Kenniphaas’s choice: Egmond’s most famous photographer shares his most beautiful pictures

Rain or shine, Sjef Kenniphaas (67) can be found every morning on the beach ofEgmond aan Zee, inseparable from his camera. With the photos he takes, he isone of the main suppliers (now 1,500) of images for weather reports ontelevision. But it doesn’t just record weather conditions. NH News asked Sjeffor his best prints of 2022.

Sjef Kenniphaas – NH News/ Maaike Polder

Sjef can be found on the beach every day. “I have to walk because of my leg,”he explains. He almost lost his lower leg in a serious accident at theHoogovens where he used to work. “It is now full of scars. By moving everyday, the moisture does not accumulate.”

Never without a camera

He has now lived in the coastal village for 32 years, but the beach, the sea,waves and clouds never get boring. “They are different every day. And I recordthat. Because that camera is always with me. You will see that if I don’t haveit with me, something fun happens right away. Like with that yawning seal.”

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Yawning seal – 3 September 2022 – Photo: Sjef Kenniphaas

“I caught sight of that seal when I was trying out the range of a new camera.That animal was about 200 meters out to sea and just quietly ‘doing itsthing’. Usually seals are quickly submerged again , but I could take 40pictures.”

According to Sjef, you only spot seals in the morning and especially not inhigh season. “They hear everything and are looking for peace. Just like meduring my walks. Wonderful. No one to bother me, nice in the sun, yawning abit. Exactly that seal. This photo makes me very happy.”

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Moon versus plane – November 14, 2022 – Photo: Sjef Kenniphaas

“It was clear weather above the sea and then you can photograph the craters onthe moon very nicely. I think this is a very successful photo, also becausesomething happens when you look at it for a while. The plane flies away fromyou, of course, but if you look longer, it looks like it’s coming towards youor falling down.”

As far as Sjef is concerned, the photo below also gives a nice – distorted -picture. “This took place 400 to 500 meters out to sea. It looks like a rescueoperation, but that cutter has nothing to do with it.”

Text continues below photo.

Rescue campaign – 15 May 2022 – Photo: Sjef Kenniphaas

“This was an exercise by the KNRM with getting people off board at speed. Thatcutter looks the same size as the lifeboat in the photo, but in reality it ismany times larger. It was therefore even further out to sea. That opticalillusion I like this.”

But Sjef can also enjoy himself with ‘macro’ shots. “I did that as a youngboy. My father was a beekeeper and it was very easy to find bees there tocapture from very close. But that fluff of a dandelion. I love it.”

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Pluis – 6 May 2022 – Photo: Sjef Kenniphaas

For the time being, Sjef has not hung up his camera yet. “As long as I can doit, I’ll keep doing it. And it’s also nice that so many people are happy withmy photos. I read that with pleasure in the comments when I share them onsocial media. That’s what I do it for .”

That his photos are so appreciated, also in his own village, is evident fromthe prize he won this month with the ‘Best photo of the year’, awarded by theEgmond weekly magazine Villagers. “The professional and public jury wereunanimous,” said publisher Remy Beukers.

In the meantime, the weather photos on television are also going very well.Last week number 1,500 was used in the weather forecast.

20 debut albums from 2022 that you shouldn’t miss

As an artist you only have one chance to prove yourself to the outside world.Or so it seems, because there are always exceptions. Still, the impact of adebut album cannot be underestimated, especially in these times where EPs andsingles are released in droves before the first album is even released. Thatis why we want to put the best debut albums in the spotlight every year. Wepicked out twenty that can’t be found in any other of our lists and that youshould definitely check out this year.

Bat Eyes – Bat Eyes

Koen Wijnant has been working on Bat Eyes’ self-titled debut album since 2019and this year we finally received that ten-song album. The foursome from Ghenteagerly taps from the keg where bands like The Lemonheads and Pavement drankthe holy water from. The nineties feeling is never far away and the healthydose of melancholy supplemented with the dreamy indie rock only contributes tothis. Anyone who likes to get lost in a hint of nostalgia will be served athis beck and call with this debut. Bat Eyes provides an infectious vibe withsingles like “Forever Wasted” and “Nowhere Here”, so that the self-titledalbum is over before you even realize it. With a small tour through Europeplanned in the spring, 2023 could be the breakthrough year for this indie rockformation.

Body Type – Everything Is Dangerous but Nothing’s Surprising

Of Everything Is Dangerous But Nothing ‘s Surprising Body Type immediatelyhad a long title for his debut album. The record was released this year, butshould have been released two years ago, just after the release of their twodebut EPs years earlier. The choice to postpone did the band no harm. Thefoursome brings a beautiful post-punk record that also shows that a scene isstarting to emerge in Australia. Musically we hear the middle ground betweenDry Cleaning and Wet Leg, but without all the hype. Still gives Everything IsDangerous But Nothing ‘s Surprising a fascinating listening experience thanksto the mix of different vocals, so that every song tells a different story.Songs like “The Brood” and “Buoyancy” provide the energy, while “Futurism” and“An Animal” also show that a softness creeps into Body Type’s sound. That wayeveryone gets to hear their own thing and therefore we can already considerthe debut of the Australians as one of the better ones of the year.

