Amy Grant’s plan to host ‘first bride and bride’ wedding on family farm faces criticism

Amy Grant announcing that she’s hosting a same-sex wedding for her niece hasupset conservative pastor Franklin Graham.

The contemporary Christian singer-songwriter, 62, shared the family news in aninterview with the Washington Post last month, ahead of her receiving theKennedy Center Honors. The article noted how, in recent years, the “Breath ofHeaven” songstress had voiced support for the LGBTQ community, through whichshe has a big fanbase. Also, she and her country music star husband, VinceGill, are planning to host their niece’s wedding on their family farm. Grantsaid it was her family’s “first bride and bride” nuptials.

Grant told the outlet that her reaction to her niece coming out was that itwas “a gift” to the family. “Honestly, from a faith perspective, I do alwayssay, ‘Jesus, you just narrowed it down to two things: love God and love eachother,'” she said. “I mean, hey — that’s pretty simple.”

Graham — the outspoken head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association,founded by his late father — has publicly criticized the six-time Grammywinner over the news. He wrote on social media, “God defines what is sin [inthe bible], not us; and His Word is clear that homosexuality is sin.”

Graham is known for being against same-sex marriage, comparing it to “polygamyor incest.” He also opposed a bill banning anti-gay conversion therapy in2017, calling homosexuality an “abomination.”

While the post was on Graham’s social media pages, the “Baby, Baby” singerreceived a lot of support in the comments. Some included, “Thank you Amy, foryour courage and love for all of God’s people — I know it comes at a cost,”wrote one person. Another called Grant “a wonderful example of Christianwitness for decades. So many of her songs have helped me through tough times.I’m so sorry that all you can do is judge and condemn. You’ve got the wholegospel wrong. Very sorry.” Anotherwrote“Oh, youdid NOT just go after Amy Grant! How DARE you criticize someone for showinglove? She is an amazing woman who has shown more grace and charity than youever have. You don’t get to judge her or anyone else .I believe that is madeperfectly clear in your Bible.”

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A rep for Grant didn’t respond to Yahoo’s request for comment about Franklin’scriticism.

Kennedy Center honoree contemporary Christian and pop singer-songwriter AmyGrant and husband Vince Gill pose on the red carpet at the reception forKennedy Center honorees ahead of the official gala at the State Department inWashington, DC, US, December 3, 2022. REUTERS /SarahSilbigerKennedy Centerhonoree contemporary Christian and pop singer-songwriter Amy Grant and husbandVince Gill pose on the red carpet at the reception for Kennedy Center honoreesahead of the official gala at the State Department in Washington, DC, US,December 3, 2022. REUTERS /SarahSilbiger

Amy Grant with husband Vince Gill at the reception for Kennedy Centerhonorees. (Photo: REUTERS/Sarah Silbiger)

The Kennedy Center Honors will be broadcast Dec. 28 at 8 pm on CBS. SingerBrandi Carlile, who helped honor Grant at the event, told Entertainmenttonight about the support Grant has given her through the years, especiallyafter she came out in 2002.

Grant’s music “was this really big part of my childhood. I always saw Amy andknew Amy as a faith-based singer, as a Christian singer specifically,” six-time Grammy winner Carlile said. “Coming out of the closet, Amy was one of thefirst people to reach out to me, invite me on her television show in my earlytwenties. And then just recently, you know, on social media has been reallysupportive of me and other queer artists specifically. I know she’s takingsome heat for it. I know it hasn’t been easy, and I admire her so much forthat.” Carlile added that what Grant has done for her “personally andpublicly, as a queer person, [has] been really big and important in mygrowth.”

Grant attended the event with Gill, marking her first red carpet appearancesince she suffered a head injury in a bike accident this summer. In July, shehit a hit a pothole while bicycling in Nashville and was thrown from the bike.Grant, who had on a helmet, sustained cuts and bruises as well as a concussionafter being knocked unconscious for about 10 minutes. She was brieflyhospitalized.

