Ya hablaremos más de los finalistas, aplaudamos a Marruecos | Mundial Qatar 2022

Para quien aún no conoce detalles de Regragui, les platico que no es ningúnimprovisado y que, si fuera europeo, ya dirigiría uno de los mejores clubesdel mundo. El gran Cabeza de aguacate ha cosechado éxitos en donde se haparado, incluso hizo Campeón de Liga, por primera vez en su historia, almodesto FUS Rabat. Luego, and Qatar, ganó la Liga con Al Duhail SC, antes deregresar a Marruecos, donde llevó al Wydad Casa Blanca a la conquista de Ligay Liga de Campeones de África en mayo.

La federation

En México costó mucho aceptar que el proceso de Gerardo Martino se había rotoen plena eliminatoria rumbo a Qatar, justo cuando a mediados de noviembre del2021 se perdió en las visitas a Canadá y Estados Unidos. And Marruecos, ya conel boleto en la mano, detectaron que las cosas no se estaban haciendo como seplanearon y la Federación Marroquí tomó la decisión de despedir a VahidHalilhodžić en agosto. No siempre sale bien, pero apostar por lo tuyo siemprees una buena idea.

Megan Thee Stallion Breaks Down on Stand, Says She Wishes She Hadn’t Survived Alleged Tory Lanez Shooting

Megan Thee Stallion became emotional as she tested against Tory Lanez, who isaccused of shooting her in the foot in July 2020.

During the second day of the trial on Tuesday, Megan took the stand with LosAngeles County Deputy District Attorney Kathy Ta, who asked the rapper ifshe’s having a hard time opening up.

“I’m having a really difficult time sitting up here telling my story andhaving to sit across [from] people who have made up lies about me and havingto [sit] across from Tory,” Megan responded.

Getting emotional, Megan added, “I try to be strong. I don’t like to lookweak. I don’t want to give them the power that they’ve taken from me for thelast three years.”

RELATED: Megan Thee Stallion Responds After Drake Seems to Accuse Her ofLying About Tory Lanez Shooting

megan teastallionmeganteastallion

megan tea stallion

BACKGRID Megan Tea Stallion

Ta asked Megan to recall the events of the alleged shooting, with the “WAP”hitmaker reiterating, “I heard the gunshot. I don’t know how many, but feelslike it went on forever.”

She told Ta that she heard multiple gunshots before Ta played an audiorecording of them, which Megan confirmed sounded like the events of the night.

“I’ve never been shot at before in my life,” Megan said, explaining that shesaw Lanez shooting “at me.”

“As soon as he started shooting, I put my head down,” Megan said, stating thatshe lowered her head because “I was scared, and I didn’t move.”

According to Megan, “He said, ‘Dance bitch,’ and I turned to him and saw himshoot.”

Courtroom sketches during Megan Thee Stallion's openingstatementsCourtroomsketches during Megan Thee Stallion's openingstatements

Courtroom sketches during Megan Thee Stallion’s opening statements

background Tory Lanez

Megan said once officers arrived, her fear grew as they had guns, and she wasscared they would also shoot her. She noted that she didn’t see her friend atthe time, Kelsey.

RELATED: Megan Thee Stallion Gets Emotional on Stand During Tory LanezTrial: ‘I Just Don’t Feel Good’

“Nobody cared I was bleeding. Felt like I don’t matter,” Megan said, tearfullyexplaining her reaction when officers arrived, handcuffing her and putting heron a gurney. “Nobody cares what is happening to me right now.”

Story continues

Megan remained teary for the rest of Ta’s questioning, stating her frustrationwith how the case has played out, especially among male musicians.

Tory Lanez, Megan TheeStallionToryLanez, Megan TheeStallion

Tory Lanez, Megan Thee Stallion

Jerod Harris/Getty, Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Tory Lanez and Megan Thee Stallion

“Every man in a position of power in the music industry has taken his side,”said Megan, referring to the support Lanez has received in the time since theincident.

“Not a day goes by without being called a liar,” she continued. “This wholething is about who I was having sex with, not who shot me, and I don’t knowwhy.”

Ta then dug into how Megan was a rising star when the incident took place andhow she feels it has changed the trajectory of her life.

“I just did a song with Beyoncé, and now she knows I got shot,” said Megan,explaining she “didn’t want to say anything” out of embarrassment. “I just didsomething I’ve always wanted, and now it’ll be overshadowed…. This situationhas been worse for me while he’s more popular — I’ve turned into a type ofvillain while he’s a hero.”

Asked if she was more popular and successful than Lanez at the time of thealleged shooting, she confidently said “Yes,” which caused Lanez’s blank faceto turn into a startled and dismayed reaction, eventually mouthing “Okay” asshe continued on the stand .

