Tu Papa Noel Sera Messi | Mundial Qatar 2022

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Tu Papa Noel Sera Messi | Mundial Qatar 2022

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Lionel Messi, during the final of the Mundial de Qatar.Francisco Seco (AP)

¡Gino, despertate que somos campeones del mundo! Desperezate, hijo, lo másrápido posible, que te queremos llevar a la calle. A la esquina aunque seapara que no te asusten los ruidos. Despertate que se terminó el sufrimiento,que por unos días acá, en este lado del mundo, tenemos la felicidadgarantizada. Despertate que ya terminó, que bailamos a Francia durante 60minutos, que sufrimos como la hostia y nos empataron, y que terminamosfestejando en la definición por penales. ¡Despertate, Gino, que Messi llegó ala altura de Maradona! Es casi imposible escribir esto, pero voy a intentardejarte algunos recuerdos. Vivimos la mejor semana de nuestras vidas, hijo.Argentina estuvo en un éxtasis porque el fútbol fue un combustible de alegría.Sucedieron, como un remolino, un cumulo de episodios que demostraron que contantas emociones compartidas no queríamos que esta semana terminara nunca.Para que te des una idea, un grupo de locos eligió cantarle a una abuela y esose convirtió en cabala, aunque la mujer no fuera abuela; dos personas chocarone inmediatamente después eligieron no pelearse, sino que se dieron un abrazo,y en Bangladesh, un país del sudeste asiático, un puntito en el mapa a 17 milkilómetros de donde vivimos (te repito: 17 mil kilómetros de distancia, otroidioma, otras costumbres), hay furor por nuestra selección. No queríamos queestos días se terminaran o, bueno, en verdad queríamos que terminara así. Yatenés una Copa del Mundo para vos, la llave del orgullo para toda la vida.

Hace unos días la mamá de tu hermano me mostró una forma de resumirte aArgentina. La explicación, nos dijo, está escondida en el tango Naranjo andFlor y es, ni más ni menos, casi un camino de vida: “Primero hay que sabersufrir, después amar, después partir”. Te va a pasar, Gino: la vas a pasar malporque no hay posibilidad de gambetear los malos tragos, y esos dolores, esascicatrices, te endurecerán. No te alarmes, hijo, frente a algunas angustias.Enfrentalas, dejate ganar a veces, retrocedé para tomar envión y salir. Tejuro que pasan, cream.

Y si no, mirá esta final contra Francia que será historia. No tenés noción, losé, pero después de ir ganando 2 a 0 con un fútbol vistoso, de toque, conjugadas elaboradas ante el defensor del título, empezamos a padecer. Fue casiuna tortura, hijo, pero ahí recordé la enseñanza de la mamá de tu hermano.Sabelo, prepare: acá, sufrimos, es casi una ley. Y ocurre desde el inicio delos tiempos. Es una característica casi intrínseca, como si fuera un recorridoobligado. Y no se aplica sólo al fútbol. Pero zafamos. La definition porpenales estuvo de nuestro lado. Te quedan unos años para poder ver al DibuMartínez y sus atajadas, un arquero que aparecerá con foto en los manuales delfútbol, ​​uno al que seguro admirarás. ¡Despertate, Gino, que ahora queremosser felices con vos! Llegaste al mundo en esta explosión de vida que esArgentina, en horas en las que estamos enamorados de nosotros mismos. Y miraque es llamativo, eh. Siempre pensé que cuando tuviera un hijo la Navidadtomaría otro sentido: en una familia sin niños desde que los últimos entramosen la adultez fantaseé con emoción, sorpresas, regalos. Y sin embargo, cuandofaltan apenas unos días para que llegue Papá Noel, no creo que sea mejor queesta jornada.

Ya se. Tu Papá Noel será Messi, este hombre que desafió al tiempo y se repusoa los golpes. Cuatro finals perdidas con la selección, Gino. Justo él, el quetodo lo gana, no podía conseguir este trofeo representando al país. Hoy lologró, rodeado de pibes que lo tienen de ídolo y que querían ganar la Copatambién para él. Para que no se despidiera del fútbol sin este trofeo en suvitrina. Messi lo hizo y por eso también estos son días para salir a la calle,contar que sos argentino y sentir ese aura especial.

Mientras nos llegan mensajes de amigos y amigas que te adjudican una partecitade este logro, nos reímos. “Gino llegó con la Copa bajo el brazo”, escribePipi y también Flor y también Noe y Paloma, Vero y tantos otros. Tu papá inflael pecho y enumera los títulos que Boca obtuvo desde que naciste, hace dosmeses. Fuiste nuestra cabala más hermosa, serás nuestro amuleto para siempre.