El extasis argentino: Messi y la Selección, obligadas a sobrevolar Buenos Aires en helicóptero | Mundial Qatar 2022

Los medios locales especulaban con las cifras. Un millon, dos millones, tresmillones de personas. Los más osados ​​hablaron de cuatro millones, un númeroque supera a la población de la ciudad de Buenos Aires cuando se deja fueradel cálculo el extrarradio. Difícil lanzar cifras como confetis cuando no seten precedentes. Cuando el futuro presidente Raúl Alfonsín cerró su campañaelectoral en la avenida 9 de julio en octubre de 1983, se habló de un millónde personas. La política no movió nunca más semejantes multitudes, apagada lapasión democrática. En 1986, Diego Maradona, en la cúspide de su camino alcielo, no tuvo problemas en alcanzar junto a sus compañeros la Casa Rosada.Salió al balcón con la copa en la mano y con los brazos en alto saludó a lamultitud. El martes eso no fue posible. Por las aglomeraciones y porque losjugadores nunca estuvieron del todo de acuerdo con la invitación delpresidente, Alberto Fernández, para repetir aquella postal que fue icono de lademocracia naciente.

Celebraciones de la selección argentina: “Quiero ver a Messi, ¿lo vamos a poder ver?” | Mundial Qatar 2022

“Mamá, quiero ver a Messi, ¿lo vamos a poder ver?”, preguntaba un niñomientras corría entre una multitud nerviosa hacia el Paseo del Bajo de BuenosAires. Millones de personas se acercaron este martes al centro de la capitalargentina con el mismo objetivo: ver a la selección de fútbol y festejar juntoa ellos el título de campeones del mundo, el primero desde 1986. Lo que empezócomo una fiesta se convirtió con rapidez and una locura. A las once de lamañana ya no era posible llegar hasta el Obelisco por la cantidad de gente.

Dos horas más tarde, los aficionados ocupaban más de una veintena de cuadrasde la 9 de julio, la avenida más ancha de Buenos Aires, por la que estabaprevisto que pasase la selección. Las autoridades informaron entonces de uncambio de planes: por seguridad, el equipo no pasaría por el Obelisco,epicentro de las grandes celebraciones futbolísticas de Argentina. La gentecorrió entonces hasta la autopista 25 de Mayo y saltó las barreras de ingresoa la misma. Esa via de acceso parecía quedar inhabilitada también. De la 9 dejulio la gente se dirigió hacia el Paseo del Bajo, la nueva ruta alternativa.Cada cambio generaba algo de desconcierto y angustia, pero se aplacaba conrapidez al llegar al nuevo destino.

Todos los argentinos definen el domingo como un día histórico e inolvidable.El triunfo contra Francia en la final del Mundial de Qatar permitió que losmenores de 36 años celebrasen su primera Copa del Mundo. Para quienes tens másde 44, es la tercera. Sin importar la edad ni la distancia a la que vivan deBuenos Aires nadie quiso perderse un festejo que ha unido a todo el país y harelegado por unos días las preocupaciones económicas.

“Llegamos a las cinco de la mañana. Cuando terminé el turno en la pizzería fuia casa, me bañé, desperté a los chicos y vinimos para acá”, dice Melina, quienha buscado refugio del sol abrasador en los árboles de la plaza frente alTeatro Colón, el gran coliseo lírico de Buenos Aires. “Dicen que no van a ir ala Rosada, es una lástima, quería ver a Messi en el balcón, como Maradona”,agrega esta mujer de 42 años, que era una niña cuando su padre la llevó aalentar al Pelusa tras la victoria against Alemania and el Mundial de Mexico.

Jason Momoa Gets in the Holiday Spirit as He Delivers Christmas Tree to Ex Lisa Bonet’s House

Jason Momoa is doing the heavy lifting this holiday season.

On Monday, Momoa, 43, was spotted loading up his truck with a Christmas treethat he delivered to his ex-wife Lisa Bonet’s home in Malibu, California.

