Milou Deelen reveals spicy tattoo in De Slimste Mens

The new season of The smartest person kicked off on Monday, so yesterday itwas time for – a rather striking – episode number two. Journalist Milou Deelenwas one of the Dutch celebrities who was allowed to crack her brain, but itwas something other than her knowledge that loosened the tongues: therevelation of a special tattoo.

There are a few things that are different this season, such as the channel andthe decor, but the main ingredients are a tried and tested recipe. Well-known(and slightly less well-known) Dutchmen still compete for the title under thewatchful eye of host Philips Freriks and with the unmistakable commentary of’walking encyclopaedia’ Maarten van Rossem.

Deelen is therefore one of this season’s candidates, alongside Son Mieuxsinger Camiel Meiresonne and Hang Youth singer Abel van Gijlswijk, amongothers. She ended up in the world of journalism and feminism after speakingout against slut shaming at her student association Vindicat. Subway spoketo her about this at the end of last year. You can read the interview here.

There is widespread confusion about Milou Deelen’s tattoo

It is Freriks who throws a ball about Deelen’s tattoo in last night’s episode.“Milou, you have several tattoos, but the most special one is on your rightankle. Can we see it for a second?” The journalist then pulls up her pants andshows the tattoo. “I think you mean this one, right?” Freriks then asks: “Anddoes that have a special meaning?” Deelen: “Yes, you know what it is, right?”The host denies this, after which Deelen says: “What do you think?” Freriksreplies that he has no idea. “I can’t see well. I want to come and see.” VanRossem is already making a guess: “It is a tuning fork.” Freriks also seemsconfused. “I think this is something like….” “A failed clothespin”, adds VanRossem.

Deelen helps those present in the room out of the fire: “It is a clitoris.”“And what do you mean by that?” asks Freriks. Deelen: “I don’t know if you arefamiliar with the term orgasm gap. That is that heterosexual women come muchless than heterosexual men. One of the explanations for this is that theclitoris is forgotten.” Freriks does not find the place convenient. “But ifhe’s there… That doesn’t really seem to help me. Maybe with you?” Sharedisagrees. “It is a conversation starter. Now you and the people in the roomknow what a clitoris looks like. I often have this conversation, then I alsoplay this game. I’m happy with it.” “Practical, yes,” Van Rossem remarksdryly.

Viewers compare Milou Deelen with Emma Wortelboer

Unfortunately for Deelen, she had to leave the field after her first episode.Although her score was not without merit, it was not enough to advance to thenext round. Some of the viewers don’t regret this at all. A frequently heardcomplaint is that she reminds of Emma Wortelboer, and that is not meant in apositive sense. By the way, Deelen also has fans. “Milou such a wonderfulcandidate, it is a pity that she is out,” someone writes.

That Milou reminds me of Emma carrot farmer. Both like nails on a> blackboard.> #smartstemens>> — Lieke Stoelers (@Liquorgirl) December 27,> 2022

Is Milou perhaps Emma Wortelboer’s sister? #the> smartest> #the smartest> person> @DeslimstemensNL>> — Donny van Aalst (@tmvanaalst) December 27,> 2022

YES Milou is out! This is the best news since sliced ​​bread#the smartest> person>>> — Fernando (@Umfoufou) December 27,> 2022

I hope for Milou that she can find her own clitoris because the answers to> many questions remained completely missing. #the smartest> person>> — 𝙰𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝙼𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚝 (@DeLaMoutarde) December 27,> 2022

You can watch De Slimste Mens again via NPO Start.