Brimheim – can’t hate myself into a different shape

Danish musician Helena Heinesen Rebensdorff may ring a bell with some peopleunder her stage name Brimheim, but for the general public she has remainedsomewhat under the radar over the past year. That does not alter the fact thather debut album can ‘t hate myself into a different shape stands like ahouse. In recent years, Brimheim has already impressed music lovers withstrong singles such as “Exquisite Bliss” and “Call It What You Want”, songs inwhich dejected and dark lyrics are spun out on pop-sensitive melodies. On theeleven tracks of can ‘t hate myself into a different shape she builds onthis momentum and swims smoothly through various genres such as shoegaze,rock, alternative pop and electronica. An album that does not get boringeasily and that certainly deserves your attention!

Charles – Until We Meet Again

Charlotte Foret won a few years back The Voice Belgium , but that the curseof a singing competition would not harm her, she showed this year in aspectacular way. After her first ep Falling While Rising she released herdebut album this year Until We Meet Again on the props. The self-confidenceshe displays on those eleven songs is fully reflected in her pop rock andshows her ambition as an artist. Charles makes music for the two extremeemotions. The moments when frustrations take the upper hand and put everythingaside is necessary, but also the sentimental moments when the world sometimesseems to stand still. She clearly draws strength from this on “Systematic” and“Never Fair”, among others, but at the same time she adopts a considerablyfragile attitude on “Didn’t Get To Say Goodbye”. We are therefore notsurprised that her conquest with this album took her past a packed The Barn atRock Werchter and a sold-out Ancienne Belgique.

death crash – Return

deathcrash took it upon themselves to come up with a debut album that takesequal inspiration from postrock, midwestern emo, posthardcore and postmetal.The minimalist slowcore genre is kind of hidden in between, but _return_sometimes rocks back and forth so much that it cannot be categorized underthat term. While there are also some traditional slow burners between thetwelve tracks, songs like “Sundown”, “American Metal” and “Was Living” embodythis dynamic very well, while “Matt’s Song” and “What To Do” keep it sointimate that you can almost hear the rain on the roof of the recordingstudio. We clearly notice the influences of, among others, Explosions in theSky, American Football, Slint and Amenra, although the atypical, but stableimplementation of those styles does provide an unexpected experience. Itoffers the London band endless possibilities to develop its own distinctivesound with its talent!

DITZ – The Great Regression

One of the noisiest debuts this year came from Bristol. Five years after thefirst album by fellow town and genre IDLES, DITZ could well be a nicesuccessor. Their sound is therefore not exactly about the pot. Loud post-punksongs with the necessary portion of noise and a scream here and there are morepopular with us, but the men clearly have something more to offer, which makesthem quite exceptional. Straightforward, not too many frills, but above allenormous potential. DITZ is a band for the future.

Ethel Cain – Preacher’s Daughter

Far from being one of the best-known albums on this list, but arguably one ofthe best, is Ethel Cain’s debut album. The American singer received a strictCatholic upbringing, something that is clearly reflected in the lyrics andalbum covers of the artist, and is also a trans woman with autism. Her musicresembles slow rock music with dreamy aspects and sometimes you can also hearsome folk or church influences. Preacher ‘s Daughter is a mix of differentgenres, so putting a label on it is not easy. Nevertheless, we can say thatthe album is breathtaking at times and grabs us by the throat. At 75 minutes,Ethel Cain’s debut is undoubtedly on the long side, and may be too long on afirst listen, but over time every minute is worth it.

Horsegirl – Versions of Modern Performance

Horsegirl had been in many lists for several years as a band to keep an eyeon. Matador Records quickly recognized the talent of this indie trio andbrought it on board in 2021. That same year, single “Billy” was released,which Rolling Stone proclaimed as a ‘must-hear’ song. The trio from Chicagofinds op Versions of Modern Performance somewhere the balance between grayguitars, shoegaze and colorful, beautiful vocal melodies that make you dreamaway. Nora Cheng and Penelope Lowenstein divide the vocal parts nicely betweeneach other. The combination of poppy, grungy guitar violence and a fuzzy,hypnotic sound make this debut captivating until the very end.

Jockstrap – I Love You Jennifer B

Of course this one could I Love You Jennifer B not missing from our lists!Black Country, New Road inexorably made it to the ‘Numero Uno’ in our albumtop 50. Jockstrap, the side project of BCNR violinist Georgia Ellery andfellow Windmill player Taylor Skye, shows at least as much musical genius asthat winner. On this debut album we hear the most innovative pop music bouncein all directions. The production is incredible, the mix of influences evenmore so. Yet each song manages to create its own universe. I Love YouJennifer B is a stubborn pop album full of “Greatest Hits” where thecreativity is so great that we can only think “What’s It All About?”: awonderful feeling.

