A controversial crypto documentary, Dirk De Wachter looks death in the eye and the best Scandinavian crime series ever

Because your sitting hole also needs to be maintained, Humo guides you everyday through the range on the small and medium-sized screen.

EditorialSunday December 18, 202209:22

Football World Cup Final: Argentina-France

All over the world, football haters, the relatives of the hundreds of deadguest workers and a still disappointed Toby Alderweireld breathe a sigh ofrelief, because tonight the final whistle of the World Cup football in Qatarwill be blown. But before we start again Karl Vannieuwkerke are redeemed,there is still a final to be played. That honor is reserved for France andArgentina this World Cup. Become France with star player Kylian Mbappeafter Brazil and Italy the third country that can succeed itself as worldchampion? Or may his Argentinian counterpart Lionel Messi still raise theTrophy of Trophies at his farewell?

At 4 p.m. on One

‘Is crypto the new gold?’

You would think that all platforms have learned their lesson after the scandalsurrounding the misleading ‘FIRE’, the VRT Max documentary that let cheatersspeak without hesitation and was therefore taken offline, but no, Streamz justgoes with the same production company – Het Rabbit – in the sea. The subjectof the new Streamz documentary is crypto, a matter of which the far toobeautiful promises and self-proclaimed experts stink even louder than the bankaccounts of some MEPs. In ‘Is Crypto the New Gold?’ Streamz promises us acritical look at the ‘unique and special digital currency and NFTs’, but aboveall we hope that ‘Is Crypto the new gold?’ is not the new ‘FIRE’.

Producer Cheeru Mampaey when asked whether this time they have checkedwhether their participants are not involved in a pyramid scheme: ‘We alwayscheck their background, as far as possible.’

Now on Streamz

patriots day

Dramatization of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, directed by Peter Berg(“Deepwater Horizon”), featuring his favorite actor Mark Wahlberg in thelead. The screenplay avoids too emphatically Americanism and the tension isskillfully built up.

At 20.30 on VTM3

Figurine Diego Franssens

‘Brainwash special: Thursdays with Dirk De Wachter’

The cancer diagnosis in the summer of 2021 was a sledgehammer blow Dirk DeWachter , and recently the disease came knocking even more brutally on hisdoor. With a 40% chance of survival, the future does not look very bright forthe amiable psychiatrist, but he does not give up. The Dutch director followsin a series of interviews Anne Christine Girardot The Guardian in hisillness process. How do his thoughts about life’s big questions, aboutsuffering and death, relate to his own sadness and uncertainty? Where does hefind guidance and hope in periods of medical setbacks and ‘unhappiness’?

At 23.35 on NPO2

‘Studio Guga, Unheard of’

The country’s master imitator Guga Baul covers among others BartPeters , Raymond van het Groenewoud , The Kreuners , Clouseauand The Sixth Metal , but with songs that the artists in question havenever heard themselves. Baúl wrote some songs as if they were written bythemselves, and then crawls into their skin.

At 21.45 on VTM

‘The Investigation’

An early Christmas present: Canvas once again broadcasts ‘The Investigation’,according to Onze Man ‘perhaps the best Scandinavian crime series ever’. Thetrue story of “the submarine murder” (an eccentric inventor lures a beautifulyoung journalist to his submarine, kills her, then cuts up her body and dumpsit into the sea) could easily have turned into a series of horror and horror.can lead, but the brilliant ‘The Investigation’ avoids any sensation.

5 hidden gems on Netflix, HBO Max and Disney+ that you must see (week 50 of 2022)

If you take a look at your personal page in the apps of the well-knownstreaming services, you will see that it is very well equipped to show whatthe latest series and films are. And it is precisely the slightly older filmsand series that disappear into the archive. And that’s a shame if you’re justlooking for a new series to binge watch and the latest offer doesn’t feel likeanything at all. Did we find something to get these series back on your radar.

In collaboration with Streamwijzer, we list 5 pearls of Netflix, HBO Max andDisney + that you must see every week. Definitely keep an eye on this one ifyou’re looking for a new adventure to watch.