Quiero que sepas que casi todo lo que sé de la vida lo aprendí con el fútbol,​​jugándolo o viéndolo. Y que si alguna vez me preguntás qué es lo que hace ala vida digna de vivirse tengo un juego con pelota para empezar a contestarte.Que esa ropita de Messi que te pusimos hoy es un orgullo y una intención: quesepas que un Mundial te puede hacer feliz. Que hoy en las calles ser argentinaes mirarse y reirse con los ojos, abrazarse con desconocidos, tomar de lamisma botella o el mismo mate, ponerse allorar de dicha. Hoy ser argentinos,como nosotros, es ser parte de la historia.

No hay ni habrá, Gino, relatos mitológicos, inventos ni exageraciones con vos,que vas a tener a tu disposición todos los videos del mundo para repasar estaCopa. Para mirar a Messi de atrás para adelante, con cámaras de arriba y decostado, de seguimiento colectivo y personal. No habrá fábulas ni mentiras:vas a tener todo a mano para revisarlo y te apuesto que ni siquiera asídejarás de sorprenderte. Tampoco podrás descubrirle los trucos. Y es cierto,si. Podrias haber nacido en países con sociedades más organizadas. Masequitativas, mas justas. Menos desiguales. Menos castigadas. Te podría habertocado and Dinamarca, and Finlandia, and Noruega. Pero no. Te tocó acá, tetocó el mejor país del mundo.

Un regalo de cumpleaños para el papa Francisco | Mundial Qatar 2022

Y sí, ha sido una Copa también papal y que no se me enfaden los ateosprofesionales, porqueademás, Francisco es también el primer Papa que hizosiempre buenas migas con los que no creen como él. Siempre dijo que losverdaderos creyentes más que los que creen en Dios son los que creen, ayudan yaman a su prójimo. “Cuando encuentro a alguien no le pregunto en qué Dioscree, sino si se preocupa y ayuda a los demás”, escribió antes de ser Papa.

Well-known Iranian actress of Oscar-winning film arrested | Abroad

UPDATEIranian authorities have arrested a well-known Iranian actress forallegedly spreading “fake news” about the demonstrations in the country. Itconcerns actress Taraneh Alidoosti. She starred in the Oscar-winning film,“The Salesman,” among others.

Foreign editors 17-12-22, 21:15

Latest update: 12/18/22, 00:26 Source: AD.nl, Belgium

A week after Alidoosti shared a message on Instagram, she was arrested. In themessage, she expressed her solidarity with Mohsen Shekari, the first man to beexecuted by Iranian authorities since the protests broke out.

In her post, the 38-year-old actress said: “His name was Mohsen Shekari. Anyinternational organization that sees this bloodshed and takes no action is adisgrace to humanity.”

According to the police report published on the official Telegram channel ofthe state media, Alidoosti has been arrested because she “has no documents tosupport her claims.”

Mohsen Shekari

Shekari was executed on December 9 after being charged by an Iranian courtwith blocking a street in Tehran and assaulting a security guard with amachete.

Last week, Iran executed a second prisoner, Majidreza Rahnavard, in connectionwith the protests. Rahnavard’s body was suspended from a construction crane.According to Iran, on November 17, the man stabbed to death two members of aparamilitary militia and wounded four others.

Both men were executed less than a month after being charged. Activists warnthat at least 12 people have already been sentenced to death in closedsessions.

Three messages

Alidoosti has made at least three posts on her Instagram account expressingher solidarity with protesters. For example, the actress had posted a photo ofherself – without a headscarf, but with a protest sign with the words “WomanLife Freedom”. In her last social media post on December 8, she denounced theexecution of Mohsen Shekari and called on international organizations to takeaction. “Any international organization that watches this carnage withoutreacting is a disgrace to humanity,” she wrote. Her account, which had about 8million followers, has been deleted.

In November she had pledged to stay in Iran, to “pay the price” necessary todefend her rights and to stop working to support families of people killed orarrested during protests.

The actress has previously criticized the Iranian government and police. InJune 2020, she received a five-month suspended prison sentence for criticizingpolice in 2018 on Twitter for assaulting a woman who had removed herheadscarf.

Other films Alidoosti has acted in include ‘The Beautiful City’ and ‘AboutElly’.

Two other famous actresses in Iran, Hengameh Ghaziani and Katayoun Riahi, werearrested by authorities for also expressing their support for protesters onsocial media. Both have been released.