The Aquaman star could be seen using a rope to tie a Norway Spruce tree tothe bed of his truck as he delivered it to Bonet, whom he married in October2017. They jointly announced they had split this past January.

Since Momoa and Bonet’s breakup, which came after 16 years together and fiveyears of marriage, the pair remain on good terms.

RELATED: Jason Momoa Replies to Ex Lisa Bonet ‘s Birthday Tribute from LennyKravitz on Instagram

In November, Momoa left a simple comment in response to Lenny Kravitz birthdayInstagram post for Bonet, whom the singer was previously married to from 1987to 1993.

“❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️,” the Slumberland actor, 43, wrote, as captured by Comments ByCelebs.

Over a decade after Kravitz and Bonet divorced, the actress met Momoa at a LosAngeles jazz club in 2005 and hit it off with the former Baywatch star, whoin a 2019 Esquire interview identified Bonet as “literally my childhoodcrush” from seeing her on The Cosby Show.

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Malibu, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* - Actor Jason Momoa loads his $400k Super Dutytruck with a Christmas tree and delivers it to his ex-wife Lisa Bonet's house.Pictured: Jason Momoa BACKGRID USA 19 DECEMBER 2022 BYLINE MUST READ: RMBI /BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children PleasePixelate Face Prior ToPublication*Malibu,CA - *EXCLUSIVE* - Actor Jason Momoa loads his $400k Super Duty truck with aChristmas tree and delivers it to his ex-wife Lisa Bonet's house.  Pictured:Jason Momoa BACKGRID USA 19 DECEMBER 2022 BYLINE MUST READ: RMBI / BACKGRIDUSA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children PleasePixelate Face Prior ToPublication*

Malibu, CA – EXCLUSIVE – Actor Jason Momoa loads his $400k Super Duty truckwith a Christmas tree and delivers it to his ex-wife Lisa Bonet’s house.Pictured: Jason Momoa BACKGRID USA 19 DECEMBER 2022 BYLINE MUST READ: RMBI /BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children PleasePixelate Face Prior To Publication


Momoa and Bonet share two children: 15-year-old daughter Lola and 13-year-oldson Nakoa-Wolf.

In January, they said in a joint statement, “We have all felt the squeeze andchanges of these transformational times… A revolution is unfolding and ourfamily is of no exception… feeling and growing from the seismic shiftsoccurring. And so we share our Family news that we are part ways in marriage.”

“We don’t share this because we think it’s newsworthy but so that as we goabout our lives we may do so with dignity and honesty,” they continued. “Thelove between us carries on, evolving in ways it wishes to be known and lived.We free each other to be who we are learning to become…”

Story continues

RELATED: Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet ‘s Relationship Timeline

The statement concluded, “Our devotion unwavering to this sacred life ourchildren. Teaching our children what’s possible. Living the Prayer. May LovePrevail✨ J & L.”

Kravitz has spoken about the work the three had put in together to blend theirfamilies in the past.

“You go through a marriage with somebody, you break up and it’s verydifficult,” Kravitz said in a July 2019 interview with UK publication TheTimes. “But [Lisa and I] put the work in and we took the time so that wecould become best friends again. Our families are blended.”

“I love her husband — he’s like a brother to me — and I love the kids,”Kravitz said of Momoa at the time.

And la ‘pole position’ de la sostenibilidad | Deportes

La Fórmula 1 es uno de los deportes más seguidos del mundo. Los 22 grandespremios del calendario alcanzaron en 2021 una audiencia acumulada de 1,500millones de telespectadores, según la auditora Nielsen. El rugido de lospotentes motores ha asociado tradicionalmente a esta competición con lasemisiones de CO₂. Sin embargo, la categoría reina del automovilismo estádemostrando que puede hacer frente al reto de la sostenibilidad * sinperder un ápice de su brillo y su emoción, y ha anunciado su objetivo de seruna competición con cero emisiones netas ( just zero ) and 2030. En esamisión, el desarrollo tecnológico necesario para la superación deportivarepresenta su mejor aliado, ya que alcanzar una movilidad basada en NetZero pasa por innovar *** para encontrar nuevos medios reductores de las