Lander & Adrian – Lander & Adrian

Lander Gyselinck has had a good year. The drummer, who we know from STUFF.,has released no fewer than two albums. One with rapper Zwangere Guy and onewith keyboardist Adriaan Van De Velde. their album, Lander & Adrian, turnedinto an idiosyncratic mix of largely instrumental music that seemed even moreenergetic, intense and magnificent live (especially when you know that the duomainly performed in the middle of concert halls with an exuberant audiencearound them). We don’t know if there will ever be a second album from thesetwo, but we certainly wouldn’t mind! The music is to lick your thumbs andfingers, and to throw your dancing legs into battle.

Read more on the next page!

A house full of viewers surprised by ‘skipper’s children’ remark

The second episode of the winter season of A house full begins – funnilyenough – with a glimpse into the summer holidays of the Zeldenrust family.Instead of staying at home with the eight children, the two parents decide totake the children to their boat in the Dordrecht harbour.

The water may not be tropical blue, but the oldest four children still happilyjump in. To the surprise of the A house full viewers and the port police.

Havenpolitie appears in the second episode Een huis vol

While mother Jantina keeps an eye on things, the children enjoy the coolingwater. “The eldest four all have at least two diplomas,” explains Jantina. Thechildren who do not yet have diplomas are therefore not allowed in the water.“And one of us is always observing when they are swimming. So that you knowwhat is happening and that you can be there on time if necessary.”

Although it seems quite safe for the parents this way, the harbor policethinks otherwise. While the children are recovering from their swim, theharbor police moor next to their boat. Father Joshua walks towards thepolicemen. “You know this is forbidden, don’t you? Swimming in the river. Thatis life-threatening,” one of the police officers begins.

‘They are skippers’ children’

But Joshua disagrees. “Well that is not too bad. I also got through it, so Idon’t see that danger,” he replies. “They are skippers’ children, so they havebeen brought up a bit further than a normal walkind.” However, the port policedo not change their mind: skipper’s child or not, swimming in these kinds ofwaters can be life-threatening, according to the officer.

“I’ll give you a warning about it, but don’t do it again,” warns the officerJoshua. However, the father does not seem very impressed by the warning: “ThenI will know that for next time, I will look it up.”

No more swimming

From a distance, the children watch and listen to the spectacle. Thirteen-year-old Julia suspects that the arrival of the harbor police has to do withtheir swimming party from earlier. “We swam in a place where I don’t thinkyou’re allowed to swim. Now daddy gets mad at those men.”

When Joshua walks back to his family, one of the children asks if they canswim again. Although the father didn’t seem very impressed by the warning fromthe harbor police, he still doesn’t allow it. “No absolutely not. I don’t wantto hear any more about it.”

A house full of viewers amazed

The whole event caused astonishment among the viewers of A house full. “Askipper who does not know that you are not allowed to swim in the river,”writes a viewer on Twitter. “Skipper child or not, stick to the rules,” tweetsanother viewer.

A skipper who does not know that you are not allowed to swim in the river> #onehouseful>> — Fairy (@FeeW123) December 26,> 2022

Father Zeldenrust pff… With his lacquer to the rules. Until a child goes> under and never comes up again… Skipper child or not, stick to the rules.> #onehouseful>> — Eden ☁️ (@hallowedhillz) December 26,> 2022

The fact that you swim somewhere where it is not allowed and dangerous is of> course the fault of the harbor police… 🫥> #onehouseful>> — Jeroen Bartels (@JBartels96) December 26,> 2022

Papa Zeldenrust thinks that the harbor police are exaggerating. I think Dad> will get away with this> #onehouseful>> — Paulien (@PaulienJZ) December 26,> 2022

As if the undercurrent distinguishes between shore children and skipper> children. The law also applies to Rare Rests> #onehouseful>> — Carola (@DutchLittleOne) December 26,> 2022

Inflatable baths for the Rare Rests

Luckily for the kids, there’s plenty of space on deck for inflatable pools.Maybe not as much fun as open water, but nice and cool. Jantina also staysattentive during the games on deck. “As soon as I leave here, the little oneswill go with me. I just want to be very careful,” she explains. “The mostdangerous thing on board is the water next to it, quite simple. But there arealso dangers on deck. If you fall down here, you will fall steel on steel.”

You can watch a house full via NPO.

Sylvie Kreusch after her rollercoaster year: ‘I sometimes felt guilty about my happiness’

More than an hour later than agreed, Sylvie Kreusch (31) appears in the lobbyof her mother’s hotel in the heart of Antwerp. The dinner with the recordcompany, a four-course gift for her top year, has run over. The elegantAntwerp woman who won many hearts this year with her debut album ‘Montbray’apologizes extensively. We forgive her and want to know how they feel abouther rollercoaster year at Sony Belgium.

“I’m their best-selling artist in the vinyl market. Nice, of course, but Idon’t care much about numbers. I am especially happy that our cooperation isgoing so well. I was quite scared to go into the sea with such a big house.Could I keep my freedom? But they release me 100 percent. Their trust is agreat surplus. They don’t push me at all to come up with something newquickly. The only person I feel pressured by is myself. I want to write along-term story and leave a timeless body of work. As a woman in this businessyou have to think very carefully about that. Sometimes this work feels a bitlike modeling. Since I turned thirty, I’ve been doing more career planning.(laugh) Male musicians have it a lot easier in that respect.’