RELATED VIDEO: Megan Thee Stallion Calls Tory Lanez an ‘Abuser,’ Says She’s’Not Changing’ Her Story: ‘You Shot Me’

“I’m embarrassed because I’m a grown woman hanging with people I have nobusiness hanging out with,” she said about her regrets about the incidenttaking place. “Now look at how everybody want to view me…. How could I sharemy body with someone who would shoot me… Now every week there’s an articlecalling me a ‘hoe.’ “

Megan revealed earlier in the day that she and Lanez had a sexual relationshipat the time of the incident, something she has denied up until this point.

She added that the negative attention is also impacting her boyfriend,Pardison Fontaine.

“I feel disgusted, I feel dirty, my own partner is embarrassed,” Megan said ofFontaine having to see the continued coverage of her sexual history.

She said in an effort to avoid talking about the alleged shooting, “I can’teven be happy… I don’t want to talk to friends or family.”

“I don’t want to live,” she said, loud but emotional. “I wish he had just shotand killed me if I had to go through this torture.”

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Ta ended her questioning on Megan’s relationship with Kelsey. Megan said sheno longer has a relationship with her former friend, explaining they fell out”probably in 2020″ when Kelsey “met with Tory after he shot me… They went andturned the story around.”

Though Megan said she told Kelsey she felt “betrayed” when they met up, sheadded that she has no doubt that it was Lanez, not Kelsey, who allegedly shother that night.

Lanez’s attorney, George Mgdesyan, then began cross-examination, pressingMegan on details of that night and differences in statements she gave policeand prosecutors since the incident took place.

When Mgdesyan asked Megan if she lied about her and Lanez’s relationshipduring a previous interview with Gayle King, as well as to police andprosecutors, she said matter-of-factly, “Yes.”

Mgdesyan also asked Megan if she ever told police about her earlier claimsthat Lanez said he’d give her $1 million for her silence and that he told herhe was already on probation. She explained that she never did.

Lanez, real name Daystar Peterson, was charged in October 2020 with one felonycount each of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, personal use of a firearmand carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle. He pleaded notguilty to both charges in November 2020.

If you are experiencing domestic violence, call the National DomesticViolence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233, or go to ** thehotline.org _ .All calls are toll-free and confidential. The hotline is available 24/7 inmore than 170 languages.**_

Ellen DeGeneres reacts to death of Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss: ‘Heartbroken’

Ellen DeGeneres is among the stars mourning Stephen “tWitch” Boss, whose deathwas confirmed by wife, Allison Holker Boss, on Wednesday. Boss was the long-time DJ of The Ellen DeGeneres Show. In a statement on social media,DeGeneres said she’s “heartbroken” about the passing of her friend andcollaborator.

“tWitch was pure love and light. He was my family, and I loved him with all myheart. I will miss him,” DeGeneres captioned a photo of her and Boss. Theformer talk show host asked for “love and support to” the dancer’s family.

DeGeneres hired Boss as the DJ of The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2014. He laterbecame an executive producer before the program ended in May. The two alsoworked together on DeGeneres’s NBC game show Game of Games. Boss publiclybacked the Emmy-winning host when she was accused of facilitating a toxicworkplace in 2020.

In an emotional statement, Holker Boss called the entertainer “the backbone ofour family, the best husband and father, and an inspiration to his fans.” The_So You Think You Can Dance_ alums celebrated their ninth wedding anniversaryfour days ago. They share three children: Weslie, 14, Maddox, 6, and Zaia, 3.

Boss died on Tuesday, but his cause of death is unconfirmed. TMZ claims hedied by suicide.

Kalen Allen, actor and guest contributor for _The Ellen DeGeneres Show_shared a heartfeltmessage to his”beloved friend, confidant, and brother.”

“God knows, my heart is at a standstill because I have never known a friendlike you. No words, dance, or show can adequately capture just how magnificentyour existence was to this world and me,” the internet personality began. “Ina world where it was easy to get lost in the shadows, I am grateful that wealways saw each other. We were each other’s number one fan and often the lightin each other’s darkest hours. I am very sorry that the darkness found a voicethis time and became too loud.”

Story continues

Allen said he called Boss on Friday for their “usual check-in.”

“As a queer Black man, I want to thank you for seeing me and providing me witha friendship that I didn’t even know could exist. Oh, my friend, you have noidea how your existence alone was revolutionary. To be heard is one thing andto be seen is another.But, to be felt is the true gift, and I hope that as youlook down from above, you know that you were never anyone’s sidekick, andhell, you weren’t even a real DJ, lol,” Allen quipped.

“But how you moved and captured the hearts of the world with your gentle andsubtle kindness was the glue that made the puzzle complete. We ended everyshow encouraging the audience to take whatever light and joy they found inthat soundstage and spread it through the world. I promise you I’ll dream theunimaginable. I’ll climb every mountain, and I’ll dance every single dancewith your memory as fuel,” the singer-songwriter concluded. “To the manupstairs, please welcome the best dance partner, faux DJ, and host… Stephen’tWitch’ Boss! Take care of him and take care of his family. You’ve gained anangel who needs no introduction.”

Leah Remini, who judged SYTYCD Boss, honored his kindness.