El Masters de Augusta no veta a los golfistas de LIV | Deportes

La batalla actual se centra en los puntos del ránking mundial. Los jugadoresde LIV Golf pretenden que los torneos de la liga saudí (en 2023 se disputarán14, entre ellos el primero en España, en Valderrama del 30 de junio al 2 dejulio) otorguen también puntos para la clasificación de los mejores del mundoy no perder así posiciones en un listado que sirve de baremo, por ejemplo,para clasificarse para los grandes. Sergio García ha bajado al puesto número112 del mundo después de ser expulsado del circuito americano al fichar porLIV: es la primera vez desde 1999, hace 23 años, en que el castellonense noestá entre los 100 mejores del planeta. El Niño, ganador en Augusta en 2017,comentó hace unos días que en sus planes estaba volver al Masters: “Augustasiempre ha hablado de tradición. Y una de las más grandes es que jueguen losganadores de antes. Si los veta iría en contra de sus tradiciones. Sería uncambio muy radical. Tengo Augusta and mi calendario”.

Mean Girls Broadway Performer Stephanie Bissonnette Dead at 32 from Cancer: ‘Our Hearts Are Broken’

Stephanie Bissonnette

Stephanie Bissonnette/Instagram

mean girls Broadway cast member Stephanie Bissonnette has died after ayears-long battle with brain cancer. She was 32.

The production shared news of the dance teacher, choreographer and performer’sdeath onTwitter Mondaymorning, writing in a statement that Bissonnette “filled our theater with herlaughter and friendship.”

“Our hearts are broken as the mean girls community mourns the loss ofStephanie Bissonnette,” the production wrote in a statement. “Our originalDawn Sweitzer, Stephanie was part of our Broadway company from our firstperformance to our last.”

“She filled our theater with her laughter and friendship, inspired us with herfighting spirit and bravery, and graced our stage with the fiercest talentBroadway has ever known,” the statement continued. “Our thoughts and prayersare with Stephanie’s family, friends, and the entire mean girls communityduring this time. We will miss her profoundly and encourage everyone to dosomething they love today in Stephanie’s honor.”


Stephanie Bissonnette

Stephanie Bissonnette/Instagram

RELATED: Mean Girls The Musical Movie Reveals Cast, Including AngourieRice and ‘Moana’ Star Auli’i Cravalho

Bissonnette had publicly shared her experience with a form of brain cancercalled medulloblastoma ever since she was diagnosed in 2019, after sheoriginated the role of Dawn Sweitzer as mean girls opened at the AugustWilson Theater in New York City in 2018, according to Playbill.

In 2020, Bissonnette told SurvivorNet that she first noticed something was offwhen she felt a “twinge” while performing a dance move during a _mean girls_performance in 2019.

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“I don’t think we would have found [the tumor] if I worked a normal 9 to 5job,” she told the outlet of why she decided to see a doctor. “Because I moveso much and I do crazy things for a living — I’ve been doing it since I was 5— just [that] little moment in the show [made me go], ‘Why am I having troubletoday? There’s got to be something else going on.’ “

Story continues

After doctors removed the performer’s tumor in February 2019, treatment forthe disease kept Bissonnette away from appearing in mean girls for ninemonths, according to the outlet.

RELATED: Pink Shirts and Burn Books! Everything You Need to Know About the_mean girls_ Broadway Musical

Devon Hadsell, Kevin Csolak, Collins Conley, and Stephanie Lynn Bissonnetteattend the 'Mean Girls'  Original Broadway Cast Vinyl Release at the HeraldSquare Urban Outfitters';  on August 28, 2018 in New YorkCity.DevonHadsell, Kevin Csolak, Collins Conley, and Stephanie Lynn Bissonnette attendthe 'Mean Girls'  Original Broadway Cast Vinyl Release at the Herald SquareUrban Outfitters';  on August 28, 2018 in New YorkCity.

