Refrigerator Mass is Checkout may open for 1 count, but Gillis wants Christmas park

That Peter Gillis from the reality soap Mass is Cash likes to keep an eye onthe little ones, viewers have been watching for quite a few years. With thecurrent energy crisis, this is certainly the case at holiday parks and in thehome. But not either, it turned out last night during a special Christmasbroadcast.

Nearly half a million viewers tuned in to the holiday park millionaires_Christmas with the Gillis Massa family is Kassa_. On Christmas Eve, theMeiland family showed all the fun (and a lot of screaming) on ​​a cruise shipon SBS6. The Gillisjes took us to a not-too-prosperous Christmas market inEssen, Germany. Voice-over Frank Lammers agreed more than once that ‘not tooflourishing’.

Morning trouble in Massa is Kassa

The same Lammers took the binoculars at the start of Mass is Cash back totwo weeks ago. Back then it was mainly about energy and sky-high bills.According to Peter Gillis himself, he has tapped 2.5 million euros more thanusual in the past holiday season when it comes to bills for gas andelectricity. “We are in Casa Gillis,” says Lammers. “It looks pretty normalnow. The boss is exhausted, nobody really knows what.” “Nicolleke, I wouldlike a cup of coffee. And a breakfast,” says the Mass is Cash -man. So fareverything normal.

Mass is Kassa Nicol Peter GillisChristmasPeter Gillis and Nicol, completely in thespirit of Christmas. Screenshot: SBS6 / Mass is Kassa

But that leaves millionaire girlfriend Nicol Kremers the tap open. “Nicol, becareful with water!”, it sounds from the living room. This lady’s look speaksvolumes. “We have to watch the little ones,” Gillis continues. The tapcontinues. “Nicol, shut off the tap!” While his Nicolleke is spreading thesandwiches, the refrigerator door is open. Anyway, about a second or three.“Are you cold??” asks the smearing lady of the house in surprise. “Yes, thefridge is open”, is the save energy response. Now the viewer knows Nicol fromall kinds of antics (from releasing dog Coco in a chicken coop to yoga anddance lessons for the same little four-legged friend), but her reaction lastnight seems the only normal one: “Stop it. Who’s making a fool of himselfhere?”

I watch this with my mind and I don’t understand why you give this family a> stage 🤷🏽 ♀️😅 but I must be the only one who suffers from vicarious shame> #mass cash> register>> — Maria✨ (@x_mariaxx) December 26,> 2022

Christmas park in front of the Gillis family

Why we from this scene Mass is Cash have highlighted? Because Peter Gillisthen starts talking about ‘the last Christmas here’. The couple is moving to amillion-dollar castle, so the boss wants to go all out with the annualChristmas park (“atmosphere and experience!”) in front of the door. “For allfans and for the neighborhood.” According to their own words, 100,000 peoplewere in the brightly lit last year Mass is Cash garden to take a look. “Itreally has to be a closing of this house.” “Who is going to carry it outthen?” is Nicol’s justified question. Peter Gillis: “Well, not me.” Nicolagain: “Ah, I thought.” Gillis: „I think us Mark and Ruud. It must be aChristmas square, grand!”

Peter Gillis himself states that he is extremely busy. As Frank Lammers said:no one knows with what. Perhaps by making statements to the police or to thetax authorities, we leave it in the middle. Markie Parkie and Ruud van de punsare already hurrying All I Want For Christmas singing to dad dear to hearwhat the intention is. And that’s not just anything. The plan is more lightsthan ever and an entire skating rink in the garden. Ruud is there again likethe chickens: “Then you are on thin ice. But I also think it’s cool,literally.”

Mass is cash register… but the cash register is empty

It must be said: there will be in the Mass is Cash -Christmas garden onlyLED lighting and the ice rink is ultimately not made of ice but of plasticplates. Furthermore, with a barrel organ, snow blowers and a huge video wallon the house, it has become an energy guzzler of I have you there. So a lot ofmass (it looks nice, it must be said), but in this case little cash register.

On Twitter, it went back to the old-fashioned way about the Gillis family.Special: especially because of many people who do watch and report ‘not likingit’. Well. Some reactions:

#mass cash> register> i’m watching..🙄.don’t understand why i’m watching this🤔who’s watching who🤔>> — DvK (@Door17832584) December 26,> 2022

#mass cash> register> Nelis can go with Johnny in the cabinet of curiosities 😂 Nelis is there to> see if there’s a Spanish case of beer 🍺 in his aim! hiccup 🎄🎅🏻>>> — Arjan van den Berg (@ArjanZevenaar) December 26,> 2022

100,000 people come to that fake skating rink? #mass cash> register>>> — Elly van Asperen (@EllyDriebergen) December 26,> 2022

I think that Peter Gillis wants to go big for Christmas! 😉#mass cash> register>>> — ⚒Jo van der Heijden⚒ (@WHUFC_Helmond) December 26,> 2022

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