Let It All Burn by Sylvie Kreusch

Before going solo in 2018, Sylvie Kreusch – her family on her father’s side isrooted in the East Cantons – was a member of Balthazar singer MaartenDevoldere’s bands Soldier’s Heart and Warhaus. Anyone who saw her at work inthe early days of her solo career quickly understood why a life as thefrontwoman of her own band was the only right way.

She matured against her pace in music studios and smaller venues until shefelt fully ready to unleash ‘Montbray’ on the world. On that debut, beautifulmystical love songs unrolled like in a personal diary, wandering around in thedreamy sensual universe of elegant chanteuses like Grace Jones and CharlotteGainsbourg. With her single ‘Walk Walk’ as the biggest earworm.

David Bowie

The elegant art pop comes into its own even better live. Kreusch performed 75times this year with her six-piece band. No Belgian festival that didn’t havethem on the bill. She also looked beyond our country and cast anchors inFrance, Germany, the Netherlands and England.

Concerts by Sylvie Kreusch are a total experience: her pearl of a voice,sensual performance and groovy band leave the audience in amazement. Theintriguing light show and surprising stage setup visually complete thepicture. Because there is a lot of improvisation in singing, music and dance,her shows are never a repetition exercise. “I could never force my dance movesinto a choreography. If I feel for just a moment that I am doing the same asthe night before, I go completely tilted. I need to be able to go into a showunprepared. I expect more or less the same attitude from the musicians. It’sexciting when you feel there’s a lot of improvisation – for us, but even moreso for the audience.’


Sylvie Kreusch (31) won with Soldier’s Heart in 2013 the talent show ‘The newgeneration’ of Studio Brussels. In 2016 she switched to Warhaus, the band ofher then boyfriend Maarten Devoldere of the rock group Balthazar. Her solodebut ‘Montbray’ was released last year.

At the last concert of her farming year two weeks ago in the Roma in Antwerp,she tried something new. At the end, a screen rolled down and the concertsuddenly took on something of a film performance. A live recording showed thetall frontwoman and her musicians walking the wings to the tune of DavidBowie’s ‘Five Years’. It was a stylish closing chord of her first majorconcert campaign.

It is no coincidence that she draws the lamented British pop icon into heruniverse. Although she never lived to see Bowie’s heyday and never saw himlive, he is an important source of inspiration. “I think my vision aligns withhis. Bowie didn’t see himself just as a musician. He invented a character,explored a style and then looked for the right people to translate his ideasinto a musical and visual universe that was as original as possible. I strivefor that too. I also want to control as many aspects of my music as possible.I have built a team of confidants with whom I test my ideas. The finalresponsibility rests with me. That’s quite hard, because although I know verywell what I want, I feel more like a follower than a leader. Still, it’s theonly and best way making music works for me. The keyword is trust. You have tohave confidence in the people you work with. If you succeed, you can let goand learn from others.’

Full screen display

Singer Syvie Kreusch: ‘Although I know very well what I want, I feel more likea follower than a leader.’ ©katrijn van giel

Her team consists of an amalgam of music professionals – her permanentguitarist, her manager – and a childhood friend, such as the Belgian stylistTom Eerebout who also works with world stars such as Lady Gaga and Rita Ora.Eerebout told us on the phone that he sees a parallel between Lady Gaga andhis childhood friend from Mortsel: both have a clear vision on all aspects oftheir career.

“That’s a huge compliment, but that’s where the comparison ends for me,” shesmiles. ‘Lady Gaga has the mega talent to write pop songs that you know inadvance: that will be the sound within a few months. I don’t think I have thattalent. I would find it liberating to be on the writing team of a mega-artistgenre Lady Gaga. I could work well in groups, as an additional factor. Thingslike that sometimes cross my mind as an alternative to the moment in my careerwhen I just don’t think I’m interesting enough to be on stage anymore.’


Sylvie Kreusch broke through in a bizarre and dark year for the world. Thepandemic was just sweating out when she was allowed to perform again, andthere was the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and extreme heat waves anddrought due to climate change. Did she experience those crises to the full orwas she safely in the bubble of her success? “I was fully aware of the worldaround me, to the extent that I haven’t fully enjoyed what happened to me thisyear. I have sometimes felt guilty about my happiness. Was I allowed to behappy when so many people in the world were unhappy? In my private life,everything is also going well for me. I was able to buy an apartment – which Inever imagined – and sometimes even think about children. But I also strugglewith climate fears. Isn’t it better to procreate less?’

There is also the fear that the economic crisis could put the brakes on herinternational dreams. ‘Things are going very well in Belgium, but I amambitious. I’ve had a few tastes this year of what it feels like to be abudding artist in another country. In England I felt the crisis up close.People had no money to buy tickets.’

I have to get some bad news or things can’t turn out the way I want them to.That’s how I usually get into survival mode to make new music. “

‘When I hear my older colleagues tell stories about how much harder it is tobreak through abroad than it was ten years ago, I feel very fragile as a youngartist. You want to build something abroad, you want to show what you’ve got.I didn’t choose the easiest path either, I have a big live band and aproduction that has quite a price tag. I can only hope that normal times willreturn soon.’