“tWitch was the guy who played and interacted with his fans in the audienceduring commercial breaks, and he encouraged all the contestants when thecameras weren’t rolling,” she shared. “He had such a passion and love fordance and guiding artists and the contestants on the show. tWitch adored hiswife, Allison, and their three kids more than anything. He would talk aboutthem all the time with such pride. He had a laugh and smile that lit up thewhole room.”

SYTYCD Paula Abdul judge called Boss “a beacon of light.”

Jada Pinkett Smith, Ciara, Questlove, Alyssa Milano, Ellen Show producerAndy Lassner, Jersey shore star Pauly D and more reacted to the sad news onsocial media. “RIPTwitch” has been a trending topic most of the day onTwitter.

Holker Boss frequently posted light-hearted videos of her dancing with herhusband. Her most recent Instagram was on Monday. Many of their famous friendsleft condolences.

“Oh my goodness,” said Olivia Munn. “My whole heart is with you and yourfamily.”

“God bless you and your beautiful family, I am so sorry,” Snooki commented.

“Sisssssssster my heart is broken. I’m sooooo sorry,” Tamar Braxton wrote.

“Praying for your family,” Larsa Pippen added.

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, call 911, orcall the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text HOMEto the Crisis Text Line at 741741.

La batalla judicial entre la Superliga y la UEFA entra en su recta final | Deportes

La batalla judicial por el caso Superliga entra en su recta final. Este juevesel abogado general del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE), elgriego Athanasios Rantos, emitirá un informe, no vinculante, sobre si la UEFAy la FIFA incurren en abuso de su posición de dominio como organizadoras delas competiciones internacionales the clubs. La sentencia, contra la que nocabe recurso, se espera como pronto para el mes de marzo y no será aplicada enexclusiva al fútbol, ​​sino al deporte europeo en general. En los pleatosmenos complejos que este, la opinión del abogado general suele marcar laslíneas maestras de la sentencia, pero en este caso la interpretación de lanormativa europea no es tan sencilla.

Lo que se dirime es si el rupturista proyecto que aún sostienen en primeralínea Real Madrid, Barcelona y Juventus —los otros nueve clubes fundadoresrenunciaron públicamente pero no hanfirmado su salida—, quebranta lasdirectrices del desarrollo del deporte en la Unión Europea, como defiendenUEFA y FIFA, o si ambas organizaciones futbolísticas incurren en abuso deposición de dominio como organizadores de las competiciones internacionales,tal y como denunció la Superliga ante la justicia española, que posteriormenteelevó ante el TJUE una cuestión prejudicial de seis preguntas. El titular deljuzgado de lo mercantil número 13 de Madrid, Manuel Ruiz de Lara, consultó alTJUE si se requiere “una autorización previa de la UEFA y de la FIFA, que sehan atribuido la competencia exclusiva para organizar o autorizarcompeticiones internacionales de clubes en Europa, para que una terceraentidad establezca una nueva competición de clubes paneuropea como laSuperliga, en particular, cuando no existe un procedimiento reglado sobre labase de criterios objetivos, transparentes y no discriminatorios, y teniendoen cuenta el posible conflicto de intereses que affecta a FIFA y UEFA”. Elpoder sancionador de ambas instituciones contra los fundadores de la Superligatambién es cuestionado por el magistrado español.

Producer ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ films opens the door for Johnny Depp: “Nothing is final yet” | Showbiz

MovieIn the past six months, many rumors have circulated that American actorJohnny Depp (59) would reprise his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the sixthfilm of the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ franchise. These allegations wereimmediately brushed off the table. Until now. In a new interview, producerJerry Bruckheimer (79) reacts very mysteriously, something that makes therumor mill run at full speed again. “We are taking small steps.”

JOVS 14 Dec. 2022

Latest update: 12:50 Source: The Associated Press, Poptopic, Daily Mail

Will Johnny Depp return as the iconic Captain Jack Sparrow in a new ‘Piratesof the Caribbean’ movie or not? This question has rested on the lips of manyfans in recent months. In November it was claimed that the actor’s nameappeared on a call sheet for the new print, but sources told the Daily Mailthat this was not the case. Another source then told ‘Poptopic’ that therewould be a mega deal worth 300 million dollars (283 million euros) to get Deppback on board. His management denied everything. But now a new glimmer of hopeis emerging.

When ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, gets the questionpushed under his nose during a recent interview, he responds with a smallmysterious smile. “We are still working on it. Nothing is final yet. Wecontinue to take small steps to arrive at a scenario.”

Black list

It has been five years since the last film from the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’franchise appeared in cinemas. In 2021, Depp revealed during the San Sebastianfilm festival that he would like to play the character again “to say goodbye”,but came back to that during the lawsuit against his ex-wife actress AmberHeard. He said he would never reprise that role again. However, due to theinfamous libel case, the actor ended up on the “black list”. He had to saygoodbye to his role as Grindelwald in the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ saga and Disneyitself also dropped him. He was dropped from a possible sixth print.

