflix)

While filming, Pam watched some home movies for the first time on camera,including of her wedding to Kid Rock (aboard a yacht in St. Tropez) and earlydays with Tommy. White said of the footage of Pam and Tommy falling in love,”I think our film will really humanize them… They’re often seen as theselarger-than-life … maybe even cartoon characters.” The footage of them meetingis actually “really beautiful.”

All of her ex-husbands are in the doc

The VIP star married five men — Tommy ​(1995-1998)​, Rock ​(2006-2007)​,Rick Salomon ​(2007-2008) and​ ​​(2014-2015),​ Jon Peters ​(2020-2020)​ andDan Hayhurst ​ ​(2020-2022)​ — and they all participate in the project. “Allof her husbands are a part of her story, so they’re in our film, including themost recent one,” White said.

1996 File Photo of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee (Photo by JeffreyMayer/WireImage)1996 File Photoof Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee (Photo by JeffreyMayer/WireImage)

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee in 1996. (Photo: Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage)

She talks about the stolen sex tape

This documentary has been in the works for several years and while making it,she learned about the Hulu series about her and Tommy’s stolen tape. Whitesaid it triggered a painful aftershock of trauma that plays out within thisnew doc, and she uses the film to discuss the impact of the tape being stolenand released once publicly and for all.

“Nobody knew the truth — even I don’t know 100% of what happened, but I thinkwhat is most important is to share my human feelings and how much it hurt andhow it undeniably defined me moving forward — in my career and myrelationships,” Pam said.

Pamela, A Love Story.  (Courtesy ofNetflix)Pamela, A LoveStory.  (Courtesy ofNetflix)

Anderson into Pamela, A Love Story. (Photo: Courtesy of Netflix)

Pam has no intention of watching the doc

“The documentary I haven’t seen,” she revealed, “and I have no intention ofseeing. I gave full access to my archives and diaries, and I hope that throughfull transparency, it makes sense to somebody.”

Pamela, A Love Story.  (Courtesy ofNetflix)Pamela, A LoveStory.  (Courtesy ofNetflix)

Anderson into Pamela, A Love Story. (Photo: Courtesy of Netflix)

She’s still on a quest for love, but practiced self-love while making thisproject

Over the course of making the film, Pam’s fifth marriage ended and it led toher confronting her relationship history for the project. The filmmakerdescribed Pam as a “hopeless romantic” in search of “true love,” and sheagreed, saying, “I’m a romantic, and romance is tragedy. I believe in fairytales.”

White said there are “many love stories” within the film but, “Ultimately Ithink the end of the film is about her putting more of that love intoherself.”

Pamela, A Love Story.  (Courtesy ofNetflix)Pamela, A LoveStory.  (Courtesy ofNetflix)

Anderson’s fifth marriage came to an end while making the movie, leading herto confront her relationship history. (Photo: Courtesy of Netflix)

On the same day Pamela, A Love Story is released, her memoir, published byHarperCollins, will come out as well.

“Writing my book was therapy,” Pam said.

In October, Pam told People magazine that the book is about everything she’sgone through. “These are all my feelings, about my life — no ‘Woe is me,’though some times were tough, I made it through and had to find love in graceand dignity mixed with humor, acceptance, and forgiveness,” she said.

The White Lotus is a brilliant satire on modern life

The second season of The WhiteLotus is even more phenomenal than the first.A series to enjoy slowly: with Italian villas, wild parties and jealousy.

George BelgersDecember 13, 202211:03

A dead hotel guest, whoever it is, remains in the middle for seven episodes -a week’s vacation. And that against a breathtaking setting, in a luxuriousresort, with a cast full of unsympathetic, spoiled, wealthy American guestsand sulky hotel staff.

The second season of The WhiteLotus does the trick again, this time inSicily instead of Hawaii. With, apart from grand lady Jennifer Coolidge,just the hotel name as common denominator. And: in the first episode there istalk of ‘multiple bodies’, instead of one victim.

Who they are became clear last week. That The WhiteLotus in that last hourmanaged to tie together the threads so carefully spun in the six previousepisodes, is an achievement anyway. We hereby forgive creator Mike White thatthe ending felt a bit rushed, and that the unsubtle denouement is quite out oftune with the slow, sure-fire sultryness of the first six episodes.

Tension and jealousy

Because you might think: the first part was so phenomenal, there is nothing toadd. Now: the second season turns out to be even better. White triumphs withsimply the very best that appeared on the streaming services in the past year.

That’s because of a lot of things. We can mention the soundtrack, thebeautiful shots, the controlled editing, the acting, the great writtendialogues. But above all, it is how tensions, insecurities, jealousies anddesires between the characters are slowly, very slowly, brought to a boilingpoint with taste over seven episodes.

The friends Harper, Daphne, Cameron and Ethan in the second season of TheWhite Lotus.

During the week’s holiday in a luxury resort in Sicily, several storylinesintertwine, but the main one is that of former college buddies Cameron (TheoJames) and Ethan (Will Sharpe), vacationing together with their wives Daphne(Meghann Fahey) and Harper (Aubrey Plaza). The two aren’t really such goodfriends anymore, as it turns out. The more insecure couple of the two areconstantly comparing themselves to the apparently more successful couple.