Mahsa Amini

Iran has been rocked by protests since the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini onSeptember 16. She died after being arrested by the vice squad. At least 495people have been killed in the demonstrations, according to Human RightsActivists in Iran. More than 18,200 people have been detained by authorities.

Tonight on TV: The Top 4000 Music Quiz, Buddha in the Polder and Knoop & de Leeuw | show

While Knot your handkerchief years ago already been carried to thetelevision graveyard, it also seems Button Gala to have had the best time.After nine editions in Royal Theater Carré, the instruments are exchanged fora talk show table. In _Knot & The Lion_the first talk show with and by peoplewith a (mental) disability, the most important topics of 2022 are furtherexplored under the leadership of Paul de Leeuw.

Buddha in the Polder – start season 2

We Dutch people may be known as a sober people, in many households the yogamat is rolled out daily and the incense cannot be dragged. In Buddha in thepolder Joris Linssen talks to (un)famous Dutch people who overcame a(personal) crisis thanks to Eastern wisdom.

Joris Linssen and Susan Smit in ‘Buddha in the Polder’. © KRONCRV

My 600lb Life: Where Are They Now?

A stomach reduction is not a panacea; those who still spoon in the plates ofmac & cheese after the operation will simply regain the lost kilos. In WhereAre They Now? we get an update about a number of participants of the wasteshow. Among them Holly, who sought help from Dr. Now. And with success: shelost more than a hundred kilos.

OLVG – Hospital with a heart – first episode

In most cities you are sent to a gray building in an insignificant industrialarea for a visit to a hospital, the Amsterdam OLVG is literally andfiguratively in the middle of city life. For two years, Coen Verbraak and histeam kept the cameras whirring in this hospital, following in the footsteps ofdoctors, nurses and other employees.

Michael Gerhards in 'OLVG - Hospital with aheart'.Michael Gerhards in ‘OLVG – Hospital with a heart’. © BNNVARA

The Top 4000 Music Quiz – start season 3

Since 2005 it has been a regular item on Radio 10 in the three weeks beforeChristmas: the Top 4000. Following a good example of the ban from TV this year_Top 2000 Quiz_ In the SBS6 counterpart, two duos of well-known Dutch peopletry to reach the finish of a musical board game as quickly as possible. Whoknows everything about the Top 4000 and even knows how to impress quizmaster,jury member and walking music encyclopedia Gerard Ekdom?

George ‘s Christmas tree

To ensure that no crowds of people scurried around his famous blue spruce,Joris Linssen has been chugging through the country in an orange-orange vanfor the past two corona years. This year too, the Schiphol hugger is lookingfor the best stories about the most special people in the country, but thistime he will also decorate the tree in Den Bosch and in Dokkum.

Mundial de Qatar 2022, últimas noticias | Argentina celebra su tercer Mundial | Mundial Qatar 2022

La rebelión bella e inútil de Kylian Mbappé: Cuando todo hubo terminado,cuando comprobó que marcar un hat trick en la final del Mundial no bastabapara ganarla, Kylian Mbappé se quedó clavado sobre la hierba del estadio deLusail, encorvado, con las manos apoyadas and las rodillas. Allí fuerecibiendo un cariño de Varane, otro de Griezmann, otro de Rabiot. Era elviudo temprano en plena ronda de pésames, recien llegado al tanatorio. Quizáel futbolista que más había perdido, porque era el que más alto se habíaelevado. Antes de eso, antes de la tanda de penaltis, el francés habíasembrado el partido de registros impensados, incluso si no se alude a laprecocidad de sus 23 años. El doblete más rápido de una final, el primertriplete desde el de Geoff Hurst contra Alemania en la de 1966, el más jovende la historia en marcar en dos finales, el jugador de cualquier edad que másha marcado en estos partidos (4) , el más joven en anotar diez veces en losMundiales, donde ya acumula 12 dianas. Un atracón superlativo del pichichi enQatar, con ocho bingos. Para nada.

‘Suddenly you find yourself in a cold house, with an empty fridge and a father who is hardly ever there’

For De Warmste Week, Kristel Verbeke talks to people in poverty, a theme thatis close to her heart. ‘Suddenly I wasn’t a child anymore and I had to explainto the landlord why the rent hadn’t been paid yet.’

Jonas MortierDecember 19, 202203:00

“The Christmas period used to be hell,” says Kristel Verbeke, one of themembers of the original K3 who has reinvented herself as a presenter of_Take care of Mom_. “My youngest sister died on December 28 and my oldestsister on January 13. The Christmas season has never been more fun since theywere gone. There are always two too few at the festive table.”