5x Hidden gems: films and series that you should actually see on Netflix,HBO Max and Disney + (week 50 of 2022)

5. Moneyball (movie, 2011) – HBO Max

Moneyball stars Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill. They take on the role of baseballmanager Billy Beane and computer expert Peter Brand. Together they have topull a baseball team out of the doldrums and put together a winning team inthis true story. They do this by means of computer data, which they use tosearch for hidden talents. But is it actually possible to win a match withstatistics? And don’t you take the soul out of the sport if you don’t?

Watch Moneyball instantly on HBO Max

4. La Última (series, 1 season) – Disney+

The Spanish series La Última (in English Our Only Chance) has recentlyappeared on Disney+. We are taken into the intriguing story of Candela, ayoung woman who works for a logistics company but would rather earn her livingby singing. An encounter with a record company executive turns her life upsidedown.

Watch La Última instantly on Disney+

3. Good Boys (movie, 2019) – Netflix

Netflix recently added the hilarious comedy Good Boys. Twelve-year-old Max isinvited to his first party, but has no idea how to kiss. The solution?Stealing his father’s drone to spy on a kissing couple. Of course this goescompletely wrong and Max and his friends end up in an adventure that gets moreand more out of hand. The film comes from the creators of the legendarySuperbad, so that’s very promising!

Watch Good Boys on Netflix right now

2. Rogue Heroes (series, 1 season) – HBO Max

The creator of Peaky Blinders was recently back with a brand new series on HBOMax: Rogue Heroes. The series takes us back to World War II and shows how agroup of wayward British soldiers created the Special Forces unit at the time.Quite a few well-known actors have been recruited for the series, includingConnor Swindells (Sex Education), Jack O’Connell (Skins), Dominic West (TheCrown) and Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones). It is therefore not surprising thatthis has already scored a solid 8.2 on review site IMDb. Highly recommended!

Instantly watch Rogue Heroes on HBO Max

1. Noelle (movie, 2019) – Disney+

The holidays are getting closer and that is why a Christmas tip should not bemissing from the list. In the Christmas movie Noelle, Anna Kendrick plays therole of the titular heroine, who is the daughter of Santa Claus. When herfather dies, her brother is supposed to take on his task, but he does not feellike it and runs off. Noelle has to find him in time; otherwise Christmascan’t go on this year.

Watch Noelle instantly on Disney+

More tips to watch

This Top 5 has been compiled by Streamwijzer. Be sure to visit the officialStreamwijzer website for the latest news about the best films, series andstreaming services. 🍿

New on Netflix: these films and series appeared this week | Movies & Series

Every week, Netflix expands the range with many new series and films. Withthis week: the new Netflix series: The Recruit the documentary film TheVolcano: Rescue From Whakaari the second season of Last Chance U:Basketball and more.


Last Chance U: Basketball (season 2)

This American documentary series follows a sports team for a season and filmsall the ins and outs of the road to success. In the second season of LastChance U: Basketball we watch for the second time with coach John Mosley andhis assistant Ken Hunter. They try to lead the East Los Angeles CollegeHuskies basketball team to the championship.

Don ‘t Pick Up the Phone (season 1)

This new true crime docuseries is about an anonymous caller who called severallocal fast food restaurants over a ten year period. In his disturbing calls,he posed as a cop and forced the managers to act outlandishly. In this seriesyou can see how the police did everything they could to unmask theperpetrator.

Noah Centineo out To All the Boys I ‘ve Loved Before left romantic comediesbehind. He is in the action series The Recruit (photo) as a young lawyer whostarts working for the CIA. He immediately gets an important case thrown intohis lap and must prevent a former source from disclosing secret information.

Ida Elise Broch starred in the delightful Christmas series Hey til Jul andcan be seen this December in a new holiday drama series. In Julesstorm alsoknown as A Storm for Christmas , several people who don’t know each otherget stuck in an airport. They can’t go home and have to spend Christmastogether.

Video game hero Sonic takes on his great rival Eggman in this animated series.When Sonic collides with a special rock in combat, he is flung into anotheruniverse. Here Eggman, family and all, rules over all his subjects. Sonic mustgather all his friends to win the battle against Eggman.


Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful or Truths (2022)

Mexican journalist and filmmaker Silverio (Daniel Giménez Cacho) lives in LosAngeles and has a successful career there. To receive an award, he returns toMexico, where he is not welcomed with open arms everywhere. As a result, hestruggles with his identity. Director Alejandro González Iñárritu depicts thisinner struggle in a surrealistic way.