(Read more below the photo)

Jerry Breikheimer (left) and image from ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’sRevenge’ with Johnny Depp (right). © video/imdb

Libel case

The former couple met on the set of the movie ‘The Rum Diary’ in 2011. Deppand Heard got married in 2015, but this boat soon seemed to sink. In May 2016,the actress applied for a temporary restraining order because domesticviolence was allegedly involved. The divorce was finalized in 2017. In anopinion piece for ‘The Washington Post’, the actress described the run-inswith her ex-husband. Although she didn’t explicitly mention him by name, itwas very clear to everyone that it was about Depp. This action was labeled asslander. The notorious defamation case between Depp and Heard was a long one.It turned into a long legal duel, one where they hurled one allegation afteranother at each other. Among other things, Heard called her ex-husband a”violent monster” who abused her with a bottle.

Depp, in turn, stated, among other things, that he decided to divorce her whenhe found feces in his bed. During the trial, a photo of the actor appeared ona hospital stretcher card. This was reportedly the result of an ‘argument thatgot out of hand’, in which Heard threw two vodka bottles at his head. “I lostmy fingertip because of the shards,” said Depp.

(Read more below the photo)

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp attrial.Amber Heard and Johnny Depp at trial. © AP Photo/Steve Helber, Pool


After six weeks, the verdict came in June. Johnny Depp emerged as the winner.Heard owes him $ 10.35 million (about 9.8 million euros). But Depp in turn hasto pay her 2 million dollars (1.9 million euros). Although Depp has resumedhis life and is breathing new life into his musical career, Heard continues tofight the lawsuit. She refuses to abide by the verdict and has submitteddocuments for an appeal.

Column | ‘Diver’s Delight’ and Other Suffering During ‘The Abyss’

James Cameron once said that when he was a student he made bathyscafen fromjam jars. In it he let mice descend to the bottom of a lake. What did thosemice think? We know this from his actors: Cameron doesn’t make any friendswhen filming his underwater spectacles. Or that at _Avatar: The Way of Water_otherwise, we won’t know until much later. Now the actors are stillcontractually obliged to play nice weather.

As bad as bee The Abyss Camerons Close Encounters of the Wet Child from1989, it probably wasn’t. Now film studios like Lites near Brussels have high-tech water tanks ten meters deep that they keep at a temperature of 28degrees, not the ice water they use at The Abyss in circles. In that sci-fiaction film, divers from the oil industry are recruited by the Pentagon torecover a sunken nuclear submarine amid tensions with the Soviet Union. Anunfortunate encounter with underwater aliens turns out to be the cause, acrazy Navy Seal wants to blow them up with a nuclear bomb. When hero BudBrigman (Ed Harris) descends miles into the Cayman Trench in a suicide attemptto defuse that bomb, that sacrifice moves the aliens so deeply that theyrecall the mega-tsunamis with which they intend to wipe out hostile humanity.

An exciting film with groundbreaking digital effects; the tsunamis wereunfortunately cut out in the editing. But the shooting was hell for cast andcrew. Cameron thought it was too risky to shoot the film in the Bahamas, ahuge seawater tank near Malta turned out to be too murky. So he had thecooling tower and a turbine house of a never-completed nuclear power plantnear Gaffney, South Carolina pumped up with filtered water from a lake: tanksA and B together contain about 38 million liters of water.

Everything went wrong. The plumbing was Hollywood style, pipes and pipesexploded, dam specialists had to plug leaks in the concrete, the power wentout, lightning struck. When the film fell behind schedule, Cameron decided towork day and night: The Abuses became the new working title. In the longhours in the cold water – oxygen bottles were refilled underwater – actorsbecame attached to ‘diver’s delight’: urinating in the diving suit fortemporary warmth.

Lead actor Ed Harris refused for years after crying fits about near-deathmoments The Abyss to talk; actress Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio told moviemagazine Empire that “the recordings were so terrible that everything hasbeen better than expected since”. The Abyss was, according to her, 140 daysof boredom punctuated by agony. Nagging, Cameron thought: “For every hour theywondered which magazine to read, I spent an hour at the bottom of the tanksolving problems.”

The Abyss did mediocre for Cameron’s doing, but presumably it’s his mostpersonal film. After that the sea kept pulling; in 1997 he again torturedmovie stars in water tanks Titanic , then he explored famous wrecks – theBismarck, the Titantic – and in 2012 he descended eleven kilometers solo intothe Mariana Trench. Like a mouse in a jam jar, or Bud Brigman sacrificinghimself for us at the bottom of the ocean. Where it’s cold, dark and lonely.