Verbeke has personally experienced that poverty is a highway robber that canfall unexpectedly on the back of anyone’s neck. In a few months, her lifechanged from a happy comedy to a drama à la Ken Loach.

“We were an ordinary working-class family. My father was a truck driver, mymother a cleaning lady. We didn’t know great luxury, but we had it good. Butdue to the divorce of my parents and the loss of my sisters, a lot hashappened in a short time that got us into trouble. Suddenly you are in a coldhouse, with an empty fridge, with a father who is hardly ever there. SuddenlyI was no longer a child and I had to explain to the landlord why the rent hadnot yet been paid. Those are things you shouldn’t be thinking about as a younggirl. Your childhood will be taken away from you.

Image Damon De Backer

“For the program on One that I am making as part of De Warmste Week, I spoketo an eleven-year-old boy. He lived with his mother, three sisters and a dogin social housing. He told how his mom always dies from the stress when billsfall in the mailbox again. “But everything will be fine!” he says. ‘Becausewhen I’m 16, I’m going to work. Then we never have to sleep on the street.’Then I think: that boy is eleven. He should be playing football, playing,doing mischief. But your youth suddenly ends. Life becomes survival. Therashness, being able to go to the store and buy something you like, being ableto pursue your hobby, meeting up with friends…”

“How many people don’t come along when something is organized because theycan’t afford a round? And so they say they don’t feel like it. Everything thatis nice, that makes life alive, falls away. There are so many choices, whichare obvious to us, but which disappear when you are poor. Suppose you receivea bag of clothes as a gift. Yippee. That they are a bit retro and in horriblecolors, that’s just the way it is. Or food banks: thank God they exist, but ifyou would like to eat vegan out of conviction, then forget it.”


Verbeke has, as in the better Houdini act, escaped poverty. Thanks to the bigmouth she learned to put on as a little girl in a big world and a gift forkeeping up appearances that is part of the basic poverty course. The idealpreparation to become ‘the black of K3’.

“At K3 I was an enlarged version of myself. I was a cartoon character, so Ididn’t have to show much. I thought that was very safe. I cherished that.Okay, sometimes I also found it difficult being a cartoon character as anadult woman, but I think we evolved into that as a group.”

Only after her retirement as a pop princess did Verbeke dare to be open abouther past. She thought it was important to express herself, because poverty toooften remains hidden.

“That always comes back to poverty: the shame, the taboo. It’s justembarrassing to admit that as a kid you didn’t know that people have to washevery day. That’s not what I was taught. You feel that if you speak up, peoplewill view you differently. “

In the meantime, she is happy that her story is public good.

“People no longer only see Kristel from K3, but also the person underneath. Iused to hold on tight to my K3 straitjacket. Today I dare to show myself more.And when I talk to people now, they quickly feel: yes, you know what it’slike, don’t you?”

Do you still carry many scars from that time?

“Yes, I am still frugal (laughs). I have an excel sheet at home with all ourincome and expenses. If there is less work for a while, I get very nervous. Ialso get very grumpy when my fridge is empty. That remains. And I’m not goodat relationships. Everything is going great with my husband and the kids, butother than that I don’t have many people I spend a lot of time with. I like tobe alone at home with my family. Maybe that’s a piece of self-protection. Asan adult woman, I still have a very hard time trusting people. I am social andopen, but there is still a high wall that you cannot easily break through.”

Verbeke has now made two seasons of Take care of Mom in which she shows thetrue face of poverty through the stories of a dozen mothers with financialdifficulties.

Was it all recognition for you, or were you often surprised yourself?

“Poverty has many faces. That’s cliche, but it’s true. What causes paralysisin one person makes the other combative. What I did see coming back everywherewas the abundance. You can solve one thing, but then the next problem arises.It’s always a mess. Very exhausting.”

I remembered that from the series: poverty is incredibly hard work.

“Yes. Joost, one of the poverty coaches in Take care of Mom , once said:poverty is a full-time job. It is not easy to manage a budget anyway, but forpeople in poverty it is constantly thinking: how am I going to solve this, howare we going to eat tomorrow, how are we going to get to work? That’s hardwork, yes. You can never even catch your breath. Compare it with a deadline ora move. In the run-up to it you feel a lot of stress, but once it’s done, youcan breathe again. But the stress never ends with poverty.”