In this Indonesian action film, a police officer investigates the murder ofher father. She finds out that he led a double life as an assassin and had anumber of apprentices. When his protégés learn what happened, the retiredkillers spring back into action to catch the culprit.

Who Killed Santa? A Murderville Murder Mystery (2022)

In the comedy series Murderville Detective Terry Seattle (Will Arnett) mustsolve a murder every episode. He is assisted by American stars who lend a handimprovising. In this Christmas special – you guessed it – Santa Claus has beenmurdered. Terry teams up with Maya Rudolph and Jason Bateman to find theculprit.

The Volcano: Rescue From Whakaari (2022)

In 2019, a volcano will erupt off the coast of New Zealand. 45 tourists becomestranded on a remote island. This is followed by nerve-racking hours in whichaid workers and the local population do everything they can to save thetourists.

In this Turkish romcom, which is also known as Private Lesson student Azrapretends to be a tutor and gives important life advice to her students. Shetakes care of a fellow student who wants advice about boys. That is not soeasy, because in the meantime she is struggling with her own love life.

These films and series also came to Netflix this week:

In the Christmas special of ‘Bake Off’, Viktor Verhulst once again showed that he has an almost mystical connection with eggs

It was time again for the Christmas special of ‘Bake Off’, in which the bakingtent of the program is briefly transformed into a nativity scene and a fewoutcasts among the well-known Flemish people can fight with flour, eggs andtheir own ignorance in the kitchen.

Stephen WerbrouckSunday December 18, 202208:41

Two years ago, at the second edition, was Minister of Health MaggieDeBlock a guest, and while corona, partly due to its inadequate policy,wreaked havoc in hospitals and care centers all over the country, she happilybaked and sculpted a Christmas scene. The unfortunate timing of De Block toappear as a politician in a TV program of the lighter kind will never beequaled or surpassed, but it must be said: Petra DeSutter was a creditablesecond this year. When the episode was taped weeks ago, she couldn’t haveforeseen that, but that as a deputy prime minister in the federal governmentyou stand jolly in a comfortable tent between Christmas trees and baubleswhile refugees, even entire families, in the biting freezing cold on streetsleeping: it is of an irony so bitter that not even a kilogram of baklavasweetens them.

De Sutter did not participate as a deputy prime minister, she hastened to say,but as an ardent hobby cook and admirer of the ‘magical process’ of baking.The three other participants, who in their daily lives are usually just casualpassers-by in the kitchen and hoped for a Christmas miracle here, were nomatch for her. When everyone had to melt chocolate to make Christmas baublesin the first round, it was over Jonas Geirnaert the concept of ‘au bain-marie’ was already too ambitious, so that he then concentrated mainly ontrying to bribe the jury in an increasingly less devious way. ComedienneSerine Ayari was notable for using the word “putain” much more often thanher scales—causation cannot be ruled out—and for gagging profusely when one ofher eggs turned out to contain a fetus. While she was making vomiting noises,the presenter came Wim Opbrouck cheerfully say that ‘something like thisonly occurs in one in five thousand eggs’: we didn’t get much closer to amiracle in the episode.

Image Play4

Surprisingly, the toughest competitor for Petra was Victor Verhulst ,which – as loyal viewers of ‘De Verhulstjes’ know – has an almost mysticalconnection with one of the most important ingredients in the patisserie: theegg. He eats three eggs a day, he told Ayari, which is at least a thousand ina year – which means he’s eaten at least one chicken fetus in the past fiveyears. His favorite part, however, is the egg yolk, “one of the purest andtastiest things ever, if you find that out today, you’re in.” During the firsthalf of the shooting, Viktor may have occasionally beaten an egg yolk from hiswork table, because when the four candidates were ready for their spectacle,he opted for a pastry for which you only need the egg white: macarons, whichdressed as the Verhulst family in an idyllic winter picture of a mountain.