Next year, the singer will slow down a bit. At the end of January there arethe MIAs, where she can win two statuettes. In February and March she willmake a blitz tour of a number of major European cities. For the time being itis just the intention to start writing new music in peace. She has alreadystarted with that, but it is still a bit of a search. Euphoria leads toparalysis. I have to get some bad news or things don’t work out the way I wantthem to. That’s how I usually get into survival mode to make new music.’ Thecliché of the suffering artist? ‘Is that right?’ (laugh)

“I was ashamed of that at first”: Camille talks about inappropriate behavior of a singing teacher when she was fourteen

“No.” Until a few years ago, that was the most frequently heard word forCamille Dhont. At auditions – even at #LikeMe –, on preselections for JuniorEurosong and in The Voice Kids in 2013. But Camille is ambitious, a fighter.“How many times have I thought about quitting? Never. I can’t become anythingbut a singer. That’s all that interested me. People said: Go for plan B, adegree. No, I just want to keep going.”

© © VRT

It paid off. When #LikeMe launched in 2019, it became an instant hit. AndCamille was there. From then on it went on an upward trend. This has alreadyresulted in two albums and five sold-out Lotto Arenas, and that is just aselection of the success. The Wevelgemse remains calm. But she also sayscandidly that just then her mother Isabelle becomes seriously ill, and thingshave not always been easy for her private life in recent years.

When she was eleven or twelve years old, her mother often had to go to thepain clinic. “She ran into a microwave. But the blow was so hard that itlooked like she was in a car accident,” she says. “With a whiplash as aresult. They put iron plates in and she had surgery on the neck. She was inpain all over. I know I had to wash mom, run errands and help where I could. Ifinished school at four, and Dad came home from work at six. Then I had tocook. After a year she was better.”


“Three years ago she suddenly had a cerebral hemorrhage. I remember well thatit started on Monday. She drove the car crookedly. I figured it out, it toldher: Mom, you’re driving diagonally. If there had been a car in the otherlane, we would have had an accident. I grabbed the wheel and held it straight.She thought it was a joke. A day later she no longer felt her left arm. OnFriday morning she woke up, and her entire left side was paralyzed. She rolledout of bed, called my aunt and they went to the hospital. Dad called me afterschool: You should definitely catch the train, you should not miss it. Then hetold me she was in a coma.”

© © VRT

“When I saw her lying in the hospital, it was intense. I tried to keep up. Itwas something I had not yet discovered in myself, but I was very calm: It’sgoing to be okay, mom, just stay down. Until you go outside. Then you can’tkeep strong.” Isabelle rehabilitated for two years. Only the feeling in herleft hand won’t come back. In the meantime she is her daughter’s manager. Onthe advice of her psychologist, to see it as an opportunity to work withCamille full-time. Something the latter didn’t know until Goens told her.

During that period, one of her best friends, Arne Decock, died after beingelectrocuted on the railway. “Last time I saw him, we went to a Christmasmusical together. He had to move on quickly, and I was just talking tosomeone. I couldn’t say another day when he left. That stays with me. I askedhis mom if I could write a song, as something for myself. That came on myfirst album, Superhero.”

Abuse of power

From #LikeMe The fourth and final season will be released next year. Althoughit is a bull’s eye, there is a black page. One of the creators, Bart VO, hasbeen convicted of sexual offences. “With the main cast, nothing everhappened,” she says. “But I do understand that abuse of power is somethingvery dirty. When I was fourteen I had private singing lessons. Suddenly thegossip surfaced that the teacher would sleep with students. That turned out tobe true in the end. It didn’t happen to me, but he did try to flirt. If youcome with me, I’ll let you sing on a showcase. I never went into that.Recently I saw him again. He suddenly came back to be friendly. I thought: No,I think that’s a bit gross. Only then did I tell my parents. I was ashamed ofthat at first.”

In these ten films, most of the real cars broke down, sometimes hundreds

Today, CGI allows filmmakers to visualize anything you want. But still,nothing beats really twisted look. Even at Transformers , where so much CGIis used that you almost start to doubt the actors, real cars have been killed.Here are ten movies in which the most ‘real’ cars broke down.

The proceeds from various films below show that the investment to destroy thecars is more than worth it. It should come as no surprise that Mr. Toretto hada big part and a lot of the destruction below. Yet he and his know _F&F_buddies can’t destroy the most cars in one movie.

10. 2 Fast 2 Furious – 130 cars

Movie Cars 2 Fast 2Furious

As you might have expected, we’re starting with a submission from F &F. Inthe second film of the now iconic series of films, 130 cars were killed. Therewere some gems in this film; the Mazda RX-7, Nissan GT-R R34 and the HondaS2000. All three of them perform impossible acrobatic tricks. You could say anice family of cars.