What I found particularly poignant was the guilt that weighed down most moms.While it was seldom their fault, but rather the result of unfortunatecircumstances or plain bad luck.

“You always think you did something wrong. One of the moms out Take care ofMom had to choose between two invoices. She could only afford one. She chosein good conscience, but then a bailiff showed up for the one she hadn’t paid.She felt guilty for guessing wrong.”

You see that coming back to all moms: they all say ‘it’s my fault that…’.While they are often unsung heroines who save the food from their mouths fortheir children.

“Literally, yes. I remember a recording day: a quick stop at the bakery for acoffee cake in the car. I arrive at one of the mothers, where we would filmthe morning ritual, making the bread box. But… there was no bread. I thinkthere were two more slices for the kids. Nothing for the mother. Then you feelso guilty that you just ate such a stupid coffee cake.”

Verbeke is pleased that with De Warmste Week some attention is once againbeing paid to underprivileged people and that she herself is Flames againstpoverty put the problem on the map. “The problems are only getting bigger.One in eight children is born in poverty. In Brussels that is even one infour. That’s a number of sports halls full, isn’t it? And those are stillrelatively old figures. In the meantime, there are more.”

Can I call an initiative such as De Warmste Week somewhat double? You buy offyour guilt by showing your solidarity once a year, even though things shouldchange structurally.

“The Warmest Week only takes place once a year, but there are all kinds ofprojects behind it that run throughout the year. What I hope is that peoplewill also take a look at the site of De Warmste Week to discover it. Maybethey will find a project in their own neighborhood to which they cancontribute financially, or where they can help… But you are right that thingsneed to change, above all, structurally. Politicians should show some guts.”

How can they do that?

“I have the impression that they want to invent hot water, but there are quitea few projects that have been proven to work very well. The Children’s PovertyFund, for example, has investigated what it would cost exactly to invest inchildren and what the return would be. That has been thoroughly calculated.Politicians should only apply what works and roll it out across Flanders.That’s courage, but it’s not. I think it is their damned duty to have an eyefor the vulnerable in society.”

Do politicians focus too much on the economy and too little on people?

“During the first phase of the corona crisis, about 2 percent went to socialmeasures. The rest is pumped into the economy. Then you show what you think ismost important, right? (gets excited) For De Warmste Week I bring together ahundred people who live in poverty or who are confronted with it. I asked themthe question: which of you spend half of your income on housing? I think thatwas about 60 percent of them. Then you know that you have to change somethingin your housing and social policy, don’t you?”

Verbeke certainly continues to believe in it: a world without poverty,somewhere behind the rainbow.

“I dream of a white march on Brussels, where people who are well off stand upfor people who are having a harder time. So that we all show together: dosomething! We don’t have to wait until everyone is in over their heads introuble, do we? In a sense, De Warmste Week is also a cry for action. We showhow much these concerns are alive.”

Flames against poverty. On a. Monday and Thursday at 10 pm.

Does TV give a too sunny picture of life with Down?

BBB leader Caroline van der Plas is a guest at Knot & The Lion, because “itis in every talk show, including us,” says host Paul de Leeuw. Brian clearlyagrees with the politician at the talk show table. “It seems as if no onesupports the farmers anymore,” says de Almouder, who works in the cateringindustry and at a theater group. “What are you going to do to say to thecabinet: support those farmers now.” Lizzy from Delft, as a table lady, asksthe disruptive questions. “This program is called Knoop & De Leeuw,” she saysto De Leeuw, “but are you in a knot yourself?”

While Brian is already speaking, the camera lingers on De Leeuw’s beaming headfor half a minute. Nico is behind the camera, he also conducts house bandWimpie & de Domino’s.

Knoop & De Leeuw (NTR) is a talk show with, and partly made by, people withdisabilities. Including people with Down syndrome, like Lizzy. Shown in thefive days until Christmas on the timeslot of Khalid & Sophia_just after seveno’clock, on NPO 1. The show will not be recorded live, _NRC saw the firstepisode.

Programs with people with intellectual disabilities are no longer a rarity.Usually people with Down syndrome star, and the program has a play on words inthe title. Next month, January 3 on SBS6, the second season of Down the Road, an originally Flemish format in which a group of people with down travel andtake on challenges. In the Netherlands, artist Gordon is the presenter andtour guide.

Talk show **Knot & The Lion ** is partly made by people with disabilities. Photo Annemieke van der Togt

The image of down has been positively influenced by TV programs, experts say,but there is a downside. Many TV formats ignore the physical and mental issuesthat many people with Down and their environment struggle with. A comment fromGordon in Op1 earlier this month – “if only everyone was a little down” –angered many involved.