Argentina a la final: Diego, Daniel y todos los Lioneles del mundo | Mundial Qatar 2022

Ahora, cuando estoy escribiendo esto, vos no sabés nada de lo que te espera,nada del mundo en el que naciste. No sabés nada del fútbol y la alegría queinvade nuestro mundo hoy, cuando empezamos la cuenta regresiva para jugar unafinal en la Copa del Mundo. Y yo no sé casi nada de fox. Hasta ahora intentodescifrar lo que me querés decir cuando llorás o cuando me mirás o cuandomovés tus bracitos y la cabeza al mismo tiempo o cuando sonreís sin sabertodavía que te estás riendo. Faltan cuatro días para el día más feliz denuestros días y, pase lo que pase el domingo, creo que la vida, dure lo quedure, es fuerte e inquebrantable, que te va a ir bien y que serás un niño quele podrá contar a todos sus amigos que vio a Argentina finalista de un Mundialya un país desbordar de felicidad por un equipo de fútbol. Que lo podrá hacerleyendo estas cartas. Desde que nos enteramos de tu llegada, Gino —yplanificamos la compra de esta televisión gigante en la que desde hace casi unmes sólo miramos fútbol—, la abuela repite que el mejor momento para una mujeres el embarazo y quiero serte sincera: no coincido and absolute. A vecespienso que se debe a que la abuela nunca jugó al fútbol. Creo que no logradecodificar las emociones que pueden generar una gambeta como la de LionelMessi a Josko Gvardiol. Vos no lo viste, pero quedate tranquilo que lo tenemosregistrado para pasártelo una y otra vez: la resistencia a los manotazos parano perder el eje del cuerpo, el quiebre de cintura, el amague hacia un ladopara después salir hacia el otro y el pase atrás, la solidaridad hecha jugada,para que Julián Alvarez marcara el gol. Evidentemente la abuela no sabe que,en este juego con pelota que nos apasiona, podés sentir electricidad en elpecho cuando mirás el pase magistral de Enzo Fernández a Julián Alvarez, unaconexión de potrero entre dos jovencitos, para que uno, el delantero, arremeta, insista, no pierda el arco como objetivo y tenga también la dose de suertepara llenarse la boca de “o”. La “o” de gooool, Gino, que ya aprenderás acantar, la única vocal de la palabra monosílaba que estiramos y gritamosfuerte, bien fuerte, mientras vos dormís en el living de casa.

¿Y si estás soñando con un Messi campeón del mundo? Maldita sea, que lástimano poder tener una máquina que nos permita indagar en el origen de tu sonrisade niño dormido. ¿Será este Mundial el estímulo? No me hagas caso, no sé sipor el 3 a 0 o porque esta selección fue de menos a más o porque estamosviendo al mejor Messi de todos, que me gana la ansiedad y ya quiero que hablesy que patees, así jugamos a ser Lionel, el rey de la gambeta, en los jardinesde un lugar. Son días intensos, hijo, pasionales, reflexivos, verborrágicos.Te llevo en el cochecito por el barrio y seguramente escuchás que Darío, elalmacenero, hincha de Colón, me pregunta como veo a la Selección. Es el queahora toca el bombo en la esquina, mientras los autos pasan a puros bocinazos,mientras los colectivos van repletos de gente vestida de celeste y blanco quecanta y baila en un transporte público como si estuviera en una fiesta decumpleaños a las 3 de la manana. Nos vamos a abrazar con Darío y con Noelia,de la verdulería, que sabe que siempre llevamos un kilo de bananas sí o sí,pero también que sos de Boca y lo sabe incluso antes de que vos lo sepas. Ocon Diego Daniel, del restaurante de las mejores milanesas de Buenos Aires,que se llama así por Maradona y por Passarella —ya te voy a hablar sobre esacombinación tan rara—, y que ahora festeja también, como cada una de laspersonas de este barrio, de este país que te rodea.

Que quede claro, hijo, no es que no haya disfrutado el embarazo. Pero es queel fútbol es tan grande. Para que te des una idea, nunca se me olvida laprimera vez que lloré por este juego: tenía 11 años. Colombia había goleado aArgentina 5 a 0 en el camino hacia el Mundial de Estados Unidos 1994 y lo dejóal borde de la imposibilidad de jugar esa Copa. Yo estaba en un living comoeste, apagaba y prendía la tele, incrédula y con mi angustia a cuestas. Golpeéparedes de la bronca y lloré, lloré, hasta que Argentina jugó el repechaje conAustralia y se metió en el torneo que más nos gusta. Y ahora, estas lágrimasde emoción.

Para que te des una idea, hasta la tía Sol, que no sabe las reglas de juego,se pone contenta. Le gusta de este equipo la sensibilidad, esas expresionesque muestran a los jugadores como personas sensibles. La conmueve ver aScaloni abrazándose con sus hijos, a Messi festejando goles con el puñoapretado y la mirada en el palco donde está su familia, a De Paul diciendo enlas cámaras de televisión que está enamorado. “Miralo —me dirá— No tienedramas en contar ante los ojos del mundo que está enamorado y una acá se cruzacon cada bobo que no te tira un ‘te amo’ ni aunque les pagues”.