Devon Hadsell, Kevin Csolak, Collins Conley, and Stephanie Lynn Bissonnetteattend the ‘Mean Girls’ Original Broadway Cast Vinyl Release at the HeraldSquare Urban Outfitters’ on August 28, 2018 in New York City.

Walter McBride/Getty

“Treatments are hard and you’re going to have bad days,” she told SurvivorNetabout receiving cancer treatment in 2020. “You’re going to feel sick andyou’re going to feel nauseous.”

“But you have to know that there is a light at the end and it is coming,” sheadded at the time. “It’s going to be over. It’s just a period of time. It’s aterrible, tough period of time, but people come out on the other side.”

Bissonnette was a graduate of Point Park University’s Conservatory of thePerforming Arts; she performed with the cruise ship company Royal Caribbeanafter her graduation and eventually moved to New York City to work as ateacher and choreographer, according to Deadline.

Her other credits included choreography work for The Muny, Riverside Theater,Shakespeare Theater Company, and Seven Angels Theater, as well as anappearance in a Keith Urban music video for “Never Comin’ Down,” according to

The Way of Water seems to be going to do the impossible

After thirteen years of speculation, rumors and above all a lot of patience,the time has finally come: Avatar: The Way of Water finally in theaters. Butcan the film do the impossible and pave the way for the next two sequels?

James Cameron’s plans are ambitious. The 68-year-old filmmaker is after TheWay of Water far from finished. He already has plans for a third, fourth andeven fifth Avatar movie. The best man has even filmed parts of the thirdsequel.

Avatar: The Way of Water

But yes, first The Way of Water to do the impossible. The sequel to theiconic 2009 3D film had a reported budget of $400 million, before marketingand other costs. Or, as Cameron himself recently put it: “ The Way of Water_has to end up as the third or fourth greatest movie of all time to _breakeven to turn.”

That amounts to one box office of about $2 billion worldwide. By comparison,the first Avatar is the biggest movie of all time at $2.9 billion worldwide.But yes, that was only after a rerelease. A little success is therefore not anoption. The Way of Water must become a mega hit to recoup costs, andespecially to guarantee a green light for the next films.

Made up the balance sheet

Anyway, it’s Monday, so we can take stock. Avatar: The Way of Water has nowrun in the cinemas for one weekend. After debuting in 52 markets, including arare release in China, James Cameron’s blockbuster has grossed $435 million todate.

Cameron just doesn’t know that yet Doctor Strange in the Multiverse ofMadness trump, the film with the best opening weekend of this year. Marvel’sadventure scored one in its first few days box office of $442 million.

Do not panic

Overall scores The Way of Water just less than analysts had expected. Theycounted on at least $450 million. Cameron needn’t panic just yet, though. Farfrom. The original Avatar “only” raked in $77 million in its first weekend inthe United States. Thanks to the extra expensive 3D tickets and consumers whokept coming back, that movie eventually became the iconic success story weknow today. After all, Cameron’s films are known for that: staying power asthey call it in Hollywood.

“The future of the Pandora will not be decided this weekend,” said PaulDergarabedian, senior media analyst at Comscore. “It will be determined in thecoming weeks as the movie plays, and we will see, I think, strong numbers weekafter week.” Plus, we’re still talking about the second biggest movie of 2022to date.

The cast of Avatar 2: These are the actors behind the blue CGI aliens

Avatar the way of water runningtimeJamesCameron (Image: Disney)

Premature conclusions

Shawn Robbins, chief media analyst at, also warns that weshouldn’t jump to conclusions: “It’s premature at this stage to determine theextent of the film’s success, especially given Cameron’s history of longglobal runs. box office.

The Way of Water in any case, you get all the space. Only on February 17will a blockbuster of a comparable caliber come to the cinema. Then we’retalking about Marvel’s Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Moreover, theChristmas holidays will also provide a significant boost. So wait a littlelonger. Fortunately, we still have plenty of time: the third promised Avatarmovie is only scheduled for December 20, 2024.