For reasons that have never been explained, Viktor had stuffed the macaronswith salmon mousse, so we wouldn’t have been surprised if judges Rules andHerman at the tasting had begun to retch. But in the Christmas special of’Bake Off’ traditionally cosiness and mildness reign supreme: the two praisedboth the pastry and ‘the perfectly flavored filling’ without hesitation and avisibly shaken Viktor stammered that he had never received such positivecomments. We are already looking forward to the episode of ‘De Verhulstjes’ inwhich Viktor Gert instead of fried eggs, makes macarons with salmon moussefor breakfast.

Mario Alberto Kempes: “¿Messi o Maradona? Los argentinos somos los únicos que discutimos quién es el mejor” | Mundial Qatar 2022

R . Ahora los tratan como reyes. Nosotros vivíamos en una casa con 11 o 12habitantes. Yo dormía solo porque llegué el último. Eran cuatro paredes sinventana y una puertita que daba a otra habitación, la de Ardiles y Villa.Después de la primera noche, me levanté con unos dolores de espalda… Levantoel colchón y faltaban las maderas abajo. Enseguida me pusieron tres, nada dequilombo. Tenía una lampara de 40, sin plafón. En la cancha de entrenamientohabía árboles en medio. Hacia un frio tremendo en ese tiempo. La chimeneaestaba abajo, pero arriba, and las habitaciones, nada. ¿Se cree que hubo algúnproblema? Argentina no había ganado nunca. Para lo que se necesitaba,estábamos perfectos.

P. Nada que ver con lo actual.

R . Un día me invitó el Valencia a un viaje en Champions. Llego al hotel yun bufé espectacular para los jugadores. ¿Como que esto para ellos?, pregunto.And nuestra epoca, sopa, pescado y carne. Los sábados, arroz a la cubana. Aveces pedías un huevo extra y me hacían un quilombo. En nuestra epoca noteníamos televisión ni maquinitas. Así que desayunabas, comías y cenabas confútbol. No sé si ahora se habla de fútbol. En el 86 no estuve, pero conociendoa Bilardo sería algo parecido. Después salieron las maquinitas y lostelevisores grandes, la modernidad, y ya empezamos a no ganar.

P. ¿No les ha sentado bien la modernidad?

R . A lotos. Brasil, España, Alemania, Italia… Son rachas.

P. ¿Por qué Argentina lleva 36 años sin ganar un Mundial?

R . Son muchos, pero no vas a salir campeón cuando te lo propongas. Pudoser en 2014, yademás en Brasil. Tambien hay que tener un poco la suerte. Esavez había buenos jugadores, pero eran muy amigos, demasiado. Nadie gritaba.Esos pibes venian juntos desde juveniles y no resultó. Los de ahora, que estánen los mejores equipos, dan otra personalidad. Respetan a Messi por encima detodo, pero no le obligan a hacer cosas que no debe. Si ellos cumplen, Messiestará más fresco y será mejor.

P. ¿La cantidad de argentinos en Doha es presión o ayuda?

R . No hay presion. Según ha ido pasando el Mundial, el equipo se hasentido más cómodo. Ahora ha llegado el momento, sin necesidad de hacer cosasraras. Y luego las finals son para ganarlas.

P. Scaloni siempre insiste en que ve demasiado drama alrededor del fútboly que hay que tomarlo solo como un partido.

R . Es la afición la que te da esa impresión. El país es una locura con laselección, y más si le dan motivos, como ahora. ¿Pero vos cree que el jugadorsiente presión? Esa la tiene el que se levanta a las siete, a las ocho entraen la oficina, aguanta al jefe, sale a las siete, los niños están enfermos yno te alcanza el dinero a fin de mes. ¿Jugar al futbol? Ponedle puntossuspensivos [risas]. La presión no existe en el fútbol, ​​es solo paradivertirse. Es una obligación darle al público lo que quiere, pero si no tesale y lo has dejado todo, te va a aplaudir.

P. ¿La imagen que quede de Messi en Argentina dependerá de si gana elMundial?

R . No, él ya ha ganado por lo que está haciendo. Hace tiempo, lo veíastriunfar en el Barcelona y con la selección parecía desganado, no era él. Elentorno le metía la presión de por qué en Barcelona lo hacía bien y no enArgentina. Yo lo dije muchas veces: “que se vaya, por la gente”. Para Messi,ir con Argentina, era un peso terrible. Queria mejorar, hacerlo todo y lesalian las cosas peor. Cuando quieres abarcar más de lo que el cuerpo te da,malo.

