Tonight on TV: The smartest person, Top 2000 a gogo and Oh, what a Christmas! | show

It is somewhat restless in broadcasting country. In order to profile the threepublic networks a little better, they are moving Radar , Cash desk and_Investigation requested_ to NPO 2, relocated Valuation service to NPO 1 andis also The smartest person now available on that channel. Anniek Pheifer,Marlou van Rhijn and Ron Fresen bite the bullet in this edition.

Marlou van Rhijn, Ron Fresen and Anniek Pheifer in De slimste mens. © KRO-NCRV

Oh what a Christmas! – Christmas special

Balls, trees, lights and a turkey; in the Christmas special of Oh, what ayear! Carlo Boszhard, Chantal Janzen and Ruben Nicolai immerse themselves ineverything that smells like Christmas. They don’t do that alone, by the way:Jamai Loman and Nicolette Kluijver participate in quizzes and jokes in thisspecial.

Sisi – start season 2

The happiness for Franz Josef and Sisi seems complete now that an heir to thethrone has been born, but nothing could be further from the truth. A new waris imminent, and life at court also feels rather oppressive for Sisi.Everything changes when she meets the rebellious count Gyula Andrássy during apolitical mission in Hungary.

Giovanni Funiati (Count Andrássy), Dominique Devenport (Sisi) and JannikSchümann (Franz) in season 2 of'Sisi'.Giovanni Funiati (Count Andrássy), Dominique Devenport (Sisi) and JannikSchümann (Franz) in season 2 of ‘Sisi’. © /

The Pannekoekencaravan – special

More than ten years ago, Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman no longersaw any bread in journalism. They threw their keyboards aside, bought apancake caravan and renamed themselves food truck entrepreneurs before thefood truck even existed. With an illusion poorer, the duo eventually returnedto journalism. Now it’s time for a icing sugary retrospective.

Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman during the last performance oftheir theater show De Pannekoekencaravan in AFASLive.Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman during the last performance of theirtheater show De Pannekoekencaravan in AFAS Live. © ANP

Trappers – first episode

Fietskoeriers Amsterdam employs a colorful, but close-knit group of’trappers’. From rocker Nanne to the dreamy Gooise Rolf, and from the petulantPolish Maciej to the cheerful Edwige, every courier has his own reasons forkicking himself around. Actually, this is not the work they dream of, thereare very different fires slumbering in them. But how do you make sure you makethose silent dreams come true?

Top 2000 a gogo – start season 21

It was also a shock for the NTR when Top 2000 icon Matthijs van Nieuwkerk wasdiscredited. Especially now the Top 2000 a gogo this year will betransferred to the prestigious NPO 1. The Top 2000 Quiz of which threeepisodes had already been recorded, was immediately canceled, and also the_Top 2000 a gogo_ came to a standstill. Fortunately, a replacement has beenfound in the versatile Herman van der Zandt.

Leo Blokhuis and Herman van der Zandt in season 21 of Top 2000 agogo.Leo Blokhuis and Herman van der Zandt in season 21 of Top 2000 a gogo. © NTR

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