No quiero olvidarme de contarte que este día, el del triunfo en semifinalescontra Croacia, cuando el equipo demostró una superioridad futbolística quehasta aquí no había podido plasmar, Laura, la amiga de mamá que es relatora,intentó que su novio prometiera ponerle Lionel a un futuro hijo de ambos. Deestos temas se habla hoy, a minutos del final del partido. Envió recien, algrupo de WhatsApp, la discusión que tuvieron y la conclusión de su pareja: “Nopodemos ponerle de primer nombre Lionel —le dijo— porque todos los niños delmundo se llamarán así. Se van a dar vuelta todos los pibes cuando lo nombren”.

Acá, antes del inicio de este Mundial, elegimos llamarte Gino. No queríamosuna denominación con carga futbolera y caímos en un homenaje a los anarquistasGino Gatti y Gino Luchetti. Nos convenció el significado del nombre: Gino, el“guerrero glorioso”. Ya nos cuestionarás esta y otras tantas decisiones.

Pero dejame que te confiese: hay instantes de estos días en los que me apeno.Son milésimas de segundos en las que pienso que no podés vivir realmente loque esto significa. Que no podés ya mismo guardar en tus recuerdos esta imagende éxtasis colectivo, un país sonriendo por una nueva final en un Mundial. Poreso estas cartas, hijo. Por eso soy feliz al tipear, desde ahora y parasiempre, como nuestro amor para toda la vida, que sólo soy una mamá meciendo asu hijito y contándole que Argentina está en la final de una Copa del Mundo. Yes cierto, todavía no te conozco del todo, pero ahora que te miro creo que séqué me querés decir. Y coincido, tenés toda la razón del mundo. Nadie puedeser tan cruel con nosotros, el fútbol no puede tan inhumano, tan desalmado, dedejar a Messi —de dejarte a vos— sin una Copa del Mundo.

Inside Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Netflix Series — and the Palace Reaction

In their new Netflix documentary, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry shareintimate details about their lives, love story and treatment in the royalfamily.

“These are two people who really love each other and who have respectivelygiven up everything at different points to be together,” says a source closeto them. “There’s a lot of beauty in that.”

But sweet family moments — from their first date selfie to Harry’s gardenproposal — are only one aspect of the documentary, which largely focuses onwhat Harry calls the “dirty game” between the press and the palace.

“There’s a hierarchy of the family,” Harry, 38, says. “You know, there’sleaking, but there’s also planting of stories.”

RELATED: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ‘s Netflix Docuseries: 12 MajorRevelations

Such allegations, shared with a global audience by a senior member of thefamily, come as Harry’s relationship with his father, King Charles, 74, andbrother Prince William, 40, remains strained.

“It will take a long time before there is harmony between the brothers. Thereis a lot of anger there,” says a source close to the royal household.

Harry &  Megan.  A Netflix GlobalEventHarry&  Megan.  A Netflix GlobalEvent

Harry & Megan. A Netflix Global Event

Netflix Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

A palace source confides that William and his wife, Princess Kate, 40, areavoiding the series and having aides watch instead.

As for Charles, the royal household source adds, “The door [to reconciliation]is always open where the King is concerned, and he would certainly rescue thesituation if he could. He would love this to stop.”

Palace officials had braced for the worst, still burned by Harry and Meghan’sdeparture from royal duty and move to California in 2020, and then, a yearlater, their explosive allegations in an Oprah Winfrey interview of racismwithin the royal family, which Charles and William vehemently deny.

Harry and MeghanrolloutHarryand Meghanrollout

Harry and Meghan rollout

As evident in the new trailers that have been released this week, the finalthree episodes, premiering Dec. 15, will turn directly to Harry and Meghan’sissues with the relationship between courtiers in the palace and the UK media.

Story continues

“They were happy to lie to protect my brother,” Harry says. “They were neverwilling to tell the truth to protect us.”

Addressing racist headlines in the UK media and the couple’s concerns fortheir own safety— all of which, Harry says, were overlooked by thepalace—amounted to “institutional gaslighting,” he says.

The documentary places the couple “in the wider [conversation] around racismand the culture wars that they’ve become inextricably bound up with,” saysroyal biographer Catherine Mayer, author of Charles: The Heart of a King.”There are people in communities of color and young people who are going totake from this the message of institutional failure. And that is reallypowerful.”

Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess ofSussexPrinceHarry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess ofSussex

Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Courtesy of Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex PrinceHarry and Meghan Markle

Given all that has transpired during the tumultuous past few years, “thecollateral damage to the institution is not insignificant,” says anothersource close to the royal household, who also acknowledges, “It’s anorganization that’s behind the times in terms of corporate responsibility andstructures.”

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Adds royal biographer Ingrid Seward, “There is always a way for reconciliationif both sides want it.

As for Charles, who as head of the family and the institution is tasked withprotecting both—a challenging duality that his mother, Queen Elizabeth,previously wrestled with—”the King can’t do anything more than play a waitinggame,” says Seward, “and let it ride.”