Gordon later said, in a reaction to RTL News, that he meant that society is sosour. People with Down syndrome would be “not bothered at all” by this. He didthink that the shadow side deserved attention, so he considered doing ithimself. “Down may be presented too up.”

Lars Duursma, communications expert and entrepreneur, vented his annoyanceabout “exploiting” people with Down for “commercial entertainment” last weekin his podcast and in a series of Twitterposts.Duursma has a brother, Jesper (37), with Down syndrome. “The remark ‘You’relucky to have such a cheerful home’ comes from the image that TV programsevoke.”

Mostly people with a direct relationship with someone with Down responded inagreement on Twitter: the programs often give a carefree picture. Those whoare underexposed, according to Duursma, are the people with Down who cannotexpress themselves properly, who are not potty trained, who suffer from earlydementia, behavioral problems or depression. Or people who do not have Down’ssyndrome, but have another disability. Duursma: “Is that because they are lesscuddly?”

One door further

“I understand the criticism,” says program maker Johnny de Mol. From 2008 heshowed for the SBS program Down with Johnny years of wish fulfillment withpeople with Down, but also people with an autism spectrum disorder. “I alwayswent a step further, with the more difficult cases. Sometimes they can barelycommunicate. Of course you look for people who can do that for television. Youhave to be that honest.”

The programs that De Mol made were still quite new in their kind at the time.“You are treading on thin ice. There was already criticism at the time, frominformal carers and institutions: ‘Come here and see what it’s really like’.You learn a lot from that.”

Pediatrician Michel Weijerman is ‘netly’ positive about the contribution ofprograms such as Johnny de Mol’s in the past decade. “He put his heart intoit. But equally important sometimes seems the question of how Johnny, orGordon, stands out by doing this. No one is without ego, I also like beingcalled ‘the down doctor of the Netherlands’. I also recognize that withparticipants, who think it’s great that they can go to Gordon. Very good. Andthey are very proud to be on TV.”

Weijerman works at the expertise center of the VUmc in Amsterdam, among otherplaces. According to him, the formats have certainly not had a bad influenceon the image. “Parents who are expecting a child with Down usually only knowabout it through TV. Then you discuss that sometimes an unrealistic favorablepicture emerges. Or you can see that they are afraid that the perspective thatcan be seen on TV is out of reach. Then you can talk about something.”

According to Weijerman, the large increase in abortions predicted after theintroduction of the non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) five years ago, whichmakes it easy to detect Down syndrome early, has not materialized. This ismore the case abroad, such as in Belgium. According to Weijerman, this is theresult of the perspectives offered by the healthcare system and the greatacceptance in the Netherlands. “As far as the latter is concerned, you couldwell mention the role of TV programmes”, although this has never beenspecifically investigated.

Incidentally, there has been a declining trend in births of babies with Downsyndrome since the beginning of this century, via abortion. But the NIPT hasno amplifying effect on this decrease, concludes doctor Maurike de Groot inthe thesis for which she will receive her doctorate on 11 January. In the mostrecent year for which data are available (2018), 167 children were born withDown syndrome. Regina Lamberts of the Down Syndrome Foundation: “For a longtime we could say that there were more than 240 babies per year, now weestimate 140.”

In Down the Road a group of people with down goes on a journey. Image VRT

On the eve of the introduction of the NIPT, the EO released the four-partseries in 2016 The Last Downer out, in which two reporters went out withdown together with TV maker Jos de Jong. These were intense subjects andconfrontational interviews about abortion, healthcare costs, serious cases ofDown syndrome and the possible extinction. “They really tried to visualize itall,” says Lamberts. “But yes, does that stick with the general public?”

Both experts call the fact that only 1 percent of people with Down syndrome(there are about 13,000 in the Netherlands) eligible for TV, as Duursma statedon Twitter, an estimate that is too narrow. “You may see 1 percent, but thatis something else,” says Weijerman. Lamberts only shares Duursma’s criticismwhen it comes to Gordon’s lack of tact. “Let’s face it: you just can’t alwaysdo it right. But how he talks nonsense on talk shows that everyone could use alittle down. That just hurt a lot of parents.”

Professional singing career

Not everything Gordon does offends experts. In the first season, he lovinglybut fairly frankly helps contestant Lizzy to lose her dream of a professionalsinging career. Lizzy, also the table lady in Knoop & De Leeuw, isdisappointed, but recovers after a hug from Gordon. “Of course he knows aboutthat, whether you can sing,” says Lamberts. Weijerman: “Being honest is reallyimportant, so yes: good from Gordon.”