9. A Good Day to Die Hard – 132 cars

Movie cars BMW driver in front of exploding BMW in A Good Day to DieHardMovie cars BMWdriver in front of exploding BMW in A Good Day to DieHard

Each Die Hard movie that came after the first didn’t surpass the original.Although the fifth film deserves some extra credits for the totaldestructiveness of the makers. We’re talking about cars like a MercedesG-Wagon, a Unimog and a military truck better known as the ‘MRAP’. And alsosome BMW 7-series by the way. Yippee-ki-yay…

8. The Junkman – 150 cars

Movie cars from The JunkmanMovie cars from The Junkman

The-who? For this entry we have to go back a little further in time. It is thesecond film in a trilogy of car films by director HB Halicki. Among thesethree films also falls Gone in 60 seconds. That should ring a bell. DirectorHalicki apparently used one of the cars from his own collection in the film.Painful…

7. Fast & Furious – 190 cars

Movie cars from Fast and Furious driving on a highway next to atruckMovie cars fromFast and Furious driving on a highway next to atruck

The fourth part of the most famous car film series was released in 2009 andwas directed by Justin Lin. The budget for the film was reportedly $85million. The total proceeds far exceeded that with $ 363 million. So we don’thave to feel sorry for the makers. And those 190 dead cars are more than worthit.

6. Furious 7 – 230 cars

Movie cars exploding car from the side in Furious7Movie cars exploding car from theside in Furious7

Laugh all you want, but you can’t help but respect filmmakers who dare to dothis. For this film, custom real cars were built and rigged out of a cargoplane. And that for a few minutes of footage. “Everyone was shocked when theyfound out we were throwing real cars out of the plane,” that film’s carcoordinator told TopGear at the time.

5. The Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift – 249 cars

Movie cars in The Fast and Furious: TokyoDriftMovie cars in The Fast and Furious: TokyoDrift

The favorite of the average F &F-fan. The movie inspired by the Japanesedrift world was indeed a bit awkward at times, but it was and still is greatto watch. Even Christopher Nolan is a fan. Shouldn’t we even let him direct amovie?

4. Fast Five – 260 cars

Movie cars in FastFiveMovie cars in FastFive

The fifth film moved even further away from street racing and focused more onthe heist philosophy. However, success did not change, as did the hundreds ofcars that broke down. This investment also paid for itself very well. The filmgenerated $500 million more than was invested in it.

3. The Matrix Reloaded – 300 cars

Movie cars The Matrix Reloaded on the highwaystuntMoviecars The Matrix Reloaded on the highwaystunt

Younger readers will like the hype around the second The Matrix movie havenot experienced. The highway chase was one of the most spectacular pieces offilm ever. So they built their own stretch of highway for this scene. Therewas certainly some computer engineering involved, but GM loaned out some cars,like the Cadillac above. So a large part of it died for charity.

2. Fast & Furious 6 – 350 cars

Movie cars Fast and Furious 6 driving in front of atankMovie cars Fastand Furious 6 driving in front of atank

Yes, another movie with Domenic Toretto, did you expect anything differentfrom a movie series where they jump from building to building in a car? Andagain it pays off; revenue of $788 million against an investment of $160million. You can suffer some lightning damage for that.

1. Transformers: Dark of the Moon – 532 cars

Movie cars explosion in Transformers: Dark of theMoonMovie carsexplosion in Transformers: Dark of theMoon

First place is not given to one Fast & Furious-movie. Logical, because noone can compete with Michael Bay when it comes to demolition. In the film,transforming robots fight a war; a concept that proves good enough for arecord in it Guinness Book of World Records for most cars scrapped in onemovie. And with result: a proceeds of 1.1 billion dollars.

Blood Origin gives Netflix a new low

Controversy surrounding Henry Cavill’s departure or not: the new prequel of_The Witcher_ has been slammed by fans and critics alike. _Blood Origin_scores an all-time low for Netflix’s franchise.

On Christmas Day you were probably busy preparing Christmas dinner, or out andabout with family and/or friends. You could also have used Netflix, becausesince December 25, that streaming service has been on The Witcher: BloodOrigin to stream. However, Rotten Tomatoes shows that you might as well havestayed in the kitchen.

The Witcher: Blood Origin

It is the first of several announced live-action spin-offs. Last year we werealready treated to an animated spin-off, in the form of the film Nightmare ofthe Wolf. A well rated adventure. Not Oscars material, but very entertainingfor the fans.

Unfortunately we cannot conclude the same about it Blood Origin. The prequelis not doing too well, both with fans and critics. Set 1200 years before theadventures of Geraly, Yennefer and Ciri, the series tells the story of thevery first Witcher. Not an irrelevant side adventure. Many fans were thereforelooking forward to the spin-off.

Critics go wild on Rotten Tomatoes

Until the first reviews came along in recent weeks. Critics were anything butenthusiastic about it The Witcher: Blood Origin. Variety makes a painfullyapt comparison to the video games: “ Blood Origin is to the TV show whatwould be shoddy and flabby DLC to the hugely popular video games. Onlyrelevant to completionist.”

In other words, players who want to see/play everything, regardless of thequality. Bradley Russell of Total Film is also tough: “In a year full of greatfantasy – including House of the Dragon and The Rings of Power – this showends up at the very bottom.”

It often happens that critics slam a new film or series, but that the fans arewildly enthusiastic. For example, sometimes an action movie is wonderfullymindless entertainment, whether the story and acting are good or not.Unfortunately, even the fans are ruthless when it comes to it The Witcher:Blood Origin goes.