Rotten Tomatoes

On Rotten Tomatoes must The Way of Water doing it with a score of 78 percentat the time of writing, after 317 reviews. In comparison: for the first film,the counter is at 82 percent, after 334 reviews. However, given the curse thatoften rests on sequels, this is only good news: both blockbusters are spacious_Certified Fresh._

Wolverine star on mental health problems

Hugh Jackman

Actor Hugh Jackman has said he was “a hot mess” making his latest film, TheSon.

The 54-year-old X-Men star explained: “I certainly realized how vulnerable Iwas.”

He plays a successful lawyer with a teenage son (Zen McGrath) from a previousmarriage who is suffering from depression.

Jackman told the BBC the subject matter of the film and returning to actingafter not working during Covid lockdowns caused him “anxiety”.

And then his father died while he was making the movie.

“My father actually never missed a day of work in his life,” Jackman says,explaining why he did not take any time off to grieve. “I did imagine what myfather would say and he would say, ‘Go to work’.”

Nevertheless, making The Son was hard and the pressure took its toll.

“I would be one of the least [likely] people I know who I’d describe as a hotmess, but I certainly was during this.”

Jackman suffered sleepless nights while playing the role of Peter, aworkaholic with a new partner, young baby, an ex-wife and their troubledteenage son. The star says he continues to consult a therapist who helped himthrough filming.

The film’s producers also employed psychiatrists on set in case members of thecast and crew needed to talk about the upsetting material.

“This was the first time I’d ever seen such a thing on a film,” says Jackman,”and people used it and it was necessary.”

While intimacy coaches have become commonplace when sex scenes are beingfilmed, Jackman advocates mental health support as well.


Jackman’s other big roles include the lead in The Greatest Showman

“There’s a little part of the old school part of my brain [that thinks],’Well, that’s up to you to work out.’ If you need to go to a doctor, forwhatever reason, your foot, your mental health, you know, you work that out.

“But I think it certainly would be a sign from an employer that we understandtaking care of the whole person, not just paying them, but taking care oftheir wellbeing in all forms is really, really important.”

Story continues

See-Saw films, which produced The Son, worked with the Film and TV Charity,which has developed a free industry-wide resource to destigmatise poor mentalhealth in film and TV.

The charity’s 2021 Looking Glass survey found that nine in 10 people workingin the sector had experienced a mental health problem.

The Whole Picture Toolkit offers guidance and advice on supporting mentalhealth and wellbeing on set and pre and post-production and, so far, the kithas been adopted by 35 productions.

Jackman says he hopes The Son will spark conversations around mental healthissues “that are urgently needed”.

He says: “There is a real lack of knowledge and ignorance and shame around thesubject and I think it’s something we need to confront, really, reallyquickly.”

The film, which explores absentee parenting and the effects of divorce onchildren as well as adolescent mental illness, is tough to watch.

While The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw praised the “beautifully composed andliterate drama”, not everyone was a fan of The Son, which premiered at theVenice Film Festival and opens in the UK in February.

The Hollywood Reporter’s David Rooney said it was “a depressing film aboutdepression, while The Times’ Kevin Maher dismissed it as “a wearily predicableslab of family values ​​hokum.”

However, Jackman has already received a Golden Globe nomination for best actorfor his role in the drama.

It comes at a moment when some are questioning the future of gendered actingcategories in awards ceremonies.

Jackman says he’s a “a big fan” of having one gender neutral acting categoryin which all performers compete.

“That would be a really positive step. I don’t understand why it’s split intojust two genders when we all know it’s a much bigger spectrum.”

Wolverine's UK premiere in2013Wolverine'sUK premiere in2013

Jackman is arguably best known for his role as Wolverine in the X-Men series

Acknowledging that he “might have just shot myself in the foot” as his ownchances of winning would be halved if there was one non-binary acting categoryinstead of separate best actor and actress categories, he adds: “Whatever themix is, we should maybe just break down any of those categories that end upbeing divisive and unnecessary.”