Lamberts puts the phone on speaker and asks colleague David de Graaf, who hasDown’s syndrome, what he thinks of the programmes. “Following your dream”,that’s what it’s all about. The less pleasant things about down do not need tobe discussed anymore, according to him. What are those? David: “Bullying.”Fortunately, that is no longer the case, he says.

Benthe, aged 18, is almost done with school and will then start assistedliving in a learning, living and working initiative. “No one has Barbiesthere, she already saw, so they all have to be removed from her now,” says herfather Geert van den Heuvel on the phone. “She mirrors herself very much toothers. I just notice that she pulls herself up to that, and gets happy whenshe recognizes people as herself. On the street, but also on TV. That is themost important thing: what she thinks of it.”

It’s twofold, because he also sees that only people with the best expressiveskills come to the surface in TV programs. But sure Down for Dummies byBarry Atsma, whose now deceased brother was also mentally disabled, and theFlemish Down the Road also show the dark sides, according to Van den Heuvel.“So beautifully and carefully made.”

According to Edwin Janssen, father of Stijn (13), “they pick out the goodones” for TV. “If you have six who only want to go down a slide, you arequickly bored. It is very clever what these guys and girls can do. But thereality is often different.” Actually, there should be a disclaimer with theprograms, he thinks. “Something like: ‘What you see here is not a realreflection’. Living with Down is also very tough, that doesn’t really show upon TV.”

It would be nice, says Janssen, if Stijn ever reached the thinking level of asix-year-old. “When you see it on the iPad you think: that’s smart. He knowsvery well where to look for the volume knob, because he wants everything loud.But don’t ask him to go to the toilet alone, then everything will be covered.He is very cheerful very often, does his thing well. But you always have twoeyes on it.”

The picture is never complete, says Lamberts. She can’t think of a programthat covers everything about down. “That is impossible. But for visibility andacceptance, the programs have been just fine. Someone who is now allowed towork in a store, because they have seen that it is possible. Television hasreally contributed to emancipation here, without a doubt.” But she also seesthat a certain saturation has come. “Then there will automatically be atipping point, when people will think: yes, but there is also another side. Ithink we are there now.”

Nerd Culture #90 on To Be Continued, The Whale & Avatar 2

Nerd Culture episode 90 on early Sunday morning for your bakkes, this time notwith stand-in Jelle but with regular part Huey! We therefore immediately kickoff this episode with the big announcement that from today Huey is a permanentpart of the show alongside the presenters Jelle and Koos.

To be continued icon Han Peekel passed away

Unfortunately, we have to talk about this time the death of Han Peekel atthe age of 75. I think for many Nerds among us this man has won a place inthe heart. For example, who used to not watch the spiritual successor to NerdCulture? Of course I’m talking about To be continued. Completely in stylewith a bow tie, Han Peekel informed you about the latest news about comicbooks and cartoons. It was not only very nice to watch, but also informativeas we show how, for example, Meneer Bommel en Tompoes was made. Although theprogram has been off the air for many years, we will never forget it togetherwith Mr. Pekel.

Brendan Fraser makes a comeback in The Whale

Brendan Fraser is a name that comes up often in many an episode of the show.Of course we grew up with The Mummy and George of the Jungle, but lately it’smostly about the glorious comeback he’s currently making in Hollywood. So wehave today the trailer of A24 ‘s The Whale. An arthouse film, so sit backand enjoy!

Avatar 2: The Way of Water most successful release ever

Avatar 2: The Way of Water was released in theaters this week. Although westill think it’s one big conspiracy that this franchise the greatest movierelease of all time , particle two is also well on its way to breakingrecords. For example, the film seems to have collected more than 525 millionin its first week, making it the largest Disney release ever. We don’t believeit, but numbers don’t lie!

DC Studios, Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse & 65

Of course we will also talk about super heroes, because there was a lot ofnews there this week. This way we have more information about everything thatis going on at DC Studios, including the future of Matt Reeves ‘ The Batmanuniverseand it now Henry Cavill ‘s final departure asSuperman.Also dropped there this week the trailer for Sony Animation ‘s Spider-ManAcross the Spider-Verse. Last but not least, we also have the trailer of65 in which Adam Driver aka Kylo Ren travels back in time millions of yearsto make sure that dinosaurs die even sooner by shooting them with hisfuturistic gun instead of patiently waiting for a meteorite to hit. Enjoy!