P. ¿Qué hizo clic?

R . El seleccionador ha encontrado la tranquilidad para él. Ha buscadojugadores, con o sin experiencia, que están en los mejores clubes de Europa yponen su personalidad al servicio del equipo. No llegan y le dan la pelota aMessi para que resuelva todo. Ahora Messi, al estar fresco, es el mejor.

P. El otro día Scaloni dijo es el mejor de la historia.

R . The history of Messi. Antes estuvieron Cruyff, Di Stéfano, Pelé,Maradona… Son ciclos. No sabemos qué hubiera hecho entonces y no sabemos hastacuándo va a durar. ¿Qué va a decir Scaloni? Es su jugador.

Selección francesa: La Francia que aborrecía a Le Pen | Mundial Qatar 2022

Hace ya bastanes mundiales que se venía anunciando que el futuro, o sea lo quehoy es presente, viviría una explosión del África negra. El tipo físicosubsahariano representaba el ideal del futbolista por estatura, rapidez,agilidad y potencia. Pero el desarrollo de estructuras en aquella región no haseguido el ritmo esperado y quien se está beneficiando gracias a ese capitalhumano son las viejas potencias coloniales, en particular Francia. Hijos deinmigrantes, nacidos ya en Francia o llegados muy pequeños y adiestrados ya enexcelentes escuelas de fútbol cuyo origen fue la de Clairefontaine, de la queluego se crearon hasta once réplicas por todo el país, enriquecen la selecciónde nuestro país vecino.

Esta Francia que se enfrenta este domingo con Argentina es un equipo quemezcla el depósito de conocimiento de su vieja tradición futbolística con elfísico privilegiado que le llega del África subsahariana, dando lugar a unfútbol diferente, superior, que hoy debe pasar la prueba definitiva ante unequipo, Argentina, que viene a ser lo contrario: seguro que la gran mayoríatiene los cuatro abuelos argentinos. Claro que si se meneara lo suficiente elárbol genealógico empezarían a caer de él españoles, italianos, turcos, rusos,franceses, irlandeses… Argentina también es hija de muchas tierras, pero lamezcla es antigua, está cuajada.

Mas informacion

Y sí, esta selección sí representa a la Francia real, basta movese por allípara descubrir que es una sociedad multirracial. Cierto que la presencia defranceses del gusto de Le Pen en la selección no corresponde estadísticamentea la que vemos en la calle, pero eso sólo podemos achacarlo a que las familiasinmigrantes viven dificultades y sus chicos están dispuestos a mayoressacrificios,además de ser portadores and muchos casos de genes privilegiadospara el fútbol. Y su presencia en la selección nacional sólo puede servir deorgullo y estímulo favorables para la adaptación de esas comunidades que, pordesgracia, no están tan bien mezcladas en el conjunto de la sociedad como enlos equipos de fútbol. Ese es un problema grave en Francia, pero no en suselección, cuyos éxitos envían un mensaje de concordia. Aunquedesgraciadamente hay que añadir que el fútbol da alegrías, pero no soluciones.

Tonight on TV: All of Holland Bakes, I’m Departing and World Cup Football: Argentina – France | show

Exploited and killed stadium builders, supporters sponsored by Qatar, bannedOneLove bracelets, a cowardly KNVB and a wary FIFA; this world championshipseemed to be about everything but football. Still, 32 countries played 63games in the last 28 days; from an insult to the enthusiast to a feast for thefootball logist. Tonight the final chord of perhaps the most controversialworld championship ever. Will Messi’s dream finally come true? Or will Franceretain its title? Read more about the World Cup in Qatar here.

Lionel Messi and Kylian Mbappe at the 2022 Qatar World Cup. ©AFP

The Great Renovation

Yakisugi. It sounds like sushi or shark fin fried in soy sauce, but it’sactually an old Japanese method of building a house from burnt wood. Accordingto Shane and Tina Nicolls from Auckland, New Zealand, it is the ideal way tocover their enormous building. But during construction things go wrong when apiece of wood continues to burn and completely burns the garage.

I ‘m leaving – reruns

Ingrid and Edward have been dreaming of a B&B abroad for years. If they getthe chance to buy an old station in Ballenstedt, Germany, this dream seems tocome true. Unfortunately, all signals turn red during the first workingholiday when a lot of hidden defects come to the surface. Have the two endedup on the wrong track or will they still be able to make the train run ontime?