If the past is anything to go by, Jackman could be in with a shout of takinghome an award this season. The Son was co-written and directed by FlorianZeller, who directed the 2020 drama The Father, which earned its star SirAnthony Hopkins his second Oscar.

Sir Anthony, famous for his roles in The Silence of the Lambs, the Thor moviesand Westworld, makes a cameo appearance in The Son.

And Jackman gives a fascinating insight into how Sir Anthony continues to workafter more than six decades on screen.

“He shot for one day. He spent six months emailing the director Florian everysingle day. Florian said to me, ‘I got as many emails about this one scene ina movie as I did for The Father, where he is in every scene .’ He takes it soseriously.”

And that meticulous approach on continued set.

“At one point, he wanted to redo his close-up again. And I pulled Florianaside and I said: ‘But what he did was so incredible.’

“And he said: ‘Oh yeah, I’ve got everything I need, but I think he just missesacting. He hadn’t acted for 18 months. I think he just misses it, he wantedanother go.'”

The Son represents a departure for Jackman, who played Wolverine in nineblockbuster films – and is coming back for at least one more.

He also made his name in movie musicals, including Les Misérables and TheGreatest Showman and on Broadway, where he is currently starring in The MusicMan. So how does he pick roles?

“I’m always looking for things that I haven’t done before, that challenge me,that scare me,” Jackman says.

“And by the way, when I did Wolverine, it always scared me, too. That’s amillion miles away from who I am as well.”

Harvey Weinstein also found guilty in California abuse case | General

Harvey Weinstein has been found guilty of rape and two counts of sexualassault in a second abuse case in the United States. In the abuse case in thestate of California, a total of eleven charges were against the seventy-year-old former film producer.

Weinstein was already sentenced to 23 years in prison in a previous abuse casein New York. There are other allegations against him. The film producer saidit would appeal against the conviction in New York.

No sentence has yet been handed down in the abuse case in California, in whichWeinstein has now also been found guilty. A total of 140 years in prison isdemanded against him in Los Angeles.

Weinstein was one of the most powerful men in the film industry before beingaccused of sexual assault in 2017. That first accusation turned out to be justthe tip of the iceberg; many more followed.

Zie ookLangverwachte rechtszaak tegen Harvey Weinstein van start in Californië

Predator Weinstein used his power to abuse women

In California, Weinstein had to answer for sex crimes against four allegedvictims. He was found guilty of rape and sexual assault against one woman. Shewas referred to as Jane Doe 1 during the trial to protect her anonymity.

Four charges against Weinstein were previously dismissed because one of thealleged victims failed to testify for unclear reasons. Weinstein was acquittedof one charge and the jury was unable to reach a consensus in three cases.

Prosecutors called Weinstein a “predator” who used his power in the filmindustry to lure women into dating him so he could then sexually assault them.

Weinstein’s lawyers maintain that all allegations are unfounded and that allsexual contact was consensual. According to the lawyers, there is no evidenceof rape or assault.

De zaak-Weinstein in het kort:

  • Harvey Weinstein was een belangrijke filmproducent, die verantwoordelijk was voor blockbusters als Sin City, Shakespeare in Love en The Lord of the Rings. * Begin 2017 wordt hij voor het eerst beschuldigd van seksueel misbruik. Daarna volgen al snel tientallen andere beschuldigingen. * Anderhalf jaar later wordt Weinstein gearresteerd en officieel aangeklaagd. * In februari 2020 volgt het oordeel van de jury in New York: Weinstein wordt schuldig bevonden aan aanranding en verkrachting en veroordeeld tot een gevangenisstraf van 23 jaar. * Weinstein krijgt in augustus 2022 te horen dat hij alsnog in hoger beroep mag tegen de veroordeling in New York.

Condemnation may seem symbolic, but it is not

With Weinstein already sentenced to 23 years in prison in New York in 2020,the California case may seem symbolic, but it is not; the film producer canstill appeal against that conviction.

The case in California, in which 140 years in prison is demanded againstWeinstein, is therefore still important. At the beginning of next year, thejudge will pronounce a sentence against the former film producer.