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Mi padre camina por el parque | Mundial Qatar 2022

En noviembre de 1974, el cineasta alemán Werner Herzog recibió la llamada deun amigo desde París que le avisó de que la crítica de cine alemana LotteEisner, fundadora de la Cinemateca Francesa y, según el mismo Herzog, “laconciencia del Nuevo Cine Alemán ”, estaba muy enferma y probablementemoriría. Herzog se dijo que eso no podía ocurrir. Tomó sus botas, una campera,una brújula, un bolso, y empezó a caminar desde Munich hasta Paris, 830kilómetros de invierno europeo. Durmió en galpones, se desgarró los pies, tuvomucho frío. La experiencia está recogida en su diario de viaje, Del caminarsobre el heelo , donde dice: “Nuestra Eisner no debe morir, no va a morir, yono lo permito (…) No ahora, no lo tiene permitido (…). Miss pasos son firmes.Y ahora tiembla la tierra. Cuando yo camino, camina un bisonte. Cuandodescanso, reposa una montaña”.

Veinte días más tarde, cuando llegó a Paris, Lotte Eisner estaba viva. Herzogse sentó en una silla, puso los pies en otra, la miró, le dijo: “Juntos vamosa cocinar fuego ya detener pescados”. Ella sonrio. “Por un breve y delicadomomento -escribe Herzog-, algo dulce atravesó mi cuerpo muerto de cansancio.Entonces le dije: abra las ventanas, desde hace unos días que puedo volar”. Unanimal potente, un hombre que realiza un acto insensato para detener a lamuerte. Y la detiene. Porque Lotte Eisner no murió, no entonces. Mi padre eseso: un animal potente, un hombre. No es raro, entonces, que sus hijos creanque es alguien que puede mover las cosas del mundo, producir efectos. Hablé deeso en este periódico la semana pasada, en una columna que tuvo ciertarepercusión. Allí conté que mis hermanos lo habían transformado en cabalaventurosa y que él, en nombre de un amor jamás reconocido, se aplicó a latarea.

Este domingo, cuando Argentina jugó la final de la Copa del Mundo contraFrancia, hizo lo que había que hacer para continuar con la cabala absurda quele había sido impuesta: salir a caminar con sus perras por el parque duranteel transcurso del partido. Me lleva 19 o 20 anos. Es fuerte. Se traga laoscuridad de todos aunque él es, claro, muy oscuro. Caminó por el parque,permaneciendo en su role de demiurgo majestuoso, concentrado en una sola idea:atraer la suerte, doblarle el pulso al destino, violentarlo, ganar. Supo delos goles propios por los gritos que llegaban desde la ciudad. Pensó que todoestaba en orden. Pero otra vez, como durante el partido con Países Bajos, lascosas empezaron a ponerse feas y llegaron dos goles de Francia. Se la viovenir, se dijo que no se iba a quedar dando vueltas hasta cualquier hora, y sefue a hacer la siesta. Mientras todo eso sucedía en la ciudad donde él vive,yo, en Buenos Aires, estaba al borde del colapso. Tiempo adicional, gol, gol.Penalties. Cuando se pateó el de la victoria, di un alarido poco compatiblecon mi indiferencia hacia el fútbol –soy un lugar común, miro sólo losMundiales y sólo cuando juega la selección argentina-, y lo llamé porteléfono. Todavia estaba durmiendo. No entendió que pasaba. Cuando le conté–“¡Campeones!”-, se rió y me dijo: “Ah, qué bien. Oíme: ¿para la Navidad teparece que hagamos pollo relleno?”. Ese es mi padre. Un hombre que se aboca acambiar el mundo mientras duerme la siesta y que, al despertar, se preocupapor el pollo relleno. Que forja a sus hijos en el oficio de estar vivos ytiene la modestia de hacerles creer que no le deben nada. Apenas terminó elpartido, me escribieron muchísimas personas enviando abrazos y agradecimientoa ese hombre al que no conocen. Un hombre capaz de apartar tinieblas y decir(decirnos), desde la cuna y hasta el último grito, “No temas. Yo me ocupo”. Unpadre. Reacia a las cabalas como soy, atea, descreída, sin fe, sin ilusión ysin supersticiones, yo creo en él. En el poder de ese bisonte. Así que,paraphrasando las últimas líneas del libro de Herzog: “Padre, no soy la únicaa la que usted le dio alas. Le agradezco. Y también a ustedes, damas ycaballeros, por su atención”.