They’re just people

The powerlessness with which Harper and especially Ethan slide intouncertainty, suspicion and jealousy is fascinating to watch. A highlight isthe scene in which Ethan is alone in his room. In his head he replays whatcould have happened within the walls of his room. He envisions how his wife isdoing with his buddy, but the episode vacillates whether this is real orwhether it’s in his head.

That a lot is not what it seems is the common thread within anyway_WhiteLotus_. Because no matter how rich: these are just people. Well-dressed,beautiful people – but people. With all the uncertainties and shortcomingsthat entails.

Those other storylines: about three generations of Italian-American men whohope to find their roots in Sicily and hope to come closer together. The plotunfolds to seize the family fortune of the insanely naive Tanya, who hasbrought to Sicily her brooding millennial assistant (a phenomenal Haley LuRichardson in the best part of the cast). And then there are the two Sicilianprostitutes Lucia and Mia who deftly weave their way between the plot lines,the hotel guests, and the staff.

Bizarre, yet recognizable

The WhiteLotus is not a series to binge one after the other, it’s one tomunch on slowly, like one first , second followed by a dolce. A seriesto digest afterwards. To, perhaps, learn a lesson. Because even though we arenot wealthy successful Americans who spend thousands of euros on prostitutesor have wild parties in Italian villas without frowning, the dilemmas arerecognizable. Jealousy, the paranoia, the sexism, class difference, privilege:The WhiteLotus is bizarre at times, but often enough deeply human.

The WhiteLotus is a brilliant satire on modern life; with just as much drama(and humour!) as the Italian opera to which it emphatically emulates. Which,like that opera, can only end one way.

The second season of The White Lotus is now available in full on HBOMax.

Scarlett Johansson says she was ‘kind of being groomed’ for ‘bombshell’ roles

Scarlett Johansson thinks her career could have gone a different direction ifshe continued to take “bombshell-type” roles. The 38-year-old actress sat downfor a rare podcast interview on Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi andrecognized how 2003’s Lost in Translation set her on a certain trajectory.

“It sort of was my transition into my adult career,” Johansson, who made herfilm debut at age 9, recalled. “I had a really hard time doing Lost inTranslation. I was 17, I was far away, I was working with Bill Murray who Iwas an enormous fan of and he obviously has a very big personality and he’ssort of a formidable character at times. Our characters have this kind of reallove for one another, this profound relationship, and that was hard for me to— I struggled with that for different reasons.”

Weeks after wrapping Sofia Coppola’s romantic dramedy, Johansson went on tofilm Girl With the Pearl Earring alongside Colin Firth. After finishing bothmovies, Johansson felt like she was in a “weird fever dream.”

“Young girls like that are really objectified and that’s just a fact,”Johansson said at one point, explaining how her career began with “this pathof ingénue.”

“I did Lost in Translation and Girl With the Pearl Earring and by thatpoint, I was 18, 19, and I was coming into my own womanhood and learning myown desirability and sexuality. I think it was because of that trajectory Ihad been sort of launched towards — I really got stuck,” Johansson told Bozzi.”I was kind of being groomed, in a way, to be this what you call a bombshell-type of actor . I was playing the other woman and the object of desire and Isuddenly found myself cornered in this place like I couldn’t get out of it.Right around that time is when I met with Bryan.”

Johansson is referring to CAA partner and co-chairman, Bryan Lourd. Theactress credits the powerhouse agent, who is married to Bozzi, with changingher career.

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“It would be easy to sit across from someone in that situation and go, ‘Thisis working,'” she said. “But for that kind of bombshell, you know, that burnsbright and quick and then it’s done and you don’t have opportunity beyondthat. And I just felt, how is this burning out so quickly? It was aninteresting, weird conundrum to be in but it really came back to doing work —to working at it and trying to carve a place in different projects and work ingreat ensembles.”

One “incredible opportunity” that came along was the second IronMan movie.

“That part at the time was very underdeveloped and oversexualized, but Iwanted to form a relationship with Jon Favreau, who I worked with a couple oftimes after that, who’s an inspiration for me. And I also wanted to work withKevin Feige, who’s the head of Marvel, who I knew had a vision for this bigpicture, which at the time people forget, that genre was not what it is now,”Johansson continued. “The first IronMan with Robert Downey was a sensation,it was unprecedented.”

Johansson is now one of Hollywood’s highest-earning stars and has beennominated for an Oscar twice since teaming up with Lourd. While some may thinkthat gold statue is her dream, Johansson’s ultimate goal may come as asurprise.

“I really love producing and I love producing other people’s stuff,” shedeclared. “My ideal job is a corner office on the Disney lot.”

Johansson sued Disney last year for simultaneously releasing Black Widow intheaters and on its streaming platform Disney+, claiming the move violated hercontract. The two reached a confidential settlement rumored to be around $40million. Sounds like that’s all water on the bridge.

_MORE: Scarlett Johansson taking on her first lead role in a television