Edward and Ingrid from 'I'mleaving'.Edward and Ingrid from ‘I’m leaving’. © AVROTROS

Heel Holland Bakt – start season 10

All of Holland bakes may move back to Sunday, otherwise everything remainsexactly the same in this tenth season. Under the inspiring leadership of Andrévan Duin, ten home bakers are again mixing, stirring and kneading to convincejury members Janny van der Heijden and Robèrt van Beckhoven of their skills.Who will succeed Enzo and crown himself Best Home Baker of 2023 in sevenweeks?

Great White Serial Killer: Fatal Christmas

On the morning of December 24, 2021, the body of 42-year-old Tomas Butterfieldfloats in the waves of Morro Bay, California. From the teeth marks in hishead, shoulder and torso and the row of teeth in his back, the bodyboarderappears to have been grabbed by a great white shark. Was the sharkpurposefully seeking a noisy cage? So does the attack on Butterfield mean theshark will strike again?

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Argentina vs Francia: Hora de Messi, dia de Mbappe | Mundial Qatar 2022

Messi ya tuvo su cruz en Maracaná. La cara quizá en el majestuoso estadio deLusail, a unos 15 kilómetros de Doha, la capital. El aforo, the 90,000espectadores, será insuficiente para la demanda argentina, la originariallegada desde Sudamérica, como para la local. And Qatar abundan las túnicasárabes con bufanda al cuello de Messi. Para el régimen catarí la final soñada,frente a frente dos de los tres hijos predilectos del PSG de su propiedad(Neymar fue exiliado por Modric). Eso sí, Mbappé no tendrá el mismo abrigo queLeo. La hinchada francesa, a tenor de los visto en sus duelos anteriores,estaría holgada con un 5% del estadio.

Leo ya es Lio | Mundial Qatar 2022

El 10, que entonces vestía el 19, marcó un gol en su estreno ante Serbia yMontenegro, fue titular ante Países Bajos y jugó la prórroga de octavos contraMéxico. Un total de 122 minutos no le sirvieron para sustituir a Crespo cuandoen la cancha ya no estaba Riquelme. “Para qué lo iba a poner, si contraHolanda no hizo nada”, se justificó después Pékerman. “¡Nen, aca no pintasnada!”, le advertiría Riquelme en una reunion de jefes en la Copa América

Mbappé, Pelé y el destino de los símbolos | Mundial Qatar 2022

No era el primer momento en el que Francia y Qatar compartían interests. Pocosdías antes del comienzo del torneo, el presidente de la FIFA cuando se eligióla sede en 2010, Joseph Blatter, contó en una entrevista dónde se torció suplan de que este Mundial se disputara en EE UU: “Una semana antes del congresode la FIFA de 2010 [donde se decidieron las sedes de 2018 y 2022]Michael[Platini] me llamo para contarme que nuestro plan no iba a funcionar. Acababade ser invitado por el presidente francés Sarkozy”.

Cuando Platini llegó a ver al presidente, se encontró allí al jeque Hamad binJassim bin Jabr al Thani, primer ministro catarí, y al jeque Tamim bin Hamadal Thani, hoy emir de Qatar, entonces todavía heredero. El exfutbolistasiempre había sostenido que no apoyaría un Mundial en el emirato, pero cuandosalió de la comida telefoneó a Blatter. El expresidente de la FIFA dice saberqué sucedió: “Había una cuestión de dinero de por medio. Seis meses después deaquellas reuniones, Qatar compró aviones de combate a los franceses por 14,000millones de dólares”. Al fondo del emirato le quedaba dinero para extender uncheque en blanco a Mbappé y mantenerlo bajo dominio franco-catarí durante elMundial. Por su lado, el futbolista ha asumido con cierta gravedad el papelsimbólico alimentado por Macron: “Puedes quedarte y tener éxito”, dijo andSports Illustrated. “Para nosotros es un gran mensaje, porque cuando anunciéque me quedaba muchas cosas cambiaron en la mentalidad de la gente. La genteempezó a decir: ‘Sí, no necesitamos salir. No necesitas dejar el país”.