Dutch series ‘Modern Love Amsterdam’ shows love in all its facets

What is love? In a new series, various Dutch filmmakers answer this simple andat the same time complicated question in their own way. The six separateepisodes provide a varied picture in which there is a lot of room for lesstraditional forms of love and pain points within a relationship. One is abouta couple in an open relationship, another about whether or not they want tohave children. Modern Love Amsterdam is a spin-off of an American seriesthat itself is based on the famous essay column of The New York Times inwhich true stories about love and relationships are written down.

The Dutch version is led by Robert Alberdingk Thijm, who previously gave thecity of Amsterdam a leading role in the series Adam – EVA. The series, whichcan be seen on Amazon’s Prime Video streaming service, also makes room forthings that can change or put pressure on a relationship. For example, theepisode ‘Keep Me Vast’ is about a couple whose husband has become disabled.Can he and his wife handle this?

The characters Simon and Katja are played by Romijn Conen and Rifka Lodeizenrespectively. Their episode feels authentic, partly because the same thinghappened to Conen as his character: he became half-handicapped after acerebral stroke in 2015. “I didn’t think it possible for a long time that Iwould really take on a role again,” says Conen in an Amsterdam hotel. Togetherwith Lodeizen he talks to NRC about the creation.

Working with limitations

The doubts whether he could handle it quickly disappeared after animprovisation session with Lodeizen and director Boudewijn Koole. However, theproduction had to take sufficient account of its limitation. “He can stillplay fantastically,” says Lodeizen. “But we had to make room for it. He had toget some rest now and then, for example.” Conen: “Gradually, the boundarieshave actually been shifted, because I increasingly got the feeling that it isactually a piece of cake for me as an actor.”

The story in the series is not his own, but it does contain personal elements.The same goes for accepting or not accepting the new situation. His characteris faster than himself in this, Conen admits. “He thinks faster than I do inmy daily life.” Lodeizen: “And you find it more difficult in real life?” Cone:”Yes. Every day you experience things that you used to be able to solve veryeasily. And now you can’t fix that. You are in need of help.”

In the episode, the couple talks about intimacy. For example, Simon tells hiswife that he understands if she wants to find someone who could better meether sexual needs. “When it comes to love, you shouldn’t shy away from thepain,” says Lodeizen. “Many stories revolve around the places where it rubswhen it comes to intimacy. In the end, it is not about that disability at all,it is about how you struggle through love together.”

Rifka Lodeizen Elmer van der Marel

Romijn Conen and Rifka Lodeizen Mark de Blok, Elmer van der Marel

Both actors hope that the episode will raise awareness: people withdisabilities are seen far too little in film and TV, they say. Lodeizen: “Theysimply do not see themselves represented. That’s a bad thing. We leavesomething behind if we don’t do anything with it.” Conen himself only learnedabout this after his own situation. “It is still the case that the castingagencies almost do not want to work with me because they have not seen whetherI can handle it at all. I think it will change after the launch of thisseries. I hope people think: damn, he’s just doing it for a while.”

Mother feelings

The episode with actresses Hanna van Vliet and Ilke Paddenburg also overlapswith real life. The two play a couple in the episode, something they have beenin real life for eight years. “At the audition we were also asked to come as aduo,” says Van Vliet during a conversation in an Amsterdam café-restaurant.“It felt a bit strange, but also very nice. You don’t feel the kind ofdiscomfort you might otherwise have at an audition like this.”

The episode touches on whether or not you have maternal feelings, somethingthat has a different dimension for a lesbian couple than for a straightcouple. However, the series doesn’t make a big deal of the queer relationship.“It is not about the fact that they are lesbians,” says Paddenburg, who joinedVan Vliet to talk about the episode. “That aspect of their relationship is notproblematized. It’s just like that.” Van Vliet adds: “That is also trueinclusion. You can be very specific about certain things, but not everythingrevolves around their identity.”

The by Maud Wiemeijer ( Anne+ ) written episode also has a magical realismelement: Paddenburg plays a writer who goes to live and work for a while inthe former home of a famous writer. She seems to have traveled to the fiftiesat one point. From that moment on, the line between fantasy and reality blurs.Paddenburg: “It was exciting to find a balance here. We don’t often dosomething like this in the Netherlands, also because there is often littlebudget. We do it in a fairly clear way. It’s best not to question that fantasylayer. It is a kind of feverish dream in which she finds herself, an outwardappearance of an inner conflict.”

New possibilities

The two actresses are part of a bigger thing: a spin-off of an American seriesfrom the Amazon tech company. On December 16 Modern Love Amsterdam launchedworldwide (Amazon speaks of more than 240 countries and territories). VanVliet is the leading actress and co-creator of Anne+ ever experiencedsomething like this. Anne+ started as a web series at the NPO, __managed tobind a large group of viewers and appeared worldwide via Netflix. “With such alarge American streaming service, you notice that there are many more layers,more than we are used to here in the Netherlands,” she says. “It brings newopportunities but also challenges. How big should something be? The bigger youget, the harder you sometimes have to defend your own choices.”