Fans bring rock bottom

On Rotten Tomatoes, a website that collects reviews from both critics and thepublic, Netflix’s series scores extremely lousy on both fronts. After 24critic reviews Blood Origin a moderate score of 38 percent. 1630 consumerreviews yield an even meager score: 9 percent. In other words: hardly anyreviewer gives the show a pass.

The audience’s score will no doubt be lower because of the Henry Cavillcontroversy. It is still not exactly clear why the protagonist from theregular The Witcher series has stepped out, and fans are anything but happyabout that news.

His replacement, Thor’s brother, is also laughed at rather than applauded.Lauren S. Hissrich in particular is having a hard time online: the showrunnerbehind The Witcher is often seen on forums as the one who personally controlsthe shows.

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Better luck next time, Netflix

But let’s be honest: critics won’t be massively bothered by those coloredglasses. And their score after dozens of reviews is also telling. Sometimesyou just have to conclude that a long-awaited series turns out lousy.Unfortunately, that also seems to be the case The Witcher: Blood Origin.Better luck next time, Netflix.

Fortunately, we have some alternative viewing tips for the Christmas holidays.For example, Disney + has a surprising show ready for fans of Squid game andthere are sixty movies you can stream on Netflix for the last time this week.

Get the most out of your Google TV app with these 6 handy tips

Google TV bundles streaming services and gives users recommendations on seriesand films that are of interest to them. We explain how you can get the mostout of the app with these five tips for Google TV.

1. Choose your streaming services

Google TV, as you may know, is the successor to Google Play Movies. The mostimportant thing about these apps is that they are completely adapted to themodern age where streaming services take the upper hand over renting or buyingmovies.

To discover recommended films and series in Google TV, you must first setwhich services are represented in the app. We explain how it works:

  • Open Google TV on your phone * Press it profile icon * Choose Manage services * Check the streaming apps for which you want to see recommendations * End with Finished

It is a pity that a popular app like Netflix is ​​not yet available in theGoogle TV app on phones, while Netflix does work on the Google TV software forsmart TVs. It is also not known when this situation will change.

2. Train the algorithm

Still, we can expect Netflix support to come sooner or later. So if you are abig Netflix fan, it may be interesting to already use Google TV to train thealgorithms for the recommendations.

Every time you stream a movie or series or choose to ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike’, theapp draws conclusions from that. For example, if you watch a lot of Marvelseries on Disney+ and like them, you can expect more recommendations fromMarvel content and superhero series in the future. You will also see similarcontent from streaming services other than Disney +.

3. Cast directly

One of the newest features in the Google TV app is the cast function.Previously, you could stream content on your phone or tablet, and thenpossibly cast it on your television from the Disney + or Prime Video app. Nowyou don’t have to leave the Google TV app for that. The cast icon can be seenas soon as you tap on a movie or series in Google TV.

Optimize your Google TV app: 6 usefultips

4. Use the Watchlist

The Google TV watchlist can serve as a source of inspiration for times whenyou’re looking for something new to watch. Whenever you come across somethingnice, but you can’t watch the movie or series right away, you add it to thewatch list. You can do this easily via the ‘Watch list’ button.

Afterwards you will find all the content of your ‘Watchlist’ in the Watchlisttab. There are also handy filters that allow you to choose between films andseries, for example. If you happen to have a Chromecast with Google TV or asmart TV that already has the software as standard, you can also find the sameviewing list on your television.

Optimize your Google TV app: 6 usefultips

5. Think of the virtual remote control

By the way, if you have a Google TV or Android TV – discover the differenceshere – you can use your phone as a remote control. A virtual remote control isbuilt into the Google TV app. To use it, tap TV remote control at the bottomright of the app. Then tap the name of your smart TV to connect it and confirmby entering a number code.

Then you see a simple remote with navigation arrows, a back button, volumebuttons, a power button and a button for the Google Assistant. Everything youneed. If you have several televisions in your house, you can switch betweenyour TVs at the top of the remote control by tapping the correct name of thedevice.

Optimize your Google TV app: 6 usefultips

6. Buy or rent movies

Did you enjoy using the Google Play Movies app to occasionally buy or rentmovies? You can still find those functions in Google TV with the ‘Shopping’tab. You will always discover the necessary information about the series orfilm and a review from Rotten Tomatoes will also appear. When you buysomething, you pay via the payment method you have set up in the Google PlayStore.

What do you think of the Google TV app? Do you use them often, or will you doso more often after reading these tips? You may not find the app very usefulat all as long as Netflix doesn ‘t work. Let us know in the comments.

BV 24/7. Family photos, matching outfits and a cat that doesn’t like to pose: this is how well-known Flanders celebrates Christmas | Showbiz

BV The show must go on , because the showbiz world never stands still. Youcan discover what your favorite BVs have been up to in the last 24 hours herein our news stream.

JOVS 26 Dec. 2022

Source:  Instagram

Dimitri Vegas and Anouk Matton (left) and Camille Dhont (right). © InstagramDimitri Vegas @dimitrivegas and Instagram Camille Dhont @camille_dhont

Thibaut Courtois and his girlfriend Mishel are on a snow holiday.Photos in matching pajamas should not be missed.