In addition to Amazon and Netflix, streaming services such as Disney + and HBOMax are also working on Dutch productions. Foreign companies that compete withDutch parties such as NPO and RTL (Videoland). “On the one hand, there seem tobe more opportunities than ever,” continues Van Vliet. “But there is also adiscussion about what foreign streamers are doing in the Dutch market. Arethey just hiring crew and actors or are they really investing in theindustry?”

At least the protagonists are happy with this project for Amazon. Paddenburgsometimes felt like an Alice in Wonderland while shooting in the old house ofwriters. “Isn’t that a childhood dream come true? Just end up in a completelydifferent world.”

Modern Love Amsterdam can be seen on Prime Video from Friday 16 December.

The offer is large again: children’s films during the Christmas holidays

Sweet, simple, musical, Studio 100-inspired children’s film for the very youngis set on the farm of Farmer Hector (Glenn Coenen) in Peru. Alpacas Lea, Luisand Leo – three cheerful dolls – live peacefully together here. But when it’sLuis’ birthday and the other two want to organize a party, everythingthreatens to go wrong. This mediocre film lasts an hour. Ideal for theintended target group and for a short but refreshing nap.

Director: Rik Sinkeldam and Andy van Veen. Length: 73 mins.

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oops! Kids overboard

oops! Kids overboard

Very average digital animation film about herbivore Finny and carnivore Leahwho fall off Noah’s Ark during a storm and end up on a deserted island. Themakers of this ‘Europudding’ are blatantly borrowing from successful examplessuch as the Madagascar series, Finding Nemo and Ice Age. Their lifelessstory only appeals to the youngest, if all goes well.

Directed by: Toby Genkel and Sean McCormack. Length: 85 minutes.

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Want the crocodile

Want the crocodile

Cheerful American children’s film about a singing crocodile with a high cuddlyfactor who hopes to overcome his stage fright in New York. The scaly anti-herofinds a soulmate in adolescent Josh, who also malfunctions due to numerousphobias and accidentally finds crocodile Wil in his attic. For adults,especially the scenes with smirking Javier Bardem (as Wil’s owner) are veryenjoyable.

Directed by: Josh Gordon and Will Speck. Length: 106 mins.

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Puss in Boots: The last wish

Puss in Boots: The last wish

For the first time in a long time another successful film from the DreamworksAnimation stable, and the first installment in the Shrek series in ten years.Antihero Puss in Boots goes in search of a magical wishing star after his ninelives have run out. Director Joel Crawford proves that the contrary view ofthe sweet fairytale world that made the first two Shrek films so successfulcan still work out: physical jokes for the kids and many winks foraccompanying parents and clever references to pop culture.

Directed by: Joel Crawford and Januel Mercado. Length: 105 mins.

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Ernest & Celestine: on an adventure in Babbleland

Ernest & Celestine: on an adventure in Babbleland

Captivating, timeless, beautifully animated cartoon – partly computer, partlyhandcrafted with watercolor – about the timid bear Ernest and the mouseCelestine. To have Ernest’s broken violin repaired, they have to go toBabbleland, where the bear originally comes from. When it turns out that musicis now forbidden here, they decide to protest against this injustice. Now thethird part in an infectious, idiosyncratic French series, based on the picturebooks by Gabrielle Vincent, published in the Netherlands as Brammert & Tissie.

Directed by: Julien Chheng and Jean-Christophe Roger. Length: 79 mins.


Yuku and the Himalayan flower

Yuku and the Himalayan flower

Sparkling Belgian-French animation film about little mouse Yuku, who prefersto accompany her grandmother on the ukulele when she tells fairy tales to thewhole family. When Grandmother senses her end is approaching, Yuku decides tosearch for the magical Himalayan flower that may extend her life. Thesometimes almost abstract animations are wonderful, just like the inventivesongs and the story that advocates listening to each other more and seekingconnection – the ultimate Christmas spirit.

Directed by: Arnaud Demuynck and Remi Durin. Length 65 mins.


Strange World

Strange World

Beautifully animated, remarkably serious Disney story with Jules Verne vibesbecame a zeper elsewhere: completely unjustified. A family of explorersembarks on a journey through the earth as pando, an important crop thatprovides energy for the utopian land of Avalonia, is in danger of dying out.During the mission, grandfather and his son argue about what good parentingis. The ‘fear’ icon of the Kijkwijzer is justified; children under 6 have_Strange World_ little to look for. Furthermore, the film is remarkablyinclusive, with a mixed marriage, a queer son and a family dog ​​with adisability.

Directed by Don Hall and Qui Nguyen. Length: 104 mins




This home-grown stop-motion gem is still playing in twenty theaters afteralmost six months. The excellent tableau of voice actors gives color to eventhe smallest role. And no scene lasts longer than necessary to drag the viewerinto the moving and topical story about Babs, a bespectacled teenage girl whobefriends the cute little pig Knor. The film teaches us not so much thateating meat is bad, but that excessive consumption has a high price. Submittedfor the Oscars.