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Camille Dhont poses with her cat Mustache , who clearly does not liketo be photographed. “Merry Christmas everyone! Mustache liked it a littleless…”

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Also Marthe De Pillecyn , from K3, wishes everyone a Merry Christmas.“Enjoy this beautiful time together with your family and friends.”

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Lotte Vanwezemael celebrates Christmas with her new love Max Hennard.

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Olga Leyers and her fiancé Giancarlo Angeletti share a family photo.

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Evelyn Baten and Nicholas Vanderhallen from ‘Blind Married’ share anadorable family photo.

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Astrid Coppens her husband Bram and their two children Billie Rayand Joey Lee wish everyone a “Merry Christmas”.

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Dimitri Vegas and Anouk Matton share a nice family photo with sonLondon.

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Christmas at home Stephanie Planckaert consists of a beautiful partytable, lots of presents and lots of fun games.

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Conner Rousseau celebrates Christmas with his labradoodle Blacky.“Best wishes from us.”

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El skeleton español pasa por Letonia | Deportes

Dedicarse al skeleton en España ya es de por sí algo llamativo. Más aún lo esque el campeonato nacional de este deporte, celebrado el pasado mes deoctubre, se haya organizado en Sigulda (Letonia), a más de 3,000 kilómetros dela península ibérica. Y que seis de los nueve participantes acudiesen alevento a ciegas, sin haberse lanzado de cabeza en trineo nunca, lo convierteen toda una aventura. Pero el skeleton ha cautivado a varios de loscontendientes, todos ellos jóvenes, que se han enamorado de la pista helada yya sueñan con emular a Ander Mirambell, el primer deportista olímpico españolen esta disciplina, participante ya en cuatro Juegos de Invierno (24º andVancouver 2010, 26º and Sochi 2014, 23º and Pyeongchang 2018 y 24º and Pekín2022). “Cuando te montas en el trineo ya no hay vuelta atrás”, resume EloyFernández, un cántabro de 21 años que se ha estrenado este año y ha decididoseguir adelante.

La Federación Española de Hielo realiza cada año un casting para participaren el campeonato nacional. Lo primero es una preselección por currículumdeportivo y lo segundo unas pruebas físicas. Después, los seleccionados sonconcentrados para convivir juntos y realizan experiencias que impliquenadrenalina, como el puenting. La pista de heelo no se puede tocar hasta elviaje, porque España no dispone de ninguna instalación para la práctica delskeleton.

A Eloy Fernández le picó el gusanillo al recibir un correo de su facultad, lade Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. “Vi que buscaban un perfil dedeportista rápido y explosivo y me apunté pese a que no tenía experiencia.Solo lo había visto alguna vez por televisión”, cuenta. Eloy había practicadonatación, balonmano y triatlón, pero parece haber encontrado su vocación en eltrineo. En el campeonato de España hay dos modalidades: en empuje fue segundoy en bajadas, tercero, lo que ha significado una doble medalla en su debut.“Estoy muy contento,además hay una promoción que promete mucho”, afirma.

Podio del campeonato de España de skeleton, and la categoría masculina debajadas.

Aún más precoz es Clara Aznar, que con tan solo 15 años se alzó con el oro encategoría femenina en las dos modalidades. Esta joven zaragozana practicabapatinaje de velocidad y se encontraba lesionada cuando su madre vio unapublicación sobre skeleton de la Federación Española de Hielo. Se apuntó a laspruebas y accedió a la concentración, que define como una experiencia “muymental”. Despues, and Letonia, llegó su estreno. “Costó aprenderse elcircuito, pero luego la bajada fue alucinante”, dice. “Me llevé el oro, peroestuvo muy ajustado”.

Aznar, a partir de ahora, pretende comppager el otro deporte en el quecompite, el atletismo, con el skeleton; y espera que en algún momento Españacuente con instalaciones propias. “Si se hubiesen puesto de acuerdo para hacerlos Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno aquí en España [Aragón y Cataluña para 2030],tendriamos una pista. Ojalá vuelvan a intentarlo”, comenta convencida. Enrealidad, en los planes de la fracasada candidatura pirenaica no había planespara construir un tobogán para skeleton, luge y bobsleigh, las tresdisciplinas sobre heelo que comparten unas costosísimas instalaciones.

Tras Ander Mirambell

El primer puesto en las dos disciplinas de la categoría masculina lo consiguióotro cántabro, Adrián Rodríguez, de 26 años. Al contrario que Clara y Eloy, élya no es un debutante y lleva practicando skeleton desde 2018. Reconce entrerisas que su primer contacto con el deporte fue la película Cool Runnings (Elegidos para el triunfo 1993), donde cuatro atletas jamaicanos, sin apenasrecursos ni adaptación a la nieve buscan la medalla de oro en bobsleigh en losJuegos de Invierno de Calgary 98. Adrián también comppage el skeleton con lavelocidad en atletismo, esprínter de 100m y 200m, y no se arrepiente de suvida en el heelo, aunque admite que no todo es positivo: “Es duro pasar tantotiempo fuera y sufres con las caídas”.